
    Podcast Summary

    • ESM to be a major trend in web development in 2021ESM offers faster reloading times, easier tooling, ability to import modules directly from URLs, and is expected to become the new standard in web development, replacing CommonJS

      Scott and Wes, the hosts of the Syntax podcast, believe that ECMAScript modules (ESM) will be a major trend in web development in 2021. They both have made this prediction on their individual lists and are excited about the benefits of using ESM, such as faster reloading times, easier tooling, and the ability to import modules directly from URLs (which is already possible in Node.js). They also mentioned the possibility of a caching package system for importing from URLs, similar to what Deno offers. They plan to explore the implementation and usage of ES modules in Node.js in a future episode. Overall, they anticipate that ES modules will become the standard and that CommonJS will be considered legacy.

    • New tools for development and remote work trendsSnowpack's streaming npm imports simplify dependency imports, remote work offers a global talent pool, and Deno is expected to grow in usage for its solid foundation and web framework capabilities.

      The tech industry is continuously evolving, with new tools and trends emerging to make development easier and more efficient. One such tool is Snowpack's new streaming npm imports feature, which simplifies importing dependencies from URLs instead of requiring package installations. Another area of growth is remote work, which is becoming increasingly popular due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While there are challenges, such as onboarding new hires, the shift to remote work opens up a global talent pool for companies. Additionally, the rise of smaller office hubs allows for flexibility in work arrangements. Lastly, Deno, a newer runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript, is expected to grow in usage in 2021, offering a solid foundation and web framework capabilities. Overall, these developments reflect the industry's ongoing efforts to streamline development processes and adapt to new working conditions.

    • Exploring Deno: A New Programming Language and RuntimeDeno, a new language and runtime, offers built-in tooling and TypeScript support but faces issues with some packages and a smaller community compared to Node.js. Despite challenges, the speaker is optimistic about its future due to potential Node API compatibility and more available tooling.

      Deno, a new programming language and runtime, shows promise but still needs time to mature and build up its ecosystem. The speaker had positive experiences using Deno, particularly its built-in tooling and TypeScript support. However, they noted issues with some packages not working reliably and a smaller community compared to more established platforms like Node.js. Despite these challenges, the speaker is optimistic about Deno's future, especially if Node APIs become compatible and more tooling becomes available. Another trend the speaker mentioned is the fading away of traditional tooling as new platforms like Deno offer built-in solutions. Overall, Deno is an exciting development, but it's essential to acknowledge its current limitations and the time it may take to overcome them.

    • Simpler tools and languages for building JavaScript projects in 2021Expect less complex setup and configuration for JavaScript and TypeScript projects in 2021, with an increase in popularity of simpler tools like Parcel, Snowpack, and ES build, and potentially the use of languages like Go and Rust for building JavaScript tooling.

      We can expect to see an increase in the use of easier-to-use tools and languages for building JavaScript and TypeScript projects in 2021. These tools will require less configuration and setup, leading to increased productivity and a lower barrier to entry for developers. Additionally, we may see a trend towards using languages like Go and Rust to build JavaScript tooling due to their speed and effectiveness. This shift towards simpler and more efficient tools and languages is a response to the time and effort currently required to set up and configure complex toolchains. The use of tools like Parcel, Snowpack, and ES build, which require minimal configuration, is already gaining popularity and is expected to continue growing in the coming year. The ultimate goal is to allow developers to focus more on writing code and less on setting up their development environments.

    • Speakers share experiences with poutine and discuss new tools and platformsSpeakers discussed their love for poutine and reminisced about its late-night appeal. They also talked about new tools like Sanity, which offers customizable editing experiences, and the potential of community platforms like Forum and Circle, which aim to preserve discussions and make them easily searchable.

      The speakers shared their experiences with poutine, a beloved late-night food, and their excitement for new tools and platforms in the programming community. They discussed Sanity, a CMS that offers customizable editing experiences, and the potential of new community platforms like Forum and Circle, which aim to preserve discussions and make them easily searchable. The speakers reminisced about the chain Smokes Poutine, recalling the nostalgic experience of enjoying a late-night box of poutine after a night out. They also shared their experiences trying poutine during a bachelor party in Montreal. In between, they took a break to talk about Sanity, a CMS that allows users to control both the front end and the editing experience, offering a more customizable solution than traditional CMSs. The speakers also expressed their excitement about the revival of message boards and community platforms, as they believe that these platforms offer a more permanent and easily searchable solution compared to chat applications like Slack and Discord. They mentioned their interest in new platforms like Forum and Circle, which aim to provide a more enduring and organized community experience. In summary, the speakers discussed their experiences with poutine, shared their enthusiasm for the potential of new tools like Sanity, and expressed their hope for the revival of community platforms that offer a more permanent and easily searchable solution for discussions.

    • Discovering new platforms and technologies for improved productivity and communicationCircle offers real-time interactions and a more engaging experience, WASM enables faster and more efficient code, and Spline is a new 3D tool for network traffic analysis

      There's a new platform called Circle that aims to improve upon the features of forums and communication tools like Slack and GitHub issues. It offers real-time interactions and a more engaging experience, making it an exciting alternative for those who were disappointed with Spectrum. WASM (Web Assembly) is another topic that was discussed, which is the ability to use other programming languages on the front end of web applications. This can lead to faster and more efficient code, and it's expected to become more widely used in the future. Another mention was made of a new 3D tool called Spline, which is built in React and allows for easy network traffic analysis using tools like Charles. Overall, the conversation touched on the excitement for new technologies and tools that can enhance productivity and communication in the tech industry.

    • Exploring 3D web apps with WebAssembly, TypeScript, and LogRocketWebAssembly, TypeScript, and LogRocket are revolutionizing web development by enabling 3D apps, improving debugging, and enhancing tooling for JavaScript. Expect better TypeScript support, easier CSS in React, and the continued popularity of these technologies in 2023.

      The use of WebAssembly (WASM), HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in building 3D apps, as demonstrated by an Electron app hosted on Netlify, is a game-changer in the world of web development. This, combined with the growing popularity of TypeScript due to improved tooling, makes for an exciting year ahead. Moreover, tools like LogRocket, which offers error and exception handling with session replay and network logs, can make debugging even easier for developers. The increasing popularity of TypeScript is expected to continue, with better tooling and the ability to use popular third-party libraries in regular JavaScript further increasing its appeal. The latest updates in Visual Studio Code, such as improved auto import and type hinting, have made using JavaScript more enjoyable, and the benefits of TypeScript are even more pronounced. Another area of focus is the improvement of scoped CSS in React, with the goal of making it more effective than it currently is. Developers have been exploring alternatives, such as the Svelte CSS option, which offers a simpler approach to styling single-page components. The convergence of these trends and technologies is set to make web development more efficient and enjoyable in the coming year.

    • Anticipated improvements in ReactReact community looks forward to enhancements in style components, server side rendering, hydration, and a more seamless integration of JavaScript and CSS. New frameworks and technologies may influence React's development.

      The React community is eagerly anticipating improvements in areas such as style components, server side rendering, and hydration. Developers have expressed a desire for a more seamless integration of JavaScript and CSS, and better server side rendering experiences. The emergence of new frameworks and technologies, like Remix and web components, may influence React to address these pain points. Additionally, the popularity of markdown-based formats like MDX is expected to continue growing due to their flexibility in authoring and rendering dynamic content. Overall, 2021 may bring significant advancements in React that address long-standing issues and enhance developer experience.

    • Expect continued evolution of server-side rendering, data layers, and augmented reality in web developmentContinued importance of server-side rendering, data layers, and augmented reality. Debate between Next.js, Gatsby, and Remix. Augmented reality in the browser. Need for easier AI and advanced search functionality. React team's focus on server-side rendering for Next.js.

      We can expect a continued evolution and importance of technologies like server-side rendering, data layers, and augmented reality in web development. The debate between platforms like Next.js, Gatsby, and Remix will continue as they each offer unique benefits. Augmented reality in the browser is becoming more prevalent and will likely require web developers to acquire new skills. Additionally, there is a growing need for easier implementation of AI and advanced search functionality on websites. The React team's focus on server-side rendering will likely dictate the future developments for Next.js.

    • Exciting advancements in code editing tools and CSSVersus Code dominates IDE market, investing in cloud-based shared environments. CSS variables offer native, efficient styling methods. Serverless tech grows, local development easier, Lambda functions less needed.

      There are exciting advancements on the horizon for code editing tools and CSS, with Versus Code leading the way in integrated development environments (IDEs) and the continued rise of CSS variables. Versus Code is expected to maintain its market dominance and continue investing in cloud-based shared code environments for easier coding on various devices. The future may even bring a day when we no longer need to have Versus Code as an icon on our docks, but instead just visit a URL. Additionally, the use of CSS variables is predicted to increase, offering more native and efficient ways to style websites compared to using transpilers or installed components. The speaker expressed great enthusiasm for CSS variables, having taught a popular course on the topic. Furthermore, serverless technology is expected to continue growing and becoming more accessible, with local development becoming easier and the need to think about Lambda functions decreasing. Overall, these advancements will make coding more efficient and collaborative, enabling real-time pairing of code and faster hot reloading.

    • Serverless technology and Jamstack are trending for modern app developmentServerless functions and static hosting simplify app building and deployment, with Netlify's Next.js plugin and Linode's affordable solutions leading the way. Enterprise Jamstack and PWAs are gaining attention, but the future of electron-based apps versus PWAs remains debated.

      Serverless technology and Jamstack are becoming increasingly popular for building and deploying modern applications due to their ease of use, scalability, and ability to run statically rendered or serverless functions. Netlify's new plugin for running Next.js as serverless functions is an example of this trend. Another cloud hosting provider, Linode, is also simplifying cloud infrastructure with affordable and accessible solutions. Enterprise Jamstack, which includes static hosting and modern tools like Next.js, Gatsby, and Svelte, is gaining attention from big players like Cloudflare. Progressive web apps (PWAs) are also on the rise, but their popularity may be limited without support from major platforms like Apple. The debate continues on whether electron-based apps or PWAs will be more popular in the future.

    • Exploring alternative app development methods outside the App StoreApple's App Store dominance may lead to exploring alternative app development methods using HTML, CSS, and improving technologies. Stay adaptive and resourceful to enhance creative projects.

      Apple's business model relies heavily on the App Store, making it unlikely for them to allow developers to bypass it. However, the use of technologies like HTML, CSS, and improving capabilities of these technologies could lead to potential app development outside the App Store. During the discussion, the hosts shared their recent discoveries and recommendations. One of the recommendations was the Apple TV+ show "Ted Lasso," which they highly praised for its positivity and infectious humor. Another recommendation was a dimmable bicolor LED light, which significantly improved their video setup. The hosts also shared their experiences with the challenges of finding the right equipment and their solutions, such as bouncing light off a wall instead of directly facing it. They emphasized the importance of experimentation and seeking advice from experts to enhance their setups. In conclusion, the discussion highlighted the importance of staying adaptive and resourceful in finding solutions for creative projects while also enjoying the journey of discovery and recommendation.

    • Discussing the size of a light and promoting a Deno courseExploring the latest technology, Deno, through a course that covers its basics and best practices, while acknowledging the coexistence of traditional elements.

      Despite the advancements in technology, some traditional elements, like cable wires, still exist but are hidden from view. During a discussion about a small light, the size was debated, with one being smaller than expected at around a foot by a foot. The speaker expressed excitement about creating video content and promoting their courses, specifically "Deno 101 for web developers," which aims to help those unfamiliar with Deno understand its purpose, functions, and best practices. The course covers writing the first line of Deno code, the permission model, importing and loading things, and creating a web server. To learn more and receive a discount, visit westboss.com/forward/courses and use the coupon code syntax. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of adapting to new technologies while acknowledging the persistence of old ones.

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    Show Notes

    • 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
    • 00:30 Who is Paul Copplestone?
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    • 08:42 Simplicity in design.
    • 10:32 How do you take Supabase one step beyond the competition?
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      • 15:17 You don’t need a client library!
    • 16:48 Edge functions for server-side functionality.
    • 18:51 The genesis of pgvector.
    • 20:59 The product strategy.
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    • 44:15 Supabase’s GA + new features.
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    Vue.js: The Documentary.

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    Show Notes

    • 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
    • 00:30 What does the React Compiler do?
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    • 36:41 How closely are the NextJS and React teams working?
    • 41:53 Will we ever get Async Client Components?
    • 43:52 Async Local Storage API.
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    • 57:51 Sick Picks & Shameless Plugs.

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    Today’s episode was sponsored by Gatsby, the fastest frontend for the headless web. Gatsby is the framework of choice for content-rich sites backed by a headless CMS as its GraphQL data layer makes it straightforward to source website content from anywhere. Gatsby’s opinionated, React-based framework makes the hardest parts of building a performant website simpler. Visit Gatsby.dev/Syntax to get your first Gatsby site up in minutes and experience the speed. ⚡️

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    If you want to know what’s happening with your code, track errors and monitor performance with Sentry. Sentry’s Application Monitoring platform helps developers see performance issues, fix errors faster, and optimize their code health. Cut your time on error resolution from hours to minutes. It works with any language and integrates with dozens of other services. Syntax listeners new to Sentry can get two months for free by visiting Sentry.io and using the coupon code TASTYTREAT during sign up.

    Sanity - Sponsor

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    Folge 73 - Deno, das bessere Node.js?

    Folge 73 - Deno, das bessere Node.js?

    Wer sein Studium abbricht, um ins Deno Land zu gehen, hat sicher eine interessante Geschichte zu erzählen. Aus diesem Grund haben wir in dieser Folge Luca Casonato zu Gast, der uns von Deno erzählt, einer Laufzeitumgebung für JavaScript und TypeScript.
    Deno wurde 2018 von Ryan Dahl, dem Schöpfer von Node.js, auf der JSConf EU vorgestellt (hier geht’s zur Aufzeichnung des Talks). Er beschreibt darin fundamentale Schwächen von Node, die er bereut und nun mit Deno lösen möchte. Unser Gast Luca arbeitet als eine der wenigen Personen hauptsächlich am Projekt und spricht mit uns über die größten Unterschiede zwischen den beiden Varianten. In dieser Folge streifen wir das Dependency-Management von Deno, seine Eigenschaften als opinionated Runtime und seine hohe Sicherheit gegenüber Node.

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    Freshbooks - Sponsor

    Get a 30 day free trial of Freshbooks at freshbooks.com/syntax and put SYNTAX in the “How did you hear about us?” section.

    Mlab - Sponsor

    mLab is the leading Database-as-a-Service for MongoDB, powering over half a million deployments worldwide. Wes and Scott use mLab to host their own databases as well as take care of backups, security, scaling and performance. Try out a sandbox database on your next mongoDB project → https://mlab.com.

    Show Notes


    • Why don’t you work with Typescript?


    • How do you recommend working with APIs/libraries that compete with the DOM (e.g. d3 + react, react + google maps)?


    • What is meant by the word “state” when referring to Vue or React?




    • As someone trying to break into the field of programming, should you build everything from scratch, or it ok to use plugins and libraries?


    • What would WordPress be like if it were built on Node and GraphQL?
    • Ghost


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    • How do you handle high level page layout when using styled components?


    • As a junior dev, should I switch from PHP and Laravel to full stack JS? I love PHP, but JS is taking over.


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