
    3 Secrets to Starting New Habits That Stick

    en-usJanuary 20, 2022
    What are the differences between goals and habits?
    How can leaders identify unproductive habits?
    What is the significance of small, consistent changes?
    What role do environments play in habit formation?
    How do keystone habits affect our leadership identity?

    Podcast Summary

    • Focus on habits, not goals for leadership successIdentify and replace unproductive habits with new ones for leadership growth, make it easy to start, and commit to consistent change

      While we may have similar goals as leaders, our results vary greatly due to our daily habits. As James Clear mentioned in "Atomic Habits," it's not our goals that determine our success, but rather our systems or habits. Most of what we do each day isn't a result of conscious choices, but rather our ingrained habits. To start new leadership habits that will increase your impact, focus on making small, consistent changes. Identify the current habits that aren't serving you and replace them with new ones. Make it easy to start by setting yourself up for success with your environment and creating a clear plan of action. Remember, you don't have to be great to start, but you do have to start to be great. Commit to your leadership growth by subscribing to the Craig Rochelle Leadership Podcast, downloading the leader guide, and engaging with the community. Together, we can support each other in making positive changes and growing as leaders.

    • Identifying and adopting new habits for lasting impact as a leaderTo make a meaningful change as a leader, identify the specific habit needed, keep it simple and attainable, and focus on small, incremental changes for longevity.

      A significant portion of our daily actions and habits, including in our leadership roles, are not the result of conscious decision-making but rather a product of our established systems. To make a meaningful change in our impact as leaders, it's essential to identify and adopt new habits. Successful people consistently do the small right things, and by starting with a clear understanding of who we want to become as leaders, we can determine the specific habit we need to start. To ensure the longevity of new habits, it's crucial to make them small and manageable. The first step in starting a habit that lasts is to keep it simple and attainable. By focusing on small, incremental changes, we increase our chances of success and make a significant impact over time.

    • Small habits lead to big progressConsistently adding small, helpful habits can create compounding effects and lead to significant progress towards your goals.

      As a leader, creating small, consistent habits can lead to significant progress towards your goals. Newton's laws of motion apply here - an object at rest tends to stay at rest, but an object in motion tends to stay in motion. Starting with small, achievable habits can help you get into motion and build momentum. For example, if you want to be a leader who cares, writing one note of appreciation a day is a simple habit that can make a big impact. Similarly, if you want to be disciplined, getting up without hitting snooze on your alarm can set the tone for the day. Focused leaders might start their day with a list of priorities. And for those who want to be healthy, a small habit like walking for 10 minutes three times a week can make a difference. By consistently adding small, helpful habits, you can create compounding effects and achieve greater success in various areas of your life. As the speaker shares, even small habits, like eliminating soft drinks or preplanning lunches, can add up over time and lead to noticeable improvements.

    • The Power of Keystone HabitsSmall, intentional habits can significantly impact various aspects of our lives. Consider adopting one new habit to boost your leadership skills, keeping it simple and obvious for consistency.

      Small, intentional habits can have a profound impact on various aspects of our lives. The speaker shares how praying with Amy, meeting with mentors, flossing, and even taking vitamins daily have transformed him spiritually, professionally, and personally. He emphasizes the importance of making these habits obvious to increase the likelihood of consistency. Duhigg's concept of "keystone habits" highlights how seemingly insignificant actions can create a ripple effect and ultimately shape our identity. So, consider adopting one new habit based on your leadership goals, keeping it small yet impactful, and making it obvious to ensure its integration into your daily routine.

    • Making habits obvious increases likelihood of following throughReflect on daily routines and make desired actions more obvious and automatic to achieve greater success.

      Creating intentional habits can make a significant difference between good intentions and great results in personal and professional growth. The speaker emphasizes the importance of making desired actions obvious to increase the likelihood of following through. This can be achieved by placing a book on the pillow as a reminder to read before bed, writing daily notes to reinforce positive leadership values, and making it harder to do unwanted actions and easier to do desired ones. By making habits automatic through small, obvious, and consistent actions, individuals can create a powerful habit loop that helps them grow in their leadership roles and develop desirable identities. The speaker encourages listeners to reflect on their daily routines and consider how they can make desired actions more obvious and automatic to achieve greater success.

    • Make habits intentional and automatic for growthDefine when and how to incorporate positive habits into daily routines for productivity and leadership growth.

      Intentionality is key to productivity and growth in leadership. Without it, we may default to easy habits that don't serve us well. To make positive habits automatic, we need to define when and how we will incorporate them into our daily routines. This could be as simple as reading one Bible verse after making coffee or writing one journal sentence after brushing teeth. Each action is a vote toward our identity, and small, consistent habits can lead to bigger changes over time. By making our habits intentional and automatic, we can become the leaders we aspire to be.

    • The power of small beginningsStart small, focus on one habit at a time, and build on consistent actions to make a greater impact as a leader

      Small habits can lead to significant results. The speaker emphasizes the importance of starting small and making habits obvious and automatic. By focusing on one habit at a time, individuals can begin to change their identity and make a greater impact as leaders. The speaker encourages listeners not to underestimate the power of small beginnings and to remain faithful today rather than waiting for future success. Zechariah 4:10 is quoted as a reminder that the Lord rejoices to see the work begun. By consistently building on small habits, individuals can become the leaders they aspire to be and make a greater impact than they could ever imagine. The next episode will discuss breaking bad leadership habits, which can also be a game changer in stopping behaviors that hinder impact.

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    Thank you and “see you” next time!
    Taylor & Chad

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    If you don’t have time to listen to the entire episode or if you hear something that you like but don’t have time to write it down, be sure to grab your free copy of the Action Plan from this episode— as well as get access to action plans from EVERY episode— at http://www.JimHarshawJr.com/Action


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    Design Your Work!

    Do you feel stuck?
    Are you disengaged at work?

    Join the other approximately 68% of Americans who say yes to these questions.

    We all want a life of meaning and impact. But how? How can you do that when you’re stuck in your job, busy with life, and overwhelmed with everything going on.

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    In this week's episode...

    NYT bestselling author and Stanford professor Bill Burnett who co-authored the NYT best-seller Designing Your Life and his co-author, Dave Evans, have created this plan in the form of their new book titled: Designing Your Work Life: How to Thrive and Change and Find Happiness at Work.

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    If you don’t have time to listen to the entire episode or if you hear something that you like but don’t have time to write it down, be sure to grab your free copy of the Action Plan from this episode—as well as get access to action plans from EVERY episode—at http://www.JimHarshawJr.com/Action.  

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