
    331: Naked Volleyball and Other Strategic Operations with Stu Segall

    enJuly 11, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Transforming a production facility into a hyper realistic training groundA production facility has been transformed into a state-of-the-art training ground using hyper realism to train first responders, soldiers, and other agencies in lifesaving skills, revolutionizing the medical industry with a cut suit filled with realistic organs and a circulatory system.

      Stu Siegel, a producer in the TV industry with an impressive resume, has transformed his production facility into a state-of-the-art training ground called Strategic Operations. This facility uses hyper realism to train first responders, soldiers, and other agencies in lifesaving skills. The most notable training device is the cut suit, a fat suit filled with realistic organs and a circulatory system, which can revolutionize the medical industry similar to how flight simulators transformed the airline industry. The hyper realism experience allows trainees to fully immerse themselves in the simulation and save lives in real life.

    • Foundation repair: A crucial investment for any structure's stabilityAddressing foundation issues promptly can prevent bigger problems and save people from potential nightmares. Innovative solutions and a commitment to excellence can significantly impact people's lives.

      Having a proper foundation is crucial for any structure's stability, and addressing foundation issues promptly can prevent more significant problems. Mike Rowe, a TV producer, shared his experience learning this lesson during a segment on "Dirty Jobs" where he witnessed the work of Groundworks, a company specializing in foundation repair. Mike was impressed by their dedication to solving complex foundation issues and saving people from potential nightmares. Mike's background in the TV movie business led him to produce the TV series "Hunter." Initially skeptical due to his distribution business, he eventually joined the project when his friend Frank Lupo asked him, recognizing his capabilities. The experience taught him the importance of being adaptable and embracing new opportunities. Moreover, Mike's encounter with Groundworks showcased the value of innovative solutions and the potential impact they can have on people's lives. The company's commitment to excellence and their ability to tackle complex challenges resonated with him. In summary, Mike Rowe's experience with Groundworks reinforced the importance of addressing foundation issues promptly and the value of innovative solutions in improving people's lives. His background in television production also taught him the significance of being adaptable and embracing new opportunities.

    • A Prolific Television Executive and Writer with DyslexiaDespite his dyslexia, Steven Bochco wrote over a thousand hours of television by focusing on the script and working closely with his secretary.

      Steven Bochco, despite his dyslexia, was an incredibly prolific and hands-on television executive and writer. Bochco, who was known for his kindness, wrote over a thousand hours of television, but due to his dyslexia, he could only write a few letters in order at a time. His secretary, Grace Curcio, was the only one who could decipher his writing. Bochco's ability to produce multiple shows at once and his dedication to the script made him a phenomenon in the television industry. Bochco's influence on the industry was significant, and Stu was fortunate enough to work with him for over 30 years. Despite the challenges he faced, Bochco's passion for the script and his commitment to excellence made him a master of his craft.

    • Juggling Multiple Projects in Entertainment IndustryStaying positive and adaptable is crucial for producers in the entertainment industry to juggle multiple projects and meet ever-changing demands.

      Being a successful producer in the entertainment industry requires a never-say-no attitude and supreme confidence in one's ability to figure things out. The speaker shared his experience of producing multiple shows simultaneously, including "Silk Stockings" and "Renegade," and how they led to nonstop production for 12 years. He mentioned working with various studios and notable actors like Lorenzo Lamas and Kristen Bell. Despite the uncertainty and randomness of the industry, the speaker emphasized the importance of staying positive and keeping up with the demands. The ability to juggle multiple projects and adapt to changing circumstances is a crucial skill for any producer in the entertainment business.

    • The importance of unique elements in a TV show's successCreative vision, compelling story, and the right environment contribute to a TV show's longevity, despite production challenges and external factors.

      The longevity of a television show can depend on various factors, including the strength of the concept, effective storytelling, and the right environment. The speaker shared his experience with the show "Silk Stockings," which underwent three complete cast overhauls but managed to survive due to its unique elements. The show's Miami-in-San Diego setting presented production challenges, but the team's creativity and attention to detail, such as using specific color schemes for each episode, helped make it stand out. Ultimately, the show's success can be attributed to the combination of a compelling story and the right environment. However, even with these elements in place, external factors like network decisions can still impact a show's lifespan. The speaker emphasized the importance of taking risks and trusting the creative vision, even when faced with uncertainty.

    • Empowering every team member to contribute creativelyEncouraging collaboration and creativity from all crew members can lead to innovative ideas and memorable moments on set. Recognizing the potential value in every team member's ideas can result in significant contributions to the production.

      Fostering a collaborative and creative environment on a production set can lead to innovative ideas and memorable moments. As the producer of a television show, Stu Siegel emphasized the importance of being open to suggestions from every crew member. He shared a story about how an electrician's idea of having a dentist take a hit of laughing gas during a scene became a beloved moment in the show's franchise. This anecdote highlights the value of empowering everyone on set to contribute creatively, regardless of the hierarchical position. Additionally, Siegel emphasized the significance of the American Submarine Industrial Base hiring 100,000 skilled workers over the next decade, offering excellent career opportunities for those in the industry. Overall, Siegel's experiences underscore the importance of fostering a collaborative and creative environment and recognizing the potential value in every team member's ideas.

    • Unexpected encounters can lead to new opportunitiesIn unexpected situations, look for opportunities to learn and grow, even if it means taking risks or making mistakes.

      Even in challenging situations, such as losing a job or working long hours with a team, there's always an opportunity for growth and new experiences. For Mike Rowe, the aftermath of 9/11 brought significant changes to the entertainment industry, leading him to produce cheaper and more relatable reality TV shows. However, during a clean-up process, he accidentally offered fake cocaine to the DEA, leading to an unexpected encounter and a new opportunity. Despite the agents' initial confusion about his background, Mike was able to use the situation to his advantage and learn from the experience. Ultimately, this unexpected encounter with the DEA opened doors to new opportunities and helped him transition into producing shows like "Dirty Jobs."

    • Creating hyper-realistic role-play scenarios for first responders trainingImmersive, high-stakes simulations with hyper-realistic elements significantly enhance first responders' preparedness and effectiveness.

      Creating hyper-realistic role-play scenarios for first responders training can significantly enhance their preparedness and effectiveness. The speaker, who has experience in designing such training programs, emphasized the importance of immersive, high-stakes simulations that challenge the trainees' reactions and decision-making skills. He shared an anecdote about working with various law enforcement agencies, including the DEA and SWAT teams, and how the introduction of hyper-realistic elements, such as weapons, explosions, and role players, transformed their training. The speaker believes that this approach provides a more authentic experience, helping trainees better understand and respond to real-life situations. He expressed his passion for using his skills to support law enforcement agencies and make a positive impact on their work.

    • Creating Authentic Training ExperiencesImprovising and using resources from unconventional sources can lead to effective and memorable training experiences for learners.

      Providing realistic training experiences can have a significant impact on those who receive it. The speaker, who created a training program for law enforcement, started by offering free services out of goodwill. The program's success led to requests from various federal and local agencies, eventually expanding to include training for military personnel deploying to Iraq. The quick turnaround required the speaker to improvise and use resources from the TV industry to create authentic scenarios. This hands-on approach led to valuable lessons for the trainees, who learned to navigate cultural differences and potential dangers. The success of the program grew, eventually reaching almost 400,000 marines over 12 years. The unique training experience stood out and became a topic of discussion due to its effectiveness and difference from traditional methods.

    • Preparing soldiers for the unexpected through immersive military trainingImmersive military training with hyper-realistic special effects and amputee actors helps soldiers react effectively to chaos and develop necessary skills for war, but cannot fully prepare them for emotional and physical toll.

      Realistic military training requires an immersive and chaotic environment to prepare soldiers for the unexpected. This was exemplified during the filming of a military training scene, where an amputee actor's leg was made to fly off, leaving the soldiers in a state of shock and confusion. The pressure was on for them to react quickly and effectively, just as they would in real combat situations. The use of amputee actors and hyper-realistic special effects made the training as authentic as possible, allowing soldiers to fully immerse themselves in the experience and develop the necessary skills to deal with the unpredictability of war. The best training, however, cannot fully prepare soldiers for the emotional and physical toll of war, and the importance of maintaining a sense of purpose and focus in the face of adversity was emphasized by a volunteer who lost her leg in a car wreck and found a new sense of purpose through her involvement in the production.

    • Disrupting routines for valuable lessonsRecognize when to DIY and when to call in professionals for home repairs, like waterproofing or foundation work, to prevent bigger issues and save peace of mind.

      Disrupting patterns and expectations can be an effective way to learn and challenge ourselves. Mike Rowe shared a story from his time working on a military training exercise where he purposely disrupted the routine of elite military units to teach them valuable lessons. Similarly, in home repairs, it's essential to recognize that some jobs, like waterproofing or foundation repair, are best left to the experts. The key takeaway is to be aware of the importance of recognizing when to DIY and when to call in the professionals. In the case of water damage, addressing it promptly can prevent more significant issues down the line. As Mike Rowe put it, "Do yourself a favor and get a free inspection from Groundworks today. They'll put the water back in its place along with your peace of mind." Ultimately, whether it's in military training or home repairs, being adaptable and willing to disrupt the status quo can lead to valuable insights and improvements.

    • Preparing for the unpredictable realities of combat with hyper-realistic training toolsHyper-realistic training tools like the 'cut suit' help military personnel understand the gravity of combat situations and respond effectively by simulating wounds and injuries in a controlled environment.

      Hyper-realistic training tools, such as the "cut suit" discussed, play a crucial role in preparing military personnel for the unpredictable realities of combat. These tools help trainees understand the gravity of the situation and respond effectively when faced with life-threatening situations. The cut suit, developed through a collaboration between a special effects makeup company and military personnel, simulates wounds and injuries in a realistic way, allowing trainees to experience and learn from potentially dangerous scenarios in a controlled environment. Despite not gaining widespread popularity, this technology has made a significant impact on military training and is now being explored for use in the civilian medical field.

    • Revolutionizing Medical Training with Cut SuitsCut suits, with hyper-realistic wartime simulations, are revolutionizing medical training by providing lifelike experiences for doctors to practice lifesaving procedures, enhancing focus and attentiveness in the operating room

      A cutting-edge training tool called a "cut suit" is revolutionizing the medical industry by providing hyper-realistic wartime simulations. This suit, which includes a separate rib cage, organs, and even a lower GI tract filled with a substance that smells like feces, allows medical professionals to practice lifesaving procedures on a human-like model. The suit's creator believes it could have the same impact on the medical community as flight simulators had on aviation. The suit is designed to feel real, with a surgeon providing tactile feedback, and its presence in the operating room makes doctors more focused and attentive. The cut suit's introduction to the medical community is a slow process, but its potential as a transformative teaching tool is significant.

    • Technology's impact on healthcare and military operationsReal-time monitoring and response through technology saves lives in healthcare and military operations. Adaptability and continuous learning are crucial in any industry.

      Technology has revolutionized various industries, including healthcare and military operations, allowing for real-time monitoring and response. This was exemplified in the discussion about the evolution of strategic ops in Iraq, where the creation of simulated environments for training resulted in instant feedback and potentially saved lives. The speaker, who has a background as a private investigator and special effects makeup artist, shared his experiences transitioning into producing hyper-realistic city movies before creating a successful business in military training. Despite the differences in industries, the common thread is the impact of technology and the importance of adaptability and continuous learning. The speaker's dedication to saving lives and creating innovative solutions has been a consistent theme throughout his career.

    • Navigating the Unknown in the Soft Core Porn IndustryStarting a business in an unconventional industry requires creativity, resilience, and a willingness to learn from mistakes. Unexpected opportunities and partnerships can lead to unexpected successes.

      Starting a business, especially in an unconventional industry like soft core porn, involves navigating unknown territories and making connections with people who are also learning the ropes. The speaker recounts how he lied to a bank to secure a loan for his detective agency, which eventually led him to the soft core porn industry. He then shares how he hired an inexperienced editor and worked with a distributor who was new to the business, resulting in a chaotic but successful production. Looking back on his career, the speaker reflects on the unexpected trajectory of his life, from Hollywood adjacent to receiving gratitude from first responders and military personnel. Today, he is involved in a new project using military containers for homeless shelters. Despite the challenges and unexpected twists and turns, the speaker remains passionate about his work and finds fulfillment in giving back to the community.

    • Creating functional homes for the homeless using Conex boxesA potential solution to the homeless crisis involves constructing portable, self-contained homes using Conex boxes, which include essential amenities and can be easily relocated and funded

      A solution to the homeless crisis could be the creation of portable, functional homes using Conex boxes. Bob McElroy, who runs homeless shelters in San Diego, suggested this idea to the speaker, who then built two prototypes. These homes, which include kitchens, showers, and toilets, can be plugged into water, sewer, and electricity systems, making them functional and long-lasting. The key advantage is that they are not permanent structures, allowing for easier relocation and placement in various community areas. However, the main challenge is gaining community acceptance and securing funding from government entities. The speaker is currently working on getting the city to adopt this solution, and encourages anyone interested to learn more about his company, Strategic Operations, at their website.

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    U.S. Money Reserve—Visit WorkHardSaveSmart.com to access a FREE video Series on precious metals.

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    ZipRecruiter.com/Rowe to try ZipRecruiter for FREE.

    Groundworks.com to schedule a FREE inspection.

    American Battlefield Trust—Visit Battlefields.org/Mike to get your FREE copy of their award-winning history magazine, Hallowed Ground.

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    Big thanks to our terrific sponsors

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    Groundworks.com to schedule a FREE inspection.

    U.S. Money Reserve—Visit WorkHardSaveSmart.com to view a FREE video series on precious metals.

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    U.S. Money Reserve—Visit WorkHardSaveSmart.com to view a FREE video series on precious metals.

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    ZipRecruiter.com/Rowe to try ZipRecruiter for FREE.

    FieldOfGreens.com Use code: MIKE for 15% off and FREE shipping

    Groundworks.com to schedule a free inspection.

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    About Maureen Stoecklein

    Firefighter/Paramedic and Registered Dietitian

    Maureen has served as a registered dietitian for over 25 years and a full-time firefighter/paramedic for 21 years. While serving as a firefighter in Canton Township MI, she is a consulting performance dietitian at Barwis Methods Training Facility, Mercy Elite Sports Performance Center, and served three seasons as Team Dietitian for the New York Mets baseball organization. An accomplished athlete, Maureen understands the importance of solid nutrition for optimum performance. She was selected as one of four women in the United States to represent Brawny Paper towels Strength Has No Gender Campaign and was featured in Crain’s Business Magazine. Maureen’s passion for nutrition and fitness and the many athletes, coaches, mentors and colleagues she has met along the way inspire her to share her love of healthy food and insights to help other succeed!

    Connect with Maureen

    Host I

    As a First Responder, you are critical in keeping our communities safe. However, the stress and trauma of the job can take a toll on your mental health and family life.

    If you're interested in personal coaching, contact Jerry Lund at 801-376-7124. Let's work together to get you where you want to be and ensure a happy and healthy career.

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    Collection II. Episode 9. "Integrating Disability Into Health Sciences Curricula: Implementation, Recommendations, and the Need for Disability Content in Health Sciences Education."

    Collection II. Episode 9. "Integrating Disability Into Health Sciences Curricula: Implementation, Recommendations, and the Need for Disability Content in Health Sciences Education."

    In Research and Resource Rounds Episode 9, we review Improvements in Students’ Attitudes Toward People With Disabilities With or Without Semi-Structured Community-Based Interactions. 

    The article describes and presents the results of a study in which the three authors tested the effect of a baseline curriculum and of an enhanced curriculum on doctor of physical therapy students’ attitudes towards people with disabilities. Two student cohorts from the University of Texas El Paso’s doctor of physical therapy program participated in the study which measured attitudes using two common measures: first, Attitudes Toward Disabled People or ATDP-A and the Multidimensional Attitudes Scale Toward Persons with Disabilities or MAS.

    The baseline curriculum group and enhanced curriculum group both showed improvement in their attitudes, although the baseline group only showed a statistically significant improvement in attitudes towards people with disabilities on the MAS scale. Moreover, the two groups (baseline and enhanced curriculum) did not differ significantly on their pretest or posttest scores on either attitude measure.

    Article: Improvements in Students’ Attitudes Toward People With Disabilities With or Without Semi-Structured Community-Based Interactions.

    Authors: Jimenez, Pechak, Garrand

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1097/JTE.0000000000000102



    Physical Therapy

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    Disability terminology

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    Health Sciences

    Medical Education


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    AK Dozanti

    AK Dozanti is a First Responder Wellness Coach & Specialist who actively works towards giving first responders a way to manage chronic stress and mitigate the effects of working in a trauma-rich environment.  She is a former Deputy Sheriff as well as Criminal Court Victim Advocate who, after her own burnout became a yoga instructor and wellness coach.  AK provides a unique perspective and skillset to address the many mental health issues plaguing first responders.

    As a First Responder, you are critical in keeping our communities safe. However, the stress and trauma of the job can take a toll on your mental health and family life.

    If you're interested in personal coaching, contact Jerry Lund at 801-376-7124. Let's work together to get you where you want to be and ensure a happy and healthy career.

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