
    31.18 - MU Podcast - Bibhu Dev Misra

    enMay 10, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Predicting a Planetary Transformation: The Yuga ShiftBibhu Dev Misra predicts a significant planetary transformation, the Yuga Shift, in March 2025, marking the end of the current Kali Yuga and the beginning of a new age. His insights and findings are detailed in his new book, 'Yuga Shift'.

      Key takeaway from this episode of "Mysterious Universe" season 31 is that Bibhu Dev Misra, a renowned writer and researcher, has predicted that a significant planetary transformation, known as the Yuga Shift, will occur in March 2025. This transformation is said to mark the end of the current Kali Yuga and the beginning of a new age. Bibhu, who has dedicated years to studying ancient civilizations and mysteries, shares his insights and findings in his new book, "Yuga Shift," which is available now. The interview with Bibhu was conducted at Benjamin Grundy's house due to technical difficulties, and the conversation covered various topics, including the upcoming transformation and its potential implications. Bibhu, who has a background in engineering and previously worked for the World Bank, explains how he came to focus on ancient mysteries full-time and the significance of the Yuga Shift in the context of human history. The interview offers intriguing insights into the ancient Greek civilization, ant people, and the potential arrival of a golden age. Overall, this episode provides a fascinating glimpse into the world of ancient civilizations and the transformative power of cosmic cycles.

    • The cyclical pattern of human consciousness and civilizationAncient beliefs suggest that human consciousness and civilization move in cycles, marked by different ages or yugas, with the Satya Yuga being the golden age of truth, purity, and perfection.

      According to ancient beliefs, human consciousness and civilization move in a cyclical pattern, with each cycle marked by different ages or yugas. The Satya Yuga, or the age of truth, is the golden age where every person's mind is pure, and society is characterized by perfection, bliss, and a pure environment. However, consciousness declines as we move through the ages, leading to social evils and environmental degradation. The Sanskrit sources suggest that individuals in the Satya Yuga may have supernatural abilities and longer lifespans, and there may be less need for technology. As we move into the current age, the Kali Yuga or the iron age, there is a decline in spiritual and moral values, leading to social unrest and environmental degradation. The idea of these cyclical patterns offers a unique perspective on human history and the role of consciousness in shaping society and the environment.

    • Ancient texts suggest humans lived longer and were larger in the pastAncient texts claim humans lived up to 400 years and were 10% larger, stronger, faster, and smarter in the past

      According to ancient texts from Sanskrit sources and the Bible, humans in the past lived much longer lives and were physically larger than we are today. The average lifespan in the golden age was around 400 years, while in the iron age, it's around 100 years. Similarly, the physical size of humans has decreased by approximately 10%, but it could be more. Ancient texts also suggest that people in the past were stronger, faster, and smarter. For instance, King Raivata, from the Sanskrit sources, traveled to the celestial court of Brahma in a spaceship to find a groom for his daughter. During his wait, he learned that the golden age had passed, and the earth was now in the Dwapara Yuga. When he returned to earth, he was surprised to find the significant decline in the physical and mental capabilities of humans. This idea of a gradual decline in human capabilities over time is a recurring theme in ancient texts.

    • The Satya Yuga was a time of self-realization without religious practices, but as humanity moved away from truth, religious acts emerged.In ancient Hindu texts, the golden age was a time of self-realization without religious practices, but as humanity's focus shifted towards egoic desires, religious acts emerged as a means to attain them.

      According to ancient Hindu texts, the Satya Yuga, the golden age, was a time of self-realization and identification with the universal self, requiring no religious acts or rituals. However, as humanity moved away from the path of truth and became clouded by egoic desires, religious practices emerged in the later ages as a means to attain desires. Additionally, the texts suggest that time passes differently in various dimensions, with time in the dimension of Brahma equivalent to thousands of years on Earth. Furthermore, the texts describe the color of the soul changing over the ages, from golden in the Satya Yuga to black in the Kali Yuga, reflecting humanity's inability to penetrate the truth during this age. The texts also mention that interactions between gods and humans, leading to the transfer of wisdom and skills, ceased during the Kali Yuga, resulting in the mythologization of these stories.

    • Ancient beliefs in cycles of ages and moral declineThe Hindu Kali Yuga and Greek Iron Age share similarities in describing an era marked by materialism, moral decay, and lack of respect for traditional values, emphasizing the importance of upholding values and maintaining a moral compass

      Various ancient cultures, including the Greeks and Indians, believed in cycles of ages, each with distinct characteristics. The Hindu concept of Kali Yuga, the age of moral and spiritual decline, shares similarities with the Greek notion of the Iron Age. Both describe an era marked by increasing materialism, moral decay, and a lack of respect for traditional values. The gods in these traditions are believed to have departed from humanity during this time, leaving people without moral guidance or retribution for evil actions. This idea underscores the importance of upholding values and maintaining a moral compass to counteract the negative influences of the material world.

    • Ancient Beliefs of an Age of DeclineAccording to various ancient beliefs, we're living in an age of decline where righteousness is waning, and evil forces are gaining strength. Recognize the signs and take action to preserve good conduct before it's too late.

      According to various ancient beliefs, we are currently living in an age of decline, where righteousness and good conduct are waning, and evil forces are gaining strength. This decline is a natural cycle, but human beings have the power to make a difference. In Buddhism, it's believed that during this period, there will be no guiding law, leaving people to determine their own moral compass. Similar beliefs are held by indigenous cultures like the Sioux and Hopi. The Sioux use the metaphor of a buffalo standing on its legs to represent the ages, with the bull of dharma (truth) standing on all four legs in the golden age. However, as we move towards the end of the current age (Kali Yuga), the bull is wobbling on one leg, and soon there will be no dharma left. The Hopi also believe in the end of each world, which is followed by a period of purification and the beginning of a new cycle. Despite the impending end, some righteous people are saved and taken to a safe haven. It's essential for us to recognize the signs of decline and take action to preserve righteousness and good conduct before it's too late.

    • Ancient cultures believed in the existence of Ant MenThe Ant Men, a subterranean civilization from Hopi legend, share similarities with dwarves in European folklore and were revered for their knowledge and wisdom in Mayan culture. They are believed to have existed for millions of years, according to ancient Indian texts.

      The Ant Men, as described in the Hopi legend, share similarities with the dwarves or gnomes found in European folklore. This connection is not only cultural but also linguistic, as the Mayans, who also believed in dwarves, referred to them as "ziahmuinqob," which translates to "ant man." The dwarves in Mayan culture were highly respected for their knowledge, wisdom, and clairvoyance. They were believed to have played a role in creating ancient Mayan cities and even possessed the ability to move stones with their whistles. This connection sheds light on the Ant Men's possible role and capabilities. Additionally, the Ant Men's civilization is said to have existed for millions of years, as mentioned in ancient Indian texts. However, the durations of their cycles don't align with the known history of human civilization or the 12,000-year cycles found in other cultures. Overall, the Ant Men legend offers intriguing connections to various ancient cultures and their beliefs about dwarves or subterranean beings.

    • The Yoga Cycle's 24,000-year discrepancy with Earth's precession cycleThe yoga cycle's 24,000-year cycle and Earth's 25,800-year precession cycle have a discrepancy, and the belief in two Kali Yugas might give a false sense of consciousness improvement.

      The concept of the yoga cycle, as outlined in Indian texts like the Puranas, is based on a divine year of 360 and a belief in multiple cycles of evolution and devolution, each lasting 12,000 years. This idea, which includes two descending and ascending cycles, aligns with the observation of natural cycles where light gradually decreases and then increases. However, there is a discrepancy between the 24,000-year cycle and the Earth's precession cycle of 25,800 years. The reason for this discrepancy was not mentioned in the discussion. The belief in two back-to-back Kali Yugas, one in the descending and one in the ascending cycle, can be misleading as it might give the impression that consciousness and virtue are increasing, but in reality, the consciousness is still declining, and we are not yet out of the descending cycle.

    • The Ascending Cycle and the Discrepancy Between Material Progress and Spiritual FoundationsDespite material advancements, there's a growing gap between our spiritual and moral foundations. Technology offers opportunities but also risks, including environmental harm and ethical concerns.

      The concept of the ascending cycle, or Kali Yuga, suggests an increase in material prosperity and lifespan throughout history. However, there's a growing discrepancy between this material progress and our spiritual and moral foundations. Technology, while providing opportunities for advancement, also poses risks, including harm to the environment, depression, and unethical uses. The ideal of the golden ages is that technology would not be necessary, and humans would be able to connect and unlock their innate supernormal abilities. The Subtashi calendar, with its breakthroughs in dating techniques, sheds light on the historical context of these cycles and the potential for spiritual growth and empowerment.

    • The Saptarshi calendar's 2,700-year cycle and the prediction of Kali Yuga's end in 2025The Saptarshi calendar, believed to be imparted by divine entities, predicts the end of the current Kali Yuga in 2025, with a 2,700-year cycle and a 300-year transition period. Ancient Indian and Greek histories hint at interconnectedness between cultures and their beliefs through the legend of Rama and Dionysus.

      The ancient Saptarshi calendar, which was used in India to track the cycle of yugas or ages, is what enabled the determination of the end date of the current Kali Yuga in 2025. This calendar, which has a 2,700-year cycle, was believed to be imparted by divine entities called the 7 sages, who were considered to have come from the stars. The remaining 300 years at the end of each yuga is considered a period of transition. Scholars have established that one starting point of the Saptarshi calendar is around 6,676 BCE. Interestingly, Greek and Roman historians mentioned that Indians were counting their kings from a legendary character called Dionysus or Bacchus, who is now believed to be none other than the Indian king Rama. Despite Dionysus being known as the god of wine and revelry, it is believed that he came from Asia and was not Greek by birth. This connection between Rama and Dionysus highlights the interconnectedness of various ancient cultures and their beliefs.

    • Ancient Hindu and Greek rituals shared similaritiesThe discovery of shared rituals between Hinduism and Greek mythology in 6676 BC anchored the Hindu calendar and explained transitional periods between civilizations and cataclysmic events, with predictions of divine hierarchy manifestation after 2025.

      The ancient Hindu text and Greek mythology may not be as different as we think. Dionysus, the Greek god, claimed to have brought his rituals and dances to Greece after spreading them in Asia. Rama, a prominent Hindu figure, was an ardent devotee of Lord Shiva and initiated similar rituals during the transition period between the Silver and Bronze ages, around 6676 BC. These rituals involved the use of cannabis, processions with not-quite-human creatures, and the celebration of the marriage between Shiva and Parvati. By connecting these dots, the speaker was able to propose that the beginning of the Dwapara Yuga in the descending cycle was in 6676 BC. This discovery anchored the entire Hindu calendar and explained the transitional periods between civilizations and cataclysmic events. The speaker also mentioned that Alice Bailey, an influential spiritual writer of the mid-20th century, had predicted that the divine hierarchy would begin to manifest itself after 2025, adding scriptural confirmation to this proposed timeline.

    • Divine hierarchy's revelation in 2025: Light vs. DarknessIn 2025, interdimensional beings will reveal themselves, signaling a shift in human reality and a potential conflict between forces of good and evil. Acknowledging and addressing both sides is crucial for survival.

      According to the discussion, around 2025, a divine hierarchy of evolved beings and entities from other dimensions is expected to reveal themselves, leading to a significant shift in human reality. This revelation will confirm the truth behind ancient stories about interdimensional beings and mark the beginning of a potential conflict between forces of light and darkness. The survival of the world depends on people recognizing and acting upon both the existence of evil and the inherent goodness within themselves. The information about this divine hierarchy was allegedly sourced from Tibetan masters, and their texts, such as the Kalachakra tantra, provide further correlation to the predicted timeline. The tantra suggests that a series of 32 kings will rule from the mystical kingdom of Shambhala until 3210 AD, with the final king facing a battle against a king of the barbarians. This anticipated conflict underscores the importance of acknowledging and addressing both good and evil in the world.

    • Predictions of the Kalachakra tantra regarding the end of an ageThe Kalachakra tantra, an ancient text, predicts global conflicts at the end of an age, but the predicted timeline for the final battle has been extended due to late amendments, leading to confusion.

      The Kalachakra tantra, an ancient text predicting the end of an age, has undergone some amendments leading to a discrepancy in the predicted timeline for the final battle between the king of the barbarians and Rudra Chakra, the king of Shambhala. Originally, the text pointed to the year 2025, but late amendments extended the number of kings and their reign lengths, pushing the battle date to around 24-25 centuries after 2025. However, upon closer examination, it appears that these amendments were introduced late in the translation process, resulting in a misunderstanding of the original text. Despite this, the text's predictions of global wars and conflicts at the end of an age hold merit, with many world leaders expressing concerns about the potential for a major global conflict in the coming years.

    • Approaching a dense swarm of comets and asteroids in the Taurid meteor stream during the 2030s could increase meteor and comet impacts.The Taurid meteor stream passing through Earth in the 2030s could lead to an increase in meteor and comet impacts, potentially causing wildfires, earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis. Ancient cultures saw comets as messengers of the gods and believed they brought new life.

      The Earth is set to pass through the center of a dense swarm of comets and asteroids in the Taurid meteor stream during the 2030s, which could potentially lead to an increase in meteor and comet impacts. This event, which happens approximately every 2,500 to 3000 years, has been linked to ancient legends that considered comets as messengers of the gods, responsible for cleansing and purging the world and bringing new life. The Taurid meteor stream is known to cause impact events, which can trigger wildfires, earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis. The meteors from this stream are believed to always emanate from the Pleiades constellation, and some ancient cultures saw comets as the animal mounts of their gods or the gods themselves. This belief is based on the cometary panspermia theory, which suggests that comets bring DNA and RNA molecules that can kickstart the process of recreation of the ecosphere at the end of an age. Russia's testing of tactical nuclear weapons adds an additional concern of potential conflict leading to a larger nuclear war during this time.

    • Ancient archetypes depict a savior figure arriving on a horse with a sword, potentially signaling the end of an era and significant changes on Earth.Ancient archetypes depict a savior figure arriving on a horse with a sword, possibly indicating the end of an era and significant changes on Earth around 2032-2036, as comets within the Taurid resonance become active.

      Ancient archetypes, such as the Kalki avatar in Hinduism and the second coming of Jesus in Christianity, share similarities. These archetypes depict a savior figure arriving on a horse with a sword, signifying the end of an era and the vanquishing of evil. Additionally, comets within the Taurid resonance form are believed to be in a dormant state currently but will become active around 2032 and 2036, potentially leading to significant physical and energetic changes on Earth. These changes could include destruction, war, and a shift in energy balance. The ancients believed that comets' passing could trigger end-time battles mentioned in various texts. The discrepancy between the 24,000-year yuga cycle and the 25,920-year precession cycle was resolved by recognizing hidden periods, such as the Younger Dryas period (10,876 BC - 9,676 BC), which saw temperatures plummet and glaciers grow, aligning the two cycles.

    • Discovering the True Duration of the Yuga CycleAncient Indian texts describe a yuga cycle consisting of four ages, but recent discoveries suggest the existence of two additional periods, extending the cycle's total duration to 25,800 years, aligning it with the recession cycle.

      The yuga cycle, as described in ancient Indian texts, consists of four ages: golden, silver, bronze, and kali. The kali age is a period of decay and chaos, and it is believed to last for 1200 years. Recent discoveries suggest that the end of the previous age, the krita or golden age, was also followed by a period of ecpiracies, lasting 1200 years. When these two periods are added to the yuga cycle, it is found that the total duration of the cycle is 25,800 years, which matches the duration of the recession cycle. This discovery sheds new light on the nature of the kali age, which is not just a time of chaos and decay, but a necessary part of the larger cycle of creation and destruction. The upcoming age, the satya or age of truth, is about love, oneness, and unity, and individuals can prepare for it by tuning into their inner divinity and living in dharma. The universe, with its mind, consciousness, and god, is not a machine but a plan designed for human beings to learn and grow through the cycles of creation and destruction.

    • Navigating the Challenges of the Kali Yuga with Caliwa's TeachingsEmbrace the unique opportunity for personal growth and spiritual development during the Kali Yuga by learning virtues like forgiveness and equanimity, focusing on our sole purpose, and staying positive amidst distractions.

      Despite the challenges and distractions of the current era, the Kali Yuga, it presents a unique opportunity for personal growth and spiritual development. Through the teachings of Caliwa, we can learn valuable virtues such as forgiveness and equanimity, which are essential for navigating this complex and often violent world. Furthermore, being alive during this time period is a blessing, as we are witnessing the end of one cycle of consciousness and the beginning of a new one. Instead of feeling victimized by the negative aspects of the world, we should focus on manifesting our best selves and living according to our sole purpose. The upcoming book, "Yuga Shift," explores these ideas in greater depth and provides scientific evidence for the cyclical nature of consciousness. Overall, the Kali Yuga may be challenging, but it also offers a rare chance for transformation and spiritual growth.

    • Significance of the year 2025 and encounters with a psychic detectiveBelief in the year 2025 as a time of major change based on spiritual texts and experiences with a psychic detective who claimed to have been to hell and back, emphasizing personal growth and transformation during challenging times.

      Bibhu Dev Misra, a guest on the show, discusses his belief in the significance of the year 2025 based on various spiritual texts. He has written about this in his new book, "Yuga Shift." Misra initially thought the date was far in the future but now realizes it's just a year away, leading him to believe that a major change or transformation is imminent. He also mentioned Dixie Yedereun, a psychic detective whose experiences and abilities he finds fascinating. Intriguingly, Yedereun claimed to have been to hell and back, and there's evidence to support this. The show will delve deeper into Yedereun's story in a future extension. Misra's perspective and Yedereun's experiences highlight the idea of personal growth and transformation, especially during challenging times. For those interested in these topics, the show's Plus extension offers exclusive content, including psychometry demonstrations and in-depth discussions on psychic detectives. To access these benefits, sign up for a membership at mysteriousuniverse.org/plus.

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    31.16 - MU Podcast - The Great Crop Circle Hoax

    31.16 - MU Podcast - The Great Crop Circle Hoax
    Crop circles is a subject of heated debate among both paranormal enthusiasts and scientists. However, there might be deeper, more profound explanations lurking within our collective human experiences that could shed light on this mystery. Some individuals who admit to creating these hoaxes report experiencing strange occurrences, suggesting that a mysterious force influences them to make these designs. We dive into these accounts to explore the possibility that a paranormal intelligence could be linked to various phenomena associated with crop circles, including mysterious creatures, orbs of light, time distortions, and more. For our Plus+ members, we explore the writings of a Japanese equivalent to John Keel, featuring encounters with serpentine women, airborne mountain men, and the bizarre technologies of a lost civilization. Links Not Quite A Crop Circle, But… Crop Circles and Official Secrets Strange Activity in a Crop Circle Making Sense of My Crop Circle Experience Mysterious Dome of Light Appears Over Field with Crop Circle Taunting, slightly child-like consciousness East field 07/07/07 Creatures in the Crop Circles Mothman and Crop Circles: A Connection? Crop Circles: “Missing Time” Experiences Within Dog walker met UFO 'alien' with Scandinavian accent The Crop Circle Man: The Incredible Tales of a Crop Circle Maker Peacocks and the Paranormal Realm Crop Circle Documentary - Balls of Light Crop Circles - The Quest for Truth UFOS and Crop Circles The golden "joker's" mask Snow Circles Plus+ Extension The extension of the show is EXCLUSIVE to Plus+ Memebrs. To join, click HERE. The Catalpa Bow: A Study of Shamanistic Practices in Japan Collected Writings of Carmen Blacker When Tengu Talk: Hirata Atsutane's Ethnography of the Other World Supernatural Abductions in Japanese Folklore Hiking the Kumano Kodō Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    31.15 - MU Podcast - Gengha King of Dogs

    31.15 - MU Podcast - Gengha King of Dogs
    Strange things are said to lurk in the seaside mist of England's Cornwall—strange creatures, occult groups, and otherworldly entities are said to have covered the land for centuries. We discuss an obscured report of an odd video tape, mentioned in an old forum post, purported to show an occult group performing a strange ritual. Those who view the tape are reportedly supernaturally affected by it. Is this just a legend influenced by the horror film "The Ring," or is there some truth to the story? A truth so terrifying that the group behind it will try to stop anyone who tries to reveal their hidden place in the forest? For our Plus+ members, we explore haunted castles said to keep demons at bay, supernatural creatures lurking in the battlefields of wars, and a new perspective on encounters with the mysterious rolling rock apes. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices