
    8 Habits of Great Decision Makers, Part 2

    en-usFebruary 01, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Developing Effective Decision-Making Skills for LeadersLeaders can improve decision-making by avoiding either or scenarios, setting appointments, acting as their own advisor, delegating, increasing mistake tolerance, trusting data, and balancing intuition.

      Effective decision-making is a crucial skill for leaders, and it can be developed by understanding and applying certain factors. These factors include avoiding either or scenarios, setting decision-making appointments, acting as your own advisor, delegating decisions, increasing tolerance for mistakes, and trusting both data and intuition. While emotions can be misleading, data and facts are essential for informed decision-making. By focusing on these factors and balancing data with intuition, leaders can improve their decision-making abilities and ultimately lead more successfully. Remember, the quality of your decisions will significantly impact the quality of your life and the lives of those you lead. So, invest time and effort in developing your decision-making skills, and don't hesitate to seek guidance and resources, such as the leader guides provided with each new episode of the Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast.

    • Avoiding Cognitive Biases in Decision MakingLeaders should study data, consider different perspectives, and listen to those closest to the problem or opportunity to make informed decisions, while also being aware of and mitigating cognitive biases.

      As leaders, it's crucial to be aware of cognitive biases and avoid letting emotions and personal biases influence decision-making. Cognitive biases, such as confirmation bias, status quo bias, and anchoring bias, can lead to incorrect assumptions and flawed decision-making. To make informed decisions, leaders should study data, consider different perspectives, and listen to those closest to the problem or opportunity. By being open-minded and objective, leaders can make better decisions that benefit their organization. Additionally, after gathering all the necessary information, trust your instincts but also analyze the data to ensure the best possible outcome.

    • Trusting your gut instincts based on experience and past knowledgeExperienced leaders can effectively make decisions by trusting their intuition, which is a result of years of knowledge and subconscious pattern recognition

      Trusting your gut instincts, which draws on years of experience and subconsciously processes information, can be a more effective decision-making tool for leaders than relying solely on objective data. This intuition allows leaders to recognize patterns, connect experiences, and make wise choices based on a deep understanding of past situations. Over time, the brain becomes excellent at recognizing patterns and making connections, leading to surprisingly brilliant solutions. For example, a leader with decades of experience in ministry can determine the health of an organization based on just a few questions or gauge the needs of a church based on interactions with members. This intuitive ability is not a result of supernatural powers or intelligence, but rather the accumulation of knowledge and experience over time.

    • Balancing Data and Intuition in Decision MakingEffective leaders trust both data and intuition, engage personally with staff, use inclusive language, minimize decision fatigue, and strike a balance between relying on data and trusting instincts.

      Effective decision-making in a leadership role involves both trusting data and intuition. At thriving organizations, members engage with staff personally and use inclusive language. Meanwhile, at struggling organizations, personal connections are less common. Trust your intuition, but also listen to your spouse and other trusted advisors. Over time, your gut becomes a valuable tool in making wise decisions. Additionally, pre-decide as many decisions as possible to avoid decision fatigue, which can lead to lower quality decisions as the volume of decisions increases. This concept is explored in more depth in the author's book, "Think Ahead." It's important to remember that making too many decisions can negatively impact the quality of your choices. For instance, a study on parole decisions showed that the likelihood of parole granted decreased significantly as the day went on, suggesting that decision-makers became fatigued. Therefore, it's crucial to strike a balance between relying on data and trusting your instincts, while also minimizing the number of decisions you make each day.

    • Pre-decide on actions based on values for better decisions at homeDetermine personal values and pre-decide on actions to align decisions with them for improved decision-making in personal life

      Effective decision-making extends beyond the workplace and into our personal lives. However, exhaustion or stress from work can lead to poor decisions at home. To prevent this, the author suggests pre-deciding on actions to take in specific situations based on our values. This process automates decision-making and brings clarity to our choices. To determine values, we can ask ourselves questions related to our priorities and what we admire in others. By starting with our values, our decisions become easier and more aligned with what matters most to us. For instance, if we value relationships, we may decide to always lead with a question and listen before speaking to a coworker. Similarly, if we value good stewardship in our marriage, we may decide to consult our spouse and wait a certain period before making purchases over a certain amount. Pre-deciding in this way can help us make better decisions and improve our overall quality of life.

    • Predecide on important decisions for a more effective lifePredeciding on decisions based on values leads to intentional living, strategic decision making, and a better future.

      Making decisions ahead of time based on your values can help you be more effective and intentional in your personal and professional life. This concept, known as predecision making, allows you to design your schedule and prioritize your time according to what matters most to you. It also enables you to respond to situations in a proactive rather than reactive way. Trusting data and your gut can aid in this process, but ultimately, doing what's right and trusting God with the results is a valuable perspective to keep in mind when faced with difficult decisions. By predeciding as many decisions as possible, you can master the art of strategic decision making and create a better future for yourself and those around you. However, it's important to remember that while you can make decisions, you cannot control the outcome. So, do the hard work, study, ask questions, and seek wisdom to make informed decisions, and trust that the results will be in line with your values and the will of whatever higher power you believe in.

    • Ask God for wisdom in decision-makingSeek divine guidance, make decisions, trust the outcome, understand your style, focus on wisdom, believe in your decision, commit fully, and make courageous faith-filled decisions.

      As a leader, you are the chief decision-making officer of your future. The quality of your decisions will determine the impact of your leadership. Scripture encourages us to ask God for wisdom in decision-making, then make the decision and trust the outcome. There are different decision-making styles, and understanding yours can help you manage strengths and weaknesses. Few decisions are perfect, so focus on making wise decisions rather than seeking perfection. Believe in your decision and commit fully for maximum impact. Remember, courageous faith-filled decisions lead to innovative, effective, and praiseworthy outcomes.

    • Make a positive impact through strategic decision-makingImprove strategic decision-making skills to make a difference and positively impact those around you. Today's decisions shape tomorrow's leadership.

      Each of us has the power to make a difference through courageous and faith-filled decisions. Someone is going to build something special and impact a lot of people, and it could be you. To do so, focus on improving your strategic decision-making skills. By getting better, you can make a positive impact where you are. I'm committed to providing you with content that helps you grow as a leader, and I encourage you to share this message with others. Moreover, remember that the decisions you make today can significantly impact your leadership tomorrow. By thinking ahead and making decisions to improve yourself, everyone benefits. So take the initiative to make a difference and watch as the positive effects ripple out.

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    Download directly here: https://api.spreaker.com/v2/episodes/51338644/download.mp3

    A direct download to Jen’s last episode with Decidedly: https://api.spreaker.com/v2/episodes/49927485/download.mp3 (Ep.38 I Jen Clinehens I Deciding to Hack Your Choices)

    Instagram: @decidedlypodcast
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/decidedlypodcast
    Shawn’s Instagram: @shawn_d_smith
    Sanger’s Instagram: @sangersmith

    At Decidedly Wealth Management, we focus on decision-making as the foundational element of success, in our effort to empower families to purposefully apply their wealth to fulfill their values and build a thriving legacy.
    LEARN MORE: www.decidedlywealth.com
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/decidedlywealth/
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    Subscribe to our newsletter for weekly decision-making tips: https://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/manage/optin?v=001aeU_pPBHJPNJWJBdVbaci6bjGIuEJurH12xHBWDEVT_NxyCadMd7wLSZjcEZglkSjDjehuIbTHD8nABOIdV69ctfYpSzg24RCIytetBUrlIPPKgaGzjGZ8DkM0Wp1LMjbErcYUur7PbZGjeVo4gyXlz821AoJGZR

    Join us every Wednesday for more strategies to DEFEAT bad decision-making - one episode at a time!

    “Never Split the Difference” by Chris Voss: https://www.amazon.com/Never-Difference-Negotiating-Depended-Paperback/dp/B08W57YLHR/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1663609962&sr=8-1
    The Pepsi Challenge: https://youtu.be/ghMYzo0rgrw

    Instagram: @choicehacking
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/choicehacking
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenclinehens/
    Website: choicehacking.com
    Jen’s book “Choice Hacking”: https://www.amazon.com/Choice-Hacking-psychology-behavioral-experience-ebook/dp/B088RLHLRB
    Jen’s book “How to Solve Impossible Problems”: https://www.amazon.com/How-Solve-Impossible-Problems-philosophers/dp/B09TDPTD27
    Podcast: https://www.choicehacking.com/podcast/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/GrowLiketheGreatest
    Jen’s TikTok, @growlikethegreatest: https://www.tiktok.com/@growlikethegreatest?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc

    A recognized authority in applied behavioral science, Jennifer is the founder and managing director of marketing and product design firm, Choice Hacking. There she helps global businesses ethically apply behavioral science and psychology principles.

    Ep.55 HIGHLIGHT I Jen Clinehens I Deciding to Hack Your Choices

    Ep.55 HIGHLIGHT I Jen Clinehens I Deciding to Hack Your Choices
    Want the full episode? Check out yesterday's episode, or download it directly using this link: https://api.spreaker.com/v2/episodes/51315118/download.mp3

    In the creation, marketing, placement, and sales of their products, businesses like Target, Coke, Amazon, and Tesla utilize behavioral fallacies to influence the decisions you make every single day.

    Jen Clinehens, behavioral science expert, joins the show to share how our life and business decisions may be manipulated by use of these behavioral fallacies.

    - Reactance
    - Pain of payment
    - Decisions made in a recession
    - Gruen effect
    - Endowment effect
    - Hyperbolic discounting
    - Confirmation bias

    A direct download to Jen’s last episode with Decidedly: https://api.spreaker.com/v2/episodes/49927485/download.mp3 (Ep.38 I Jen Clinehens I Deciding to Hack Your Choices)

    Instagram: @decidedlypodcast
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/decidedlypodcast
    Shawn’s Instagram: @shawn_d_smith
    Sanger’s Instagram: @sangersmith

    At Decidedly Wealth Management, we focus on decision-making as the foundational element of success, in our effort to empower families to purposefully apply their wealth to fulfill their values and build a thriving legacy.
    LEARN MORE: www.decidedlywealth.com
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/decidedlywealth/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DecidedlyWealth/

    Subscribe to our newsletter for weekly decision-making tips: https://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/manage/optin?v=001aeU_pPBHJPNJWJBdVbaci6bjGIuEJurH12xHBWDEVT_NxyCadMd7wLSZjcEZglkSjDjehuIbTHD8nABOIdV69ctfYpSzg24RCIytetBUrlIPPKgaGzjGZ8DkM0Wp1LMjbErcYUur7PbZGjeVo4gyXlz821AoJGZR

    Join us every Wednesday for more strategies to DEFEAT bad decision-making - one episode at a time!

    “Never Split the Difference” by Chris Voss: https://www.amazon.com/Never-Difference-Negotiating-Depended-Paperback/dp/B08W57YLHR/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1663609962&sr=8-1
    The Pepsi Challenge: https://youtu.be/ghMYzo0rgrw

    Instagram: @choicehacking
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/choicehacking
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenclinehens/
    Website: choicehacking.com
    Jen’s book “Choice Hacking”: https://www.amazon.com/Choice-Hacking-psychology-behavioral-experience-ebook/dp/B088RLHLRB
    Jen’s book “How to Solve Impossible Problems”: https://www.amazon.com/How-Solve-Impossible-Problems-philosophers/dp/B09TDPTD27
    Podcast: https://www.choicehacking.com/podcast/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/GrowLiketheGreatest
    Jen’s TikTok, @growlikethegreatest: https://www.tiktok.com/@growlikethegreatest?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc

    A recognized authority in applied behavioral science, Jennifer is the founder and managing director of marketing and product design firm, Choice Hacking. There she helps global businesses ethically apply behavioral science and psychology principles.

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    Annie Duke website
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    © 2021 Gary Bertwistle.  All Rights Reserved.

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    00:00 Podcast Intro
    00:17 Topic Intro: Evidence vs Intuition
    00:58 Relationship Between Intuition & Evidence
    02:31 Intuition & Experience
    04:02 Survivorship Bias
    06:14 Domain Expertise + Curiosity + Leadership
    09:34 OKRs Done Wrong
    10:43 Alex, on OKRs
    12:06 Leading vs Lagging
    14:57 Experiments, Conceptually
    19:10 Experiments in Business Value
    20:58 Product Management (AirBnB)
    25:17 Coaching Talent
    27:34 Building the Perfect Product Manager
    29:25 Enter the Training-Industrial Complex
    31:04 Transitioning from Founder to First Product Manager
    33:45 Vision & Company Founders
    35:24 Examples of Failures
    37:59 iPhone Example (Risk)
    40:49 Risk vs Evidence
    42:41 Misinterpreting Data
    46:08 Wrap-Up

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