
    Podcast Summary

    • Japanese Folklore and Kroger's Mealtime InspirationJapanese folklore features the unexplained phenomenon of Kamikakushi, where people disappear and reappear, while Kroger offers 30,000 meal options and savings opportunities.

      Kroger offers an extensive selection of over 30,000 delicious options for mealtime inspiration, along with everyday low prices and various ways to save, such as digital coupons and fuel points. Meanwhile, in the world of folklore, there are intriguing parallels between the Japanese phenomenon of Kamikakushi, where people mysteriously disappear and reappear in impossible locations, and the concept of missing 411. These cases, often involving young children, defy explanation and share similarities with missing persons stories. For instance, they are found in seemingly inaccessible places, unaffected by exposure to harsh climates, and without injuries. Additionally, there are tales of children being taken away by mysterious figures, such as an old man who flies away in a mystical pot. These stories add to the intrigue of Japanese folklore and the unexplained phenomenon of Kamikakushi.

    • Unexplained experiences in crop circlesSome people claim to have had supernatural encounters while exploring crop circles, such as meeting spiritual beings or being transported to another dimension

      There are intriguing stories of individuals being drawn to crop circles and encountering supernatural experiences, such as being transported into another world or meeting spiritual beings. For instance, a young boy in a Japanese folktale was lured into a giant teapot by a strange old man and returned with an incredible story of meeting a spiritual master in another dimension. More recently, a young man named Robert van der Brocke reportedly had a similar experience with a monk appearing in a crop circle he discovered. These stories suggest a deeper, unexplained connection to crop circles that goes beyond natural phenomena.

    • Snow circles: Unsolved enigmas in the snowSnow circles, unexplained formations in the snow similar to crop circles, fuel ongoing debates in the paranormal community, with some attributing them to paranormal phenomena and others considering them hoaxes

      The controversy surrounding crop circles and their authenticity continues, with some researchers like Robert Bauval claiming to have encountered unexplained phenomena such as snow circles. These circles, which appear in the snow like traditional crop circles but lack footprints or other signs of human interference, have fueled debates within the community. Skeptics argue that these claims are hoaxes, while proponents maintain that they are evidence of something paranormal. It's important to note that the majority of crop circles are believed to be man-made, according to researchers in the field. Despite this, the allure of the exotic and unexplained keeps the debate alive. One notable figure in this debate is Robert Bauval, who has been instrumental in documenting snow circles and other unusual phenomena. His claims, while controversial, add to the ongoing discourse surrounding crop circles and their true nature.

    • Robert's Alleged Encounters with Extraterrestrials at Crop CirclesRobert believed extraterrestrials communicated through crop circles, experiencing vivid images, tentacled creatures, and telepathic messages. However, skepticism exists due to the debate over authenticity of crop circles, with some claiming 80% are man-made.

      Robert's experiences with alleged extraterrestrial encounters at crop circles involve feeling his mind invaded by vivid images, encountering tentacled creatures, and receiving telepathic messages. These encounters led him to believe that he was meant to be a bridge between humans and these beings. However, the validity of these claims is controversial due to the division within the crop circle community regarding the authenticity of the phenomena. Some believe that 80% of crop circles are man-made, leading to skepticism and animosity towards those who claim alien involvement. Despite this, some crop circles, like the one analyzed by Jerry Croft, have been found to contain messages that seem to warn of potential dangers or issues, adding intrigue to the debate.

    • The origin of crop circles remains a mysterySome believe nonhuman intelligence influences crop circle creation, while others see hoaxes. Motivations vary from attention to spiritual connection, but farmers view them as disruptive and costly.

      The cryptic and complex nature of some crop circles has led researchers to question their human origin. While many are proven hoaxes, some believe that nonhuman intelligence could be influencing people to create these intricate patterns. The motivation for creating crop circles, whether hoaxed or genuine, remains a mystery, with some suggesting a desire for attention or spiritual connection. Farmers, however, view them as disruptive and costly. The case of Matthew Williams, a hoaxer charged with criminal damage, adds intrigue to the debate, as he claimed to be influenced by an unknown force. The idea that hoaxes could be intentionally created to convey information adds depth to the crop circle phenomenon. Ultimately, the question of who or what is responsible for creating crop circles remains open-ended, with both human and nonhuman explanations offering compelling arguments.

    • Crop Circles and Supernatural EncountersSome people report encountering strange creatures near crop circles, including Bigfoot, wolf men, and spectral peacocks, adding to the mystery and intrigue surrounding these formations

      Crop circles, whether naturally formed or man-made, are associated with strange phenomena and reports of supernatural encounters. Researchers like Nick Redfern have documented stories of occult groups using these circles to summon entities, leading to encounters with various creatures such as Bigfoot, wolf men, and even spectral peacocks. These encounters can be disconcerting, with some people reporting the sudden appearance and disappearance of peacocks near the circles, only to find no physical evidence of the birds. Despite the skepticism, these reports add to the mystery and intrigue surrounding crop circles and their potential connection to the supernatural.

    • Crop Circles: Natural or Supernatural?Despite some claims of supernatural experiences during crop circle creation, many have been proven hoaxes. The creators use technology and tools to manipulate crops, but some believe they receive messages or communications from otherworldly entities.

      The creation of crop circles can have mysterious and unexplained elements, with some people claiming to have encountered supernatural beings or energies during their design and creation process. However, it's important to note that not all crop circle phenomena can be definitively linked to paranormal activity, as some have been proven to be hoaxes. For instance, Matthew Williams admitted to creating crop circles himself and claimed to have experienced strange sensations, including electrical feelings and growling sounds, while doing so. The origin of the designs comes from the creators themselves, using computer software and physical tools to manipulate the crops. However, some people claim to have received messages or communications from otherworldly entities during the process. The case of Robert, who reported encountering old men spirits, adds another layer of complexity to the phenomenon, but the validity of this account remains uncertain. Overall, the crop circle phenomenon continues to intrigue and confound, with both natural and supernatural explanations being proposed.

    • Two groups create identical crop circle design independentlyUnexpected alignments of creativity and inspiration can occur, even when processes and motivations differ. Mistakes in creative endeavors can lead to meaningful discoveries.

      Sometimes, unexplained experiences and creations can align seemingly perfectly with the expectations of others, even if the process and motivations behind them are vastly different. In the case discussed, a man felt compelled to create a crop circle design independently of a group of people who were meditating for one to appear. The design they both arrived at was a six-petaled flower, but the man had no prior plan or design in mind when he went out in the middle of the night to create it. The group believed they had been guided to meditate for the circle's appearance, and they were surprised to find it exactly as they had envisioned. This incident raises questions about the nature of inspiration, creativity, and the possibility of external influences or forces at play. Additionally, the man mentioned that mistakes in creating crop circles can sometimes lead to important discoveries or revelations, suggesting that even imperfections can hold meaning.

    • Crop circles linked to strange phenomenaUnexplained crop circle formations are associated with lights, time anomalies, and possible nonhuman intelligence, leaving their origin a mystery

      The creation of crop circles, whether hoaxed or not, seems to be associated with strange phenomena, including the appearance of balls of light and unexplained time anomalies. The anomalous directionality of some crop circles may also point towards significant land features. The unexplained nature of these occurrences has led some to speculate that there may be a nonhuman intelligence involved. The video evidence of crop circles forming is still debated, with some concluding it's a hoax while others remain uncertain. Matthew Williams, a crop circle hoaxer, reported experiencing paranormal phenomena while creating circles, suggesting a possible facilitation by an unknown intelligence. Linda Moulton Howe's book explores these light phenomena and the experiences of individuals like Williams. Overall, the creation of crop circles remains a mystery, with many unexplained occurrences continuing to intrigue and confound.

    • Crop circles and time distortionThe creation of crop circles might be influenced by human intent and belief, with time distortion being a possible phenomenon related to their manifestation.

      The speaker's experience in a crop circle revealed an intriguing phenomenon where time seemed to distort, leading him to believe that the manifestation of these circles might be influenced by human intent. The speaker's interaction with a doctor and other observers, as well as his own actions, suggest that the experience of time distortion may be linked to the collective belief and focus of those present. The speaker also shared an instance where he made a crop circle in front of a group of people with telescopes, expecting to be seen but finding that they didn't notice or remember the event. The unexplained fog bank theory further adds to the mystery, leaving open the question of whether the phenomenon is attracting the humans or vice versa. Overall, the speaker's experiences and the observations of others suggest that the creation of crop circles may involve a complex interplay of human intention, belief, and the paranormal.

    • Unexplained phenomena like crop circles may be a gateway to paranormal experiencesCrop circles could be a form of communication from an intelligent entity using mathematics, keeping people engaged for extended periods due to their cryptic nature.

      There are unexplained phenomena, such as crop circles, which may act as a gateway to paranormal experiences. These experiences can lead to the creation of symbolic designs that seemingly interconnect groups of people, who may not even be aware of each other's presence. The motivation behind these phenomena remains a mystery, but some believe it could be a form of communication from an intelligent entity that uses mathematics as a language due to the foreign nature of human consciousness. The cryptic nature of these phenomena keeps people engaged and focused on them for extended periods, suggesting that the entity may benefit from the conscious attention. Robert, a long-time crop circle investigator, exemplifies this as he spends countless hours documenting and analyzing these designs. Ultimately, the lack of clear communication and the need to interpret the symbols keeps the intrigue alive and draws in a large audience.

    • The true meaning behind crop circles remains a mysterySome see crop circles as warnings or initiations, while others view them as attempts to manipulate or deceive, leaving their true purpose and the level of understanding required to decipher them open to debate

      The meaning behind crop circles remains a mystery, with some believing they serve as warnings or initiations into deeper knowledge, while others see them as attempts to manipulate or deceive. The cryptic nature of the circles raises questions about their true purpose and the level of understanding required to decipher their meaning. Some argue that higher truths are simple, while others believe that the complexity and obscurity of the circles indicate a test or initiation into a deeper, possibly spiritual, understanding. Ultimately, the debate continues, and the true nature of crop circles remains a subject of ongoing speculation and intrigue.

    • Encountering Unexplained Forces While Creating Crop CirclesThe speaker shares his experiences of creating crop circles and believes in external assistance due to unexplained occurrences like finding a lost pager and protection from rain. Similar experiences reported by other researchers add to the mystery.

      The speaker in the discussion shares his experiences of encountering unexplained phenomena while creating crop circles. He believes that there is an external force helping him in forming these circles, as evidenced by instances where he found his lost pager and was protected from rain. The speaker also mentions similar experiences reported by other researchers, such as Robbie Graham, who wrote about the frequent appearance of crop circles in specific regions despite never having seen one himself. The speaker's experiences and the empirical evidence suggest that there may be a deliberate assistance in creating these formations. However, the discussion also includes some lighthearted moments, such as the possibility of a bird army or a cosmic cash machine in a crop circle. Overall, the speaker's account raises intriguing questions about the nature of these phenomena and the role of external forces in shaping them.

    • Man Discovers Crop Circle Near His House After Expressing Desire on FacebookA man discovered a crop circle, shaped like a gray alien face, near his house, months after expressing his desire to see one on Facebook. The intricate design and reported synchronicities surrounding its appearance fueled speculation about its origin.

      The phenomenon of crop circles, which gained global attention in the nineties, continues to intrigue people due to the unexplained synchronicities surrounding their appearance. In 2016, a man named Robbie claimed to have discovered a crop circle just half a mile from his house, despite expressing his desire to visit one on Facebook months prior. The circle, shaped like a gray alien face with a tribal headdress, was an intricate and elaborate design that seemed too convenient to be a hoax. However, the idea of hoaxing being controlled by some type of intelligence is not far-fetched in the world of crop circles, as synchronicities and strange occurrences are often reported. Despite the skepticism, Robbie was thrilled to finally witness a crop circle up close, even if it was man-made. The fact that he encountered no one on his way to the site and the field was deserted added to the mysterious atmosphere. Whether it was a hoax or not, the experience left Robbie with a sense of awe and wonder.

    • A personal and transformative experience with a crop circleEncountering the unexplained can lead to profound insights and a sense of being on the right path

      The experience of encountering a crop circle can be deeply personal and transformative. The man in the story went into the formation with skepticism and a sense of uncertainty about his path in life. However, after expressing gratitude to the universe, he felt compelled to return and lay down in the middle of the circle. During this time, he had a profound sense of calm and felt a strong pull to stay. Upon leaving the circle, he encountered a man with an unusual camera, which he initially suspected was a farmer or another crop circle hunter. However, the man's appearance and behavior were innocuous, and he made no attempt to photograph the circle. This encounter left the man feeling that his experience in the circle was significant and that he was on the right path in his pursuit of understanding the UFO phenomenon. Overall, the story illustrates how encounters with the unexplained can challenge our beliefs and lead us to new insights and perspectives.

    • An encounter with a mysterious man at a crop circle siteAn unexplained encounter with a strange man at a crop circle site leaves Robbie feeling uneasy and uncertain, reminding us of the unexplored mysteries and importance of keeping an open mind.

      The encounter between Robbie and the mysterious man at the crop circle site was filled with bizarre and inexplicable moments. The man's lack of understanding of basic concepts like gates and climbing, coupled with his sudden appearances and disappearances, left Robbie feeling uneasy and uncertain. The man's belief in the presence of aliens and his strange reaction to a simple leaf further added to the strange and unsettling atmosphere. Despite the oddity of the situation, Robbie couldn't shake the feeling that something was not quite right, and he quickly made his exit. Overall, the encounter served as a reminder of the unexplored mysteries and strange phenomena that exist in the world, and the importance of keeping an open mind.

    • Mysterious encounters with crop circles and potential interdimensional interactionsUnexplained electric sensations and disappearances of supposed aliens add to the intrigue of crop circles, which may be gateways to high strangeness experiences and interdimensional interactions. Debates continue over their origins, with some believing they're made by humans and others thinking they're paranormal.

      The encounter between Robbie and the supposed alien resulted in an unexplained electric sensation in his body, and the alien simply disappeared into the woods without any typical extraterrestrial signs like a black Cadillac or shimmering out of existence. This event, along with crop circles, may serve as a gateway to high strangeness experiences and potential interdimensional or extraterrestrial interactions. The phenomenon seems to be able to interact with human consciousness, and may even clear a location for people to witness it. The lack of definitive answers and ongoing debates surrounding crop circles add to their intrigue. For instance, Gary King and Paula Jones' experience in Wiltshire in 2007, where they waited all night to witness a crop circle's appearance but found nothing, highlights the unpredictable nature of these phenomena. Overall, the mysteries surrounding crop circles and their potential connection to the unknown continue to captivate and intrigue people.

    • Unexplained phenomena like crop circles and Kamikakushi challenge our understandingWitnesses describe sudden light flashes and massive crop circles, historical records hint at people being transported to other realms, mysteries inspire us to question and explore the unknown

      Unexplained phenomena, such as crop circles and the Kamikakushi phenomenon in Japan, continue to intrigue and challenge our understanding of the world. Witnesses describe experiencing a sudden flash of light and the appearance of a massive crop circle, which was only visible through the lens of a special camera. This event, along with historical records of the Kamikakushi phenomenon, suggests that there may be real, documented cases of people being spirited away to other realms. The mysteries surrounding these phenomena continue to captivate and inspire, encouraging us to question and explore the unknown. If you're interested in learning more, sign up for the Mysterious Universe Plus extension to access exclusive content and extended episodes.

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    Matt Kinder: https://www.instagram.com/mattkinderdraws

    Truth, Speculation, and Reputation

    Truth, Speculation, and Reputation

    Episode 29 -

    Welcome to the CheapGeek Podcast!

    Truth, Speculation, and Reputation


    1. Hey Everyone! You can call the show and leave us a message!



    1.  These Dietary Supplements Actually Sort of Do Something http://gizmodo.com/these-dietary-supplements-actually-sort-of-do-something-1792603356
    2. Five Essentials for Making Your Homemade Videos Look Better http://lifehacker.com/five-essentials-for-making-your-homemade-videos-look-be-1792869785
    3. A Tolkien Truther From Colorado Says He's the Real King of England http://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/king-england-newspaper-ad-times
    4. Who Built the Moon? http://www.educatinghumanity.com/2012/11/Who-Built-Moon-Christopher-Knight-Aliens-ET.html

    6.Found: 47 Lumps of Orichalcum, an Ancient Alloy Attributed to Atlantis http://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/found-47-lumps-of-orichalcum-an-ancient-alloy-attributed-to-atlantis

    1. 10 Companies With the Best Reputations .http://247wallst.com/consumer-products/2017/03/01/10-companies-with-the-best-reputations/



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    New Mexico or Florida or Some other Weird Place:

    1. “Trumpagator” -Orange Alligators are in the Carolinas!  
      1. http://www.foxnews.com/science/2017/02/09/strange-orange-alligator-turns-heads-in-south-carolina.html
      2. http://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/orange-alligator-found


    Bingeworthy BS-

    1. Train To Busan -on Amazon Video
    2. Legion -on Hulu
    3. Grand Tour on Amazon Prime

    Money Worthy (Not BS)-

    Phone App BS -

    1. LetsTag on Android available on Google Play


    Over on Youtubes!


    Instagram:  www.instagram.com/theordinaryhiker


    Best All in One Truck Jack? I'll show you...


    The Best No cost DIY Campervan Mod Ever!


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    Music in this Podcast-

    Music Credit To:

    Thinking Music Kevin MacLeod (http://www.incompetech.com )

    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License


    Voltaic Kevin MacLeod (http://www.incompetech.com )

    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License


    Lobby Time Kevin MacLeod (http://www.incompetech.com )

    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
