
    242 Neil Strauss and the Uncomfortable Truth About Relationships

    enOctober 19, 2015

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the complexities of relationships and growth through vulnerability and discomfortEmbrace vulnerability and discomfort in relationships to foster growth and understanding, and prioritize self-reflection and open communication.

      Vulnerability and discomfort are essential parts of growth and understanding in relationships. In this episode of the School of Greatness podcast, Neil Strauss, a seven-time New York Times bestselling author, discussed his latest book, "The Truth," which delves into the complexities of relationships, including sex addiction, non-monogamy, infidelity, and intimacy. Lewis Howe shared his own experiences of feeling uncomfortable and vulnerable while discussing his past relationship fears and flaws. By embracing these uncomfortable feelings, both Lewis and Neil emphasized the importance of self-reflection and open communication in relationships. The episode encourages listeners to share their experiences with friends and to support the podcast by pre-ordering the book to help it reach a wider audience.

    • Understanding Past Relationships for Future GrowthReflecting on past relationships and personal needs can lead to healthier, more authentic relationships in the future.

      Neil Strauss, the author of "The Game" and "The Truth About Men: What Men and Women Need to Know," went from being a successful pickup artist to seeking deeper, authentic relationships. He felt trapped in relationships due to his past experiences and his need for personal growth and authenticity. Neil's realization came from reflecting on his own childhood and his father's unhappy relationship. He believes that understanding our past relationships and our own personal needs can help us find healthier, more fulfilling relationships in the future.

    • The illusion of being trapped in a committed relationshipUnderstanding that everyone's relationship needs and desires are unique and finding a balance that works for both partners is essential for long-term happiness.

      The fear of being trapped in a committed relationship and unable to pursue personal dreams can lead to feelings of tension and dissatisfaction. This perception of being held back can manifest physically and emotionally, creating a sense of unease and rejection. However, this perception is an illusion, and true intimacy and happiness can be found when individuals allow themselves to be fully committed or free, depending on their personal needs. The speaker's own experiences and research led him to conclude that monogamy may not be the only viable relationship model, and that exploring alternative ways of forming deep connections and friendships can lead to greater freedom and fulfillment. Ultimately, the key is to understand that everyone's relationship needs and desires are unique, and that finding a balance that works for both partners is essential for long-term happiness.

    • Societal norms shape our relationship decisions, not natureExplore relationship styles beyond societal expectations, but true happiness comes from commitment and intimacy within a relationship, and self-awareness is crucial for building successful relationships.

      There is no scientific evidence to support that monogamy is a naturally occurring behavior. Instead, societal norms and customs shape our decisions around relationships and marriage. The speaker in this conversation shares her personal journey of questioning monogamy and exploring alternative relationship styles. However, she ultimately discovered that true freedom and happiness come from commitment and intimacy within a relationship. It's essential to reflect on our beliefs about relationships and what truly brings us fulfillment, rather than relying solely on external factors or societal expectations. Additionally, personal growth and self-awareness are crucial components of building healthy and successful relationships, regardless of the style.

    • Childhood experiences shape adult relationshipsUnderstanding past experiences can help set healthy boundaries and prevent resentment in relationships, while self-awareness is crucial for personal growth.

      Our upbringing and past experiences can significantly influence our perceptions and actions in relationships. The speaker shared how his parents' unhappy marriage, despite their love and support for their children, instilled in him a desire to pursue his dreams and avoid being held back in a relationship. He also mentioned the concept of "enmeshment" or feeling responsible for a partner's happiness, which can lead to feelings of being smothered or oppressed. The speaker's reflections highlight the importance of self-awareness and setting healthy boundaries in relationships to prevent resentment and ensure personal growth. Ultimately, the speaker's experiences shaped his belief in the importance of being fully committed while avoiding the illusion of being held back in a relationship.

    • Childhood experiences shape our relationshipsRecognize that we cannot make others happy, take responsibility for our own happiness, and break free from limiting beliefs to create healthier relationships.

      Our relationships are shaped by our childhood experiences and the belief that we need to make others happy can hinder personal growth and lead to resentment. Our brains develop rapidly during childhood, and the experiences we have during this time shape the neural connections that form our thought patterns. This can result in repeating patterns of behavior in relationships. It's important to recognize that we cannot make others happy and that we have the power to make choices for ourselves. By understanding our past and taking responsibility for our own happiness, we can break free from limiting beliefs and create healthier, more fulfilling relationships. The speaker shares her personal journey of realizing this and encourages listeners to look inward and reflect on their own experiences to gain a better understanding of themselves and their relationships.

    • Setting healthy boundaries in relationshipsRecognize patterns of putting others' needs before our own, learn to say 'no' and prioritize self-care to create balanced relationships.

      Our responsibility to make our partners happy can lead to resentment if their needs become overwhelming and stifling. This dynamic can be particularly challenging when we choose partners who have contrasting needs. The concept of "pathological accommodation" refers to putting someone else's wants before our own, which can build up resentment and poison the relationship. It's essential to recognize this pattern and learn to set healthy boundaries by saying "no" when necessary, even if it means our partners may react negatively. By prioritizing our own well-being, we can create a healthier and more balanced relationship.

    • Protecting a partner from reactions can harm the relationshipBeing authentic and compassionate builds stronger relationships, while imposing stories or assumptions can lead to conflict and misunderstandings.

      Protecting a partner from potential negative reactions or expectations can actually harm the relationship more than allowing them to have their response, even if it's upsetting. It's essential to focus on being authentic to oneself and coming from a place of compassion, rather than trying to control or manipulate the other person's reactions. By doing so, relationships can work themselves out in a healthier and more fulfilling way. Another important lesson is that imposing stories or assumptions on situations can lead to unnecessary conflict and misunderstandings. Instead, it's crucial to communicate openly and honestly about feelings and needs, without making assumptions or jumping to conclusions. Furthermore, committing 100% to a relationship requires being vulnerable and authentic, even if it means acknowledging past mistakes or imperfections. By doing so, trust and intimacy can be built, leading to a stronger and more fulfilling partnership.

    • Uncovering deep-rooted causes of compulsive behaviorDespite gaining knowledge about unconscious influences, it's crucial to take responsibility, practice humility, and release emotional baggage for true healing.

      Unconscious forces and past experiences can significantly influence our actions and decisions, even when we have gained knowledge about them. The speaker, who struggled with compulsive behavior around sex, went to rehab to understand the underlying causes. He discovered deep-rooted fears and patterns from his upbringing, but despite this newfound awareness, he still acted on his compulsions. He emphasized the importance of humility, taking responsibility, and releasing the emotional baggage of the past to truly heal. The speaker also criticized talk therapy, believing that healing requires more intensive and physical methods. Ultimately, he stressed the importance of facing and releasing the unconscious influences that shape our behaviors.

    • Exploring emotional and physical healing in relationshipsEffective therapy addresses both emotional and physical aspects of trauma, leading to new perspectives and healthier relationships through personal growth and communication

      Effective therapy addresses both the emotional and physical aspects of trauma. Somatic experiencing, for instance, helps release deep-seated emotions and memories. This kind of therapy can lead to a new perspective on life, allowing individuals to see the world as it is instead of how they perceive it. In relationships, recognizing and addressing personal issues is crucial. Past experiences, such as parental abandonment, can influence our choices and patterns in relationships. Communication and mutual understanding are essential for healing and growing together. The speaker's experience of healing from a past relationship and becoming a better parent illustrates the potential benefits of this approach. During the year apart, the speaker explored alternative relationship models but ultimately found that focusing on personal growth was the most effective way to heal and prepare for a healthier future.

    • Navigating Complex Communal LivingFocusing on personal growth and letting go of specific relationship outcomes can lead to healthier connections.

      Attempting to create a free-living commune with multiple relationships can be complex and challenging. The speaker's vision of a communal living situation with no attachments and total freedom turned into a chaotic experience when jealousy and conflict arose. The situation required constant management and energy, leading the speaker to realize that the root of the problem was not monogamy or external relationships, but rather his own personal growth and mindset. The experience taught him that focusing on self-improvement and letting go of the need for specific outcomes in relationships can lead to healthier and more fulfilling connections.

    • Communicate effectively during a breakupStick to your decision, limit communication, commit to no contact until fully over, and focus on moving forward.

      When it comes to ending a relationship, it's important to make a firm decision and then stick to it. Communication during the breakup period should be limited and focused on helping each other through the process. After a set period of time, both parties should commit to not communicating until they are fully over the relationship and can be friends without emotional attachment or pain. This approach can help reset the clock on recovery and prevent the addictive nature of trying to get back together. While it may be tempting to check in on an ex's social media or seek validation from friends, it's important to focus on moving forward and not getting distracted by what others are doing. Ultimately, the false distinctions between monogamy and non-monogamy should be avoided, and the focus should be on finding what works best for each individual's unique situation.

    • Making a commitment to prioritize relationship healthStaying true to a commitment to prioritize self, partner, and relationship health helps navigate challenges and deepen intimacy over time, even amidst uncertainty and change.

      Commitment and authenticity are key in any relationship. The speaker shares his experience of making a commitment to prioritize the well-being of himself, his partner, and their relationship. He acknowledges that people change and grow, but staying true to this commitment helps navigate through challenges. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of accepting uncertainty and focusing on the present rather than dwelling on "what ifs." Through this mindset and effort, the relationship was able to overcome trust issues and continue to thrive, proving that passion and intimacy can deepen over time.

    • Exploring the importance of openness, honesty, and self-work in relationshipsFocusing on what's right for both parties and continuously working on oneself increases the likelihood of relationship longevity. Being open and honest, even during difficult times, is crucial. Greatness comes from within and being true to oneself is the ultimate form of greatness. Keep going and do the work, despite risks and pain.

      Focusing on what's right for both parties in a relationship and continuing to work on it moment by moment increases the likelihood of its longevity. Neil Strauss, the guest on the podcast, emphasized the importance of being open and honest in relationships, even during difficult times. He also shared that greatness comes from within and being true to oneself is the ultimate form of greatness. Despite the risks and pain, it's important to keep going and do the work on oneself. Neil's book, "The Truth: An Uncomfortable Book About Relationships," offers valuable insights into this topic and is available for purchase. The podcast is a safe space for guests and listeners to explore personal growth and learn from each other's experiences.

    • Sharing personal experiences can lead to valuable insights and connectionsOpenly discussing personal challenges can help others navigate their own relationships and provide valuable insights. Encouraged to read Neil's book 'The Truth' and pre-order his upcoming book for more insights. Invited to join the speaker on a tour and share favorite podcast episodes.

      Open and vulnerable conversations about personal experiences and challenges can lead to valuable insights and connections for others. The speaker, who discussed his experiences with a disease and the discomfort it brings to relationships, hopes that his pain and confusion can help others navigate their own relationships. He encourages listeners to check out Neil's book "The Truth" for more insights and to pre-order his upcoming book. The speaker also invites listeners to join him on a tour and share their favorite podcast episodes. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of sharing personal experiences and supporting each other through discomfort and uncertainty.

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    In this empowering episode of Beauty Behind Chaos, we delve into the transformative concept of "Mind Over Matter" and explore how empowering your thoughts and emotions can pave the path to success in various aspects of life and business. Join us as we uncover the incredible potential within each of us to harness the power of our minds and emotions.

    We begin by unraveling the significance of emotional intelligence and its impact on personal and professional growth. Our guest experts share insights on how developing emotional intelligence can lead to enhanced decision-making, effective communication, and stronger relationships, all of which are vital in achieving success.

    But that's not all—this episode delves deeper into the profound benefits of meditation and yoga practices, which serve as powerful tools for cultivating self-awareness and emotional regulation. Discover how these ancient practices can help you tap into a state of calmness, clarity, and focus, allowing you to navigate challenges with greater ease and resilience.

    Drawing from real-life examples and expert anecdotes, we explore practical strategies to incorporate meditation and yoga into your daily routine, even amidst a busy lifestyle. Learn how these practices can not only boost your mental and emotional well-being but also enhance your productivity, creativity, and overall performance in both personal and professional realms.

    Join us on this enlightening journey as we explore the remarkable synergy between mind, emotion, and the transformative power of meditation and yoga. Tune in to gain invaluable insights and actionable steps that will empower you to take control of your thoughts and emotions, paving the way for greater success and fulfillment in all areas of your life.

    So, grab your headphones, find a comfortable space, and get ready to unlock the potential of your mind and emotions in this episode of Mind Over Matter: Empowering Your Thoughts and Emotions for Success with Guest Viri Barker.

    Guest Viri Barker Bio:

    I am Co-Owner and Founder of Integrative Pain and Wellness Center. An integrative and functional holistic medical clinic. We are located in Southlake, TX and in Midland/Odessa where we offer a variety of alterative services. Our practice goal is to find and treat the root cause and we strongly believe that is done by treating the mind, body and spirit. I am bilingual in English and Spanish and have a B.A. in Justice Studies and English Literature from Arizona State University. I received my Kundalini Yoga Teacher training in Rishikesh, India under the direction of Guruji Vishnu while at the same time receiving my Reiki 1 and 2 level certification from Dr. Surabhi Sharma. Currently I am enrolled in a training program by Dr. Shefali Tsabary and on track to receive my spiritual and conscious coaching certification on March 2023. I am both passionate and dedicated to helping our patients overcome mental health issues and helping them to find the tools needed to live the live they have designed for themselves."

    Business Website: https://ipawc.com/

    #013: How Relationships Affect Your Health with Shaun Galanos

    #013: How Relationships Affect Your Health with Shaun Galanos

    Have you ever wondered how your relationship can affect your health? Dr. Becky and Dr. Krystal talk with relationship coach, Shaun Galanos about all things love. From communication to dealing with rejection, online dating, dating during COVID, red flags, green flags, friends with benefits, creating boundaries in a new relationship, shifting the focus in the midst of a breakup, and more! An honest and open conversation about getting the love you want.


    • Meet Shaun Galanos (00:42)
    • Communicating your wants and needs in a relationship (07:11)
    • Dealing with rejection (09:09)
    • Navigating online dating (10:01)
    • Red flags, green flags, and determining what attracts you in a relationship (14:24)
    • Dating while social distancing and friends with benefits (23:15)
    • Shifting the focus after a relationship ends (27:26)
    • Creating boundaries in a new relationship (32:23)
    • Online dating versus real life (35:44)
    • More from Shaun Galanos (38:53)