
    3 Habits of Consistent Leaders | Think Ahead Preview

    en-usFebruary 20, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding your motivation is crucial for effective decision-makingClearly defining your 'why' helps maintain commitment and make decisions aligned with values and priorities

      Effective decision-making starts with understanding your motivation or "why." According to Craig Groeschel, a weak "why" can hinder your pursuit of a goal, while a strong one serves as the foundation for achieving it. For instance, someone aiming to get in better shape might lack motivation due to an unclear goal ("what") or a weak reason for wanting to reach it. In Groeschel's example, a person might want to look good for their wedding day, while another might focus on improving their health. By identifying and focusing on the "why," individuals can stay committed to their goals and make better decisions that align with their values and priorities.

    • Understanding your motivations is key to achieving your goalsFocusing on your 'why' (motivation) helps you stay committed to your 'what' (goal) even during challenges

      Having a clear and compelling "why" is essential for achieving our goals. I learned this lesson from Bart, who asked me why I wanted to get in better shape and kept pressing until I was forced to examine my motivations deeply. The author also applied this concept to New Year's resolutions, explaining that desires can be weak and fleeting, while devotion to a strong why drives consistent action. Bart's questions helped me understand that if I wasn't clear on my what (my goal) and why (my motivation), I would never accomplish it. Additionally, the author pointed out that many New Year's resolutions fail because they are based on desires that lack depth and commitment. To achieve our goals, we need to start with why. Why did Daniel pray consistently? He was devoted to God. Why did Bart ask me why so many times? To help me understand my motivations and commit to my goals. By focusing on our why, we can stay committed to our what, even when the going gets tough.

    • Connecting with your 'why' for commitment successIdentifying your personal 'why' provides motivation and determination to stay committed, serves as foundation for goals, and helps navigate challenges with a resilient mindset.

      Having a strong "why" is essential for consistency in making and keeping commitments. Relying solely on willpower can lead to failure as it wanes over time. Instead, identifying and connecting deeply with your personal "why" provides the motivation and determination to overcome obstacles and stay committed. Your "why" serves as the foundation for defining specific actions and goals, and helps you navigate through challenges and setbacks. It's important to remember that perfection is an unrealistic expectation and planning to fail can actually increase the likelihood of success. By acknowledging and preparing for potential mistakes, we can approach our commitments with a more realistic and resilient mindset.

    • Don't Strive for Perfection, Strive for ConsistencyStriving for perfection can hinder progress, aim for consistency instead, understand setbacks are inevitable, and keep going despite missing days.

      Striving for perfection can hinder us from starting and being consistent in our goals, whether it's praying, learning a new skill, or anything in between. Psychologists warn against an all or nothing mindset, which can lead to giving up entirely when we fail. Instead, we should aim for consistency, understanding that failure and setbacks are inevitable. Keeping things simple and short at first can help us get started and make showing up a success. If we miss a day, it's important not to miss two, as one day is an exception, but two or more is a pattern that can derail our progress. The illusion of perfection can prevent us from even starting, so it's essential to remember that we're not trying to be perfect, but to be consistent. As the saying goes, a black belt is a white belt who refused to give up. So, let's give ourselves permission to miss occasionally and keep going, focusing on consistency rather than perfection.

    • Embrace the process, not just the goalFocusing on the process rather than the end result leads to greater joy and success in the long run.

      Striving for perfection can lead to inconsistency, while maintaining consistency and focusing on the process is a more effective strategy for long-term success. The speaker shares his experience of getting injured and missing jiu jitsu practice for months, which initially felt like a failure. However, he realized that perfection is an illusion and that he had always planned on failing. Instead, he emphasized the importance of being consistent and falling in love with the process. He suggests that focusing too much on the goal can lead to frustration and inconsistency, as the results may take longer to achieve than expected. By focusing on the process, one can find joy and success in the daily efforts towards the goal, rather than solely focusing on the end result. The speaker encourages listeners to adopt this mindset and embrace the boredom of consistency, as it is a much better strategy for achieving long-term success than obsessing over results.

    • Consistency is a process, not an eventShow up every day, make progress, and remember everyone benefits when the leader gets better

      Consistency is key to achieving your goals, whether it's in jujitsu or in leadership. It's not about the end result, but about showing up every day and making progress towards it. Falling in love with the goal and becoming frustrated when you don't achieve it can lead to quitting. Consistency is a process, not an event. A win is not just reaching the next belt or milestone, but the progress made each day. As the speaker mentioned, even a Brazilian jujitsu trained jogger was able to save his life by being consistent and showing up every day. The leader guide from the Think Ahead podcast is a valuable resource for those looking to improve their leadership skills and make consistent progress. Remember, everyone benefits when the leader gets better. So, show up every day, make progress, and don't forget to share this valuable information with others.

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    Some Questions to Ponder

    • Are your levels of commitment congruent with what the best do?
    • Do you know what the daily habits of top performers are?
    • Are you aware of what is the right information for you and how you find it?
    • Do you ask yourself why you practice or train a certain way?
    • Do you set daily goals for your practice or training?
    • When you practice or train do you let your emotions take over?
    • Can your high levels of commitment spoil your enjoyment?
    • Are you a highly motivated and committed yet struggle with communicating with coaches and team-mates?
    • Do you question coaches?
    • Are you a coach who often gets into comparison mode, comparing athlete A against athlete B?  

    Connect with David Charlton


    Join David @ The Sports Psychology Hub

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    Relevant Podcast Episodes

    Podcast Ep005: David Charlton - Observations The Art of Learning

    Podcast Ep21: Steve Hackney – How to Reach Your Full Potential

    Podcast Ep042: Mark Bennett MBE – Characteristics of High Performance Athletes

    Podcast Ep062: JJ Vallely – Mastering the Mental Side Of Golf

    Podcast Ep041: Paul McGee – How to Develop Interpersonal Confidence

    Relevant Blogs and Resources

    Blog - How To Reach Your Full Potential Part Three

    Blog - 5 Ways to Create a Psychological Safe Sporting Environment

    Blog Motivation vs Commitment | There is a Big Difference 

    25. No Challenge, No Change

    25. No Challenge, No Change

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    Don’t Quit: The Reminder You Need to Hear When You Feel Unmotivated

    Don’t Quit: The Reminder You Need to Hear When You Feel Unmotivated

    Do you feel like quitting on your goals?

    Do you want to give up on your resolutions?

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    Mel delivers her most powerful pep talk, designed to light the fire inside you so you can break through any setback.

    She’ll give you the tools you need to power through resistance and shut down any negative thoughts holding you back. You will want to listen to this over and over again.

    You will learn the secret to gaining unstoppable confidence. You’ll get incredible insights on how to reinvent yourself if you feel like giving up and reclaiming the dream you gave up on.


    In this episode, you will learn:

    • The research that reveals what day of the month most people quit on goals and resolutions.
    • Two truths about life that help you tap into your power.
    • What you need to REALLY do the next time you miss a day of the new challenge, diet, or workout plan, so you stay on track.
    • The advice you need if you’re struggling with your new goals.
    • One thing to remember when your motivation plummets.
    • What to do when you’re not seeing results.
    • Why the resolutions you make on vacation are impossible to sustain.
    • Why your dreams are an important part of achieving your goals.
    • The one essential question that will change your life.
    • What to do when your life feels “blah” and uninspiring.
    • How to build unshakeable self-confidence.
    • What you MUST watch at least once in your life.
    • The truth about waiting for the “right time” to change.

    This episode comes with a 29-page companion workbook. This workbook is designed using the latest research to help you get clear about what you want and empower you to take the next step forward in your life. And the cool part? It takes less than a minute for you to get your hands on it.


    Just sign up at melrobbins.com/bestyear

    Watch the episodes on YouTube: https://bit.ly/45OWCNr

    Check out Mel’s book, The High 5 Habit: https://a.co/d/g1DQ8Pt


    Follow Mel:

    Instagram: https://bit.ly/3QfG8bb

    The Mel Robbins Podcast Instagram: https://bit.ly/49bg4GP

    LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/46Mh0QB

    TikTok: https://bit.ly/46Kpw2v

    Sign up for my newsletter: https://bit.ly/46PVnPs

    Want more resources? Go to the podcast page here
