
    Bytes: Week in Review — Warning labels for social media, Adobe’s hidden fees and a less open OpenAI

    enJune 21, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Big Tech Subscriptions RegulationRegulatory bodies are increasing scrutiny on big tech companies' subscription services, with Adobe facing a lawsuit over alleged difficulty in cancellation and nonprofits linked to OpenAI becoming less transparent. Social media may soon require warning labels to caution users about potential harms.

      There is renewed scrutiny on big tech companies, specifically their subscription services, from regulatory bodies. Adobe is currently being sued by the FTC for allegedly making it difficult for customers to cancel their subscriptions. Meanwhile, nonprofits linked to OpenAI are becoming less transparent about their finances and internal policies. Additionally, U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy is advocating for a warning label on social media, similar to those on cigarettes and alcohol, to caution users about potential harms. While the effectiveness of such a label is debated, research suggests that warnings can influence behavior. However, implementing a warning label in a digital forum presents unique challenges.

    • Social Media WarningsSocial media companies may face warning labels due to concerns over youth mental health risks, while schools explore alternative solutions to limit device use

      There is growing concern over the potential negative impact of social media on youth mental health. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy has proposed that social media companies should carry warning labels due to the lack of proven safety. This idea comes as many parents express a desire for more control over their children's social media use. The argument is that while there may not be clear scientific evidence of harm, there is also no proof of safety. This proposal aims to initiate a conversation about the potential risks and solutions. Meanwhile, the LA Unified School District in Los Angeles has taken action by banning phones during school hours, revealing the extent of students' addiction to their devices. This move could lead to the exploration of alternative solutions, such as improving Chromebooks for educational use. Despite the challenges of enforcement and regulation, these efforts highlight the importance of addressing the issue of youth and social media use.

    • Subscription cancellation policiesRegulators are scrutinizing tech companies over difficult subscription cancellation processes and hidden fees, emphasizing the importance of transparency and ease for customers.

      Technology companies, in this case Adobe, are facing increased scrutiny from regulators over their subscription cancellation policies. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has filed a lawsuit against Adobe, alleging that the company made it difficult for users to end their subscriptions and hid details about cancellation fees. This issue is reminiscent of the FTC's suit against Amazon from last fall. The crux of the matter is that customers should have the ability to cancel subscriptions easily and understand the terms upfront. In the past, long-term contracts for services like cell phone bills came with hefty early termination fees, and some Adobe products may require similar fees if canceled prematurely, potentially costing thousands of dollars. The Friends scene referenced in the discussion, where Chandler comically struggles to cancel his gym membership, highlights the frustration consumers can experience when trying to cancel subscriptions. Overall, this situation underscores the importance of transparency and ease in subscription cancellation processes.

    • Subscription cancellationThe FTC is advocating for a 'click to cancel' policy to make subscription cancellation as easy as signing up, following numerous complaints about lengthy forms and phone trees.

      The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is concerned about the difficulty consumers face when trying to cancel long-term subscriptions to various services. This issue was highlighted in a recent viral social media post regarding the New York Times' billing practices. The FTC has received numerous complaints about this problem, with many consumers reporting difficulty in canceling subscriptions, often being directed to lengthy online forms or phone trees. The FTC is advocating for a "click to cancel" policy, making cancellation as easy as signing up. Adobe, one of the companies under scrutiny, maintains that they have a simple cancellation process. The FTC's pushback against these practices comes after their investigation into Amazon's Prime memberships. Companies, known for their quick and easy sign-up processes, should also make cancellation just as straightforward for their customers.

    • OpenAI ChangesOpenAI's shift from nonprofit to for-profit status, Ilya Sutsgiver's departure to start a rival company, and potential conflicts of interest raise questions about the future of AI research and development

      There are significant changes happening within OpenAI, with notable figures like Ilya Sutsgiver leaving to start a rival company and Sam Altman considering shifting OpenAI from a nonprofit to a for-profit enterprise. Ilya's new company, yet to reveal its backers and funding structure, raises questions about competition and potential conflicts of interest. OpenAI's reported plans to go public and maintain nonprofit oversight present challenges in balancing profitability with its mission to develop beneficial artificial general intelligence. Additionally, nonprofits previously backed by OpenAI are reconsidering transparency pledges, adding another layer of complexity to these developments. Overall, these changes could impact the landscape of AI research and development, with potential implications for the industry and society as a whole.

    • Transparency and accountability in GBI studiesTwo nonprofits funding GBI studies in the US were unresponsive or denied access to their governance documents, conflict of interest policies, and financial statements, emphasizing the need for transparency and accountability in the nonprofit sector handling public funds and influential studies.

      Transparency and accountability are key issues when it comes to organizations, especially those involved in funding studies on Guaranteed Basic Income (GBI). According to Puresh Devay, senior writer at Wired, at least two nonprofits, one of which is funding a GBI study in the US, have been less than forthcoming about their governance documents, conflict of interest policies, and financial statements. When asked for this information, they either denied having it or were unresponsive. Another nonprofit, UBI Charitable, which also funds other nonprofits and has backing from OpenAI, refused to disclose who is involved with the group. An unsigned email account, UBI admin, offered comments for a story but then stopped responding to further questions. These instances highlight the importance of transparency and accountability in the nonprofit sector, particularly when dealing with public funds and studies that have significant societal implications.

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