
    32: What’s Going on Down Under in Australia with Holly Sinclair

    enFebruary 11, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Living in a '0 COVID' state: Holly Sinclair's experiencesHolly Sinclair, an Australian functional medicine practitioner, discussed her skepticism towards the '0 COVID' goal and her personal decision not to get vaccinated while pregnant, highlighting the ongoing debates and challenges surrounding COVID-19 policies and individual health choices.

      Learning from this episode of the Doctor Tina Show is that Holly Sinclair, a functional medicine practitioner from Australia, shared her experiences living in one of the most locked down states during the pandemic. She discussed the concept of "0 COVID" which aims to keep a population hidden and locked down until the vaccine comes, but Holly expressed her skepticism towards this goal, as she believes it's impossible to achieve. She also shared her personal decision not to get vaccinated, especially since she's pregnant. Holly and Doctor Tina also touched on the controversial reactions they received when expressing their opinions online, and how the situation in Australia mirrors the challenges faced by other countries. Overall, this conversation sheds light on the ongoing debates and challenges surrounding COVID-19 policies and individual health choices.

    • The minimal impact of lockdowns on global COVID-19 mortality didn't stop vaccine mandates from spreading in democratic labor-leaning states.Despite a decrease in global COVID-19 deaths, vaccine mandates continued to expand in democratic labor-leaning states, starting with healthcare and parliamentarians and spreading to trades and other industries, with protests from tradesmen not deterring the government.

      The impact of lockdowns on global mortality from COVID-19 was minimal (a decrease of only 0.2% according to a recent report from Johns Hopkins University), yet the mandating of vaccines for various industries continued to expand even as case numbers dropped during the summer. In democratic labor-leaning states like the one described in this conversation, the rollout of vaccines was gradual, starting with the elderly and then moving down the age groups. However, the mandating of vaccines started with industries like healthcare and parliamentarians, but soon spread to trades and other industries. Protests from tradesmen, who are highly respected and well-paid in Australia, did not deter the government from further mandating vaccines for all industries. The drop in case numbers during the summer led to the reopening of the economy, but the arrival of the Omicron variant in January has sparked discussions about mandating a third shot, with uncertainty about whether it will extend to schooling and other areas.

    • Unvaccinated individuals in Victoria, Australia face restrictionsIn Victoria, Australia, unvaccinated individuals face significant limitations in accessing essential services due to a 95% double-vaccinated population and mandatory vaccination or testing requirements.

      Unvaccinated individuals in Victoria, Australia, are facing significant restrictions in their daily lives. With a 95% double-vaccinated population, those who are unvaccinated are in the minority and face limitations in accessing various services. This includes being unable to enter restaurants, privatized companies, and some hospitals. The use of a QR code check-in system linked to vaccination status makes it difficult for the unvaxxed to access many establishments. In the healthcare sector, partners are required to be vaccinated or undergo regular testing to attend births, and unvaccinated individuals may be moved to COVID-only wards during labor. These restrictions have led to challenges in accessing essential services, creating a sense of isolation for those who choose not to get vaccinated. The situation varies from state to state, but in Victoria, the unvaccinated population faces significant barriers to participating in everyday activities.

    • Individuals make ethical choices despite fake passports and ineffective vaccinesSome individuals refuse to use fake passports or be vaccinated for ethical reasons, while vaccine mandates and testing requirements for children create confusion

      Despite the widespread use of fake passports and the ineffectiveness of vaccines against the Omicron variant, some individuals choose not to engage in these practices due to ethical and personal reasons. Moreover, the implementation of vaccine mandates raises questions when a large population is already vaccinated, and cases continue to emerge among the vaccinated population. The situation becomes even more confusing when children under a certain age are not yet mandated to be vaccinated but still required to test regularly. The ongoing implementation of such measures, which seem to disregard common sense and logic, leaves many wondering about the true intentions behind them.

    • Australian lockdowns and economic hardshipAustralia's heavy welfare approach during lockdowns kept people financially stable, but the recent withdrawal of support is causing economic hardship for businesses, despite vaccination mandates and similar viral titers in vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals.

      Australia's heavy welfare approach during lockdowns kept people financially afloat, but the recent withdrawal of financial support is leading to economic hardship for businesses, even with vaccination mandates in place. These mandates, coupled with the similar viral titers in vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals, call into question the logic behind vaccine mandates. The speaker believes that these policies are based on flawed assumptions and are causing unnecessary harm to businesses and individuals. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of independent sources for disseminating information and understanding different perspectives on scientific issues. Overall, the speaker expresses concern about the economic and logical inconsistencies of current COVID-19 policies in Australia.

    • Leaders' strict lockdowns based on inaccurate data led to devastating consequencesCritically examining data and questioning methods can prevent drastic measures with severe consequences

      During the COVID-19 pandemic, many world leaders implemented strict lockdown measures based on potentially inaccurate data due to high PCR cycle thresholds. This led to significant disruptions to people's lives and livelihoods. For instance, in Victoria, Australia, the lockdowns lasted for 290 days, during which children died due to restrictions on foster homes, and domestic violence increased by 13%. Although the intention was to save lives, the repercussions were devastating. The small minority of leaders who questioned the data and methods were heavily criticized, but recent admissions of inaccurate COVID case numbers in places like British Columbia, Canada, are starting to shift the narrative. It's crucial to scrutinize data and ask questions to prevent such drastic measures from being implemented without proper justification.

    • The COVID-19 pandemic's impact on pregnant women and their support systemsThe pandemic highlights the need for safe, respectful, and inclusive birthing environments prioritizing pregnant women's physical and emotional well-being and the presence of their loved ones.

      The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has led to various challenges and concerns, particularly for pregnant women and their support systems. A study from John Hopkins University highlights the potential negative impacts of the virus on pregnant women and infants, adding to the urgency for safe and supportive birthing environments. Many women are opting for home births to avoid hospital restrictions and ensure the presence of their loved ones during labor. This trend has been observed in Australia and other regions, reflecting the importance of autonomy and respectful care in maternity settings. The isolation experienced by pregnant women and their families during hospital births has been a source of distress, with grandmothers and other family members unable to be present due to visitor restrictions. Overall, the pandemic has underscored the importance of safe, respectful, and inclusive birthing environments that prioritize the physical and emotional well-being of pregnant women and their support networks.

    • Discussing vaccine mandates and denial of care for unvaccinated individualsConcerns over potential economic consequences if a large portion of population is excluded from services due to vaccination status, potential for increased personal taxes, and long-term implications for future generations.

      The discussion revolves around the concerning implications of vaccine mandates and denial of care for unvaccinated individuals. The speaker shares personal experiences of clients being denied care and expresses concern over potential economic consequences if a large portion of the population is excluded from accessing certain services due to vaccination status. The speaker also mentions the potential for increased personal taxes to pay back for previous stimulus checks. The speaker emphasizes the importance of considering the long-term economic implications of current policies and the potential for negative repercussions for future generations.

    • Economic challenges leading to dependency and heavy tax burdenCOVID-19 and social unrest have caused high unemployment rates and underemployment, leading to heavy tax burden and dependency on government support, impacting businesses and future generations.

      The economic impact of COVID-19 and social unrest in places like Portland, Oregon, has led to a significant number of businesses being closed or understaffed, leaving many people unemployed or underemployed. This situation, combined with high living costs, has created a cycle where many individuals are reliant on government support, leading to a heavy tax burden on those who are employed and successful. The result is a never-ending merry-go-round of dependency and a false sense of economic security. The underemployment rate, which is currently at 40% in Oregon, highlights the severity of this issue. Businesses, particularly those in the food service industry, are struggling to find staff, as many people prefer to collect unemployment checks instead. This situation not only affects the present but also the future, as these economic challenges will be passed on to the next generation.

    • Power of collective action during political unrestDuring political unrest, industries and workers can disrupt key industries to force governments to reconsider actions, but effectiveness depends on cultural norms and approaches.

      During times of political unrest and economic instability, the power of collective action by workers and industries cannot be underestimated. The example of Canadian truckers peacefully protesting against government policies has shown that disrupting key industries can force governments to reconsider their actions. However, the success of such actions depends on the cultural norms and approaches of different countries. In Australia, where the culture is less inclined towards protests and more towards following rules, a similar large-scale disruption might not be as effective. Yet, the potential for change lies in the willingness of industries to take a stand and disrupt the status quo.

    • Canadians Silenced During COVID-19, Speaker Warns of Global ConsequencesCanadians unable to treat COVID patients led to complacency, speaker worries about global impact, potential differences in gun laws and cultural norms contribute to divergent responses

      During the COVID-19 pandemic, Canadians were silenced and forbidden from treating COVID-positive patients in their clinics. This led to a sense of complacency and inaction among the population, despite their reputation for being polite and highly educated. The speaker expresses concern that if Canada fails to challenge these restrictions, it could lead to a domino effect and the downfall of other Westernized countries. The lack of guns in Canada and the rowdy behavior of Americans are cited as potential reasons for the perceived differences in response. Ultimately, the speaker believes that if Canada can't stand up to these restrictions, the entire world could be in trouble. It's important for individuals to critically evaluate the situation and recognize that the fate of the Western world could be at stake.

    • Focusing on health and lifestyle factors for COVID-19 responseInstead of relying solely on vaccines and mandates, addressing health and lifestyle factors that contribute to viral spread and empowering individuals to take control could be more effective in the COVID-19 response.

      The ongoing COVID-19 response and mandates, particularly in places like New York, have been a source of controversy and frustration for some individuals. The speaker argues that the focus on vaccines and mandates overlooks the importance of addressing the health and lifestyle factors that contribute to higher viral titers and transmission. He believes that those most at risk and most likely to spread the virus should be prioritized, rather than placing responsibility on those who are least contagious. The speaker draws on examples like Sweden and Taiwan, which implemented strategies focusing on protecting the vulnerable while allowing the rest of the population to carry on with their lives, as evidence that this approach can be effective. Overall, the speaker's hypothesis is that addressing the root causes of viral spread and empowering individuals to take control of their health would be more beneficial than current mandates.

    • Embracing Personal Responsibility in Challenging TimesNavigating through crises like the COVID-19 pandemic requires personal responsibility, as seen in countries like Sweden and Taiwan. Individuals must take charge of their own health and well-being, and not rely solely on systems or others for solutions.

      Personal responsibility plays a crucial role in navigating through challenging times, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Countries like Sweden and Taiwan, which experienced early outbreaks and allowed healthy individuals to continue living their lives, have managed to avoid subsequent peaks. However, in the US, there's a growing sense of dependency on systems and others for solutions, leading to a lack of personal responsibility in various aspects of life, including health. The speaker expresses frustration towards this trend and emphasizes the importance of individuals taking charge of their own well-being. The conversation also touches on the topic of vaccines and mandates, with the speaker advocating for personal choice and accountability for one's health. Ultimately, the speaker encourages listeners to embrace personal responsibility in all facets of their lives and to pivot and adapt when faced with adversity.

    • Sharing her birth experience and personal journey towards freedomListeners can connect with the speaker on Instagram or the women's series website, and the podcast episode provides general information but not medical advice.

      The ideas and goals expressed during the beginning of the conversation are increasingly coming to fruition for the speaker. She is looking forward to sharing her birth experience as part of her ongoing journey towards personal freedom. Listeners can connect with her on Instagram @doctor\_tina or on the women's series website. This podcast episode is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Please consult a healthcare professional for any medical concerns. The podcast is produced by Resonant Media and can be found on various podcast platforms. Don't forget to rate, review, and subscribe.

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    The Dr. Tyna Show
    enMay 24, 2024

    EP. 151: Combating GroupThink + Echo Chambers | Will Reusch

    EP. 151: Combating GroupThink + Echo Chambers | Will Reusch
    On this episode of The Dr Tyna Show, I'm sitting down with Civics teacher, Will Reusch. He's not just any high school civics teacher and mentor; he's on a mission to shake up the way we think. We talk about the importance of viewpoint diversity and combating groupthink to foster independent thought. From navigating the challenges of “the anxious generation” to dissecting the impact of social media on our minds, this episode explores a range of topics including health, media literacy, and the power of diverse perspectives.   Ozempic Uncovered FREE 4 Part Video Series On This Episode We Cover: 07:26 - Fighting against groupthink 09:57 - Intellectual laziness  12:28 - Working towards autonomy  18:17 - The Anxious Generation 23:37 - Being a young person right now  27:01 - Find the grind that you love  31:12 - Health is freedom  35:22 - Toxic compassion  41:08 - Social media + dopamine hits  45:01 - Health during the pandemic + big pharma lobbying 51:22 - Kids have great BS detectors  57:02 - Media literacy  01:05:53 - Viewpoint diversity  Sponsored By:  Momentous Go to livemomentous.com and use code DRTYNA to get 15% off all my favorite products Alitura Use Code DRTYNA for 20% off alituranaturals.com Eight Sleep Go to Eightsleep.com and use code DRTYNA to save Timeline Nutrition Go to timelinenutrition.com/DRTYNA and use code DRTYNA for 10% off Show Links: The Anxious Generation By Jonathan Haidt Man's Search for Meaning By Viktor E. Frankl The Coddling of the American Mind by Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt Check Out Will Reusch:  Website Instagram  Youtube Podcast Patterdox Disclaimer: Information provided in this podcast is for informational purposes only. This information is NOT intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional, or any information contained on or in any product. Do not use the information provided in this podcast for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or other supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. Information provided in this blog/podcast and the use of any products or services related to this podcast by you does not create a doctor-patient relationship between you and Dr. Tyna Moore. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent ANY disease.
    The Dr. Tyna Show
    enMay 22, 2024

    EP. 150: Eating For Health | Niklas Gustafson

    EP. 150: Eating For Health | Niklas Gustafson
    On this week’s Dr. Tyna Show we’re welcoming Niklas Gustafson, the brilliant mind behind the Hungry For Change podcast and book. From Niklas's captivating backstory to his insightful journey through nutrition and natural foods, we explore tips for staying young, embracing sunlight, and kicking screen addiction to the curb. With Niklas's expertise, we tackle the importance of ditching soda, experimenting with organ meats, and crafting wholesome meals for children. From reducing glyphosate exposure to navigating the complexities of wine and pesticides, our discussion spans the gamut of wellness topics, including peer pressure and the art of incorporating vegetables into your diet.  Ozempic Uncovered FREE 4 Part Video Series On This Episode We Cover: 03:05 - Niklas’s backstory  07:05 - Learning about nutrition, natural food,  10:15 - Tips for staying young  13:05 - The importance of sunlight & outdoor activities  15:41- Screen addiction  17:35 - Avoiding soda  19:01 - Eating organs & culinary experimentation  24:57 - Cooking for children  32:36 - Grassfed beef recipes  34:17 - Sauna + Cold Plunge  42:04 - Gluten Intolerance 49:50 - Keeping glyphosate low  52:54 - Wine & pesticides  58:36 - Peer Pressure 59:24 - Woking vegetables into your diet  1:03:47 -  Differences between Paleo, Keto, & Carnivore diets  1:08:09 - Pros and cons of eating seafood   Check Out Niklas Gustafson  Podcast Instagram  Hungry For Change by Niklas Gustafson Sponsored By:  PaleoValley For 15% off go to http://paleovalley.com/drtyna Cured Nutrition Go to www.curednutrition.com/drtyna with DRTYNA Lumen Go to lumen.me and use DRYTYNA to get $100 off Alitura Use Code DRTYNA for 20% off alituranaturals.com Further Listening:  Dr. Tyna on Hungry For Change Podcast EP: 125 Anti-Aging + Immune Centric Approach To Health | Joel Greene Disclaimer: Information provided in this podcast is for informational purposes only. This information is NOT intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional, or any information contained on or in any product. Do not use the information provided in this podcast for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or other supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. Information provided in this blog/podcast and the use of any products or services related to this podcast by you does not create a doctor-patient relationship between you and Dr. Tyna Moore. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent ANY disease.
    The Dr. Tyna Show
    enMay 15, 2024

    EP. 149: You Need To Take The Stairs | Quick + Dirty

    EP. 149: You Need To Take The Stairs | Quick + Dirty
    Today’s episode is all about why you need to take the stairs EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Beyond just physical fitness, we explore how this simple choice can transform your well-being, elevate your mood, mitigate the risk of diabetes, and so much more. I’m going over all the data, discussing proper form, and addressing how stair climbing can aid in injury recovery so you can take charge of your health, one stair at a time. Ozempic Uncovered FREE 4 Part Video Series On This Episode We Cover:  1:55 - Stairs, your mood + my family 3:15 - Data overview  4:18 - Focus on your form 8:49 - 2023 Tulane University study  10:01 - 2024 American Journal of Preventive Medicine study 11:08 - 2024 presentation at the European Society of Cardiology Sponsored By:  LMNT Get 8 FREE packs with any order at drinkLMNT.com/drtyna Timeline Nutrition Go to timelinenutrition.com/DRTYNA and use code DRTYNA for 10% off Show Links:  Tulane University Study 2024 American Journal of Preventive Medicine study 2024 presentation at the European Society of Cardiology Disclaimer: Information provided in this podcast is for informational purposes only. This information is NOT intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional, or any information contained on or in any product. Do not use the information provided in this podcast for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or other supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. Information provided in this blog/podcast and the use of any products or services related to this podcast by you does not create a doctor-patient relationship between you and Dr. Tyna Moore. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent ANY disease.
    The Dr. Tyna Show
    enMay 10, 2024

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    Can you get fired for refusing to get vaccinated?

    Guest: Rosa Saba, Business Reporter at The Star

    With vaccine mandates now being enforced in many establishments, workplace mandates are now proliferating across many businesses as they try to return to normal. This raises questions about employer and workers rights if an employee chooses to remain unvaccinated. It’s something we are seeing play out on large stages, like the NBA, where star player Kyrie Irving has been told to stay away from his team until he decides to get vaccinated. But we are seeing it all across North America, as health care workers and police officers and others choose to remain unvaccinated. In Canada, the question is, can people be fired with cause? Do accommodations need to made? Is the employee eligible for Employment Insurance? These are all questions that need to be worked through and dealt with by all kinds of organizations and their personnel.

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    Office Politics: Vaccination status and the workplace

    Guest: Jacob Lorinc, Business Reporter at The Star.

    The message early in the pandemic was simple from many employers: Get vaccinated. Now, as vaccine mandates are being lifted, some employees who were suspended or laid off for choosing not to get vaccinated are fighting back, often through their unions or civil lawsuits. The other issue is the vast majority of employees are vaccinated, many of whom are in favour of some type of rules in the office, so that they feel safer about heading back. Some employers are experimenting with radical solutions, but what is the fair and equitable way forward for all?

    This episode was produced by Brian Bradley, Paulo Marques and Raju Mudhar.

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    Twitter: @potstirrercast
    IG: @potstirrerpodcast
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/potstirrerpodcast/
    Website: PotstirrerPodcast.com

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    Potstirrer Podcast Theme composed by Jon Biegen from Stranger Still

    Cake [NCS Release] composed by RetroVision
    Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
    Watch: https://youtu.be/n3VO9FnueHI 
    Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/CakeYO 

    Stoner Things composed by Patiño

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