
    Podcast Summary

    • The power of positivity and supportUsing uplifting language and energy towards others can significantly impact their lives. Authenticity, resilience, and staying grounded are key to navigating challenges, whether in personal relationships or public personas.

      The power of positivity and support can have a significant impact on people's lives. The conversation between Brian and Neil Brennan showcases the importance of using uplifting language and energy towards others. They also discussed the unique experiences of famous individuals, such as Nick Diaz and Ricky Schroeder, and how they navigated their public lives. Despite the challenges that come with fame, the ability to find positivity and remain grounded can help individuals thrive. The conversation also touched upon the importance of maintaining authenticity and staying true to oneself, even in the face of criticism or adversity. Overall, the discussion emphasized the power of positivity, authenticity, and resilience in navigating life's challenges, whether in the context of personal relationships or public personas.

    • Understanding Intent and Context in HumorJokes among friends may be harmless, but in public contexts, the same jokes can lead to controversy. Intent and context matter greatly when determining if a joke is offensive or not.

      Intent and context matter greatly when it comes to humor and offensive jokes. The discussion touched upon various examples, including the Country Music Awards' use of microphones and Amy Schumer's comedy. It was emphasized that jokes among friends are often understood as harmless attempts at humor, but in public contexts, the same jokes can be misconstrued and lead to controversy. The conversation also highlighted the importance of understanding the intent behind a joke and recognizing when someone is joking. The discussion around Ozzie Guillen's comment about Fidel Castro showcased the complexity of humor and the potential consequences of not considering the context and potential reactions to a joke.

    • Freedom of Speech: Admiration vs. ResistanceFreedom of speech is complex, with admiration for controversial figures having different consequences than acts of resistance.

      Freedom of speech is a complex issue, especially when it comes to public figures and controversial topics. During a conversation, Marlon Wayans expressed admiration for Fidel Castro's longevity as a dictator, sparking controversy. Some argued that Wayans was not protected by the First Amendment, as expressing support for Castro in America could lead to backlash, while criticizing him in Cuba could result in punishment. However, others pointed out that LeBron James and other athletes have publicly shown support for causes they believe in, without facing repercussions. The distinction between the two situations lies in the nature of the expression: one is an expression of admiration for a controversial figure, while the other is an act of resistance against perceived injustice. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of understanding the nuances of free speech and the potential consequences of expressing controversial opinions.

    • Celebrity Campaigns and the Line between Support and Objectionable BehaviorThe line between support and objectionable behavior for celebrities is subjective and influenced by public opinion. Transparency and context are important in shaping the cultural narrative.

      The line between support and objectionable behavior can be subjective and open to interpretation in the court of public opinion. The discussion revolved around the controversy surrounding a celebrity's campaign and whether it crossed the line to be objectionable. The speaker questioned at what point a celebrity's actions or statements could lead to suspension or investigation. The conversation also touched on the role of public opinion and scrutiny in shaping the cultural narrative. Ultimately, it was acknowledged that while some actions or statements may be seen as good or charitable, the amount of money generated and transparency around it can also raise questions and concerns. The court of public opinion can be a powerful force, but it's important to consider the context and intentions behind actions and statements before passing judgment.

    • Balancing Personal Priorities and Social ConcernsPeople should pursue their passions and goals, while also considering charitable giving and advocacy. Larger societal issues require collective efforts and significant action from politicians.

      While people may express concern and care for various social issues, their actions and priorities often reflect their personal circumstances and limitations. The speaker in this conversation acknowledges that there are invisible children in need, but also recognizes the reality of having one's own life to deal with. The conversation also touches upon the intense scrutiny and pressure that celebrities face, leading some to break down. Ultimately, the speaker suggests that individuals should pursue their passions and goals, while also considering charitable giving and advocacy. However, the larger societal issues require more significant action from politicians and collective efforts. The cultural metabolism is fast-paced, and people are looking for enemies and outlets for their anger. The speaker encourages everyone to take a step back and appreciate their own privileges and focus on what they can control in their own lives.

    • Judgment and Criticism of Public FiguresPublic figures face harsh criticism for their appearances and actions, which can have unintended consequences. Be mindful of your words and actions to avoid negative attention.

      People, including public figures, are often judged harshly for their appearances and actions, even if they don't intend to offend or harm others. The discussion revolved around Anthony Bourdain's tweets about his past fashion choices, such as a thumb ring and possibly a belly button piercing. Some people criticized him for these choices, leading to fines and negative attention. The speakers also touched on the topic of body shaming and the use of humor to deal with it. Additionally, they discussed the impact of social media on public figures and how it can lead to a constant state of criticism and the need for attention. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of being mindful of one's words and actions, as they can have unintended consequences.

    • The Consequences of Prescription Drug AddictionPrescription drug addiction can lead to severe consequences, including hearing loss and the need for costly treatments. Anyone can become addicted, despite their perceived strength. Be aware of the risks and potential dangers.

      Addiction to prescription drugs like Oxycodone can have severe consequences, including hearing loss and the need for expensive treatments. The speaker shares a story of a friend who became heavily reliant on Oxycodone and suffered for a long time before getting an operation to fix his hearing. The friend was reportedly taking over 90 pills a day, and despite the negative side effects, he found it difficult to quit. The speaker expresses his belief that anyone could become addicted to such substances, even if they think they are strong enough to resist. The conversation also touches on the topic of mixing drugs like marijuana and meth, and the potential dangers of doing so. Overall, the discussion underscores the importance of being aware of the risks associated with prescription drug use and the potential for addiction.

    • Hating an entire gender is not fair or productiveRemember everyone deserves respect and understanding, regardless of gender. Therapy should be used for growth, not validation of negative beliefs or manipulation. Approach relationships with empathy and open-mindedness.

      Hating an entire gender is not productive or fair. Gender should not be used as a reason to judge or discriminate against individuals. People are complex and have unique experiences, regardless of their gender. It's important to remember that everyone deserves respect and understanding. Additionally, therapy can be helpful, but it should not be used as a tool for validation of negative beliefs or as a means to manipulate or control relationships. Instead, it should be used as a tool for growth and self-improvement. Lastly, it's important to recognize that there are many people who may not have had positive experiences with a certain gender due to past traumas or experiences, but this does not mean they hate all individuals of that gender. Instead, it's crucial to approach relationships with empathy, respect, and open-mindedness.

    • Exploring the mysteries of consciousness and the universeConsciousness could exist in various forms, even after death. Our interpretations of reality are limited by our biology. We're on an infinite loop cycle, transforming into something different. Technology could be a catalyst for transformation but also a danger if we lose connection with reality.

      The universe and consciousness may be ever-evolving and limitless, beyond our current understanding and experiences as biological beings. The speaker suggests that consciousness could exist in various forms, even after death, and that our current interpretations of reality are based on our biological limitations. They believe we're on an infinite loop cycle, becoming something different, and that our technological advancements could be a catalyst for this transformation. The speaker also warns about the potential dangers of becoming too reliant on technology and losing connection with the world around us. Ultimately, they encourage an open-minded perspective on the possibilities of existence beyond our current understanding.

    • The importance of personal growth and self-love before relationshipsFocus on self-improvement and self-love to build strong, healthy relationships. Be independent and happy within oneself before relying on another person for happiness.

      Personal growth and self-love are essential before entering into a relationship. The speaker's experience at the floatation tank led him to realize the importance of experiencing love and companionship through a pet, and that he needed to focus on improving himself before being capable of having a healthy relationship. He emphasized the importance of being independent and happy within oneself before relying on another person for happiness. The speaker also shared his past experiences with a large family and a distant father, which influenced his perspective on relationships and self-worth. Ultimately, the speaker's insights highlight the significance of self-improvement and self-love in building strong and healthy relationships.

    • Balancing Risks and Caution in RelationshipsLearn from past experiences, have a balanced approach, communicate effectively, understand boundaries, and contribute positively to maintain healthy relationships.

      Relationships require a balance between taking risks and being cautious. The speaker shares an experience of rushing into a relationship out of a feeling of love and compassion, only to realize they weren't fully invested and ended up feeling good about the experience. He also acknowledges that everyone has defense mechanisms and that getting burned in relationships is inevitable. However, the key is to learn from these experiences and strive to be worthy of good relationships by having one's own life in order and contributing positively to the relationship. The speaker warns against getting stuck in negative patterns and emphasizes the importance of communication and understanding boundaries. Ultimately, the fastest way around the relationship racetrack is to take every turn with precision and not go too fast or too slow.

    • The Power of Positivity in CommunicationAvoiding negativity in communication can help de-escalate situations and foster positive relationships. Humor and positivity can be effective responses to criticism.

      Some people use negativity as a communication style, but the speaker prefers to avoid it and instead opt for positivity. He believes that people do not genuinely want others to suffer or face hardships, and that going negative can escalate situations unnecessarily. The speaker also shared his experiences with being criticized and how he responds by turning the situation around with humor or positivity. He also expressed his dislike for movies or situations where people wait to fight instead of engaging all at once, drawing an analogy to real-life fights. Ultimately, the speaker values positivity and avoiding unnecessary negativity in communication and life.

    • Understanding the unpredictability of crowds and mobsBe aware of potential risks in crowds and mobs, as people's behavior can change rapidly, and not everyone has good intentions. Stay safe and remember that collective behavior can lead to both brilliant and terrifying outcomes.

      Crowds and mobs can be unpredictable and dangerous, whether it's a violent altercation on the street or a hostile audience at a comedy club. People's behavior can change rapidly, and it's important to be aware of the situation and gauge the potential risks before intervening. The brain's response to certain stimuli, whether it's laughter or anger, can lead to wild and uncontrollable behavior. It's essential to remember that not everyone in the world is good, and there are people who will take advantage of chaos to harm others. Additionally, comedy clubs, while meant to be a source of entertainment, can also be a breeding ground for hecklers and disruptive individuals who can ruin the experience for everyone. Ultimately, it's crucial to stay aware, stay safe, and remember that collective behavior, whether it's laughter or violence, can be both brilliant and terrifying.

    • Understanding the Root Causes of Harmful ComedyIt's important to acknowledge and address the root causes of harmful comedy, rather than dismissing it as unproductive, to create a more just and equitable society.

      Comedy, like a lynch mob, can unintentionally harm or marginalize certain groups, but it's essential to understand the context and motivations behind the actions. Dark pockets of humanity exist in every society, and neglect, abuse, and a lack of community can lead individuals to lash out in destructive ways. It's crucial to acknowledge and address the root causes of these issues rather than dismissing them as lazy or unproductive. The resources spent on addressing problems in other countries could instead be invested in improving communities and providing opportunities for those in need in our own country. Ultimately, the focus should be on supporting and nurturing the potential in every individual, especially the most vulnerable, to create a more just and equitable society.

    • Investing in prevention and early intervention for social issuesInstead of solely relying on punitive measures, invest in resources, education, and opportunities for at-risk individuals to prevent and address social issues like poverty and addiction.

      Addressing social issues, particularly those related to poverty and addiction, requires a holistic approach. The speaker believes that instead of focusing solely on punitive measures, such as welfare, we should invest in prevention and early intervention. This includes providing access to resources, education, and opportunities for at-risk individuals, especially during their formative years. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of breaking down stereotypes and promoting understanding between different communities. By focusing on these areas, we can create a more supportive and inclusive environment that empowers individuals to overcome adversity and contribute positively to society.

    • Love knows no boundariesEmbrace diversity and celebrate love without judgment or prejudice, recognizing that societal conditioning and historical biases can influence preferences but ultimately, everyone deserves love and understanding.

      People should be free to love who they want without judgment or prejudice. The discussion touched on the topic of interracial dating and the challenges some people face based on their race. It was acknowledged that historical biases and societal conditioning can influence preferences, but ultimately, love knows no boundaries. It's important to remember that everyone has unique experiences and backgrounds, and we should strive to understand and appreciate each other's differences rather than creating divisions. The paradigm of masculinity and cultural dominance have shifted over time, and it's crucial to recognize and challenge any lingering biases that exist in our society. In essence, love is universal, and we should celebrate and embrace the diversity of the human race.

    • Men's Attraction to Strength: Physical and SocialMen are drawn to strength, be it physical or social, but not all men fit the stereotype. Successful Asian men with white partners show that individual experiences and backgrounds matter most.

      Men, in general, are attracted to strength, be it physical or social. Tall stature and broad shoulders are often associated with physical strength, while social skills and financial stability contribute to social worth. However, not all men fit this stereotype, and Asian men, in particular, may exhibit different traits. Some Asian men may lack the traditional markers of physical strength but make up for it with their quiet determination, hard work, and unique cultural backgrounds. Stereotypes aside, many successful and cool Asian men have white girlfriends, often due to their martial arts backgrounds or other factors that make them desirable partners. Ultimately, individual experiences and backgrounds shape people's preferences, and it's essential to avoid making broad generalizations about entire groups of people.

    • Manny Pacquiao's humility and work ethic fuel his successManny Pacquiao's humility and disciplined work ethic have contributed significantly to his success as a boxer, shaping his character and making him a beloved figure in the boxing world.

      Manny Pacquiao's humility and disciplined work ethic have contributed significantly to his success as a boxer. His challenging upbringing and environment have shaped his character, making him a superstar both inside and outside the ring. Despite facing adversity, Pacquiao remains disciplined and focused, with a work ethic that surpasses even his formidable technical skills. His ability to control fights and pace himself, combined with his lightning speed and accuracy, make him a formidable opponent. Pacquiao's humility and discipline have become part of his shtick and have helped him connect with fans, making him a beloved figure in the boxing world.

    • Mike Tyson's Transformative One-Man Show in VegasMike Tyson's one-man show in Vegas offers a raw and honest look into his historic boxing career, showcasing his unprecedented power and control in the ring, while also revealing his personal struggles post-retirement.

      The boxing world was captivated by Mike Tyson's dominance and intensity during his prime years. However, his retirement left him struggling to find purpose, leading some former fighters to spiral out of control. Today, Tyson shares his life story in a one-man show in Vegas, providing a compelling look into his historic career. Despite his self-loathing moments, his raw honesty is arresting. Notable moments in his career include his brutal fights against Larry Holmes and Trevor Berbick, where he displayed unprecedented power and control. Unfortunately, Tyson's post-career life was marked by personal struggles, but his story remains a significant part of boxing history.

    • Mike Tyson's Prime vs Muhammad Ali: A Tougher ChallengeMike Tyson's unique fighting style and power could have given Muhammad Ali a tougher challenge during his prime.

      Mike Tyson, in his prime, was a formidable force in the heavyweight boxing division, and his fighting style was unlike anything Muhammad Ali had faced before. Tyson's confidence, intensity, and devastating combinations made him a terror in the ring. If they had fought during the same era, Tyson's physical strength and aggressive style might have given Ali a tougher challenge than he faced during his prime. Despite Ali's incredible chin and impressive career, Tyson's unique fighting style and power could have posed a significant threat. However, it's important to remember that both fighters were extraordinary athletes in their own right, and any comparison between them must take into account the specific historical context of their careers.

    • The power of positive visualization in sports and comedyVisualization can enhance performance in sports and comedy by improving focus, boosting confidence, and preparing the mind for success. Maintaining a positive mindset and avoiding negative emotions before performing are crucial.

      The power of positive visualization can significantly improve performance and success in various domains, including sports and comedy. The speaker shared personal experiences of athletes, including Michael Jordan and Paylay, who practiced visualization before games, leading to better performance. The speaker also mentioned the effectiveness of visualization in Jiu Jitsu training, stating that practicing in the mind can sometimes be more beneficial than physical practice. The speaker emphasized the importance of maintaining a positive mindset and avoiding the feeling of being in a bad mood before performing. The speaker also highlighted the unique privilege of being a professional comedian, getting paid to do something enjoyable, and expressed the importance of respect and camaraderie among peers.

    • Connect with people authentically, regardless of their circumstancesTreat people based on behavior, not status. Authentic connections matter, and staying away from insanity of showbiz can lead to a happier life.

      Life has no set positions, and people should be treated based on how they behave towards us. The comedian in this conversation emphasizes the importance of connecting with people authentically, regardless of their circumstances or perceived status. He also shares his experience of feeling devalued due to his role in a sitcom, and how being around the hustle and bustle of the showbiz industry can lead to unnecessary insecurity and insanity. Therefore, he prefers to stay away from such environments and focus on the crazy world outside, where everyone is equal and unique in their own way.

    • Complex Relationship with Hippie CultureThe speaker acknowledges the annoying aspects of hippie culture but also finds some elements forgivable and even appreciates certain aspects. They've had negative experiences with some hippies but enjoy observing excellence in various forms, such as MMA.

      The speaker has a complex relationship with the hippie culture. While they acknowledge that there are annoying aspects to it, they also find some elements forgivable and even appreciate certain aspects of it. However, they have had negative experiences with some hippies, particularly those who lack logic and coherent thought. The speaker also enjoys observing excellence in various forms, such as professional basketball, but doesn't find it sustaining for long. They have a deep interest in MMA and prepare extensively for it, often receiving resources from the UFC directly due to their fandom. Overall, the speaker's perspective is nuanced, acknowledging both the positive and negative aspects of hippie culture and their own interests.

    • Analyzing MMA Fights: Objectivity, Unpredictability, and Health ConcernsWhile analyzing MMA fights, it's important to consider various factors and aim for objectivity, but the unpredictability of the sport and potential long-term health risks remain concerns. Some propose protective gear, but feasibility and resistance are debated.

      While analyzing MMA fights, I aim to be as objective as possible and consider various factors, such as each fighter's strengths and weaknesses, without making definitive predictions. The unpredictability of the sport and potential long-term health risks for fighters, including brain damage, are concerns. Some believe that implementing protective gear like soccer helmets could help reduce injuries, but the feasibility of this solution is debated due to potential legal ramifications and resistance from fans and players. Ultimately, the complexities of MMA and its impact on athletes' health require ongoing discussion and consideration.

    • Impacts and Risks of Organized Sports ParticipationFormer athletes face pain and financial struggles, some turn to PEDs, size and strength of athletes have increased, cryotherapy and other advanced recovery methods used, importance of supporting athletes' physical and mental health throughout their careers

      Participating in organized sports like MMA comes with significant physical impacts and risks, especially during high school and college careers. Former athletes often face pain and financial struggles after their careers end, and some may turn to performance-enhancing substances to maintain their competitive edge. The size and strength of athletes have increased over the years, raising questions about the use of such substances and the implications for long-term health. Cryotherapy and other advanced recovery methods have become popular among athletes to help them recover faster and perform better, but their long-term effects are still being studied. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of considering the physical and mental tolls of sports participation and the need for proper support and care for athletes, both during and after their careers.

    • Athletes use advanced recovery methods like cryotherapy for better performanceAthletes utilize cryotherapy, exposing their bodies to extreme cold, for muscle recovery, inflammation reduction, and energy boost. Lasting from minutes to hours, it's one innovative approach to optimize bodies for competition.

      Professional athletes, including those in the NBA like the Lakers and Clippers, are utilizing advanced recovery methods such as cryotherapy, which involves exposing the body to extremely cold temperatures, to enhance their performance and recovery. Cryotherapy sessions can last from a few minutes to several hours and are believed to improve muscle recovery, reduce inflammation, and boost overall energy levels. Athletes wear specialized gear, such as recovery boots, to protect certain body parts during the process. Cryotherapy is just one example of the innovative approaches athletes are using to optimize their bodies and gain a competitive edge.

    • Meeting a Bodybuilder Inspired a Lifelong Love of FitnessHigh-intensity workouts like sprint training and kettlebell workouts can be short but effective, consistency and finding a challenging routine are key to success, and researching new techniques keeps workouts interesting.

      Effective workouts don't have to be lengthy or complicated. The speaker shares his experience of meeting a large bodybuilder at a young age and being inspired by his impressive size and dedication to fitness. He also discusses the benefits of high-intensity workouts, such as sprint training and kettlebell workouts, which can be completed in a short amount of time but still yield great results. The speaker also mentions the importance of finding a workout routine that works for you, whether it's bodyweight exercises or using equipment like kettlebells. He emphasizes the importance of consistency and finding a workout routine that challenges you, even if it means starting small and gradually increasing the intensity. Additionally, the speaker mentions the importance of researching new workout techniques and staying open to trying new things to keep your fitness routine interesting and effective.

    • The power of determination and setting personal goalsConsistent practice and willpower can help overcome challenges and achieve goals, even in adversity. Focus on repetitions, not urge to quit, and stay committed to end goals, like quitting smoking, for improved health and well-being.

      Consistent practice and willpower can help individuals overcome challenges and achieve their goals, even in the face of adversity. The speaker shares his experience of pushing through the difficulty of doing a specific exercise by setting personal goals and focusing on the number of repetitions, rather than allowing the urge to quit to take hold. He also discusses how quitting smoking was a turning point for him, and how making a decision to stop and staying committed has led to significant improvements in his health and well-being. The speaker emphasizes the importance of silencing the inner voice of quitting and staying focused on the end goal, even when it seems daunting. Additionally, he mentions the positive impact of quitting smoking on his voice and energy levels. Overall, the conversation highlights the power of determination and the benefits of setting and achieving personal goals.

    • Discussion about comedy shows and artists including Mike Maxwell and Neil BrennanExploring comedy shows in various locations featuring artists like Mike Maxwell and Neil Brennan, with information available on their websites

      Mike Maxwell is an impressive artist whose work can be found on his website, and he will be attending an upcoming comedy show in Atlanta. The discussion also touched upon some upcoming comedy shows in various locations, including Columbus, Ohio, Bloomington, Indiana, New Brunswick, New Jersey, and Charlotte. The American Comedy Company in San Diego was mentioned as a notable comedy venue, although the speaker expressed difficulty working there. Neil Brennan's website, NeilBrennan.com, was mentioned as a place to find information on his performances. The conversation also included some anecdotes about comedians and comedy scenes in different cities.

    • Disagreement over a comedy show's name and promotionDespite a disagreement over a comedy show's name, individuals focused on promoting it and supporting each other's creative endeavors, emphasizing honesty and positivity.

      During a conversation, two individuals discussed a misunderstanding regarding a comedy show with a questionable name. The first person expressed their disapproval of the name and suggested a better alternative. However, they had a disagreement about who came up with the original name. Despite the disagreement, the first person offered to appear on the show to help promote it. The conversation also touched upon the importance of honesty and avoiding negative feelings. Ultimately, the focus was on moving forward and supporting each other in their creative endeavors.

    • Balancing Sensitivity and Creativity in Podcast ContentWhen creating podcast content involving sensitive topics, it's crucial to consider the potential reactions and consequences, and strike a balance between pushing boundaries and maintaining respect and decency. Consider alternative themes and creative names that still resonate with your audience.

      When it comes to creating a podcast or any content involving sensitive topics like sex, it's crucial to consider the potential reactions and consequences. Allowing controversial names or explicit content could lead to backlash, negative publicity, and even legal issues. It's essential to strike a balance between pushing boundaries and maintaining respect and decency. Instead of focusing on provocative angles, consider alternative themes and creative names that still resonate with your audience. The discussion also highlighted the long-standing trend of incorporating porn stars or sex-related content in radio shows, but the evolving digital landscape brings new challenges and risks. Ultimately, it's essential to be mindful of the impact of your content on your audience and the broader community.

    • Exploring the idea of robot partners for sexual gratificationThe concept of having a robot partner for sexual gratification raises ethical questions and offers potential for alternative forms of intimacy, but it's important to respect others and not objectify them.

      The speaker had an intriguing discussion with a female audience about the concept of having a robot partner for sexual gratification. The audience was surprisingly open to the idea, even if the robot looked like the Terminator. The speaker expressed his perspective that having a robot partner would be a way for him to take the hit himself and eliminate negativity in his life. He also emphasized the importance of not objectifying women or treating them as replaceable. The speaker shared his personal preference for a robot that looked like himself, and even went as far as imagining himself as the robot. The conversation ended with the speaker promoting his upcoming podcasts and special, and mentioning some promotional codes for listeners. Overall, the discussion highlighted the potential for alternative forms of intimacy and the importance of respecting others in sexual relationships.

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    Brooke Schofield On Her Toxic Ex, Feuding With Tana & the Future of CANCELLED
    Trisha sits down with 'CANCELLED' host Brooke Schofield to discuss her meteoric rise to social media fame. Brooke tells all: From new details about her toxic ex, to feud rumors between her and Tana Mongeau. What is the future like for the 'CANCELLED" podcast and tour? Plus, Brooke and Trish bond over the hardships of living with BPD, and how they continue to live with their mental illness. Subscribe to the Podcast: Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/just-trish/id1698564262?at=1010lSCj Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6bZ5tfeCt6naGMw24pRMLe YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@justtrishpodcast All Podcast Platforms: https://link.chtbl.com/JustTrish?at=1010lSCj Follow Just Trish on Social Media: https://www.instagram.com/justtrishpod/ Follow Oscar: https://www.instagram.com/oscargracey Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Episode 52 – Under the Surface: Josh Barinstein

    Episode 52 – Under the Surface: Josh Barinstein

    In this episode we go under the surface of our experiences to find the language that brings insight and healing to ourselves and others.

    Contact Norah :

    Website: https://fluency.consulting
    Your journey to discover the richness of language starts here. Join us on the website and embark on a learning adventure like never before!

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    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FluencyConsultingLLC
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    Twitter: https://twitter.com/NorahLulicJones
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