
    2014: The year that shaped social media

    enJune 20, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Social Media Career EvolutionIn 2014, social media shifted from a personal connection tool to a platform for content creators to build careers, leading to influencer marketing and the rise of full-time jobs for creators.

      The year 2014 marked a significant shift in the use of social media from a personal connection tool to a platform for content creators to build careers. As Steffi Zhao explains in her article for The Ringer, social media in the early 2000s was primarily used for interpersonal connections. However, as content went viral and views surpassed millions and even billions, social media became a global reach tool. This trend was particularly noticeable on platforms like YouTube and Tumblr, where young creators began to build personal brands. During this time, many content creators transitioned from creating content for fun to turning it into a career. As Lily Jamali reports in Marketplace Tech, this was a transformative year for several creators she spoke to. They shared stories of their content gaining traction and eventually leading to sponsorships, partnerships, and even full-time jobs. This period also saw the rise of influencer marketing, where brands paid creators to promote their products to their audiences. In summary, 2014 was a pivotal year in the evolution of social media and content creation. It marked the beginning of social media as a viable career path for creators, and the trend has continued to grow in the years since.

    • Early Social Media InfluencersEarly influencers like Tyler Oakley and Cassie Ho began as hobbyists, but as followings grew, brands recognized their value and influencers surpassed traditional marketing reach. Authentic endorsements and algorithm mastery became crucial for maintaining impact and monetization.

      The early social media influencers, such as Tyler Oakley and Cassie Ho, had no initial expectation of turning their online presence into a career. However, as their followings grew significantly in the early 2010s, brands began to recognize the potential value in partnering with these influencers. With millions of engaged viewers, influencers surpassed the reach of traditional marketing tools like magazines. Unsponsored endorsements, like Bethany Mota's toothpaste mentions, showcased the authentic influence these individuals held over their audiences. As social media continued to evolve, keeping up with the algorithm and consistently producing content became crucial for influencers to maintain their impact and monetization.

    • Internet harassmentThe internet, once an optional space for entertainment and communication, has become a necessary reality for work, news, and social connection, but also a platform for targeted harassment and hate-fueled movements

      The internet has transformed from an optional space for entertainment and communication to a necessary reality for work, news, and social connection. However, this shift comes with a darker side as targeted harassment and hate-fueled movements, like Gamer Gate, have become more common and normalized. Internet personality Cassie Ho shared her experience of being subjected to orchestrated harassment during this time, as the internet became less of an optional space and more of a requirement. Marketplace Tech encourages listeners to support trustworthy reporting on these important issues by becoming Marketplace Investors.

    • Online Safety in 2014The rise of hate speech and harassment campaigns in 2014 highlighted the need for increased online safety measures and responsible behavior.

      The year 2014 marked a significant shift in the online world, with the rise of hate speech and harassment campaigns, most notably during the gamergate controversy. Looking back, it's clear that the internet was a wild frontier with few regulations or safety measures. However, it's important to remember that the internet is a tool, and its impact depends on how it's used. While it's safer now than ever before, with better parental controls and increased awareness of online safety, it's essential to continue the conversation about responsible online behavior. The events of 2014 served as a wake-up call, illuminating the power and potential consequences of the digital world.

    • Ice Bucket ChallengeThe Ice Bucket Challenge was a viral social media campaign in 2014 that raised awareness and funds for ALS research, demonstrating the power of social media in driving social change.

      The Ice Bucket Challenge was a viral social media campaign that raised significant awareness and funds for ALS research in 2014. Internet culture writer Steffi Zell discussed the impact and cultural significance of this challenge on Marketplace Tech. If you're curious about Steffi's insights, be sure to check out her piece on MarketplaceTech.org. Additionally, for a blast from the past, we've compiled some memorable Ice Bucket Challenge videos from that year. This campaign demonstrates the power of social media in driving social change and increasing public awareness for important causes. It's a great reminder of how the digital world can bring people together and inspire action.

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