
    Podcast Summary

    • Experiencing Bliss TogetherJoining free Bliss Activations allows us to connect with like-minded individuals and tap into collective consciousness through meditation, prayer, and intention, creating positive change in our lives and the world.

      The power of coming together with like-minded individuals to activate and experience bliss as our birthright. Reverend Michael Bernard Beckwith, the founder of Agape International Spiritual Center, emphasizes the importance of unconditional love and communion in overcoming stress and accessing higher states of consciousness. Through meditation, prayer, and collective intention, we can tap into this collective consciousness and create positive change in our lives and the world. Emily Fletcher, the host, shares her personal experience of how Beckwith's teachings have profoundly impacted her life and inspired her to bring people together for regular Bliss Activations. By joining these free events, we can connect with others and experience the transformative power of bliss together.

    • Discovering hidden talents and passionsEmbrace surprises and mistakes as opportunities for growth, explore unknown areas for true happiness and bliss.

      We're all capable of discovering new passions and talents, even if we're not aware of them yet. The speaker shared a personal story about unexpectedly discovering his ability to do stand-up comedy and how it inspired him to wake up people from their "intoxicated sleep" of habitual fear and doubt. He emphasized that most people are living in a small, limited version of themselves, unaware of the beauty and love in the world around them. The speaker encouraged embracing surprises and mistakes as opportunities for growth and improvisation, just like in jazz music. He urged everyone to step outside of their comfort zones and explore the unknown, where true happiness and bliss can be found.

    • A transformative journey of expansion and self-discoveryThrough suffering or profound insights, we embark on a journey of self-discovery, letting go of old identities and embracing the unknown to connect with our true selves, managing fear with past radiance.

      People embark on a transformative journey in life either through suffering and pain or profound insights. Once curiosity is piqued, momentum takes over, leading to a cleansing process and eventual expansion of awareness. This expansion of awareness enables us to make conscious choices instead of reacting to situations. Fear and excitement shift into enthusiasm as we continue to step into the unknown. The process involves facing dark nights of the soul, where we let go of old identities and embrace the unknown, ultimately leading to a deeper connection with our true selves. The fear during this process can be managed by remembering the radiance we once felt when we knew life was truly meaningful to us. Through this journey, we learn to embrace the unknown and find peace in the process of transformation.

    • Embrace the present momentRecognizing and accepting our thoughts and emotions without judgment can lead to energy conservation, personal growth, and increased self-awareness

      Staying present in the moment and acknowledging our thoughts and emotions without judgment can help us conserve energy and facilitate personal growth. The speaker emphasized the importance of recognizing that we should not be anywhere else but where we are, as wishful thinking can lead to stress and hinder our ability to fully engage in the present. By practicing self-awareness and mindfulness, we can better understand and honor our own needs, even if it means taking a break from external commitments or relationships. Through this process, we may experience increased energy and access to our authentic selves. The speaker shared a personal experience of going through a dark period and withdrawing from others to focus on self-care, ultimately leading to greater personal growth and renewed vitality.

    • Harnessing the Power of Rest for Manifestation and Personal GrowthIncorporating practices like visualizing your goals during the hypnagogic state and smiling upon waking can positively impact your mood, body chemistry, and ability to manifest desires. Trusting and embracing inner experiences, such as lucid dreams, can lead to personal growth and creative inspiration.

      Rest is a powerful tool for manifestation and personal growth. The speaker shares her practice of holding her visions in mind as she falls asleep and wakes up, allowing her subconscious to process and bring forth new ideas. This practice, called the hypnagogic state, can be used to program oneself and manifest desires. Smiling upon waking is another simple yet effective practice that can positively impact one's body chemistry and mood. The speaker also shares her personal experience of having lucid dreams as a college student, which she initially dismissed as pathological but later came to embrace as a valuable inner experience. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the importance of listening to and trusting one's inner experiences and using rest and relaxation as a means to tap into one's creative potential.

    • Our perceptions shape our realityExperiencing love after betrayal led the speaker to leave his old ways, communicate with spiritual teachers, and gain a deeper understanding of the universe.

      Our perceptions and beliefs shape our reality. The speaker shared a profound experience where he felt surrounded by love after being betrayed and attacked. In his research to understand this experience, he discovered teachings from various spiritual figures. During this time, he communicated with these teachers and even attended classes taught by them, although they were supposedly deceased. This awakening led him to leave his old ways behind, including his involvement in the drug trade, and ultimately led him to a deeper understanding of the universe and his place in it. The experience and subsequent discoveries transformed his life.

    • Overcoming false accusations and finding a new beginningThrough determination and belief in one's destiny, one can overcome challenges and find new opportunities for growth.

      The individual's determination and belief in his destiny led him to overcome false accusations and unexpected challenges, ultimately resulting in a new beginning. Despite being arrested on false charges, he remained confident and was eventually set free due to insufficient evidence. During this time, he discovered the teachings of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh and experienced a spiritual awakening. Later, a mysterious fire destroyed his old house, providing him with a new one through insurance compensation. Throughout these experiences, his unwavering faith and trust in the universe guided him towards a fresh start.

    • Focusing on what we truly desire despite challengesDespite hardships, focusing on goals and living in the present can lead to positive outcomes

      No matter how impossible or chaotic life may seem, focusing on what we truly desire and living in expanded awareness can lead to unexpected positive outcomes. This was exemplified in a story shared about a man who was facing a serious legal issue but chose to put his attention on his vision and faith instead of the trial. By living in the "secret place of the most high," or a state of heightened awareness, he was able to transform his situation and ultimately find success. This principle can be applied to anyone going through difficult times, encouraging them to focus on their goals and live in the present moment, even during challenging situations.

    • Expanding Perspective in the Face of AdversityFocus on love and unity, even in challenging times. Expand perspective beyond media's limited reality, and recognize the potential for personal growth and positive change.

      We all have a role to play in raising the collective consciousness of the world, even in the face of adversity and tragedy. We cannot judge situations based on appearances alone, as there may be deeper reasons for events unfolding. Instead, we should focus on lifting ourselves up to the frequency of love and unity. Stories like that of Helen Greaves remind us that even seemingly difficult experiences can lead to profound personal growth and positive change for individuals and society as a whole. Our job as lightworkers is to expand our perspective beyond the limited reality presented by the media and invite others to do the same. Ultimately, we are all connected, and our actions and beliefs have an impact on the world around us.

    • Grassroots Change and Raising Vibration for a World Without WarFocus on peace vision, raise personal vibration, become tuning forks for new earth, transcend divisiveness, spiritual growth

      Every significant change in the world comes from the grassroots level, not just through governments. People who start as activists can grow into individuals who hold a vision and embody the frequency of the change they want to see. The earth is currently vibrating at a higher frequency than ever before, inviting us to raise our own vibration. The majority of people on the planet desire peace and want to take care of their families, not go to war. To create a world without war, we need to focus on that vision and raise our vibration, rather than getting caught up in the darkness and negativity. We can become tuning forks for the new earth, helping others to do the same. The conversation about peace needs to happen at a people level, not just on a governmental one. We are all one, regardless of nationality, skin color, or sexual orientation, and it's time to move beyond nationalism and patriotism. The lines we call borders have been artificially drawn, and as we wake up to this truth, we will see the absurdity of fighting over concepts of unity. Let us focus on spiritual growth and transcend the divisiveness of religion.

    • Uniting Divine Feminine and Masculine for Personal Growth and Global TransformationEmbrace the unity of feminine and masculine energies within, heal past wounds, and cultivate self-love and appreciation for personal growth and societal transformation.

      The unity of the divine feminine and masculine energies within ourselves and in society is crucial for personal growth and global transformation. The historical suppression of the feminine has led to imbalances and conflicts, but the feminine is rising now, and when united with a mature masculine energy, the world would change. To cultivate this internal holy grail, one can explore their childlike nature before societal enculturation, learn to embrace and love all parts of oneself, and practice yielding and surrendering. This journey involves healing past wounds and embracing the strength in vulnerability. It's essential for women to walk in self-love and appreciation while allowing the seed of their vision to unfold and for men to be seed planters and support their partners in growth. This balance of allowing and making, yielding and taking action, is the key to unlocking the full potential of both individuals and society.

    • Harnessing Internal Conditions for SuccessWe have the power to cultivate internal conditions for success, using sexual energy to fuel our visions and manifest our desires through visualization, alchemization, and magnetization.

      We have the power to become the conditions for our dreams to emerge, rather than being victims of external circumstances. This concept, called endogenous, means we can cultivate the internal conditions for success, no matter what's happening around us. We can use sexual energy, the most creative energy on the planet, to fuel our visions and manifest our desires. By visualizing, alchemizing, and magnetizing, we can embody the feeling tone of our manifestations before they even happen. Sexual energy and creative energy are one and the same, and using pleasure to connect with the blissful state of unitive awareness can lead to true fulfillment. By focusing on bliss instead of just pleasure, we can avoid addiction and anxiety, and instead, experience freedom and deep spiritual growth.

    • Expand your energy capacity through self-careSelf-care practices like hydration, nutrition, exercise, and sleep expand energy capacity, leading to profound realizations and potential encounters with otherworldly beings.

      Increasing your energy capacity involves taking care of your physical needs, such as hydration, nutrition, exercise, and sleep. By doing so, you can expand your energy capacity and experience a focused joy that may not be externally visible. This expansion of energy can lead to profound realizations about your identity as pure energy and light. These experiences can be life-changing, but they require dedication to self-care and self-discovery. Additionally, there are reported experiences of encounters with otherworldly beings and entities that some people believe can help us understand our true nature as conscious light. These encounters can be validated through scientific research and exploration, adding another layer of depth to our understanding of ourselves and the universe.

    • Encountering Extraterrestrial Beings and their Interest in Nuclear ProliferationSome extraterrestrial beings are concerned about nuclear proliferation and oppose it due to potential destructive consequences. Individuals and groups are working to reveal their existence to the world, and there's a growing awareness and acceptance of these phenomena in society.

      There are various entities and beings beyond our understanding, and they have an interest in the well-being of the planet and its inhabitants. One person shared their experience of encountering an extraterrestrial being and the subsequent events that followed. They mentioned that there are beings who oppose nuclear proliferation due to its potential destructive consequences. Additionally, there are individuals and groups working to reveal the existence of these beings to the world. The conversation also touched upon the need for a shift in human consciousness to be open and ready for the possibility of other beings and their presence on Earth. The speaker expressed their excitement about the increasing awareness and acceptance of these phenomena in society.

    • The power of expanding our perspectiveDuring times of scientific discovery, our limited perspectives can hinder progress. However, as we become aware of new realities, such as extraterrestrial life, resistance and fear can prevent acceptance. Yet, individual awakenings and the spread of new ideas contribute to a collective shift in perspective.

      Our limited perspectives, or paradigms, can prevent us from seeing the world as it truly is. This was evident during the scientific revolution when people realized the Earth was not the center of the universe. Similarly, we are on the brink of another leap in understanding, as we become aware of the vast amount of life beyond Earth. However, many people are resistant to this new perspective due to strong coping mechanisms and fear of the unknown. This paradigm blindness is being dissolved as more and more people wake up to the reality of other beings and expand their understanding of the universe. The awakening is happening, and it is being facilitated by the increasing acceptance of concepts such as quantum physics and the law of attraction. Children growing up today are even manifesting their desires as a normal part of their culture. The 100 monkey theory, which describes how new ideas spread, highlights the importance of individual awakenings leading to a collective shift in perspective. The first monkey, representing the pioneers who challenge established beliefs, is often overlooked, but it is crucial for the eventual acceptance of new ideas by the larger population.

    • The Power of Collective Consciousness and ChangeRecognize the importance of openness to change and collaboration to create positive impact, as seen in the 100th monkey story, where a single monkey's behavior sparked a societal shift.

      The story of the 100th monkey illustrates the power of collective consciousness and change. A single monkey's decision to wash its food at a river sparked a trend among its peers, leading to a mass behavioral shift. This phenomenon occurred not just on one island but also on another, suggesting a ripple effect. The first monkey was a female, and older, less receptive monkeys resisted the change. This anecdote can be related to societal and political shifts, where the rising feminine energy and younger generations are leading the way towards new ideas and paradigms. It's essential to recognize the importance of being open to change and collaborating with others to create a positive impact. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the limitations of our current political systems and the need for a shift towards a more just and equitable society. Each individual has a role to play in this transformation, whether through activism, art, or living as an example of consciousness and awakened awareness.

    • Connecting with our highest selves for a more flowy and graceful lifeFocus on what we're for, use technology mindfully, connect with Reverend Michael Bernard Beckwith, meditate for stress reduction, and align with our highest selves for a better life experience.

      We can serve as a tuning fork for others, aligning with our vision and allowing nature to guide us towards it. It's essential to focus our energy on what we're for, rather than against, as resistance only persists. Drawing inspiration from the creation of the universe, we have the power to birth new life from an idea. Reverend Michael Bernard Beckwith encourages us to connect with him at agape@agapelive.com or through his various social media platforms. He emphasizes the importance of using technology mindfully and invites us to subscribe to his YouTube channel for livestreamed services and workshops. By meditating and aligning with our highest selves, we can experience a more flowy and graceful life. For those curious about the neuroscience behind meditation's stress-reducing benefits, sign up for a free masterclass at zivameditation.com/learn.

    Recent Episodes from Why Isn't Everyone Doing This? with Emily Fletcher

    Emily's Masterclass: Ancient Wisdom to Attract Abundance

    Emily's Masterclass: Ancient Wisdom to Attract Abundance
    In this very special episode of Why Isn’t Everyone Doing This, we are sharing Ancient Wisdom to Attract Abundance - Emily’s free class where you will discover how to apply Vedic philosophy to your relationship with money. This was a live event, but it was so astounding we had to share it with the pod community.  We could actually feel how the participant's capacity for abundance was being rewired in real time. And the crazy thing is, even though it feels like magic…. It’s not magic. It is about applying the unchanging laws of Nature to help you get what you truly desire. Here’s what you can expect in the episode: Learn an easy and actionable step that will allow money to flow effortlessly How creating a conscious outflow can attract more inflow Experience a live activation where she will help you rewire any subconscious beliefs that are keeping you from attracting abundance. Learn about the ancient Vedic goddess archetypes and how they apply to your finances Receive a special invitation to join Ziva’s most advanced course.  === Enrollment for this year’s class of Moving into Mastery is now OPEN! Go to https://zivameditation.com/joinmastery/ to claim your spot and save $1,600 on enrollment. The ancient philosophy that is shared in this course upleveled Emily's relationship with her body, with time, with money and most importantly with herself. She was able to understand both viscerally and intellectually that there really is only ONE thing and we are ALL it. As the world moves faster and faster and our technology continues to become more advanced, it is imperative that we have these core philosophies to ground us in the unchanging laws of Nature. And to make sure everyone who moves through Mastery has everything they need to succeed, Emily called in elite thought leaders like Dr. Mark Hyman, Dr. Andrew Huberman, Kate Northrup and other amazing experts in their field. What these Mastery experts teach in this course will complement Emily’s conceptual teachings from the Vedas with data and experience-backed tools that will uplevel your daily life and move you closer to your goals. This is the first and last time we are going to offer Moving into Mastery at an amazing 40% off. Go to https://zivameditation.com/joinmastery/ to claim your spot TODAY!

    50. Studying The Vedas with Emily Fletcher

    50. Studying The Vedas with Emily Fletcher
    "There is only one thing and we are all it. And that one thing is consciousness". You’ve likely heard podcast host Emily Fletcher talk about The Vedas. When she began studying them, she was still performing on Broadway and would spend hundreds of hours diving deeper into these universal truths that ultimately shaped who she is and how she interacts with the world. They are why she became a meditation teacher. They are why she started Ziva. They are the foundation of everything we teach. Many years later, Emily has combined all of her Vedic knowledge into our most advanced course, Moving into Mastery. Enrollment officially opens on June 26, so we wanted to share some of the most powerful, foundational concepts of The Vedas in today’s podcast episode. You will be listening to clips from the actual course, in which we not only answer the question “what ARE the Vedas?” but also show you how you can use this ancient philosophy into your everyday life. Please enjoy this very special episode of Why Isn’t Everyone Studying The Vedas? with the one and only Emily Fletcher === Join Emily for a FREE, live masterclass to learn concepts from Moving into Mastery. Discover how to apply Vedic philosophy to your relationship with money. Get your ticket here: https://zivameditation.com/event June 26 at 2p ET: Ancient Wisdom to Attract Abundance === Commit to a daily practice you love with zivaONLINE - get 15% off with promo code WHYTHIS: https://zivameditation.com/jointoday Take Ziva's FREE Meditation Masterclass: https://zivameditation.com/learn Grab your invite for our Bliss Activations here: https://zivameditation.com/activate And follow us on Instagram If you prefer to watch this episode on YouTube, click here: YouTube Channel

    How To Share What Lights You Up (in the best way possible) | Student Spotlight: Lindsey

    How To Share What Lights You Up (in the best way possible) | Student Spotlight: Lindsey
    Have you ever been excited to share about your meditation practice, a plant medicine journey, or new coaching modality, and you're not exactly sure on how to talk to friends and family about it? If so, then this episode is for you. On today’s bonus episode, Emily has dear friend and longtime Ziva Meditator Lindsey on the show, and together they dive into the importance of a Vedic concept called worthy inquiry. Every time we find something that lights us up, we should be practicing worthy inquiry, and in this episode will not only discuss WHY that is important, but also give you the tools on how to create more of it. Please enjoy this episode with Lindsey, and make sure to subscribe to our podcast, so you never miss an episode. === We are about to open up enrollment for our course Moving into Mastery, which is a digital course designed to teach you ancient philosophy and weave it into the 8 key areas of your life: relationships, body, brain, money, purpose, performance, creativity and time. Join the waitlist to be the first to know when we open enrollment: https://zivameditation.com/joinmastery/ === Commit to a daily practice you love with zivaONLINE - get 15% off with promo code WHYTHIS: https://zivameditation.com/jointoday Take Ziva's FREE Meditation Masterclass: https://zivameditation.com/learn Grab your invite for our Bliss Activations here: https://zivameditation.com/activate And follow us on Instagram If you prefer to watch this episode on YouTube, click here: YouTube Channel

    49. In Expansive Sacred Union with Adam Schlender

    49. In Expansive Sacred Union with Adam Schlender
    "Relationships are here to teach us some of our most important lessons". In today’s episode, Emily is joined by her partner & cosmic love, Adam Schlender, to talk about Why Isn’t Everyone In An Expansive Sacred Union? Together, they share the cosmic story of when they first met - and how they were so heart exploding in love before they even spoke words to each other. Emily and Adam also dive into the depths and heights of ecstasy and romantic love, and the pain that can come with it.  By sharing their personal and deeply vulnerable story they hope that it will give you keys and codes as they relate to your life and relationships.   Please enjoy this intimate episode of Why Isn’t Everyone Doing This? with Adam Schlender, and make sure to subscribe to our podcast, so you never miss an episode.  Check out the Opus SoundBed here: https://feelopus.com/ === We are about to open up enrollment for our course Moving into Mastery, which is a digital course designed to teach you ancient philosophy and weave it into the 8 key areas of your life: relationships, body, brain, money, purpose, performance, creativity and time. Join the waitlist to be the first to know when we open enrollment: https://zivameditation.com/joinmastery/ === Commit to a daily practice you love with zivaONLINE - get 15% off with promo code WHYTHIS: https://zivameditation.com/jointoday Take Ziva's FREE Meditation Masterclass: https://zivameditation.com/learn Grab your invite for our Bliss Activations here: https://zivameditation.com/activate And follow us on Instagram If you prefer to watch this episode on YouTube, click here: YouTube Channel ===

    Calling In A Romantic Partner | Mastery Student Spotlight: Heather Bohanan

    Calling In A Romantic Partner | Mastery Student Spotlight: Heather Bohanan
    In today's Student Spotlight episode, Emily is joined by Ziva student Heather Bohanan. Together, they dive into some key concepts from The Vedas that have transformed Heather’s life.  In this episode, Heather shares how she used to judge herself for being lazy. It wasn’t until she learned more about the different Doshas, and how to fuel her specific body type that she realized she was never lazy - she just didn’t have the right tools.  They also discuss one of Emily’s favorite concepts from The Vedas - that money is energy and it needs to flow. Plus, Heather shares a story about how she used this concept to attract more financial abundance.  Stay until the end to watch Emily live coach Heather on calling in a romantic partner. Listen how Heather, very quickly, went from ‘I’m open to the possibility to maybe one day have a partner if Nature wants that’ to her fully claiming her desire for wanting a romantic partner.  And if you'd like to be featured on Why Isn't Everyone Doing This? send us an DM on Instagram or email info@zivameditation.com. === Want to learn more about The Vedas? We are about to open up enrollment for our course Moving into Mastery, which is a digital course designed to teach you ancient philosophy and weave it into the 8 key areas of your life: relationships, body, brain, money, purpose, performance, creativity and time. Join the waitlist to be the first to know when we open enrollment: https://zivameditation.com/joinmastery/ === Commit to a daily practice you love with zivaONLINE - get 15% off with promo code WHYTHIS: https://zivameditation.com/jointoday Take Ziva's FREE Meditation Masterclass: https://zivameditation.com/learn Grab your invite for our Bliss Activations here: https://zivameditation.com/activate And follow us on Instagram If you prefer to watch this episode on YouTube, click here: YouTube Channel

    48. Claiming Your Creative Genius with James McCrae

    48. Claiming Your Creative Genius with James McCrae
    "A mind that is too full of information, has no space for inspiration" - James McCrae Today’s guest is James McCrae and we’ll be talking about Why Isn’t Everyone Claiming Their Creative Genius? James is the genius behind Words Are Vibrations, a popular Instagram account that makes memes. Now, we know that may sound trite. But what this man is able to do is put his finger on the pulse of the zeitgeist and take these big, complex, sometimes disturbing ideas and communicate them inside of a single frame, a single image with so much wit, humor and wisdom, that it's truly an art form. In this episode, they dive into James' journey to becoming a popular spiritual meme creator, his belief that everyone can be a creative "genius," and how to foster creativity as a parent. They also discuss how the masculine and feminine play a huge role in creativity. Plus, Emily and James go deep into how you can start to utilize rituals, timing, and set your morning up for more success and creativity.  Creativity is your currency, and James is a master creator. Please enjoy this fascinating episode of Why Isn’t Everyone Doing This? with James McCrae, and make sure to subscribe to our podcast, so you never miss an episode.  === We are about to open up enrollment for our course Moving into Mastery, which is a digital course designed to teach you ancient philosophy and weave it into the 8 key areas of your life: relationships, body, brain, money, purpose, performance, creativity and time. Join the waitlist to be the first to know when we open enrollment: https://zivameditation.com/joinmastery/ === Commit to a daily practice you love with zivaONLINE - get 15% off with promo code "WHYTHIS": https://zivameditation.com/jointoday Take Ziva's FREE Meditation Masterclass: https://zivameditation.com/learn Grab your invite for our Bliss Activations here: https://zivameditation.com/activate And follow us on Instagram If you prefer to watch this episode on YouTube, click here: YouTube Channel === James McCrae is an artist, poet, and teacher who empowers creators to live with purpose and turn imagination into reality. He is the founder of Sunflower Club, a global community dedicated to creativity as a tool for personal healing and social transformation. As a creative strategist, he has worked with top brands and startups to define and actualize their message and mission. His books include Sh#t Your Ego Says and How to Laugh in Ironic Amusement During Your Existential Crisis and The Art of You. James lives in Austin, Texas. https://www.jamesmccrae.com/ https://www.instagram.com/wordsarevibrations/

    Manifesting Your Dream Relationship | Mastery Student Spotlight

    Manifesting Your Dream Relationship | Mastery Student Spotlight
    What if your dream relationship never comes to fruition? Welcome to our very first Student Spotlight episode! Today Emily coaches Sarah Reuter on calling in her dream partner. Sarah bravely shares that despite being clear on who she wants to be in partnership with, she is afraid he is never going to show up. Emily teaches Sarah an exercise called the 100 Attributes List, she leads her through an exercise to connect with her 5-year-old self, and Emily explains how the path to our higher self is through our lower self.  They also explore the connection between relationships and money and how if you heal your limiting beliefs around one, the other starts to heal as well. This episode is a must-listen for anyone in a relationship or looking for one. === We are about to open up enrollment for our course Moving into Mastery, which is a digital course designed to teach you ancient philosophy and weave it into the 8 key areas of your life: relationships, body, brain, money, purpose, performance, creativity and time. Join the waitlist to be the first to know when we open enrollment: https://zivameditation.com/joinmastery/ === Commit to a daily practice you love with zivaONLINE - get 15% off with promo code WHYTHIS: https://zivameditation.com/jointoday Take Ziva's FREE Meditation Masterclass: https://zivameditation.com/learn Grab your invite for our Bliss Activations here: https://zivameditation.com/activate And follow us on Instagram If you prefer to watch this episode on YouTube, click here: YouTube Channel

    47. Optimizing Your Brain with Dr. Austin Perlmutter

    47. Optimizing Your Brain with Dr. Austin Perlmutter
    If our brains are in charge of printing every cell in our bodies and controlling every decision we make, why are we all not consciously optimizing our brains? Today's guest is Dr. Austin Perlmutter and we’ll be talking about Why Isn’t Everyone Optimizing Their Brain? Dr. Perlmutter is a board-certified internal medicine physician, New York Times bestselling author, published researcher, health investor and international educator. His mission is to help people improve their health by targeting the biological basis of “stuckness” in our brains and bodies. In this episode, we get to dive deep into how to optimize your brain and for those of you who love science, you’re going to be in heaven. Dr. Austin shares how our modern society and its consumerism do everything to keep our brains happy. But, as he shares on the show: our brains are not designed to keep us happy, they are designed to keep us alive.  Emily and Austin dive into the external forces that affect our brains for the worse, and he gives us tips and exercises on how to optimize our brain health starting today. Yes, food and sleep are important but he also shares how psychedelics are some of the safest pharmaceuticals that we have for mental health conditions.  I promise you will love every second of this episode. Enjoy this episode of Why Isn’t Everyone Doing This? with Dr. Austin Perlmutter, and make sure to subscribe to our podcast, so you never miss an episode.  === We are about to open up enrollment for our course Moving into Mastery, which is a digital course designed to teach you ancient philosophy and weave it into the 8 key areas of your life: relationships, body, brain, money, purpose, performance, creativity and time. Join the waitlist to be the first to know when we open enrollment: https://zivameditation.com/joinmastery/ === Commit to a daily practice you love with zivaONLINE - get 15% off with promo code WHYTHIS: https://zivameditation.com/jointoday Take Ziva's FREE Meditation Masterclass: https://zivameditation.com/learn Grab your invite for our Bliss Activations here: https://zivameditation.com/activate And follow us on Instagram If you prefer to watch this episode on YouTube, click here: YouTube Channel === Dr. Austin Perlmutter is a board-certified internal medicine physician, New York Times bestselling author, published researcher, health investor and international educator. His mission is help people improve their health by targeting the biological basis of “stuckness” in our brains and bodies. His writing, presentations, podcasts, and online educational programs explore how environmental factors influence our cognitive and mental state and have reached millions. Dr. Perlmutter currently serves as the executive director and research lead at Big Bold Health, a food-as-medicine company focused on helping people rejuvenate health through better immune function, where he is running a first-of-its kind study exploring the effects of plant nutrients on human aging through epigenetics. https://www.austinperlmutter.com/ https://www.instagram.com/draustinperlmutter/

    46. Creating Effortless Success By Healing Your Inner Child with Garrain Jones

    46. Creating Effortless Success By Healing Your Inner Child with Garrain Jones
    Today’s episode features Emily’s dear friend and colleague, Garrain Jones. Garrain and Emily met at a workshop in Austin designed to teach men how to honor the divine feminine by learning about female pleasure. This posed a huge challenge for him because he battled with being unfaithful in all of his relationships in the past and was finally in a committed relationship, so he didn't want to look at someone else's pussy. This workshop became a catalyst for him as he healed his relationship to female anatomy, realizing that he can honor women while being committed to his partner. Garrain is a manifestation coach, speaker and author and his life today is a testament to his success, coaching artists and creatives to manifest their dreams. But together they discuss how his journey has been anything but effortless. Garrain shares bravely about immense challenges he has faced, including losing his father to murder at twelve, dealing drugs, going to prison, and struggling with an addictive relationship with sex. In this episode, Garrain shares the exact tools he used to transform his mindset and life. Emily and Garrain discuss why creating effortless success and healing your inner child are deeply interconnected. They explore how diving into this work can change your world and reality, just as it has for Emily. One of the keys to his success was consistent consumption of mindset shifting content, which helped him to change the lens through which he viewed his life. He read books until they became his identity, including The Power of Positive Thinking which he read 285 times.  Towards the end, you’ll witness a unique, live coaching session where Garrain guides Emily through an exercise called Heaven’s Breath - unearthing intense childhood memories, resulting in a wild, transformational healing through song. Love the episode? Be sure to follow and rate the podcast so more people can unlock the keys and codes to free their souls. === Commit to a daily practice you love with zivaONLINE: https://zivameditation.com/jointoday Take Ziva's FREE Meditation Masterclass: https://zivameditation.com/learn Grab your invite for our Bliss Activations here: https://zivameditation.com/activate And follow us on Instagram If you prefer to watch this episode on YouTube, click here: YouTube Channel === Garrain Jones is a Transformation Coach & Author of the #1 Best Seller “Change Your Mindset Change Your Life” whose mission is to create a safe space for people to discover the gifts that already live inside of them, so they can use those gifts to produce extraordinary results in their lives. He does retreats, workshops, and 1:1 coaching. https://garrainjones.com/ https://www.instagram.com/garrain.jones

    45. Falling In Love With Meditation with Light Watkins

    45. Falling In Love With Meditation with Light Watkins
    TODAY ONLY: In honor of World Meditation Day, take 21% off our core meditation training zivaONLINE with code SURPRISE: https://zivameditation.com/jointoday  === What if you could turn into a happiness billionaire AND share it with the world? Today’s episode is with Emily’s dear friend and colleague, Light Watkins. As members of the same spiritual family, they’ve known each other for well over 15 years and were brought up in a similar meditation teacher training. Light has written over 4 bestselling books and is a world-renowned meditation teacher. He’s also what he calls a “one-bagger” - living nomadically out of a carry on since 2018. In this episode, they discuss why so many people don’t have a meditation practice they can commit to, how to fall in love with your practice and make the mundane more meditative. They also explore why you don’t need to “clear your mind” in order to meditate and how meditation practices for busy people differ from more monastic techniques. Light also shares this concept of the fake inner voice versus the real inner voice: do you often listen to the voice of stress or the voice of your heart? Towards the end, they explain what it takes to become a meditation teacher in this type of lineage and the dedication that is required to teach these tools. Love the episode? Be sure to follow and rate the podcast so more people can unlock the keys and codes to free their souls. === TODAY ONLY: In honor of World Meditation Day, take 21% off our core meditation training zivaONLINE with code SURPRISE: https://zivameditation.com/jointoday  Take Ziva's FREE Meditation Masterclass: https://zivameditation.com/learn Grab your invite for our Bliss Activations here: https://zivameditation.com/activate And follow us on Instagram If you prefer to watch this episode on YouTube, click here: YouTube Channel === Light Watkins is a long-time meditation teacher and thought leader who has spoken and consulted at Fortune 500 companies around the world on the topics of wellness, purpose, and enlightened leadership. He is the author of three best-sellers: The Inner Gym, Bliss More, and Knowing Where to Look, as well as the newly released Travel Light: Spiritual Minimalism to Live a More Fulfilled Life. Light has written a daily dose of inspirational email to his tens of thousands of subscribers. He is the host of The Light Watkins Show, which is a podcast that features the backstory of luminaries who’ve created platforms for social good. And in his online community, The Happiness Insiders, Light has created masterclasses and challenges to help spiritual practitioners around the globe embody the principles of “inner” work. Light is a “one-bagger” who has been living nomadically since 2018. https://www.instagram.com/lightwatkins/

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