
    343. How to Make Friends in your 20s, 30s and Beyond

    enJuly 03, 2024
    What are circumstantial friendships based on?
    How can adults create meaningful friendships?
    Why is expanding your social circle important?
    What activities can help meet like-minded individuals?
    What mindset is essential for making new friends?

    Podcast Summary

    • Circumstantial vs. Intentional FriendshipsReflect on past and current friendships, prioritize intentional efforts to build bonds based on shared interests and values, and eliminate toxic relationships to create lasting bonds as adults.

      Many of our friendships formed during our younger years were circumstantial, meaning they were based on shared locations or situations rather than intentional effort and choice. The speaker encourages listeners to reflect on their current and past friendships and realize that while some can be deepened, others may not be worth the investment. To make meaningful friendships as adults, it's essential to prioritize and actively seek out people who share similar interests and values, rather than relying on circumstantial connections. By putting effort into building genuine friendships, we can create bonds that last a lifetime and eliminate toxic relationships.

    • Circumstances and friendshipsForming and maintaining friendships as adults requires intentional effort and vulnerability, especially when circumstances change, and focusing on reciprocal relationships can lead to meaningful connections that last.

      The circumstances in our lives play a significant role in the friendships we form and maintain. Many friendships are formed due to shared environments, such as schools or workplaces, and can fade when we leave those environments. To make and keep friendships as adults, we need to put in effort and be vulnerable, reaching out to new people and investing time in building reciprocal relationships. These friendships may require more effort than those formed in shared environments, but they are worth the investment. By focusing on intentional friendships, we can cultivate meaningful connections that last. Additionally, considering the role of circumstances in our friendships can help us understand why some friendships fade and why others endure.

    • Unexpected encountersMeeting friends in unexpected places and moments can lead to deep connections. Don't let opportunities to connect slip by and set high standards for healthy friendships.

      Forming meaningful friendships can happen in unexpected places and moments. The speaker shares several personal stories of how she met friends through various encounters, such as at work or in social settings. These friendships evolved from casual interactions into deep connections. It's important to not let opportunities to connect slip by and to be open to new friendships. Additionally, the speaker encourages setting high standards for friendships and not settling for unhealthy or toxic relationships. By approaching friendships with positivity and a willingness to connect, we can build lasting and fulfilling relationships.

    • Minimum standards for friendshipsSet a minimum standard for how you're treated in friendships and focus on seeking healthier relationships where you feel valued, respected, and able to communicate openly. Exit unhealthy friendships quickly and be open to new relationships that align with your values and desires.

      It's essential to set a minimum standard for how you're treated in friendships and not accept anything below that. Friendships based on gossip, power dynamics, and anxiety are not worth maintaining. Instead, focus on seeking healthier relationships where you feel valued, respected, and able to communicate openly. Exit unhealthy friendships quickly and be open to new relationships that align with your values and desires. Remember, it's better to be alone than in a toxic friendship. Paint a clear picture of what you want your ideal friendship to look like and actively seek out people who embody those qualities.

    • Building friendshipsTo build meaningful friendships, look for opportunities for interaction, respond positively to bids for connection, and practice small gestures like eye contact, smiling, or asking a question.

      Finding meaningful friendships requires effort, vulnerability, and confidence. To find new people and build connections, look for opportunities for interaction and respond positively to bids for connection. These moments for connection can be found in various settings like the gym, classes, or even casual encounters like at a bar or nail salon. Start by practicing small gestures like eye contact, smiling, or asking a question to lean into these moments. Remember, it's essential to be open and receptive to forming new friendships. So, don't hesitate to reach out and engage with others, and be prepared to accept bids for connection when they come your way.

    • Expanding social circleBe open to meeting new people and put effort into building meaningful connections, even if it means putting yourself out there and facing rejection

      Expanding your social circle requires effort and a willingness to put yourself out there. Don't limit yourself to just interacting with a select few people. Be open to meeting new people in various circumstances, such as through mutual acquaintances or shared interests. Reach out to people willingly and don't be afraid of rejection. Remember that you have nothing to lose and that true friendships take time to develop. Be proactive in seeking out people and situations that align with your interests, and invest time and effort into building meaningful connections.

    • Building relationshipsInvesting time and effort in relationships leads to rewarding and fulfilling connections. Small gestures and acts of kindness can help turn acquaintances into friends. Be open to new people and put yourself out there to form deeper connections.

      Building meaningful relationships, whether it's a romantic relationship or a friendship, takes time and effort. You can't truly know someone's character or fall in love with them after just one interaction. It's important to give them time to get comfortable around you and for you to invest in the relationship. Small gestures and acts of kindness can help turn an acquaintance into a friend. We often overlook the importance of investing in friendships, but the effort put in can lead to rewarding and fulfilling relationships. Remember, you get back what you give, especially in terms of energy. Be open and receptive to new people, and don't be afraid to put yourself out there. The opportunities for forming new friendships are all around us, whether it's through social media or in real life. So next time you meet someone new, consider the potential for a deeper connection and put in the effort to make it happen.

    • Bids for connectionBeing receptive and open to bids for connection, such as smiling or laughing at a joke, can lead to meaningful friendships. Approach new interactions with a positive mindset and look for opportunities to connect.

      Building connections and friendships starts with being receptive and leaning in to bids for connection. This can be as simple as returning a smile or laughing at a joke. Putting yourself out there and being open to new interactions can lead to meaningful friendships. It's important to raise the bar for what you believe you deserve in friendships and approach them with a different mindset. Look for opportunities to connect, whether it's through social media, hobbies, or everyday interactions. Remember, it's a numbers game and the more you put yourself out there, the easier it becomes to form connections. Don't be afraid to try new things and be open to new experiences. The potential for positive relationships is vast, but it requires a willingness to reach out and engage.

    • Expanding social circleEngaging in activities you enjoy and being kind to yourself can help expand your social circle, leading to personal growth and improved mood.

      Expanding your social circle as an adult is crucial for personal growth and improved mood. Engaging in activities you enjoy, such as painting or pottery classes, can provide opportunities to meet like-minded individuals. Consider starting a question box on social media to gather more suggestions for social activities. Remember, be kind to yourself and others, and don't tolerate negativity. Making good friends can significantly enhance your life. Keep an open mind and take the initiative to forge new connections. As always, be gentle with yourself and your brain. Don't let self-doubt or external criticism hold you back. Embrace the journey of making new friends and watch as your life transforms for the better.

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