
    Podcast Summary

    • Using magic to attract happiness, love, and successBelieve in happiness as our birthright, connect with nature, and come together to manifest positive change through magic and intention setting

      Magic and connection to nature are powerful tools for attracting happiness, love, and success. Mia Magic, a self-proclaimed witch, shares her personal experiences of using magic to manifest her dreams and reconnect with the natural world. She encourages us to believe that bliss is our birthright and that coming together to meditate and focus on positive intentions can create positive change. Mia's journey, filled with perseverance and bravery, serves as an inspiration for embracing the magical and finding joy in the world around us. Whether through reading fairy tales as a child or experiencing the power of cognitive dissonance, Mia's story reminds us that magic is real and within reach for all.

    • The Power of Losing IllusionsLosing a long-held illusion can lead to a transformative experience, allowing us to question other illusions and seek out the magic and divinity within ourselves and the natural world.

      Our perception of reality and ourselves can be limiting, and the disappearance of a long-held illusion can lead to a transformative experience. This was the case for the speaker, who had spent years hiding her scars and believing she was damaged and unworthy. But when she lost her sleeve at a party, she was forced to confront her fears and accept a new truth about herself. This moment marked a turning point in her life, leading her to question other illusions and seek out the magic and divinity within herself and the natural world. Magic, as she sees it, is the awareness that we are connected to the eternal forces of creation and can harness their power through ancient symbolic practices. By embracing this truth, we can manifest our desires and live a more divine, magical life.

    • Personal stories of transformative experiences with meditation and magical practicesUsing meditation and magical practices like candle magic can lead to significant life changes and manifestations, but requires dedication and openness to intuition.

      Meditation and magical practices, such as candle magic, can lead to transformative experiences and manifestations in people's lives. The speaker shared a personal story of using candle magic during a time of financial struggle, which resulted in making $12,000 the next day and fulfilling her summer plans. She also mentioned experiencing seemingly impossible events, like making someone levitate, and passing on healing journeys to others. These practices require dedication, such as sitting with the candle for its entire burning time, and an openness to intuition and the properties of herbs and other elements. The speaker's own experiences led her to be known as "Mia Magic" and inspired her to help others through her practices.

    • The power of belief and collective energyBelief and synchronized energy can lead to seemingly magical experiences, even lifting a man in the air.

      Our beliefs shape our experiences, and the power of collective energy and synchronization can lead to seemingly magical or unexplained phenomena. During a levitation practice, four individuals synced up their energies and activated their Kundalini, lifting a man in the air. The experience was a result of their collective belief and vibration, as well as the uncertainty and mystery of the situation. The man in the middle was simply acting as a catalyst, and the energy was so strong that the participants were left in a state of awe and disbelief. The speaker, who was initially skeptical, was deeply affected by the experience and believes that science and spirituality can coexist. The power of belief and collective energy can lead to extraordinary experiences, and the uncertainty and mystery of such phenomena only add to their magic.

    • Childhood experiences with spiritual practices and witchcraftEmbrace the power and magic within yourself, reclaiming the positive meaning of the word 'witch' as 'wise one'.

      The speaker shared experiences from her childhood where she and her friends practiced forms of spiritual connection and manipulation of energy, leading to phenomena such as levitation and guiding others into altered states of consciousness. These practices, which she now recognizes as forms of witchcraft, were a part of her early life and have continued to shape her identity and life's work as a teacher and facilitator of transformation. The speaker emphasizes the importance of honoring the wisdom and power within oneself, even if it has been historically suppressed or stigmatized. The word "witch" originally meant "wise one," and the speaker encourages embracing this positive meaning and reclaiming the power and magic within ourselves.

    • The suppression of wisdom, particularly women's wisdom, throughout historyEmbrace your unique wisdom and connection to the divine through nature and experiences. Reclaiming suppressed knowledge can challenge societal norms and lead to personal growth.

      The suppression of wisdom, particularly the wisdom of women, throughout history has led to a disconnection from nature and ourselves, resulting in mental illness and other modern-day issues. This suppression was often fueled by the mistranslation of religious texts and the demonization of wisdom. The witch hat, which represents the shape of the womb, became a symbol of reclaiming this power and wisdom for Mia and her followers. It serves as a reminder that everyone has unique wisdom to offer and that we can find our connection to the divine through nature and our own experiences. The hat's virality comes from its ability to challenge societal norms and encourage individuals to embrace their own magic and relationship to the divine. The journey to Eleusis, an ancient matriarchal society, highlights the influence of these wise women on Western civilization and the importance of reclaiming this wisdom in our modern lives.

    • The suppression of indigenous spiritual practices and goddess worship in the Western worldMillions were persecuted, burned, killed, or tortured for their spiritual beliefs due to power struggles, potential rejections from women or priestesses, and the desire for conversion and political power.

      The spread of Western civilization and the rise of Christianity led to the persecution and suppression of indigenous spiritual practices and goddess worship. This persecution, which involved millions of people being burned, killed, or tortured, can be traced back to power struggles and potential rejections or denials from women or priestesses. The reasons for this suppression are complex and multifaceted, with theories ranging from the belief that sex should only be for procreation to political power plays and the desire for conversion. This history of suppression can be seen in the confiscation and conversion of ancient temples and the eradication of goddesses from the divine. While this phenomenon is not unique to the Western world, it is a significant part of human history that continues to shape our understanding of spirituality and religion.

    • Exploring the evolution of divine connectionThroughout history, people's connection to the divine has shifted from an internal, physical experience to an external, controlled one, possibly due to societal power dynamics and misconceptions.

      Throughout history, people have experienced a deep and physical connection with the divine through various means such as plant medicine, getting in touch with nature, making love, and engaging in rituals. However, this connection has shifted over time towards a more externalized and controlled form of divinity, often represented by a male deity in the sky who judges good and bad. This shift may be driven by a desire for power and control, as people become harder to control when they believe they are gods in human form. Additionally, there were misconceptions about reproduction and women's roles in ancient societies, leading to beliefs that required the involvement of men. The stories and practices of indigenous civilizations have often been co-opted and transformed to fit a more uniform form of worship, with elements of ancient practices being incorporated into new religious beliefs.

    • The suppression of diverse forms of worship and industrialization of medicine led to silence and submissionThe suppression of diverse spiritual practices and the promotion of a single prescribed way, along with the industrialization of medicine, led to a disconnection from nature and reliance on synthetic drugs, starting in the 1920s.

      The suppression of diverse forms of worship and the promotion of a single prescribed way led to silence and submission. Meanwhile, the pharmaceutical industry's growth is linked to the lack of knowledge and connection with nature, leading people to rely on synthetic drugs for healing. This industrialization of medicine began in the 1920s when oil magnate John D. Rockefeller discredited natural medicine and pushed for petroleum-based pills. It's intriguing to consider the idea that the Earth, which is vastly more complex than we can comprehend, might have intentions or desires that led to the existence of humans and the development of industries like pharmaceuticals. The spirit of petroleum, as depicted in movies like "Ferngully," raises questions about the potential consequences of our reliance on non-renewable resources. Ultimately, it's essential to remember that our relationship with nature is interconnected, and our understanding of it is limited.

    • Recognizing the importance of masculine and feminine aspectsThroughout history, the feminine aspect of God and nature was diminished, leading to a one-sided view of the divine and nature. Embracing both masculine and feminine aspects can deepen our understanding of ourselves and the world.

      Throughout history, many ancient traditions recognized the importance of both the masculine and feminine aspects of the divine and nature. This duality was often represented by figures like father sky and mother earth. However, over time, the feminine aspect of God and nature was diminished, leading to the portrayal of God as a solely masculine figure and the demonization of feminine symbols in nature. This shift can be seen in the transformation of god figures like Pan from a symbol of hedonistic pleasure and creativity to the devil, and the stigmatization of orgiastic practices. By recognizing and embracing the feminine and masculine aspects of the divine and nature, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our connection to the world around us.

    • From symbols to abstract language: Changing perceptions of God and selfThe shift from symbols to abstract language led to a narrower view of self and divinity, but remembering our inherent holiness can broaden our worldview.

      The shift from pictographic hieroglyphic language to abstract language played a significant role in changing the way we perceive God and ourselves. In ancient times, symbols represented both themselves and deeper meanings, and the divine was seen in all things. However, with the advent of abstract language, the concept of one monotheistic God emerged, leading to a narrower view of self and divinity. This transformation impacted the way we communicate, think, and perceive the world around us. It's important to remember that we are all unique expressions of the divine, and reconnecting to this understanding can lead to a more holistic and inclusive worldview. If we could wave a magic wand and encourage people to practice magic and reconnect to themselves as holy beings, the world might look like a place where everyone recognizes the divine within themselves and in all living things. Despite the challenges of modern education, it's essential to encourage children to express themselves through images and non-verbal means, allowing them to develop a deeper connection with their emotions and the world around them.

    • Gender programming shapes our identities and can limit usRecognizing and transforming negative beliefs around gender can lead to greater freedom and fluidity. Embrace your entire spectrum of being as a gift, and address inner wounds to heal collective trauma.

      Our gender identities and expressions are shaped by deep-rooted programming that starts early in life. This programming can limit us by encouraging resistance towards certain aspects of ourselves, whether masculine or feminine. However, recognizing and transforming these negative beliefs can lead to greater freedom, power, and fluidity. Alok, a non-binary poet and activist, encourages us to embrace our entire spectrum of being as a gift, rather than seeking protection or validation from others. Additionally, the inner aspects of ourselves that we dislike or suppress exist outside of us in the world, and addressing these wounds within ourselves can help heal the collective trauma and misunderstanding around gender and its expression.

    • Healing inner masculine and feminine energiesIdentify areas of scarcity, nurture wounded parts, and prioritize self-care for healing and unlocking potential

      Healing our relationships with our inner masculine and feminine energies, particularly our father wounds, is crucial for personal growth and expressing our divine nature. This can be achieved by nurturing the wounded parts of ourselves with unconditional love and kindness, while also addressing any patterns or programs that hinder our fullest expression. A simple way to get started is by identifying areas in our lives where we may be operating from a place of scarcity or lack, and taking action to provide for ourselves and nourish ourselves from both masculine and feminine perspectives. Remember, the most valuable resource we have is our time, and spending it on self-care and self-love is essential for healing and unlocking our full potential.

    • Exploring Limiting Beliefs and the Power of DivinationChallenging limiting beliefs through divination practices like astrology, tarot, and numerology can lead to personal transformation by providing insight and manifesting desires, but it's important to address any hindering beliefs first.

      Our relationship with time, value, and worth is deeply connected to our beliefs and perceptions. To live a fulfilling life, it's essential to examine and challenge limiting beliefs that may be holding us back from pursuing our passions and living in alignment with our purpose. Divination, the oldest science on earth, can help us gain insight into these beliefs and the significance of the world around us. Through practices like astrology, tarot, numerology, and even observing nature, we can receive messages and communicate with the divine. This process involves both feminine receptivity and masculine creation, allowing us to give and receive information, and ultimately, manifest our desires. Before casting spells or making significant changes, it's crucial to identify and address any limiting beliefs that may be hindering our growth. By doing so, we can create a strong foundation for meaningful personal transformation.

    • Embrace the inner work and communicate with the universe through magicMagic is a conversation with the universe requiring devotion, intention, and participation. Overcome subconscious blocks, choose words carefully, and learn from ancient practices to make magic effective.

      Magic is a practice that requires devotion, intention, and participation. It's not just about manifesting material wealth or finding one's purpose, but also about doing the inner work and communicating with the universe. Our subconscious beliefs and past experiences can impact our ability to fully embrace magic, so it's essential to choose our words carefully when creating spells. Ancient practices, such as dancing, singing, and living in harmony with nature, offer valuable lessons for modern-day magic users. The universe responds to our willingness to receive greater power, capacity, and information, and we must be open to new perspectives beyond what we've been programmed to believe. Ultimately, magic is a conversation with the universe, and we must take action, do the hard work, and put ourselves into the practice to make it truly effective.

    • Connecting to nature for a fulfilling lifePracticing sustainability, valuing nature, and living in harmony with it can lead to a happier, healthier life and a more connected world.

      Recognizing our connection to nature and practicing sustainability can lead to a more abundant and fulfilling life. The speaker believes that if more people saw themselves as divine and valued nature as an extension of themselves, the world would be a happier, healthier, and more connected place. They envision a world where resources are shared, mental health is prioritized, and the earth is respected and cared for. The speaker's personal experiences of living sustainably and donating to environmental causes have brought them abundance and a deep sense of connection to the earth. They encourage small actions, like composting and reducing plastic use, to make a big impact on the planet. Ultimately, the speaker's dream is for all of us to wake up to our interconnectedness and strive to live in harmony with nature, leading to the melting away of issues like mental illness, war, and the pharmaceutical industry within one generation.

    • Shift from motherly to loving and reciprocal relationship with EarthRecognize Earth as a lover who gives and receives, fostering an active and fulfilling connection with nature.

      Our relationship with the earth should shift from a motherly one to a loving and reciprocal one. Mia Magick, a spiritual teacher and author, emphasizes the importance of recognizing the earth as a lover who gives and receives, rather than just a giver. This paradigm shift can lead to a more active and fulfilling connection with nature. Additionally, Mia's upcoming book "Intuition" and her collaboration with Hay House on two books and two oracle decks are exciting developments in her work. To learn more about Mia and her offerings, follow her on Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and her website, all under the name MiaMagik. Remember, sharing this episode with others is the best gift you can give to both Mia and Ziva Meditation. And if you're curious about the benefits of meditation, join Ziva for a free masterclass at zivameditation.com/learn.

    • Invest in personal growth for self and podcast sustainabilityInvesting in personal growth benefits you and supports the podcast by enhancing well-being and ensuring its continuity.

      Investing in your personal growth and improving your quality of life not only benefits you but also supports the podcast. By visiting zivameditation.com/learn, you can explore various resources and tools to enhance your well-being. This investment in yourself not only leads to personal growth but also helps sustain the podcast, allowing it to continue providing valuable content to its audience. It's a win-win situation! Remember, taking care of yourself is essential, and the resources provided at zivameditation.com/learn can be a great starting point on your journey towards a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life.

    Recent Episodes from Why Isn't Everyone Doing This? with Emily Fletcher

    Bonus Episode: The Best Teachings of Moving into Mastery

    Bonus Episode: The Best Teachings of Moving into Mastery
    Mastery is not for the faint of heart. It's for the hungry. In today’s bonus episode you are going to get to learn from some of Emily’s dearest friends, who also happen to be world class experts and guest teachers inside of our most advanced course, Moving into Mastery. As you may know, Emily has been studying the Vedas for the past 16 years, and has combined this delicious ancient Vedic knowledge and years of experience of sharing positive psychology, coaching and meditation with thousands of people into Moving into Mastery. Enrollment is only open once a year, and it’s open right now. Plus, this is the last time we're ever offering the course like this. https://zivameditation.com/joinmastery/  So, today we want to share some of Emily’s favorite clips from the course with some of the most amazing teachers. They’ll be sharing how we can master our brains, our bodies, our relationships, our money and our time. In order of appearance, you’ll be hearing from: Dr. Andrew Huberman - Mastering Your Brain Emily Fletcher - Mastering Your Relationships Dr. Mark Hyman - Mastering Your Body Jesse Israel - Mastering Your Purpose Kate Northrup - Mastering Your Money Lauren Handel-Zander - Mastering Your Relationships Emily Fletcher - Mastering Your Time Learn more about Moving into Mastery and claim your spot before enrollment closes soon: https://zivameditation.com/joinmastery/

    Emily's Masterclass: Ancient Wisdom to Attract Abundance

    Emily's Masterclass: Ancient Wisdom to Attract Abundance
    In this very special episode of Why Isn’t Everyone Doing This, we are sharing Ancient Wisdom to Attract Abundance - Emily’s free class where you will discover how to apply Vedic philosophy to your relationship with money. This was a live event, but it was so astounding we had to share it with the pod community.  We could actually feel how the participant's capacity for abundance was being rewired in real time. And the crazy thing is, even though it feels like magic…. It’s not magic. It is about applying the unchanging laws of Nature to help you get what you truly desire. Here’s what you can expect in the episode: Learn an easy and actionable step that will allow money to flow effortlessly How creating a conscious outflow can attract more inflow Experience a live activation where she will help you rewire any subconscious beliefs that are keeping you from attracting abundance. Learn about the ancient Vedic goddess archetypes and how they apply to your finances Receive a special invitation to join Ziva’s most advanced course.  === Enrollment for this year’s class of Moving into Mastery is now OPEN! Go to https://zivameditation.com/joinmastery/ to claim your spot and save $1,600 on enrollment. The ancient philosophy that is shared in this course upleveled Emily's relationship with her body, with time, with money and most importantly with herself. She was able to understand both viscerally and intellectually that there really is only ONE thing and we are ALL it. As the world moves faster and faster and our technology continues to become more advanced, it is imperative that we have these core philosophies to ground us in the unchanging laws of Nature. And to make sure everyone who moves through Mastery has everything they need to succeed, Emily called in elite thought leaders like Dr. Mark Hyman, Dr. Andrew Huberman, Kate Northrup and other amazing experts in their field. What these Mastery experts teach in this course will complement Emily’s conceptual teachings from the Vedas with data and experience-backed tools that will uplevel your daily life and move you closer to your goals. This is the first and last time we are going to offer Moving into Mastery at an amazing 40% off. Go to https://zivameditation.com/joinmastery/ to claim your spot TODAY!

    50. Studying The Vedas with Emily Fletcher

    50. Studying The Vedas with Emily Fletcher
    "There is only one thing and we are all it. And that one thing is consciousness". You’ve likely heard podcast host Emily Fletcher talk about The Vedas. When she began studying them, she was still performing on Broadway and would spend hundreds of hours diving deeper into these universal truths that ultimately shaped who she is and how she interacts with the world. They are why she became a meditation teacher. They are why she started Ziva. They are the foundation of everything we teach. Many years later, Emily has combined all of her Vedic knowledge into our most advanced course, Moving into Mastery. Enrollment officially opens on June 26, so we wanted to share some of the most powerful, foundational concepts of The Vedas in today’s podcast episode. You will be listening to clips from the actual course, in which we not only answer the question “what ARE the Vedas?” but also show you how you can use this ancient philosophy into your everyday life. Please enjoy this very special episode of Why Isn’t Everyone Studying The Vedas? with the one and only Emily Fletcher === Join Emily for a FREE, live masterclass to learn concepts from Moving into Mastery. Discover how to apply Vedic philosophy to your relationship with money. Get your ticket here: https://zivameditation.com/event June 26 at 2p ET: Ancient Wisdom to Attract Abundance === Commit to a daily practice you love with zivaONLINE - get 15% off with promo code WHYTHIS: https://zivameditation.com/jointoday Take Ziva's FREE Meditation Masterclass: https://zivameditation.com/learn Grab your invite for our Bliss Activations here: https://zivameditation.com/activate And follow us on Instagram If you prefer to watch this episode on YouTube, click here: YouTube Channel

    How To Share What Lights You Up (in the best way possible) | Student Spotlight: Lindsey

    How To Share What Lights You Up (in the best way possible) | Student Spotlight: Lindsey
    Have you ever been excited to share about your meditation practice, a plant medicine journey, or new coaching modality, and you're not exactly sure on how to talk to friends and family about it? If so, then this episode is for you. On today’s bonus episode, Emily has dear friend and longtime Ziva Meditator Lindsey on the show, and together they dive into the importance of a Vedic concept called worthy inquiry. Every time we find something that lights us up, we should be practicing worthy inquiry, and in this episode will not only discuss WHY that is important, but also give you the tools on how to create more of it. Please enjoy this episode with Lindsey, and make sure to subscribe to our podcast, so you never miss an episode. === We are about to open up enrollment for our course Moving into Mastery, which is a digital course designed to teach you ancient philosophy and weave it into the 8 key areas of your life: relationships, body, brain, money, purpose, performance, creativity and time. Join the waitlist to be the first to know when we open enrollment: https://zivameditation.com/joinmastery/ === Commit to a daily practice you love with zivaONLINE - get 15% off with promo code WHYTHIS: https://zivameditation.com/jointoday Take Ziva's FREE Meditation Masterclass: https://zivameditation.com/learn Grab your invite for our Bliss Activations here: https://zivameditation.com/activate And follow us on Instagram If you prefer to watch this episode on YouTube, click here: YouTube Channel

    49. In Expansive Sacred Union with Adam Schlender

    49. In Expansive Sacred Union with Adam Schlender
    "Relationships are here to teach us some of our most important lessons". In today’s episode, Emily is joined by her partner & cosmic love, Adam Schlender, to talk about Why Isn’t Everyone In An Expansive Sacred Union? Together, they share the cosmic story of when they first met - and how they were so heart exploding in love before they even spoke words to each other. Emily and Adam also dive into the depths and heights of ecstasy and romantic love, and the pain that can come with it.  By sharing their personal and deeply vulnerable story they hope that it will give you keys and codes as they relate to your life and relationships.   Please enjoy this intimate episode of Why Isn’t Everyone Doing This? with Adam Schlender, and make sure to subscribe to our podcast, so you never miss an episode.  Check out the Opus SoundBed here: https://feelopus.com/ === We are about to open up enrollment for our course Moving into Mastery, which is a digital course designed to teach you ancient philosophy and weave it into the 8 key areas of your life: relationships, body, brain, money, purpose, performance, creativity and time. Join the waitlist to be the first to know when we open enrollment: https://zivameditation.com/joinmastery/ === Commit to a daily practice you love with zivaONLINE - get 15% off with promo code WHYTHIS: https://zivameditation.com/jointoday Take Ziva's FREE Meditation Masterclass: https://zivameditation.com/learn Grab your invite for our Bliss Activations here: https://zivameditation.com/activate And follow us on Instagram If you prefer to watch this episode on YouTube, click here: YouTube Channel ===

    Calling In A Romantic Partner | Mastery Student Spotlight: Heather Bohanan

    Calling In A Romantic Partner | Mastery Student Spotlight: Heather Bohanan
    In today's Student Spotlight episode, Emily is joined by Ziva student Heather Bohanan. Together, they dive into some key concepts from The Vedas that have transformed Heather’s life.  In this episode, Heather shares how she used to judge herself for being lazy. It wasn’t until she learned more about the different Doshas, and how to fuel her specific body type that she realized she was never lazy - she just didn’t have the right tools.  They also discuss one of Emily’s favorite concepts from The Vedas - that money is energy and it needs to flow. Plus, Heather shares a story about how she used this concept to attract more financial abundance.  Stay until the end to watch Emily live coach Heather on calling in a romantic partner. Listen how Heather, very quickly, went from ‘I’m open to the possibility to maybe one day have a partner if Nature wants that’ to her fully claiming her desire for wanting a romantic partner.  And if you'd like to be featured on Why Isn't Everyone Doing This? send us an DM on Instagram or email info@zivameditation.com. === Want to learn more about The Vedas? We are about to open up enrollment for our course Moving into Mastery, which is a digital course designed to teach you ancient philosophy and weave it into the 8 key areas of your life: relationships, body, brain, money, purpose, performance, creativity and time. Join the waitlist to be the first to know when we open enrollment: https://zivameditation.com/joinmastery/ === Commit to a daily practice you love with zivaONLINE - get 15% off with promo code WHYTHIS: https://zivameditation.com/jointoday Take Ziva's FREE Meditation Masterclass: https://zivameditation.com/learn Grab your invite for our Bliss Activations here: https://zivameditation.com/activate And follow us on Instagram If you prefer to watch this episode on YouTube, click here: YouTube Channel

    48. Claiming Your Creative Genius with James McCrae

    48. Claiming Your Creative Genius with James McCrae
    "A mind that is too full of information, has no space for inspiration" - James McCrae Today’s guest is James McCrae and we’ll be talking about Why Isn’t Everyone Claiming Their Creative Genius? James is the genius behind Words Are Vibrations, a popular Instagram account that makes memes. Now, we know that may sound trite. But what this man is able to do is put his finger on the pulse of the zeitgeist and take these big, complex, sometimes disturbing ideas and communicate them inside of a single frame, a single image with so much wit, humor and wisdom, that it's truly an art form. In this episode, they dive into James' journey to becoming a popular spiritual meme creator, his belief that everyone can be a creative "genius," and how to foster creativity as a parent. They also discuss how the masculine and feminine play a huge role in creativity. Plus, Emily and James go deep into how you can start to utilize rituals, timing, and set your morning up for more success and creativity.  Creativity is your currency, and James is a master creator. Please enjoy this fascinating episode of Why Isn’t Everyone Doing This? with James McCrae, and make sure to subscribe to our podcast, so you never miss an episode.  === We are about to open up enrollment for our course Moving into Mastery, which is a digital course designed to teach you ancient philosophy and weave it into the 8 key areas of your life: relationships, body, brain, money, purpose, performance, creativity and time. Join the waitlist to be the first to know when we open enrollment: https://zivameditation.com/joinmastery/ === Commit to a daily practice you love with zivaONLINE - get 15% off with promo code "WHYTHIS": https://zivameditation.com/jointoday Take Ziva's FREE Meditation Masterclass: https://zivameditation.com/learn Grab your invite for our Bliss Activations here: https://zivameditation.com/activate And follow us on Instagram If you prefer to watch this episode on YouTube, click here: YouTube Channel === James McCrae is an artist, poet, and teacher who empowers creators to live with purpose and turn imagination into reality. He is the founder of Sunflower Club, a global community dedicated to creativity as a tool for personal healing and social transformation. As a creative strategist, he has worked with top brands and startups to define and actualize their message and mission. His books include Sh#t Your Ego Says and How to Laugh in Ironic Amusement During Your Existential Crisis and The Art of You. James lives in Austin, Texas. https://www.jamesmccrae.com/ https://www.instagram.com/wordsarevibrations/

    Manifesting Your Dream Relationship | Mastery Student Spotlight

    Manifesting Your Dream Relationship | Mastery Student Spotlight
    What if your dream relationship never comes to fruition? Welcome to our very first Student Spotlight episode! Today Emily coaches Sarah Reuter on calling in her dream partner. Sarah bravely shares that despite being clear on who she wants to be in partnership with, she is afraid he is never going to show up. Emily teaches Sarah an exercise called the 100 Attributes List, she leads her through an exercise to connect with her 5-year-old self, and Emily explains how the path to our higher self is through our lower self.  They also explore the connection between relationships and money and how if you heal your limiting beliefs around one, the other starts to heal as well. This episode is a must-listen for anyone in a relationship or looking for one. === We are about to open up enrollment for our course Moving into Mastery, which is a digital course designed to teach you ancient philosophy and weave it into the 8 key areas of your life: relationships, body, brain, money, purpose, performance, creativity and time. Join the waitlist to be the first to know when we open enrollment: https://zivameditation.com/joinmastery/ === Commit to a daily practice you love with zivaONLINE - get 15% off with promo code WHYTHIS: https://zivameditation.com/jointoday Take Ziva's FREE Meditation Masterclass: https://zivameditation.com/learn Grab your invite for our Bliss Activations here: https://zivameditation.com/activate And follow us on Instagram If you prefer to watch this episode on YouTube, click here: YouTube Channel

    47. Optimizing Your Brain with Dr. Austin Perlmutter

    47. Optimizing Your Brain with Dr. Austin Perlmutter
    If our brains are in charge of printing every cell in our bodies and controlling every decision we make, why are we all not consciously optimizing our brains? Today's guest is Dr. Austin Perlmutter and we’ll be talking about Why Isn’t Everyone Optimizing Their Brain? Dr. Perlmutter is a board-certified internal medicine physician, New York Times bestselling author, published researcher, health investor and international educator. His mission is to help people improve their health by targeting the biological basis of “stuckness” in our brains and bodies. In this episode, we get to dive deep into how to optimize your brain and for those of you who love science, you’re going to be in heaven. Dr. Austin shares how our modern society and its consumerism do everything to keep our brains happy. But, as he shares on the show: our brains are not designed to keep us happy, they are designed to keep us alive.  Emily and Austin dive into the external forces that affect our brains for the worse, and he gives us tips and exercises on how to optimize our brain health starting today. Yes, food and sleep are important but he also shares how psychedelics are some of the safest pharmaceuticals that we have for mental health conditions.  I promise you will love every second of this episode. Enjoy this episode of Why Isn’t Everyone Doing This? with Dr. Austin Perlmutter, and make sure to subscribe to our podcast, so you never miss an episode.  === We are about to open up enrollment for our course Moving into Mastery, which is a digital course designed to teach you ancient philosophy and weave it into the 8 key areas of your life: relationships, body, brain, money, purpose, performance, creativity and time. Join the waitlist to be the first to know when we open enrollment: https://zivameditation.com/joinmastery/ === Commit to a daily practice you love with zivaONLINE - get 15% off with promo code WHYTHIS: https://zivameditation.com/jointoday Take Ziva's FREE Meditation Masterclass: https://zivameditation.com/learn Grab your invite for our Bliss Activations here: https://zivameditation.com/activate And follow us on Instagram If you prefer to watch this episode on YouTube, click here: YouTube Channel === Dr. Austin Perlmutter is a board-certified internal medicine physician, New York Times bestselling author, published researcher, health investor and international educator. His mission is help people improve their health by targeting the biological basis of “stuckness” in our brains and bodies. His writing, presentations, podcasts, and online educational programs explore how environmental factors influence our cognitive and mental state and have reached millions. Dr. Perlmutter currently serves as the executive director and research lead at Big Bold Health, a food-as-medicine company focused on helping people rejuvenate health through better immune function, where he is running a first-of-its kind study exploring the effects of plant nutrients on human aging through epigenetics. https://www.austinperlmutter.com/ https://www.instagram.com/draustinperlmutter/

    46. Creating Effortless Success By Healing Your Inner Child with Garrain Jones

    46. Creating Effortless Success By Healing Your Inner Child with Garrain Jones
    Today’s episode features Emily’s dear friend and colleague, Garrain Jones. Garrain and Emily met at a workshop in Austin designed to teach men how to honor the divine feminine by learning about female pleasure. This posed a huge challenge for him because he battled with being unfaithful in all of his relationships in the past and was finally in a committed relationship, so he didn't want to look at someone else's pussy. This workshop became a catalyst for him as he healed his relationship to female anatomy, realizing that he can honor women while being committed to his partner. Garrain is a manifestation coach, speaker and author and his life today is a testament to his success, coaching artists and creatives to manifest their dreams. But together they discuss how his journey has been anything but effortless. Garrain shares bravely about immense challenges he has faced, including losing his father to murder at twelve, dealing drugs, going to prison, and struggling with an addictive relationship with sex. In this episode, Garrain shares the exact tools he used to transform his mindset and life. Emily and Garrain discuss why creating effortless success and healing your inner child are deeply interconnected. They explore how diving into this work can change your world and reality, just as it has for Emily. One of the keys to his success was consistent consumption of mindset shifting content, which helped him to change the lens through which he viewed his life. He read books until they became his identity, including The Power of Positive Thinking which he read 285 times.  Towards the end, you’ll witness a unique, live coaching session where Garrain guides Emily through an exercise called Heaven’s Breath - unearthing intense childhood memories, resulting in a wild, transformational healing through song. Love the episode? Be sure to follow and rate the podcast so more people can unlock the keys and codes to free their souls. === Commit to a daily practice you love with zivaONLINE: https://zivameditation.com/jointoday Take Ziva's FREE Meditation Masterclass: https://zivameditation.com/learn Grab your invite for our Bliss Activations here: https://zivameditation.com/activate And follow us on Instagram If you prefer to watch this episode on YouTube, click here: YouTube Channel === Garrain Jones is a Transformation Coach & Author of the #1 Best Seller “Change Your Mindset Change Your Life” whose mission is to create a safe space for people to discover the gifts that already live inside of them, so they can use those gifts to produce extraordinary results in their lives. He does retreats, workshops, and 1:1 coaching. https://garrainjones.com/ https://www.instagram.com/garrain.jones

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