
    384: Freedom Food and Funny Cars with Matt Hagan and Chloe Hudson

    enMay 07, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Racing and Food: More Connected Than You ThinkEmbrace new challenges, follow your passions, and discover the unexpected connections between high-speed racing and sustainable food production.

      The worlds of high-speed racing and sustainable food production may seem unrelated, but the people behind these passions share valuable insights on freedom, hard work, and innovation. Matt Hagen, a four-time world champion funny car racer, and Chloe Hudson, a social media manager and advocate for the trades, discuss their unique experiences and the parallels between their seemingly disparate professions. They also highlight the importance of embracing new challenges and the wisdom that comes from following one's passions. Additionally, the episode touches on the importance of quality food and the growing trend of delivering delicious, farm-fresh produce directly to consumers. Overall, the conversation between Matt and Chloe offers a fresh perspective on the interconnectedness of various aspects of modern life.

    • NHRA Champions Share Racing ExperiencesChampions Matt Hagen and Chloe Hudson discuss the importance of teamwork, having a hype person, and adjustments to ensure safety in drag racing.

      Matt Hagen and Chloe Hudson, both NHRA champions, shared their experiences from the Winter Nationals race in Pomona, California. Hagen, the reigning champion, discussed the importance of having a good team and hype person like Chloe, even mentioning the need to adjust parachute sizes to avoid eye damage. Chloe, who cheers for Hagen, reminisced about their racing history and the excitement of the event. Hagen also shared his past experience of witnessing fast cars at Infineon Raceway in Northern California. The conversation highlighted the intensity and speed of drag racing, with Hagen explaining the need for adjustments to prevent injury. Overall, the conversation showcased the excitement and teamwork involved in professional drag racing.

    • Mastering a craft requires dedication and quick reactionsDedication, honing skills, and quick reactions lead to exceptional performance, but pushing limits involves risks and staying within rules is crucial.

      Exceptional performance in any field, including racing, requires dedication, honing your craft, and quick reactions. The driver in the discussion demonstrates these qualities by pulling more G-forces than the Blue Angels in a reverse barrel roll, having a 75% reaction time, and possessing an impressive ability to diagnose issues with a car just by listening. These skills are developed through countless hours of practice and obsession with the craft. Additionally, there are always risks involved when pushing the limits, and it's crucial to stay within the rules and maintain a focus on the stakes, which can serve as motivation and drive to succeed.

    • Optimizing power and control in high-performance racingDrivers fine-tune their vehicles to maintain control and apply power effectively, using clutch systems to manage tire slippage, while safety standards have evolved to ensure safer racing conditions.

      In high-performance racing, such as top fuel drag racing, drivers push their vehicles to the limit, making adjustments to optimize power and maintain control. They aim to keep the car in the "groove" or optimal lane position on the track. Power application is crucial, but it must be managed through a clutch system to prevent excessive tire slippage. Funny cars, despite having more horsepower than an entire NASCAR field, earned their name due to their quirky design from the past. Safety standards have significantly improved over the years, making today's racing conditions safer for drivers. Ultimately, the bravery and risk-taking of drivers in the past have paved the way for the advancements and innovations in modern racing.

    • Navigating the NASCAR track: A blend of focus and adrenalineNASCAR drivers need intense focus and energy to navigate the track at high speeds, requiring them to block out distractions and enter a 'zone' to perform at their best.

      Being a NASCAR driver requires a unique blend of bravery and focus. The drivers must deal with the constraints put in place for safety while also harnessing their energy and adrenaline to perform at their best. The reaction time required to navigate the track at high speeds is intense and demands a level of focus that can only be fully understood by experiencing it firsthand. Drivers must learn to channel their energy and block out distractions to enter a "zone" where they can fully concentrate on the task at hand. It's a delicate balance between pushing themselves to their limits and maintaining control. Ultimately, it's about turning off the outside world and focusing solely on the race in front of them.

    • Staying focused and growing in high-pressure situationsLegendary drag racer John Force emphasizes the importance of staying focused and reacting naturally in high-pressure situations, while the American Submarine Industrial Base offers meaningful careers with continuous learning and growth opportunities.

      Finding one's zone and continuously learning and growing are essential for success, whether it's in racing or any other field. John Force, a legendary driver in the sport of drag racing, emphasizes the importance of staying focused and reacting naturally in high-pressure situations. He shares his experiences of losing races and growing as a person and driver. Meanwhile, in a different context, the American Submarine Industrial Base is currently hiring a significant number of skilled tradespeople to build nuclear-powered submarines. This is not just about creating jobs, but rather offering meaningful careers with excellent pay and opportunities for advancement. The importance of continuous learning and growth applies to both individuals and industries.

    • Effective communication is crucial in any endeavorEffective communication reaches new audiences and keeps existing ones engaged, making the product or service more desirable

      Effective communication is crucial in any endeavor, whether it's building a submarine, racing cars, or creating content on social media. Chloe, who started as a welder but evolved into a communications expert, emphasized this point. In the world of motorsports, Tony Stewart and his team have built a successful environment by trusting each other and creating an engaging social media presence. Chloe, as Tony's social media manager, entertains fans who can't attend races in person, making them want to buy tickets and get closer to the action. Effective communication is the key to reaching out to new audiences and keeping existing ones engaged. It's not just about the product or service itself but also how it's presented to the world.

    • Experience the Passion of Drag RacingDrag racing transcends age and background, leaving a lasting impression with its visceral sound, smell, and community. The CAP program provides opportunities for young people to enter the automotive industry's mechanic shortage.

      Attending a drag race event is an immersive and passionate experience that transcends age, background, and interests. Whether you're a seasoned fan or a newcomer, the visceral sound, smell, and energy of the racetrack can leave a lasting impression. The community aspect of drag racing is also noteworthy, as it brings together people from all walks of life and fosters a sense of camaraderie. Furthermore, the shortage of mechanics in the automotive industry highlights the importance of initiatives like the CAP program, which aims to provide opportunities for young people to enter the field and make a successful career. Overall, the excitement and energy of drag racing make it an experience worth sharing with others and passing down to future generations.

    • Workforce reliability and retention issue in skilled tradesCompanies need to value experienced workers, offer growth opportunities, and provide fair compensation to retain them. New workers should be willing to learn and prove their worth.

      There is a significant issue with workforce reliability and retention, particularly in skilled trades, due to a combination of factors including a perceived lack of respect for experience and a demand for high pay and flexibility. This issue is not limited to any specific industry and extends to various sectors, including automotive repair and manufacturing. The loss of experienced workers results in a skills gap that hinders the training and development of the next generation of workers. It's crucial for companies to recognize the value of experienced employees and provide them with opportunities for growth and fair compensation to retain them. Additionally, new workers should be willing to prove their worth and learn from experienced colleagues to build a strong foundation in their chosen field.

    • Learning from Experienced IndividualsUnplanned interactions and on-the-job training lead to valuable lessons and insights, fostering a culture of continuous learning and self-evaluation in meritocratic industries.

      The transfer of knowledge and learning from experienced individuals is crucial for growth and improvement, especially in industries where safety and expertise are paramount. The unplanned and accidental learning that occurs during unstructured interactions, such as lunches or on-the-job training, cannot be replicated in a siloed or remote work environment. These experiences often lead to valuable lessons and insights that can prevent costly mistakes and enhance overall performance. The meritocracy of these industries, where skills and abilities are the primary determining factors, fosters a culture of continuous learning and self-evaluation. It's essential to remember that personal growth and development are not limited by one's background, gender, or perceived role within an industry. Instead, it's about embracing opportunities to learn from others and applying that knowledge to excel in one's chosen field.

    • Strive for Balance: Work and HealthRecognize the importance of rest, find balance, and prioritize self-care. Consume more fruits and vegetables to lower cancer risk.

      We should strive for balance in our lives, whether it's in our work or our health. The speaker shares his experience of being trapped in the "misery Olympics" of working long hours and neglecting self-care. He encourages recognizing the value of rest and finding a healthy medium. In the context of health, consuming fruits and vegetables is a simple yet effective way to lower cancer risk, as suggested by the American Cancer Society. The speaker recommends either increasing daily servings of real fruits and vegetables or supplementing with a product like Field of Greens. Ultimately, it's essential to find balance and prioritize our well-being in various aspects of our lives.

    • Finding Peace and Helping Others in the Cattle IndustrySpeaker balances football career with cattle farm, promotes transparency and quality, supports struggling farmers, and values authenticity and contentment.

      The speaker's passions for his cattle business and his professional football career are interconnected. He finds peace and relaxation on the farm after intense football games, but also uses his resources to help struggling farmers in the industry. The cattle industry is facing challenges with a decreasing herd size and an increase in imported beef. The speaker is committed to transparency and quality in his own business, aiming to provide consumers with locally raised, antibiotic-free beef and a farm-to-table experience. Despite his small-scale operations, he strives for growth while maintaining authenticity and refusing to compromise on values. The speaker expresses the importance of not having to constantly chase wealth and material success, but rather finding contentment in life.

    • Pride in local food vs. reality of globalized economyConsumer desire for local, American-made goods conflicts with reality of importation and deceptive labeling. Supporting domestic industries can address food security and employment issues.

      There's a disconnect between the desire for locally sourced, American-made products and the reality of the globalized economy. The speaker expresses pride in producing and consuming homegrown food, but laments the loss of domestic manufacturing industries and the importation of goods that are marketed as "Made in America." He criticizes the deceptive labeling practices and the high cost of American-made goods compared to imported ones. He believes that consumers undervalue the importance of domestic production and calls for greater transparency and honesty in marketing. The speaker also suggests that investing in domestic industries, such as agriculture and manufacturing, could help address food security and employment issues. He admires companies like Origin that prioritize American manufacturing and adhere to strict labor and environmental standards. However, he acknowledges the challenges of producing goods domestically, particularly in industries like textiles, and the complexities of international trade. Overall, the speaker advocates for a more thoughtful and honest approach to consumption and production, with a focus on supporting local and domestic industries whenever possible.

    • Understanding Consumer Priorities Amidst ComplexityThe marketplace is intricate, with consumers prioritizing affordability over quality. Social and economic changes add complexity, requiring businesses to understand interconnected industries and consumer needs.

      The market can be uneven and challenging, especially for businesses offering quality products. The conversation around competition, cost, and consumer behavior is complex and multifaceted. From textiles to toothpicks, and even beef, the decision-making process for consumers often comes down to affordability. The Dollar Store CEO's perspective of serving customers who must decide what to put back at the last minute is a stark reminder of the reality for many consumers. Social and economic changes, like the loss of key infrastructure, can further complicate matters. Amidst this complexity, it's essential to understand the interconnectedness of various industries and the consumers' needs and priorities.

    • Investing in people and value creationInvesting in employees and creating valuable products can lead to their loyalty and success for both parties.

      Adding value and treating people well are key factors in business success. Whether it's creating a product with a big motivation behind it, like CBD oil, or starting a business in response to a crisis, like a cattle company during a pandemic, putting value in your products and people can make a difference. The speaker's experience with his father's businesses taught him that investing in and treating employees well leads to their investment and loyalty in return. This mindset has helped him build a successful business and make a positive impact in his community.

    • Valuing the contributions of team membersInvesting in and valuing team members is crucial for success. Trust and respect are earned, and valuable team members are not replaceable.

      People, whether they are part of a sports team or a business, are invaluable and deserve recognition and respect. The speaker shares his experience of working with his pit crew, who work tirelessly behind the scenes and have saved him from potential disasters. He emphasizes that trust and respect are earned, and he has earned both from his team members. He also shares how he has invested in his people during difficult times and how it paid off in the end. Similarly, in the context of the discussion about investing in education and people, the speaker encourages investing in individuals and taking care of them, as they are not replaceable. In today's world, where some leaders may view people as disposable, it's essential to remember the importance of investing in and valuing the contributions of team members.

    • Empowering Young Individuals: Transforming Dairy Farms and LivesProviding opportunities and empowering young individuals can lead to remarkable transformations, regardless of the industry. Embrace teamwork, collaboration, and avoid 'one size fits all' or 'shortcut' mindsets.

      Providing opportunities and empowering young individuals can lead to remarkable transformations and success stories, regardless of the industry. The speaker shares his experience of hiring and mentoring a young man named Trey on a dairy farm. Trey not only worked hard but also took the initiative to transform the way cattle were bought and sold. The speaker expresses his gratitude for having employees like Trey, emphasizing the importance of teamwork and collaboration. He also warns against the "one size fits all" and "shortcut" mindsets, which can hinder the growth of the next generation. The story highlights the significance of people and their contributions, and the importance of saying "yes" and figuring it out along the way.

    • From drag racing to farming and CBD production, Matt and Chloe's unique experiences inspire and make a positive impactThrough hard work, authenticity, and helping others, Matt and Chloe have achieved significant accomplishments and spread messages of perseverance and value in various industries

      Matt and Chloe's unique experiences in different industries, from drag racing to farming and CBD production, have led them to make a positive impact on people's lives. Their commitment to hard work, authenticity, and helping others has resulted in significant accomplishments, including a high school curriculum and scholarships tied to a multi-million dollar endowment. Their messages of perseverance and providing value to others resonate with many, inspiring laughter, learning, and growth. Whether it's through their amazing steaks or CBD products, Matt and Chloe continue to spread their messages and make a difference in the world. Connect with them on their social media handles, matthagen_fc and quiltingangel, for more insights and inspiration.

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    BuildSubmarines.com Explore available careers!

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