
    #238 How to be more productive and put the joy into your life with Ali Abdaal

    enMarch 13, 2024
    What is the main theme of the conversation?
    How does Ali Abdaal define 'Feel Good Productivity'?
    What lessons did the speaker learn from working in A&E?
    Why is delegation important in productivity?
    How can personal passions enhance productivity at work?

    Podcast Summary

    • Intentionality and Productivity with Ali AbdaalDoctor Rupi and Ali Abdaal discuss the importance of intentionality in productivity, balancing work and play, and the emotional aspects of productivity in Doctor Rupi's podcast.

      Intentionality is key to productivity and finding joy in everyday life. Doctor Rupi, the host of the Doctor's Kitchen podcast, shares how he uses his time intentionally, even during mundane activities, but sometimes makes conscious decisions to indulge himself. He welcomes productivity expert Ali Abdaal back to the show, who emphasizes the importance of being intentional about what generates energy and finding balance between work and play, power, and people. The conversation also highlights the impact of productivity on business growth and delivering value to listeners. Ali, a doctor, entrepreneur, and YouTube star, shares insights from his new book "Feel Good Productivity," which goes beyond templates and frameworks to focus on the emotions behind productivity. The conversation between Doctor Rupi and Ali turns into a business therapy session, leading Doctor Rupi to realize the potential for greater impact in the Doctor's Kitchen podcast.

    • The importance of intrinsic motivation for productivityRecognizing the importance of intrinsic motivation and taking ownership of tasks can improve productivity and overall well-being

      Productivity is not just about working harder or smarter, but also about having the right mindset and feeling energized. The speaker shares how they used to believe that working harder was the key to better results during medical school. However, when they started working as a junior doctor, they found that working harder wasn't making a difference and they were feeling drained. They realized that on days when they took more responsibility and felt a sense of ownership, they had more energy and performed better. This concept is supported by research on intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation comes from doing something for the enjoyment or personal satisfaction it brings, while extrinsic motivation comes from external rewards or avoiding punishment. The feeling of power and autonomy that comes with intrinsic motivation can generate energy, while extrinsic motivation can drain it. By recognizing the importance of intrinsic motivation and taking ownership of tasks, individuals can improve their productivity and overall well-being.

    • Improve enjoyment and satisfaction at workFinding ways to incorporate play, power, and people can boost energy and satisfaction. Prioritize self-care and consider an exit strategy if necessary.

      Taking responsibility for your work and finding ways to make it more enjoyable can significantly improve your energy levels and overall satisfaction, even in challenging situations like working in the NHS. It's important to try and find ways to incorporate the 3 P's of play, power, and people, and focus on a sense of control. However, if these efforts aren't successful, it may be necessary to consider developing an exit strategy to find more autonomy and potentially a different vocation. It's also crucial for healthcare professionals to prioritize self-care and vulnerability, as burnout and compassion fatigue are common issues in the industry.

    • Incorporating personal passions into workFormer consultant surgeon discovered joy in podcasting, alternative approach is identifying desired outcome and finding a way to achieve it

      Incorporating personal passions, or "peas," into your daily work can significantly enhance your enjoyment and productivity. This concept was shared by a former consultant surgeon who found that his podcasting work, focused on health and self-care, brought him greater fulfillment than his clinical practice. However, he acknowledged that not all professions allow for such flexibility, and that external factors can impact one's ability to pursue their passions within their work. An alternative approach, as demonstrated by a former medic who started her own charity to address childhood lead poisoning, is to identify the desired outcome and find a route to achieving it without being constrained by traditional career paths or extensive training. Ultimately, finding joy in your work, whether it's through your daily tasks or by pursuing a passion project, can lead to increased motivation and a more rewarding career experience.

    • Discovering joy in work leads to long-term productivity and successTransitioning from medicine to content creation, the speaker found joy in the creative process and sense of accomplishment, emphasizing accountability and an 'accountability buddy', and producing best work when enjoying the process, crucial for long-term success

      Finding joy and enjoyment in your work is crucial for long-term productivity and success. The speaker shared his personal experience of transitioning from medicine to creating content on YouTube and writing a book, and how he discovered that he looked forward to work because he enjoyed the creative process and the sense of accomplishment it brought him. He also emphasized the importance of accountability and having an "accountability buddy" to help maintain consistency and motivation. Additionally, he highlighted that the best work is often not produced under conditions of stress or self-discipline, but rather when one can find joy in the process. This is especially important for those aiming for long-term success, as most of the value is generated years after the initial effort.

    • Find joy in the process for successIncorporating play, power, and people into tasks enhances joy and productivity. Ask 'What would this look like if it were fun?' to add elements of fun to tasks, leading to better performance, reduced stress, and increased energy.

      Finding joy in the process of what we do is essential for long-term success and productivity. This joy can be incorporated into any aspect of life, including work, through the 3 P's: play, power, and people. Play means approaching tasks with high engagement and low stakes, making them more enjoyable and productive. One way to do this is to ask, "What would this look like if it were fun?" and find creative ways to add elements of fun to seemingly grim or boring tasks. For example, a man named Matt found joy in working at McDonald's drive-through by turning it into a game of upselling sauces. By incorporating the spirit of play into his job, he became more energized, productive, and even made the customers happier. Applying this concept to a day job, one could ask, "What would it look like if it were fun to do discharge letters?" and find ways to make the task more engaging and enjoyable. Ultimately, finding joy in the process leads to better performance, reduced stress, and increased energy for other areas of life.

    • Making tasks more enjoyableAdding music, banter, or other means can make monotonous tasks more enjoyable, leading to improved performance, better mood, and increased engagement.

      Adding a bit of fun and playfulness to our daily tasks can significantly improve our experience and productivity. The speaker in the discussion shared how he brought a Bluetooth speaker to play music during his discharge letter writing sessions, which made the otherwise monotonous task more enjoyable. He also added a bit of banter to the letters, making them more engaging for the GPs. This approach not only made the task more enjoyable for him but also earned him a compliment from the hospital's HR department. Moreover, the discussion also highlighted how finding ways to make even the most unpleasant experiences, like flying, more enjoyable can help reduce stress and anxiety. For instance, a person with a fear of flying might sing or imagine herself in a concert to make the experience more bearable. The importance of adding a bit of playfulness was further emphasized in the context of high-pressure environments like operating rooms. Research shows that a lighter atmosphere can lead to increased productivity and better communication among team members. In essence, finding ways to make our tasks more enjoyable, whether it's through music, banter, or other means, can lead to improved performance, better mood, and increased engagement. So, the next time you're feeling stuck in a monotonous task, try to find a way to make it more fun!

    • Creating a positive work environment through openness, experimentation, and ownershipEncouraging openness, experimentation, and ownership can lead to improved performance and better handling of failures. Individuals can take responsibility for their work, find enjoyment in tasks, and focus on the process to create a more positive and productive work environment.

      Fostering a culture of openness, lightness, and playfulness in the workplace can lead to improved performance and better handling of failures. This can be achieved by encouraging experimentation and viewing failures as opportunities for learning rather than sources of fear. Additionally, taking ownership of tasks and experiencing a sense of power and autonomy can lead to increased energy and motivation. For instance, Mark Rober's experiment showed that people made fewer attempts and solved a coding puzzle more efficiently when they faced arbitrary point deductions for failure, indicating the significant impact of the fear of failure. To apply these principles in practice, individuals can take responsibility for their work, find creative ways to make tasks more enjoyable, and focus on the process rather than the outcome. By embracing these concepts, organizations and individuals can create a more positive and productive work environment.

    • Experiencing progress and improvementIdentify a metric to track progress, limit distractions, and apply gamification techniques to increase motivation and productivity.

      Finding ways to experience progress and improvement in our daily tasks can significantly boost our sense of power and motivation. This concept can be seen in video games, where designers use techniques like leveling up and visible progress to keep players engaged. To apply this to our own lives, we can identify our equivalent of a writer's word count - a metric that allows us to track our progress and feel the joy of making improvements. Additionally, limiting distractions like social media can help us use our time more intentionally and productively. Ultimately, by finding ways to experience progress and control in our work and daily routines, we can increase our sense of power and motivation.

    • Being intentional with time on social mediaMaking conscious decisions about social media use and having alternatives can help maximize valuable resources.

      Being intentional with our use of time, particularly when it comes to social media, is crucial. The speaker shares how he's learned to avoid unproductive use of social media by making conscious decisions and having something better to do instead. He also mentions the parallel between social media use and unhealthy eating habits, emphasizing the importance of intentionality in both cases. Additionally, he discusses the importance of having a balance between work and personal time, and how having a supportive partner can help maintain that balance. Ultimately, the key takeaway is that being intentional with our time and having alternatives to unproductive activities can help us make the most of our valuable resources.

    • Entrepreneurial Guilt: Balancing Work and LifeEntrepreneurs can overcome guilt by setting boundaries, recognizing different forms of motivation, and addressing underlying financial fears through journaling.

      Entrepreneurs often face unique challenges when it comes to work-life balance and feeling guilty when not working on their business. They may overwork due to intrinsic enjoyment, leading to potential burnout. It's essential to establish boundaries and have support systems in place. Additionally, understanding different forms of motivation, such as introjected motivation (feeling guilty for not doing something) versus identified motivation (valuing the outcome), can help entrepreneurs recognize and address underlying fears, often rooted in money insecurities. Through journaling and addressing these fears, entrepreneurs can alleviate guilt and operate from a more secure financial standpoint. Ultimately, understanding these dynamics can lead to a healthier work-life balance and increased overall well-being.

    • The Importance of Delegation for Business Growth and Personal ProductivityEffective delegation allows individuals to free up time and resources, enabling them to focus on high-leverage activities and ultimately leading to greater success for both the business and the individual. Financial motivation can drive the need to delegate, but finding the right person is key.

      Effective delegation is crucial for business growth and personal productivity. The speaker recognizes the importance of extrinsic motivation, specifically financial reasons, in driving the need to delegate tasks. However, they currently feel a strong sense of responsibility and believe they need to conserve resources to pay their team. They are actively seeking to delegate tasks such as social media management and payroll, but have struggled to find the right person. The speaker suggests that leveraging their own audience for hiring may yield better results. In essence, by delegating tasks, individuals can free up time and resources to focus on high-leverage activities, ultimately leading to greater success for both the business and the individual.

    • No matter how hard you try, the waiting room will always be fullEffectively prioritize tasks, delegate, and take breaks to avoid burnout and make the most of your time and resources.

      As a business owner or an individual with a full plate, it's essential to prioritize tasks effectively and understand that the "waiting room" will always be full. The speaker shares an experience from her time working in A&E, where she learned that no matter how hard she tried, there would always be more patients to see. This lesson translates to business, where there will always be more tasks on the to-do list. The key is to show up as our best selves and prioritize tasks accordingly. Delegation is crucial, and it's important to triage tasks effectively to ensure that the most important tasks are being addressed. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of taking breaks, both legally mandated and mental ones, to maintain productivity and focus. By recognizing the importance of prioritization and delegation, individuals can avoid burnout and make the most of their time and resources.

    • Delegating Operations for Entrepreneurial GrowthEffective delegation allows entrepreneurs to focus on unique skills, hire for weaknesses, and increase efficiency by delegating operational tasks.

      Effective delegation is crucial for entrepreneurs to focus on their unique skills and grow their business. The speaker shared his experience of feeling overwhelmed with operational tasks and how hiring an operations manager or integrator has given him the headspace to focus on content creation and entrepreneurial pursuits. He emphasized that entrepreneurs should see themselves as the owners and talent of their business, while someone else manages the operations. The concept of visionary and integrator leaders was introduced, highlighting the importance of recognizing one's strengths and weaknesses and delegating accordingly. By delegating operational tasks, entrepreneurs can focus on their creative ideas and growth strategies, leading to increased efficiency and joy in their work.

    • The Power of People and PurposeIncorporating people and purpose into work can enhance experience, prevent burnout, and increase job satisfaction

      Incorporating people into our work can significantly enhance our experience and help prevent burnout. People make everything more enjoyable by bringing good vibes and a sense of connection. Working with friends, even if it means a slight decrease in efficiency, can lead to a more productive and fulfilling work environment. Additionally, finding meaning and purpose in our work by helping others or aligning it with our personal goals can increase intrinsic motivation and overall job satisfaction. Taking regular breaks and engaging in activities that recharge our energy are also essential in avoiding burnout. Try writing your own obituary as an exercise to help identify what you truly want and ensure your work aligns with those goals.

    • Exploring the Power of Journaling for Self-Reflection and ProductivityJournaling is a cost-effective, personalized form of self-coaching that helps individuals stay focused on priorities and goals by reflecting on important areas of their life through daily practices, setting goals, and reviewing progress regularly.

      Journaling is a powerful tool for self-reflection and productivity. The speaker shares her personal experience of using journaling as a daily practice, with specific prompts to guide her focus on important areas of her life such as health, relationships, and work. She also emphasizes the importance of setting goals and reviewing progress regularly through weekly and monthly planning sessions. The speaker highlights the benefits of having an accountability buddy and even mentions the value of working with a business coach. While some people prefer visual methods like mood boards, the speaker admits to dabbling with affirmations and visualization in a textual way. Overall, journaling serves as a cost-effective and personalized form of self-coaching, helping individuals stay focused on their priorities and goals.

    • Identify and address the root cause of procrastinationTo overcome procrastination, break down tasks into manageable steps, gain clarity on when you'll do them, and take specific action to address the underlying causes.

      Procrastination can be overcome by identifying the source of uncertainty, fear, or inertia that is causing it, and then taking clear and specific action to address those issues. For example, if you're procrastinating on making a hiring decision, break it down into manageable steps such as reviewing applicants and setting aside dedicated time to make a decision. By gaining clarity on what the task is and when you will do it, you can reduce the mental energy spent on worrying about the decision and instead focus on taking action. Additionally, an evidence-based manifestation app can help make the process of setting goals and visualizing success easier and less high-friction.

    • Identify the next clear action step to overcome procrastinationTo make progress towards goals, identify the next clear action step and create strategies to mitigate potential obstacles using motivational interviewing techniques.

      To overcome procrastination and make meaningful changes, such as improving one's diet, it's essential to identify the next clear and actionable step. This may involve acknowledging current challenges and creating strategies to mitigate potential obstacles. Utilizing motivational interviewing techniques, such as the crystal ball method, can provide clarity and confidence in one's ability to follow through with the desired change. Ultimately, breaking down larger goals into manageable actions and creating accountability through scheduling and setting boundaries can help individuals make progress towards their objectives.

    • Clarify goals, build confidence, and find courageTo overcome procrastination and achieve goals, clarify what you're doing, why, and when, build confidence in abilities, and find courage to face fears and challenges. Create a supportive environment, recognize imperfection, and find balance between striving for excellence and accepting it.

      Clarity, confidence, and courage are essential elements for overcoming procrastination and achieving goals. These three "C's" help individuals clarify what they're doing, when and why, build confidence in their abilities, and summon the courage to face fears and challenges. The speaker emphasized that having a clear understanding of one's goals and reasons for pursuing them is crucial, as is having the confidence to believe in one's abilities and the courage to push through fear and uncertainty. The speaker also shared that creating a supportive environment, such as working out in the morning or removing temptations like cookies from the house, can help stack the deck in one's favor. Additionally, recognizing that perfection is not always necessary and allowing for flexibility can help individuals stay consistent and focused on their goals. Ultimately, the key is to find a balance between striving for excellence and accepting that imperfection is a natural part of the process.

    • Consistency with identity boosts motivationIdentifying with a habit or activity makes it easier to maintain and increases motivation. Repetition plays a crucial role in shaping reality.

      Establishing a consistent identity with a habit or activity can significantly increase motivation and make it easier to maintain that habit over time. This was evident in the speaker's experience with going to the gym and creating YouTube videos. When the gym became a part of their identity, the question of whether to go or not became irrelevant. Similarly, the speaker identified as someone who finds joy in sharing knowledge through YouTube videos and felt a strong urge to create content regularly. The concept of consistency with identity was further reinforced by references to Tony Robbins and Hebb's law, emphasizing the power of repetition in shaping reality. Additionally, the speaker highlighted the importance of identifying as someone who finds joy and gratitude in their experiences, which can serve as a powerful motivator and productivity hack.

    • Reframe your self-talk to shape your realityChanging the way we talk to ourselves about our experiences and beliefs can impact our perception and ultimately shape our reality. For example, approaching challenges with a positive mindset or reframing our work-life balance can lead to greater satisfaction and fulfillment.

      The stories we tell ourselves significantly impact our perception of our experiences and our lives. By consciously reframing our self-talk, we can change our mindset and ultimately shape our reality. For instance, approaching a strength training session at the gym with the belief that I'm enjoying it, even if it's not true yet, can help me develop a more positive attitude towards it. Similarly, changing the narrative from "I work for my business" to "My business works for me" can lead to greater work-life balance and overall satisfaction, even if it means leaving some money on the table. It's essential to understand that everything comes with a cost, and being aware of those costs, often in the form of money, can help us make informed decisions and live more fulfilling lives.

    • Considering priorities and making small changes for greater happinessEvaluate priorities, reduce work hours, be aware of external influences, disconnect to increase creativity, set clear goals.

      People, including medical professionals, can benefit from evaluating their priorities and considering how small changes, like reducing work hours, can lead to greater overall happiness and fulfillment. It's important to be aware of the influence of external factors, such as news and media, on our perceptions of our circumstances. Additionally, taking time to disconnect from constant consumption of information and allowing the mind to wander can lead to increased creativity and productivity. Setting clear, achievable goals can also help individuals focus their efforts and make the most of their time and resources.

    • Focusing on specific goals leads to progressSetting clear, achievable goals for different areas of life filters content consumption and reduces distractions, leading to a more productive and fulfilling life. Seek out niche resources and outsource planning for adventures to focus on high-leverage tasks.

      Having too many goals without focus can hinder progress. The speaker shared how they have found success in setting specific, achievable goals for different areas of their life, such as health, relationships, and work. This focused approach allows them to filter their content consumption to only what directly contributes to their goals. For example, instead of listening to general business podcasts, they now seek out niche interviews that provide valuable insights. This reduction in noise and distraction has led to a more productive and fulfilling life. Another takeaway was the idea of setting a certain number of adventures or experiences as a goal, inspired by a podcast they listened to. By outsourcing the planning and organization of these adventures to an assistant, the speaker can focus on their high-leverage tasks and enjoy the benefits of their goals without the burden of the administrative work. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the importance of setting clear, focused goals and filtering out distractions to make meaningful progress in life.

    • 1800flowers.com combines podcasts and commerce1800flowers.com offers a unique shopping experience by integrating podcasts and commerce, providing valuable content and convenient purchases in one seamless platform

      1800flowers.com/acast is an innovative platform where customers can listen to podcasts and order flowers or gifts in one seamless experience. This combination of entertainment and commerce is a unique approach to engaging customers and providing value beyond just selling products. By integrating podcasts into their website, 1800flowers.com offers a more personal and immersive experience, allowing customers to discover new content and make purchases in a more enjoyable way. This strategy also positions 1800flowers.com as a thought leader in the industry by providing valuable and entertaining content to their audience. Overall, this integration demonstrates the power of multimedia content and the importance of creating a memorable and convenient shopping experience for customers.

    Recent Episodes from The Doctor's Kitchen Podcast

    #263 How to heal your gut, support your microbes and what gut supplements to steer clear of with Colorectal Surgeon Dr James Kinross

    #263  How to heal your gut, support your microbes and what gut supplements to steer clear of with Colorectal Surgeon Dr James Kinross

    World-leading microbiome scientist and surgeon with over two decades of experience, Dr James Kinross, is on the podcast today talking about everything to do with the gut. Dark Matter is his first book and I highly recommend you check it out. http://dark-matter.org.uk/

    We talk about: 

    • Signs that your poop is unhealthy
    • Some of James favourite foods and nutrition strategies to improve the gut
    • Why we need to think like conservationists, and recognise that our guts are being radically altered and destroyed by our environment
    • We also talk about functional gut disorders and why trauma, stress and childhood health are some of the first things James will ask about before ever reaching for a prescription pad, if at all
    • We talk about the estrobolome - the interaction of hormones and our microbes
    • Whether our gut can dictate food choices
    • James opinions on probiotics, gut health tests and their validity
    • As well as the relationship between our gut and brain health including ASD and dementia

    Dr James Kinross is a senior lecturer in colorectal surgery and consultant surgeon at Imperial College London and a visiting professor at the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland. He leads a research team defining how the microbiome causes cancer and other chronic diseases of the gut. 

    🎬 Watch the podcast on YouTube here

    📱 Download The Doctor’s Kitchen app for free*

    🌐 View full show notes, including guest details, on our website

    *The Doctor's Kitchen App gives you access to all of our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. We’ve had some amazing feedback so far and we have new features being added all the time - check it out with a 14 day free trial too.

    Do check out this week’s “Eat, Listen, Read” newsletter, that you can subscribe to on our website - where I send you a recipe to cook as well as some mindfully curated media to help you have a healthier, happier week.

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    We would love to get your feedback on the subject matter of these episodes - please do let me know on our social media pages (Instagram, Facebook & Twitter) what you think, and give us a 5* rating on your podcast player if you enjoyed today’s episode

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    The Doctor's Kitchen Podcast
    enSeptember 04, 2024

    #262 Strategies to lose weight, maintain weight loss and live healthier

    #262 Strategies to lose weight, maintain weight loss and live healthier

    On today’s episode I’m diving into the science of weight loss. This episode is all about how to lose weight in a healthy way, maintain that weight loss and live a healthier life.

    We haven’t discussed weight loss in detail on the podcast before, but enough people have asked me about it so I thought we could dive into some common questions and misconceptions about weight loss. I’ll dive into:

    • The science of weight loss
    • Whether there are diets that are best for weight loss?
    • Are there foods that aid weight loss?
    • Are there foods that burn fat?
    • Can you target weight loss in specific areas of the body?
    • Can you target “belly fat” with specific foods or exercises?

    I’ll discuss calorie restriction, popular weight loss diets (keto, low carb), fasting, the microbiome, plus the lifestyle factors that lead to weight gain. I’ll also discuss obesogens, the effects of stress and poor sleep on weight gain as well as evidence based supplements that can help you lose weight.

    🎬 Watch the podcast on YouTube here

    📱 Download The Doctor’s Kitchen app for free*

    🌐 View full show notes, including guest details, on our website

    *The Doctor's Kitchen App gives you access to all of our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. We’ve had some amazing feedback so far and we have new features being added all the time - check it out with a 14 day free trial too.

    Do check out this week’s “Eat, Listen, Read” newsletter, that you can subscribe to on our website - where I send you a recipe to cook as well as some mindfully curated media to help you have a healthier, happier week.

    🥗 Join the newsletter and 7 day meal plan

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    We would love to get your feedback on the subject matter of these episodes - please do let me know on our social media pages (Instagram, Facebook & Twitter) what you think, and give us a 5* rating on your podcast player if you enjoyed today’s episode.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    How to reduce alcohol consumption and improve our relationship with drinking with mixologist and mindful drinking expert Camille Vidal

    How to reduce alcohol consumption and improve our relationship with drinking with mixologist and mindful drinking expert Camille Vidal

    On today’s episode I have a good friend of mine, Camille Vidal, creator of Mindful Cocktails and founder of La Maison Wellness, to talk to me about reducing alcohol consumption and improving our relationship with drinking.

    Camille Vidal is a globally recognised bartender and drinks expert turned mindfulness, Yoga and Meditation teacher. 

    And she’s a true pioneer in this field. Camille (aka @mindfullycami), is on a mission to inspire the world to bring mindfulness into the glass, showing that Tasty doesn’t have to be Boozy.

    For some people, abstinence is absolutely necessary and the number of sobriety tools and programmes are increasing. But for many of us, myself included, we still want to enjoy the very occasional alcoholic drink whilst being mindful of the ill effects.

    As somebody who is consciously trying to reduce my own alcohol intake I loved chatting through the statistics regarding how many other people are trying to cut down rather than abstain completely from alcohol. I’m somebody who  appreciates a chilled rose or a glass of fine red with a meal, and I’m excited to explore a new world of no and low alcohol drinks that put my health first whilst still being able to enjoy a refined and sophisticated pairing with food.

    We talk about:

    • The difference between Sobriety and Mindful drinking
    • The Diuretic effects of alcohol
    • Strategies to reduce alcohol such as, Remove replace reduce and Bookending

    🎬 Watch the podcast on YouTube here

    📱 Download The Doctor’s Kitchen app for free*

    🌐 View full show notes, including guest details, on our website

    *The Doctor's Kitchen App gives you access to all of our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. We’ve had some amazing feedback so far and we have new features being added all the time - check it out with a 14 day free trial too.

    Do check out this week’s “Eat, Listen, Read” newsletter, that you can subscribe to on our website - where I send you a recipe to cook as well as some mindfully curated media to help you have a healthier, happier week.

    🥗 Join the newsletter and 7 day meal plan

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    We would love to get your feedback on the subject matter of these episodes - please do let me know on our social media pages (Instagram, Facebook & Twitter) what you think, and give us a 5* rating on your podcast player if you enjoyed today’s episode

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    #261 Early warning signs of Dementia, plus neuroprotective foods and lifestyle measures to prevent dementia with Dr Rupy Aujla

    #261 Early warning signs of Dementia, plus neuroprotective foods and lifestyle measures to prevent dementia with Dr Rupy Aujla

    Today we’re going to be reviewing early signs to detect dementia as well as food and lifestyle that can potentially prevent dementia.

    The estimated total societal cost of dementia in 2019 in the US was $1313 billion and with the number of people suffering dementia set to increase by 300% globally over the next 20 years, this is something we need to address as early as possible.

    We have many examples of “successful cognitive agers” who have lived vibrant lives well into their 80s and 90s – and there is a clear influence with lifestyle habits.

    The key questions we’re going to review are …

    • What are some of the early warning signs of dementia and Alzheimer's?
    • What are some of the foods I should avoid to help prevent dementia & brain decline?
    • What are some of your favourite brain-boosting foods I should add to my diet every week?
    • What are some of the common lifestyle habits that can improve my brain?
    • Are there supplements you recommend taking to help boost brain health & prevent decline?

    I’ll also talk through a day in the life of a successful brain healthy day utilising all of these habits we’ve discussed at the end of the podcast

    🎬 Watch the podcast on YouTube here

    📱 Download The Doctor’s Kitchen app for free*

    🌐 View full show notes, including guest details, on our website

    *The Doctor's Kitchen App gives you access to all of our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. We’ve had some amazing feedback so far and we have new features being added all the time - check it out with a 14 day free trial too.

    Do check out this week’s “Eat, Listen, Read” newsletter, that you can subscribe to on our website - where I send you a recipe to cook as well as some mindfully curated media to help you have a healthier, happier week.

    🥗 Join the newsletter and 7 day meal plan

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    We would love to get your feedback on the subject matter of these episodes - please do let me know on our social media pages (Instagram, Facebook & Twitter) what you think, and give us a 5* rating on your podcast player if you enjoyed today’s episode

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    #260 Helping ease the menopause using food, lifestyle and supplements with Dr Rupy Aujla

    #260 Helping ease the menopause using food, lifestyle and supplements with Dr Rupy Aujla

    Today’s episode is a dive into the evidence-based diet and lifestyle habits to ease the menopause transition.

    This is based on research we did for our latest health goal on the Doctor’s Kitchen app that has now launched! Due to huge demand our internal and external research team reviewed the nutrition literature to identify beneficial foods and nutrients specifically to help with the “Menopause”.

    You can now find a large selection of recipes and personalised suggestions based on your dietary preferences on the Doctor’s Kitchen App specifically for menopause. And this complements the many other health goals we have including heart health, brain health, anti-inflammation and many more!

    Just click on the link in the show notes to check out the app.

    For more about HRT treatment options, navigating early menopause, the physical, emotional and psychological signs/symptoms of menopause and tips for choosing herbal remedies, we’ve done a few deep dives with Menopause experts that you can find in the show notes too.

    HRT - https://thedoctorskitchen.com/pod-lp/menopause-with-dr-louise-newson

    Herbal remedies for menopause - https://thedoctorskitchen.com/podcasts/157-natural-menopause-remedies-with-dr-anne-henderson

    🎬 Watch the podcast on YouTube here

    📱 Download The Doctor’s Kitchen app for free*

    🌐 View full show notes, including guest details, on our website

    *The Doctor's Kitchen App gives you access to all of our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. We’ve had some amazing feedback so far and we have new features being added all the time - check it out with a 14 day free trial too.

    Do check out this week’s “Eat, Listen, Read” newsletter, that you can subscribe to on our website - where I send you a recipe to cook as well as some mindfully curated media to help you have a healthier, happier week.

    🥗 Join the newsletter and 7 day meal plan

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    We would love to get your feedback on the subject matter of these episodes - please do let me know on our social media pages (Instagram, Facebook & Twitter) what you think, and give us a 5* rating on your podcast player if you enjoyed today’s episode

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    #259 Why you should drink 2-3 cups of coffee everyday with Alex Higham

    #259 Why you should drink 2-3 cups of coffee everyday with Alex Higham

    Today we’re diving deep into the wonderful world of coffee with my good friend Alex Higham. 

    In this episode we talk about the attributes of coffee and why it seems to have benefits for brain and heart health. We also talk through the healthiest brewing methods for coffee from espresso, to aeropress, to cafetiere and Alex’s experiments looking at the caffeine content of different brewing styles.

    We talk about how sourcing and roasting methods can affect the polyphenol concentration of the coffee beans and hence the health benefits and how you can choose the best tasting coffee with these in mind. I also ask Alex the questions that I get asked all the time such as how often should I change the beans, when should I drink coffee and what if I can’t tolerate caffeine?

    Alex is co-founder of Exhale Healthy Coffee, the UK’s first coffee crafted for health. After 8 years grappling with auto-immunity, Alex is now on a mission to help others regain control of their health starting with the thing most people consume vast quantities of, their coffee.

    As a disclaimer, I must mention that I am an advisor to Exhale coffee the company, and I sincerely love everything that Exhale is about. From rigorous sourcing and independently lab testing their beans to ensure no contaminants, it’s how food products should be made, and it’s a privilege to be part of their incredible journey.

    🎬 Watch the podcast on YouTube here

    📱 Download The Doctor’s Kitchen app for free*

    🌐 View full show notes, including guest details, on our website

    *The Doctor's Kitchen App gives you access to all of our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. We’ve had some amazing feedback so far and we have new features being added all the time - check it out with a 14 day free trial too.

    Do check out this week’s “Eat, Listen, Read” newsletter, that you can subscribe to on our website - where I send you a recipe to cook as well as some mindfully curated media to help you have a healthier, happier week.

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    We would love to get your feedback on the subject matter of these episodes - please do let me know on our social media pages (Instagram, Facebook & Twitter) what you think, and give us a 5* rating on your podcast player if you enjoyed today’s episode

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Mixed Heritage and its Impact on Identity, Happiness and Self Worth. Both Not Half with Jassa Ahluwalia

    Mixed Heritage and its Impact on Identity, Happiness and Self Worth. Both Not Half with Jassa Ahluwalia

    This podcast is a deeply personal one for me. Not just because I resonate so much with Jassa and his experience of not having a true sense of identity, but because I’m expecting a child with my wife late this year who will be of mixed heritage. 

    My wife is Italian and I’m Indian so our child will be both Indian and Italian, rather than half Indian and half Italian. I never really thought of being half something and half something else as ever really something to pay attention to, but recording this podcast with Jassa and reading his story has made a real impact on me.

    In the same way John Agard educated us all with his wildly popular poem “half caste”, about the impact of words on people's sense of worth, I feel Jassa has educated me on the use of my words and thoughts, regardless of whether there is ill intent or malice behind them. Words mean so much and I’d never want anyone, let alone my unborn child, to feel anything other than a whole person.

    Jassa Ahluwalia is a British actor, writer, filmmaker and trade unionist. Born in Coventry to a white English mum and a brown Punjabi dad in 1990, he attended school in Leicester and was raised in an extended family environment. He spoke English in the playground, Punjabi with his grandparents, and spent various summer holidays in India. He came to prominence as Rocky in the hit BBC Three series Some Girls, followed by starring roles in Unforgotten, Ripper Street, and Peaky Blinders. He’s also one of the funniest comedians I’ve ever come across on social media. Please watch some of his sketches online!

    Jassa created the hashtag #BothNotHalf to explore mixed identity in light of his own British-Indian heritage. His TEDx talk on 'How Language Shapes Identity' has clocked up over 170k views and his BBC One documentary Am I English? won an Asian Media Award in 2022.

    🎬 Watch the podcast on YouTube here

    📱 Download The Doctor’s Kitchen app for free*

    🌐 View full show notes, including guest details, on our website

    *The Doctor's Kitchen App gives you access to all of our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. We’ve had some amazing feedback so far and we have new features being added all the time - check it out with a 14 day free trial too.

    Do check out this week’s “Eat, Listen, Read” newsletter, that you can subscribe to on our website - where I send you a recipe to cook as well as some mindfully curated media to help you have a healthier, happier week.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    #258 Heartburn, Gastritis, Reflux Disease; How food and lifestyle can help manage symptoms and treat the underlying cause with Dr Rupy Aujla

    #258 Heartburn, Gastritis, Reflux Disease; How food and lifestyle can help manage symptoms and treat the underlying cause with Dr Rupy Aujla

    If you’ve suffered heartburn, reflux, bloating, indigestion, stomach pain or nausea, this is the episode for you. Today we’re giving you an integrative approach to help with gastritis – combining pharmaceuticals with lifestyle and alternative tools.

    I’ll be talking though

    • Causes, symptoms and medications for gastritis and when to see a doctor
    • What specific lifestyle factors can influence gastritis
    • Foods to eat and avoid
    • Protective eating habits
    • Herbal/alternative therapies
    • And my gastritis routine i.e. what I would do every day if I had symptoms and wanted to control them

    A special thanks to our research team at Doctor’s Kitchen, our science writer Sakina Okoko and GP and CEO of Culinary Medicine, Dr Sumi Baruah helped out hugely with this episode. My sincere thanks to them both for helping review multiple sources of information including patient information websites, NHS clinical summaries and academic papers reviewing lifestyle and herbal remedies.

    🎬 Watch the podcast on YouTube here

    📱 Download The Doctor’s Kitchen app for free*

    🌐 View full show notes, including guest details, on our website

    *The Doctor's Kitchen App gives you access to all of our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. We’ve had some amazing feedback so far and we have new features being added all the time - check it out with a 14 day free trial too.

    Do check out this week’s “Eat, Listen, Read” newsletter, that you can subscribe to on our website - where I send you a recipe to cook as well as some mindfully curated media to help you have a healthier, happier week.

    🥗 Join the newsletter and 7 day meal plan

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    We would love to get your feedback on the subject matter of these episodes - please do let me know on our social media pages (Instagram, Facebook & Twitter) what you think, and give us a 5* rating on your podcast player if you enjoyed today’s episode

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    #257 The Surprising Benefits of Vinegar with Dr Rupy

    #257 The Surprising Benefits of Vinegar with Dr Rupy

    Vinegar shots, gummies and acetic acid based drinks are everywhere. But what’s the evidence behind them and can they live up to the claims of improving blood sugar regulation, prevent type 2 diabetes and even lowering cholesterol.

    Well the team and I decided to deep dive into this subject and we found some surprising results. Is it worth a shot, listen on to find out our take on vinegar for health benefits and how to source and prepare your vinegar if you’re interested in giving it a go yourself!

    🎬 Watch the podcast on YouTube here

    📱 Download The Doctor’s Kitchen app for free*

    🌐 View full show notes, including guest details, on our website

    *The Doctor's Kitchen App gives you access to all of our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. We’ve had some amazing feedback so far and we have new features being added all the time - check it out with a 14 day free trial too.

    Do check out this week’s “Eat, Listen, Read” newsletter, that you can subscribe to on our website - where I send you a recipe to cook as well as some mindfully curated media to help you have a healthier, happier week.

    🥗 Join the newsletter and 7 day meal plan

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    We would love to get your feedback on the subject matter of these episodes - please do let me know on our social media pages (Instagram, Facebook & Twitter) what you think, and give us a 5* rating on your podcast player if you enjoyed today’s episode

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    How easy it is to miss the Menopause

    How easy it is to miss the Menopause

    Today’s snacksize Doctor’s Kitchen podcast is about how Dr Louise Newson figured out she was menopausal.

    Why women struggle with weight during and after the menopause,  is the key question I’m put to Dr Louise Newson on #223 What Women need to know about the Menopause.

    But during this episode, Louise told me the story of how she figured out that she was menopausal, and despite being a specialist, an experienced GP she still missed the key obvious signs.

    🎬 Watch the podcast on YouTube here

    You can download The Doctor’s Kitchen app for free to get access to our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. Start your 14-day free trial here.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    #220 Mel Robbins on How To Take Control of Your Life With One Simple Habit

    #220 Mel Robbins on How To Take Control of Your Life With One Simple Habit

    CAUTION: This podcast episode contains swearing.

    Mel Robbins is one of the most sort after motivational speakers in the world. Her TED talk has been viewed almost 27 million times and she's also the best-selling author of several books, including her latest one, The High Five Habit: Take Control of Your Life With One Simple Habit.

    In today's conversation, Mel explains that all of us know what we need to do for the best in any given situation but it’s acting on that knowledge that’s hard. It’s so easy to be impulsive or fall into old habits. And I think this is where Mel really comes into her own. Her approach is all about practical, real life advice that busy people with busy lives can easily implement. A prime example is something that Mel calls the five second rule. This is a rule that stops negative thinking in its tracks, and immediately breaks the feedback loop of procrastination and moves us into taking action. It changes a bias of thinking into a bias of action, giving you the confidence to try when you're full of doubt. In fact, it's so simple that my 11 year old son has already seen its benefits in his own life over the past few weeks.

    We also talk about The High Five Habit (which is the title of Mel’s new book) - this is the idea that by simply giving yourself a high five in the mirror each morning, you can experience transformative effects in your life. This simple exercise is about recognizing yourself and asking yourself what the person looking back at you in the mirror really needs and by doing so, Mel explains that you are retraining your brains neural pathways and convincing your subconscious that you are someone who is worthy of celebration.

    This really is a wide ranging and in-depth conversation. There is something quite unique about the connection that Mel has with her audience and the way she delivers her message. I think a lot of it comes down to her raw honesty, and the fact that all of her methods are borne out of her own lived experience. She's been there and she is very happy to share her struggles, her insecurities and her battles. I certainly got a lot out of this conversation and I think you will as well.

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    Show notes available at https://drchatterjee.com/220


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    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    “Hand Made” with Designing Woman, Guest Elizabeth Seeger

    “Hand Made” with Designing Woman, Guest Elizabeth Seeger

    The Beet Goes On Podcast with Michelle Peth is excited to bring you a new episode featuring Elizabeth Seeger, owner of Satchel handmade bags and leather goods. Join Michelle as she sits down with Elizabeth to learn about her fascinating journey in the world of design and entrepreneurship. Fueled by her passion for color and hands-on design, Elizabeth opened the doors of Satchel in 2006 and has since grown the business into a thriving enterprise. In this episode, Elizabeth shares her story of how she started her business, the challenges she faced along the way, and the lessons she learned. They also discuss Elizabeth's struggles online, and her determination to always find a solution. This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking for inspiration and guidance on starting a successful business and overcoming challenges along the way. Join Michelle and Elizabeth as they explore the world of entrepreneurship and the vibrant community of businesswomen in Savannah. Don't miss out on this episode of The Beet Goes On and start your journey toward success today.

    SPONSORED BY BEETTAN - https://beettan.com
    LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/beettan_official

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    441 | July Live Q&A with the ADHD reWired Podcast Team + ADHD reWired Coaches!

    441 | July Live Q&A with the ADHD reWired Podcast Team + ADHD reWired Coaches!
    Join the ADHD reWired Team every second Tuesday of the month for our monthly Live Q&A!   In this episode, you’ll hear from the ADHD reWired podcast team and ADHD reWired coaches talk about coaching, how to set yourself up for success when engaging with a coaching program, and what can help people grow.   Then, you’ll hear the panelists talk about why making friends feels difficult as adults, ways to make connections in different areas, the false narratives we tell ourselves about planning, the importance of scheduling fun things in your calendar, and that it’s ok to not get everything done.   You’ll also hear the panel share tips on building motivation, the barriers to getting started, and how activating a task can help with motivation. The panelists also discuss the benefit of reframing, defining our principles when creating rules for ourselves, and why understanding our values can help us make better decisions.  Finally, you’ll hear some tips on creating a more conducive remote work environment, the importance of communicating with your household when working from home, why a lack of structure can cause us to struggle, and that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to coaching.  Some of the Questions & Topics in this Episode: What makes one coaching program different from another?  What does it take for coaching to succeed, and how does one have to approach it to ensure or increase chances of success?  What scenario would make coaching not successful?  How does coaching interact with traditional therapy?  Are there grants available to cover potential business expenses when building a business channel?  There doesn’t seem to be any grants listed specifically for ADHD.  Do you have any tips or advice on finding more adult acquaintances after graduating university?  I know scheduling helps, but when I make a daily plan, I feel the structure is too restrictive, and I rarely stick to it.  Any tips?  What can I do to have motivation?  How do I give myself consequences for not following through on the things that I want to do?  How do I create a conducive remote work environment? I live in a small home and need space from my family.  I have recently retired from a CEO position and am now having trouble navigating the day-to-day.  I assume that’s not uncommon?  I was recently diagnosed and I have been struggling with deadlines and multitasking my whole life.  Can you talk about how coaching works and what benefits people get from it?  I’m figuring out how my brain works.  Resources & Honorable Mentions: Website: Check out the Other Podcasts on the ADHD reWired Podcast Network: with Brendan Mahan with Will Curb with MJ Siemens

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    SPONSORED BY BEETTAN - https://beettan.com

    LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/beettan_official

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    By: Anjana Parikh

    Total Episodes: 8
