
    256. Fave Ep: You're setting the bar TOO low

    enOctober 29, 2023
    What low expectations does Alexis Fernandez discuss in the episode?
    How does urbakh-weath disease relate to personal growth?
    What are minimum and ideal standards in relationships?
    How can societal expectations affect fathers' roles?
    Why is sharing household responsibilities important for partners?

    Podcast Summary

    • Setting unrealistic expectations can limit our growthIdentify if you're setting low goals, understand the consequences, and make a conscious effort to raise your expectations for personal growth and fulfillment.

      Many of us may be unknowingly setting our goals and expectations too low in various areas of our lives, including career, personal growth, and relationships. This episode of "Do You Fucking Mind" by Alexis Fernandez explores this concept in detail, using the metaphor of urbakh-weath disease, a rare condition that causes calcification in the amygdala, the part of the brain responsible for fear and emotion. By identifying if we're setting the bar too low and understanding the negative consequences, we can make conscious efforts to raise our expectations and strive for more in life. Listen to the full episode for more insights and practical tips.

    • A condition called amygdala damage can make a person fearlessA condition affecting the brain's threat detection can eliminate fear responses, impacting behavior and safety. Setting low goals may have similar consequences, limiting opportunities for growth.

      A condition called amygdala damage can render a person fearless to external stimuli. This condition, which affects the threat detection part of the brain, prevents the person from experiencing fear or fear responses. This was demonstrated in a famous case study of a woman named SM, who showed no fear in response to snakes, spiders, or even being mugged at knife point. While she could still experience other emotions, the absence of fear had significant implications for her behavior and safety. It's important to remember that setting the bar too low in our own lives can have similar consequences, as we may miss out on opportunities for growth and fulfillment. Instead, we should strive to challenge ourselves and set high goals to reach our full potential.

    • Establishing Minimum and Ideal StandardsIdentify clear minimum and ideal standards in relationships, career, and personal life to prevent unhealthy situations and promote growth

      It's essential to establish both a minimum and ideal standard in various aspects of life, including relationships, career, and personal well-being. Having a clear minimum standard helps prevent accepting unacceptable treatment or situations. It's crucial to identify these standards and be aware of them to avoid tolerating unhealthy situations for extended periods. Additionally, striving for an ideal standard provides a benchmark for personal growth and improvement. By understanding and maintaining a clear minimum standard, individuals can avoid being "traded like shit" and tap out when necessary.

    • Setting clear standards for personal growthReflect on expectations, raise the bar for growth, and make informed decisions for a more fulfilling life

      Setting clear standards for yourself in various aspects of life, such as career and relationships, is crucial for personal growth and happiness. If you find yourself consistently feeling unhappy or stressed, it may be a sign that you've passed your minimum threshold and it's time to make a change. Conversely, setting the bar too low can hinder growth and progress. By reflecting on your expectations and the narratives surrounding them, you can gain a better understanding of where you've set the bar and whether it's time to raise it. Remember, it's important to ask yourself what it will take for you to stay in a situation and what it will take for you to leave. Setting clear standards for yourself can help you make informed decisions and ultimately lead to a more fulfilling life.

    • Setting high expectations leads to personal growthHigh expectations lead to greater achievements and a better understanding of our limits and potential. Setting low expectations can hinder growth and keep us from reaching our full potential.

      Setting high expectations for ourselves, whether in our careers or relationships, can lead to greater achievements and personal growth. The person who sets the bar high and tries out new opportunities, even if they don't ultimately enjoy them, has a better understanding of their limits and potential. Conversely, setting the bar too low can limit our achievements and keep us from reaching our full potential. In relationships, setting unrealistically low expectations can lead to a lack of appreciation and a sense of entitlement for both partners. It's important to recognize our responsibilities and strive for personal growth and excellence.

    • Unintentionally setting low standards for fathersRecognize and challenge societal expectations that praise basic fatherly duties and reinforce gender stereotypes. Strive for equal sharing of parenting and household responsibilities.

      Societal expectations and the way we communicate about parenting and household roles can unintentionally set the bar too low for fathers, leading to unnecessary applause and reinforcing gender stereotypes. This can be seen in situations where fathers are praised for basic fatherly duties, like changing a diaper, or referring to caregiving as "babysitting." Furthermore, when it comes to household chores, if one partner consistently takes on more responsibilities without being challenged, it sets a low standard for both partners. To create a more balanced and equitable living situation, it's essential to acknowledge and address these expectations and work together to ensure that both partners share the responsibilities of parenting and maintaining the household.

    • Manipulating through pretense in relationships and householdsRecognize manipulative behavior, set clear expectations, and establish consequences to encourage responsibility and promote healthy relationships.

      People, including parents and partners, sometimes pretend they cannot do certain tasks to manipulate others into doing them. This behavior can be frustrating and lead to feelings of resentment. It's important to recognize this pattern and establish clear expectations and consequences. For instance, parents can use incentives to encourage children to contribute to household tasks. By setting rules that require completed chores before granting privileges, children learn responsibility and the importance of contributing to the household. Similarly, adults can communicate their needs and set boundaries with partners or parents who rely on them for tasks they are capable of doing themselves. It's essential to remember that everyone benefits from clear roles and responsibilities within a household or relationship.

    • Setting clear expectations and standards for growth and improvementCommunicating high standards effectively can lead to better outcomes in personal tasks, relationships, and personal growth. Don't settle for less than what we deserve.

      Setting clear expectations and standards in various aspects of life, be it personal tasks or relationships, is essential for growth and improvement. Whether it's teaching someone a skill or dealing with conflict in a relationship, setting the bar high and communicating it effectively can lead to better outcomes. Similarly, not settling for less than what we deserve in relationships or in our own personal growth can lead to healthier and more fulfilling experiences. If we accept low standards for ourselves or others, we may miss out on opportunities for growth and improvement.

    • Recognize and address destructive behaviorsIt's essential to reconsider behaviors that harm ourselves and others, and set a higher standard for healthier relationships

      It's important to recognize and address destructive behaviors that negatively impact ourselves and our relationships, rather than using our hardships as an excuse to treat those close to us poorly. The speaker argues that everyone deserves respect and kindness, especially during difficult times. It's not fair to expect loved ones to endure our worst behavior, and it's essential to consider the qualities of the relationships we value and the people we attract based on our actions. While it's okay to hold onto behaviors that serve us positively, it's crucial to reconsider those that harm ourselves and others. Ultimately, setting a higher standard for ourselves can lead to healthier, more fulfilling relationships.

    • Recognize and take responsibility for destructive behaviorsDon't blame others for leaving us, recognize our destructive behaviors and take responsibility, don't use age as an excuse, strive to learn and grow, treat others with respect and kindness.

      We all have the power to change our behaviors and attitudes, but if we don't make an effort to do so, we may push people away and limit our potential for growth. The speaker emphasizes the importance of recognizing our destructive behaviors and taking responsibility for them, rather than blaming others for leaving us. Additionally, the speaker warns against using age as an excuse for not trying to improve ourselves or our circumstances. By setting the bar too low and resigning ourselves to our current situation, we limit our potential for growth and may even create a self-fulfilling prophecy of being a victim. Instead, we should strive to learn and grow, no matter our age, and treat those around us with respect and kindness.

    • Raise your standards for a better lifeNever settle for less, set new minimums and strive for ideal standards to improve relationships, career, and personal growth.

      It's never too late to raise the bar for yourself in relationships, career, and personal growth. Lower standards can lead to complacency and a self-fulfilling prophecy of expecting less. Identify where your standards are too low and set a new minimum. Consider what your ideal standard could be and work towards it. By setting higher standards, you can improve your relationships and career, and ultimately, live a more fulfilling life. Don't let age or past experiences limit your potential. Instead, embrace the present and strive for personal growth.

    • Engaging with podcast content beyond listeningCreate and share short clips from podcasts on social media to spread the message and create a sense of community. Practice self-kindness and ignore unnecessary criticism.

      Engagement with podcast content goes beyond just listening. The speaker expressed gratitude for listeners who create and share short clips from the podcast on social media platforms like Instagram, Reels, and TikTok. These clips can serve as personal reminders and can be shared with others to spread the message further. The speaker encourages listeners to engage with the content in this way, as it adds value and creates a sense of community around the podcast. Additionally, the speaker emphasized the importance of self-kindness and not taking unnecessary criticism or negativity to heart.

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    Host: Alexis Fernandez          
    Executive Producer & Editor: Elise Cooper
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