
    389: You Can Learn a Lot in a Smoke-Filled Airplane with Gavin de Becker

    enJune 11, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Skills and experiencesLearning valuable skills and experiences, even from unconventional sources, can lead to personal growth and preparedness for potential threats and dangers.

      Key takeaway from this episode of The Way I Heard It is the importance of learning valuable skills and experiences, even if they come from unexpected or unconventional sources. Gavin De Becker, a personal protection expert and the guest on this episode, emphasizes the importance of being prepared for potential threats and dangers. He shares his experiences of guarding high-profile individuals and the lessons he's learned along the way. Mike Rowe also shares his own experience of considering running for vice president and the insights he gained from the experience. Throughout the conversation, the importance of being open-minded, adaptable, and willing to learn from others emerges as a key theme. Additionally, the episode touches on the value of manners and apologies in building strong relationships and getting along with others.

    • Family conflict resolutionFamilies should prioritize communication, understanding, and empathy to resolve conflicts without involving authorities whenever possible, as it promotes healthy relationships and maintains order.

      In the face of conflict or danger, it's important for families to try to resolve issues without involving authorities whenever possible. This approach was exemplified in a personal story shared about a family dealing with a violent incident involving their children. The incident led to a change in family dynamics, and while it required difficult conversations and actions, it ultimately allowed the family to find a resolution. This approach is particularly relevant in today's society, where there is a trend towards avoiding confrontation and relying on external authorities for resolution. However, it's crucial to remember that every situation is unique, and there's no one-size-fits-all solution. It's essential to prioritize communication, understanding, and empathy within families and communities to maintain order and promote healthy relationships.

    • Intuition and self-protectionIntuition is a powerful tool for self-protection that alerts us to potential danger and helps make quick decisions. Trusting intuition doesn't make us bigots or racists, but remembering behavior, not race, is the true indicator of potential danger.

      Our intuition, or "gut feeling," is a powerful tool for self-protection that has remained constant throughout history, despite changes in communication methods and societal norms. Intuition serves to guard and protect us by alerting us to potential danger and helping us make quick decisions. It's important to trust this instinct, as it always has our best interests at heart and is always about something. However, society often discourages listening to intuition, particularly when it comes to making judgments based on race or other superficial factors. It's crucial to remember that behavior, not race, is the true indicator of potential danger. The signals we receive are constant, and it's essential to learn how to act wisely on them. Trusting our intuition doesn't make us a bigot or a racist; it makes us aware and vigilant.

    • Fear and Unwarranted FearFear is a natural response to real danger, but unwarranted fear can be addressed through constructive action. The submarine industry needs 100,000 skilled tradespeople and BuildSubmarines.com offers resources to help potential employees showcase their skills to potential employers.

      Fear is a critical survival mechanism, but it's important to distinguish between true fear and unwarranted fear. True fear is a response to real danger, while unwarranted fear stems from memories or imagination. True fear requires immediate action, while unwarranted fear can be addressed through constructive action. The submarine industry is facing a significant challenge in hiring 100,000 skilled tradespeople over the next decade to build advanced nuclear submarines. To help, BuildSubmarines.com offers access to numerous career opportunities and allows users to create personalized profiles to showcase their skills to potential employers. Fear can be a valuable guide, but it's essential to listen to it wisely and take appropriate action when necessary.

    • High-profile securityHigh-profile security work demands rigorous training, dedication, and a willingness to put oneself in harm's way to prevent harm and ensure safety.

      Protection and security work, particularly for high-profile individuals, requires a unique set of skills and a high level of dedication. This is not a conventional "job," but a career that demands integrity, trust, and a willingness to put oneself in harm's way. The training for this work is rigorous and can include simulations with dogs, firearms, and other potentially dangerous situations. The ultimate goal is to prevent harm and ensure the safety of those at risk, making it an honorable and essential profession. Despite the stigma surrounding security work, it is a crucial aspect of society, particularly in an increasingly volatile world.

    • Intangible qualities in protection workTraining and readiness are important in protection work, but intangible qualities like commitment, integrity, and readiness are equally essential and can't be taught through textbooks alone.

      Intuition and readiness are crucial in protection work. A seemingly minor detail, like a shiny badge, can alert protectors to potential threats. Training, such as time and distance exercises, helps protectors react quickly and effectively. However, intangible qualities like commitment, integrity, and readiness are equally important and can't be taught through textbooks alone. The protection industry emphasizes the importance of these invisible qualities, which are essential but not always visible. During the selection process for protection teams, ranking and voting systems help identify individuals with strong invisible qualities. The industry prioritizes being close to the protected person to increase the chances of successful intervention. The tragic assassination of Lee Harvey Oswald serves as a reminder of the importance of proper training and the presence of invisible qualities in protection work.

    • Military TrainingContinuous repetition and improvement, ethical considerations, primary goal, unexpected situations, and lasting impact are essential elements of effective military training.

      Effective training, whether it's for military personnel or civilians, involves continuous repetition and improvement, even in the face of failure. The use of simulations and drills, such as those used in the academy for protective agents, helps trainees build essential skills and learn from their mistakes. However, ethical considerations may arise when the actions taken to save one life may unintentionally harm another. It's crucial to remember that the primary goal is to disrupt, aim, and gain possession of the threat, with secondary concerns coming afterwards. Additionally, being prepared for unexpected situations, such as plane crashes or drone attacks, requires knowledge and quick thinking. The training experiences, like those involving smoke-filled planes or window evacuation, leave a lasting impact and can save lives.

    • Survival skillsPreparation, awareness, and quick thinking can lead to survival in life-threatening situations. Paying attention to details and never giving up are essential.

      Being prepared and thinking critically can make a difference in life-threatening situations, as demonstrated in the story of a man who survived a plane crash by jumping into the water and swimming to shore. He did this not out of stupidity, but out of genius, as he realized that his body heat would help him survive the cold water. This story, which took place at Dulles International Airport, is an example of how preparation, being aware of one's surroundings, and quick thinking can lead to survival. It's important to pay attention to details, such as the location of emergency exits, and to never give up. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the importance of curiosity and skepticism in separating truth from falsehood, and how these intangible qualities are essential for personal growth and safety.

    • Questioning authorityIndividuals should question authority and protect themselves, as shown by Flight 93 passengers, and be skeptical of external help. Skepticism is crucial for personal safety and freedom.

      Individuals have a responsibility to question authority and protect themselves, rather than relying solely on corporations, governments, or other institutions to do so. This was highlighted in the aftermath of 9/11, when passengers on Flight 93 were encouraged to take action to protect the cockpit, rather than waiting for external help. Skepticism and self-reliance are crucial in ensuring personal safety and freedom. Carl Sagan's quote, "If we are not able to ask skeptical questions or to interrogate those who tell us that something is true, to be skeptical of those in authority, then we're up for grabs for the next charlatan, political or religious who comes along," further emphasizes this idea. In the context of the current situation, it's essential to question the causes of excess mortality, particularly among young, healthy individuals, and consider the potential harm caused by mass vaccination programs.

    • Vaccine safety and effectivenessThe concept of 'safe and effective' regarding vaccines is complex and controversial, and it's crucial to ask critical questions and scrutinize information, as there have been instances of deceit and criminal fines in the pharmaceutical industry.

      There are complexities and controversies surrounding the concept of "safe and effective" when it comes to vaccines, and it's important to approach the topic with skepticism and ask critical questions. The speaker argues that electric fence topics, such as vaccines and transgender surgeries for minors, are often filled with misinformation and resistance to scrutiny. He uses the example of the smallpox vaccine, which the CDC considers safe and effective despite its known risks for certain populations. The speaker also warns against trusting authorities blindly and encourages people to learn about potential vaccine issues, citing historical examples like Vioxx and thalidomide. He criticizes the pharmaceutical industry for being deceitful and criminally fined, and emphasizes the importance of being informed consumers. Despite the CDC's efforts to promote vaccines, the speaker believes that Americans have a right to ask questions and be comfortable with what is being put in their bodies.

    • Vaccine trials and government responsesThe importance of skepticism, transparency, and open dialogue in vaccine trials and government responses is crucial to ensure trust and unity among the population.

      The history of vaccine trials and government responses, as discussed, highlights the importance of skepticism and questioning authority. The example given of the first COVID-19 trial and the lengthy delay in releasing safety data underscores the need for transparency and open dialogue. Additionally, the heavy-handedness of mandates and the resulting division and hostility among the population are concerns that should not be ignored. It's crucial to stay informed and engaged in discussions about health policies and to remember that fear is often used as a tool for control. Ultimately, the goal should be to foster understanding and unity rather than division.

    • Labor and ValuesThe importance of recognizing the value of all types of work, considering the micro and macro implications of our actions, and staying true to our values was emphasized in a conversation between friends.

      The speaker had an intriguing conversation with a friend, reflecting on their unique experiences and the importance of valuing all types of work. They discussed the division in the country, the devaluation of work, and the impact of technology on our perception of labor. The speaker emphasized the significance of considering the micro and macro implications of our actions and the importance of staying true to ourselves and our values. They also highlighted the importance of exploring various career paths and encouraged listeners to look into Gavin D. Becker and Associates for opportunities in the protective services industry. The conversation touched on various topics, but the speaker expressed a desire to delve deeper into their friend's background and personal stories.

    • Adaptability and PerseveranceSpeaker Dan's adaptability and perseverance shone through during technical difficulties and appeals for help, encouraging listeners to stay focused on goals and find creative ways to overcome obstacles.

      The importance of adaptability and perseverance was emphasized in the conversation. Dan, the speaker, expressed his desire to continue engaging with the audience, even when faced with technical difficulties. He also shared his attachment to a worn-out jacket and appealed to listeners to help him replace it through a GoFundMe page. The conversation then shifted to promoting audiobooks.com as a solution for multitasking readers. Despite the interruptions and detours, the speaker's enthusiasm and positivity shone through, demonstrating the value of staying focused on goals and finding creative ways to overcome obstacles. Listeners were encouraged to take advantage of the free 30-day trial and three free audiobooks offered by audiobooks.com to discover new titles and expand their knowledge.

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    Groundworks.com to schedule a free inspection.

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    LifeVac.net Use code MIKE to get 20% off your full purchase

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    ZipRecruiter.com/Rowe to try ZipRecruiter for FREE.

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    Groundworks.com to schedule a FREE inspection.

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    Many thanks to our fabulous sponsors

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    BuildSubmarines.com Explore available careers!

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