
    Tools for Building Self-Worth | Jamie Kern Lima

    en-usMarch 21, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding Self-worth vs Self-confidenceA strong sense of self-worth leads to increased leadership, business success, and personal growth, while a lack of self-worth can sabotage progress despite high self-confidence.

      Self-worth and self-confidence are two distinct concepts that often get confused. While self-confidence refers to our belief in our abilities and capabilities, self-worth is about our inherent value as a person. According to Jamie Kurn Lima, founder of IT Cosmetics and author of "Worthy," when we have a strong sense of self-worth, we are able to double our leadership, business success, and personal growth. On the other hand, if we lack self-worth, we may sabotage our progress and feel unfulfilled despite having high levels of self-confidence. Understanding and focusing on building self-worth is crucial for transforming our lives and becoming the best version of ourselves. This realization has been a game-changer for Jamie, and she believes it can have the same impact on everyone.

    • Self-confidence vs Self-worth: Building Inner Emotional DurabilityLeaders can develop both self-confidence and self-worth through practical habits and deep-rooted beliefs, leading to inner emotional durability and long-term success.

      Self-confidence and self-worth are related but distinct concepts. Self-confidence, which is our assessment of our abilities and how we measure up to others, can fluctuate based on external factors. On the other hand, self-worth, which is our deep-rooted belief in our inherent worthiness of love and belonging, is an identity level thing that remains constant. Despite the common belief that achieving success will lead to lasting confidence and self-worth, many leaders experience an emptiness once they reach their goals. This was the case for a business leader who had a multimillion-dollar exit but still felt empty inside. The journey to becoming a successful leader involves developing both self-confidence and self-worth. It's not a linear process, and it can take time. For instance, it took Jamie Kern Lima 8 years to build IT Cosmetics into a billion-dollar business. During that time, she learned to trust herself, believe in her worth, and develop emotional durability. To help leaders grow in their roles, we discussed the 8 habits of great leaders in previous episodes. These habits, such as no snooze and pre-deciding, can help leaders develop better habits and have a bigger impact. By focusing on these practical habits and the underlying beliefs that drive them, leaders can build the inner emotional durability intelligence needed to succeed in the long term.

    • Overcoming rejection and failuresLearn from rejection, build self-worth from within, and don't let external factors define your worth

      Rejection and failures are a natural part of the journey towards success, but it's important not to let them define our self-worth. As shared by the speaker, her journey to becoming a successful businesswoman was filled with numerous rejections and failures in the initial stages. However, she learned to reframe rejection as a learning opportunity and kept pushing forward. The speaker emphasized that a significant number of people, particularly women and men, struggle with feelings of inadequacy and not believing they are enough. This issue can stem from past or present rejections and failures. The speaker's experience and the tools outlined in her book, "Worthy," aim to help individuals build self-worth and learn how to handle rejection in a healthy way. Ultimately, it's crucial to remember that confidence and self-worth come from within and should not be determined by external factors like rejections or failures.

    • The difference between confidence and self-worthBuilding self-worth is crucial for leaders, as it leads to increased ambition, resilience, and the ability to take risks. Develop a strong faith in oneself to overcome self-doubt and believe in inherent worth.

      There is a significant difference between confidence and self-worth. Confidence can fluctuate based on external factors and experiences, while self-worth comes from within and is a fundamental belief in one's value as a person. The speaker shared a personal experience of holding back from reaching out to a former hero due to feelings of unworthiness, despite having business success and confidence. She emphasized that building self-worth is essential for leaders, as it leads to increased ambition, resilience, and the ability to take risks. The speaker also suggested that one tool for building self-worth is developing a strong faith in oneself, which can help individuals overcome self-doubt and believe in their inherent worth.

    • Combat self-doubt with faithRecognize self-doubt, reframe fear as opportunity, and trust in personal worth for effective leadership

      Self-doubt and a lack of belief in one's worth can hold us back in various aspects of life, including leadership. The speaker shares her personal experience of using a simple question to combat self-doubt: "Who am I going to believe? My own thoughts or God's word?" This question helps her to recognize when she's trusting her doubts over God's belief in her. However, self-doubt is not just a personal issue; it can also hinder organizations and teams. Fear of failure, embarrassment, or rejection can prevent us from taking risks, sharing ideas, and making bold leadership decisions. The speaker suggests reframing fear as an opportunity to show up as our authentic selves and to trust that the potential pain of failure is outweighed by the positive outcomes. She also mentions the "4 R's" framework from her book, Worthy, which was transformative in her own journey of overcoming self-doubt and rejection. Overall, the takeaway is that recognizing and addressing self-doubt is essential for personal and professional growth, and trusting ourselves and our worth is crucial for effective leadership.

    • Understanding and redefining our perception of rejectionIdentifying and acknowledging our negative definitions of rejection can help us reframe it in a more empowering way and bounce back from setbacks with renewed determination

      Our perception of rejection or failure plays a significant role in how we respond to setbacks in life. The first step to overcoming the pain of rejection is to identify and reveal our current definition of it. Often, these definitions are rooted in feelings of inadequacy or shame, which can prevent us from taking risks and putting ourselves out there. By recognizing and acknowledging these definitions, we can then redefine failure or rejection in a more empowering way that aligns with our values and beliefs. This process of redefinition can help us bounce back from setbacks and continue pursuing our goals with renewed determination. So, the next time you face rejection or failure, take a moment to reflect on your current definition and consider how you might reframe it in a more positive light.

    • Embracing rejection as an opportunity for growthRejection and failure are not signs of inadequacy, but rather chances to learn and grow. Reframe your perspective on past rejections and failures as reminders of resilience and determination.

      Rejection and failure are not signs of inadequacy, but rather opportunities for growth and proof of bravery. The speaker shares her personal experience of facing numerous rejections while building a cosmetics company, and how she reframed her perspective on rejection by reading about successful leaders and their own experiences of rejection. She encourours us to write out new definitions of rejection that resonate with us, and to revisit past failures or rejections as reminders of our resilience and determination. By reframing our mindset towards rejection, we can overcome self-worth struggles and continue to lead and grow.

    • Redefining self-worth after rejection and failureBy using the 4 R's - revelation, redefinition, repetition, and resolution - we can replace negative self-perceptions with positive beliefs, becoming more resilient and less fearful of rejection and failure, and building stronger relationships.

      Our past rejections and failures do not define our self-worth. The speaker shared her personal experiences of redefining the meaning she attached to these experiences and how it transformed her perspective on herself. By using the 4 R's - revelation, redefinition, repetition, and resolution - she was able to replace negative self-perceptions with positive beliefs. This process helped her become more resilient and less fearful of rejection and failure. It also allowed her to remove labels that might have negatively impacted her self-worth. The speaker's success story, despite facing numerous rejections and setbacks, highlights that you cannot "out-success" your insecurities. Therefore, it's essential to work on believing you're worthy, regardless of your achievements or accomplishments. This shift in mindset can positively impact both our relationships with success and failure. It allows us to view setbacks as opportunities for growth rather than as reflections of our worth. Additionally, it enables us to build stronger relationships and connections with others, as we no longer carry the weight of past rejections or failures.

    • Journey to Fulfillment and Self-WorthFocus on building self-worth daily to navigate rejection and failures with confidence and faith in abilities.

      No matter how successful or accomplished one may be, self-worth and fulfillment are not always aligned. The speaker shares her personal journey of feeling fulfilled and enough despite setbacks and potential failures. She emphasizes the importance of having strong self-worth, which allows her to handle rejection and failures with a strategic and unemotional mindset. The speaker also acknowledges that not all achievements will be successful, but her self-worth and fulfillment will not be affected. She encourages others, especially high performers, to focus on building self-worth as a daily journey, which will help them navigate rejection and failures with confidence and faith in their abilities.

    • Self-worth comes from withinSelf-worth isn't earned through success or possessions, it's cultivated through thoughts, beliefs, and relationships.

      Self-worth cannot be out-earned or out-achieved through success, fame, or material possessions. Instead, it comes from within and is influenced by our thoughts, beliefs, and relationships. The speaker shares her personal journey of discovering this truth after experiencing success and realizing that it didn't fill the void she felt. She emphasizes that these tools for building self-worth are applicable to everyone, regardless of their current life circumstances or struggles. The speaker also touches on the importance of surrounding oneself with positive relationships and letting go of toxic ones. Overall, the message is that self-worth is the foundation for living a fulfilling life and that everyone has the power to cultivate it.

    • Believing in one's self-worth is crucial for joy and fulfillmentTrust God's perspective of self-worth, not own or others' opinions. Can't be enough alone, need heavenly father's help. Personally transformative, beneficial for leadership growth. Free gifts, proceeds donated. Find at worthybook.com or wherever books are sold.

      Believing in one's self-worth is crucial for true joy and fulfillment in life. Jamie Ivey, a dear friend and inspiration, emphasizes this idea in her upcoming book "Worthy," which releases on February 20th. She encourages readers to trust God's perspective of themselves rather than their own or others' opinions. Ivey believes that people cannot be enough on their own and need the help of their heavenly father. Her message, which has made a significant impact on the speaker's life, can be found on worthybook.com or wherever books are sold. The book offers free gifts on its website, and all proceeds are donated. The speaker is grateful for Ivey's influence and encourages listeners to share the content on social media. The book is not only personally transformative but also beneficial for leadership growth.

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