
    Podcast Summary

    • Challenging Stereotypes: Performance Art for EveryonePerformance art, like Andrew Dice Clay's antics, breaks barriers and can be enjoyed by people of all political beliefs. However, it is important to consider the potential dangers of filming unsuspecting individuals in public spaces.

      Performance art, such as Andrew Dice Clay's Instagram antics, is often misunderstood and associated with snobbery. Many people believe that performance art is reserved for left-leaning, liberal, and progressive individuals. However, Clay's wild and hilarious performances prove that performance art can be appreciated by anyone, regardless of political affiliation. Additionally, the conversation highlights the potential legal ramifications of filming unsuspecting individuals in public spaces. While being in public may subject one to being filmed without their knowledge, it is crucial to consider the potential dangers and consequences of such actions. Pranks and jokes can quickly escalate and elicit negative reactions, leading to violence or legal repercussions.

    • Outrageous Behaviors for EntertainmentThere are individuals who engage in outrageous and disgusting behaviors for attention, but such actions can have serious consequences and highlight the strange fascination people have with shocking content.

      In short, one big takeaway from the conversation is that there are individuals who engage in extremely outrageous and disgusting behaviors for attention or entertainment purposes. The discussion centers around a notorious prankster who goes to extreme lengths, such as dumping feces on people, to shock and provoke reactions. While the participants find these acts both insane and disturbing, they also acknowledge the potential danger involved, as such actions could lead to serious consequences or harm if done to the wrong person. The conversation also touches on the strange fascination people have with such bizarre and shocking content on platforms like Twitter, where explicit content is allowed, yet other controversial topics are heavily criticized or boycotted by advertisers.

    • Inconsistent Rules and Priorities: Censorship on Social Media PlatformsSocial media platforms prioritize user engagement over consistent and effective censorship, allowing disturbing content to remain while penalizing other types of misinformation. The conversation also highlights the dangers of asphalt covering and its potential consequences.

      Social media platforms like Instagram have inconsistent rules when it comes to censorship. While they may delete accounts for sharing certain types of content deemed as misinformation, they seem to allow horrific and disturbing content to remain, even if it involves violence or accidents. This raises questions about the algorithms used by these platforms and their priorities. It appears that the goal is to keep users engaged and on the platform, rather than enforcing consistent rules. Additionally, the conversation touches on the dangers of sinkholes and the potential consequences of covering everything with asphalt, which disrupts natural water absorption and can lead to unexpected collapses.

    • The Power and Danger of Natural Elements: A Conversation on Sinkholes and Ocean CurrentsNever underestimate the power of natural phenomena and always prioritize safety by being knowledgeable about your surroundings and listening to local warnings.

      We often underestimate the power and danger of natural elements like sinkholes and ocean currents. The conversation between Joe Rogan, Bert Kreischer, Ari Shaffir, and Tom Segura highlights the initial disbelief and joking nature towards a sinkhole and the ocean, but as they start to grasp the gravity of the situations, their tone becomes more serious. This serves as a reminder that we should never take natural phenomena lightly and should always prioritize safety. The story of Tom's experience in the ocean in Hawaii emphasizes the importance of being knowledgeable about the area and listening to local warnings. It reminds us to be aware of our surroundings and not underestimate the potential dangers that nature can pose.

    • The importance of preparedness and knowledge in dangerous situations.Being well-prepared with the right skills, equipment, and awareness can make a life-saving difference in close calls and life-threatening experiences. Always prioritize safety and take precautions when engaging in adventurous activities.

      Being prepared and knowledgeable in potentially dangerous situations can be a matter of life and death. The conversation about close calls and life-threatening experiences, whether it was saving someone from drowning or being buried in snow, highlights the importance of having the right skills, equipment, and awareness. Whether it's understanding the power of water currents, knowing how to navigate treacherous snow conditions, or having emergency devices like GPS beacons, being well-prepared can make all the difference. The stories serve as a reminder to always prioritize safety and take precautions when engaging in adventurous activities.

    • Risks and Reminders in Skiing and SnowboardingPrioritizing safety through self-awareness, protective gear, and consideration for others is essential to enjoy skiing and snowboarding without accidents.

      Skiing and snowboarding can be risky activities that require caution and awareness of one's limitations. Both Bert and Joe share their experiences of accidents while skiing, highlighting the potential dangers involved. While Bert recalls a terrifying snowboarding mishap where he ended up face-first in the snow, Joe recounts a concussion and leg injury after a collision while navigating a narrow trail. These stories serve as reminders that skiing and snowboarding come with inherent risks and it's important to prioritize safety. Understanding personal physical limitations, wearing protective gear like helmets, and being mindful of others on the slopes are crucial to avoid accidents and enjoy these winter sports safely.

    • Mitigating risks and considering consequences in skiing and martial artsBefore engaging in risky behavior, it is crucial to assess potential consequences and prioritize risk mitigation, as highlighted in the skiing and martial arts discussion.

      Risks should be carefully considered to avoid catastrophic injury. This was evident in Bert Kreischer and Ari Shaffir's skiing experience, where Ari broke his wrist while trying to go as fast as possible. Joe Rogan emphasized the importance of mitigating risk, especially in activities like skiing, which have many variables. He also noted that while skiing may be dangerous, practicing martial arts like jujitsu poses even greater risks. Additionally, the conversation touched on body image and self-acceptance, with Bert defending his decision to get in shape while still embracing his identity as the "fat guy." Ultimately, the key takeaway is to consider the potential consequences before engaging in risky behavior.

    • The Positive and Negative Effects of Alcohol Explored by ComediansEnjoy alcohol responsibly, understanding the potential risks it can pose to your health, while appreciating the positive atmosphere it can create in social settings.

      The comedians highlight the positive effects of alcohol, such as the carefree and fun atmosphere it creates during meals and social gatherings. They describe it as a sparkling potion that washes over you and puts you in a good mood. However, they also acknowledge the fact that alcohol can be damaging to one's health. The discussion leads to a suggestion for scientists to create a type of alcohol that doesn't have the negative consequences. Additionally, the conversation touches on the unique and comedic personality of Joey Diaz, who is seen as a one-of-a-kind entertainer in the comedy world. Overall, the takeaway is that while alcohol can be enjoyable, it's important to be aware of its potential risks.

    • The Joe Rogan Experience: Unfiltered Conversations and Freedom of SpeechThe Joe Rogan Experience offers an open platform for discussions on controversial topics, allowing guests to freely express their thoughts without fear of censorship.

      Joe Rogan's podcast allows for an unprecedented level of freedom of speech and expression. Guests on the show have realized that they can say anything they want without fear of censorship. This has led to wild conversations and discussions that delve into controversial and taboo topics. Additionally, the podcast has evolved over time, with Joe Rogan improving his skills as a conversation facilitator. He acknowledges the importance of understanding the information being discussed and knows when to interrupt or clarify a point. The podcast has covered a wide range of subjects, including simulation theory, which suggests that our reality may be a simulated experience. Overall, the Joe Rogan Experience provides a platform for open, thought-provoking, and unfiltered conversations.

    • Exploring the Potential of Human-Computer Integration and Genetic VariationsThe conversation explores the possibility of a future where humans integrate with technology and highlights the importance of genetic variations in shaping individual abilities, just as we see in athleticism.

      There is a possibility of living in a future where we integrate with computers and experience life through a simulation. Joe Rogan and his friends discuss how some people possess incredible abilities or intelligence that seems beyond what is normal. They compare it to athletic talent, where some individuals have superior genetics or natural abilities. This leads to the notion that humans can be vastly different from one another, just as we see in athleticism. The conversation touches on the importance of foot strength and endurance, as well as ways to prevent plantar fasciitis. Overall, the key takeaway highlights the potential for a future where technology and human integration could reshape our reality.

    • Desensitization, crying, and fears: Joe Rogan and friends discuss extreme content, emotions, and phobias, including a unique fear of clowns and a peculiar movie mention.Exposure to extreme content can desensitize individuals, emotions can vary among people, and fears can be triggered by unusual objects or situations.

      Joe Rogan and his friends discuss the desensitization that comes with exposure to extreme content, such as watching someone eat their own feces. Joe Rogan reflects on his time hosting Fear Factor and how it made him immune to disgusting images. They also touch on the topic of crying, with Bert Kreischer admitting to being emotionally moved on podcasts and Tom Segura jokingly calling him an emotional guy. The conversation takes a turn to clowns and balloons, with Bert expressing a genuine fear of them and even sharing a panic attack triggered by balloons. Finally, they briefly mention an unreleased Jerry Lewis movie about clowns during the Holocaust.

    • The Power and Concerns of Deep Fake TechnologyDeep fakes can create realistic digital representations of individuals, highlighting their potential for misuse. Regulations are necessary to protect privacy and prevent malicious use.

      Despite initial reports, Bruce Willis did not sell his likeness to a deep fake company. The company clarified that they managed to create a digital twin of Willis through their technology, allowing him to appear in new content even though he has retired from acting due to aphasia. This showcases the power of deep fake technology and its ability to generate realistic digital representations of individuals. However, it also raises concerns about the potential misuse of such technology and the implications it may have on privacy and identity. As AI technology continues to advance, it is important for individuals to understand the capabilities and limitations of deep fakes and for regulations to be in place to prevent malicious use.

    • The implications of AI-generated content in entertainmentAI technology is transforming entertainment, with deepfake videos and AI versions of stand-up routines, raising concerns about creativity but also offering the potential to eliminate low-quality content.

      The rise of AI in entertainment, particularly in the form of deepfake technology, is posing new challenges and opportunities. The conversation between Joe Rogan, Bert Kreischer, Tom Segura, and Ari Shaffir highlights the potential implications of AI-generated content. While it is debated whether AI actually wrote the jokes in the George Carlin video, it seems that AI is being used to create deepfake videos and even AI versions of comedians' stand-up routines. This development raises concerns about the future of creativity and the role of human writers, but also presents the possibility of eliminating repetitive and low-quality content. As AI technology continues to evolve, it will undoubtedly reshape the entertainment industry in ways that are both exciting and potentially disruptive.

    • The Importance of Humility and Genuine Interactions with CelebritiesBeing kind, generous, and authentic can make a lasting impact and imposter syndrome is common. Be humble, appreciate others, and strive to become better individuals.

      In short, one big takeaway from this conversation is the importance of being humble and genuine, especially when interacting with celebrities or people we admire. Bert Kreischer shares his experiences of being a big fan and geeking out when meeting famous individuals. He admires Joe Rogan's generosity and down-to-earth nature, and he aspires to be like him. This highlights the idea that being kind, generous, and authentic can leave a lasting impact on others. It also emphasizes that imposter syndrome, feeling inadequate despite success, is common and natural. This conversation reminds us to be humble, appreciate the qualities we admire in others, and strive to become better individuals ourselves.

    • Different Perspectives on Meeting Famous PeopleMeeting celebrities can be a big deal or no big deal, and it's okay to have your own genuine reaction rather than feeling obligated to be starstruck.

      Meeting famous people doesn't always have to be a big deal. Tom Segura shares that he often doesn't care when he meets celebrities, simply greeting them casually and aloofly. This attitude, although it may seem cool or indifferent, is genuine and stems from a lack of interest rather than trying to be "cool." On the other hand, Bert Kreischer and Ari Shaffir are excited about meeting famous people and even text each other immediately to share their experiences. The key takeaway here is that everyone has their own perspective and reactions when it comes to meeting famous individuals. It's not necessary to feel obligated to be starstruck or fake enthusiasm if it doesn't genuinely resonate with you.

    • An Inside Look at Meeting CelebritiesMeeting famous people can be thrilling yet anxiety-inducing, as highlighted by the experiences of Tom Segura, Bert Kreischer, Joe Rogan, and Ari Shaffir. It's crucial to remain authentic and resist the urge to seek validation or personal gain.

      Meeting famous people can be both exhilarating and nerve-wracking. The conversation between Tom Segura, Bert Kreischer, Joe Rogan, and Ari Shaffir highlights their encounters with celebrities like Mark Wahlberg and Snoop Dogg. It's clear that they all have their own unique experiences and anxieties when interacting with famous individuals. From trying to impress Snoop Dogg to navigating awkward situations with people who claim to know them, the key takeaway is that fame brings its own set of challenges and expectations. Despite the excitement of meeting celebrities, it's important to stay true to oneself and not get caught up in trying to prove credibility or make connections for personal gain.

    • Joe Rogan's podcast: A platform for promoting and discovering talented individuals in various fields.Joe Rogan's podcast serves as a gateway for emerging artists and provides a wide range of fascinating conversations with unexpected guests.

      Joe Rogan's podcast has become a powerful platform for promoting and discovering talented individuals, whether they are comedians, athletes, authors, or scientists. The podcast serves as a gateway for emerging artists like Theo Von, who gained massive recognition and success after appearing on the show. However, Joe is also mindful of not overwhelming himself with recommendations and tries to maintain a balance between different fields and his own interests. While he can't pinpoint a single standout guest, there have been numerous occasions where unexpected guests like Henry Ross have left a lasting impression, proving that the podcast provides a platform for a wide range of fascinating conversations.

    • Embracing and Reinventing: Henry Rollins' Journey to Self-DiscoveryEmbrace individuality, find healthy outlets for emotions, and push oneself to reach their true potential for personal growth and happiness.

      Henry Rollins discovered the power of reinvention and embracing his true self. He endured fear, humiliation, and bullying throughout his youth, feeling like an outsider. However, he channeled his anger into boxing, using it as an outlet for his rage. Over time, he learned to keep his emotions bottled up and only shared his struggles with a few close friends. Rollins found solace and strength in weightlifting and considers it the best antidepressant. He believes that a strong body leads to strong thoughts, and he cannot imagine turning back once his mind and body are awakened to their full potential. This takeaway emphasizes the importance of embracing individuality, finding healthy outlets for emotions, and pushing oneself to reach their true potential.

    • Balancing Honesty and Respect in MMA CommentaryCommentators like Joe Rogan strive to provide technical analysis while considering fighters' vulnerabilities and the significance of recognizing defensive strategies, all while acknowledging the challenges of age in MMA.

      Fighters in MMA, like Joe Rogan, often have to balance being honest commentators with respecting the fighters they critique. Rogan acknowledges that fighters rarely enter the octagon at 100% and often have injuries or weaknesses that viewers may not be aware of. He tries to provide technical analysis without compounding a fighter's struggles or undermining their efforts. However, he also acknowledges the importance of recognizing when a fighter is breaking or fighting defensively, as it is part of the sport. Rogan also notes that age can be a disadvantage in MMA, even with the advantage of experience, due to the accelerated learning and skill of younger fighters.

    • The Importance of Commitment in AthleticsAthletes must fully commit to their sport in order to overcome challenges and achieve success. Dividing attention between different pursuits may hinder performance and increase risks.

      Athletes who are not fully committed to their sport may face greater challenges and risks. The discussion between Tom Segura, Joe Rogan, Ari Shaffir, and Bert Kreischer highlights the importance of being fully focused and dedicated to achieving success. They talk about Benil Dariush, who was a world-class fighter at a young age but now is in his 30s. The conversation raises doubts about his ability to compete against younger opponents. It emphasizes that athletes who divide their attention between different pursuits, like starting a podcast or doing stand-up comedy, may not be able to maintain the same level of performance. The example of Tony Ferguson, who suffered a significant knee injury due to a simple accident, further emphasizes the need to mitigate risks and stay fully committed to one's sport.

    • Nerve Damage and Surgeries: Joe Rogan and Tom Segura's StrugglesNerve damage can impact strength and functionality, emphasizing the importance of the nervous system in maintaining bodily function. Surgeries can help address nerve issues, but success levels may vary.

      Both Joe Rogan and Tom Segura experienced nerve damage in their limbs, affecting their strength and functionality. Tom had nerve damage in his arm, which resulted in wrist collapse and vibrations with heavy weights. Joe had nerve damage in his hand, causing numbness when pressure was applied to his forearm. Both individuals underwent surgeries to address their nerve issues, with varying levels of success. It's important to note that strength is not always the issue, but rather the nerves' ability to send signals effectively. This highlights the complexity and significance of the nervous system in maintaining bodily function.

    • The high cost of pushing physical limitsWhile it is impressive to see individuals like Zach Bitter and David Goggins pushing their bodies to extreme limits, it is important to prioritize our health and listen to our bodies to avoid long-lasting damage.

      Pushing the limits of the human body and mind can have serious consequences. Joe Rogan and his friends discuss the extreme physical challenges taken on by individuals like Zach Bitter and David Goggins. These athletes push themselves to the brink, running hundreds of miles and enduring intense physical strain. However, they also face significant damage to their bodies. Goggins, for instance, has severe leg edema, a severed knee, and no cartilage. While their determination and resilience are admirable, it is important to recognize that such extreme feats come at a cost. It is crucial to listen to our bodies and understand when it's time to tap out, rather than risking long-lasting damage.

    • The Power of Forgiveness in Personal Growth and RelationshipsForgiveness is essential for personal growth and building positive relationships. It allows for growth, redemption, and fosters understanding and compassion. Holding onto grudges is detrimental to both parties involved.

      Forgiveness is a crucial aspect of personal growth and building positive relationships. The conversation between Joe Rogan, Bert Kreischer, and Ari Shaffir highlights the importance of forgiving others and ourselves for past mistakes. They discuss how holding onto grudges and perpetuating non-forgiveness is detrimental, both for the person who holds onto it and the person on the receiving end. They emphasize that forgiveness allows for growth and the possibility of redemption. The conversation also touches on the negative effects of an unforgiving mindset, highlighting the importance of adopting a more charitable perspective towards others. Ultimately, forgiveness fosters understanding, compassion, and personal development.

    • The Art of Comedy: Taking Risks and Finding a Comedic VoiceUnderstanding the process of a comedian's joke development allows audiences to appreciate the risks taken and the growth of comedic material, just like witnessing a musician perform live songs.

      Comedians often say things they don't actually believe in order to get laughs. This is a common strategy for comedians who are still honing their skills and trying to find their comedic voice. The process of creating a new joke or bit involves taking risks and sometimes going down the wrong path, but this experimentation can lead to the creation of new and better material. It's important for the audience to understand this process and not judge comedians based on every single joke they tell. Comedy fans now appreciate the opportunity to witness the development of jokes and see comedians take chances on stage, similar to watching a musician create and perform live songs.

    • Joe Rogan's Functional Approach to FitnessPrioritize functional movements and incorporate varied exercises in your fitness routine for overall physical well-being.

      Joe Rogan prioritizes functional strength and movement in his workouts, rather than focusing solely on aesthetics. He emphasizes exercises like kettlebell swings, push-ups, and bodyweight squats, which engage multiple muscle groups and build overall body strength. Joe also incorporates cold plunges and circuits into his routine to challenge himself and improve his stamina. While he recognizes the value of traditional exercises like bench presses, he values the ability to move his body like an athlete. This takeaway highlights the importance of incorporating functional movements and varied exercises into our fitness routines for overall physical well-being.

    • Joe Rogan's Unconventional Fitness JourneyExploring alternative methods beyond traditional exercise can optimize mental and physical well-being, providing inspiration for personalized fitness regimens.

      Joe Rogan is deeply committed to a rigorous and unconventional workout routine. From windmills to cold plunges to red light therapy, Rogan explores a variety of methods to push his body and enhance his overall well-being. He embraces the physical challenges and is constantly seeking new ways to optimize his health. Rogan's dedication to these practices, such as his use of a baric chamber and flotation tank, highlights the importance he places on mental and physical restoration. Overall, his approach showcases the potential benefits of exploring alternative methods beyond traditional exercise, providing inspiration for those looking to discover their own unique fitness regimens.

    • Random and Inappropriate Conversations on WellnessThe conversation lacked coherence and focused on explicit content, making it challenging to find a meaningful message.

      The conversation in this excerpt was quite random and scattered, with a lot of inappropriate and explicit content. The individuals involved seemed to be joking around and discussing personal matters in a casual manner. Despite the lack of coherence and explicit language, it is clear that the group had a positive view of Ways to Wellness, a program that focuses on testosterone and progesterone. Additionally, there was mention of someone being on testosterone and how it had positively impacted their relationship. However, it is important to note that the conversation lacked structure and focused mainly on explicit content and jokes, making it difficult to extract a clear and meaningful takeaway.

    • The Importance of Neutrality in Sports CommentaryJoe Rogan stresses the need for neutrality in sports commentary, emphasizing the importance of overcoming biases and remaining objective for a fair and unbiased viewing experience.

      Joe Rogan emphasizes the importance of neutrality when watching fights as a commentator. He shares his personal experience of learning to overcome biases and not favoring any fighter, even if they are his friends. Rogan believes that being a clear and objective viewer is crucial to appreciating the sport and delivering unbiased commentary. He acknowledges that it can be challenging, especially when watching friends fight, but he understands the importance of separating personal emotions from his role as a commentator. This takeaway highlights the professionalism and integrity required in the world of sports commentary, where being fair and neutral is key.

    • The Power of Psychological Tactics in Combat SportsThe art of taunting and provoking opponents can significantly impact their mental state, hindering their performance. Nick Diaz's skill in talking trash highlights the crucial role of mental toughness in combat sports.

      Talking shit in combat sports can be a 100% legit psychological tactic that can greatly affect an opponent's performance. Nick Diaz was a master at this, using it to his advantage in his fights and even leaving experienced fighters like Frank Shamrock in disbelief. Diaz's ability to taunt and provoke his opponents had a profound impact on their mental state, ultimately hindering their abilities in the octagon. This tactic is not exclusive to fighting; it is used in various high-level sports to get into the minds of competitors. Diaz's skill in talking shit showcases the importance of mental toughness in combat sports, demonstrating how it can be effectively employed as a brilliant strategic move.

    • The Importance of Pacing and Energy Conservation in Combat SportsNick Diaz's strategic approach of fighting at a controlled pace and conserving energy showcases the significance of smart energy management in combat sports, leading to effective strikes and limiting opponents' opportunities to recover.

      Nick Diaz's fighting style showcased the importance of pacing oneself and conserving energy in mixed martial arts. Instead of expending all his energy in the early rounds, Diaz strategically fought at 50-60% power, slowly wearing down his opponents. By maintaining a relaxed and composed demeanor, he was able to keep a relentless pressure on his opponents without getting tired. Diaz's ability to control the pace of the fight and inflict damage efficiently was a key factor in his success. This approach not only allowed him to deliver effective strikes but also limited his opponents' opportunities to catch their breath. Diaz's mastery of this fighting style highlights the importance of smart energy management in combat sports.

    • Endurance Athletes: Pushing the Limits and Inspiring Others.The dedication and resilience of endurance athletes like Nick Diaz and Cain Velasquez offer valuable lessons in perseverance and the power of parental love.

      Endurance athletes, like Nick Diaz and Cain Velasquez, demonstrate incredible mental and physical resilience. These individuals push themselves to the limit, participating in intense activities such as triathlons and swimming from Alcatraz, where they face potential dangers like exhaustion and encounters with great white sharks. Their ability to endure multiple challenges and keep pushing forward is awe-inspiring. Moreover, their dedication to protecting their loved ones, as seen in Velasquez's case, highlights the powerful instinct of parental protection. The story serves as a reminder of the deep love and willingness to go to extreme measures that parents have for their children, evoking a sense of understanding and empathy from others.

    • The Corrosion of Morality: How Money and Power Influence Ethical ChoicesFinancial interests often override ethics, as individuals and organizations prioritize wealth and power over the well-being of others, contributing to societal harm.

      Money and power can lead people to make morally questionable decisions. The conversation highlights various instances where individuals prioritize their financial interests over the well-being of others. From prison guard unions lobbying against the decriminalization of marijuana to the Sackler family's involvement in the opioid crisis, it becomes clear that financial gain often takes precedence over ethical considerations. The discussion also brings attention to the influence of corporations in shaping public perception and manipulating narratives to protect their interests. Ultimately, the takeaway is that the pursuit of wealth and power can lead individuals and organizations to compromise their values and contribute to societal harm.

    • Factors Influencing Human Behavior and Power Dynamics DiscussedOur behavior is shaped by circumstances, upbringing, and power dynamics. Money and financial success bring temptations and trade-offs. Power can lead to abuse. Tribal instincts can lead to dehumanization and violence.

      Human behavior is heavily influenced by various factors, including circumstances, upbringing, and the power dynamics at play. The conversation touches on the influence of money, the potential impact of being born into a wealthy family, and the temptations and trade-offs that come with financial success. Moreover, it explores the concept of determinism, highlighting how individuals can be shaped by their environment and experiences. The discussion also delves into the power dynamics and the potential for abuse when individuals are given authority over others. Ultimately, it serves as a reminder of the deep-rooted tribal instincts that can lead to dehumanization and violence, as seen in historical conflicts and ongoing issues around the world.

    • The Profound Impact of War on Individuals and Their BehaviorsWar can greatly influence individuals, leading them to commit unimaginable acts and experience emotional scars. It emphasizes the conditioning of soldiers to prioritize killing and the lasting effects of losing comrades.

      In short, one big takeaway from this conversation is that the experience of war can profoundly impact individuals, shaping their mindset and behavior in ways that may be difficult to understand for those who haven't been in combat. It highlights the fact that ordinary people, like GIs in Vietnam, can be driven to commit unimaginable acts due to the extreme circumstances they find themselves in. The process of becoming a soldier involves training and conditioning to view the enemy as the enemy and to prioritize the task of killing. This conditioning can lead to a disconnect from the value of human life and a mindset where destroying another person becomes the primary objective. The bonds formed in war are strong, but the loss of comrades weighs heavily on soldiers, leaving lasting emotional scars.

    • Uncovering the Patterns of War and Unveiling the Mysteries of RealityQuestion established narratives, understand historical patterns, and stay open to the mysteries that exist in the world to gain a deeper understanding of war and our reality.

      War and the pursuit of power have deep-rooted patterns within human behavior. The conversation touched upon historical events like the Gulf of Tonkin incident and the writings of General Smedley Butler, highlighting the manipulation and control behind conflicts. The discussion also delved into the devastating impact of war on individuals and the moral implications of dropping bombs. Furthermore, the conversation shifted towards the topic of UFOs and interdimensional beings, raising the idea that there may be more to our reality than meets the eye. Overall, these conversations shed light on the importance of questioning established narratives, understanding historical patterns, and staying open to the mysteries that exist in the world.

    • Joe Rogan's perspective on the universe and religion.Joe Rogan believes that the universe itself is divine and questions the traditional notion of a separate God. He suggests that religious stories may be a scientific account of the universe's birth and discusses the impact of cataclysmic events on ancient civilizations.

      Joe Rogan's perspective on God and the universe is that he believes the entire universe is God. He finds the idea of a separate God creating the universe to be silly, and sees the universe itself as divine. He also suggests that the stories in religious scriptures like the Bible may be a recounting of historical events told by people with a scientific understanding of the birth and death of the universe. Furthermore, he discusses the impact of cataclysmic events, such as meteor strikes, on ancient civilizations and how they had to rebuild from scratch. Overall, Rogan's perspective highlights the blending of scientific and religious understanding and the importance of considering historical and archaeological evidence.

    • Exploring Unforgettable Culinary Experiences in AsiaDiscover the exceptional attention to detail and dedication of chefs in Asia, who transform simple dishes into extraordinary culinary delights through the use of finest ingredients and precision in crafting every bite.

      Food experiences can reach a level of precision and quality that surpasses mere sustenance. Joe Rogan and his friends discuss their incredible culinary experiences in Asia, where they encountered restaurants dedicated to sourcing the finest ingredients and creating unforgettable dishes. They describe restaurants with intense attention to detail, where every dish is crafted to perfection. The quality of the ingredients shines through, pushing the boundaries of flavor and presentation. These experiences go beyond what many people might expect from hotel restaurants, proving that even the simplest dishes can be transformed into extraordinary culinary delights. The chefs' dedication to creating exceptional experiences is evident in every bite, making these dining experiences unforgettable.

    • Exploring the Joy and Artistry of FoodEmbrace the pleasure of food, challenge your palate, and appreciate the diverse flavors of different cuisines on your own unique culinary journey.

      Food is a universal pleasure that transcends cultural boundaries. The conversation between Bert Kreischer, Ari Shaffir, Joe Rogan, and Tom Segura highlights their love for different types of cuisine and the joy they find in experiencing diverse flavors. Whether it's high-end sushi in Japan, handmade pasta in Italy, or Mexican tacos from a humble stand, they appreciate the artistry and complexity of food. They emphasize the importance of indulging in mouth pleasure and challenging one's palate to discover new flavors. While they may have personal preferences, they recognize that food is subjective and everyone should embrace their own unique culinary journey.

    • Random banter and humor without a clear focusConversations can be entertaining without conveying a specific message or purpose.

      The conversation is quite random and lacks a clear focus. The speakers discuss various topics, from sunglasses to penis sizes to the behavior of paparazzi. It seems that their discussions are more about banter and humor rather than conveying a specific message or purpose. The conversation veers off on tangents and lacks coherence. While it may be entertaining and amusing to some, it doesn't offer substantial insights or valuable information. The takeaway here is that sometimes conversations can be light-hearted and meandering without necessarily having a profound meaning or purpose.

    • The TMZ guys: Regular people navigating a controversial industry.Media platforms like podcasts have the power to impact lives, highlighting the importance of recognizing the unintended consequences of communication platforms.

      The TMZ guys, despite their reputation and controversies, are just regular people trying to make a living. While some may invade privacy, many of them are genuinely good guys who often get abused. They are not all out to get celebrities, but rather doing their job to make money. Additionally, the power of podcasts and online platforms is evident in the story of Jim Norton, who faced a stalker and had his podcast transcripts used against him in court. This incident highlights the impact of podcasts and the potential consequences they can have on people's lives. Ultimately, it is important to recognize the complexities and unforeseen consequences of media and communication platforms.

    • The freedom and camaraderie on the show led to both success and awkwardness.Embracing one's own style and not conforming to traditional expectations can lead to success, but being prepared and knowledgeable about the show beforehand is also important.

      The success of the show and the freedom it provided for the comics to just hang out and be themselves was a defining factor. Joe Rogan and Ari Shaffir mention how there was no script, allowing them to mess around and have a good time. Tom Segura, however, admits that he was not prepared for the show because he didn't know much about it or listen to it beforehand. This led to an awkward and less successful appearance. Despite this, Tom's lack of caring about scripts and pre-interviews helped inspire other comics to embrace their own style and not conform to traditional expectations. Ultimately, their success on the show depended on the engagement and interest of the host, whether it was a radio or television appearance.

    • Connecting with Different Audiences: Authenticity and Adaptation in ComedyBy understanding and relating to the audience, comedians can create memorable performances by staying true to themselves while adapting their approach to each unique location.

      When performing in different markets, it's important to adapt and connect with the audience in a genuine way. The comedians discussed their experiences in various locations and how they approached each show differently. Tom Segura, for example, would bring his own energy and make it fun, while others would embrace the unique characteristics of each place. The key is to understand and relate to the audience, regardless of their initial reception. By being authentic and true to themselves, the comedians were able to create memorable and enjoyable performances. This highlights the importance of adapting to different audiences while staying true to one's own style.

    • Ignoring negativity and embracing constructive feedback for personal growthDon't let negative comments affect your well-being; focus on constructive feedback and disregard negativity that offers no value.

      It is important to cultivate a mindset of not giving a fuck about negative comments and opinions. The conversation highlights how reading and internalizing negative comments can be detrimental to one's well-being and confidence. The speakers emphasize the need to ignore such comments, especially since they often come from a small subset of people who may not have their lives together. They also discuss the natural inclination of human beings to focus on negative things and how it can be overcome. Ultimately, the key message is to embrace a balanced approach, valuing constructive feedback while disregarding negativity that serves no purpose.

    • The Complexity of Personal Relationships and the Impact of FameThe perception of others can change with fame, but true friends appreciate and support one another despite differences. Understanding diverse perspectives and embracing friendship are vital in maintaining strong relationships.

      Joe Rogan's friends, Bert Kreischer, Tom Segura, and Ari Shaffir, have different perceptions of him, highlighting the complexity of personal relationships. Despite their differences, the friends share a deep bond and admiration for Joe. They acknowledge his growth and success but also remember the Joe they knew before fame. This conversation showcases how fame can change people's perception, making it difficult for them to be seen for who they truly are. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of diverse perspectives and the value of understanding and accepting others' ways of thinking. The conversation also highlights the importance of friendship and support, as Joe's friends lean on him in times of need and appreciate his unique qualities.

    • Maintaining Balance and Openness in LifeJoe Rogan emphasizes the significance of physical challenges, genuine conversations, and exploring unconventional ideas, reminding us to stay open-minded, seek new perspectives, and question established beliefs.

      Joe Rogan values maintaining a balanced perspective through physical exertion and not becoming enamored with power or influence. He believes that by challenging himself physically, he sets a baseline for handling difficult situations and avoids becoming a tyrant. He finds it refreshing to meet someone who doesn't know who he is, as it allows for genuine conversations and a different perspective. Additionally, Rogan's interest in ancient civilizations and advanced technology suggests his openness to exploring unconventional ideas and questioning established beliefs. Ultimately, his experiences highlight the importance of remaining open-minded, seeking different perspectives, and continually questioning the world around us.

    • The Rise and Fall of Civilizations: Exploring the Fragility of Human Progress.Our society's advancement is not guaranteed; if everything collapsed today, rebuilding and advancing would require starting from scratch, highlighting the fragility of human progress.

      Civilizations and technology can rise and fall throughout history. The conversation between Joe Rogan, Tom Segura, and Ari Shaffir highlights the idea that even advanced civilizations can be wiped out, leaving little trace behind. This discussion leads to speculation about ancient civilizations, such as the builders of the Great Pyramid, who may have been more sophisticated than previously believed. The conversation prompts us to consider how our own society would fare if everything collapsed today. It's suggested that rebuilding and advancing would likely take a significant amount of time, and people would have to start from scratch. This serves as a reminder of the ever-changing nature of our world and the fragility of human progress.

    • The Potential Existence of Hidden Advanced Alien Technology and Its Impact on Earth.While it may seem unlikely, it is essential to consider the possibility of advanced alien technology and its potential influence on technological advancements on Earth, although other explanations should also be considered.

      The possibility of advanced alien technology being hidden by the military cannot be entirely ruled out. While the concept of aliens visiting Earth may sound far-fetched, it is important to consider the vast number of planets out there and the potential for life to develop on them. The idea that beings from other dimensions or planets could have advanced technology far beyond our own is not entirely implausible. Additionally, the notion that crashed UFOs could be seen as donations to accelerate technological innovation is intriguing. It raises the possibility that alien technology could have played a role in the development of certain technologies on Earth. However, it's crucial to approach these ideas with caution, as there may also be alternate explanations for the observed phenomena.

    • Genuine Connections and Playful Banter among ComediansThe importance of friendship and laughter is highlighted through the camaraderie and humor displayed by these comedians, emphasizing the power of genuine connections and shared experiences.

      The conversation highlights the camaraderie and humor between friends. Despite the casual and silly banter about taking shirts off on stage, it's evident that these comedians genuinely care for each other and enjoy each other's company. Their inside jokes and playful teasing demonstrate a strong bond that has developed over years of doing the podcast together. The lightheartedness of their interactions also serves as a reminder of the importance of friendship and laughter in our lives. The podcast is a unique platform where these comedians can let loose and have unfiltered conversations, and it's a testament to the power of genuine connections and shared experiences.

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    Nick Goepper Show Notes:

    1:44:  The Olympic facility and what it offers

    4:09:  Christmas at the Goeppers and life starting in Indiana

    8:11:  Being the oldest in the family and sports

    13:25:  Evo (Use the code TPM10 for 10% off at checkout) and RESQWATER (enter the code resqwatertpm for a 20% discount on a 12 pack) 

    15:00:  Rollerblading, skateboarding and trampolines

    18:00:  Getting into skiing at Perfect North

    21:07:  The recession and having to work for himself to keep the ski dream alive

    26:42:  Backyard set ups

    28:00:  Who is he in High School and competing against Chris Laker

    32:00:  Keeping the dream alive with a full scholarship to Windell’ s Academy  

    40:30: 10Barrel Brewery and The Summit at Snoqualmie (use the code Powell18 to get pre-season pass prices)

    42:25:  Does he ski powder, tricks that were career changing, and first X-Games

    47:00:  His ski lifestyle.  Does he care if other people like him?

    52:15:  Crushing it at contests and heading into the Olympics with a broken hand, skiing without poles, and hearing about it on the internet.

    58:40:  Is he pissed about 3rd place in the Olympics

    61:00:  What does it take to qualify for South Korea

    63:00:  Throwing rocks at cars and Nick’s downward summertime spiral into alcohol and depression

    74:00: What will he do after skiing and what can he make in a good year?

    Actor, Writer, Producer, Musician & Sketch Comedy Icon from MTV's The State | David Wain

    Actor, Writer, Producer, Musician & Sketch Comedy Icon from MTV's The State | David Wain

    Join Nick Lamagna on The A Game Podcast with his guest, David Wain. He and his NYU classmates co-created and starred in the hit sketch show, MTV's The State. He also is credited with an impressive list of acting, directing, writing and producing in movies such as Wet Hot American Summer, Role Models, Wanderlust and A Futile and Stupid Gesture among many others.  Among the list of his television credits include the hilarious Medical Police, Children's Hospital, Party Down and Stella!

    Wain has created projects where today’s stars got their big break in acting including Bradley Cooper, Elizabeth Banks and worked alongside Paul Rudd, Jennifer Aniston and more as well as his core crew from NYU to this day In many projects. His Instagram and social media shows his many talents in art, music and magic for a true Renaissance Man!

    By the end of this episode, you will realize how difficult it can be to be in this entertainment industry. It takes a lot of hard work, patience, and dedication because you will face a lot of rejections. We go deep into the mindset of a creator, we discuss time management, focus and persistence among other great topics in this outstanding interview with the always impressive David Wain.  Wain shares his pieces of advice, regrets, updates on his current projects, and more. There’s a lot to unpack, you don’t want to miss this!

    Connect with David:

    Website: https://davidwain.com/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/davidwain?ref_src=twsrc

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/davidwain/

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8hExk7QXj1tP-jGxcMU1xg

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@davidwain


    Connect with Nick Lamagna


    Text Nick (516)540-5733

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