
    Podcast Summary

    • A research biochemist's journey to the paleo dietBrian's personal health issues led him to experiment with the paleo diet, based on ancient food choices, which emphasizes fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and avoids grains, legumes, and dairy. Individual differences and overall health factors require flexibility.

      Brian's experience with the paleo diet began when he was a powerlifting champion seeking optimal body fueling. After trying a high carb, low-fat vegan diet and experiencing health issues, he turned to the paleo diet, which focused on Neolithic foods. As a research biochemist, he conducted experiments on himself and researched evolutionary biology, leading to the opening of a successful gym and a best-selling book. The paleo diet, based on what people ate during the paleolithic period, emphasizes fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and avoids grains, legumes, and dairy. Our modern lifestyle, with advanced food processing and technology, has evolved faster than our bodies, leading to potential health issues. It's essential to experiment with personal health and diet, as there's no one-size-fits-all solution. The paleo diet may be good for most people, but individual differences require flexibility. Additionally, factors like sleep and circadian rhythms should be considered in overall health and wellness.

    • The importance of social interaction and community for our healthModern lifestyle choices strain our immune systems, leading to health issues like inflammation, diabetes, and autoimmune diseases, while processed foods' hyper-palatability can override fullness signals, contributing to potential health disasters. Prioritize essential nutrients for optimal health.

      Our ancient tribal DNA craves social interaction and community, which is why activities like CrossFit and martial arts can be so beneficial. However, our modern environment and lifestyle choices, such as processed foods and lack of sleep, put a strain on our immune systems and contribute to health issues like inflammation, diabetes, and autoimmune diseases. These conditions are projected to lead to a significant increase in healthcare costs by 2030. The appeal of processed foods lies in their hyper-palatability, which can override the brain's fullness signals, leading to overconsumption and potential health disasters. Essentially, our bodies are not able to keep up with the rapid changes in our environment, and we must prioritize essential nutrients, such as fresh vegetables and meats, to maintain optimal health.

    • 80 years ago vs today: different lifestyles and healthEasier access to unhealthy foods and lack of sufficient sleep contribute to overeating, obesity, and health issues. Investing in a good quality mattress and getting a deep sleep is crucial for overall health.

      People's lifestyles and health have drastically changed over the past century. In the past, people consumed less processed food, slept more, and were generally smaller in size. Today, we have easier access to unhealthy foods, leading to overeating and obesity. The lack of sufficient sleep also contributes to health issues. The man who was considered a sideshow freak for being overweight in the past would not be considered so today. The ease of overeating, especially with processed foods that can override the feeling of fullness, is a significant contributor to this change. Additionally, the importance of investing in a good quality mattress and getting a deep sleep cannot be overstated, as it significantly impacts our overall health and well-being.

    • The Importance of Finding the Right Mattress and Adequate SleepFinding the right mattress and ensuring adequate sleep are crucial for overall health and well-being. Prioritize a good sleep environment and consider different mattress types to find what suits you best.

      Finding the right mattress and adequate sleep are crucial for overall health and well-being. The preference for a mattress can vary greatly from person to person, with some preferring firmer options like a Sleep Number or Tempur-Pedic, while others might prefer softer alternatives. The trial and error process of finding the perfect mattress can be lengthy and costly, but it's essential to ensure a good night's rest. Adequate sleep is crucial, with most adults requiring 8 to 10 hours per night. Sleeping environment is also essential, with a pitch-black room being ideal. Some alternative sleeping options, such as hammocks, might be worth exploring. Ultimately, prioritizing sleep and finding the right mattress can lead to improved energy levels, better focus, and overall improved health.

    • The importance of quality sleep for optimal performance and healthDisruptions from travel can negatively impact hormonal balance and immune function, prioritize rest and acclimate to new environments before competing, a good coach or mentor can help.

      Getting adequate rest, specifically quality sleep, is crucial for optimal performance and overall health. The disruption of sleep due to travel and changes in time zones can negatively impact various systems in the body, including hormonal balance and immune function. For elite athletes aiming for peak performance, small margins can make a significant difference. Therefore, it's essential to prioritize rest and, when possible, acclimate to new environments well before competing. A good coach or mentor can also play a vital role in helping athletes make the necessary adjustments and alleviate some of the psychological burden.

    • Optimizing Performance in High-Stakes ActivitiesA holistic approach to high-stakes activities includes training, diet, sleep, mental well-being, repetition, and creating an ideal learning environment for optimal performance.

      Optimal performance in high-stakes activities like fighting requires a holistic approach. It's not just about training hard, but also taking care of other essential aspects of life such as diet, sleep, and mental well-being. The consequences of failure in these areas can be significant, and even small oversights can lead to suboptimal performance or injury. A clean diet and adequate sleep are crucial components of recovery, and neglecting these areas can render training sessions virtually useless. The importance of repetition and creating an ideal environment for learning new skills is also emphasized. Overtraining and neglecting self-care can lead to damage and hinder progress, making it essential to maintain a high level of conditioning year-round. The mental toughness gained through wrestling can be an asset, but it's crucial to balance it with proper self-care to achieve optimum performance.

    • Consistent body weight crucial for optimal performance and healthRapid weight loss before fights negatively impacts health and performance, extreme weight cuts require medical intervention, and a more honorable agreement between fighters to compete at their natural weight could improve safety and performance.

      Maintaining a consistent body weight and physical condition is crucial for optimal performance and health in combat sports. Rapid weight loss before a fight can negatively impact testosterone levels, immune system, and overall well-being. Extreme weight cuts, like Travis Vue's from 245 to 205 pounds, are risky and require medical intervention. The current weight classes and long-term scheduling in championship fighting necessitate a system of weight classes, but there is no foolproof solution to prevent extreme weight cutting. The 24-hour rehydration period given to fighters after weigh-ins has improved safety, but it still takes a toll on their bodies. A more honorable agreement between fighters to compete at their natural weight could potentially lead to more exciting and less fatigued performances.

    • Weight cutting risks in professional fightingWeight cutting practices in fighting can lead to severe health consequences, including dehydration and brain damage. Education and holistic thinking could help reduce the incentive to engage in extreme weight cutting. IVs can help rehydrate, but long-term effects are unknown.

      The weight cutting practices in professional fighting can lead to dangerous health consequences, particularly dehydration, which can have severe impacts on the brain. These risks are compounded by the pressure to make weight and the fact that weight classes are a necessary aspect of competitive sports. It's a complex issue with no easy solution, but education and holistic thinking about one's career could help reduce the incentive to engage in extreme weight cutting. Additionally, the use of IVs can help rehydrate fighters, but the long-term effects are not fully understood and warrant further research. Ultimately, it's crucial to prioritize the health and safety of athletes in the sporting world.

    • Focusing too much on conditioning can hinder skill development for fightersIncorporate visualization, positional sparring, and mobility work into training for improved techniques and strategies, reducing injury risk from traditional cardio exercises.

      While conditioning is important for fighters, focusing too much on it can negate the importance of skill work. The best fighters, like Anderson Silva and George St. Pierre, prioritize technical proficiency over strength and conditioning. Engaging in activities like visualization, positional sparring, and mobility work can be more beneficial than traditional cardio exercises like running. These practices allow fighters to improve their techniques and strategies without the risk of injury that comes with physical training. Additionally, visualization has been shown to have a direct correlation with technique improvement, making it an essential part of a fighter's training regimen.

    • Finding Reward in Intense WorkoutsIntense workouts, like sprint intervals, offer mental and physical rewards despite challenges. Traveling, exercising regularly, and taking melatonin can help acclimate and improve mood while crossing time zones.

      The speaker finds intense workouts, such as his elliptical sprint intervals, mentally and physically challenging and rewarding, even if they're not his preferred choice. He also shares his experience of the universal machines in gyms, finding them less effective due to the need to balance weights. The speaker emphasizes the importance of working out while traveling, as it helps him acclimate to new places and feel better overall. The endorphin rush and heating up of the body are suggested reasons for this benefit. If traveling across multiple time zones, the best-case scenario for settling in involves exercising regularly and taking melatonin to aid sleep. The speaker's preference for intense workouts, even when they're difficult, highlights the personal nature of fitness routines and the importance of finding what works best for individuals.

    • Exposure to natural light during sunset can improve sleep and well-beingUsing sun lamps to mimic sun's rays can help regulate sleep patterns, especially in extreme climate conditions where natural light is limited.

      Exposure to natural light, ideally during sunset, can help improve sleep and overall well-being. This can be achieved through the use of sun lamps, which mimic the sun's rays and can serve as an effective alarm clock. These lamps are commonly used in areas with extreme climate conditions, such as Alaska, where periods of constant darkness or daylight can affect sleep patterns. The discussion also touched upon an intriguing show called "Mountain Men," which follows the lives of men living in isolation in various parts of North America. One of the subjects, a man from Alaska, leads an extreme lifestyle by flying long distances to escape his family and live off the land by trapping animals. The conversation then veered into a humorous yet bizarre tangent about the existence of a rare type of Asian population in Alaska, which the speakers jokingly referred to as "Elask Asian." The conversation ended with a mention of urine therapy, an unconventional practice believed to provide health benefits by consuming one's own urine. While the scientific validity of this practice is debatable, it was a fascinating and unexpected topic that emerged from the conversation.

    • Exploring Extreme Practices in the Past for Personal GrowthSome cultures have used extreme practices like drinking urine during psychedelic trips or undergoing ordeal poisons for personal growth, while others find joy in unconventional food choices. Respect and appreciate the diversity of experiences and potential for growth.

      People in the past may have had different standards when it came to food and substances, leading to experiences that modern society might consider extreme or even dangerous. One such example is the practice of drinking urine during a psychedelic trip. While some report profound experiences and personal growth, others find it unappealing or even traumatizing. This brings up the idea of ordeal poisons, where individuals undergo a harrowing experience to achieve personal growth. While the psilocybin trip offers an enlightening experience, some cultures have relied on ordeal poisons as a means of personal transformation. Ultimately, both approaches aim to challenge one's perspective and leave a lasting impact. As for food, while some may prefer organic and grass-fed options, others find joy in less conventional choices like chicken hearts and even insects. The key is to respect and appreciate the diversity of experiences and the potential for growth that comes with them.

    • Considering the Unusual: Insects as a Food Source and Dietary ConsiderationsEnsure safety when trying new foods, insects offer nutritional benefits, but consider hygiene and health concerns. Debate surrounds vegetarian and vegan diets, with some offering health improvements but potential nutrient deficiencies.

      While some people may find the idea of eating insects or unusual foods intriguing, it's important to fact-check and ensure safety before trying new things. The nutritional benefits of insects as a high-protein source are valid, but hygiene and health department concerns should be considered. The discussion also touched upon the challenges of maintaining a strict diet, especially when traveling, and the debate surrounding vegetarian and vegan diets. While some believe they offer health improvements, others argue that long-term thriving may not be possible due to nutrient deficiencies, particularly in protein and B vitamins. However, there are plants that provide a full amino acid spectrum, making it possible to survive on a vegetable-based diet, though not necessarily to thrive.

    • Plant vs Animal Proteins: Performance DifferencesBoth plant and animal proteins have their merits for physical performance. Animal proteins offer a more concentrated source and hormonal benefits, while vegan diets can be effective with careful planning and concentrated sources.

      While plant-based proteins can provide the necessary nutrients for physical performance, animal-derived proteins offer additional benefits such as a more concentrated source of proteins and the release of hormones like insulin and glucagon that are beneficial for energy levels and muscle mass. However, studies comparing vegan diets to meat-eating diets are limited and individual performance may vary. A well-planned vegan diet with concentrated protein sources and nutrient-dense foods can be effective, but some individuals may perform better with the addition of animal products. The moral implications of food choices are a personal decision. Sustainable farming practices, such as those employed by Joel Salatin at Polyface Farms, can minimize animal harm and produce more food per acre than conventional farming methods.

    • Government subsidies and unhealthy processed foodsGovt subsidies led to affordable but unhealthy processed foods, while decentralized farming and paleo diet offer healthier alternatives, but face challenges

      The U.S. government's subsidies for corn and soybean production in the 1970s led to an increase in the production and promotion of grains in the food pyramid, resulting in affordable but unhealthy processed foods. Decentralized farming and a paleo diet focusing on whole foods could offer healthier alternatives, but face challenges like labor intensity and potential natural disasters. The Atkins diet, while beneficial for some, like those with type 2 diabetes, may not be suitable for everyone due to its high fat content and potential addiction to processed foods. Ultimately, making informed choices about food production and consumption is essential for personal and societal health.

    • Exploring Unconventional Dietary ApproachesFind what diet works best for you by experimenting and considering individual needs, even if it means trying unconventional methods

      There are various dietary approaches that work for different people, and it's essential to experiment and find what suits your body best. For instance, some high-level MMA fighters have thrived on vegan diets, while others, like the speaker, have found success with eating once a day and consuming mostly cigarettes, macaroni, and cheese. The speaker also believes that harder-to-catch foods, like elk, may be more beneficial due to the animals' natural living conditions. Ultimately, it's crucial to consider individual needs and experiment with different dietary approaches to achieve optimal health. The speaker's unconventional theories, such as hunting with hand-thrown spears and participating in caveman-style shows, demonstrate the importance of pushing boundaries and exploring new ways to understand nutrition and health.

    • Living like a caveman: A reality show with a unique premiseAdapting to a caveman lifestyle can lead to significant weight loss and newfound strength, highlighting the importance of living in harmony with nature and avoiding modern conveniences.

      The modern lifestyle, with its easy access to unhealthy food and lack of physical activity, can be a punishment to our health. An intriguing idea was discussed for a reality show where contestants live as cavemen, with the "punishment" being the modern westernized lifestyle. The contestants who adapt best to the caveman lifestyle and avoid modern conveniences would win. The speaker shared his personal experience of surviving for eight days without food in a caveman-like experiment, losing 18 pounds and gaining newfound strength. He used an at-lodele, a spear-throwing device, to hunt an elk, demonstrating the power of determination and willpower even in harsh conditions. The show, with its unique premise, highlights the importance of living in harmony with nature and avoiding the pitfalls of modern life.

    • Survival in extreme conditions: The beauty and adversitySurviving harsh conditions requires focus, determination, and unique culinary skills. Appreciating nature's beauty helps maintain spirits during adversity.

      Survival in extreme conditions requires both natural beauty and adversity. The contestants on the show were taken to a mountainous location with limited resources and harsh weather conditions. Despite the challenges, the majestic beauty of the elk and the surrounding nature kept their spirits up. The success of hunting an elk was attributed to the rising sun, the remote location, and the limited camera crew. However, the lack of food led to eating unusual sources like a mouse. The experience was a reminder of the harsh realities of survival and the importance of staying focused and determined. The contestants also learned about unique culinary traditions, like the French delicacy of ordelleon, which involves drowning live birds in Armagnac and eating them whole. Overall, the experience was a testament to human resilience and the appreciation for the wonders of nature.

    • The complexities of our food choices: Foie gras and animal welfareFoie gras production raises ethical concerns, leading to regulation and black markets, while animal treatment in agriculture remains a contentious issue. Consider the impact on animals, environment, and ourselves when making food choices.

      Our relationship with food, particularly animal products, can be complex and controversial. The production of foie gras, for example, raises ethical concerns due to the force-feeding process. This has led to its regulation and even illegality in some places. The black market for such products can then arise, leading to further complications. The treatment of animals in agriculture, such as veal production, is also a contentious issue. The debate around these practices often revolves around questions of animal welfare, ethics, and personal preference. Ultimately, it's a reminder that our food choices come with consequences, and it's essential to consider the impact on the animals, the environment, and ourselves.

    • The disconnect between people and their food sourcesModern agriculture and grocery stores have led to a lack of understanding about food production and health concerns, while unique approaches in the wine industry showcase the complexities and nuances of our food systems.

      Our relationship with food and agriculture has changed drastically over time, leading to a disconnect between people and their food sources. People seem to have fewer qualms about consuming processed food from places like Burger King than they do about hunting or farming. The convenience of modern agriculture and grocery stores has led to a lack of understanding about where food comes from and the processes involved in producing it. Additionally, there are concerns about the health of the top soil and the use of chemicals to replenish minerals. The discussion also touched on the topic of holding one's pee and the health implications of doing so, as well as the unique approaches of some winemakers like Maynard and Sofia Coppola in the wine industry. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities and nuances of our food systems and the importance of being mindful of our consumption habits.

    • Moderate alcohol and coffee consumption may have health benefitsModerate alcohol and coffee intake can improve health, but excessive consumption can lead to negative effects.

      Moderate alcohol consumption, particularly one to two drinks per day, may have health benefits for both men and women. This is due to the body's response to the damage caused by alcohol, a process called hormesis. Socialization and relaxation are also potential benefits. However, excessive drinking can lead to negative health consequences. Coffee, another commonly consumed substance, also shows potential health benefits, particularly in decreasing diabetes and cardiovascular disease rates, but excessive consumption or combining it with a high-stress lifestyle can lead to negative effects. Ultimately, moderation is key when it comes to both alcohol and coffee consumption.

    • Understanding the Impact of Substances on Cognitive Function and CreativityWhile some substances like coffee and nicotine can boost cognitive function and creativity, excessive use can lead to negative consequences including stress, hormonal imbalances, and health risks. Balance is key.

      While certain substances like coffee and nicotine can have positive effects on cognitive function and creativity, overindulgence can lead to negative consequences such as stress, hormonal imbalances, and health risks. For instance, coffee can overload the adrenal system, while nicotine gum can enhance cognitive abilities but requires careful use due to its addictive nature and potential health risks. Meanwhile, tobacco, despite its historical romanticization, is a leading cause of preventable death and should be avoided due to its harmful chemicals. It's essential to strike a balance and understand the potential benefits and drawbacks of these substances to make informed decisions about their use.

    • Marijuana vs Painkillers: Which is Worse for Your Health?Marijuana may have health effects, but they're less severe than those of certain painkillers like ibuprofen and NSAIDs, which can hinder exercise recovery and inhibit healing.

      While marijuana may involve the creation of various chemicals when burned, the health effects, particularly concerning emphysema and carcinogenic risks, do not appear to be as severe as those associated with certain over-the-counter painkillers like ibuprofen and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). These medications, despite their widespread use, can be dangerous and even deadly due to their toxicity and potential for overdose. Ibuprofen, in particular, can hinder the body's natural adaptation to exercise and inhibit healing. Instead, athletes and individuals dealing with inflammation are encouraged to consider alternative methods, such as proper training, periodization, vitamin D supplementation, and a healthy diet, for managing inflammation and promoting overall wellness.

    • Improve joint health and reduce pain with fish oil and vitamin DRegularly consuming fish oil and vitamin D can significantly improve joint health and reduce pain. Try incorporating these nutrients into your diet, ideally with food, for optimal benefits.

      Maintaining adequate levels of fish oil and vitamin D can significantly improve joint health and reduce pain. The speaker personally attests to the benefits of fish oil, which he takes in the form of 10 capsules of 1000mg each per day, and vitamin D. The speaker also mentions the importance of consuming these nutrients with food. Additionally, the speaker shares his morning routine of having a kale shake with coconut oil for added nutrition, inspired by Kevin James' weight loss regimen for a movie role. While the speaker expresses his preference for bacon, eggs, and coffee, he encourages trying both diets for a month to determine which works best for individual health and well-being. Ultimately, the discussion highlights the importance of proper nutrition and self-care for overall health and pain relief.

    • Enhance vegetable juice absorption with healthy fats and proteinConsume vegetables with healthy fats and protein for optimal nutrient absorption and utilization

      While consuming a large amount of vegetables in juice form can provide some nutritional benefits, it's not the most effective way to absorb all the essential vitamins and minerals. The addition of healthy fats, such as coconut oil or nuts, can help enhance the absorption of these nutrients. Moreover, a salad without any added fat or protein may not provide the optimal nutritional value. Therefore, it's essential to include some fat or protein sources with your vegetable intake to ensure proper absorption and utilization of the nutrients. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the importance of balancing meals with protein, fat, and carbohydrates, depending on individual needs and daily activities.

    • Meal Planning for Optimal Health and PerformanceConsider glycogen depletion, insulin regulation, and metabolic health when creating meal plans. Athletes may benefit from protein and complex carbs post-workout, while those trying to lose weight may limit carbs. Timing and composition of meals impact digestion and nutrient absorption.

      Proper nutrition and meal planning play a crucial role in optimizing performance and recovery for individuals based on their unique goals and activity levels. The speaker emphasizes the importance of considering factors such as glycogen depletion, insulin regulation, and metabolic health when determining meal plans. For example, athletes may benefit from consuming protein and complex carbohydrates post-workout, while individuals trying to lose weight may want to limit carbohydrates. Additionally, the timing and composition of meals can impact digestion and nutrient absorption. For instance, consuming protein with a little bit of carbs and avoiding liquids during meals can improve digestion. Overall, personalized meal planning is essential for achieving optimal health and performance.

    • Morning Routine and Health PrioritiesThe speaker advocates for a deliberate morning routine, healthy lifestyle, and individualized health measurement methods, such as immersion tank body fat tests, rather than relying on inaccurate measures like BMI.

      The speaker values a deliberate and considered morning routine, which includes warming up his coffee, slowly grilling bacon, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. He also criticizes the use of Body Mass Index (BMI) as an inaccurate measure of health and prefers immersion tank body fat tests for more accurate results. The speaker's focus on his health and wellness is evident in his commitment to a paleo diet, regular exercise, and prioritizing his morning routine. He emphasizes the importance of listening to one's body and understanding that everyone's health and fitness goals are unique. The speaker's conversation also highlights the importance of challenging outdated methods of measuring health and advocating for more accurate and individualized approaches.

    • Mindfully enjoying simple pleasuresSlowly cooking real bacon, savoring coffee, and eating grass-fed meat can enhance happiness. Grass-fed meat is more flavorful, less gamey, and supports animal health. Slow-cooking reduces risk of foodborne illnesses and supports research-backed benefits.

      Prioritizing simple pleasures like cooking real bacon slowly, enjoying coffee, and eating grass-fed meat can contribute to a happier life. This approach, as discussed, involves cooking bacon for two hours, starting early in the morning, and using a Harvard PhD chemist's research to support the benefits of slow-cooking meat. Additionally, the importance of allowing animals to eat grass and avoiding grain feeding was emphasized to maintain animal health and reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses. The conversation also touched on the negative impacts of Monsanto and the benefits of grass-fed meat, which is more flavorful and less gamey than grain-fed meat. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of making mindful choices in our daily lives for our own happiness and well-being.

    • The way animals are raised and fed impacts meat qualityGrass-fed meat has a natural taste and texture, while grain-fed meat may come from less humane conditions. Moderate salt intake can be beneficial, while excessive intake can lead to health issues.

      The way animals are raised and fed significantly impacts the taste, health, and wellbeing of the animals and ultimately, the quality of the meat we consume. Grass-fed meat has a more natural taste and texture due to the animal's natural diet, while grain-fed meat may come from animals raised in less humane conditions with potential health issues. The shift towards grain-feeding in the 1970s was influenced by political and dietary recommendations, despite evidence suggesting the opposite may be healthier. Additionally, the idea that certain foods, like salt, are inherently bad for us is often misinformed. Salt, like many nutrients, follows a U-shaped curve, meaning moderate intake can be beneficial, while excessive intake can lead to health problems. The relationship between salt and blood pressure is complex, and may be more influenced by insulin levels and individual sensitivity to sodium.

    • Sleep's impact on insulin resistance and use of isolation tanks for relaxationA few nights of poor sleep can impact insulin resistance as significantly as being a type 2 diabetic. Isolation tanks offer a unique environment for relaxation and introspection, promoting deep thinking and personal growth.

      Sleep plays a significant role in insulin resistance, even a few nights of poor sleep can have the same effect as being a type 2 diabetic. Another intriguing topic discussed was the use of isolation tanks for relaxation and introspection. These tanks offer a unique environment of complete weightlessness, darkness, and silence, allowing the mind to be untethered from physical distractions. Some people find it incredibly relaxing and rejuvenating, while others may experience hallucinations or find the solitude too overwhelming. The tanks are known for their ability to promote deep thinking and introspection, making them an interesting tool for personal growth and relaxation. If you're curious, you can look up "float lab" to learn more and perhaps give it a try.

    • Exploring the Benefits of the Paleo Solution DietConsider trying the Paleo Solution diet for potential health benefits. Check out Rob Wolf's website for more information, including a podcast and book.

      The speakers in this conversation are discussing the benefits of the Paleo Solution diet and encouraging listeners to check out Rob Wolf's website for more information. They also mention that a podcast and a book are available for those who are interested in purchasing. The conversation also touches on the speakers' personal experiences and views on various topics, including their amusement at people's reactions to their jokes and their thoughts on the environment creating a space for morons to thrive. Despite the seemingly random and humorous nature of the conversation, the underlying message is to explore the Paleo Solution and its potential benefits.

    • A more compassionate approach to societal issuesInstead of focusing on prohibition and punishment, prioritize making experiences more comfortable and pleasurable for all involved. The war on drugs fails to address root causes and creates jobs for law enforcement, while marijuana legalization could impact industries and employment.

      The current approach to various societal issues, such as marijuana legalization and drug enforcement, is unsustainable and potentially harmful. The speaker argues that instead of focusing on prohibition and punishment, we should prioritize making these experiences more comfortable and pleasurable for all involved. The example given is the war on drugs, which creates jobs for law enforcement but fails to address the root causes of drug use and addiction. Similarly, the speaker criticizes the government's handling of marijuana legalization and the impact it would have on industries and employment if it were to become widespread. The speaker also mentions the Ron Paul rally in Nevada as an example of young, diverse support for libertarian ideas, particularly in the paleo scene. Overall, the speaker advocates for a more thoughtful and compassionate approach to societal issues, rather than relying on outdated laws and punitive measures.

    • The Paleo scene's focus on food, exercise, and libertarian ideologyThe Paleo scene's market-based approach and self-direction offer a powerful way to help people and create a vibrant society, despite modern life's challenges and complexities.

      The Paleo scene, with its focus on food and exercise, is growing rapidly and embraces a libertarian political ideology. This combination of market-based approaches and self-direction is seen as a powerful way to help people and create a vibrant society, despite the challenges and complexities of modern life. The speaker expresses optimism for this approach, despite the concerns and criticisms, and believes that respecting individual rights and freedoms can lead to an amazing society. However, many people may not look into these ideas deeply due to their busy lives and may instead subscribe to ideologies that make them feel good.

    • Embracing Personal Responsibility and Hard WorkThe speaker encourages making it harder to access powerful tools, promoting self-reliance and hard work. He believes people rely too much on govt safety nets, hindering growth. Encourage personal financial control, understand choices' consequences, and embrace uncertainty for a fulfilling life.

      While we have the freedom to access powerful tools like guns and high-performance cars, there's a responsibility that comes with that power. The speaker argues that we should make it harder for people to access these things, as it encourages hard work and self-reliance. He also believes that people have become too reliant on government safety nets, which can hinder their motivation and personal growth. Instead, we should encourage individuals to take control of their own financial futures and face the uncertainty of life with a sense of purpose and determination. The speaker's perspective is that this approach will lead to a more fulfilling and meaningful life. Additionally, he emphasizes the importance of understanding the consequences of our choices and the impact they have on our future. Overall, the speaker's message is about the importance of personal responsibility, hard work, and embracing the uncertainty of life.

    • Exceptional experiences in gaming and audiobooksAlienware delivers powerful graphics for gaming, Audible offers engaging content for daily activities. Save with codes like 'rogue' and enjoy free trials.

      Both Alienware laptops and Audible audiobooks offer exceptional experiences in their respective domains. Alienware provides powerful graphics capabilities for an immersive gaming experience, while Audible offers a wide range of engaging content to make daily activities more enjoyable. The use of codes like "rogue" for ONIT and a free trial for Audible can lead to savings. Additionally, Alienware supports MMA fighters, and Audible offers inspiring books like "The War of Art" by Steven Pressfield. Kettlebells and battle ropes from ONIT can help get in shape while saving with the "rogue" code. The upcoming comedy show featuring Joe Rogan and other notable comedians promises an unforgettable experience.

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    #2162 - Tim Dillon

    #2162 - Tim Dillon
    Tim Dillon is a stand-up comic, actor, and host of "The Tim Dillon Show" podcast. His latest comedy special, "Tim Dillon: A Real Hero," is available on Netflix. Look for his book "Death by Boomers: How the Worst Generation Destroyed the Planet, but First a Child" in 2024. www.timdilloncomedy.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    03 Sami Inkinen - How a Time-Starved CEO Creates Sustainable High Performance

    03 Sami Inkinen - How a Time-Starved CEO Creates Sustainable High Performance

    In this eye-opening episode, Matt goes one-on-one with one of his athletes, Sami Inkinen.

    Growing up on a farm in Finland, Sami was always intrigued by health, wellness, and athletic performance. He did ride his bike or cross-country ski to-and-from school most days, after all!

    He moved to the United States in 2003 to attend Stanford Business School, and it's there where he met his friend and business partner, Pete Flint, and, together, they founded Trulia, eventually turning it public. Today, he is the CEO and Founder of Virta Health, a company on a mission to reverse Type 2 Diabetes in 100 million people by 2025.

    It was a revelation about his own health that was the catalyst for this new mission. You see, even though Sami was and still is a top performer both in sport and life, he made the mistake that so many of us make: burning the candle at both ends. “In 2008,” he says, “I had a view that the more hours you train, the faster you become and the more hours you work, the more effective you are.” That way of life led to frequent bouts of flu and fever. Even worse, he recalls, he was forgetting common words and names. He didn’t realize at the time, but he was also on his way to becoming pre-diabetic.

    This way of life is a slippery slope for a high-performing athlete and CEO, which is why Purple Patch Fitness and the Matt Dixon “Pillars of Performance” were such a good fit for Inkinen. He put these philosophies into practice during his triathlon training and the results have been astonishing. Here are just a few of Sami’s achievements:

    Surely an athlete with these results must train upwards of 20-25 hours per week! Not in this case. Sami did this all on a recipe of 10-12 hours per week.

    How is this possible? Well, discipline and trust are two ingredients in this equation. Matt and Sami dive deep into training philosophies and they discuss what’s important to success and life, work, and sport including:

    • Challenges while juggling work, life, and training
    • The value of having a coach
    • The key elements of setting up successful training on limited hours
    • Tips for managing life and schedules each week
    • Mistakes of aspirational and ambitious athletes
    • Importance of adopting a “growth” mindset instead of “results” mindset
    • His favorite free recovery tool
    • Rapid fire questions on success

    Most recently, Sami and his wife chartered off on a record-breaking 45-day row from San Francisco to Hawaii that they chronicled together at FatChanceRow.org

    Ultimately, the goal of Sam’s success is one that we should all share: Creating Sustainable High Performance in all aspects of life.

    We hope you enjoy this high performance episode.

    To get a Sami sample training week, visit PurplePatchFitness.com. Here, you can also learn more about our Coaching Services, Training Camps and Matt's Latest Book, Fast Track Triathlete.


    :00-:21 Recorded Intro

    :21-:3:45  Welcome and What’s Coming Up in Future

    3:45-7:15  Word of the Week: Sugar

    7:30-54:30 Sami Inkinen Introduction and Interview

    54:30 Visit PurplePatchFitness.com for a Sample Sami Week of Training

    Follow us and learn more about our Coaching Services, Training Camps and Matt's Latest Book, Fast Track Triathlete:

    Thanks for taking a listen and, if you like what you hear, please subscribe, share, rate and review. Your feedback is appreciated.

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    Airey Bros. Radio Episode 26 Matt Cooper

    Airey Bros. Radio Episode 26 Matt Cooper
    Matt “Coop” Cooper is a nutrition consultant, strength & conditioning coach, and sport scientist from California.  Driven by a semi-healthy obsession to explore human performance, Coop spends his time researching, experimenting, doing nerdy things, watching & playing basketball, and building better humans in general in the Compton/Los Angeles Area.
    Coop works with athletes and individuals-from developmental to professional levels-remotely and in-person to optimize their health, performance, and fitness. 
    Coop translates research, experience, and human performance technology to design one stop shop services and programs that address relevant areas, including nutrition, health, training, sleep, mind/body integration, the nervous system, recovery, and beyond.
    Coop's own personal journey began in athletics and fitness-until poor health states befell him at an early age-this lead to him becoming his own practitioner and fuels his current work, marrying functional health and human performance to help others evolve into suprahumans.

    Coop's Credintials 
    Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), Certified Nutrition Coach (CFNC), Certified Sport Performance Specialist (Speed of Sport Affiliate), NeuFit L1 Electrotherapist, Applied Functional Science Practitioner; 3D Maps Biomechanics (Gray Institute), Postural Respiration (PRI), FlexDiet (Dr. Mike T Nelson; I.P. 2019), Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner (CFMP; I.P. 2019), Conditioning Coach (MMACA)

    Connect with Coop and Follow his Work

    Website: https://www.rewireperformance.com/facilities

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rewireperformance/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Matt-Cooper-Human-Performance-117787438891305/?ref=bookmarks

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/coopwiretap

    Connect with the Airey Bros.

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    06 Bonus Episode - The Emerging Purple Patch Pros

    06 Bonus Episode - The Emerging Purple Patch Pros

    You know it's going to be a good episode when Coach Matt Dixon refers to it as the "Brainiac Pro Edition!" Sonia Bracegirdle, Cecilia Davis-Hayes, and Laurence Delisle are the antithesis of what you might stereotype as a typical professional athlete.

    Yes, all three are brand new pro athletes starting their journey to world-class, but they have already excelled in many other areas of life. Collectively, their academic, business and sporting accomplishments make up a body of work that is highly impressive even from the loftiest set of standards.

    In this roundtable discussion from their recent training camp, they discuss the:

    • Personal reasons why they are pursuing this journey of professional sport
    • Benefits and challenges of being a high-achieving individual
    • Important roles that sports played in their academic and business careers
    • Delicate balance of work, school, and training
    • Value of coaches and mentors in school and training
    • Overcoming fears and intimidation as an emerging pro
    • Definitions of success

    ...and so much more!

    Their perspective and experiences certainly provide a wealth of insight and inspiration for anyone who is on a quest for self-improvement.

    Enjoy this conversation with three women who Matt Dixon calls, "Complete Endurance Sports Assassins." 

    :00-:20  Recorded Intro

    :20-1:33 Matt's Weekly Welcome 

    1:33-4:55 Word of the Week: Strength and the real reason it's important in endurance training (Hint: not simply to avoid injury)

    4:55-1:01 Matt's Roundtable with Sonia Bracegirdle, Cecilia Davis-Hayes, and Laurence Delisle

    Follow us and learn more about our Coaching Services, Training Camps and Matt's Latest Book, Fast Track Triathlete:

    Thanks for taking a listen and, if you like what you hear, please subscribe, share, rate and review. Your feedback is appreciated.


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    Copyright 2018 All Rights Reserved

    32 Ed Baker -Purpose, Patience, and Performance Lead to IRONMAN Victory

    32 Ed Baker -Purpose, Patience, and Performance Lead to IRONMAN Victory

    Article about Ed’s IRONMAN Lake Placid Victory


    This week, we revisit a former guest with a playback of Episode 9 with Ed Baker. Ed is an accomplished and impressive business executive, serving as Head of International Growth at Facebook and then VP of Growth and Product at Uber until the Spring of 2017.

    In addition to his business accolades, he is the father of three children (with another one on the way this Fall) and, over the last two years, he has taken a leap of faith into triathlon under the leadership of Matt Dixon.

    On July 22, 2018, Ed Baker put his months of training and education to the test at IRONMAN Lake Placid and HE WON - OVERALL.  

    This episode, recorded in February 2018,  takes place while Ed was at the Purple Patch Pro Camp in Scottsdale.  Yes, Dixon threw this triathlon newbie to the professional wolves and they had a feast, but it gives you a glimpse into the journey and progression of Ed that would lead to his first IRONMAN victory.

    Throughout the conversation, you’ll hear them discuss Ed’s journey from athlete-to-executive, and then back to an athlete. They also came away with many insights and lessons for any high-performing individual, and these are the nuggets that Matt and Ed discuss so thoroughly in this episode, including the:


    • Benefits of maintaining an exercise or training routine even as a busy executive
    • Value of having a coach to help you define goals and realize your full potential
    • Similarities between sport and business - setting small goals and having the ability to check in frequently, embracing baby steps
    • Many parallels between professional athletes and executives, including an insatiable thirst for personal evolution and growth
    • Importance of nailing the basics both in work and life since that makes up 95% of performance success
    • Qualities of successful people - humility, friendliness and a good sense of humor


    How did he go from triathlon newbie to IRONMAN champion?


    Talent Management: With an athlete like Ed, the coach better be equipped to say no as much as yes -- as talent requires management.  To manage Ed’s progression, Matt had to be very careful with load and progression, ensuring that he didn’t just dump swimming and cycling onto an already comprehensive running background, and didn’t just mimic old training habits.  The key has been patience and careful progression.

    A Race Plan for Performance: Ed’s race plan this weekend was simple.  Go and train all day.   He ‘loves’ to race, but this would be an event to train.  This approach means a humble mindset, a cautious and patient approach, and a complete avoidance of thinking about places, times or qualification.

    Create a Positive Race Experience: This humble approach, with the focus on the occasion and joy of it, was the gateway to future performance.  

    Yes, Ed won the race and had a magical day, but the key is how he got there.  He listened, was patient, and despite his natural racing instincts, he had the courage to hold back to allow the magic to happen.  Now he can learn, evolve and improve. 

    Article about Ed’s Victory


    Follow Purple Patch Fitness and learn more about our Coaching Services, Training Camps, Promotions and Matt's Latest Book, Fast Track Triathlete:

    Thanks for taking a listen and, if you like what you hear, please subscribe, share, rate and review. Your feedback is appreciated.

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