
    Podcast Summary

    • Trusting the Instruments in UncertaintyEffective leadership requires trusting data and adapting with agility, even when faced with uncertainty.

      Effective leadership in today's rapidly changing world requires agility and the ability to adapt quickly. Using the analogy of flying in "the soup" or clouds, where external visual references are limited, Craig Groeschel emphasizes the importance of trusting and interpreting the instruments, despite feelings or fears. This applies to leadership as well, where leaders must believe in the data and information available to them, even when faced with uncertainty. The leader guide accompanying each podcast episode is a valuable resource for further growth and discussion. Don't fly blind – trust the instruments and adapt with agility.

    • Leading with agility in a rapidly changing worldTo lead effectively in today's world, adapt quickly, learn from instruments, trust instincts, make small adjustments, and stay connected to team and mission.

      In today's rapidly changing world, effective leadership requires agility and the ability to adapt quickly. This means learning to read, interpret, and trust your instruments, making constant small corrections, and learning to feel and flow in your leadership. The world has undergone significant shifts in recent years, including globalization, technological innovation, distrust of leaders, the rise of cancel culture, polarized opinions, remote work dynamics, a focus on diversity and inclusion, information overload, mental health issues, and waning resilience of team members. Successful leaders have mastered habits such as the no snooze habit, pre-deciding, and others. To help you get started, our team has created a free one-page PDF of these habits and identity statements. Remember, developing better habits can help you have a bigger impact. To lead with agility, be open to new information, trust your instincts, make small adjustments, and stay connected to your team and your mission.

    • Understanding organizational data and team healthLeaders should ask questions, study data, and interpret it to make informed decisions, while also caring deeply about team members' well-being for overall success.

      In today's rapidly changing world, it's crucial for leaders to read, interpret, and trust their instruments, including data and numbers, to navigate the complexities of their organizations. A pastor in the example shared how attendance was down but giving was up, which was confusing and required careful analysis. This could be applied to any organization, where understanding why something is working or not is essential for future success. Leaders should ask questions, study data, and interpret what they have in front of them to make informed decisions. Additionally, caring deeply about the health and well-being of team members is essential, as their success contributes to the overall success of the organization. In a world where the workday may be shorter and people are dealing with various challenges, it's important for leaders to be attuned to the changing landscape and respond accordingly.

    • Approach team with student mindset, use data to understand emotional and intellectual statesLeaders should trust data, make small consistent adjustments, and be prepared to take counterintuitive actions

      Effective leadership in today's complex work environment requires continuous learning and adaptation. Leaders should approach their teams with a student mindset, utilizing various tools such as surveys and assessments to understand their team members' emotional and intellectual states. It's crucial to trust and interpret the data, as feelings and instincts may not provide the full picture. Additionally, making small, consistent adjustments, much like managing a plane's speed, direction, and altitude, can help navigate through uncertain situations. Remember, counterintuitive actions, like pitching for speed and powering for altitude, can lead to the best outcomes. As a leader, always be prepared to fly by hand, even when technology offers an autopilot option.

    • Adjusting a plane's course requires constant small corrections, just like effective leadership.Effective leaders make small, timely corrections based on data and feedback to keep their teams on track and prevent drifting.

      Effective leadership requires constant adjustments and corrections, just like flying a plane. These adjustments can be small and frequent, and they are necessary to keep the organization on course and prevent it from drifting. Leaders must learn to read and interpret their instruments (data and feedback), make small corrections in a timely manner, and intuitively feel the flow of the situation. This means recognizing and addressing problems early, without overreacting or underreacting. Effective leaders also need to understand that they may need to make corrections on both sides of an issue, such as work ethic and work culture, where some team members may need to work harder while others need to rest better. By making constant, non-stop, small corrections, leaders can keep their teams on track and ensure they are flying smoothly towards their goals.

    • Balancing team needs, recognizing tiredness vs depletion, and communicating change effectivelyEffective ministry leaders prioritize team members' needs, help identify and address depletion, and communicate changes clearly and consistently to ensure alignment and success

      Effective leadership in ministry involves balancing the needs of team members, recognizing the difference between tiredness and depletion, and communicating changes earlier and longer. Leaders must help team members understand the importance of a full-time job consisting of 40 hours a week and coach those who need to work harder. On the other hand, leaders must also identify team members who are depleted and help them learn how to refill their energy and spiritual fire. Additionally, to create change within an organization, leaders must communicate changes earlier and longer to ensure everyone is on the same page. This may involve meeting with top leaders first, then gradually communicating the change to larger groups, and repeating the message for an extended period. By addressing both the need for harder work and better rest, and by communicating changes effectively, ministry leaders can help their teams succeed and thrive.

    • Focusing on financial margin, simplifying processes, and leading with faith and caution for church growthChurches can expand their reach and spiritual impact by prioritizing financial stability, streamlining operations, and leading with faith-filled optimism and cautious pessimism, while maintaining clear and compassionate communication and a long-term focus.

      In order to effectively reach more people as a church and make a significant spiritual impact, it's essential to focus on creating financial margin, simplifying processes, leading with faith-filled optimism and cautious pessimism, and loving and leading with greater clarity and deeper compassion. By prioritizing these areas, a church can grow, adapt to complex issues, and maintain a deep connection with individuals, ultimately making a difference in the world while caring for each person. Communication and long-term focus are also crucial elements in implementing these strategies.

    • Leading with a better flowEffective leaders balance resource management and bold actions, assess metrics and cultural indicators, make small corrections, and trust instincts to lead with better flow and significant impact.

      Effective leadership requires a balance between being wise with resources and taking bold actions. Leaders must constantly assess important metrics and cultural indicators, make small corrections, and trust their instincts to flow with the situation. It's essential to avoid over or under correcting and address problems early on. By learning to read, interpret, and trust instruments, making constant nonstop small corrections, and feeling and flowing with the situation, leaders can lead with a better flow and make a significant impact. Remember, your leadership matters more than you know, and you're always getting better.

    Recent Episodes from Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast

    Strategies for Building Great Leaders | Rob Hoskins

    Strategies for Building Great Leaders | Rob Hoskins

    For a leader to grow, they’ll need the investment and coaching of a few mentors along the way. In this episode, one of Craig's mentors Rob Hoskins shares the practical strategies he uses to develop leaders and the advantages of finding a mentor. 

    Watch video and download the leader guide: https://www.life.church/leadershippodcast/strategies-for-building-great-leaders-rob-hoskins/ 

    Using Adversity to Your Advantage | Will Guidara

    Using Adversity to Your Advantage | Will Guidara

    Of all the books Craig read in 2023, two stood out as top recommendations. Will Guidara’s "Unreasonable Hospitality" is one, and in this episode, Will shares why any organization will grow when they’re unreasonable about serving others. 

    Watch video and download the leader guide: https://www.life.church/leadershippodcast/using-adversity-to-your-advantage-will-guidara/ 

    Leading a Billion-Dollar Sales Team | Stephanie Chung

    Leading a Billion-Dollar Sales Team | Stephanie Chung

    The best salespeople are excellent servants. They find out what their customer needs, and they work to meet that need. Great leaders exercise the same skills. In this episode, billion-dollar sales leader Stephanie Chung shows you how.

    Watch video and download the leader guide: https://www.life.church/leadershippodcast/leading-a-billion-dollar-sales-team-stephanie-chung/ 

    Cultivating Drive as a Leader | Dr. Josh Axe

    Cultivating Drive as a Leader | Dr. Josh Axe

    The best leaders know there’s a time to encourage and a time to challenge themselves and their team. Dr. Josh Axe shares practical tools and phrases for encouraging and challenging—and shares his top health and lifestyle adjustments you can make today. 

    Watch video and download the leader guide: https://www.life.church/leadershippodcast/cultivating-drive-as-a-leader-dr-josh-axe/ 

    Leading With Agility: How to Correct Quickly

    Leading With Agility: How to Correct Quickly

    You know "what got you here won’t get you there." With the near-constant rate of change in our world today, if you aren’t adapting your leadership approach, you’re likely getting left behind. Today, Craig shares three keys to staying agile in leadership.

    Watch video and download the leader guide: https://www.life.church/leadershippodcast/leading-with-agility-how-to-correct-quickly/ 

    Tools for Building Self-Worth | Jamie Kern Lima

    Tools for Building Self-Worth | Jamie Kern Lima

    It’s impossible to succeed your way to self-worth. While many of us try to find fulfillment in success, today’s guest Jamie Kern Lima shows us how to find true fulfillment by growing our self-worth, not just our self-confidence. 

    Watch video and download the leader guide: https://www.life.church/leadershippodcast/tools-for-building-self-worth-jamie-kern-lima/ 

    Steven Furtick on Breaking Mental Barriers, Working Out, and Embracing Your Strengths

    Steven Furtick on Breaking Mental Barriers, Working Out, and Embracing Your Strengths

    We all have limiting beliefs. Whether it’s “I’m not a person who works out” or “I’m not a leader,” our thoughts and beliefs can hold us back. In this episode, Steven Furtick shares how we can change our thought patterns to break those limiting beliefs. 

    Watch video and download the leader guide: https://www.life.church/leadershippodcast/steven-furtick-on-breaking-mental-barriers-working-out-and-embracing-your-strengths/ 

    3 Habits of Consistent Leaders | Think Ahead Preview

    3 Habits of Consistent Leaders | Think Ahead Preview

    One factor can have the biggest impact on the trajectory of your leadership, and it’s not your genetics, appearance, or intelligence. It’s your ability to be consistent. Today, I’m sharing three keys to consistency from my new book, Think Ahead. 

    Watch video and download the leader guide: https://www.life.church/leadershippodcast/3-habits-of-consistent-leaders-think-ahead-preview/ 

    Solving Problems You Didn’t Create | Dr. Jon Chasteen

    Solving Problems You Didn’t Create | Dr. Jon Chasteen

    If you’ve ever inherited a struggling project, team, or organization, you know how hard it can be to fix something you didn’t break. Today’s episode with Dr. Jon Chasteen will give you practical leadership tools for rebuilding what’s been broken.

    Watch video and download the leader guide: https://www.life.church/leadershippodcast/solving-problems-you-didnt-create-dr-jon-chasteen/ 

    8 Habits of Great Decision Makers, Part 2

    8 Habits of Great Decision Makers, Part 2

    The future of your leadership will be determined by the quality of your decisions. In part two, Craig outlines the final three factors of great decision makers. If you want to strengthen your decision making, apply these factors.

    Watch video and download the leader guide: https://www.life.church/leadershippodcast/8-habits-of-great-decision-makers-part-2/

    Related Episodes

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    124 | Crisis Management: How to Lead in a Crisis

    Crisis is inevitable, touching every aspect of life. Yet, it's how we face it—with empathy, support, and teamwork—that truly matters.

    Within your team, it’s important to balance short-term crisis management with long-term organizational stability, which means you need to build a supportive and understanding workplace culture.

    It’s important to extend the same support and empathy to clients during their crises, reinforcing your company's ethos and adding personalized connection.

    Then, you need personal coping mechanisms during a crisis. What’s really helped me is that I feel very called to my work and it’s such a personal outlet in turbulent times.

    Life is full of peaks and valleys - make sure you maintain perspective and resilience.


    “It's a roller coaster, and just ride it, you're going to be scared s***less sometimes, and you're going to be super happy other times. And you have to just remember that when you are in that low point that there will be a high point.”

    “Work has always been an outlet, like a very positive outlet for me, because I feel like my work is really a vocation more than it is a job.”

    “Whenever there's a valley, there's always a peak.”

    “The more we close ourselves off to hurt, the less likely we are to also experience those high highs because I think those two extremes are actually very much connected to one another”

    “I have just had a very deep belief that everything happens for a reason in life, the good or the bad. Typically, there is a positive outcome at the end. It might be a while, but there is.”

    Adapt and Thrive, A Success Perspective For Scrum Masters And Agile Coaches | Sofia Katsaouni

    Adapt and Thrive, A Success Perspective For Scrum Masters And Agile Coaches | Sofia Katsaouni

    Sofia Katsaouni: Adapt and Thrive, A Success Perspective For Scrum Masters And Agile Coaches

    Read the full Show Notes and search through the world’s largest audio library on Scrum directly on the Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast website: http://bit.ly/SMTP_ShowNotes.

    In this episode, Sofia defines success for Scrum Masters as achieving team self-organization by fostering independence and ownership. Emphasizing adaptability in the evolving dynamics of organizational living systems, she advises focusing on changes and working to create acceptance. Sofia shares a practical tip of viewing the Kanban board from right to left. Success, to her, is marked by team members raising previously discussed topics, indicating ownership.

    Featured Retrospective Format for the Week: Separating Event From Impact, A Lesson In Coaching And Reflection Skills

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    [IMAGE HERE] Retrospectives, planning sessions, vision workshops, we are continuously helping teams learn about how to collaborate in practice! In this Actionable Agile Tools book, Jeff Campbell shares some of the tools he’s learned over a decade of coaching Agile Teams. The pragmatic coaching book you need, right now! Buy Actionable Agile Tools on Amazon, or directly from the author, and supercharge your facilitation toolbox! 


    About Sofia Katsaouni

    Sofia is a dedicated Agile and Organizational Coach who places people and their needs at the forefront. Transitioning from electrical engineering, she applies analytical skills to empower high-performing teams. With an emphasis on trust and psychological safety, Sofia enables startups and scale-ups to foster human-centric, performance-driven cultures.

    You can link with Sofia Katsaouni on LinkedIn

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    Communicating with Sensitive Souls #123
     "Unlock the Potential of Your Team: Elevate Your Leadership to Transform Sensitive Employees into Productive and Loyal Experts. Join host Corinne Wilhelm on the Experts Speak English podcast as she unveils actionable strategies for enhancing your communication, observation, and listening skills. Through insightful discussions and real-world examples, learn how to harness the power of adept leadership to create a happier, more productive, and fiercely loyal workforce. Tune in to English Speaking Experts and redefine your approach to team dynamics. #expertsspeakenglish #communication" 

    Unravelling an Agile Team's Struggle with Overcommitment, And The Inevitable Consequences | Drew Craig

    Unravelling an Agile Team's Struggle with Overcommitment, And The Inevitable Consequences | Drew Craig

    Drew Craig: Unravelling an Agile Team's Struggle with Overcommitment, And The Inevitable Consequences

    Read the full Show Notes and search through the world’s largest audio library on Scrum directly on the Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast website: http://bit.ly/SMTP_ShowNotes.

    In this episode, Drew delves into the common pitfall of teams overloading their backlog, leading to failed sprints and destroyed team morale. The challenge lies in helping teams realize the importance of realistic commitments. Drew suggests analyzing data, considering historical averages, and aligning discussions with product goals and roadmaps. Addressing the fear of reducing commitments due to leadership pressure, he emphasizes the need to collaborate with leadership and focus on data-driven decision-making. 

    Featured Book Of The Week: Multipliers, by Liz Wiseman

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    [IMAGE HERE] Do you wish you had decades of experience? Learn from the Best Scrum Masters In The World, Today! The Tips from the Trenches - Scrum Master edition audiobook includes hours of audio interviews with SM’s that have decades of experience: from Mike Cohn to Linda Rising, Christopher Avery, and many more. Super-experienced Scrum Masters share their hard-earned lessons with you. Learn those today, make your teams awesome!  


    About Drew Craig

    Drew calls himself an Agile Coach for humans; inspiring growth for individuals, teams, and systems to be better together. In all of his roles, the connection has been the people. He is passionate about establishing sustainable and simple processes, techniques, or insights as mechanisms toward self-sufficient and empowered systems.

    You can link with Drew Craig on LinkedIn and connect with Drew Craig on Twitter

    From Silence to Problem-Solving: Through Trust and Great Questions (with Vicki Reyzelman)

    From Silence to Problem-Solving: Through Trust and Great Questions (with Vicki Reyzelman)

    Breaking the silence can be the starting point of problem-solving and innovation. Join us as our guest, Vicki Reyzelman, the Principal Strategic Technology Consultant at UKG, delves deep into the transformative power of trust, effective communication, and the art of asking the right questions to problem solve and innovate.

    Tune in to this episode to discover:

    Strategies for speaking up to problem-solve, especially when faced with aggressive clients, and the signs that show you’ve earned respect

    The underestimated value of casual chit-chat, building trust through non-work-related conversations, and why it's crucial to embed such interactions into your agenda

    The role of AI in innovation, emphasizing the significance of asking impactful questions and harnessing critical thinking

    How to build a culture of psychological safety within teams and with customers by encouraging team members to use contribute their strengths


    Request A Customized Workshop For Your Team And Company:  http://assertiveway.com/workshops


    Follow Vicki Reyzelman: https://www.vickireyzelman.com

    ·      Article on practical innovation: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/practical-innovation-vicki-reyzelman/?trackingId=2WwGEp1RSwah%2BZ0xQT1jBg%3D%3D

    ·      Article on building a customer success culture: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/building-customer-success-culture-vicki-reyzelman/?trackingId=2WwGEp1RSwah%2BZ0xQT1jBg%3D%3D


    Follow Ivna Curi on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ivna-curi-mba-67083b2/  


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    Conflict with Courage, Curiosity & Compassion: Making a Difference in Your Life (With Dr. Debra Dupree)

    How To Get The Upper Hand When A Jerk Disparages You Publicly

    5 Steps To Respond To Dismissive Comments


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    Podcast episode lists by theme: https://assertiveway.aweb.page/speakyourmindunapologeticallytopics

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    10 Day free Assertive And Liked Challenge: https://assertiveway.aweb.page/beassertiveandliked

    Assertiveness free training: https://assertiveway.aweb.page/getahead

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    Workshops: http://assertiveway.com/workshops  

    Services: https://assertiveway.com/offerings

    Contact me: info@assertiveway.com or ivnacuri@assertiveway.com

    Contact me on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ivna-curi-mba-67083b2

    Website: https://assertiveway.com


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    Podcast Topic Compilations

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    How To Find Courage To Speak Up (Compilation): https://speakyourmindnow.libsyn.com/how-to-find-courage-to-speak-up-4-examples

    4 Examples On How To Get The Promotion You Want (Compilation): https://speakyourmindnow.libsyn.com/4-examples-on-how-to-get-the-promotion-you-want

    4 Tips On How To Successfully Share Your Ideas At Work (Compilation): https://speakyourmindnow.libsyn.com/4-tips-on-how-to-successfully-share-your-ideas-at-work-compilation

    How To Cope With Stress At Work (Compilation): https://speakyourmindnow.libsyn.com/how-to-cope-with-stress-at-work-compilation



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