
    334. Andy, Eric Greitens & DJ CTI: Heartbreaking Video Of Kid Hitting Cop, Nuclear Attack PSA & Secret Service Responds To Hunter's iCloud

    enJuly 14, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring personal growth and societal issues through podcast formatsEmphasizing individual responsibility and personal development, Andy Priscilla's podcast provides authentic insights without ads or external gain, inspiring growth in listeners.

      The world can be complex and full of issues, but ultimately, personal growth and excellence are key to addressing those problems. Andy Priscilla, the host of the show, discusses various formats of his podcast, including CTI (Cruise the Internet), Q&A F, and real talk. Through these formats, he explores current events and societal issues while emphasizing the importance of individual responsibility and personal development. The show aims to provide authentic, heartfelt insights without the influence of ads or external financial gain. By encouraging listeners to share the show, the message can reach a wider audience and inspire growth in others.

    • Importance of humor and resilience in tough timesMaintaining a positive attitude and sense of humor helps pull us through adversity, whether in business, life, or military training.

      Resilience and a good sense of humor are crucial in the face of adversity, whether it's in business, life, or military training. The speaker shares his experience from his Navy SEAL training, where only a small percentage of trainees made it through, and those who did had a good sense of humor. He emphasizes the importance of maintaining a positive attitude and being able to laugh, even in difficult situations, as it helps pull everyone out of the pain and reminds them of their purpose. The speaker is feeling good about his campaign trail and the support he's receiving, despite being under a "vicious assault" from opponents. He aims to be a threat to the corrupt and cowardly establishment on both sides of the political spectrum and encourages the importance of addressing corruption in politics.

    • Embrace challenges for personal growthThough facing adversity can be painful, it's an opportunity for growth. Identify challenges, use stoic philosophy to find meaning, and stay focused on personal development.

      Despite facing vicious attacks and lies, it's important to maintain perspective and focus on personal growth. The speaker acknowledges the challenges in everyone's lives and is grateful for his own, even if it includes being a target of lies. He encourages listeners to identify their own challenges and use them as opportunities for growth. The speaker draws on stoic philosophy, emphasizing the distinction between pain we choose and pain that comes to us, and the growth potential in both. Though acknowledging the difficulty of maintaining this perspective, the speaker offers it as a way to find meaning and resilience in the face of adversity.

    • Standing up for what you believe in despite attacksPeople who remain true to themselves and resist attacks on their reputation are respected, while those who engage in deceitful tactics may not be effective in the long run. Powerful individuals should focus on making good policies instead of taking away people's power and resources.

      Resilience and self-confidence are key in the face of adversity and attacks. People who know who they are and stand up for what they believe in, even if they are targeted, are often seen as doing something right. The tactic of trying to erode someone's reputation through lies and attacks may not be effective in the long run, as people are becoming increasingly aware of the BS and are done with the nonsense. From a strategic standpoint, those with power and resources would be better off using them to make decent policies that serve the people, rather than trying to take away their power and money to benefit themselves and their friends. The political class often benefits from taking money away from the people and giving it to their friends and lobbyists, leading to continuous tax increases and government spending under both Democratic and Republican regimes.

    • Political System Broken, Public Trust BetrayedThe political system is broken, career politicians prioritize special interests, and the public is waking up to the need for regular Americans to serve in office to restore trust and purity in government.

      The political system is broken, and the people's trust has been betrayed by career politicians who prioritize special interests over the public good. The massive spending bills, filled with lobbyists and corrupt practices, result in the seepage of funds meant for the people. Eric Greitens, a political outsider, is seen as a refreshing alternative, as he has faced adversity and emerged more courageous and determined to fight for the people. The corrupt nature of the political class has been exposed, and the public is starting to awaken to the need for regular Americans to serve in office. Trump's presidency played a significant role in exposing the corruption, and while progress may be slow, the water is now low enough to see who's who in the swamp. The ultimate goal is to restore the purity of the republic by electing individuals who genuinely serve the people, regardless of party affiliation.

    • Decline in trust in mainstream media and rise of fake newsDespite the decline in trust in mainstream media, there's hope for truth through independent sources and faster communication.

      The current state of media and information consumption poses a significant challenge to the restoration of integrity and truth in reporting. The speaker emphasizes the decline in trust in mainstream media, with only 11% of people having a high regard for it. This issue is further compounded by the proliferation of fake and vicious political attacks during mainstream media coverage, which people have grown wise to. However, the speaker also acknowledges the problem goes back decades, with the lag time in information dissemination during World War II leading to the establishment of trust in certain sources. Now, with the availability of independent media and faster communication, there is a glimmer of hope for a solution. The speaker's own experience of reaching an audience through independent podcasts highlights the potential for alternative sources of information to challenge the dominant narrative and promote truth.

    • People crave authenticity in media and distrust mainstream sourcesYounger generations skeptical of mainstream media, drawn to authentic voices and experiences in podcasts and other forms of media

      People are seeking authenticity and real conversation in the media, and they're turning away from mainstream sources they don't trust. Younger generations in particular are skeptical of mainstream media, and this trend is likely to continue as older, more trusting generations pass. People respect voices with experience and credibility, and they're drawn to podcasts and other forms of media where they can connect with authentic perspectives. The media landscape is changing, and those who want to reach and engage audiences must adapt to these new expectations. At the heart of it all, it's important to remember that behind every media outlet and journalist is a human being, and the way we approach media and journalism should reflect that.

    • The Roots of Constant CriticismPeople who criticize others frequently may be dealing with their own self-criticism and discomfort with face-to-face interactions. Empathy and understanding can help bridge divides and foster positive dialogue.

      People who constantly criticize others often have deep-rooted self-criticism. This was discussed in relation to journalists, who are often tasked with reporting negativity and hatred. The speaker noted that these individuals often avoid face-to-face interactions and thrive on anonymity. When confronted in person, they may be met with hostility and mistrust. The speaker encouraged empathy and understanding towards these individuals, emphasizing the importance of not letting hatred and vitriol consume us. Instead, we should strive to welcome and engage in dialogue with those who hold different perspectives. The speaker also shared an experience where he encouraged a room full of people to welcome a reporter from the St. Louis Post Dispatch, despite the initial hostility towards him. By doing so, the speaker demonstrated the power of setting a positive example and inspiring others to do the same.

    • Avoiding division in societyCommunist and totalitarian regimes use divisive issues to weaken societies. Focus on common goals and unity to overcome challenges.

      We need to be welcoming to people who have changed their perspectives, as we're all fighting the same enemy. The use of divisive issues like critical race theory and other social issues is a tactic of communist and totalitarian regimes to weaken societies from within. Historically, this has led to internal conflict and the weakening of institutions, such as the military. It's important to recognize that these tactics are being used against us and to avoid falling into the trap of division. Instead, we should focus on our common goals and work together to overcome the challenges facing our country. The United States military, for example, is a highly integrated institution that has a long history of bringing people together. We must be vigilant against efforts to introduce divisive ideologies into our institutions and instead focus on unity and strength in numbers.

    • Elites Influence Society Through Key IndividualsElites manipulate society by targeting influential individuals, creating a culture that contradicts average values. Entrepreneurs must use influence to promote American values, recognizing not all compliance is genuine.

      Various entities, including governments and organizations, exert influence over society by targeting key individuals and institutions, particularly those at the highest levels. These individuals, in turn, push these agendas down the hierarchy, creating a culture that is often at odds with the values and beliefs of the average person. This is achieved through deals, compromises, and pressure to conform. It's important for entrepreneurs and business owners to recognize this dynamic and use their influence to promote American values within their organizations. The complexity of this issue can be overwhelming, but it's crucial to understand that not everyone who complies with these agendas genuinely believes in them. Instead, they may do so to keep their jobs or avoid conflict. The mass media, Hollywood, and critical race theory are just a few examples of how the populace is divided, while elites are bought off to further these agendas.

    • Power and corruption go hand in handCorruption thrives on fear and intimidation, but courage and action can bring about change despite large sums of money involved in politics.

      Corruption and power often go hand in hand, with those in power using fear and intimidation to maintain their position. This was discussed in the context of both drug gangs and politics. The use of threats and examples to keep people in line was highlighted, as well as the contrast between those who "play the game" and those who stand up for what's right. The speaker also emphasized the importance of courage and taking action, even if it's not easy or popular. The conversation also touched on the large amounts of money involved in politics and how it can be used to attack opponents. The ongoing conflict between those who want to maintain the status quo and those who want to bring about change was a recurring theme. Ultimately, the message was one of perseverance and standing up for what's right, even in the face of adversity.

    • Biden administration's policies fuel corruption and inflationThe Biden administration's actions, such as sending billions to Ukraine and intentionally destroying the currency, are contributing to corruption, inflation, and financial pain for small businesses and entrepreneurs, while enriching themselves and their allies.

      The Biden administration's policies, including sending billions of dollars to Ukraine, are contributing to corruption and inflation while hurting everyday Americans. The administration is accused of intentionally destroying the currency and using insider information to enrich themselves and their allies. These actions undermine the American Republic's historical foundation of individual economic freedom and political participation. The ongoing corruption and inflation are causing significant financial pain for small business owners and entrepreneurs, who are essential to the American economy and democracy. Instead of addressing these issues, the administration is attempting to shift blame to those who are working to build careers and businesses.

    • Impact of societal unrest on younger generationSocietal unrest affects younger generation, but individuals can make a difference through sharing info, voting, and getting involved in local politics.

      The concentration of power in the hands of a few megacorporations and the suppression of small businesses during crises like COVID-19 make it harder for individuals to fight for freedom. The ongoing misinformation campaigns and labeling of critics as conspiracy theorists serve to quell resistance. However, the power to save the country lies with the people themselves. Simple actions like sharing information, voting, and getting involved in local politics can make a difference. The revolution or revival will come from within, as individuals become wiser, stronger, and more courageous. In the news, a child's disturbing behavior towards a Minnesota cop during an arrest highlights the impact of societal unrest on the younger generation.

    • A cycle of violence and destruction rooted in societal issuesFocusing on shared goals and working together can bridge divides and create positive change

      The discussion highlights the sad and tragic reality of a cycle of violence and destruction that stems from societal issues and damaged culture. This situation, involving a young child attacking a police officer, is not about racism but rather a result of policies and manipulations that have harmed traditional family structures and American values. The way to bring people together is not through conversations, but by having a common mission. By focusing on shared goals and working together, we can bridge divides and create positive change. The example given is the Mission Continues, which brought veterans and civilians together through service projects.

    • Bringing people together through common missions and understandingEffective leadership inspires unity by acknowledging the past with pride and honesty, fostering understanding, and casting a vision for a better future.

      Effective leadership involves bringing people together by identifying common missions and fostering understanding between different groups. The United States, with its focus on the future, has the potential to unite and progress if we have leaders who cast a vision for what we can become. However, attempts to erase history or simplify complex past events can hinder our ability to move forward with confidence. Instead, we should look back with pride and honesty, recognizing both the good and the bad, in order to build a better future. Ultimately, leadership that inspires us to strive for a common goal can help bridge divides and create a more united society.

    • The importance of history and national identityUnderstanding history and preserving national pride are essential for individuals and societies. Removal of historical symbols and manipulation of national identity can lead to demoralization and reliance on authorities, while preserving truthful historical information is crucial for informed decision-making during times of nuclear threat.

      Understanding history and preserving national identity are crucial for individuals and societies. The removal of historical symbols and pride can lead to demoralization and manipulation, as outlined in radical political playbooks. Regarding the New York City PSA on nuclear attacks, it fails to provide useful information and instead aims to create dependent masses, leaving them reliant on authorities for guidance. This comes at a time when the nuclear threat is increasingly imminent, yet officials downplay the risk. These actions raise concerns about the true intentions behind such preparations and the potential for misinformation and manipulation.

    • Political leaders using nuclear threats as distractions from urban issuesPolitical leaders prioritize irrelevant nuclear threats ads over addressing urban violence and public safety concerns, causing citizens to leave major cities.

      The ongoing geopolitical tensions and the threat of nuclear war are being used as distractions from the significant issues plaguing major cities, particularly New York, where violence and inadequate public safety are causing citizens to leave. The political leaders, instead of addressing these concerns, are focusing on creating ads and campaigns about potential nuclear attacks, which are largely irrelevant and serve as distractions from their failures. Additionally, the speakers believe that those in power are actively trying to destroy the country, either intentionally or incompetently, as seen in the military disaster in Afghanistan and the ongoing humanitarian crisis at the southern border.

    • Border security risks from unknown individualsMilitary expert raises concern about terrorists entering US through porous border, advocates for stricter measures

      The current border situation poses significant national security risks due to the large influx of people from terrorist-prone regions whose identities and intentions are unknown. The speaker, who has military experience, expresses concern about individuals from these countries being found with IDs on the Mexican side of the border, raising the possibility of terrorists entering the country. He suggests that the current system, which allows individuals to enter without proper identification, is unsustainable and requires a significant operational effort to remove the criminal and terrorist elements. The speaker advocates for stricter border control measures, such as building a wall and sending people back to their countries of origin, to prevent this issue from becoming an even larger problem.

    • Biden administration's handling of immigration and Hunter Biden's investigationsConcerns over Biden admin's immigration policies potentially encouraging child trafficking and ongoing investigations into Hunter Biden's tax compliance and government communication raise transparency issues, damaging government integrity

      There are serious concerns regarding the Biden administration's handling of various issues, including immigration policies that may inadvertently encourage child trafficking, and allegations of potential wrongdoing involving the president's son, Hunter Biden. The discussion highlighted the human tragedy of children being trafficked across the border, with some claiming that the current administration's policies have created an incentive for this illegal activity. Additionally, there are ongoing investigations into Hunter Biden's tax compliance and potential communication of government business with him. The lack of transparency and response from the White House has raised legitimate concerns among lawmakers, who believe the failure to be open about these matters could damage the integrity of the Justice Department and the government as a whole. The silence from some quarters is concerning, as these issues touch on the well-being of children and the proper functioning of the U.S. government.

    • Call to action against political corruptionThe speaker urges unity against perceived political corruption and the election of 'outsider' candidates to bring change.

      The current political climate is seen as corrupt and failing to address important issues, with examples given of investigations not being pursued into alleged wrongdoings by various public figures. The speaker emphasizes the need to unite against this perceived evil and corruption, and calls for action to elect "outsider" candidates who will bring about change. The stakes are seen as high, with the choice being between surrender to leftist tyranny or the revival of the Republic. The speaker's stance is clear: he is calling for action against the corruption and evil in American politics.

    • Reviving America: Engage in Local Communities and ElectionsEvery American has a role to play in reviving America. It's not just about electing the right leaders, but also about getting engaged in local communities and elections. Recognizing the depth of the deep state and working to clean it out is crucial, as is focusing on personal excellence and civic duties for a free republic to thrive.

      Every American has a role to play in reviving the country. It's not just about electing the right leaders, but also about getting engaged in local communities and elections. The failure of the Trump presidency to lay the groundwork first and build support from the bottom up is a strategic mistake that can be learned from. Additionally, recognizing the depth of the deep state and working to clean it out is crucial. A cultural revolution focusing on personal excellence and civic duties is also essential for a free republic to thrive. Freedom isn't free, and it's time to remember the obligation we have to make something of our lives and contribute to the betterment of the country. Tyrants want weak, passive, and ineffective citizens, so it's important to be free-thinking, engage in learning, and think for ourselves.

    • Strive for personal excellence and self-sufficiencyFocus on strengthening ourselves financially, physically, mentally, emotionally, and intellectually to build a stronger, more resilient society, and support others in doing the same.

      Personal excellence and self-sufficiency are the keys to creating a free and independent society. By focusing on getting stronger in all areas of our lives – financially, physically, mentally, emotionally, and intellectually – we can collectively build a stronger and more resilient nation. This means taking control of our own lives, increasing our earning power, and becoming less dependent on external systems and corporations. Great leaders, who believe in and support the potential of their people, can help us realize our full potential. By contrast, tyrants seek to make us weak, afraid, and dependent, and they suppress our capabilities. To create a free republic, we must strive for personal excellence and self-sufficiency, and we must recognize and support the potential in others.

    • Strengthening oneself benefits the countryFocus on building strong relationships and doing the right thing, rather than taking advantage of situations for personal gain.

      Strengthening oneself leads to the betterment of the country. The recent DoorDash app glitch, which allowed users to place orders without entering payment information, resulted in many people taking advantage of the situation to order expensive items for free. However, the company eventually canceled these orders and even went as far as collecting fees from those who had received the free items. The speaker strongly condemned this behavior, emphasizing that taking pleasure in doing the right thing and building strong relationships is more meaningful and enriching than engaging in distractions like this. He advised young people to focus on who they surround themselves with rather than what they do, as the quality of their lives will be significantly influenced by the people they spend the most time with.

    • Personal excellence as rebellion against societal normsEmbrace personal growth and strive for excellence to break free from societal control and unite with like-minded individuals.

      Personal excellence is the ultimate form of rebellion against a culture that is losing its standards. The discussion highlighted the example of individuals prioritizing meaningless challenges over personal growth, and the impact of this cultural delusion on society. The importance of raising individual standards and striving for personal excellence was emphasized as a way to break free from societal control and unite with like-minded individuals. A call to action was made for listeners to support a campaign for personal excellence and contribute financially to the cause.

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    " "I make more money from the hatred than I do from the love."

    "Algorithms dictate what people are seeing, so I just gave algorithms what they wanted."

    "Don't negotiate with yourself, that's stupid."

    "Low tax jurisdictions are very important for businesses in the modern world."

    "If I make money, I want to keep as much money as possible."






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    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”



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    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com

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