
    243. Question Time: The worst political cliches, US voter suppression, and is the left-leaning media too 'worthy'?

    enMay 01, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Media ownership and Rupert Murdoch's influenceRight-wing media dominance in UK politics stems from concentrated ownership and older demographic of readers, with Rupert Murdoch still wielding significant power. Right-wing press scrutinizes Labor party, emphasizing importance of media ownership in shaping political discourse.

      The right-wing media's dominance in British politics can be attributed to the concentration of ownership in a small number of hands, with influential figures like Rupert Murdoch still holding significant power. The older demographic of newspaper readers and the perceived "boring" or "worthy" nature of left-wing media may also contribute to this trend. The right-wing press and journalists are expected to continue their scrutiny of the Labor party, as evidenced by their attempts to make an issue out of Angela Rayner's past mistakes. This dynamic highlights the importance of media ownership and the potential impact it can have on political discourse.

    • Abandoning the Leveson inquiry had consequencesThe abandonment of the Leveson inquiry into press culture and police-press relations led to worsening press behavior and potential consequences, as shown by the treatment of Maximilian Krah in Germany and the BJP government in India. Accountability is crucial.

      The Labour Party in the UK made a mistake in abandoning the Leveson inquiry into press culture and the relationship between the press and the police. The speaker argues that the press has worsened since the inquiry was halted, and the example of Maximilian Krah, the leading AFD candidate in Germany's European elections who has been made a "non person" despite being under investigation for spying, illustrates the potential consequences of such a situation. The speaker also touches on the situation in India, where the BJP government under Narendra Modi has been criticized for its treatment of Muslims, and the speaker has faced backlash for speaking critically of Modi. The speaker suggests that it would be challenging to stop the far-right AfD party in Germany, as they currently hold a significant lead in the polls. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of holding those in power accountable for their actions and the potential consequences of allowing scandals to go unchecked.

    • Criticism of India's government towards Muslim communities and lack of representationWestern countries should criticize India's government for its actions towards Muslim communities and lack of representation, while maintaining strategic alliances, for accountability and upholding democratic values.

      Despite India being the largest democracy in terms of population, its current government, led by Narendra Modi, is facing criticism for its authoritarian actions towards Muslim communities and lack of representation in federal and regional levels. Critics argue that Western countries, including the US, Europe, and Britain, should be more critical of Modi's government and use language that acknowledges differences in values, rather than praising him as a great democrat. The strategic alliance between these countries and India is important, but transparency and criticism are necessary to hold the Indian government accountable for its actions towards all its citizens. Additionally, the importance of American elections extends beyond the US, as their outcomes can significantly impact global issues such as Russia, Ukraine, China, Taiwan, NATO alliance, poverty, and climate change.

    • Robert F. Kennedy's potential impact on the US presidential electionSome big donors are considering shifting support from Biden to RFK, who could alter the political landscape and determine the election outcome. Historical Kennedy family influence and endorsements add significance.

      Robert F. Kennedy could be a significant factor in determining the outcome of the upcoming US presidential election. According to a source close to Biden's campaign, some big donors are considering turning their financial support away from Biden and towards RFK, seeing him as a better option to siphon votes from Trump. This development could have significant implications for the election, potentially altering the political landscape and determining which candidate secures the White House. The Kennedy family's historical influence and the potential impact of their endorsements cannot be overlooked in this context. Additionally, during the podcast discussion, Anthony Scaramucci shared a personal anecdote about his experience donating to Obama's campaign in 2008, highlighting the power of political connections and the importance of campaign financing in American politics.

    • Encouraging People to Vote Despite Unpopular LeadersThe most important aspect of campaign spending is getting people to turn out to vote. Inspiring and motivating individuals to exercise their right to vote can lead to the highest registration numbers.

      The upcoming election may face a low turnout due to the unpopularity and perceived dullness of the party leaders. However, instead of accepting this apathetic outlook, it's crucial for those who care about politics to encourage people to vote. As a democrat strategist emphasized, getting people to turn out is the most important aspect of campaign spending in the US. Let me share a personal story that highlights the importance of youth engagement in politics. I met a young man named Dan Laws a few years ago, who showed great potential in mobilizing people to register to vote. His efforts led to the highest number of registrations on National Voter Registration Day last week. We need more individuals like Dan to inspire and motivate people to exercise their right to vote. So, instead of focusing on the potential low turnout, let's focus on persuading people to make their voices heard.

    • Addressing concerns in British and American politicsEfforts to manipulate voter turnout and excessive political ad spending are issues in both British and American politics. Regulation is necessary for healthy sports and democracy, but more must be done to address long-term health consequences and promote transparency.

      While there may not be as much overt suppression of opposition votes or excessive campaign spending in British politics as in the US, there are still significant issues that need addressing. For instance, efforts to influence voter turnout in certain communities, such as the Muslim community in Wisconsin, are concerning. Furthermore, the staggering amount of money spent on political advertising in the US, like the $65 million spent on demonizing Nancy Pelosi, is not conducive to a healthy democracy. In the context of sports, there is a role for regulation, particularly in addressing the relationship between the sport and fans. However, more needs to be done to address the long-term health consequences of football, such as the potential link between heading balls and certain conditions. Ultimately, it's important to keep pushing for transparency and accountability in all areas of public life.

    • Discussing the role of football in shaping young lives and the issue of small boat crossings from France to the UKA collaborative and compassionate approach is needed to address the root causes of migration and ensure the safety and well-being of those involved, rather than focusing on small boat crossings from France to the UK and criticizing plans like the Rwanda plan.

      The discussion touched upon the role of football in shaping young lives, the issue of small boat crossings from France to the UK, and the French government's position on the matter. France is considered a safe country, and it's crucial to focus on bringing people directly from countries at risk rather than from France. The UK government has attempted various solutions, including hiring more French police officers and signing a comprehensive deal with France. However, there are concerns about the French police's approach and the lack of a serious strategy from the UK government. The Rwanda plan, which has been criticized as absurd, has added to the tension between the two governments. Ultimately, a more collaborative and compassionate approach is needed to address the root causes of migration and ensure the safety and well-being of those involved.

    • Brexit negotiations lead to complex border situationsThe failure of Brexit negotiations to establish effective border control between the UK and Ireland raises concerns about potential loss of control and the possibility of illegal goods and people entering the country unchecked.

      The Irish government's complaints about an increase in asylum seekers crossing the border from the UK into the Republic of Ireland highlights the failure of Brexit negotiations to establish effective border control. This situation raises concerns about potential loss of control and the possibility of illegal goods and people entering the country unchecked. Former Irish politician Bertie Ahern, a dominant figure in Irish politics during this time, was known for his political skills but also faced corruption scandals. Despite his controversial past, Ahern played a crucial role in the Northern Ireland peace process. Overall, the Brexit negotiations have led to complex and uncertain border situations, and effective solutions are needed to address these challenges.

    • Politicians' Overused Cliches in InterviewsPoliticians often use overused cliches to avoid answering questions directly, making interviews unproductive. Interviewees should answer honestly and directly, and journalists should challenge vague responses. Recognizing and avoiding cliches in political discourse keeps conversations fresh and meaningful.

      Political interviews often use overused cliches and vague responses, which can be frustrating for both journalists and the public. Rory and Tim shared their most hated cliches, including "I've been very clear about this," "that's not the question you should be asking," and "on the doorstep." These phrases can be used to avoid answering questions directly and can make interviews feel repetitive and unproductive. Instead, they encouraged interviewees to answer questions honestly and directly, and for journalists to challenge vague responses. They also discussed the importance of recognizing and avoiding cliches in political discourse to keep conversations fresh and meaningful.

    • Criticism of Rishi Sunak's lackluster interview performanceThe UK Prime Minister's interview on the Trevor Phillips show was criticized for lacking substance and depth, with the media focusing on his non-committal response regarding an election rather than the content of the conversation.

      During a recent interview on the Trevor Phillips show, Rishi Sunak, the UK Prime Minister, was criticized for not effectively answering questions during an 18-minute interview about various topics, including the possibility of an election in July. The interview was perceived as lacking substance and depth, with Sunak seemingly focused on avoiding potential pitfalls rather than engaging in meaningful discussion. The result was a headline that failed to capture the essence of the conversation, with the media focusing on Sunak's non-committal response regarding an election rather than the content of the interview itself. This raises concerns about the effectiveness of political interviews as a means of gaining insight into the thoughts and policies of those in power.

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    WOLA’s vice president for Programs, Maureen Meyer, former director for WOLA’s Mexico Program and co-founder of WOLA’s migration and border work, is joined by Mexico Program Director Stephanie Brewer, whose work on defense of human rights and demilitarization in Mexico has focused often on the rights of migrants, including a visit to the Arizona-Sonora border at the end of 2023.

    This episode highlights some of the main migration trends and issues that we should all keep an eye on this year, including:

    • Deterrence efforts will never reduce migration as long as the reasons people are fleeing remain unaddressed (the long-standing “root causes” approach). Such policies will only force people into more danger and fuel organized crime. “The question is not, are people going to migrate? The question is, where, how, and with who?”, explains Brewer.
    • For this reason, maintaining consistent and reliable legal pathways is more important than ever, and the ongoing assaults on these pathways—including the right to seek asylum and humanitarian parole—are harmful and counterproductive.
    • There can’t be a one-size-fits-all solution for the variety of populations currently in movement, and the focus should no longer be on ineffective policies of deterrence and enforcement. “It's a long term game that certainly doesn't fit on a bumper sticker for political campaigns,” Meyer points out.
    • Organized crime is a huge factor in regional migration—both as a driver of migration and as a facilitator. Official corruption and impunity enable these systems, a point that migration policies often fail to address. Brewer notes that during her trip to Arizona's southern border in December 2023, the vast majority of migrants she spoke to were Mexican, and among them, the vast majority cited violence and organized crime as the driving factor. In recent months, Mexican families have been the number one nationality coming to the U.S.-Mexico border to seek asylum.
    • It is a regional issue, not just a U.S. issue, as people are seeking asylum and integration in many different countries. Mexico, for instance, received 140,000 asylum applications in 2023. This makes integration efforts extremely important: many people arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border had attempted to resettle elsewhere first. “It's a twofold of the legal status itself, but then real integration efforts that are both economic and educational, but also addressing xenophobia and not creating resentment in local communities,” explains Meyer.

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    Reporter and Producer: Tom Colls Sound Mix: James Beard Editor: Richard Vadon

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    S04E25 Migrations des oiseaux 9/12 : En été (juillet août septembre), Adrien de Montaudouin (ornithologue)

    S04E25 Migrations des oiseaux 9/12 : En été (juillet août septembre), Adrien de Montaudouin (ornithologue)

    On the road again: la migration des oiseaux, 3e et dernier cycle, dédiés aux différents calendriers de migration. Qui part quand et pourquoi?

    En Europe occidentale, seulement 10% des espèces ornithologiques sont entièrement sédentaires. La migration est donc une adaptation vitale adoptée par une grande partie des espèces pour assurer leur survie.

    La migration, nous l’avons largement vu dans les cycles précédents, est un voyage aller-retour entre des sites de reproduction et des sites d'hivernage.

    Dans l’hémisphère Nord, l'oiseau migrateur occupe sa zone de reproduction en été, migre à l'automne (migration postnuptiale) vers une aire d'hivernage occupée jusqu'à la fin de l'hiver. À la fin de la mauvaise saison, il entreprend une migration de retour (migration prénuptiale). La boucle est bouclée, fin du cycle annuel.

    Quand partir ? Les oiseaux possèdent une sorte d'horloge interne. Elle leur permet d'organiser les différentes étapes de leur cycle de vie (reproduction, mue, migration…).

    Pour se synchroniser sur le cycle des saisons, cette horloge interne est influencée par différents paramètres environnementaux (températures, variations des ressources alimentaires ... ), les plus importants étant la photopériode (durée du jour par rapport à celle de la nuit) et l'intensité lumineuse.

    C'est la mélatonine, hormone centrale de régulation des rythmes chronobiologiques qui se fait la messagère de la photopériode.

    Cette hormone est sécrétée principalement la nuit et inhibée le jour. La variation de la durée du jour entraîne des modifications de sécrétions de cette hormone et contribue ainsi à déclencher les différentes phases du cycle annuel des oiseaux.

    En tout état de cause, dans cet épisode, nous parlons des juillettistes, des aoûtiens et des septembriens dans cet épisodes ...

    Notre invité Adrien de Montaudouin est ornithologue et fondateur de l’association CPAL. Il nous a contactés en 2021 pour proposer un sujet sur sa passion, et c’est aujourd’hui chose faite.

    Nos épisodes se basent sur l’excellent livre d’une autre jeune ornithologue, Maxime Zucca: La migration des oiseaux, comprendre les voyageurs du ciel.


    Tous les épisodes de la saga Migrations des oiseaux :













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