
    222. Jia Tolentino: The 1% of Life that Makes It All Worth It

    enJune 27, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Revolutionizing industries with customer-focused solutions3rd Love transformed bra shopping with half cup sizes and virtual fitting room, while Pampers ensured gentle care for babies with Swaddlers diapers and free wipes.

      Both 3rd Love and Pampers offer solutions to common problems in their respective industries. 3rd Love revolutionized the bra industry with their half cup sizes and virtual fitting room, solving issues of comfort and size exclusivity. Pampers, on the other hand, provides gentle protective care for babies with their Swaddlers diapers and free and gentle wipes, ensuring skin health and leak-proof protection. Additionally, both companies engage with their customers through innovative means - 3rd Love through their sisterhood community and virtual fitting room, and Pampers through their Pampers Club app and exclusive rewards. Overall, these brands prioritize customer needs and satisfaction, providing thoughtful solutions to everyday challenges.

    • Navigating Contradictions and Paradoxes in CollegeGrowing up and experiencing life's complexities can involve contradictory actions, but these experiences provide valuable insights and perspectives.

      Our experiences in life, especially during formative years, can be full of contradictions and paradoxes. Gia Tolentino, a staff writer at The New Yorker and author of "Trick Mirror," shared her own experiences of navigating these complexities during her time at the University of Virginia. She recounted her involvement in women's studies while also attending "hoes and bros" parties, and her use of humor and deception during sorority rush. These seemingly contradictory actions were driven by a desire to learn and understand different aspects of her environment. Additionally, growing up evangelical added to her education in paradoxes. The feeling of being "in and out" of various social situations allowed her to gain unique perspectives and insights. This theme of paradox is a common thread in Tolentino's work, which explores the complexities and contradictions of modern life.

    • A paradoxical blend of homoeroticism, sexual repression, and substance use in a college cultureThe speaker's college experience involved a complex culture of shame, where belonging came with a price of harmful behaviors, and she later questioned the morality and fairness of this allocation of shame.

      The speaker's experience in a specific college culture was characterized by a paradoxical blend of homoeroticism and sexual repression, as well as heavy substance use. The speaker gained weight and developed a sense of shame about her involvement in this culture, despite initially enjoying it. The Greek letters and uniforms served as symbols of belonging and were even worn to jail. The speaker later came to question the morality of this culture and the way shame is allocated in society. She believed that it's appropriate to feel ashamed of participating in harmful mechanisms, but she also recognized that the current emotional ideology in America often unfairly allocates shame.

    • Embracing shame for growthAcknowledging and addressing sources of shame can lead to personal growth and a deeper connection to the complexities of human experience. Systemic solutions like federally funded universal childcare can address exploitative labor chains.

      Many people strive for constant happiness, but feeling dissatisfied or ashamed about certain aspects of life can actually foster honesty, change, and growth. The speaker shares her feelings of shame regarding her participation in exploitative labor chains, particularly in the child care market, and advocates for systemic solutions like federally funded universal childcare. She also discusses her inability to engage with reality TV due to cognitive issues and her past regrets about not fully learning non-English languages while abroad. Ultimately, acknowledging and addressing these sources of shame can lead to personal growth and a deeper connection to the complexities of human experience.

    • Acknowledging paradoxes in coping mechanismsRecognizing and accepting contradictory coping mechanisms can help us manage emotions and maintain balance. Challenging societal expectations and embracing complexities can lead to a more fulfilling life.

      Coping mechanisms, even those that seem trivial or contradictory to our values, can play a crucial role in managing emotions and maintaining balance in our lives. The speaker emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and leaning into paradoxes, rather than striving for exceptionalism or justification. She uses the example of watching reality TV as a way to disconnect and recharge, allowing us to return to more intense, emotionally demanding situations with renewed energy. The speaker also reflects on her own resistance to societal expectations and the importance of challenging compartmentalization in order to fully understand and embrace the complexities of our experiences.

    • Exploring Personal Growth Through Complex ExperiencesReflecting on past and present experiences, including contradictory or paradoxical ones, is crucial for personal growth. The world's complexities and paradoxes provide opportunities for exploration and learning.

      Personal growth and understanding of oneself often comes from experiencing and reflecting on both good and bad experiences, even those that may seem contradictory or paradoxical. We all hold multiple identities and have been part of structures that may contribute to harm, but acknowledging and learning from these experiences is essential for growth. The world is ever-changing, and we need different perspectives and influences to help us evolve and challenge our beliefs. Being in the midst of complexities and paradoxes is a necessary part of navigating contemporary living. Reflecting on our past and present experiences can help us make sense of our journey and inform our future steps. The Internet, as a complex and constantly evolving entity, offers both opportunities and challenges for exploration and growth.

    • The Internet's Destructive Economic ModelThe Internet, once a source of joy, has become a tool for commodifying user data and privacy, leading to alienation and a need to limit usage for a healthier balance between digital and physical worlds.

      The Internet, which was once seen as a magical and fun tool for connection and entertainment, has evolved into a deeply destructive economic model that treats users as raw material for profit. The speaker, who once found joy in the Internet, began to feel alienated and existentially dissatisfied as she saw her privacy and human desires being commodified. This was particularly evident when she published a book critiquing the Internet, which she then felt had made her even more useful to the commodification of the self. The pandemic further exacerbated the situation, as the speaker's real life became smaller and the Internet ballooned in size. In response, she began using tools to limit her Internet usage and sought to make her real life bigger than the digital world. The speaker's experience highlights the need to be aware of the potential negative consequences of the Internet and to take steps to maintain a healthy balance between the digital and physical worlds.

    • The importance of unmediated, embodied interactionsPrioritizing real-life experiences over digital ones can lead to greater feelings of humanity and authentic connection. Being fully present with others through conversations, dancing, or sex is essential for personal growth and well-being, despite the challenges of disconnecting from the digital world.

      Prioritizing real-life experiences over digital ones can lead to greater feelings of humanity and authentic connection. The speaker shares how becoming a parent and the pandemic highlighted the importance of unmediated, embodied interactions. They emphasized the value of being fully present with others, whether it's through conversations, dancing, or even sex. The speaker also acknowledges the challenges of disconnecting from the digital world when work requires an online presence. Despite these complications, they believe that striving for more human connections in the physical world is essential for personal growth and well-being.

    • The difference between voluntary and involuntary digital connectionsChoose voluntary digital connections for authenticity and human connection, be mindful of the impact of digital media, and value physical presence and creating art for an opt-in audience.

      While the Internet and digital connections offer numerous benefits, such as the democratization of media and the ability to form parasocial relationships, there is a difference between voluntary and involuntary connections. Voluntary connections, like reading a book or starting a podcast, feel more authentic and human. In contrast, involuntary connections, such as social media, can feel disembodied and even corrosive. The speaker emphasizes the importance of choosing the connections we make and being mindful of the impact of digital media on our lives. She also highlights the value of physical presence and creating art for an opt-in audience. The speaker's personal experience of reading Jenny Odell's book led her to reevaluate her relationship with social media and focus on creating voluntary connections through her podcast.

    • The speaker's relationship with the internet and social media has evolved, seeking experiences that bring real pleasure and transcendence.The speaker values experiences that bring real pleasure and transcendence, having evolved from her reliance on social media for self-expression and validation.

      The speaker in this conversation has evolved in her relationship with the internet and social media. She no longer derives the same pleasure or sense of self from being seen online as she once did in her early twenties. Instead, she seeks out experiences that bring her real animal pleasure, which she defines as feeling fully present in the moment with her environment and the people around her. She also mentions her desire for transcendence and a sense of smallness or ego death, which she has explored through the use of psychedelics like acid. The speaker's experiences with these substances have provided her with a reminder of the stakes of life and a renewed sense of connection to the world around her. She plans to experiment with medicinal acid again, despite some concerns, as she values the intensity of the experience and the way it helps her reconnect to a sense of transcendence and presence.

    • Finding Transcendence and Connection Through Music and MotherhoodThe speaker explores the emotional depths of motherhood and finds a sense of transcendence and connection to something bigger through live music and motherhood, acknowledging the complexities and paradoxes of these experiences.

      The speaker finds a sense of transcendence and connection to something bigger than herself through live music and motherhood, despite the challenges and existential fears that come with it. She feels that these experiences offer a glimpse into the vastness of life and death, and that the emotional depths of motherhood are often overlooked or underrepresented. The speaker also expresses feelings of uncertainty and even shame about the impact of her consumer choices on the planet, adding to the complexities of her experiences as a mother. Ultimately, she acknowledges the paradoxical nature of motherhood, with its joys and fears, and the importance of acknowledging and exploring the full range of emotions that come with it.

    • A child's comforting gesture highlights the beauty and challenges of parenthoodParenting brings profound emotions and responsibilities, revealing the value of caregiving and prioritizing meaningful experiences over productivity.

      Parenthood brings profound emotions and responsibilities, often leading to a deeper appreciation for life's beauty and challenges. A mother shares an experience where her three-year-old comforted her during a moment of emotional exhaustion, demonstrating the child's maturity and the reality of her new role as a caregiver. This moment highlighted the paradoxical nature of human existence - the terror and beauty intertwined. Despite the challenges and seemingly insignificant tasks, such as caring for a child, the mother recognized their immeasurable value and importance in the world. This experience reinforced her belief in the importance of caregiving and the need to prioritize valuable experiences over productivity.

    • Expanding capacity beyond familyDon't limit expanded capacity to family, use it in various areas of life to make the world bigger, not smaller.

      Expanding one's capacity and care, whether it's for a child or other areas of life, should not be limited to just one area. The speaker shares her experience of realizing this during early parenthood and wanting to ensure that her expanded capacity and interest in doing non-paid work was not solely directed towards her daughter. She also discusses her fear of becoming too focused on her nuclear family and losing sight of the importance of relationships making the world bigger, not smaller. The speaker encourages the audience to use their expanded capacity and care in various aspects of their lives, not just for their biological children.

    • Finding new beginnings through difficult experiencesDifficult experiences can lead to personal growth and new beginnings. Embrace emotions, be authentic, and keep pushing forward for a stronger, wiser self.

      Going through difficult experiences, including hitting rock bottom, can lead to new beginnings and personal growth. It's important to remember that we're not the problem, and everyone encounters hardships. The best people are those who are free to feel and experience a full range of emotions, even if that includes heartbreaks. In order to be loved, we need to be open and authentic with ourselves and others. And while the journey may be challenging, it's important to keep believing and pushing forward. Ultimately, we'll find our way back home, stronger and wiser than before. Through the joy and pain of life, we can do hard things and come out on the other side.

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    We Can Do Hard Things
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    What Amanda’s Learned About Life, Love & Community (Post Surgery Pt 2)
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    We Can Do Hard Things
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    Amanda Returns Post Surgery: Here’s What She Wants You To Know

    Amanda Returns Post Surgery: Here’s What She Wants You To Know
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    We Can Do Hard Things
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    Contact Kelly: hello@myprojectme.com

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