
    Podcast Summary

    • Social media campaigns can unfairly cancel creative worksSocial media can lead to the cancellation of harmless, humanizing content, stifling important conversations and harming creators.

      The power of social media and public opinion can lead to the unfair cancellation of creative works, even when the content is harmless and humanizing. Meg Smaker's documentary "Jihad Rehab," which focuses on a program in Saudi Arabia that seeks to rehabilitate former terrorists, was accepted into prestigious film festivals but was ultimately cancelled due to a dishonest and intimidating campaign. Despite the film's positive intent and lack of offensive content, it was targeted by those who disagreed with its subject matter. This is a perverse outcome that not only harms the individual creator but also stifles important and nuanced conversations. Meg's story serves as a call to action for those who value freedom of speech and creative expression, and she continues to fight for the distribution of her film.

    • A woman's personal journey to understand hatred and bigotry post 9/11Despite the risks and uncertainties, a woman embarks on a journey to Afghanistan to seek answers, broadening her perspective and challenging her assumptions.

      The speaker, who once dreamed of being a firefighter and found great joy in the camaraderie and daily challenges of the job, was deeply affected by the events of 9/11 and felt compelled to understand the hatred and bigotry that had emerged in the aftermath. Despite the risks and the uncertainty, she embarked on a personal journey to Afghanistan to seek answers, driven by her insatiable curiosity and the need to overcome her fears. This experience humbled her and broadened her perspective, challenging her worldview and leading her to question her assumptions about the world and its complexities. The speaker's determination to understand and confront her fears head-on, even in the face of adversity, serves as a powerful reminder of the human capacity for growth and the importance of seeking knowledge and understanding in the face of uncertainty.

    • Despite the chaos in certain parts of the world, most people and daily life are normalPeople and daily life in places with conflict are often more normal than portrayed in news reports, encouraging broadened perspectives

      Despite the perceived dangers and chaos in certain parts of the world based on news reports, the majority of people and daily life in these places is not as violent or chaotic as it may seem. The speaker's personal experiences in countries like Yemen and Afghanistan have shown him that most people are good, and the fear of the unknown and sensationalized news reports can create an unfair and inaccurate perception of these places. While there may be issues and conflicts in these countries, they also have normal aspects of daily life, just like any other place. The speaker encourages people to broaden their perspectives and experiences to understand the complexities of different cultures and communities.

    • Strong connections provide safety and protection during uncertain timesDuring chaotic situations, building strong relationships and utilizing creativity can help navigate complex situations and ensure safety.

      During uncertain and chaotic times, having strong connections and relationships can provide safety and protection. The speaker's experiences in Yemen and Somalia illustrate this idea. In Yemen, the speaker was adopted by a local family and gained the protection of their clan and a powerful landlord. In Somalia, the speaker befriended the head of a private postal service to gain free access to different areas of the city. Both experiences demonstrate that having a strong network can help navigate dangerous situations and keep one safe. Additionally, the speaker's curiosity and problem-solving skills allowed them to navigate these complex situations and build the necessary relationships. Overall, these experiences highlight the importance of building strong connections and utilizing creativity and problem-solving skills during uncertain times.

    • Finding opportunities in unexpected challengesUnexpected challenges can lead to unique opportunities for growth and learning. Adapt and turn setbacks into advantages.

      Unexpected experiences and challenges can lead to unique opportunities for growth and learning. The speaker shares her disappointment of not being able to use her skill set during her long-term stays in Yemen and Somalia, but instead found herself writing an academic paper about the advantages of anarchy in Somalia. This led to an opportunity to co-author an academic article and even go back to Somalia for field research. Later, while teaching firefighting in Yemen, she faced discrimination due to her appearance, but used the firefighting principle of "improvise, adapt, and overcome" to push through and eventually become a documentarian. Through these experiences, she learned to adapt to new situations and turn challenges into opportunities.

    • Proving Capabilities and Challenging BiasesExperiencing actions and demonstrating competence can change people's perceptions, even in the face of initial resistance and biases.

      Changing people's perceptions requires action and experience. The speaker, a woman firefighting instructor, shared an experience where she took her trainees to a live fire drill to prove her capabilities and challenge their biases. She used advanced techniques like skip breathing and demonstrated the importance of remaining calm during emergencies. Despite initial resistance, her trainees came to respect her as a competent firefighter. This event took place after the 9/11 attacks, which hit the firefighting community hard. The speaker alluded to the challenges of working in a firehouse with anti-Islamic sentiments. She also shared a personal experience of discovering the 9/11 attacks while on duty, which added to the collective trauma and sense of urgency within the firefighting community.

    • From curiosity to vengeance: Firefighters' shift in perspective after 9/11Firefighters' response to 9/11 shifted from curiosity to vengeance as they realized the attacks were deliberate, and the assumption that steel-reinforced buildings don't collapse was shattered.

      The events of September 11, 2001, brought about a profound shift in perspective for first responders, particularly firefighters. Initially, when the first plane hit the North Tower, there was a sense of curiosity and excitement about the unusual call they were about to respond to. However, when the second plane struck the South Tower, the mood changed dramatically. The perception of the situation shifted from an accident to a deliberate attack, leading to feelings of rage and vengeance. This shift was palpable at the firehouse, where firefighters knew that hundreds of their colleagues had likely perished in the collapse of the towers. Firefighting is a unique profession, with firefighters forming an extended family that goes beyond national borders. Despite their extensive training, no one had anticipated the towers collapsing, and the world was forever changed that day. The assumption that steel-reinforced buildings don't collapse was shattered, and the response to the attacks was a turning point in history.

    • Encounter with a Saudi man and the 9/11 attacksAn encounter with a Saudi man who believed in 9/11 conspiracy theories was changed by listening to an interview with a man present with Osama bin Laden, and the discovery of an Al Qaeda training camp syllabus with 'Fog of War'.

      The intensity of jet fuel burns can melt steel reinforcing beams, as witnessed during the 9/11 attacks, which was an unprecedented event. During a conversation about conspiracy theories surrounding the attacks, the speaker shared an encounter with a Saudi man named Abdullah, who believed the attacks were an inside job. However, after listening to an interview with Khalid, who was present with Osama bin Laden on 9/11, Abdullah changed his opinion. The speaker also mentioned an Al Qaeda training camp having a syllabus that included documentaries like "Fog of War." The speaker's film, "GHED Rehab," now titled "The Unredacted," is about men who spent 15 years in Guantanamo and were sent to Saudi Arabia's first rehabilitation center for terrorists. Since the film's release, there have been interesting developments, including ironies that underscore the complexities of the global war on terror.

    • Saudi Arabian Rehabilitation Program for TerroristsThe film humanizes individuals labeled as terrorists, shedding light on their complex lives and the importance of compassion in addressing the issue.

      The Saudi Arabian rehabilitation program for terrorists, which might seem unusual given the country's reputation, offers a compelling and humanizing perspective on individuals previously labeled as terrorists. The filmmaker's experience in making a documentary about this topic in Saudi Arabia was challenging due to limited access, but the resulting film, featuring interviews with over 150 individuals, offers a compassionate look into their lives. The film's reception at Sundance was remarkable, with many viewers expressing concern about the implications of the film for the war on terror and detention centers like Guantanamo. Despite potential criticism, the film humanizes the individuals involved, shedding light on the complexities of the issue and the importance of understanding the humanity behind labels.

    • A film that humanizes individuals in extremist groups challenges a critic's perspectiveA film that humanizes individuals in extremist groups can change critics' perspectives, despite initial skepticism and concerns about Jihadism's dangerous influence.

      The speaker, who holds concerns about Jihadism, was pleasantly surprised by a film that humanizes individuals drawn into extremist groups. He emphasizes that his criticism is not against Muslims as a whole or a sign of xenophobia, but rather a concern about the dangerous influence of bad ideas. The speaker was prepared for harsh criticism from the right, but instead, he found the film to be a powerful rejoinder to his views. He was particularly moved by the film's portrayal of ordinary men facing everyday challenges and how Jihadism can exploit their vulnerabilities. The irony is that the film, which he expected to be attacked, instead challenged and changed his perspective. Additionally, the speaker went to great lengths to ensure the film's accuracy and clarity, anticipating potential criticism.

    • Navigating access to challenging communitiesBuilding relationships and finding common ground are essential for gaining access to difficult-to-reach communities, even in the face of resistance.

      Gaining access to certain communities or individuals, particularly in authoritarian regimes, can be a challenging process. Filmmaker Meg Smaker spent over a year building relationships and navigating hurdles to gain access to a rehabilitation center in Saudi Arabia, where she hoped to speak with men who had been radicalized and were being rehabilitated. However, she encountered resistance from older Al-Qaeda members and younger ISIS members, who were initially unwilling to engage with her. A serendipitous encounter with a group of Yemeni men, who shared her Yemeni accent, led to a breakthrough in communication and rapport. Ultimately, Smaker was able to speak with some individuals and learn about their stories, but the process underscores the importance of tenacity, building relationships, and finding common ground in order to gain access to difficult-to-reach communities.

    • Understanding the Complex Motivations of Extremist Group MembersRecognize that individuals join extremist groups for various reasons including religious causes, economic necessity, ideology, peer pressure, and adventure. Effective counter-extremism efforts require understanding these motivations.

      The motivations behind individuals joining extremist groups are complex and multifaceted. While some may be driven by religious causes, others are motivated by economic necessity, ideology, or peer pressure. The filmmaker's experience at a rehab center revealed that there were men who saw themselves as defending their fellow Muslims, but there were also those who joined for financial reasons or because of family influence. Some even saw it as an adventure. It's essential to recognize that these motivations are not mutually exclusive, and understanding them is crucial for effective counter-extremism efforts.

    • Understanding the Complexities of Military Motivations and TerrorismRecognizing the nuance and complexity of military motivations and terrorism, beyond simplistic stereotypes, is crucial. Factors like economic necessity, family tradition, adventure, and seeking purpose and belonging contribute significantly. Constructive criticism is essential, but distinguishing it from attempts to silence and intimidate is necessary.

      The motivations for joining the military and engaging in terrorism are complex and multifaceted, rather than being solely based on religion or good versus evil. The speaker shares their personal experiences of interviewing individuals in the military and recognizes that factors such as economic necessity, family tradition, adventure, and seeking purpose and belonging also play significant roles. It's essential to acknowledge the nuance and complexity of these issues, as reducing them to simplistic stereotypes can be misrepresentative and harmful. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of constructive criticism versus organized attacks and harassment on artists and their work. The speaker's film, for instance, faced a coordinated campaign of threats and lawsuits before its release, which aimed to take it down. It's crucial to distinguish between legitimate criticism and attempts to silence and intimidate.

    • People's reactions to sensitive issues can be complex and influenced by personal experiences and traumas.Recognize that people's reactions to sensitive issues can be influenced by their own experiences and traumas, fostering empathy and open dialogue.

      People's reactions to traumatic situations can be unpredictable and often not personal. In the context of the discussion, a firefighter's anger towards a filmmaker was not about her or her film, but rather a manifestation of the trauma and anger he had been carrying for years due to the way he and other Muslims have been treated in America. Similarly, initial reactions to a documentary about terrorism were based on past experiences of discrimination and stereotyping, rather than the content of the film itself. It's important to recognize that people's reactions to sensitive issues can be complex and influenced by their own experiences and traumas. Understanding this can help foster empathy and open dialogue.

    • Documentary filmmaker faces backlash and accusations of IslamophobiaFilmmakers must balance truth, loyalty, and sensitivity when tackling controversial topics, even facing adversity and potential backlash from communities affected by the subject matter.

      During the production of a documentary about terrorism and its impact on society, the filmmaker faced backlash and accusations of Islamophobia from certain groups before the film's premiere. This experience was particularly challenging for the filmmaker as one of the translators they worked with, who was also a Muslim, was targeted and threatened with professional consequences if he didn't publicly denounce the film. The filmmaker felt a responsibility to protect their crew and was initially empathetic towards those who saw the film as a threat to their experiences of trauma. However, when they saw the tactics being used against their team, they began to shift and respond more assertively. The incident served as a reminder of the importance of truth, loyalty, and standing up for one's team, even in the face of adversity. It also highlighted the complexities and nuances of addressing sensitive issues in documentary filmmaking.

    • Maintaining truth and journalistic integrity in documentary filmmakingSundance Film Festival is a vital platform for independent documentaries, offering potential career opportunities. Maintaining truth and journalistic integrity is crucial, even when it's inconvenient.

      Truth and journalistic integrity are essential in documentary filmmaking, even if it means acknowledging and reporting on inconvenient stories. The Sundance Film Festival is a crucial platform for independent documentaries, offering a potential career-launching opportunity. However, the competition is fierce, and getting accepted is a significant achievement. During the production of the speaker's documentary, they encountered controversy before its premiere, assuming it was a misunderstanding. They invited critics to screen the film and engage in dialogue to clarify any misconceptions. In the documentary world, maintaining truth and journalistic integrity, even when it's inconvenient, is vital. The significance of Sundance in the independent documentary world cannot be overstated, as it provides a crucial platform for filmmakers and can catapult their careers.

    • Effective communication and trust crucial in film festival disputesCommunication and trust are vital in handling film festival disputes. Allowing the film to speak for itself before engaging in discussions can prevent controversies from escalating.

      Effective communication and trust are essential in handling film festival disputes. The experience of a filmmaker during the Sundance Film Festival highlights the importance of allowing the film to speak for itself before engaging in lengthy discussions or demands. In this instance, the film, which was not pro-Saudi in nature, was met with accusations and demands from a group before it had even been screened. Sundance's response, which included giving the group a list of questions and requests, may have inadvertently fueled their criticism and emboldened them to continue their attacks. The film was eventually pulled from several festivals due to the controversy, but one festival, Dock Edge in New Zealand, stood firm and screened the film despite the opposition. Effective communication and trust from the festival organizers could have potentially prevented the controversy from escalating and allowed the film to be seen by audiences.

    • Dialogue and respect crucial for festivals and filmmakersFestivals and filmmakers should engage in open dialogue, respect each other's perspectives, and work towards inclusive film experiences. Avoiding unreasonable demands and communicating effectively are key to success.

      Festivals and filmmakers must engage in open dialogue and mutual respect when addressing concerns about controversial films. In this case, a filmmaker was disappointed that her film, which had faced criticism from the Muslim community, was included in a festival's lineup. The festival responded by urging her to watch the film before expressing any criticism. However, the filmmaker had not seen the film and was speaking based on feedback from the community. The situation escalated when the festival set strict requirements for clearing the film, which proved to be expensive and time-consuming for the filmmakers. This situation raised concerns about the precedent it set for future film festivals and their handling of controversial films. It's crucial for festivals to consider the perspectives of the communities affected by the films, but it's equally important for them to engage in constructive dialogue with filmmakers and experts in the field. Rushing to meet unreasonable demands can lead to unnecessary expenses and a lack of trust between parties. Effective communication, respect for diverse perspectives, and a willingness to listen and learn are essential components of a successful and inclusive film festival experience.

    • Controversial film disinvited from South by Southwest after backlashDespite initial acceptance, a controversial film was disinvited from South by Southwest due to backlash, causing financial and emotional strain for the filmmakers and hindering opportunities for nuanced discussions.

      The film "X" faced controversy and was ultimately disinvited from South by Southwest film festival after receiving pressure due to the backlash from a particular group following its world premiere at Sundance. The filmmaker had a personal connection to South by Southwest as it was where their last film premiered and won the top award, launching their career. The film was initially accepted, but later, the festival required a crisis PR team, an expense the filmmakers couldn't afford. The filmmaker had several interactions with festival representatives, both on and off the record, expressing concerns about the potential backlash. The controversy and attacks on Sundance, which had a diverse programming team, added to the pressure on South by Southwest to withdraw the film. The filmmaker was looking forward to South by Southwest for the opportunity to have nuanced conversations about the film in person, but instead, the controversy played out publicly on social media, which was described as a "cesspool of horribleness" and not a place for complex discussions.

    • Criticisms and Allegations Against 'The Dissident' DocumentaryDespite facing criticisms of Saudi funding and lack of consent, filmmaker Brian Knappenberger upheld ethical filmmaking practices in 'The Dissident' through informed consent and respect for subjects.

      Filmmaker Brian Knappenberger faced numerous criticisms and allegations regarding his documentary "The Dissident," which focuses on the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Initially, critics claimed the film was funded by Saudi propaganda, but this was debunked as the filmmakers were Muslim and had worked with Islamic scholars and prominent Muslims in the industry. Another criticism was that the film's subjects didn't give consent, but informed consent was taken seriously, and all subjects signed release forms in both English and Arabic. The filmmaker also shared his personal experiences of being the subject of a documentary without consent and emphasized the importance of informed consent in his own work. Brian Knappenberger's dedication to ethical filmmaking practices and his personal experiences demonstrate his commitment to transparency and respect for his subjects.

    • Unexpected connections during kidnappingKidnappings are often long and involve conversations with captors, revealing their humanity and complexity.

      Kidnappings are not as glamorized or dramatic as portrayed in movies. They can be long and boring periods of time where captives are left with no distractions and forced to engage in conversations with their captors. The AUC, a notorious Colombian paramilitary group known for their violent tactics, kidnapped the speaker during his travels in Colombia. The group, which included former military personnel, had a reputation for disemboweling and decapitating their victims to send messages. However, the speaker's most unnerving experience was not the violence itself but the conversations he had with his captors. He was kidnapped for around 10 days and was surprised to find that his captors were not the monsters he had imagined but rather normal human beings with whom he could share stories and connect on a deeper level. Despite the violence and destruction they had caused, the speaker found humanity in his captors. It's important to remember that people involved in conflict situations are complex individuals, and reducing them to stereotypes can be misleading and harmful.

    • Meeting a 'rival' reveals the human side of 'evildoers'People labeled as 'evildoers' are often complex individuals driven by beliefs, vendettas, or mental illness, not just bloodthirsty psychopaths.

      People who do evil deeds are not always the bloodthirsty psychopaths we imagine them to be. During a conversation with a 16-year-old girl who had joined a rival group after her parents were killed, the speaker was struck by how normal and relatable these people were, despite their involvement in horrific acts. This experience shifted the speaker's perspective and led them to seek out and understand the motivations of those considered to be "evildoers." Through interviews with pirates, warlords, terrorists, and others, the speaker discovered that there are various sources of human violence, and that many people are driven by beliefs, vendettas, or mental illness. While some may be true psychopaths, the majority are complex individuals with their own reasons for committing heinous acts. This realization was a turning point for the speaker, leading them to challenge their simplistic view of good and evil and strive for a deeper understanding of the complexities of human behavior.

    • Navigating the complexities of representing controversial topics in documentary filmmakingFilm festivals can face pressure to disinvite documentaries, but it's crucial to consider the film's content and engage in dialogue with the filmmaker before making a decision.

      The filmmaker's experience at film festivals illustrates the complexities and challenges of representing controversial topics in documentary filmmaking. While the film was well-received and awarded at one festival, it was ultimately disinvited from another due to public pressure. The filmmaker felt that this decision was made without proper consideration of the film's content and without giving him an opportunity to engage in meaningful dialogue with the festival community. This incident highlights the delicate balance between artistic expression and societal sensitivities, and the importance of open dialogue and understanding in navigating these issues. Additionally, the filmmaker's experience touches on broader conversations in the documentary community about representation and whose stories are being told.

    • Backlash from unexpected quartersUnexpected opposition came from allies and woke activists, leading to festival cancellations and betrayal from supposed friends, highlighting the importance of trust and standing firm in the face of adversity.

      The pushback against the documentary "The Feeling of Being Watched" was not solely from the Muslim community, but also from woke activists and allies. The film was canceled or deplatformed by festivals, leading to a lack of moral courage from collaborators and friends, some of whom even lied or distanced themselves from the filmmaker. The hardest part for the filmmaker was dealing with the betrayal from supposed friends and the harsh criticism on social media, which she avoids due to its black-and-white nature. An example given was a friend and documentary filmmaker who publicly praised the film but later distanced herself during the controversy. The experience taught the filmmaker to be cautious about who she trusts and the importance of standing firm in the face of adversity.

    • Lying in the Film Industry Damages ReputationsTransparency is vital in collaborative projects, especially in the film industry. Speak up when faced with misrepresentations, and seek allies who support underrepresented filmmakers.

      Trust and transparency are crucial in any collaborative project, especially in the film industry. The speaker shared an experience of a friend publicly lying about their involvement in a film, causing controversy and damage to the speaker's reputation. The friend had not seen the final cut of the film and had misrepresented their concerns and involvement. The speaker emphasized the importance of speaking up and setting the record straight when faced with such situations, especially for those who pride themselves on truth-telling. Additionally, the speaker highlighted the role of early investors, such as Abigail Disney, in supporting underrepresented filmmakers and their projects. The speaker shared their personal experience of being dismissed by potential investors due to their lack of a track record but was eventually funded by Disney, who believed in their potential and tenacity. The speaker expressed gratitude for Disney's support and acknowledged the importance of having allies in the industry.

    • Abigail Disney's investment gave the film lifeInvestment can bring projects to life, and everyone deserves compassion even when making mistakes

      Abigail Disney's investment was crucial in making the film a reality, despite it being less than a third of the budget at the time. The emotional and mental toll of being canceled, even for someone who has experienced intense situations throughout their life, can be devastating and financially ruinous. It's essential to show grace and kindness towards those who make mistakes, as everyone deserves compassion. Abigail Disney's investment gave the film life when no one else did, and for that, she will always be held in high regard. Despite her actions being considered cowardly, she is not a bad person.

    • Experience of a filmmaker facing backlash in the industryDespite unfair criticism and harassment, filmmakers should remain hopeful and determined to tell their stories. Importance of good journalism and investigative reporting to uncover truth behind controversies.

      The film industry can be unforgiving and unfair, especially towards new filmmakers. The speaker, a filmmaker, shared her experience of facing backlash and criticism after her film was canceled at Sundance. She was disappointed with the industry leaders' response and felt that she was unfairly targeted. However, she also acknowledged that no one deserves the kind of harassment and treatment she received. The speaker emphasized the importance of good journalism and the need for investigative journalists to uncover the truth behind such controversies. She also highlighted the challenge of getting media coverage for a film that is not yet publicly available. Despite the difficulties, the speaker remained hopeful and determined to tell her story.

    • Persisting with potential collaborators or media outletsBeing persistent and doing due diligence can lead to successful collaborations or media coverage despite initial hesitation or disrespect.

      Persistence and due diligence are key when dealing with potential collaborators or media outlets. The speaker in this conversation initially felt hesitant and even disrespected when a journalist named Chris showed little interest in her film. However, she eventually sent him the link multiple times and even interviewed him to understand his motivations. It turned out that Chris was a reputable journalist, and he ended up writing a lengthy and thorough article about the controversy surrounding the film. Contrastingly, Abigail Disney, a wealthy Disney heir, publicly apologized to those who were upset about the film, which some perceived as a capitulation to the mob mentality. The speaker expressed disappointment in Disney's actions, as they seemed to lack courage and conviction. Overall, this conversation highlights the importance of being persistent, doing one's due diligence, and standing firm in one's beliefs when facing criticism or pushback.

    • Navigating the Risks of Sundance SelectionSundance selection can bring attention and distribution, but also potential backlash and cancellation. Filmmakers need to be aware of the power of cancellation and prepare accordingly.

      The film industry can be unforgiving, especially for those who are not part of the community depicted in their films. Having a film selected at a prestigious festival like Sundance can be a double-edged sword. While it may bring attention and potential distribution, it can also lead to intense backlash and cancellation campaigns. This was the experience of the filmmaker in question, who was advised by their PR representative to withdraw their film from Sundance due to the potential for relentless attacks. The film's subject matter and the filmmaker's background made them a target, and the PR representative had seen similar situations before. The filmmaker was naive to the power and devastation of cancellation, especially for those without the financial resources to hire a crisis PR team or lawyers. Despite their best efforts to correct factual errors in an article about their film, the errors remained, highlighting the challenges faced by those trying to tell their stories in the face of opposition.

    • False information in journalism harms filmmakersMisinformation in journalism can lead to backlash, damage to reputation, and potential harm to film projects.

      Misinformation and factual inaccuracies in journalism can significantly harm filmmakers and their projects. In the case discussed, a film faced criticism from various groups, some of whom had not seen the film and spread false information. One group, Cage, condemned the film for discussing Jihadism sympathetically, despite not fully understanding its content. Another group, Muslim filmmakers, wrote letters to Sundance to have the film removed due to perceived competition. The filmmakers reached out to these publications and individuals to correct the inaccuracies, but were met with resistance. The false information spread quickly, leading to a backlash from the community and potential damage to the film's reputation. This incident highlights the importance of factual accuracy in journalism and the potential consequences of spreading false information.

    • Documentary about Guantanamo Bay detainees faces backlashFilmmaker faces opposition, including lies and shady tactics, for releasing a documentary about men detained at Guantanamo Bay, challenging common belief of their innocence. Exploring distribution options, including grassroots approach.

      The filmmaker faced intense backlash from organizations and individuals, particularly from the Saudi government, after releasing a documentary about men who were detained at Guantanamo Bay. The film, which features interviews from the men themselves, presents a narrative that challenges the common belief that all detainees are innocent. The opposition to the film included lies and shady tactics, as well as concerns for the safety of the men featured in the documentary. Despite facing several roadblocks, the filmmaker is exploring options for distribution, including a grassroots approach by selling the film directly to audiences through a website. Unfortunately, attempts to gain the attention of larger streaming platforms like Netflix have been unsuccessful so far.

    • Self-distributing a film: A costly and time-consuming processFilmmakers must invest thousands in a trailer, poster, legal team, and theater rental to self-distribute their work and qualify for Oscar consideration.

      Self-distributing a film is a badass but expensive and time-consuming endeavor. The process involves creating a high quality trailer and poster, hiring a legal team, and renting a theater for a week to qualify for Oscar consideration. These tasks require the investment of thousands of dollars and the dedication of a team. Despite the challenges, some filmmakers persist due to the importance of sharing their work with audiences. For instance, the filmmaker in this discussion raised funds for a poster and a week-long theater rental to qualify for Oscar consideration. However, even though the hassles could potentially be removed, there's still a significant financial barrier to self-distributing a film. Additionally, having a built-in audience, like Louis CK or Andrew Schulz, can make self-distribution more viable.

    • Self-distribution: Reaching a wider audience and Oscar considerationGoFundMe and self-distribution can help filmmakers qualify for Oscar consideration and potentially attract larger distributors. Holding onto streaming and broadcast rights strategically is also important.

      Self-distribution can be a viable option for filmmakers seeking to reach a wider audience, especially when it comes to Oscar qualifying and potentially attracting the attention of larger distributors. However, it can be a challenging process, especially for those with limited following or resources. The speaker in this conversation shares their experience of using a GoFundMe page to self-distribute their film in theaters, allowing them to qualify for Oscar consideration and potentially attract the attention of larger distributors. They also discuss the importance of holding onto streaming and broadcast rights strategically. The conversation also touches on the challenges of navigating the film industry, including the cancellation of their film and the failures of courage and honesty they've encountered. Despite these challenges, the speaker remains committed to getting their film seen by as many people as possible.

    • Pressure to Apologize for Controversial FilmsFilmmakers face pressure to apologize for their work, even when they believe they've done nothing wrong. Power dynamics and expectations to conform can be intense, especially during festivals. Regretfully, the first to refuse was left to pave the way for open dialogue and understanding.

      Filmmaker's experiences with pressure to apologize for their work, even when they believe they have done nothing wrong, is not a new phenomenon. However, during a festival, the filmmaker in question felt the weight of this expectation more intensely than ever before. They were urged to apologize for their film despite positive reactions from Muslim community leaders and having vetted the film post-festival. The filmmaker ultimately decided not to apologize, as they felt they had nothing left to lose. They believed their integrity was the only thing they had left to hold onto. This situation highlights the power dynamics at play in the film industry and the pressure to conform to certain expectations, even for those with limited resources and influence. The filmmaker expressed regret that they were the first to refuse to apologize, and hoped that future filmmakers would be able to set the groundwork for more open dialogue and understanding. The film featured impressive animation, created by six female animators, as a response to having an all-male production team in the field.

    • Supporting emerging artists and uplifting underrepresented groupsCreating inclusive environments in the animation industry is crucial for supporting emerging artists and preventing bullying and harassment. Everyone deserves respect and recognition, regardless of their background or career stage.

      The animation industry, like many others, can be exclusive and hurtful towards those who are just starting out or belong to underrepresented groups. During the making of a film that premiered at Sundance, the speaker, who acted as a gatekeeper, made it her mission to give opportunities to talented individuals who hadn't yet received recognition. However, when the film gained attention, some team members faced harassment and bullying, leading some to request their names be removed from the credits. This unfortunate incident highlights the importance of supporting and uplifting emerging artists and the consequences of exclusion and intolerance. It also serves as a reminder that everyone deserves respect and recognition, regardless of their background or stage in their career.

    • The Power of Empathy and Backlash in FilmFilmmakers can face backlash and emotional distress when tackling controversial topics, but empathy and genuine apologies are important for healing and growth.

      The film industry can be unforgiving and even harmful to those involved, especially when it comes to controversial films. The filmmaker shared an experience of a high-up industry person asking to be removed from the special thanks section due to backlash and harassment. This led to emotional distress for the filmmaker and their team members, including an editor who cried on the phone. The filmmaker felt responsible for the consequences, as they had led their team down a risky path. This experience taught the filmmaker about the power of empathy and the potential for it to be weaponized. The fear of backlash could lead to the avoidance of challenging topics in film, making the independent film space crucial for such projects. The filmmaker emphasized the importance of genuine apologies when mistakes are made, but also highlighted the unfairness and deep impact of the backlash they experienced. Despite the challenges, the film is now called "The Unredacted," but the website remains "Jihad Rehab."

    • Unredacted film title revealed: ghadrehab.comSupport the cause by donating at ghadrehab.com and ensure it's the correct website to avoid scams.

      During the discussion, it was revealed that the unredacted film title is "ghadrehab.com," and the website is where donations can be made for the cause. The speakers emphasized the importance of supporting the project and encouraged listeners to visit the website. They also expressed optimism, despite the lengthy conversation, and expressed gratitude for the opportunity to discuss the matter in detail. It's important to note that while the title is unredacted, there are many websites with similar names, so it's crucial to ensure that donations are made to the correct one. The speakers also expressed their appreciation for the conversation and encouraged listeners to keep their chins up, as the situation is not yet over.

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    #371 — What the Hell Is Happening?

    Sam Harris speaks to Bill Maher about the state of the world. They discuss the aftermath of October 7th, the cowardice and confusion of many celebrities, gender apartheid, the failures of the Biden campaign, Bill’s relationship to his audience, the differences between the left and right, Megyn Kelly, loss of confidence in the media, expectations for the 2024 election, the security concerns of old-school Republicans, the prospect of a second Trump term, totalitarian regimes, functioning under medical uncertainty, Bill’s plan to stop doing stand-up (maybe), looking back on his career, his experience of fame, Jerry Seinfeld, and other topics.

    If the Making Sense podcast logo in your player is BLACK, you can SUBSCRIBE to gain access to all full-length episodes at samharris.org/subscribe.


    Learning how to train your mind is the single greatest investment you can make in life. That’s why Sam Harris created the Waking Up app. From rational mindfulness practice to lessons on some of life’s most important topics, join Sam as he demystifies the practice of meditation and explores the theory behind it.


    #370 — Gender Apartheid and the Future of Iran

    #370 — Gender Apartheid and the Future of Iran

    In today’s housekeeping, Sam explains his digital business model. He and Yasmine Mohammed (co-host) then speak with Masih Alinejad about gender apartheid in Iran. They discuss the Iranian revolution, the hypocrisy of Western feminists, the morality police and the significance of the hijab, the My Stealthy Freedom campaign, kidnapping and assassination plots against Masih, lack of action from the U.S. government, the effect of sanctions, the cowardice of Western journalists, the difference between the Iranian population and the Arab street, the unique perspective of Persian Jews, Islamism and immigration, the infiltration of universities, and other topics.

    If the Making Sense podcast logo in your player is BLACK, you can SUBSCRIBE to gain access to all full-length episodes at samharris.org/subscribe.


    #369 — Escaping Death

    #369 — Escaping Death

    Sam Harris speaks with Sebastian Junger about danger and death. They discuss Sebastian's career as a journalist in war zones, the connection between danger and meaning, his experience of nearly dying from a burst aneurysm in his abdomen, his lingering trauma, the concept of "awe," psychedelics, near-death experiences, atheism, psychic phenomena, consciousness and the brain, and other topics.

    If the Making Sense podcast logo in your player is BLACK, you can SUBSCRIBE to gain access to all full-length episodes at samharris.org/subscribe.

    Learning how to train your mind is the single greatest investment you can make in life. That’s why Sam Harris created the Waking Up app. From rational mindfulness practice to lessons on some of life’s most important topics, join Sam as he demystifies the practice of meditation and explores the theory behind it.

    #368 — Freedom & Censorship

    #368 — Freedom & Censorship

    Sam Harris speaks with Greg Lukianoff about free speech and cancel culture. They discuss the origins of political correctness, free speech and its boundaries, the bedrock principle of the First Amendment, technology and the marketplace of ideas, epistemic anarchy, social media and cancellation, comparisons to McCarthyism, self-censorship by professors, cancellation from the Left and Right, justified cancellations, the Hunter Biden laptop story, how to deal with Trump in the media, the state of higher education in America, and other topics.

    If the Making Sense podcast logo in your player is BLACK, you can SUBSCRIBE to gain access to all full-length episodes at samharris.org/subscribe.

    Learning how to train your mind is the single greatest investment you can make in life. That’s why Sam Harris created the Waking Up app. From rational mindfulness practice to lessons on some of life’s most important topics, join Sam as he demystifies the practice of meditation and explores the theory behind it.

    #366 — Urban Warfare 2.0

    #366 — Urban Warfare 2.0

    Sam Harris speaks with John Spencer about the reality of urban warfare and Israel's conduct in the war in Gaza. They discuss the nature of the Hamas attacks on October 7th, what was most surprising about the Hamas videos, the difficulty in distinguishing Hamas from the rest of the population, combatants as a reflection of a society's values, how many people have been killed in Gaza, the proportion of combatants and noncombatants, the double standards to which the IDF is held, the worst criticism that can be made of Israel and the IDF, intentions vs results, what is unique about the war in Gaza, Hamas's use of human shields, what it would mean to defeat Hamas, what the IDF has accomplished so far, the destruction of the Gaza tunnel system, the details of underground warfare, the rescue of hostages, how noncombatants become combatants, how difficult it is to interpret videos of combat, what victory would look like, the likely aftermath of the war, war with Hezbollah, Iran's attack on Israel, what to do about Iran, and other topics.

    If the Making Sense podcast logo in your player is BLACK, you can SUBSCRIBE to gain access to all full-length episodes at samharris.org/subscribe.


    Learning how to train your mind is the single greatest investment you can make in life. That’s why Sam Harris created the Waking Up app. From rational mindfulness practice to lessons on some of life’s most important topics, join Sam as he demystifies the practice of meditation and explores the theory behind it.


    #365 — Reality Check

    #365 — Reality Check

    Sam Harris begins by remembering his friendship with Dan Dennett. He then speaks with David Wallace-Wells about the shattering of our information landscape. They discuss the false picture of reality produced during Covid, the success of the vaccines, how various countries fared during the pandemic, our preparation for a future pandemic, how we normalize danger and death, the current global consensus on climate change, the amount of warming we can expect, the consequence of a 2-degree Celsius warming, the effects of air pollution, global vs local considerations, Greta Thunberg and climate catastrophism, growth vs degrowth, market forces, carbon taxes, the consequences of political stagnation, the US national debt, the best way to attack the candidacy of Donald Trump, and other topics.

    If the Making Sense podcast logo in your player is BLACK, you can SUBSCRIBE to gain access to all full-length episodes at samharris.org/subscribe.

    Learning how to train your mind is the single greatest investment you can make in life. That’s why Sam Harris created the Waking Up app. From rational mindfulness practice to lessons on some of life’s most important topics, join Sam as he demystifies the practice of meditation and explores the theory behind it.

    #364 — Facts & Values

    #364 — Facts & Values

    Sam Harris revisits the central argument he made in his book, The Moral Landscape, about the reality of moral truth. He discusses the way concepts like “good” and “evil” can be thought about objectively, the primacy of our intuitions of truth and falsity, and the unity of knowledge.

    If the Making Sense podcast logo in your player is BLACK, you can SUBSCRIBE to gain access to all full-length episodes at samharris.org/subscribe.

    Learning how to train your mind is the single greatest investment you can make in life. That’s why Sam Harris created the Waking Up app. From rational mindfulness practice to lessons on some of life’s most important topics, join Sam as he demystifies the practice of meditation and explores the theory behind it.

    #363 — Knowledge Work

    #363 — Knowledge Work

    Sam Harris speaks with Cal Newport about our use of information technology and the cult of productivity. They discuss the state of social media, the "academic-in-exile effect," free speech and moderation, the effect of the pandemic on knowledge work, slow productivity, the example of Jane Austen, managing up in an organization, defragmenting one's work life, doing fewer things, reasonable deadlines, trading money for time, finding meaning in a post-scarcity world, the anti-work movement, the effects of artificial intelligence on knowledge work, and other topics.

    If the Making Sense podcast logo in your player is BLACK, you can SUBSCRIBE to gain access to all full-length episodes at samharris.org/subscribe.

    Learning how to train your mind is the single greatest investment you can make in life. That’s why Sam Harris created the Waking Up app. From rational mindfulness practice to lessons on some of life’s most important topics, join Sam as he demystifies the practice of meditation and explores the theory behind it.

    Related Episodes

    E241. REPLAY: 5 Steps to Handle Hard Things

    E241. REPLAY: 5 Steps to Handle Hard Things

    In this episode of PivotMe, April delves into the art of navigating hard things and shares 5 easy steps to handle challenges effectively, becoming the coachman of your own brain. With the understanding that an average person generates thousands of thoughts per hour, many of which revolve around uncontrollable factors and fears, April introduces practical steps to redirect focus towards what can be changed.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. Practice Strategic Visualization:

      • Channel thoughts towards visualizing things that can be changed.
      • Focus on what you want instead of what you fear.
    2. Write to Your Badass List:

      • Compile a list of personal achievements and strengths.
      • Reflect on past successes to boost confidence.
    3. Have a Mantra:

      • Develop a mantra that instills confidence and positivity.
      • Repeat the mantra during challenging situations.
    4. Manage Your State Before Walking In:

      • Prioritize emotional well-being before facing difficult situations.
      • Engage in activities that uplift mood and mindset.
    5. Break it into Manageable Chunks:

      • Divide challenging tasks into smaller, more manageable parts.
      • Tackle each segment systematically.

    April shares the inspiring story of Brooklyn, a listener turned client, who became a Court-Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteer. Brooklyn navigated a challenging situation by implementing these steps, showcasing the effectiveness of the strategies in real-life scenarios.

    The episode concludes with the empowering message that while one may not be able to change the hard thing itself, the response to it can be transformed. By taking control of thoughts and responses, individuals can navigate challenges with resilience, ensuring that difficult situations don't dictate the course of their day.


    Elevate your business with a personalized consultation by April and her team. Together, we'll map out your goals using proven strategies and tools favored by major companies. Gain clarity, identify opportunities, and create a streamlined roadmap for success. Skip the guesswork and visit www.theaprilgarcia.com for more details.

    👉👉 Connect with me here: 

    Website: https://www.theaprilgarcia.com

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/AprilGarciaPivotMe

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theAprilGarcia/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theaprilgarcia

    Unveiling the Five Facets of Business with Dave Newell | Ep: 309 Dave Newell

    Unveiling the Five Facets of Business with Dave Newell | Ep: 309 Dave Newell

    Dave's mission is to Align the Misaligned through the Five Facets of Business™ framework— a dynamic small business operating system that aligns systems and people so businesses and the people in them can flourish.

    What business problem do you solve?

    In today’s episode, Dave will help businesses overcome obstacles more effectively, promoting a transition from a state of grinding to achieving sustainable growth using a systematic approach. 

    Small Business Answer Man Shownotes:

    • Today’s episode is structured toward helping entrepreneurs in navigating challenges and minimizing stress in their businesses.
    • Dave stresses the importance of effective prioritization, diagnosis, and leveraging time for optimal outcomes.
    • Dave introduces the three stages of company alignment: misalignment, alignment, and realignment.
    • Misalignment is when symptoms become overwhelming, alignment is when systems and people are in harmony, and realignment is an ongoing process of adapting to challenges.
    • Dave discusses the challenges businesses face when hitting the complexity threshold, where progress becomes difficult.
    • He emphasizes the required mindset shift from a "big dog operator" mentality to sustainable growth achieved through simplification and scaling.
    • The five facets of business, presented as a framework for assessment and improvement, are culture, strategy, operations, story (sales and marketing), and finance.
    • An analogy using a map underscores the significance of knowing a business's current state before planning its future.
    • Dave highlights that businesses often excel in a few facets but struggle in others, resulting in overall challenges.
    • According to Dave, the goal is to identify and elevate different aspects of the business to achieve holistic success.
    • Dave elaborates on operationalizing culture by translating values into actionable behaviors and integrating them into performance reviews and hiring processes.
    • The conversation explores the dual contracts in employee engagement—market and social contracts.
    • Dave further talks about the impact of underdoing the social contract, leading to issues such as feeling underpaid or dissatisfaction with tasks.
    • Dave outlines key elements in operations, including clarity on the core business, documentation of essential processes, and the establishment of a structured meeting flow called the "rhythm of the business."
    • Dave introduces essential financial practices, including planning for profit by rearranging the income minus profit equals expenses formula and the crucial role of forecasting in making strategic decisions.
    • During the podcast, Dave highlights a few benefits of forecasting, not just for predicting but for preparing businesses for potential decisions, reducing reactivity, and promoting strategic and logical decision-making.
    • The free assessment with 26 questions provides a baseline roadmap to help focus on business priorities. Please find the link below. 

    Dave Newell's Small Business Tip:

    Dave suggests that you should aim to eliminate confusion in your communication. When customers understand what you offer and how it benefits them, they are more likely to engage with your business. By providing clarity, you are addressing potential doubts or uncertainties in the customer's mind.

    Connect with Dave Newell for additional resources

    Take the FREE Business Owners’ Life Domain Assessment HERE

    Dave’s Free Assessment: https://theevolvedifference.com/sbam

    Website: http://www.theevolvedifference.com


    Clarity Navigator Discovery Session – Sign Up HERE

    Learn more about Gary’s Mastermind group at goascend.biz/the-mastermind-solution

    142. The Human Side of Coaching with Marianne Domico - Coaching Call

    142. The Human Side of Coaching with Marianne Domico - Coaching Call

    It's not easy being a first-year instructional coach in a school that’s never had one before. Add to that being the only coach on campus and you've got the challenging situation my guest Marianne Domico finds herself in this year. Listen in on this coaching call episode as we talk about how to communicate with teachers, defining your coaching role, strategies to support teachers at different levels, PLCs, and more. You'll get lots of valuable information about how coaches can work with teachers to build relationships and improve student outcomes. You won't want to miss this episode! Tune in now to learn more about the human side of coaching!

    -Chrissy Beltran

    Buzzing with Ms. B Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/buzzingwithmsb/

    Buzzing with Ms. B TpT - https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Chrissy-Beltran-Buzzing-With-Ms-B

    The Coaching Podcast Show Notes - https://buzzingwithmsb.com/Episode142

    Thank you for listening to Buzzing with Ms. B: The Coaching Podcast. If you love the show, share it with a coach who would love it too, subscribe to this podcast, or leave me a review on iTunes! It’s free and it helps others find this show, too. Happy coaching!

    Podcast produced by Fernie Ceniceros


    S2 Ep 4 - Adult Relationships: Building Impactful Relationships In and Out of the Office

    S2 Ep 4 - Adult Relationships: Building Impactful Relationships In and Out of the Office

    Join Stef as she shares one of her closest friends, Reenie, and the road that got them there. 

    The pair discuss work/life balance and becoming vulnerable with each other to help one another grow.  

    Key Points;

    • Working Relationships
    • Clear Communication
    • Building Relationships
    • Stay-at-home Parents
    • Working Spouses
    • Strengths
    • Alcohol Use
    • Team Building
    • Imposter Syndrome
    • What’s The Worst That Can Happen
    • Feedback
    • Adult Relationships
    • Growth Mindset
    • Conference Calls
    • Information Sharing
    • PTO
    • Leadership
    • Trickle-Down Communication
    • Friendships