
    #309: Going Blind to See More Clearly

    enJune 01, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • From Blindness to Thriving: Overcoming AdversityDespite facing challenges like blindness and childhood rejection, it's possible to turn adversity into opportunity and live a fulfilling life

      Even in the face of significant challenges like losing one's sight or facing rejection in childhood, it's possible to see opportunities and overcome obstacles with the right mindset. Isaac Litzke, a guest on the Art of Manliness Podcast, shares his inspiring story of going blind as a teenager and thriving in his personal and professional life. He reflects on his past as a child actor, including his experience on "Saved by the Bell: The New Class," and finds that these experiences have shaped his perspective on resilience and seeing things clearly. Despite the setbacks and limitations, Isaac's journey demonstrates that one can turn adversity into opportunity and live a fulfilling life.

    • Fame's Deception: Focus on What MattersDespite societal expectations, focus on personal values and what truly matters in life, not appearances.

      Fame and appearances can be deceiving and it's essential to focus on what truly matters in life. The speaker, who was diagnosed with a degenerative disease at 13 and became instantly famous through a TV show, shared how the experience highlighted the superficial nature of the entertainment industry. The disease caused a gradual loss of sight, making the speaker realize that sight is a personal creation of the mind and not an objective reality. The speaker emphasized the importance of living a life focused on personal values and what has significance, rather than societal expectations and appearances. The speaker's experience served as a reminder to prioritize what truly matters.

    • Our fears can limit us if we let themFears are often just fictions born of our own anxieties, and can be overcome if we choose to see beyond them, shaping our lives with joy and success

      Our fears and perceived limitations can become self-fulfilling prophecies if we believe in them. However, these fears are often just fictions born of our own fears and anxieties. A profound example of this comes from a man who went blind at a young age and initially believed his life would be ruined. But he later realized that his blindness was not a limitation, but rather an opportunity to create his own reality. This insight led him to understand that we shape our lives every moment, whether we realize it or not. This realization brought him joy, fulfillment, and success, and ultimately made him grateful for his blindness. This story serves as a reminder that our fears and perceived limitations can be overcome if we choose to see beyond them.

    • Fear of Blindness: Outsourcing DestinyFear can prevent us from living fully in the present and controlling our lives. Focusing on external factors and neglecting personal growth can perpetuate fear. Embracing challenges and seeking new perspectives can help us take charge and find purpose.

      Our fears can keep us from living fully in the present and taking control of our lives, even when we think we're facing them head-on. This realization hit home for the speaker when she discovered that her quest to find a cure for her genetic disease was actually perpetuating her fear of blindness. By focusing on external heroes (researchers) and villains (blindness), she was outsourcing her destiny and neglecting to take steps to learn about and adapt to her condition. An eye-opening moment came when she visited a low vision rehabilitation specialist in her late teens, expecting to discuss the grim aspects of blindness. Instead, she found a new perspective that helped her start embracing her future rather than fearing it. This shift allowed her to take charge of her life and find meaning and purpose in her experiences, rather than being controlled by her fears.

    • Fear and misunderstanding can hinder finding practical solutions to life changesBy focusing on challenges and seeking practical solutions, we can overcome fears and improve lives.

      Fear and misunderstanding can prevent us from finding practical solutions to our challenges, especially when it comes to dealing with significant life changes like losing one's sight. The speaker said that during a conversation with a counselor named Chris, they initially focused on trivial matters like using a cane, but eventually realized that the real issue was the fear and lack of knowledge about going blind. Chris helped the speaker understand that using a cane would reduce the number of accidents and injuries, and encouraged them to explore other solutions like text-to-speech software and sighted guide techniques. The speaker came to the realization that they had been choosing to live in fear and ignorance, and decided to take control of their life by embracing practical solutions. The conversation with Chris was a turning point, leading the speaker to discover new technologies and techniques that made their life easier and more fulfilling. In essence, the key takeaway is that by focusing on specific challenges and seeking out practical solutions, we can overcome our fears and improve our lives.

    • Embracing challenges and shaping our livesDespite circumstances, we can shape our lives through self-awareness, accountability, and embracing challenges

      Despite the challenges and constraints we face in life, we have the power to shape the quality of our lives through self-awareness, accountability, and embracing our circumstances. The author shares how he learned this valuable lesson during his first tech startup experience. In 1999, he started an internet advertising technology business right out of college with a term sheet from investors. However, the dot-com bubble burst, and they didn't secure the capital. Instead of giving up, they embraced the challenge and pivoted their business model. This experience taught him that it's not the circumstances that dictate the quality of life but how we respond to them. The author encourages us to look within and explore our self-limiting assumptions, embrace our strengths, and understand the role of luck in our lives. Ultimately, we have the power to shape the lives we want, and it's our responsibility to do so.

    • Turning a struggling business around by focusing on revenueFocus on generating actual dollars instead of just chasing eyeballs or ad impressions for a sustainable business model. Follow your passions and make unconventional moves when necessary.

      Focusing on a sustainable business model can be crucial for a company's survival, even during tough economic times. The speaker shared their experience of going through financial struggles in their former company and how they turned it around by focusing on making actual dollars instead of just chasing eyeballs and ad impressions. Despite not personally benefiting financially from the eventual sale of the company, they were content with their decisions and happy for the company's success. Another key takeaway is the importance of following one's passions and not being afraid to make unconventional moves, as the speaker did when they left their legal career to pursue other interests.

    • Embracing unexpected opportunities through courage and constraintsCourage to shift paths and embrace constraints can lead to unexpected opportunities for personal growth and success.

      Having the courage to shift your path in life and embracing constraints can lead to unexpected opportunities. The speaker shares his personal experience of moving from a high-pressure job in Manhattan to buying a small residential construction company in Orlando with his college roommate. Despite initial excitement, they soon realized that the financial data they had analyzed was inaccurate, and they faced numerous challenges in turning the business around. However, the speaker emphasizes that living and leading with clarity and honesty about what truly matters is crucial for personal growth and success. The trials they went through ultimately led them to transform the business and find fulfillment in their new venture.

    • Buying a business based on appearances led to unexpected challengesAccepting help during tough times can be difficult, but it's crucial for growth and ultimately leads to success.

      Relying solely on appearances or preconceived notions can lead to unexpected challenges and financial struggles. This was the harsh reality faced by the speaker when he bought a business based on its impressive numbers, only to discover it was on the brink of collapse. During this difficult time, his mother's savings, which she had kept hidden for emergencies, became a crucial lifeline for the business. However, accepting this help came with its own internal struggles and self-doubt. Theodore Roosevelt's "Man in the Arena" speech provides valuable insights into this situation, as ideals can sometimes be used against us by our inner critic. The critic can turn our ideals into weapons, causing self-doubt and hindering progress. It's essential to remember that life is a constant journey of growth and improvement, and setbacks are inevitable. Embracing challenges and learning from them is key to turning things around and ultimately achieving success.

    • Embrace the moment and focus on growthRecognize the inner critic, embrace imperfection, and focus on progress for growth and success

      The inner critic can hinder progress by idealizing perfection and discouraging action. Instead, embracing the moment and focusing on the next step, while ignoring the critic's negativity, allows for growth and success. It's important to recognize that luck and skill play a role in our experiences, and we should strive to quiet the inner critic and stay focused on our efforts. The strong man, as described in Nietzsche's philosophy, embodies this mindset, valuing effort and growth over perfection. Ultimately, we all have the potential to be strong men, and every experience, good or bad, can yield valuable insights.

    • Life is a mix of skill and luckFocus on improving skills and strategies to increase good outcomes and reduce impact of bad ones, as both are part of natural ebb and flow of life

      Life, like poker, is a combination of skill and luck. While individual events may seem like a matter of luck, a person's overall success or failure is largely determined by their skills and strategies. However, it's easy to become overly focused on the outcomes of specific events and overlook the role of skill and strategy in achieving them. This perspective can lead to self-blame for bad outcomes or overconfidence in good ones. Instead, it's essential to recognize that both good and bad outcomes are part of the natural ebb and flow of life. As Thomas Jefferson once said, "I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it." In other words, by focusing on our skills and strategies, we increase our chances of good outcomes and reduce the impact of bad ones. It's also important to remember that the distinction between luck and skill is often blurred, and we have more control over events and circumstances than we may realize. So, instead of dwelling on individual outcomes, focus on improving your skills and strategies, and trust that the good and bad outcomes will even out over time.

    • Emphasizing the importance of choosing our reactions and focusing on what we can control.Challenge assumptions and reframe mindset for a more positive reality, focusing on what's within our control.

      Lidsky, the author of "Eyes Wide Open," emphasizes the importance of choosing how we react to our circumstances and focusing on what we can control. He encourages readers to challenge their assumptions and reframe their mindset to create a more positive reality for themselves. To learn more about Lidsky's work, visit his website at Lidsky.com, where you can find information on his book, blog, and TED Talk. Don't forget to share your thoughts with Lidsky if his ideas resonate with you. As a reminder, if you enjoyed this podcast episode, please consider leaving a review on iTunes or Stitcher to support the show. For more resources and show notes, visit aom.is/Lidsky. Stay Manly!

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    ©2023 Pemrose Media, Ltd./I Thrive Here

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    Rate and review before the next episode. If you want to learn more about me and my strategies, go to https://andrewscopick.com/


    Download your free guide “THE REBOOT BLUEPRINT” 



    Contact info:

    Andrew Scopick

    Email: andrew@andrewscopick.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/andrewscopick/

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    Roxanne Bocyck lives in Syracuse, New York and enjoys encouraging others and bringing people together. She began her author career by writing feature stories for two weekly newspapers in her hometown. Inspired by real events, her debut novel ‘Catherine’s Dream’ is a testament to the power and possibility of nurturing one’s ambitions against all odds and overcoming fear and doubt with faith and determination.

    Special offer: Roxanne is offering a digital download of her book. Visit  https://www.catherinesdreamgift.com/

    To learn more about Roxanne visit her website: https://roxannebocyck.com/


    As you’ll hear in today’s episode, community is vital to living life at its best. That’s why Mark enjoys facilitating PackLife Men - a community of like-minded Christian men that train together to fight through vulnerabilities, thrive spiritually and lead well despite today’s toxic culture. It might just be the best investment you’ve ever made in yourself.

    Mark and Roxanne met through the 48 Days Eagles community. It’s had significant positive impact in Mark and Cindy’s lives. Find out if it would be a good fit for you as well.


    About Mark

    Mark’s Recovery Story 

    Christian Men’s Mastermind - A mastermind is simply a group of people with similar goals and challenges who rely on each other for accountability, advice, and support. Mark facilitates weekly, 1-hour meetings characterized by sharing life and drawing upon the collective wisdom and experience of the group. The goal is to energize, encourage and pray for each other while training in our God-given identities. This may be one of the best investments you’ll ever make in yourself. Explore more 

    More Music - Find Mark’s music on your favorite music app  or in his Song Library. CDs are also available.  

    Custom Song - Mark and his wife, Cindy, empower individuals and businesses to express their unique messages in the form of a custom-crafted song.  Hear Samples 


    Friends (email) Group -  Get updates, invites and exclusive access to a member’s pages on the website. Join here 

    God-Stories (Video) Call - Join Mark and Cindy on the monthly God-stories call. It’s your chance to share your God-stories with an interested group as well as get to know and be encouraged by others and their God-stories. Sign up 

    Private Facebook Group “Friends of Mark Alewine Music” - Request Access (email required)