
    25: Shenseea | Chunkz & Filly Show | Episode 25

    enApril 11, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Discovering Hidden Gem Restaurants and Sharing a Passion for FoodThrough a shared love for food, especially seafood, the hosts and a UK guest connected, highlighting the importance of finding hidden gem restaurants for great food in a relaxed atmosphere and the joy of discovering new favorite dishes while traveling.

      The love for food and cooking connects people across borders. During a recent podcast interview, the hosts discussed their shared appreciation for good food, specifically seafood, with a guest from the UK. The guest revealed her favorite restaurants in London, emphasizing the importance of finding hidden gems that offer great food in a relaxed atmosphere. The conversation also highlighted the guest's background as a chef and her belief that cooking and music go hand in hand. The hosts and guest shared their favorite dishes, with the guest expressing her love for various types of fish. Despite the differences in accents and cultures, the shared passion for food brought them closer together. The conversation also highlighted the importance of experiencing local cuisine when traveling and the joy of discovering new favorite dishes.

    • The Impact of UK Slang on Daily Language UseThe unique nature of UK slang, influenced by Jamaican origins, shapes the daily language use of the speaker and sets them apart from other English-speaking communities.

      The speaker is discussing the influence of UK slang, particularly those with Jamaican origins, on their daily language use. They reflect on how age and body changes have impacted their lifestyle, leading to weight gain and a shift in identity. The speaker also highlights the unique nature of UK slang and how it sets them apart from other English-speaking communities. Some specific examples given include "in it," "gams," "meaty," "lang," "peng," and "gassed." The speaker acknowledges the borrowing of Jamaican lingo and the evolution of new terms in the UK. They also express the difficulty in coming up with new slang terms themselves. The conversation then transitions to discussing the upcoming UK tour.

    • Exploring New Sounds and Overcoming CriticismArtists should embrace change, stay true to themselves, and remain open-minded to criticism as they evolve and experiment with their talent, drawing inspiration from successful artists like Beyoncé.

      Artists are constantly evolving and exploring new sounds, but some fans may be resistant to change. The artist in this conversation expresses her excitement about performing new songs from her album and experimenting with her talent. She acknowledges the criticism she's received but sees it as an opportunity to learn and improve. She also draws a comparison to Beyoncé, who has successfully transitioned between genres throughout her career. The artist emphasizes the importance of staying true to oneself and not being defined by past successes. She also acknowledges the perception issues that come with going mainstream and the need for patience and open-mindedness from both artists and fans. Ultimately, she believes that the core fans will remain supportive and that the world is bigger than any one genre.

    • Ignoring online hate and focusing on positivityArtists and individuals should ignore online negativity, focus on personal growth, and not let it deter from real-life accomplishments and positive experiences.

      Artists and individuals in the public eye can face a lot of negativity and hate online, but it's important to remember that these opinions don't define their worth or success. The speaker shares his experience of ignoring the haters and focusing on the positivity in his life, as well as recognizing that those who hate are often in a less fortunate position. He suggests that replying to negative comments can sometimes fuel the hater's desire for attention and that it's essential to maintain a balanced perspective. Ultimately, it's crucial to stay focused on personal growth and not let the negativity online deter from the positive experiences and accomplishments in real life.

    • Exploring authenticity and balance in content creationStay true to oneself, focus on the creative process, and only post when feeling good and having substantial content.

      Finding balance and authenticity in creating content, whether it's music or social media, is crucial for mental health and artistic growth. The speaker shared their personal experience of exploring different genres and sounds during the early stages of their career, which led to feeling overwhelmed and the need to step back. They emphasized the importance of only posting when they feel good and have substantial content, as opposed to forcing it. The speaker also discussed their process of creating music, which involves choosing beats first to inspire them, and focusing on melody. Their biggest influence growing up was Vybz Cartel, a Jamaican artist known for his vocal dancehall songs. In a segment called "blind ranking," the speaker was asked to rank other artists without knowing who they were, demonstrating their ability to judge based on the merit of the music alone. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of staying true to oneself and focusing on the creative process, rather than external pressures, in order to produce meaningful and authentic content.

    • Speaker's top 5 dancehall artists and favorite Sean Paul songThe speaker, a Jamaican-Korean individual, shared their admiration for dancehall artists Sean Paul, Beanie Man, Dexter Daps, and Movado, with Sean Paul being a standout for their favorite 2004 song and early global acceptance.

      During a conversation about favorite dancehall artists, the speaker revealed their top five picks, which included Sean Paul, Beanie Man, Dexter Daps, and Movado. Sean Paul was ranked third, and the speaker shared their favorite Sean Paul song from 2004. The speaker also mentioned that Sean Paul was one of the earliest dancehall artists to gain global acceptance. The conversation also touched on the speaker's background, revealing that they are Jamaican and Korean. The speaker shared that there is a significant Asian population in Jamaica and discussed their desire to visit Africa someday, despite being kept from doing so by their management. Throughout the conversation, the speaker showed a deep appreciation for dancehall music and its artists.

    • From singing in high school to DJing at 19, Shannon's music career began early. She connects to her Jamaican roots and balances motherhood with her art.Shannon started singing in high school, became a DJ at 19, and balances motherhood with her music career while maintaining Jamaican roots.

      Shannon's music career began in high school when she started singing, but she broke into the industry through DJing at the age of 19. She maintains a strong connection to her Jamaican roots and balances her role as a mother with her artistic pursuits. Her son, who is now 8 years old, accompanies her on her travels and is aware of her music career. Shannon has collaborated with numerous renowned artists including Megan Thee Stallion, Wizkid, and Kanye West. While some artists may be disappointed when their collaborations aren't publicly acknowledged, Shannon understands that Kanye has a unique approach to album releases. Despite the challenges of balancing motherhood and music, Shannon continues to prioritize her family and her art.

    • Rishi's Authentic Collaborations and International FanbaseRishi, a music artist, builds respect through personal collaborations and has a diverse fanbase in the US, Africa, and the French Caribbean Islands.

      Rishi is a music artist who values authentic collaboration with other artists he admires. He personally reaches out to them and has built a reputation as a respected artist in the industry, leading to free collaborations out of mutual respect. Rishi's music influences span between Jamaica and America, and he spends equal time in both countries. His biggest fan bases are in the US, Africa, and the French Caribbean Islands, with a personal preference for performing in Jamaica. Rishi's background of moving around frequently in Jamaica as a child prepared him for his artistic career and his inability to stay in one place for too long.

    • Finding a special connection in Birmingham, UKThe artist cherishes their experiences in the UK, particularly Birmingham, where they learned to be true to themselves and perform authentically. They value persistence and resilience, as shown in their determination to be a part of the Bob Marley 'One Love' movie soundtrack despite initial rejections.

      The artist finds a special connection with the UK audience, particularly in Birmingham, where they learned to be true to themselves and perform authentically. This experience has made the UK a cherished place for them, and they appreciate the love and energy they receive from the crowds. The artist also values persistence and resilience, as shown in their determination to be a part of the Bob Marley "One Love" movie soundtrack despite initial rejections. They believe that the significance of the opportunity kept them going, and they eventually succeeded by adapting their approach. Overall, the artist's passion for music and their ability to connect with audiences are key themes that emerged from the conversation.

    • Artist's mindset during song creationPressure and legacy didn't hinder artist's lighthearted approach to creating significant song, emphasizing fun and embracing experiences.

      Pressure and legacy didn't significantly impact the artist's mindset during the creation of a significant song. Instead, he approached the process with a lighthearted attitude, representing his country, and singing his best. The artist shared an experience of a role play session during the interview, showcasing a different side of him, where he took on the role of a guy who had cheated in a relationship. Despite the confusion, they continued the role play, highlighting the importance of having fun and embracing various experiences. The artist's approach to both music and role play demonstrates his ability to stay focused on the task at hand while maintaining a positive and carefree attitude.

    • Misunderstandings and healthy relationshipsClear communication and self-expression are vital for healthy relationships. Assumptions and lack of understanding can lead to hurtful outcomes. Own up to mistakes and be open about feelings. Balance digital and real-life experiences to avoid addiction.

      Authentic communication and self-expression are crucial in maintaining healthy relationships. The discussion reveals how a misunderstanding between two individuals, fueled by assumptions and lack of clear communication, can lead to hurtful outcomes. The importance of owning up to mistakes and being open about feelings was emphasized, as was the impact of technology on our ability to connect and engage in meaningful ways. The conversation also touched upon the topic of addiction and the need to find a balance between digital and real-life experiences. Overall, the conversation underscores the significance of honesty, understanding, and effective communication in fostering strong, healthy relationships.

    • Discovering Excessive Screen Time Usage and AddictionSpeakers discussed their significant daily screen time averages on various apps, with Instagram being the most used. They acknowledged their addictions and the impact on their daily lives, and agreed on the importance of finding a balance between screen time and other activities.

      While discussing their screen time usage on various apps, the speakers acknowledged their own addictions and the impact it has on their daily lives. The conversation began when one speaker shared his concern about excessive screen time during a streaming session, which led to a comparison of their app usage. They discovered that their daily averages were significant, with one speaker clocking in at 7 hours and 44 minutes, and the other at 7 hours and 24 minutes. Instagram was identified as the most used app for both, with the first speaker spending 6 hours and 53 minutes, and the second 6 hours. The first speaker also shared his experience of limiting his niece's screen time for her education and revealed that he sometimes has to take breaks from his son's excessive usage. They both agreed that it's essential to find a balance between screen time and other activities, such as reading, socializing, and outdoor activities. The conversation ended with the realization that they, too, have addictions and that it's crucial to address it.

    • Exploring Unique Interests Through MediaEmbrace individuality and be open-minded to diverse interests and experiences, even if they seem unusual or sensitive to others.

      People have unique and often quirky interests that they explore through various forms of media, even if they seem unusual or mundane to others. This was evident in the conversation where individuals shared their fascinations with watching processes like chocolate making, beehive removal, and even disturbing content like popping pimples or horror stories. However, the conversation also touched upon sensitive topics, such as race and acceptance, where an individual expressed concern about revealing their preference for women of a different skin tone to their family. The advice given was to wait a few years before disclosing this information to ensure a solid foundation of understanding and acceptance within the family. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of embracing individuality and being open-minded to the diverse interests and experiences of others.

    • Understanding Love's Complexity and PrioritiesPeople prioritize love, relationships, and personal growth differently. Open communication and respecting individual paces are essential. Love can come from various sources beyond romantic relationships.

      Love and relationships can be complex and don't always follow a set timeline. Actors, like Chad Tabroski, can deliver powerful performances that resonate deeply, even if personal circumstances may not align with societal expectations. Regarding romantic relationships, it's essential to communicate openly and understand that everyone moves at their own pace. Some people prioritize their careers or personal growth over marriage, and that's okay. Ultimately, love and happiness can come from various sources, including family, music, or personal achievements. For some individuals, like the speaker, their passions and goals may take precedence over romantic relationships, and that's a valid choice. Additionally, the importance of accolades, such as a Grammy, stems from the recognition and validation they provide in the music industry.

    • Balancing Music and Appearance for SuccessCreating undeniable music and resonating with audiences are key to an artist's success, regardless of their appearance.

      While achieving a Grammy is a significant goal for many artists, it's not the only measure of success. Filling a stadium with fans, creating great music, and having a unique look can all contribute to an artist's success. An accountant-looking artist can still make it big in music if their music is undeniable and seen as art by their audience. Balance between music and appearance can help boost an artist's career. The artist mentioned in the conversation expressed his goals of filling stadiums like Wembley and creating music that resonates with Jamaicans worldwide. Ultimately, the most important thing is to create music that speaks to people and makes an impact.

    • Shane's Surprisingly Successful Song and Favorite TunesShane cherishes unexpected success in his music and values the importance of enjoying the creative process, rather than focusing on expectations or outcomes.

      Shane expressed deep appreciation for a particular song he wrote, which surprised him with its impact and popularity. He found it to be one of his most creative works and was grateful for its positive reception. Shane also mentioned a few other favorite songs of his, each holding significance for different reasons. Regarding his upcoming album, Shane expressed no expectations, having put significant effort into its creation over the past two years. He emphasized the importance of enjoying the music and not putting too much pressure on himself or his art. Shane's overall message conveyed a sense of gratitude and positivity towards his music and creative process.

    • Cheniere's Love for Sports and UK FansCheniere, a dancehall queen, expresses her passion for football, cricket, and boxing, and looks forward to attending a game in the UK. She appreciates her UK fans' support and invites them to subscribe to her YouTube channel to help her reach a milestone.

      Cheniere, the dancehall queen, is a passionate supporter of various sports, particularly football, cricket, and boxing. She is excited to visit the UK to attend a football game and experience the culture. Cheniere expressed her appreciation for the love and energy she receives from her fans in the UK, and she chose to perform there after a long hiatus. Additionally, she invited her fans to subscribe to her YouTube channel to help her reach a milestone and encouraged audio listeners to watch the interview to see her in action. Overall, Cheniere's interview showcased her love for sports and her connection with her fans in the UK.

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    Produced by Julia Schroeder

    Cover art by Franka Del Santo

    Music by Mike Clark


    Recorded on the ancestral lands of the Ojibwe, Odawa, and Potawatomi Nations, among other indigenous tribes.


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