
    32: 6 Unexpected Lessons I Learned in Lockdown

    enJune 23, 2020
    What lesson did Matt learn about his priorities during lockdown?
    How did Matt's experience affect his productivity?
    What is the purpose of the MH Retreat at Home program?
    Why is it important to find balance in life activities?
    What activities did the speaker reconnect with during lockdown?

    Podcast Summary

    • Discovering the importance of being selfish with prioritiesLearn to say no to social obligations that don't bring joy or fulfillment to focus on high-priority tasks and be more productive and focused on things that truly matter

      The lockdown experience has taught us the value of being more intentional with our time and priorities. Matt shared how he discovered the importance of being more selfish with his priorities, meaning he learned to say no to social obligations that didn't bring him joy or fulfillment. This newfound freedom allowed him to focus on high-priority tasks, such as creative projects and reading, which he may not have had time for otherwise. By eliminating the pressure to fill up every moment with social engagements, Matt was able to be more productive and focused on the things that truly mattered to him. This lesson can be applied to our post-lockdown lives as well, encouraging us to prioritize our time and energy on the things that bring us the most value and joy.

    • Lessons learned during lockdownUse extra time for personal growth, acknowledge and act on realizations, and delegate tasks to focus on growth areas.

      Lockdown has taught us the importance of being more selfish with our time and focusing on personal growth. The speaker shares how they've used the extra time to learn new skills and take on new hobbies, and encourages listeners to continue this mindset moving forward. Another realization shared is the value of not letting hard-earned realizations go to waste. Winston Churchill's quote, "men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most pick themselves up and carry on as if nothing happened," highlights the importance of acknowledging and acting on these realizations. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of delegating tasks to free up time for focusing on areas of growth. Overall, the lessons learned during lockdown should not be forgotten as we transition back to normal life.

    • Finding balance between delegating tasks and personal enjoymentOver-delegating can disconnect us from important aspects of life, but doing things just for fun is essential. Reflect on your own life and prioritize activities that bring joy and fulfillment.

      It's important to find a balance between delegating tasks and retaining personal connections and enjoyment in life. Over-delegating can lead to a disconnect from important aspects of life, such as cooking or hobbies. The speaker discovered this during the lockdown when they reconnected with cooking and video games, which they had neglected for years. They realized that not everything needs to serve a purpose or contribute to a goal, and sometimes doing things just for fun is essential. The speaker also acknowledged that they had been doing many things out of FOMO and a sense of keeping up with others, rather than for their own enjoyment or fulfillment. They plan to make a conscious effort to distinguish between activities that genuinely add value to their life and those that they are only doing because others are doing them. The speaker encourages everyone to reflect on their own lives and prioritize activities that bring them joy and fulfillment.

    • Consistency leads to progressWriting 500 words daily led to completing a long-postponed project, demonstrating the power of consistent effort.

      Consistency is key to achieving goals, rather than relying on rare "miracle days." During quarantine, the speaker completed a long-postponed writing project by writing 500 words a day, demonstrating that consistent effort can lead to significant progress. However, the speaker also recognized the importance of being kind and compassionate towards oneself, as she still struggles with self-criticism despite coaching others in this area. These realizations are valuable, but easily forgotten, so it's crucial to hold onto them and continue learning. For those looking to further their personal growth, the speaker offers an at-home retreat experience to help evaluate values and set new goals.

    • Explore personal growth opportunities with MH Retreat at HomeAmidst the challenges of the year, embrace opportunities for growth and transformation through resources like MH Retreat at Home. Share your lockdown lessons by emailing podcast@matthewhoussey.com.

      This year presents a great opportunity for personal growth, and the MH Retreat at Home program offers an immersive and effective way to embark on this journey. The speaker encourages those interested in transforming their core confidence and rewriting the script for their lives to check out the program using the link mhretreatathome.com. Additionally, the speaker invites listeners to share their lessons learned during lockdown by emailing podcast@matthewhoussey.com. The speaker closes by expressing his excitement for the warm weather in England and encourages everyone to make the most of the sunny day. Overall, the key takeaway is that despite the challenges of the year, there are opportunities for growth and transformation, and taking advantage of resources like the MH Retreat at Home program can help facilitate this process.

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    >> Get your copy of “The Hidden Power Of The Five Hearts
    >>> Follow Kimberly @_kimberlysnyder and @soulunabyks
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    ►► 17 Years of Love Life Coaching Experience in Your Pocket Whenever You Need It.
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    ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http://www.LoveLifeBook.com

    ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” → http://www.DatingWithResults.com

    Love Life with Matthew Hussey
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    ►► Transform Your Relationship With Life in 6 Magical Days. Learn More About The Matthew Hussey Retreat at. . . . → http://www.MHRetreat.com

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    Action Plan: https://jimharshawjr.com/ACTION
    Free Clarity Call: https://jimharshawjr.com/APPLY

    Want to know my most unforgettable episodes of Success Through Failure from 2021? The biggest takeaways that have changed my life and will change yours?

    In this episode, I share the top lessons and takeaways from my favorite guests. If you’re like most listeners, you love Success Through Failure but don't get to listen to every episode from start to finish. 

    With six years worth of episodes— 332 episodes to be exact— are you overwhelmed on what to play next? I know I would be! 😅

    Well, let me help you narrow down your choices!

    In this episode, I share the top highlights from the 52 episodes released in 2021. I share the most transformational stories and lessons that helped move— and continue to move— the needle for so many listeners.

    Plus, I give you an exclusive sneak peek at some of the upcoming guests. 

    Hints: we’ll have an undercover FBI agent who infiltrated the mafia for six years and a man who went from $80,000 to 125 MILLION dollars net worth in just three years! 

    All of that and more are coming to the show this 2022! 🤯

    I know you don’t want to miss another episode so tune in now!

    If you don’t have time to listen to the entire episode or if you hear something that you like but don’t have time to write it down, be sure to grab your free copy of the Action Plan from this episode— as well as get access to action plans from EVERY episode— at http://www.JimHarshawJr.com/Action.  

    #297 100 Days of Rejection: What One Man Learned About Fear and Failure

    #297 100 Days of Rejection: What One Man Learned About Fear and Failure

    Action Plan: https://jimharshawjr.com/ACTION
    Free Clarity Call: https://jimharshawjr.com/APPLY

    100 Days of Rejection Therapy
    Jia Jiang is the owner of Rejection Therapy, a website that provides inspiration, knowledge and products for people to overcome their fear of rejection. He is also the CEO of DareMe, a company that teaches people and trains organizations to become fearless through rejection training. In 2015, he authored the Amazon bestselling book, Rejection Proof: How I Beat Fear and Became Invincible Through 100 Days of Rejection and was one of the most viewed TED Talks of 2017.

    Several years after Jiang began his career in the corporate world, he took a life-altering risk and stepped into the unknown world of entrepreneurship. His result was everyone’s biggest fear: rejection. This was the catalyst that set Jiang on the path to his true calling.

    To conquer the fear of rejection, Jiang embarked on a personal quest and started a blog, 100 Days of Rejection Therapy. His journey revealed a world that was hidden in plain sight— a world where people are much kinder than we imagine. He discovered that rejection can be much less painful than we believe and that the fear of rejection is much more destructive than we know.

    Jiang grew up in Beijing, China and migrated to the United States at age 16. He holds a Bachelor of Computer Science from Brigham Young University and a Master of Business Administration from Duke University.

    If you don’t have time to listen to the entire episode or if you hear something that you like but don’t have time to write it down, be sure to grab your free copy of the Action Plan from this episode—as well as get access to action plans from EVERY episode—at http://www.JimHarshawJr.com/Action.  

    #241 Eliminate Fear of Tough Conversations: A Step-by-Step Blueprint for from David Wood

    #241 Eliminate Fear of Tough Conversations: A Step-by-Step Blueprint for from David Wood

    Action Plan: https://jimharshawjr.com/ACTION
    Free Clarity Call: https://jimharshawjr.com/APPLY

    Afterlife as a consulting actuary to Fortune 100 Companies, David built the world’s largest coaching business, becoming #1 on Google for “life coaching.” He believes the tough conversations we avoid are our doorways to confidence, success, and even love – in both work and life. David coaches high performing entrepreneurs, executives and teams - and even prison inmates - to amazing results AND connection. One conversation at a time.

    If you don’t have time to listen to the entire episode or if you hear something that you like but don’t have time to write it down, be sure to grab your free copy of the Action Plan from this episode-- as well as get access to action plans from EVERY episode-- at JimHarshawJr.com/Action/.

    Links referenced in this episode:

    Steven Hayes - Acceptance and Commitment Therapy/Training: http://jimharshawjr.com/231/
    Sheila Heen - Negotiation, Receiving Feedback & Difficult Conversations: http://jimharshawjr.com/181/

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    About Your Host Jim Harshaw

    My name is Jim Harshaw. And I know where you’re at. You’re working hard and qualified for what you do but you aren’t getting what you want. You have plans on getting to the C-suite or launching a business but ultimate success seems as far away today as ever. You’re in the right place because you can get there from here.

    And I can help.

    Who I Am

    I’m a speaker, coach, and former Division I All-American wrestler that helps motivated former athletes to reach their full potential by getting clarity on what they really want and taking aggressive action to lead their ideal life not just despite their prior failures but because of them.

    I’m a husband and father of four. And I’m a serial entrepreneur. I’ve launched multiple successful businesses as well as the obligatory failed one. I’ve been the executive director of a non-profit and have raised millions of dollars. I’ve worked in sales. I’ve even been a Division I head coach. While I was born in a blue-collar home I have spent my life surrounded by Olympians, CEO’s and millionaires.

    Jim Rohn said, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

    I’ve been lucky.

    I’ve learned the habits of successful people and guess what. You’re just like them. I know because I know your type. You’re programmed for hard work, which is a prerequisite for success, but you’ve never been shown how to use what you know to create the life you want with the tools you have.

    I will show you how.

    Why You Are Here

    You've worked hard to achieve greatness. You’ve set goals and maybe even set records. You’ve definitely failed and you’ve at some point found yourself questioning if you were on the right track.

    You need to understand this: You are far more prepared to succeed than those who’ve not tried, competed, struggled and overcome like you have. That’s the value of your education as someone who aims high. You are prepared to be as successful as your wildest dreams will allow.

    Here I will teach you, with the help of brilliant minds that have been shaped by failure, struggle, and adversity, to be who you want to be. I sense that you want this because you have read this far.

    To take the next step today, click here.


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    #317 Defeating Procrastination: Tactics to Boost Productivity Even When You Don't Feel Like It

    #317 Defeating Procrastination: Tactics to Boost Productivity Even When You Don't Feel Like It

    Action Plan: https://jimharshawjr.com/ACTION
    Free Clarity Call: https://jimharshawjr.com/APPLY


    Do you procrastinate? Do you know there’s more potential inside of you if you could just get to work even when you don’t feel like it? 

    We all procrastinate— even world-class performers. 

    BUT what sets them apart is the ability to shake off the distractions and easily build back their momentum to accomplish what needs to be done for the day.

    Through years of experiencing procrastination myself and engaging with world-class personalities in business and sports, I’ve discovered the tools and tactics that can effectively reduce the friction to boost your productivity— even when you don’t feel like it.

    In this episode, I’ll be sharing with you the 9 reasons why we procrastinate and the actionable strategies you can use so you can finally defeat procrastination and empty your to-do list in a breeze. 

    This is your time to be productive! Listen now!

    If you don’t have time to listen to the entire episode or if you hear something that you like but don’t have time to write it down, be sure to grab your free copy of the Action Plan from this episode— as well as get access to action plans from EVERY episode— at http://www.JimHarshawJr.com/Action