
    391: NEW STORY—Credit Where It’s Due

    enJune 25, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Podcast evolutionFrom a pastime to a successful venture, the podcast 'This Old Tony' has evolved, with the host sharing stories in person and experimenting with video formats, while the theme of building things and the satisfaction it brings remains a constant.

      The podcast "This Old Tony" has come a long way since its inception, with the host, Mike Rowe, sharing stories in person and experimenting with video formats. A special guest, Chuck Klausmeyer, joined the episode, reminiscing about their past collaborations and the evolution of their working relationship. The podcast, which started as a way to pass time, has grown into a successful venture, with listeners enjoying the brief mysteries for the curious mind with a short attention span. Additionally, the theme of building things and the satisfaction it brings is a recurring topic, and the American submarine industrial base is currently hiring 100,000 skilled tradespeople over the next decade for careers with excellent pay and opportunities to advance. The movie "Caught in the Act" (mentioned in the text) was a notable failure in Hollywood, but the podcast continues to thrive.

    • Cocktail production mishapsDespite critical panning, 'Cocktail' became a commercial success due to unexpected events and teamwork during production, illustrating the unpredictability of the film industry.

      The movie "Cocktail," despite being critically panned, became a commercial success. The story behind its production involved several mishaps, including Liz's near-fatal accident during the filming of a horseback scene. However, her co-star, Tom Cruise, saved her life, preventing a tragic end to the production. The unexpected turn of events showcases the unpredictability of the film industry and the importance of teamwork and quick thinking in overcoming obstacles. Additionally, the story highlights the dichotomy between critical reception and box office success, emphasizing that art and reality can coexist in complex ways.

    • Artist's personal beliefs vs talentThe separation of an artist's talent from their personal beliefs is complex, with some able to focus solely on talent while others find it difficult. Social media amplifies criticism, and the value of work and community is emphasized.

      The separation of an artist's talent from their personal beliefs is a complex issue for viewers. While some may be able to ignore controversial aspects of an artist's life and focus solely on their talent, others may find it difficult. The discussion also touched upon the power of social media, which has made criticism more accessible and frequent. Additionally, the value of work and community was emphasized, as was the idea that everyone has the potential to entertain and bring people together. Ultimately, it's up to each individual to decide how they will approach the art and artists they encounter.

    • Tom Cruise's dedicationTom Cruise's dedication to performing dangerous stunts has contributed to his enduring success in Hollywood, despite negative criticism and labels from critics

      Tom Cruise's dedication and willingness to perform dangerous stunts in movies, such as jumping from rooftop to rooftop despite injuring himself, have contributed to his enduring success in Hollywood. However, this success has not been universally appreciated by critics, who have panned his performances and labeled him a "jerk" and "self-aware creep." Despite the negative reviews, Cruise has learned to brush off criticism and continue to entertain audiences, who have shown their appreciation through box office success. In the end, Cruise's career demonstrates the value of both critical acclaim and audience approval in achieving success in the entertainment industry. Additionally, the conversation revealed the influence of studio funding on critical reviews and the importance of considering both critical and audience feedback when evaluating a film's success.

    • Validation and recognitionOur deep-rooted desire for validation and recognition, even from strangers, can significantly impact us and stems from early experiences and a need for love and acceptance.

      Our desire for validation and recognition, even from strangers, can be deeply rooted and impactful. Mike Rowe's experience with the evolution of his show "Dirty Jobs" and the importance he placed on being credited for his role, despite initially not caring, illustrates this concept. Our yearning for positive feedback, especially in the public eye, can stem from early experiences and a deep-seated need for love and acceptance. Even if we tell ourselves we want "honest feedback," what we truly crave is validation and appreciation from those we don't know. This is a common theme in show business, where performers often seek love and approval from audiences.

    • Impact of strangers' opinionsStrangers' opinions can significantly affect emotions, but focusing on valued opinions is crucial, everyone's perception of success varies, and external validation should not define self-worth.

      The opinions of strangers, whether positive or negative, have a significant impact on our emotions, but we should focus on valuing the opinions of those whose opinions matter most to us. This impact can be compared to receiving recognition or criticism, which can bring feelings of affirmation or resentment. However, it's important to remember that everyone's perception and interpretation of success or achievement can be different, and it's essential to trust and have faith in the people we work with to navigate these complexities. Ultimately, it's crucial to maintain a sense of perspective and not let external validation define our self-worth.

    • Creative FeedbackTom Cruise and Elizabeth Shue value every opinion to improve their work, whether it's from reviews or academic institutions. Feedback led to script revisions and iconic songs in 'A Few Good Men'.

      Feedback, especially in the form of reviews, is crucial for creators and artists, including Tom Cruise and Elizabeth Shue, regardless of how many they have received. They value every opinion and use it to improve their work. The film "A Few Good Men" is an example of Tom Cruise's exceptional acting, with him being nominated for multiple awards. Elizabeth Shue attended Harvard University and was nominated for an Academy Award for her role in "Leaving Las Vegas." Tom Cruise's character in "A Few Good Men," Brian Flanagan, was described differently in the book than how Tom Cruise appeared in the film. The script underwent numerous revisions to suit Tom Cruise's character, and iconic songs like "Kokomo" and "Don't Worry, Be Happy" were associated with the film. Overall, the desire for feedback and the importance of continuous improvement are essential elements in the creative process.

    • Topic of accountability in creative industryAccountability is crucial in the creative industry, and acknowledging responsibility, even in a light-hearted manner, can lead to a successful production and career.

      Accountability is an essential aspect of any production, be it a film or a podcast. During a recent podcast discussion, the name LMMO Productions was brought up, which was praised for its uniqueness. The conversation then shifted towards the concept of blames instead of credits at the end of productions. The producer was identified as the starting point for blame, but the conversation was light-hearted and humorous. Tom Cruise was acknowledged for saving his own life and having an impressive career. The podcast ended with a reminder to subscribe and leave a five-star rating, emphasizing the importance of support in the creative industry. In essence, the discussion highlighted the significance of acknowledging responsibility and accountability in the creative process, even if it's done in a playful manner.

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    Big thanks to our terrific sponsors

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    Something To Stand For—Visit SomethingToStandFor.Movie/Mike for showtimes and tickets

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    U.S. Money Reserve—Visit WorkHardSaveSmart.com to view a FREE video series on precious metals.

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    AuraFrames.com/Mike Until June 18 use code Mike to get $30 off their best-selling frame.

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    U.S. Money Reserve—Visit WorkHardSaveSmart.com to view a FREE video series on precious metals.

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    FieldOfGreens.com Use code: MIKE for 15% off and FREE shipping

    Groundworks.com to schedule a free inspection.

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    NetSuite.com/Mike the number one cloud financial system.

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    Groundworks.com to schedule a FREE inspection.

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    FieldOfGreens.com Use code: MIKE for 15% off and FREE shipping

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