
    Podcast Summary

    • Friendship and Entertaining StoriesNikki Glaser found the MTV Awards to be less pressured and more enjoyable than traditional award shows, and the hosts shared humorous stories about religion.

      During this episode of Whiskey Ginger, hosts Andrew Santino and his guests Nikki Glaser and Andrew Collin discussed their friendship and shared some entertaining stories. A notable topic was Nikki's experience performing at the MTV Video and TV Awards, where she found the low-pressure environment to be more enjoyable than traditional award shows. They also joked about religion, with Andrew expressing his skepticism about converting to Islam due to its religious practices. The episode showcased the comedic chemistry between the hosts and their lighthearted banter, making for an enjoyable listen.

    • Authenticity and honesty build strong friendshipsLying and dishonesty can damage friendships, authenticity and honesty build trust and stronger connections.

      Authenticity and honesty are crucial in maintaining strong friendships. Lying, even in small ways, can lead to a breakdown of trust and ultimately sever the relationship. The speaker acknowledges the temptation to lie or be fake in social situations but emphasizes the importance of being true to oneself and others. The conversation also touches upon the idea that people can handle the truth and that honesty builds stronger connections. The speaker shares personal experiences where lies led to misunderstandings and feelings of mistrust. Ultimately, the message is that being authentic and honest, even when it's uncomfortable, leads to more meaningful and fulfilling relationships.

    • The importance of being honest, but also kindBeing honest is crucial, but sometimes telling a small lie can be a kinder alternative to protect friends' feelings.

      It's important to be honest with your close friends, but sometimes telling a "white lie" can be a kinder alternative in certain situations. The speaker shares an example of how she felt uncomfortable with her dislike for a friend in comedy, and how she struggled with the fact that this friend represented something she didn't like about herself. She also talks about how she values honesty but understands the importance of being sensitive when delivering difficult truths. The speaker suggests that it's okay to tell small lies to protect friends' feelings, as long as the intention is to be kind and not to manipulate or deceive them. She emphasizes that honesty is important in most situations, but that there are times when a gentle fib can be a more compassionate choice.

    • Honesty builds trust and strengthens relationshipsHonesty fosters trust, respect, and open communication, making relationships stronger and more meaningful. Being truthful builds trust and strengthens bonds, while dishonesty can lead to significant trust issues and detrimental consequences.

      Honesty is crucial in maintaining healthy relationships. Lying, no matter how small, can lead to significant trust issues and affect the bond between individuals. The fear of confrontation or disapproval may lead some to withhold information, but this can ultimately create more problems than solutions. It's essential to understand that everyone is entitled to their privacy, but dishonesty can have detrimental consequences. Being truthful builds trust and strengthens relationships. Additionally, being honest with oneself about personal addictions and behaviors can lead to personal growth and improved relationships. The fear of confrontation or judgment should not prevent us from being truthful, as people can generally handle the truth. Honesty fosters trust, respect, and open communication, making relationships stronger and more meaningful.

    • Understanding Personal Motivations for Working OutPeople have diverse reasons for exercising, from self-care to societal pressure. It's essential to acknowledge individual motivations and prioritize personal well-being over external validation.

      People's motivations for working out can vary. While some may do it primarily for their own physical and mental well-being, others may be driven by the desire to look good for others. The speaker in this conversation acknowledges that she used to feel pressured to work out to attract men, but now she prioritizes her own feelings of confidence and self-worth. She also challenges the assumption that men work out solely for themselves, arguing that societal pressure to meet certain physical standards can apply to both genders. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of recognizing individual motivations and prioritizing personal well-being over external validation.

    • Different ways to manage anger and stay activePeople have unique preferences for managing anger and staying active, whether through solo workouts or group classes. Mental health is crucial for overall well-being and seeking professional help can be beneficial.

      People have different ways of dealing with their anger and staying active, whether it's through working out alone or attending fitness classes. Some people prefer the freedom of working out on their own terms, while others enjoy the structure and community of group classes. However, it's important to remember that everyone's experiences and preferences are unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. Additionally, it was mentioned that mental health is an essential aspect of overall well-being and that seeking professional help, such as through BetterHelp, can be beneficial for many people.

    • Discover the benefits of Headspace and local podcast hostsHeadspace: A simple, effective meditation app to reduce stress, improve sleep, boost focus, and increase overall well-being. Local podcast hosts: Bring authenticity and diversity to shows, enhancing enjoyment.

      Headspace is a user-friendly meditation app that can help reduce stress, improve sleep, boost focus, and increase overall sense of well-being. The speaker personally enjoys using Headspace, appreciating its simplicity and effectiveness. Headspace has received positive reviews from millions of users and is backed by scientific research. The speaker also shared his experience with hosting a podcast, expressing his preference for having a local host who might bomb a little during the show. He believes that having a diverse group of people, both good and bad, around contributes to a more enjoyable and authentic experience. In essence, the use of Headspace for meditation and the inclusion of diverse local hosts in podcasts are two simple yet effective ways to improve one's well-being and enjoyment of life.

    • Navigating Complex RelationshipsDespite a non-romantic relationship, unease and insecurities can arise from perceived differences and past experiences. Fear of abandonment and the desire to maintain control can complicate the dynamic.

      The speaker in this conversation expresses feelings of unease and frustration towards traveling with a male companion due to perceived differences in their backgrounds and experiences. She acknowledges the non-sexual nature of their relationship but feels like she's constantly trying to "edge him out." The speaker's disability and his injury add to the dynamic, making the situation more complicated. She also mentions her fear of abandonment and the possibility of losing her companion if he becomes successful. The conversation reveals her insecurities and the challenges of navigating a non-romantic, yet close, relationship.

    • The value of rare and deep connectionsDespite the abundance of potential partners, the real treasure is finding someone with whom you truly connect. Embrace vulnerability and be open to new experiences to cherish genuine connections.

      According to the speaker, people and relationships, including romantic ones, can be replaceable, but the value and significance lie in the rarity and depth of the connection. The speaker shares their past experiences of feeling replaceable and the emotional impact it had on them. They also mention that they believe there are countless potential partners out there, but the real treasure is finding someone with whom you truly connect. The speaker also touches upon their current living situation with a roommate and their past experiences with money and fame. Despite the challenges and fears, they express a desire for genuine connections and a reality show pilot to help them find a meaningful relationship. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes the importance of embracing vulnerability and being open to new experiences in order to find and cherish genuine connections.

    • Starting a new relationship in public placesMeeting new partners in public places like restaurants or events can make early dating stages more comfortable and avoid awkward situations, allowing for a smooth transition into deeper connections.

      Being in a neutral, public place can make the early stages of dating more comfortable for both parties. The speaker shares her experience of being more nervous before intimacy starts and how she prefers to meet new potential partners in public places, such as restaurants or events, rather than inviting them to her home. She believes this approach helps avoid any awkward or uncomfortable situations and allows her to leave whenever she wants. Additionally, she expresses her preference for discussing sports and other non-relationship topics with men, highlighting the importance of finding common ground and shared interests in the early stages of dating.

    • Challenging Biases in Dating and Clothing PreferencesRecognize and challenge biases, everyone makes mistakes, and versatile, high-quality clothing is essential for modern men.

      Everyone has their unique preferences and biases, but it's important to recognize and challenge them to avoid making unfair judgments based on race or other factors. The conversation touched upon the topic of dating and preferences, where one person shared their past experiences and biases, which were later called out. However, it's essential to remember that everyone has flaws and has made mistakes in the past. Another significant takeaway from the discussion was the importance of versatility and high-quality clothing for the modern man. The introduction of Cuts Clothing, which offers versatile clothing for various occasions, was highlighted as an excellent solution for men who want to look good in different settings. The clothing brand's commitment to excellence and performance was praised, making it a worthwhile investment for those who take their appearance seriously in both professional and personal life.

    • Being authentic but considerate on social mediaAuthenticity matters on social media, but be mindful of how your online presence might be perceived. Avoid excessive selfies or insincere interests to foster meaningful connections.

      People's preferences on social media profiles can be a turnoff if they come across as excessive or insincere. For instance, an excessive number of photos featuring a person's love for their dog or selfies can give off the impression of being overly attached or self-obsessed. Additionally, hobbies or interests that are not relatable or involve other people can make it difficult for potential partners to connect. It's essential to be authentic, but also consider how one's online presence might be perceived by others. Instead of relying on cliches or trends, try showcasing unique aspects of your personality that can foster meaningful connections.

    • Discovering joy through personal interestsPersonal interests bring joy and connection, shaping our identities. Golf provides a sense of escape and meaningful conversations. People communicate differently in social settings, often revolving around experiences and relationships. Finding comfort in sharing feelings with a trusted friend or through therapy.

      People have unique interests and preferences that shape their identities, and these interests can bring them joy and connection with others. In the discussion, the speaker expresses her love for golf and how it provides her with a sense of escape and meaningful conversations with others. She also touches upon the idea that men and women communicate differently in social settings and how their conversations often revolve around their personal experiences and relationships. The speaker also mentions how people can find comfort in sharing their feelings with a trusted friend or through therapy. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of having personal interests and the role they play in shaping our connections with others.

    • Navigating the complexities of desire and intimacyDespite past experiences and current mindset, the speaker yearns for deep emotional and sexual connection but struggles to fully engage due to cynicism and inability to focus on the present.

      The speaker expresses a strong desire for a deep emotional and sexual connection with someone, but her past experiences and current mindset make it difficult for her to fully engage in romantic settings. She finds herself fantasizing about men she meets, even during intimate moments with others, and struggles to finish during sexual encounters due to her inability to focus on the present. She acknowledges her cynicism and the negative impact it has on her romantic experiences, but remains hopeful that she may one day find someone who can break through her defenses and truly connect with her. The speaker's reflections reveal the complexities of desire, intimacy, and self-perception, and highlight the challenges of navigating romantic relationships.

    • Exploring Preferences in Intimacy and RelationshipsPeople have diverse ways of approaching intimacy and relationships, from taking things slow to being drawn to unattainable individuals, emphasizing the importance of respecting individual preferences.

      People have unique ways of approaching relationships and intimacy. During the conversation, it became clear that some individuals prefer to get to know someone thoroughly before engaging in intimate situations. They believe that waiting helps ensure mutual interest and compatibility. The discussion also touched upon the role of attraction and how it can manifest in various forms, from famous celebrities to random encounters. Some people find attraction in those who seem unattainable or even unattractive, as it adds an element of excitement or novelty. Ultimately, the conversation emphasized the importance of respecting individual preferences and understanding that everyone has their unique experiences and perspectives when it comes to love and relationships.

    • The Complexity of Attraction and RelationshipsPeople's attraction and relationships can be influenced by unexpected factors. Keeping an open mind and recognizing that appearances may not always reflect the truth is important.

      People's attraction and relationships can be complex and unexpected. The speaker shares an observation about a Brazilian woman who seemed happy with a mediocre partner, leading her to ponder if it was the man's wealth or his kindness that made her happy. She also reflects on her own experiences of being attracted to individuals she would never have considered before based on their looks. The speaker also shares her thoughts on her sexual preferences and attraction to both men and women, emphasizing that fulfillment can come from various sources. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of keeping an open mind and recognizing that appearances and initial judgments may not always reflect the truth.

    • Exploring the World of SongwritingDespite feeling vulnerable about singing abilities, an individual aspires to be a successful songwriter, drawing inspiration from artists like Bob Dylan and Leonard Cohen, and is determined to pursue this path with hard work and the right support.

      The individual in this conversation expresses a deep desire to explore songwriting and music, despite feeling vulnerable about her singing abilities. She acknowledges that, like comedy, musical skills require dedication and practice. She aspires to be a successful songwriter, drawing inspiration from artists like Bob Dylan and Leonard Cohen, and even considers using a pseudonym to release her music. She is passionate about this newfound interest and sees potential in her ability to create meaningful songs. Despite her apprehensions, she is determined to pursue this path and believes that with hard work and the right support, she can make a mark in the music industry.

    • Appreciating imperfect voices and unique styles in musicBob Dylan's imperfect voice and unique style show that talent and emotion matter more than technical perfection in music. Find your unique voice and stay true to yourself.

      Talent and emotion are more important than technical perfection in music. The speaker shared their admiration for artists like Bob Dylan, who are revered despite having less than perfect voices. They also discussed the importance of finding one's unique voice and style. The speaker expressed their desire to pursue a music career and even offered to help a friend do the same, acknowledging the importance of honest feedback and hard work. The conversation touched on the impact of famous friends and the importance of staying true to oneself, even if opportunities arise that might seem impressive to a younger version of oneself.

    • Two guests share their podcasts and new projectsListeners are encouraged to check out Andrew's podcast and new single, as well as Nikki's podcast.

      During this episode, two guests, Andrew and Nikki, joined the show for a unique segment where they each ended the episode by saying one word or phrase into their respective cameras. Andrew encouraged listeners to check out his podcast and his new single, while Nikki mentioned her own podcast and a few inside jokes from their conversation. Despite the comedic banter, they both emphasized the importance of listening to their respective podcasts. It's uncommon for the show to have more than one guest, but the chemistry between Andrew and Nikki made for an enjoyable and entertaining episode.

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    Gary Owen
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    627 - Your Mom's House with Christina P and Tom Segura

    627 - Your Mom's House with Christina P and Tom Segura
    Chips In A Bowl Announcement! Christina P. is recording her Netflix special in NYC Jan. 22! Use code JEANS to get tickets before they're gone! 1/22 @ 7pm: https://www.ticketmaster.com/event/00005B56D2077537 1/22 @ 10pm: https://www.ticketmaster.com/event/00005B56D2087539 SPONSORS: - Go to https://ShipStation.com, click on the microphone at the top, and enter in YMH, to get a 60-day free trial, just in time for the holidays! - Go to https://saatva.com/theshit for $200 off your order - Get 25% off, up to $10 value, and zero delivery fees on your first order of $15 or more when you download the DoorDash app and enter code YMH. - Go to https://brooklinen.com and use promo code house to get $20 off, with a minimum purchase of $100 - Go to https://WHOOP.com and use code “MOM” at checkout to save yourself 15% off today. - Get 20% off and free shipping by going to https://manscaped.com/MOM. - Download the DraftKings app NOW and use promo code MOM to get a FREE shot at MILLIONS in total prizes with your first deposit! Use your one glove to pull those jeans all the way over your head! This week on your Mom's House Podcast with Christina P. and #GloveComic Tom Segura, we test Christina's fear of vomit a bit more, which leads to her retaliating with one of her instant-classic TikToks! This then leads to a VERY heated debate how this cool guy is making some certain sounds. We get a wild update on Studio G's comment section, the "Don't Call Me Daddy" guy apparently doesn't like other things, and we dive into Burnt Crystal's puzzling deep love for himself! We find one of Tom's doppelgangers talking about Aegosexuality, a lady in a dope M&M jacket calling out a dude on the street, and over inclusiveness on playgrounds. Also, Tom is learning that he's actually starting to like Las Vegas! Maybe the key is to not be there for 6 nights in a row? We watch footage Ryan Sickler almost ruin a VERY nice racing car! And of course, we review all your club banger remixes of Cutter The Killer Clown's vocal track! We then wrap up with a batch of Christina's Toks that are definitely more uplifting than last week's batch! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    10: Solving your Dilemmas

    10: Solving your Dilemmas
    Just the two of us...we can make it if we tryyy! Chunkz & Filly give end of year awards; the best YouTuber; who would play them in a film; the health of feet; your problems; rank films and they also solve your problems...

    Produced by Upload Productions

    🎧 LISTEN ON:
    Spotify: https://spotify.link/oLE09drr3Db
    Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-chunkz-filly-show/id1712868986

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chunkzfillyshow/
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@chunkzfillyshow?_t=8gpo1X5QGHZ&_r=1