
    Podcast Summary

    • The Importance of Preparation in Controversial ConversationsBeing well-prepared is crucial for engaging in controversial topics or public speaking to avoid misunderstandings and potential consequences. Even comedians can benefit from having strong arguments to back up their statements.

      Preparation is key, especially when it comes to public speaking or engaging in controversial topics. The conversation between the two individuals highlights the importance of having notes and being well-prepared to avoid slip-ups or misunderstandings. The discussion also touches upon the impact of alcohol on behavior and the role of controversy in gaining attention in today's society. The speakers reminisce about a previous event where one of them, Josh Zeps, made controversial remarks without proper preparation, leading to confusion and controversy. They also reflect on how society has become more reliant on clickbait and sensationalism for news and entertainment. Additionally, the conversation reveals that even comedians, who are known for their ability to yell about their points or create memes, can benefit from being prepared and having strong arguments to back up their statements. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of being thoughtful, prepared, and mindful of the potential consequences of our words and actions.

    • Dangers of quitting alcohol cold turkey for heavy drinkersQuitting alcohol cold turkey can be dangerous for heavy drinkers, potentially fatal, and societal demonization of substances should be approached with caution.

      While some may try to quit alcohol cold turkey, it can be dangerous for heavy drinkers and potentially fatal. Dr. Carl Hart, a renowned doctor and drug expert, emphasizes that there has never been a drug-free society and that we often demonize certain substances. He warns that alcohol, if quit cold turkey by heavy drinkers, can be particularly dangerous and even deadly. It's important to approach substance use with knowledge and understanding, and to be honest with friends about their struggles. Additionally, it's important to remember that everyone's relationship with substances is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another.

    • Impact of rituals and performances on athletes' mental preparedness and moraleRituals and performances, such as battle cries and pre-game routines, can significantly impact athletes' mental preparedness and morale, leaving opponents confused and seemingly underprepared. The use of performance art in sports can serve as a powerful tool for motivation and intimidation.

      The use of rituals and performances, such as battle cries and elaborate pre-game routines, can significantly impact the mental preparedness and morale of athletes and teams. This was highlighted in the discussion about the Wildswood Indians and the New Zealand basketball team's pre-game rituals, which left their opponents confused and seemingly underprepared. The idea of performance art in sports was also explored, with the suggestion that it can serve as a powerful tool for motivation and intimidation. Another topic touched upon was the controversy surrounding the participation of professional athletes in the Olympics. The discussion noted that while there are pros and cons to allowing professionals to compete, the current system can result in a lack of competition and a skewed playing field, particularly in sports like basketball where many Olympic competitors are also NBA players. Historically, this issue has been evident in other sports as well, with American boxers dominating the heavyweight division for decades. The use of underhanded tactics, such as cutting an opponent's gloves, was even mentioned as a tactic used to gain an edge in the past. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of fairness and equal opportunity in sports competition.

    • Muhammad Ali's Glove Change During a Boxing Match Hidden from BroadcastIn boxing and baseball, long periods of inactivity result in unique rituals and commentator filler conversations, but both sports demand high skill and athleticism

      During Muhammad Ali's boxing match against Henry Cooper, there was a significant gap between rounds due to a glove change. This event was not shown in the broadcast, as it was considered cheating. The commentators likely filled the time with unrelated conversations, similar to how baseball commentators discuss irrelevant topics during downtime. Boxing and baseball share long periods of inactivity, leading to the development of unique rituals and mannerisms among players. Despite the differences in physical demands, both sports require a high level of skill and athleticism.

    • Basketball vs Baseball: Different Experiences for AthletesBasketball and baseball have contrasting action times, fan scrutiny, and financial rewards, shaping unique athlete experiences.

      While basketball and baseball share the title of being popular sports, they have distinct differences. Baseball games consist of only 18 minutes of action, leaving players exposed to fan scrutiny and long periods of downtime. Baseball's popularity extends beyond the US, particularly in countries like Japan and Cuba. In contrast, basketball involves more action with more players moving at once. The financial aspect of sports also comes into play, with athletes like Bryce Harper and Floyd Mayweather earning massive contracts that come with immense public attention and scrutiny. Floyd Mayweather, in particular, has built a persona around his wealth, which includes holding onto a $100 million check as a trophy. These differences highlight the unique characteristics of each sport and the varying experiences of the athletes within them.

    • Floyd's Defensive Strategy in Win Against McGregorFloyd's defensive tactics, superior skills, and endurance led to a less-than-exciting win against McGregor, highlighting the importance of strategy and conditioning in boxing.

      Floyd Mayweather's victory over Conor McGregor was not as exciting as it seemed during the live broadcast. Floyd employed a defensive strategy, constantly faking and moving to put pressure on Conor and make him exhaust himself. Floyd's superior boxing skills and endurance, along with Conor's inefficiency, played a significant role in his win. The discussion also touched upon the potential penalties for illegal moves in boxing, which can be costly. Despite Conor's attempts to land impactful blows, Floyd's defensive tactics paid off, leaving many viewers feeling underwhelmed by the fight.

    • Experiences in 80s Full Contact TournamentsDespite the risks and lack of rewards, participants in 80s full contact tournaments endured high-stress competitions. Today, martial arts have evolved, offering safety measures and opportunities for more people to learn and practice.

      The speaker shared his experiences participating in full contact tournaments in the 1980s, where fighters fought on hard surfaces without head protection, leading to potential brain damage and no financial rewards. He emphasized the high-stress nature of the competitions and the prevalence of fighting multiple times in a day. The speaker also noted the evolution of martial arts and the proliferation of jujitsu schools, making it easier for more people to learn and practice. He expressed his appreciation for the safety measures and regulations in modern fighting organizations. Additionally, he mentioned his involvement as a sponsor for fighters and the challenges of designing and producing clothing for them.

    • Weight cutting in combat sportsWeight cutting is a common practice in combat sports, but can lead to dangerous dehydration and performance issues. Random weight checks and weight restrictions are proposed solutions to ensure fighter health and fair competition.

      Weight cutting is a significant challenge in combat sports, particularly in MMA, where fighters are required to make weight before fights. This process can be exhausting and dangerous, as it often involves severe dehydration, which can impact a fighter's performance during the fight. Fighters who cut excessive weight have an advantage over their opponents, but this advantage comes at a cost. To address this issue, some suggest implementing random weight checks, similar to random drug tests, to ensure fighters maintain a healthy weight throughout their training camps. Additionally, some jurisdictions have implemented weight restrictions for fighters who miss weight multiple times. Ultimately, the goal is to protect fighters' health and ensure fair competition.

    • New Rules in MMA and Controversial Business PracticesCalifornia MMA commission introduces new weight classes and IV ban, NBA star Durant's comments affect Under Armour stock, Under Armour's CEO supports hunting division despite controversy, Rappers also receive sports endorsements

      The California State Athletic Commission has made some significant changes in the world of mixed martial arts, including recognizing four new weight classes and banning the use of IVs. These rules aim to ensure fairness and safety in the sport. Elsewhere, the impact of NBA star Kevin Durant's comments about Under Armour on the company's stock was substantial, with a 3% drop resulting in tens of millions of dollars in losses for the billion-dollar corporation. Under Armour's support of hunting remains a controversial issue, with some criticizing the company for backing a divisive practice. The longevity of Under Armour, founded in the late 1990s, pales in comparison to sports apparel giants like Adidas and Puma, which have much longer histories. Despite its challenges, Under Armour's CEO's personal connection to hunting keeps the controversial hunting division alive. In the world of sports endorsements, it's not just athletes like Durant who have contracts with shoe companies; rappers also have sponsorship deals, with notable examples including Jay-Z, 50 Cent, and Kanye West.

    • Physical fitness crucial for rappers' on-stage performanceRappers need breath control and cardio for rapid-fire lyrics, hype men can help, and authenticity suffers if they lip-sync

      Performing on stage, especially for rappers, requires a high level of physical fitness, particularly when they don't have a hype man to help them catch their breath. Rap shows often involve rapid-fire lyrics, and without proper breath control and cardio, a performer may struggle to keep up the energy and intensity of their performance. A hype man can help by taking the last couple of words on a line and allowing the rapper to catch their breath before coming back in. Some rappers, like Kendrick Lamar, are known for their dense lyrics and breath control, which suggests they are in good shape. Additionally, rappers who lip-sync over their own beats instead of performing live can come across as less polished and authentic. Overall, putting on a solid stage show requires a significant investment in physical fitness and preparation.

    • Mick Jagger's Active Lifestyle and Commitment to FitnessMick Jagger's dedication to fitness allows him to tour and live energetically, despite his age. Financial planning is crucial in long-term relationships, as demonstrated by prenuptial agreements. Commitment to personal health and relationships, along with careful financial planning, are key to living a fulfilling life.

      Mick Jagger, despite being in his 70s, maintains an active lifestyle with rigorous workouts, including yoga, weightlifting, and endurance activities like swimming and cycling. His dedication to staying fit allows him to continue touring and living an energetic life, even with a much younger partner. Another key point discussed was the importance of financial planning, particularly in long-term relationships, with the example given of prenuptial agreements. The conversation also touched on the theme of ambition and optimism, as evidenced by Mick Jagger's decision to have a child at an older age. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of commitment, both to personal health and to relationships, and the potential benefits of careful financial planning.

    • Timing of financial discussions in relationshipsFinancial discussions in relationships should be approached with care and at an appropriate stage, considering the impact on partnership dynamics and personal financial security.

      The timing of financial discussions in a relationship can significantly impact its dynamics. During the early stages, the bliss and infatuation may cloud judgement, potentially leading to hasty financial commitments. However, as the relationship progresses, financial security and stability become more important. The seven-year itch, a common phenomenon, can lead to reevaluating the partnership and its financial implications. Wealthy men, who are initially attractive due to their financial security, may lose their appeal once their partners acquire similar wealth. The power dynamic shifts, and the partner may feel the need to stay in the relationship for financial reasons. Social media, a seemingly harmless platform, can also lead to costly mistakes, highlighting the importance of careful consideration before sharing personal information online. Ultimately, financial discussions should be approached with care and at an appropriate stage in the relationship.

    • Comedian's Generosity and PracticalityThe comedian's frugal nature didn't stop him from making an extravagant purchase to help a stranger's dream come true, but he also valued practicality and reliability in his own car choices.

      The comedian, despite his frugal nature and lack of a car, was moved to help a stranger achieve her dream of attending wrestling school. He made an extravagant purchase of a watch, but justified it as a necessary prop for his performances. He expressed interest in getting a Tesla but had concerns about its limited range and the potential for getting stranded. Instead, he considered getting a Lexus hybrid as a practical and reliable alternative. Throughout the conversation, the comedian's frugality and practicality were evident, but so was his generosity and willingness to help others. He also appreciated the reliability and excellent customer service of Lexus cars.

    • Transparency in Charity DonationsLack of transparency in charity donations can lead to mistrust and misperceptions, effective charities should communicate clearly how funds are allocated to build trust with donors.

      Transparency is key when it comes to donating to charities. The speaker in this conversation expressed frustration with the lack of transparency from the Red Cross regarding how donated funds are allocated. This lack of transparency can lead to a perception that donations are being misused, even if that is not the case. Effective charities have operating costs and people need to be paid, but donors want to know where their money is going. The speaker suggests that donating specific items, like diapers, can be a more effective and less fraudulent way to help, as the product goes directly to those in need. The conversation also touches on the importance of seeing tangible results from donations, which can help donors feel good about their contribution and build trust in the organization.

    • Houston's Flooding Exacerbated by Development and Heavy RainHurricane Harvey's devastating floods in Houston were worsened by the city's development and paving over natural absorptive land, resulting in extensive flooding and potential health risks from mold growth.

      The destruction caused by Hurricane Harvey in Houston was exacerbated by the constant development and paving over of natural absorptive land. The storm dropped an unprecedented amount of rain, with 14 to 15 trillion gallons recorded as of August 28th, surpassing the amount of rainfall during Hurricane Katrina by almost double. This massive influx of water, combined with Houston's natural dampness, has led to extensive flooding and the potential for dangerous mold growth. The tragedy, however, has also brought out the best in people, with neighbors coming together to rescue each other using various means, from fishing boats to jet skis. The long-term consequences, including mold growth and potential health issues, are still unfolding.

    • A Frugal Nomad's Priorities: Flexibility, Financial Gain, and Minimal PossessionsThe speaker's lifestyle values flexibility to adapt to different locations, financial gain through rental income and investments, and minimal attachment to possessions.

      The speaker is a nomadic, frugal individual who adapts to different locations based on the weather and his work schedule. He rents out his Chicago apartment when he's away and even owns multiple apartments in one building as investments. The speaker values efficiency and income generation over personal belongings and traditional methods of communication. He shared an experience of feeling disrespected when a woman asked for his phone number during a professional interaction, leading him to question the situation's authenticity. Overall, the speaker's lifestyle prioritizes flexibility, financial gain, and minimal attachment to possessions.

    • Encountering an unpredictable woman at a festivalNavigate professional world with discernment, use email for clear communication, and stay focused on goals despite unexpected challenges

      Some people's behavior can be unpredictable and even disruptive, especially in professional settings. The speaker shared an experience of encountering an intense and salty woman at a festival who became upset when the speaker refused to give her contact information. The woman's behavior was particularly surprising given the overall chill atmosphere of the event. The speaker mused that perhaps the woman was collecting contacts or trying to provoke a reaction, but ultimately concluded that she was just a crazy lady. The speaker also highlighted the advantages of using email for business communication, as it allows for clear and convenient exchanges. The encounter served as a reminder that one must navigate the professional world with discernment and stay focused on goals despite unexpected challenges.

    • Timing and comedy deals impact TV show premieresA comedian's announcement of a new development deal and a controversial joke led to a TV show premiere postponement, highlighting the importance of careful timing and how work environment and personal satisfaction influence career decisions.

      The timing of a comedian's announcement of a new development deal and a controversial joke led to a postponement of their TV show premiere, significantly impacting the energy and press surrounding it. The comedian, who had multiple development deals since 2012, was excited about this particular show and the busy schedule kept him engaged. However, the long production process of filmmaking, especially for movies, was a stark contrast to the fast-paced nature of TV shows and left him feeling bored and unproductive. Despite enjoying the experience, he is considering other options for future projects and is open to returning to Comedy Central, but only with the right idea and circumstances. Overall, the intersection of timing, work environment, and personal satisfaction played a role in shaping his career decisions.

    • Creatives face interference and controlCreatives can take control and find opportunities for artistic freedom, even when faced with interference and control from those in power.

      Creatives often face unnecessary interference and control from those in power, leading to frustration and a desire to assert their artistic freedom. This was evident in the speaker's experiences with conference calls and network executives who wanted to edit and censor their material. The speaker felt that these individuals were justifying their existence and trying to add value, even if it didn't make sense or was detrimental to the creative process. The speaker ultimately decided to take control and find opportunities where they could express their ideas freely, such as through Netflix. Additionally, the speaker shared their experiences with running in minimalist shoes, emphasizing the importance of strengthening one's feet and not being swayed by fear-mongering about the potential risks.

    • Impact of Shoes on Running Form and InjuriesExcessive cushioning in shoes can lead to improper running form, including heel striking and increased pressure on the knees. Minimalist shoes can help condition feet for forefoot running, but alternative surfaces and proper form are also crucial for injury prevention and optimal performance.

      The way people run has been changed by wearing shoes with excessive cushioning, leading to heel striking and increased pressure on the knees. The natural way to run is on the forefoot, but most feet are not conditioned for this due to the use of thick-soled shoes. Running in minimalist shoes can help condition the feet to run properly, but it can also be challenging, especially in hot conditions. The heat absorbing properties of dark asphalt exacerbate the problem, making it important to consider alternative surfaces for running. Additionally, people are often running with the wrong type of shoes, such as basketball shoes, which can lead to improper form. Overall, it's important to be mindful of footwear choices and running form to avoid injuries and optimize performance.

    • Desire for Control and IndependencePeople value control and independence in their digital and physical environments, expressed through managing old content, email addresses, and unwanted solicitations, as well as learning new skills and making conscious choices.

      People value control and independence, as evidenced by the speaker's thoughts on deleting old content, changing email addresses, and dealing with unwanted solicitations. He also values the ability to make conscious choices, such as not reacting to unwanted emails or learning a new skill like lockpicking. The speaker's attitude towards giving and not giving a fuck is complex, as he acknowledges that he still cares despite his attempts to appear indifferent. He also values confidence, as shown in his interaction with a locksmith. Overall, the speaker's musings reveal a desire for autonomy and the ability to manage his digital and physical environment.

    • Stories of market instability and unexpected expensesBe mindful of market instability and potential for high prices or unexpected costs. Awareness and preparation can help mitigate the impact.

      People can take advantage of situations and charge arbitrary prices due to market instability. This was expressed through a conversation about a locksmith who charged a high price for a service, despite the speaker's frustration. The speaker also shared a personal experience of kicking open a door without a key and the sense of satisfaction that came with it, even if it resulted in unexpected costs. Another anecdote involved blaming a door damage on a band during a production, demonstrating the human tendency to find scapegoats. Overall, these stories highlight the importance of being aware of market fluctuations and the potential for unexpected expenses.

    • Authenticity in Financial DecisionsBeing frugal or cheap can be a turn-off, but authenticity and confidence in financial decisions are key to finding a compatible partner.

      Being unapologetically cheap or frugal can be a turn-off for some women, but it can also be seen as a bold and exciting move depending on the situation and the woman involved. The speaker shared an experience where he asked about the legitimacy of a parking fee at a dentist's office, causing his date to get upset. He also mentioned his preference for small, dive-like strip clubs where he can take over the energy of the place with his spending, rather than huge, spectacle-like clubs. The speaker acknowledged that women have different preferences when it comes to frugality and spending, and that it's important to find a partner who shares the same sense of humor and financial perspective. Ultimately, the speaker's experiences highlight the importance of authenticity and confidence in one's financial decisions, even if they may not align with societal expectations or the preferences of some potential partners.

    • The Intersection of Strip Clubs and Social MediaSocial media platforms like Twitter allow for the distribution of explicit content to large audiences and can intersect with adult entertainment industries, while the monetization struggles of Twitter were also discussed.

      The world of adult entertainment and social media can intersect in unexpected ways. During a conversation, the topic of strip clubs came up, with mention of unusual amenities like basketball courts and barbershops. The discussion then shifted to the prevalence of explicit content on social media platforms like Twitter, where users can follow porn stars and even see graphic content. The conversation also touched on the attempted crowdfunding effort by a CIA operative named Valerie Plame to buy Twitter and kick former President Trump off the platform. Despite the absurdity of the situation, it highlights the influence and reach of social media and its ability to distribute content to massive audiences. Additionally, the struggle of Twitter to monetize effectively compared to other social media platforms was discussed.

    • Confusion and concern over President Trump's tweets and behaviorSpeakers express their bewilderment and worry over Trump's undiplomatic language and handling of international issues, despite his supporters' continued backing and concerns about his age and mental health.

      The discussion revolves around the concern and criticism towards President Trump's tweets and behavior, particularly regarding international issues and his handling of them. The speakers express their confusion and disturbance over his use of language and lack of diplomacy. They also ponder over the large number of people who continue to support him despite his actions. The conversation also touches upon Trump's age and mental health, as well as his excessive consumption of television. Overall, the speakers express a sense of fascination and concern over the current state of American politics.

    • Trump's Media Consumption and Online PresenceTrump watches 5 hours of TV daily, heavily influenced by morning and late-night shows, and his need for approval fuels his social media activity, making him easily baitable and contributing to political polarization.

      President Trump's media consumption is extensive, with a heavy focus on morning shows like "Morning Joe" and "Fox and Friends," as well as late-night talk shows. His television habits often influence his tweets, making him easily baitable on social media. Trump reportedly watches approximately five hours of television every day, and his desire for approval and attention may contribute to his inability to ignore criticism, even from late-night hosts like Stephen Colbert. Despite the challenges of the presidency, Trump's need for love and adoration seems to have intensified since taking office, leading to increased scrutiny and criticism from the public. The constant negative attention may not be healthy for Trump, especially given his age, and his inability to disconnect from social media may exacerbate the situation. Ultimately, Trump's media consumption and online presence make him a prime target for criticism and may contribute to the intense polarization and negativity that characterizes modern American politics.

    • The role of media in shaping public perception during political campaignsMedia's treatment of political figures during campaigns can significantly impact public perception, with some calling for more challenging interviews and a more effective political system.

      The political climate and the role of media in shaping public perception have become significant factors in people's careers and public discourse. The example given is the contrasting treatment of Donald Trump by late-night talk show hosts, Colbert and Fallon, during Trump's presidential campaign. People's anger towards Fallon stems from his perceived lack of pressure or grilling of Trump during his interview, which some felt was a missed opportunity to challenge him. The conversation also touched upon the impact of having leaders with vastly different political ideologies, such as Trump and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and the ongoing debates around free speech and social justice issues. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the need for a more effective and representative political system, with a call for a group of qualified individuals to come up with a new system. The discussion also touched upon the role of technology in shaping political discourse and the potential for online voting.

    • Learning from podcasting: better questions, listening skills, and intellectual stimulationPodcasting can lead to personal growth through improved questioning, listening skills, and engaging with experts in various fields.

      Starting and maintaining a podcast can lead to personal growth and improved conversational skills. The speaker, who has a podcast called Handsome Ramble, shared that he's learned to ask better questions and be a better listener through the process. He also mentioned that he's discovered the importance of being fully present in conversations and how some people struggle with this. The speaker didn't prepare or study when he first started his podcast, instead opting for trial and error. He also shared that listening to his own podcast can help him identify areas for improvement in his speech patterns. Additionally, the speaker highlighted the intellectual stimulation that comes from interviewing experts in various fields, such as astrophysics and nutritional science. Overall, the podcast experience has been a rewarding one for the speaker, leading to personal growth and a deeper appreciation for meaningful conversations.

    • Exploring the World of Scientists through PodcastsEngaging scientists in podcasts offers unique insights, but preparation and understanding are key. Ergonomic chairs aid long sessions, and new experiences enrich conversations.

      Having real scientists on podcasts provides unique insights into their research-driven world, but it requires a certain level of preparation and understanding to carry on engaging conversations. Joe Rogan shares his experience of interviewing a clinical researcher who is often "balls deep" in her work, and the importance of using ergonomic office chairs for long podcast sessions. They also share an experience of building a drum synthesizer from scratch at Moogfest, highlighting the fun and hands-on aspect of such experiences. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the value of exploring new experiences and the importance of being prepared for deeper conversations.

    • Exploring Unconventional Tools for PodcastingUsing unique tools can enhance podcast production and engagement, despite challenges in reaching audiences on various platforms.

      Creativity and experimentation can lead to unique and satisfying experiences. The speakers discussed their use of unconventional tools, such as a theremin and a synth that makes music with hand movements, to create jingles for their podcast. They also shared how they use these tools to cover up their perceived shortcomings as interviewers and to make the podcast more engaging. The conversation also touched on the challenges of reaching audiences on different platforms, with a focus on the limitations of Google Play for podcasts on iPhones. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of staying curious and open to new experiences, even if they come with some obstacles.

    • Impulsive purchase of new Android phone with holographic display and ergonomic gripSpeaker bought a new Android phone for its unique features, including holographic display and ergonomic grip, but expressed concerns about the company's ability to deliver on promises and considered alternatives like the Galaxy Note 8. Demonstrated a creative method for charging phone using a car charger and 9-volt battery.

      The speaker made an impulsive decision to purchase a new Android phone due to its promised modular features and unique design, specifically its holographic display and ergonomic grip. The phone, which is larger than an iPhone, is also intended to be used as a tool for high-definition cameras, particularly those used in television production. The speaker was particularly impressed by a video demonstration of the phone, but expressed concerns about the company's ability to deliver on its promises. Additionally, the speaker mentioned the existence of alternative large-screen phones, such as the Galaxy Note 8, and shared a creative method for charging a phone using a car charger and a 9-volt battery. Overall, the speaker's enthusiasm for the new phone was tempered by a healthy dose of skepticism.

    • Innovation makes everyday tasks easierFrom charging phones on-the-go to successful YouTube careers, innovation transforms mundane tasks into exciting experiences

      Technology and innovation continue to find new ways to make our lives more convenient. From charging our phones on the go with battery-powered luggage, to riding luggage scooters at the airport, there's a constant push to make everyday tasks easier. Additionally, the power of social media and YouTube has given rise to creators like Casey Neistat, who turn their unique perspectives and talents into successful businesses and tours. While some may face challenges, such as legal issues or taxes, they continue to push forward and find success. So next time you find yourself in a pinch, remember that innovation and creativity can turn even the most mundane situations into exciting experiences.

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    Dans cet épisode je vous partage une question magique qui va vous permettre de mettre en avant vos mauvaises habitudes inconscientes.

    Il s’agit des actions que vous mettez en place, sans même vous en rendre compte consciemment et qui ne sont pas bonnes pour vous à court, moyen et long terme.

    Les mettre en évidence va vous être d’une grande utilité. Comment ? À l’aide de la question magique que je vous partage durant cet épisode.

    Des exemples concrets permettront d’illustrer et de mieux vous aider à avancer.

    Prêt à identifier vos mauvaises habitudes pour les diminuer, voire les faire disparaître ?

    À tout de suite !

    Belle écoute.


    ✔️ https://www.instagram.com/mapuissancementale

    ✔️ https://www.facebook.com/groups/mapuissancementale/

    ✔️ https://www.mapuissancementale.com/ 

    Passionné par la vie, je suis père de famille, et j’aime comprendre comment fonctionne l’humain

    Depuis de nombreuses années, j’ai accompagné des particuliers, des professionnels, des sportifs, je suis intervenu en entreprise et dans des institutions avec les outils de la méthode Puissance Mentale®.

    Ex-préparateur mental dans la Police Nationale française où j’ai eu une carrière de 15 ans, j’ai créé l’Académie de Puissance Mentale où nous formons actuellement des personnes, à travers la francophonie, à l’aide du coaching en préparation mentale.

    C’est avec passion et bienveillance que j’ai à cœur de vous partager mes enseignements pour vous aider dans votre quotidien.

    Des outils simples et pragmatiques pour une application immédiate.

    Pour en savoir plus... https://mapuissancementale.com/geoffrey-brochet-coach-mental/

    Remaining Faithful In The Waiting

    Remaining Faithful In The Waiting

    First of all - THANK YOU to all of our amazing listeners who've jumped on and given us iTunes Reviews! - And a special shoutout to all of our winners thru the month of April! Enjoy your Guitar Center gift cards and thanks for spreading the love for Worship Online!

    In Episode 22 Brenton Miles (worship leader) and Libby Lewis (worship leader and staff member with Worship Online) sit down to discuss remaining faithful within a team even in the waiting. 

    In a culture where talent is put on a pedestal and everything tends to be a microwave/immediate gratification mindset - it's important to remember that when it comes to the CHURCH (family, community, teams, leaders), God's timing is everything. 

    Don't ever second guess His timing when you may not be in the place where you feel the most "power" - Many times, we're tested in areas of "less significance" to teach us humility, influence, serving & stewarding what God is doing in a place, and the ability to take on any role with a good attitude...

    SO DON'T DESPISE THE WAITING... OWN IT! Press in to the power of God and find out what he's saying in the waiting... because he's there. And many (if not most) of the HUGE lessons learned along the way are in the waiting or quiet spaces in life... not on the stage.

    If you have any questions you would like to ask us to consider for discussion on the podcast, please e-mail us at podcast@worshiponline.com!

    Join the conversation at https://www.worshiponline.com/podcast AND sign up to win a free year subscription! Winners constantly being announced!

    The Worship Online Podcast is recorded live at Gnome Studios in Nashville, TN.