
    348. The science behind why a tactical cry is good for you (and crying to sad music too)

    enJuly 21, 2024
    What are the therapeutic benefits of crying?
    How do emotional tears differ from reflex tears?
    What neurochemicals are released when we cry?
    Why is suppressing emotions harmful to health?
    What book is recommended for introspection and self-reflection?

    Podcast Summary

    • Therapeutic benefits of cryingCrying, especially emotional tears, releases hormones and neurotransmitters that can help reduce stress and improve mood. Different types of tears have unique substances and are triggered by different stimuli.

      Crying, especially emotional tears, can have therapeutic benefits for individuals. This is due to the release of certain hormones and neurotransmitters during emotional tears that can help reduce stress and improve mood. However, it's important to note that not all crying is created equal, as reflex tears and emotional tears contain different substances and are triggered by different stimuli. Additionally, listening to sad music and shedding tears can also provide similar benefits. In a lighter note, the brain fact for today is about EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), a therapeutic approach used to help individuals process traumatic memories. The audience recommendation for the day is "The Midnight Library" by Matt Haig, a thought-provoking book that encourages introspection and self-reflection. Lastly, the host asked for funny stories about unusual reasons for breaking up with someone or being dumped, promising to share her own experience after reading some of the audience submissions.

    • Relationship reasons for breakupsPeople get dumped for various reasons, some trivial and some significant, but it's important to learn from these experiences and move forward positively.

      Relationships come with their fair share of quirks, pet peeves, and differences. Sometimes, these factors can lead to the end of a relationship. People have been dumped for various reasons, some trivial, some significant. Some have been dumped because of their OCD tendencies, their love for their pets, their swearing, or their refusal to support a particular football team. Others have been dumped due to more serious reasons, like losing a loved one's belongings or not being able to have children right away. However, it's important to remember that everyone goes through relationship ups and downs, and it's all part of the learning process. Ultimately, the key is to learn from these experiences and move forward with positivity and resilience.

    • Reasons for Dumping, Human RelationshipsPeople get dumped for irrational reasons, emphasizing the complexity of human relationships. Effective therapies like EMDR exist to help individuals heal from trauma.

      People get dumped for various reasons, some rational and some downright bizarre. The speaker shared her experience of being dumped by a man who gave her a long list of outrageous reasons, from her perfume giving him a headache to his need to renew his Medicare card in Australia. While these reasons seemed absurd, they highlighted the complexity of human relationships and the importance of understanding that everyone experiences rejection in their own unique way. On a different note, the speaker also discussed EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), a therapy designed to treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other conditions resulting from traumatic memories. EMDR involves moving the eyes in specific ways while reprocessing traumatic memories to help individuals heal faster than other therapies. Based on numerous studies, EMDR has shown high efficacy in treating PTSD, with similar effectiveness to other psychological and pharmacological interventions. Overall, the speaker's personal story and discussion of EMDR underscored the importance of resilience and the availability of effective treatments for those dealing with trauma.

    • EMDR therapyEMDR therapy is a method that helps individuals process traumatic memories by accessing them in a controlled environment, combining recall with bilateral stimulation, and reprocessing the memory to repair mental injuries. While eye movements are a common form of bilateral stimulation, other methods may also lead to positive benefits.

      Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is a method used to help individuals process traumatic memories in a healthier way. During this therapy, individuals access traumatic memories in a controlled environment with a therapist and combine recall with eye movements and guided instructions. The aim is to reprocess the memory and repair mental injuries. Bilateral stimulation, such as eye movements, engages more areas of the brain and helps store the memory differently. While some studies suggest the eye movement component is crucial, others indicate that bilateral stimulation, regardless of method, leads to positive benefits. Additionally, EMDR may change how the brain's hemispheres interact, helping individuals recall episodic memories and reprocess trauma. On a different note, crying, especially during times of emotional pain, can provide relief and improve mood. It's a natural response that can help individuals process emotions and feel a sense of relief.

    • Crying and Emotional HealthCrying emotional tears helps release hormones and neurochemicals to regulate stress and improve mental health. Suppressing emotions and avoiding tears can lead to increased stress and poor mental health.

      Crying is a natural response to stress and emotions, and suppressing tears can have negative effects on both mental and physical health. When we cry emotional tears, our body releases hormones and neurochemicals, such as prolactin, oxytocin, and adrenocorticotropic hormone, which help regulate stress and bring us back to homeostasis. Repressing emotions and avoiding tears, on the other hand, can lead to increased stress and poor mental health. It's important to allow ourselves to experience and express emotions, whether through crying or other means, rather than trying to suppress them. Additionally, music-evoked sadness can be a beneficial form of self-soothing and crying.

    • Emotional suppressionSuppressing emotions can lead to negative consequences such as increased fear, avoidance, decreased empathy, health issues, and unnecessary suffering. It's important to feel and express emotions to work through them and improve mental and physical well-being.

      Suppressing emotions and not allowing yourself to feel and express them can have negative consequences. This can lead to increased fear, avoidance, and decreased empathy and sympathy. Repressing emotions is also linked to health issues such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and higher levels of anxiety and depression. It's important to feel and experience emotions in order to work through them, rather than avoiding them and causing unnecessary suffering. Women, who are more likely to cry and discuss emotions, may be more in tune with their emotions and therefore more empathetic and sympathetic. Allowing yourself to cry and express emotions can lead to relief and improved mental and physical well-being.

    • Emotional ReleaseEmotional release through crying, music, or movies can improve mental health by triggering hormones like prolactin, leading to better attachment, empathy, and overall well-being.

      Crying, whether in the moment or delayed, is an essential part of processing emotions and improving mental health. Suppressing emotions can lead to delayed catharsis, which still produces similar benefits. Listening to sad music or watching emotional movies can serve as an opportunity for self-soothing therapy, allowing individuals to release emotions without the real-life implications. This release of emotions triggers the production of hormones like prolactin, which consoles and calms us during emotional experiences. By embracing and allowing ourselves to feel emotions, we can improve attachment, empathy, and overall well-being.

    • Sad music therapyListening to sad music can be therapeutic and enjoyable, allowing us to heal and process emotions effectively, making it an alternative to negative coping mechanisms

      Listening to sad music or watching a sad film can lead to a "tactical cry," which can be therapeutic and enjoyable. This is different from using negative coping mechanisms, like stalking an ex on social media, which can cause suffering and anxiety. Crying to sad music allows us to heal and process emotions, making it an effective form of therapy. It's especially beneficial for those who struggle to deal with their emotions and can help us learn to process emotions more effectively in the future. So, if you're someone who has a hard time facing your feelings, try creating a safe environment to cry it out while listening to sad music. It may be uncomfortable at first, but the more you practice, the easier it will become to work through emotions in the moment instead of bottling them up and dealing with them later.

    • Emotional healing through crying and musicCrying and listening to sad music can benefit emotional processing and healing, but do it in moderation and mindfully, as it may not work for everyone and should not be a regular means of seeking a low mood.

      Crying and listening to sad music can be beneficial for processing emotions and healing from emotional pain, but it's important to do it in moderation and not force it when not needed. Studies suggest that for most people, crying in response to music can be cathartic and improve mood, but for some, it may leave them feeling weak, tired, or even more depressed. It's essential to remember that what works for the general population may not work for everyone, and it's crucial to find what works best for your unique situation. Additionally, it's important not to judge others for sharing information about what helps the majority, even if it doesn't apply to everyone. Overall, crying and music can be a powerful tool for emotional processing, but it should be used mindfully and not as a regular or intentional means of seeking a low mood.

    • Emotional expressionExpressing emotions in a healthy way can lead to positive impacts on mental health, relationships, and overall sense of security by releasing hormones and chemicals contributing to feelings of well-being and connection. Bottling up emotions can lead to negative consequences.

      Expressing emotions, especially in a strategic and healthy way, can have significant positive impacts on our mental health, relationships, and overall sense of security. The science behind this phenomenon involves the release of hormones and chemicals that contribute to feelings of well-being and connection. Bottling up emotions, on the other hand, can lead to negative consequences. Therefore, it's essential to learn how to express emotions and allow ourselves to feel them fully. This practice can help curb fear in various situations, whether intimate or related to our abilities, and improve our attachment and relationships with others. Remember, be kind to yourself and others, and don't hesitate to share your stories of how expressing emotions has positively impacted your life. Your support, in the form of ratings, reviews, and shares, helps the podcast reach more people and grow.

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