
    3/3/22: Ukraine Battle Updates, China Shifts, Media Warmongers, Russian Oligarch Wealth Seized, & Rep. Ro Khanna!

    enMarch 03, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Saving Money on Wireless and Improving Vehicle EfficiencyConsumer Cellular offers affordable wireless plans with fast coverage. AutoZone recommends high-quality oil and filters for better gas mileage.

      Consumers have the power to save money on wireless service without compromising on coverage. Consumer Cellular offers fast and reliable coverage at up to half the cost of leading carriers. Meanwhile, AutoZone encourages drivers to improve their vehicle's gas mileage by using high-quality oil and filters. In other news, AT&T's in-car Wi-Fi allows passengers to connect up to 10 devices and stream data on the road. Lastly, independent media outlet Breaking Points urges viewers to support their mission to reduce political polarization by becoming premium members for ad-free and early access to content. In international news, Ukraine continues to face military attacks, with the city of Kherson falling to Russian forces, causing strategic concerns. These are just a few of the topics covered in the discussion.

    • Russian military's poor performance in UkraineDespite superior firepower, Russian troops face logistical issues, causing significant losses and limiting their combat effectiveness.

      Despite Russia's overwhelming firepower advantage in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, their military performance has been subpar. Ukrainian forces have put up fierce resistance, causing significant losses on the Russian side. Russian troops are facing logistical issues, such as equipment getting stuck in the mud due to lack of maintenance. These problems have made them vulnerable and slowed their advance. The situation seems to be at a turning point, with Russian forces gaining the upper hand, but at a tremendous cost of life and strategic losses, including the fall of key cities like Mariupol. Diplomatic efforts to resolve the conflict are unlikely to bear fruit, as both sides' demands are unrealistic. Russia's demands for demilitarization and regime change in Ukraine are unacceptable, while Ukraine's demands for an immediate ceasefire and withdrawal of Russian troops are also unrealistic given the current situation. The Russian military's lack of maintenance and logistical issues have had downstream effects, making them easy targets and limiting their combat effectiveness.

    • Russia-Ukraine Conflict: Devastating Consequences for Civilians and Russia's EconomyThe Russia-Ukraine conflict could result in significant human and economic costs for Russia, with potential long-term consequences for Putin's regime.

      The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine could result in significant costs for Russia, both in terms of human lives and economic consequences. The situation bears similarities to Russia's past military interventions, such as the Chechen war, where the lengths to which a military objective is achieved can lead to devastating consequences for civilians and the regime itself. The international community's response, including economic sanctions and the departure of Western companies, further isolates Russia and adds to the financial strain. The resistance in Ukraine and the resulting humanitarian crisis, including the displacement of over a million people, add to the complexity and potential long-term costs of the conflict. It's unclear what Putin's endgame is, but the occupation of Ukraine could result in a prolonged and costly conflict, draining resources and potentially leading to a shift in public opinion against the regime.

    • The human cost of the Russia-Ukraine conflictThe Russia-Ukraine conflict has resulted in over 1500 lives lost for each side, reminding us of the devastating impact of war and the importance of acknowledging the human cost.

      The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine has resulted in a significant loss of life on both sides, with estimates suggesting that over 1500 lives have been lost for each country in just the first week. This is a horrific experience for the families of the deceased, and history shows that public sentiment can shift when people begin to lose their loved ones. The Russian government has faced dissent at home, and it's important to acknowledge the human cost of this conflict, regardless of the political or military strategies involved. The loss of life in this conflict is a reminder of the devastating impact of war, and it's crucial that we don't overlook the human cost. The numbers of deaths and injuries will likely continue to rise, and it's essential that we remember that behind every statistic is a family grieving for a lost loved one.

    • Russia-Ukraine Conflict: Casualties, Repression, and UncertaintyThe Russia-Ukraine conflict has resulted in hundreds of deaths and increased repression of independent media in Russia. The war could last years, and the long-term consequences are uncertain.

      The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine has resulted in significant casualties on both sides, with estimates suggesting hundreds of Russian and Ukrainian deaths in the first week alone. The UN is the most reliable source for these numbers, despite ongoing propaganda from both sides. The war has also led to increased repression of independent media in Russia, indicating that the Kremlin is not fully winning the propaganda war. Russian troops have reportedly faced low morale, evidenced by their need to scavenge food and supplies. The conflict could drag on for years, and insurgencies can last a long time. There have been conflicting reports about China's positioning in the conflict, with some suggesting that China gave Russia the green light to invade after the Olympics. However, the evidence for this is not definitive. Overall, the human toll of the conflict is tragic, and the long-term consequences are uncertain.

    • China's stance on Russia's invasion of Ukraine shiftingChina, Russia's biggest ally, is expressing stronger opposition to the conflict and considering helping find a ceasefire, which could impact their relationship and geopolitical implications, possibly due to financial and strategic concerns.

      China's stance on Russia's invasion of Ukraine has started to shift, as indicated by their strongest comments yet against the conflict and their readiness to help find a ceasefire. This matters significantly because China is Russia's biggest ally, and any signs of a schism in their relationship could have major geopolitical implications. China's financial and strategic considerations, including the potential impact on their Belt and Road Initiative, may be influencing their approach. Despite wanting Russia to wait until after the Olympics to invade, China has expressed concern over the global backlash and the potential consequences for their own interests. This shift could reduce the likelihood of China taking more assertive action towards Taiwan or pursuing strategic autonomy without facing significant consequences.

    • China's vulnerability to geopolitical instabilityChina's economic expansion plans and power projection could be impacted by geopolitical instability with Russia and global trade. Interconnected economies and reliance on imported energy resources leave China vulnerable to similar treatment as Russia.

      China's vulnerability to geopolitical instability, particularly in relation to Russia and global trade, could have severe consequences for their economic expansion plans and ability to project power. The global financial system's response to Russia's actions in Ukraine, such as sanctions and cutting off access to resources, could leave China vulnerable to similar treatment due to the interconnectedness of their economies and the reliance on imported energy resources. The Chinese oligarchs, who are even more corrupt and shady than their Russian counterparts, have a lot to lose and could also become important power brokers in the country. The potential loss of trading routes and access to natural resources could crater China's economy and limit their ability to project power. The diplomatic backlash against China due to their handling of COVID-19 and decreasing favorable views of China around the world further compound the issue. Global financial institutions, including those with close ties to governments, must also be pressured to comply with sanctions, adding an additional layer of complexity. The seizure of Russian oligarchs' assets, such as superyachts, is just one example of the pressure being applied, but it's important to note that this puts governments in a tricky position due to their relationships with these financial institutions.

    • Credit Suisse Asks to Destroy Documents Linked to Sanctioned Oligarchs Loans, Biden Administration May ExemptThe Biden administration's potential exemption for Credit Suisse to continue profiting from pension funds despite the bank's involvement in sanctioned oligarchs' loans raises concerns about accountability in the financial sector and the systemic issue of money laundering through Western financial institutions.

      Credit Suisse, a Swiss bank, has asked investors to destroy documents linked to yacht and private jet loans given to sanctioned oligarchs, while at the same time, the Biden administration may be considering giving the bank an exemption to continue profiting from pension funds. This raises questions about the Biden administration's commitment to holding financial institutions accountable for dealing with "dirty money." The issue goes deeper as it highlights the involvement of the Western financial system in laundering money for oligarchs from around the world, including Russia. For years, the West has welcomed this money despite knowing its dubious origins. The corrupt financial system allows oligarchs from various countries to use it to purchase influence and live lavish lifestyles, with London and Miami being notable examples. The opaque nature of the financial system makes it challenging to track and address this issue effectively. Ultimately, this situation underscores the need for greater transparency and accountability in the global financial system.

    • Discussions on Russian oligarch sanctions face challenges due to financial complexityThe opaque nature of global finance and the use of shell companies make it difficult for governments to effectively sanction individuals with ill-gotten wealth, prolonging corruption and illegal wealth accumulation.

      The opaque nature of global finance and the complex web of shell companies make it challenging for governments to effectively sanction individuals with ill-gotten wealth, such as Russian oligarchs. This issue was highlighted in discussions regarding the ongoing sanctions against Russian oligarchs in London, which could take months to build due to the need for "reasonable grounds" and the subsequent requirement to subpoena banks for information. The speaker emphasized that allowing such money to infiltrate financial systems in the first place makes it incredibly difficult to root out. Trump's comments, which were described as troubling, added to the complexity of the situation, with his use of the term "holocaust" potentially implying a level of military response that is not currently underway. Overall, the lack of transparency in the financial system and the inconsistent messaging from political figures make it difficult to navigate the geopolitical landscape and address issues of corruption and illegal wealth accumulation.

    • Comparing current events to historical tragedies can have dangerous consequencesAvoid oversimplified language and seek nuanced discussion and response to complex geopolitical issues, remembering the power of political leaders' words and the media's role in shaping public opinion.

      The use of extreme language, such as comparing current events to historical tragedies like the Holocaust, can have dangerous consequences. This language can lead to hawkish political responses and escalating tensions, potentially even resulting in a nuclear exchange between major powers. It's important to remember that there is a vast middle ground between oversimplified extremes, and nuanced discussion and response is necessary. The current situation in Ukraine is tragic and requires a response, but it's not a holocaust. The West has played a role in rising tensions, but that doesn't justify maximalist responses. The words of political leaders carry significant weight, and it's crucial that they are used responsibly. The media also plays a role in shaping public opinion, and it's essential to be aware of the potential for manipulation through language and narrative. In the end, it's important to remember that the goal should be to de-escalate tensions and find peaceful solutions to complex geopolitical issues.

    • Nuclear Precipice: The Dangerous Reality of US-Russia ConflictThe US-Russia conflict poses a serious risk of nuclear war, with small actions potentially leading to catastrophic consequences. It's crucial to pay close attention and work towards deescalation.

      The ongoing conflict between the US and Russia is a cause for serious concern due to the potential for nuclear war. The situation is the closest we've come to a nuclear precipice in decades, and even the slightest actions can lead to catastrophic consequences. The media and political environment also contribute to the danger, as hawkishness is rewarded and deescalation is often met with criticism. The examples of the Berlin crisis and the Cuban missile crisis demonstrate the potential for nuclear war arising from seemingly small incidents. It's crucial that we pay close attention to every little thing that happens and do everything we can to avoid this outcome.

    • Media Misrepresentation of Geopolitical IssuesClear, accurate, and nuanced reporting on complex geopolitical issues is crucial to prevent dangerous mindsets and potential nuclear war. Misinformation and misguided interventionism can have catastrophic consequences.

      The way some news media portray geopolitical issues, particularly those involving nuclear powers, can be dangerously misleading and inflammatory. The discussion highlighted instances where reporters and pundits advocated for interventionist policies without fully considering the potential consequences, including the risk of nuclear war. This can lead to a dangerous mindset of inaction or even escalation, rather than diplomacy and de-escalation. It's crucial for the media to provide clear, accurate, and nuanced reporting on these complex issues, rather than advocating for specific policies or stoking emotions. The consequences of misinformation or misguided interventionism can be catastrophic.

    • Demonizing all RussiansAvoid demonizing all Russians and instead focus on holding accountable those responsible for Putin's actions and engaging with Russian people to put pressure on their government.

      The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine has led to divisive and dangerous rhetoric, with some individuals demonizing all Russians and suggesting extreme measures. Former US Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul expressed concern about this hysteria, stating that there are no more innocent, neutral Russians, which justifies dehumanization and potentially horrific ends. This sentiment, reminiscent of historical instances of discrimination and xenophobia, can lead to serious consequences and ultimately won't help resolve the conflict. Instead, it's crucial to focus on holding accountable those directly responsible for Putin's actions and engaging with Russian people to put pressure on their government. Additionally, it's important to avoid making blanket statements and stoking xenophobia, as this can only worsen the situation.

    • Media bias and political incentives fueling tensions between Russia and the WestThe volatile geopolitical situation between Russia and the West requires a nuanced approach to de-escalate tensions and find a peaceful solution, instead of one-sided media messaging and political incentives for hawkish actions that may lead to further escalation and disastrous consequences.

      The current geopolitical situation between Russia and the West, particularly regarding the conflict in Ukraine, is volatile and dangerous due to the media's one-sided messaging and the political incentives for hawkish actions. The media only pushes for more aggressive responses, and politicians benefit from this environment. However, this approach may lead to further escalation and potentially disastrous consequences, including economic warfare and the risk of nuclear conflict. Instead, a more nuanced approach is needed to de-escalate tensions and find a peaceful solution. It's crucial to consider the potential human costs and the historical record of broad punishing sanctions, which are more likely to push leaders to war than to bring about peace. Ultimately, the goal should be to end the war in Ukraine and prevent a broader conflict, not to punish Putin or the Russian oligarchs.

    • Sanctions can provoke further hostile actionsInstead of deterring aggression, sanctions can provoke further hostile actions. Finding a diplomatic solution addressing underlying issues is crucial to avoid further conflict.

      The use of sanctions as a means of deterring hostile actors has a complex and often unintended impact. History shows that instead of deterring aggression, sanctions can provoke further hostile actions. For instance, during the build-up to World War 2, sanctions imposed on Italy, Germany, and Japan led to an increase in aggressive actions rather than a decrease. In the case of Russia, the imposition of sanctions has been seen as an act of war, leading to a dangerous escalation of tensions. To avoid further conflict, it's crucial to find a way to give Putin an off-ramp and address his concerns, even if it feels like rewarding bad behavior. However, the politics of removing sanctions once they've been imposed make this a difficult solution. The public sentiment in favor of tougher sanctions makes it challenging to find a peaceful resolution. It's essential to remember that economic warfare is still warfare, and the consequences can be deadly. The current sanctions against Russia pose an existential threat to the Russian nation and risk further escalation. Instead of focusing on punitive measures, efforts should be made to find a diplomatic solution that addresses the underlying issues and provides a viable path forward for both sides.

    • Ukraine Conflict and Economic Sanctions: Implications for American Energy ConsumersThe absence of nuclear power in the US energy mix, combined with reliance on global markets, leaves consumers vulnerable to economic instability and higher energy prices during crises.

      The ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the resulting economic sanctions against Russia have significant implications for working people in the United States. While the U.S. and its allies take actions to address the situation, the reliance on global energy markets leaves the country vulnerable to economic instability and higher energy prices. Nuclear power, a clean, reliable, and cheap energy source, was conspicuously absent from recent discussions, despite producing 93% of its potential power and emitting only 4-5% of the carbon emissions of natural gas. The absence of nuclear power in the U.S. energy mix, combined with the country's reliance on global energy markets, puts American consumers at risk during times of crisis. The ongoing situation in Ukraine serves as a reminder of the importance of a diverse and reliable energy portfolio, including nuclear power.

    • Nuclear power: A clean and sustainable energy sourceNuclear power produces less toxic waste than solar, is cost-effective, and can accommodate the world's nuclear waste for the next millennium. It's a strategic energy source for America and the planet's future.

      Nuclear power is a clean and sustainable energy source with manageable waste disposal, despite common misconceptions and fears. Nuclear power plants produce less toxic waste than solar power and are the only energy source where costs are not externalized to the community. The current US waste isolation plant in New Mexico can accommodate the world's nuclear waste for the next 1000 years. Despite past incidents like Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and Fukushima, nuclear power remains the most efficient and strategic energy source for America and the planet's future. The ongoing conflict in Ukraine and Russia highlights the importance of securing human lives and standing up for human rights, while avoiding a world war. The legislative branch, including Congressman Ro Khanna, must play an active role in authorizing actions and ensuring responsible escalation. The hope is that crushing sanctions and unity among NATO and the US will force Putin to the bargaining table and bring the conflict to an end.

    • Peaceful resolution to Russia-Ukraine conflict, Putin's consequences, Zelensky's negotiation, China and India's stance, Decentralizing economic opportunitiesPutin faces consequences for conflict, Zelensky open to negotiation, China and India should condemn Russia, Decentralizing jobs crucial for housing affordability and homelessness issues

      Finding a peaceful resolution to the Russia-Ukraine conflict requires Putin to face consequences, while Zelensky is open to negotiation. The discussion also touched upon the need for China and India to distance themselves from Russia and condemn its actions. Regarding the book "Dignity in the Digital Age," the congressman emphasized the importance of decentralizing economic opportunities in the tech industry, particularly in rural areas, and how the COVID-19 pandemic has created opportunities for remote work and productivity outside of tech hubs like Silicon Valley. Despite potential challenges for his district, the congressman believes that decentralizing jobs is crucial for addressing housing affordability and homelessness issues in his constituency.

    • Appreciation for audience support and partnershipsCollaboration with premium members and subscribers has led to expanded editing infrastructure and partnerships with content creators, enabling comprehensive and independent news coverage.

      The support from premium members and subscribers has been instrumental in enabling the production and distribution of high-quality, real-time news content during a crisis. This collaboration has led to partnerships with various content creators and the expansion of the editing infrastructure, allowing for a comprehensive and independent perspective on world events. The speaker expresses deep gratitude for the audience's continued support and emphasizes the importance of their contributions in creating an alternative to the dominant tech companies. Additionally, the speaker shares some light-hearted moments and promotes various products and services, including US Cellular's campaign to encourage people to put down their phones and Leesa's natural hybrid mattress.

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    Can the West Stop Russia by Strangling its Economy?

    Can the West Stop Russia by Strangling its Economy?

    There’s the Russia-Ukraine war that’s easy to follow in the news right now. We can watch Russian bombs falling on Ukraine, see Russian tanks smoking on the side of the road, hear from Ukrainian resistance fighters livestreaming their desperate defense.

    But there’s another theater to this war that’s harder to see, but may well decide the outcome: the economic war that West is waging on Russia. Europe and the United States initially responded with a limited set of sanctions but then expanded them into a counterattack capable of crushing the Russian economy. Vladimir Putin, for one, understands the danger: As the force of the West’s measures multiplied, he readied his nuclear forces in a bid to warn Europe and the United States off. This is terrifying territory.

    So I asked Adam Tooze — a brilliant economic historian, the director of the European Institute at Columbia, and the author of the indispensable “Chartbook” newsletter — to explain how the war in the financial markets is shaping the war in streets of Ukraine. What he gave me was a whole new way to see how Putin had readied his country for conflict, the leverage that Russia’s energy exports gave it, how the dreams of the globalizers had cracked, and what the West both was and wasn’t doing in response.

    But this is two conversations, not one. On Friday, Tooze and I recorded just as the war began. That was a conversation about the economics of the war as both Russia and the West understood it when the bombing began. But on Monday, we spoke again, because so much had changed. Rather than splice the two discussions into an artificial omniscience, I’ve linked them, because I think they reveal more in sequence: They show how fast this war is reshaping the politics around it, how quickly the escalation is coming, how rapidly the plans are crumbling.

    So we discuss the sanctions that the West has deployed against Russia, how Europe’s dependence on Russian energy exports undermined the West’s response, what Putin understood about the dark side of economic interdependence, how Ukraine’s remarkable resistance — and the remarkable leadership of its president, Volodymyr Zelensky — reshaped the politics and policies in the West, how this war could alter the geopolitical calculus of China and Taiwan, the new economic order that is emerging, and more.


    “Putin’s Challenge to Western hegemony - the 2022 edition” by Adam Tooze (Chartbook)

    “The economic consequences of the war in Ukraine” (The Economist)

    Book Recommendations:

    The Economic Weapon by Nicholas Mulder

    The End of the End of History by Alex Hochuli, George Hoare and Philip Cunliffe

    The Future of Money by Eswar S. Prasad

    Thoughts? Guest suggestions? Email us at ezrakleinshow@nytimes.com.

    You can find transcripts (posted midday) and more episodes of “The Ezra Klein Show” at nytimes.com/ezra-klein-podcast, and you can find Ezra on Twitter @ezraklein. Book recommendations from all our guests are listed at https://www.nytimes.com/article/ezra-klein-show-book-recs.

    “The Ezra Klein Show” is produced by Annie Galvin, Jeff Geld and Rogé Karma; fact-checking by Michelle Harris; original music by Isaac Jones; mixing by Jeff Geld; audience strategy by Shannon Busta. Our executive producer is Irene Noguchi. Special thanks to Kristin Lin and Kristina Samulewski.

    Zelensky rules out election, Russia strikes Ukraine with glide bombs & the ongoing fight against the Wagner group

    Zelensky rules out election, Russia strikes Ukraine with glide bombs & the ongoing fight against the Wagner group

    Day 620.

    Today, we bring you the latest updates from Ukraine, analyse a downbeat assessment of Russian military power and interview British Conservative MP and Chair of the Foreign Affairs committee, Alicia Kearns, on the threat the Wagner group continues to pose despite the death of Yevgeny Prigozhin. 


    David Knowles (Host). @djknowles22 on Twitter.

    Dominic Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on Twitter.

    Francis Dearnley (Assistant Comment Editor). @FrancisDearnley on Twitter.

    With thanks to Alicia Kearns MP (British Conservative MP and Chair of the Foreign Affairs committee). @aliciakearns on Twitter.

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    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

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    The War in Ukraine, Explained — Part 3: The nuclear threat

    The War in Ukraine, Explained — Part 3: The nuclear threat
    Russia's invasion of Ukraine is one of the biggest and most confusing political events of our lifetimes. We aim to bring some clarity in this special four-part series from Vox Conversations and host Zack Beauchamp, The War in Ukraine, Explained. In part three, Zack speaks with professor, blogger, and nuclear arms expert Jeff Lewis about the looming nuclear threat of the conflict in Ukraine. They discuss the probability of escalation by both Russia and the U.S., what "tactical" nuclear weapons really are and how they're misunderstood, the double-edged sword of deterrence, and some of the ethical, political, and psychological realities of managing large stockpiles of devastating nuclear weapons. Host: Zack Beauchamp (@zackbeauchamp), Senior Correspondent, Vox Guest: Jeff Lewis (@ArmsControlWonk), founder and contributor, Arms Control Wonk; director, East Asia Nonproliferation Program, Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey References:  "Is Russia committing genocide in Ukraine?" by Zack Beauchamp (Vox; Apr. 13) Enjoyed this episode? Rate Vox Conversations ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ and leave a review on Apple Podcasts. Subscribe for free. Be the first to hear the next episode of Vox Conversations by subscribing in your favorite podcast app. Support Vox Conversations by making a financial contribution to Vox! bit.ly/givepodcasts This episode was made by:  Producer: Erikk Geannikis Editor: Amy Drozdowska Engineer: Paul Robert Mounsey Deputy Editorial Director, Vox Talk: Amber Hall Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Ep. 1452 - Putin’s Escalation Continues

    Ep. 1452 - Putin’s Escalation Continues

    Vladimir Putin unleashes a strike against a Ukrainian base along the Polish border; Iran fires missiles at the US consulate in Erbil, Iraq; and China generously offers to mediate between Russia and Ukraine.

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