
    26: Moms and MILs.. We Just Scratched the Surface

    enJuly 29, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Mother-in-laws and toxic moms: Complex dynamics in relationshipsRecognize everyone has baggage, communicate openly, and navigate complex mother-in-law and toxic mom relationships with compassion and open communication.

      Mother-in-laws and toxic moms can bring unique and complex dynamics into relationships. These dynamics can change once individuals get engaged or married, and underlying tensions may surface. Some people may have experienced toxic relationships with their mothers or mothers-in-law, which can impact their current relationships. It's essential to recognize that everyone has baggage and to avoid making assumptions or holding grudges based on past experiences. Additionally, it's important to communicate openly and address any issues that arise in relationships to maintain healthy and positive dynamics. The hosts shared personal stories and experiences, as well as stories from listeners, highlighting the various ways mother-in-laws and toxic moms can impact relationships. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of understanding and navigating these relationships with compassion and open communication.

    • In-laws causing wedding day stressOpen communication, understanding, and respect are crucial for a positive and supportive wedding experience. Address concerns and build healthy relationships to ensure happiness for all involved.

      Unsupportive and disrespectful in-laws can cause significant stress and discomfort on a wedding day. The speaker in this story experienced various instances of insensitivity and disregard from her future in-laws, leading to frustration and uncertainty about her decision to marry into the family. From uninvited exes to unhelpful behavior during wedding preparations, the speaker felt disrespected and ignored on her special day. This experience highlights the importance of open communication, understanding, and respect between families and future spouses to create a positive and supportive environment. It's essential to address any concerns and work towards building healthy relationships, ensuring a happy and memorable wedding experience for everyone involved.

    • Mother-in-law's past experiences lead to hurtful comments towards future daughter-in-lawRecognize and address toxic behavior in family dynamics, communicate clearly, and respect roles and boundaries to maintain healthy relationships.

      Family dynamics, especially during significant life events like weddings and the birth of new children, can bring up complex emotions and challenges. In the discussed situation, a mother-in-law's past experiences and unhappiness led her to make hurtful and inappropriate comments towards her future daughter-in-law. This behavior is toxic and can negatively impact relationships. It's essential to recognize and address these issues to maintain healthy family connections. Additionally, the expectation of grandmothers to assume a specific role can also lead to misunderstandings and feelings of ownership. Clear communication and respect for each other's roles and boundaries are crucial to prevent misunderstandings and maintain harmony within families.

    • Clear communication and cultural sensitivityAddressing discomfort and misunderstandings directly can prevent uncomfortable situations and potential misunderstandings. Cultural sensitivity is important to avoid causing offense or ethical dilemmas.

      Clear communication is essential in avoiding misunderstandings and uncomfortable situations. In the discussed scenario, the mother-in-law's use of language could be causing discomfort for the speaker, and addressing this issue directly could prevent any potential misunderstandings or more serious consequences. Another topic touched upon was the historical practice of wet nursing, which raises ethical concerns and highlights the importance of cultural sensitivity. In the given situation, the mother-in-law's actions were inappropriate and unsettling, and clear boundaries need to be set to ensure the baby's safety and the speakers comfort.

    • Respecting Boundaries in Family RelationshipsClear communication, respect for boundaries, and understanding are essential for strong family relationships. Unconventional actions, even with good intentions, can lead to conflict if they cross established lines.

      Boundaries and trust are essential in family relationships. The discussion revolves around a mother-in-law attempting to calm a crying baby by offering her breast, which was perceived as inappropriate and invasive by the mother. The incident led to a heated argument, with both parties believing they were in the right. It's important to respect each other's boundaries and follow established rules, especially when it comes to raising children. In this case, the mother had set guidelines for how she wanted her baby to be cared for while she was at work. The mother-in-law, despite having good intentions, crossed a line by attempting to breastfeed the baby. Communication and compromise are crucial in resolving conflicts. The mother could have approached the situation differently by discussing her concerns with her mother-in-law instead of checking the camera secretly. On the other hand, the mother-in-law could have asked for permission before trying to calm the baby in such an unconventional way. Ultimately, the incident highlights the importance of clear communication, respect for boundaries, and understanding that every family has unique rules and expectations. By acknowledging and addressing these issues, families can build stronger, more harmonious relationships.

    • Protecting Children: Balancing Love and TrustCommunication and mutual understanding are key to resolving conflicts between parents and grandparents over childcare. Prioritize the child's safety and wellbeing, and consider giving a second chance for mistakes. Establish clear boundaries and ensure open communication to prevent future misunderstandings.

      While it's understandable for a grandmother to feel protective and defensive, it's important for both parties to communicate effectively and work towards finding a solution that prioritizes the child's safety and wellbeing. The mother's initial reaction was not ideal, but with mutual understanding and trust, a second chance may be worth considering. However, it's crucial to establish clear boundaries and ensure open communication to prevent any potential misunderstandings or conflicts in the future. The mother-in-law's behavior was out of line, but it's essential to remember that everyone makes mistakes and that people can change. Ultimately, the best interest of the child should always be the priority, and finding a way for both parties to work together for the child's benefit is key. The story about the nanny in Peru highlights the importance of being vigilant and trusting only those who have proven themselves reliable when it comes to caring for our children.

    • Grandmother's inappropriate breastfeeding attempt sparks controversyEffective communication, respecting boundaries, and understanding complex family dynamics are crucial for harmonious childcare. Avoid assumptions, consider context, and prioritize open dialogue.

      Effective communication and respecting boundaries are crucial in family dynamics, especially when it comes to childcare. The discussion revolves around a situation where a grandmother tried to breastfeed someone else's baby, which was met with controversy and concern. The grandmother's actions were seen as inappropriate and disrespectful of boundaries. The conversation also touched upon the idea that mothers often form a unique bond with their babies through breastfeeding, which can be confusing for babies if someone else tries to replicate the experience. Additionally, the convenience and comfort of having family nearby to help with childcare was highlighted, but it's essential to establish clear boundaries and ensure everyone feels included. Furthermore, it was emphasized that judgment should not be hasty, as people are complex, and situations are not always as they seem. It's important to consider the context and background of actions before making assumptions. In conclusion, the conversation underscores the importance of open communication, respecting boundaries, and understanding the complexities of family dynamics.

    • Soothing a baby when not breastfeedingOffering a pacifier or bottle instead of breast when baby is upset can help soothe them effectively. Prioritize everyone's feelings and needs while ensuring mother and baby's well-being.

      During the early stages of a baby's life, their association with the breast is primarily for food. Therefore, offering a pacifier or bottle instead of the breast when the baby is upset, instead of breastfeeding, may help soothe them more effectively. However, it's important to remember that in stressful situations, parents may act impulsively and make decisions that might not be ideal, but that doesn't necessarily make them insane. In another context, a mother's decision to allow her partner's father to be present during the delivery, while excluding her own mother, can lead to tension and conflict. It's essential to consider everyone's feelings and needs while prioritizing the well-being of the mother and the baby.

    • Ensuring a supportive environment during labor and deliveryInviting toxic or judgmental family members during labor and delivery can add unnecessary stress and potentially harm the mother's emotional and physical well-being. Prioritize the mother's comfort and safety by considering who will create the most positive and nurturing environment.

      During labor and delivery, it's essential to ensure a supportive and positive environment for the mother. Inviting a toxic or judgmental family member, such as a mother-in-law, into the delivery room can add unnecessary stress and potentially harm the mother's emotional and physical well-being. The mother's comfort and safety should be the top priority during this intimate and vulnerable experience. It's crucial to consider the potential impact of having certain individuals present and make decisions based on what will create the most positive and nurturing environment for the mother and newborn.

    • Supporting the laboring partner during childbirthRespect the wife's decision on who to have in the delivery room, prioritize her emotional and physical well-being, and ensure she feels safe, supported, and respected throughout the process.

      During childbirth, the comfort and well-being of the laboring partner should be the top priority. The decision of who is present in the delivery room is a personal and intimate one, and ultimately, it is the wife's decision to make. The husband's role is to support her and respect her wishes. It is not a joint decision, but rather, a decision that should be made based on the wife's needs and preferences. Additionally, if there are concerns about a particular family member's behavior or impact on the laboring partner, it is essential to prioritize the partner's emotional and physical well-being over the potential discomfort of excluding that family member from the delivery room. The laboring partner's experience is unique and demanding, and it is crucial to ensure that she feels safe, supported, and respected throughout the process.

    • Supporting a loved one through health strugglesRespect boundaries, consider impact on both partners, approach with empathy, compassion, and open communication.

      Supporting a loved one through their struggles can be challenging and complex, especially when it comes to their health and wellbeing. In the first scenario, it's important to respect boundaries and understand that everyone's experiences with childbirth and parenting are unique. In the second scenario, it's crucial to consider the impact of a chronic illness on both partners and the potential consequences of staying in a relationship that may be detrimental to one's own happiness and wellbeing. Ultimately, it's essential to approach these situations with empathy, compassion, and open communication, while also being mindful of the potential emotional toll on all parties involved.

    • Respecting People's Choices in Love and RelationshipsEveryone deserves respect, understanding, and support in their relationships, regardless of challenges. Forcing someone to leave their partner due to their chronic illness is intrusive and potentially damaging.

      It's important to respect people's choices in their relationships, especially when it comes to matters of love and personal happiness. In the discussion, it was emphasized that a mother, despite her concerns and feelings, cannot force her son to leave his partner due to that partner's chronic illness. The mother's actions were seen as intrusive and potentially damaging to both her relationship with her son and her son's relationship with his partner. It was also highlighted that everyone has the right to live a meaningful and enjoyable life, regardless of the challenges they face. The mother's behavior was criticized for implying that the partner was not worth the effort and love, and for not considering the potential harm her words could cause. Ultimately, it's crucial to remember that everyone deserves respect, understanding, and support, especially during difficult times.

    • Misunderstanding Love in Narcissistic RelationshipsNarcissistic individuals may view love as conditional and based on what they can get, potentially leading to misunderstandings and conflict in relationships. Effective communication, understanding, and finding mutually beneficial solutions are crucial in such situations.

      Love can be misunderstood, especially in relationships with narcissistic individuals. In the discussed scenario, it seems that the mother-in-law may have a distorted view of love, seeing it as conditional and based on what she can get from others. This perspective is common in narcissistic relationships, where people are viewed as sources rather than equals. If this is the case, the mother-in-law may believe her son would be better off without a chronically ill wife, as she sees her as a weak source. However, it's essential to remember that being a narcissist and having narcissistic personality disorder are two different things. In any case, the situation highlights the importance of communication, understanding, and finding solutions that benefit everyone involved, such as respite care for caregivers. As for the husband, it's understandable that he feels jealous and wants to set boundaries. However, it's crucial to approach the situation with empathy and find a solution that respects everyone's needs.

    • Setting Boundaries in Relationships: Prioritizing Personal NeedsRecognize the importance of setting boundaries in relationships to maintain individuality, prioritize personal needs, and promote healthier, more fulfilling partnerships.

      Setting boundaries in relationships is essential for personal happiness and growth. In the discussed situation, a man has expressed his discomfort with his mother-in-law potentially moving in with him and his wife due to various reasons, including financial burdens and personal discomfort. Although this decision hasn't gone over well with his wife, who feels torn between her loyalty to her parents and her marriage, the man's stance on the matter highlights the importance of maintaining individuality and prioritizing one's own needs within a partnership. Moreover, the situation may also reflect an enmeshed family dynamic, where the wife's loyalty and focus are heavily skewed towards her parents, potentially at the expense of her relationship with her husband. This can be a common issue, especially for only children, who may have grown up with a singular focus on their parents' needs and expectations. In summary, it's crucial to recognize the importance of setting boundaries in relationships and maintaining a balance between personal needs and familial obligations. This can lead to healthier, more fulfilling partnerships and overall well-being.

    • Cultural expectations impact elder care decisionsCultural norms influence whether elders live with family or in senior housing, and caring for a loved one with Alzheimer's can lead to enmeshment.

      Cultural expectations and family dynamics play a significant role in the decision-making process when dealing with elder care. The discussion highlighted the difference between the cultural norms of caring for elders in one's own home versus placing them in senior housing or nursing homes. The speaker shared her own experience of her mother's desire to live with her family as it is a common practice in Peruvian culture. The conversation also touched upon the concept of enmeshment and how it might be amplified in situations of trauma bonding, such as caring for a loved one with Alzheimer's disease. The speaker acknowledged the complexity of the situation and the need to balance personal commitments, cultural expectations, and the well-being of all family members involved.

    • Navigating complex family situations during holidaysAfter 8 years, it's unacceptable to miss important holidays with family. Find a balance, communicate openly, and include all families to make everyone feel valued.

      During a discussion about navigating holiday schedules with complex family situations, it was acknowledged that spending eight consecutive years away from one's family during important holidays is unacceptable and a lack of compromise. The conversation also highlighted the importance of accommodating and including all families to make everyone feel valued and included. It's essential to find a healthy balance and coordinate schedules to ensure that no one feels neglected or taken for granted. Ultimately, it's crucial to communicate openly and respect each other's feelings and priorities.

    • Putting family first: Prioritize spouse over birth or adopted familyWhen making important decisions, prioritize your spouse and family over birth or adopted family to ensure their safety and well-being.

      The relationship with your spouse should be your top priority, and when making the decision to be with someone, they should come before your birth or adopted family. A poignant example was shared about a mother-in-law's neglect leading to the death of her granddaughter, resulting in the couple's decision to cut ties with her and protect their newborn son. Despite the mother-in-law's attempts to reconnect, the couple remained firm in their decision, prioritizing their family's safety and healing over forgiveness. The loss of their daughter still weighed heavily on them, and they were determined to shield their son from potential harm. Trust and responsibility are crucial when it comes to caring for children, and this tragic story serves as a reminder of the importance of putting family first.

    • Actions have consequences, especially when it comes to childrenA grandmother's negligence led to the death of her granddaughter, resulting in the loss of all rights to her grandchildren and straining her relationship with her son and daughter-in-law. The incident serves as a reminder that some mistakes cannot be undone or forgiven easily.

      When a trust is broken due to negligence or harm caused to a child, the consequences can be severe and long-lasting, affecting not only the immediate family but also future relationships. In this case, a grandmother's actions resulted in the death of her granddaughter, leading to the loss of all rights to her grandchildren and straining her relationship with her son and daughter-in-law. The couple's unity and determination to protect their children are commendable, but the grandmother's attempts to regain access to her grandchildren through legal means are unlikely to succeed due to her criminal record and the established harm she has caused. The incident serves as a reminder that actions have consequences, and some mistakes cannot be undone or forgiven easily.

    • Grandmother's self-serving actions towards meeting grandchildRespect boundaries and be aware of actions to prevent family conflicts from escalating into harmful situations

      A grandmother's actions towards trying to meet her grandchild after being excluded from their life showed a clear disconnect from reality and potential danger. The grandmother's feelings of guilt and entitlement led her to make self-serving decisions, such as calling the police and attempting to frame the parents as neglectful. Her disregard for their wishes and potential harm to the child resulted in a need for legal intervention. It's crucial for individuals to respect boundaries and be aware of their actions when dealing with family conflicts to prevent potentially harmful situations.

    • Balancing heavy and light topics in podcastingIt's crucial to address important issues in podcasting, but also essential to provide relief and positivity. Resources like Reddit's Just Know Mother-in-Law forum can offer support for those dealing with challenges, and Patreon supporters can provide financial assistance.

      While it's important to discuss and address controversial and tough topics, it's also essential to balance out the conversation with lighter, wholesome content. Alejandro, the podcast host, shares his experience of handling both ends of the spectrum, from dealing with dark and complex issues to desiring light-hearted and funny stories. He emphasizes the significance of addressing important issues but also acknowledges the need to provide relief and positivity. For those dealing with challenging situations, Alejandro recommends resources like Reddit's Just Know Mother-in-Law forum and appreciates the support from Patreon supporters. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of a balanced and thoughtful approach to discussing various topics.

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    164: Cheating the System.. Ft. Charlotte Dobre
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    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Charlotte Dobre!! CHEATING, AFFAIRS, OH MY. This episode is all about cheating the system or straying from the norms you may have agreed to. Whether that's being a good partner, or just answering your phone if a family member calls 30 times.. There are some tough ones this week that we could use your takes on too!

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    163: Anything but Perfect..

    163: Anything but Perfect..
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    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Richa!! I am so excited to introduce a new friend to the THT family! Show Richa some love for being brave enough to come on and address these stories that were anything but perfect.. From your SIL trying to borrow a symbolic family heirloom to finding out you have a brain tumor these OPs were going through it. And we're left with a lot of questions.. the biggest.. DO YOU TELL THEM?!

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    If you would like to get some advice on Office Hours send an email to asknick@kastmedia.com with “Office Hours” in the subject line! 


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    E482 Ask Nick - Addicted to Toxic Work Situationship

    E482 Ask Nick - Addicted to Toxic Work Situationship

    Welcome back to another juicy and exciting episode of The Viall Files: Ask Nick Edition! On this show, we’re here to help with all your burning questions about dating and relationships! We bring on our first caller, who has been in a long distance relationship for a long time with her boyfriend. After it looks like they are able to move much closer and no longer have to do long distance, our caller wonders how to best transition into this new phase, being able to enjoy each other but also respect the space they might need. Our next caller finds herself stuck in a toxic work environment when a situationship starts to go astray. Having an intense  emotional relationship with someone you work with everyday, our caller feels stress when not being able to set proper boundaries both at work and in the situationship with her coworker. Our last caller struggles when her husband's friend continues to try to insert himself and befriend our caller’s family. After her mother says she’s getting DMs from this friend, our caller is unsure how to read his intentions and how to set boundaries while also potentially being supportive if need be. 

    “My therapist called him a drug” 

    Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your relationship questions to asknick@kastmedia.com to be a part of our Monday episodes. 

    Pre-Order Nick’s Book: https://www.abramsbooks.com/product/dont-text-your-ex-happy-birthday_9781419755491/

    Support a Local Bookstore: https://bookshop.org/books/don-t-text-your-ex-happy-birthday-and-other-advice-on-love-sex-and-dating-9798212185622/9781419755491

    Check out our new "Introvert" merch at http://www.viallfiles.com today!

    If you would like to get some advice on Office Hours send an email to asknick@kastmedia.com with “Office Hours” in the subject line! 


    Babbel: Right now, get up to 55% off your subscription when you go to http://www.BABBEL.com/viall. Babbel—Language for life.

    Canva: Design like a pro with Canva Pro! Right now, you can get a FREE 45-day extended trial when you go to Canva.me/VIALL.

    FirstLeaf: Sign up today and you’ll get your first 6 bottles for $39.95 plus free shipping. Go to http://www.TryFirstleaf.com/VIALL.

    Caraway: Visit http://www.Carawayhome.com/VIALL to take advantage of this limited-time offer for 10% off your next purchase. Caraway. Non-Toxic cookware made modern.

    Episode Socials: 

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    E308 Ask Nick - Finding The Baby Daddy

    E308 Ask Nick - Finding The Baby Daddy

    On today's episode of Ask Nick we begin with a woman who never got a DNA test on her daughter to find out which of the two men she slept with was her father. Years later she is realizing that it's not who she thought it was and doesn’t know if she should to tell him. Our next caller knows he is addicted to porn and has found his dream girl but knows his addiction is getting in the way of their relationship and he is ready to do what it takes to not lose her. Third, we speak with a gentleman who is starting to notice some co-dependency issues in his relationship. Finally, we speak with someone who was in a situationship but she considered it to be a relationship. When she tried to leave the relationship he would go back and forth on his feelings to keep her in his life. 

    “It’s like Titanic every Sunday night, like I will never let go…”

    Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your relationship questions to asknick@kastmedia.com to be a part of our Monday episodes. 

    For merch please visit www.viallfiles.com today!

    BetterHelp: http://www.betterhelp.com/VIALLFILES Viall Files listeners get 10% off their first month
    UNTUCKit:  http://www.UNTUCKit.com Use code VIALL for 20% off your first purchase
    Grove: http://www.grove.co/VIALL you will get to choose a FREE gift with your first order of $30 or more.

    Episode Socials: 
    Viall Files @viallfiles
    Nick Viall @nickviall

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