
    #356: How to Finally Beat Procrastination

    enNovember 14, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding the Root Causes of ProcrastinationProcrastination stems from deeper emotional issues like fear of failure, perfectionism, or fear of success. Addressing these causes is crucial to breaking the cycle.

      Procrastination is not just about poor time management or putting things off strategically. According to clinical psychologists Jane Birka and Lenora Ewan, authors of "Procrastination: Why You Do It, What to Do About It Now," the root causes of procrastination often stem from deeper emotional issues such as fear of failure, perfectionism, or fear of success. These psychologists argue that addressing these underlying causes is crucial to breaking the cycle of procrastination and getting things done. When they first met at the University of California, Berkeley, they noticed the prevalence of procrastination among students and decided to specialize in it. At the time, there was little research on the topic, but now, there are thousands of studies on procrastination, and Birka and Ewan feel proud to have contributed to bringing attention to this common yet often underestimated issue.

    • The Consequences of Chronic ProcrastinationChronic procrastination can lead to missed deadlines, relationship issues, penalties, and internal feelings of anxiety, shame, and fraudulence.

      Procrastination becomes self-defeating when it prevents us from addressing important tasks, leading to significant consequences in our personal and professional lives. While it's normal to procrastinate on trivial matters, chronic procrastination can stem from deeper psychological issues like perfectionism. To differentiate between tabling an item and procrastination, consider the consequences. If you're missing deadlines, facing relationship issues, or dealing with penalties due to procrastination, it's likely self-sabotage. Internal consequences include feelings of anxiety, shame, and fraudulence. Procrastination is not inherently bad, but chronic self-defeating procrastination can be detrimental. As clinicians, we challenge some research suggesting perfectionism and procrastination are unrelated, as many of our clients struggle with both.

    • Understanding the root causes of procrastinationAddressing deeper emotions and fears can help break the cycle of procrastination and lead to more productive outcomes

      Procrastination goes beyond just poor time management or lack of motivation. It often stems from deeper feelings of unworthiness, fear, and vulnerability. These emotions can lead individuals to avoid tasks and create a cycle of anxiety, last-minute work, and ultimately, self-criticism. The belief that next time will be different perpetuates this cycle. The common advice to "just do it" or prioritize tasks may not be effective in addressing the root causes of procrastination. Instead, understanding and addressing the underlying emotions and fears can help break the cycle and lead to more productive and fulfilling outcomes.

    • Fear of failure and success fuel procrastinationPeople procrastinate to protect themselves from the pressure of perfectionism and the potential negative consequences of success, including loss of connections and vulnerability to competition and envy.

      People procrastinate as a way to protect themselves from the fear of failure and the fear of success. The fear of failure stems from the belief that one's worth is determined by their performance, and the fear of success arises from the potential negative consequences of achieving greater heights, such as losing connections with loved ones or feeling vulnerable to competition and envy. Procrastination allows individuals to avoid testing their abilities and maintaining the illusion that they could have done better if they had more time. This paradoxical solution helps individuals relax the pressure of perfectionism and focus on just getting things done rather than striving for their best. Ultimately, understanding these underlying fears can help individuals identify the root causes of their procrastination and develop strategies to overcome it.

    • The Fear of Success and Its ManifestationsThe fear of success can lead to procrastination, strained relationships, and decreased job satisfaction. Acknowledging these fears and addressing them through effective communication and negotiation can lead to positive outcomes.

      The fear of success can manifest in various ways, such as the fear of added responsibility and loss of control. These fears can stem from childhood experiences and societal pressures that make us feel our value is based on our performance. Procrastination can be a way for some individuals to assert autonomy and preserve a sense of power, even if indirectly. However, avoiding responsibilities or not cooperating can lead to negative consequences, such as strained relationships and decreased job satisfaction. It's essential to acknowledge these fears and work towards addressing them in a healthy and productive manner. Effective communication and negotiation can help alleviate the anxiety and lead to positive outcomes.

    • Understanding the Complex Causes of ProcrastinationProcrastination can stem from various factors including childhood experiences, biological differences, unrealistic time perception, and desire for autonomy. Effective time management strategies can help overcome these challenges and achieve goals.

      Success can come with challenges, particularly when it comes to managing time and dealing with procrastination. Envy and a lack of autonomy in childhood can contribute to these issues, as can biological factors such as differences in brain function and the subjective experience of time. Procrastinators often have an unrealistic view of time, either overestimating or underestimating how long tasks will take, making it difficult to manage deadlines. Additionally, the desire for autonomy and control can make accepting the reality of time passing a challenge. Understanding the complex causes of procrastination can help individuals develop effective strategies for managing their time and achieving their goals.

    • Understanding the roots of procrastinationIdentify the specific causes of procrastination for self-compassion and effective problem-solving

      Limitations are a part of life, and it's essential to accept them rather than shaming ourselves for having weaknesses. Procrastination can stem from various psychological roots, such as fear of failure, fear of success, or a need for control. It's crucial to identify the specific areas where procrastination causes the most trouble as an entryway to understanding the emotional and psychological drivers behind it. Accepting our limitations and recognizing that everyone has them can lead to self-compassion and finding ways to make life work effectively. It's essential not to universalize procrastination to all aspects of life but instead focus on the specific areas that need attention. Remember, having limitations doesn't make us any less capable, lovable, or respected.

    • Recognizing and Acknowledging Fear is Key to Overcoming ProcrastinationAcknowledging fear is crucial in understanding the underlying causes of procrastination and taking steps to overcome it. It can make fear feel less overwhelming and give us the courage to take action.

      Recognizing and acknowledging fear is an essential first step in overcoming procrastination. Fear often goes unrecognized due to societal and familial conditioning that dismisses or ignores feelings of vulnerability. This fear can manifest as anxiety or uncertainty about one's worth, and it can prevent action. Naming and acknowledging fear can make it feel less overwhelming and give us the courage to take action despite it. However, it's important to note that the order of steps to beat procrastination may vary for different people and fears. For some, setting up actionable steps may come before recognizing fear. But acknowledging fear is a crucial part of the process, and it can help us understand the underlying causes of our procrastination and take steps to overcome it.

    • Understanding Procrastination as a Journey of Self-DiscoveryTo overcome procrastination, focus on self-awareness, self-compassion, and understanding how you spend your time. Accept mistakes and prioritize tasks to make the most of your time.

      While goal setting and time management techniques are effective in managing tasks, they are not sufficient for overcoming procrastination. Procrastination often stems from deeper fears and anxieties that need to be addressed. The process of setting and achieving goals should be viewed as an experiment and a journey of self-discovery. Becoming self-aware and practicing self-compassion are crucial components in overcoming procrastination. It's important to understand that being self-critical does more harm than good. Instead, accepting and forgiving mistakes will help keep you motivated and focused on your goals. Additionally, taking the time to understand how you spend your time can help you prioritize and make the most of the time you have available. Remember, the process of overcoming procrastination is a long-term effort that requires daily dedication and self-compassion.

    • Give yourself permission to start with imperfect workSetting a timer and allowing yourself to write or create 'garbage' first can help overcome procrastination and build momentum. Recognizing that your first attempt doesn't have to be perfect and allowing time for revision can alleviate fear of failure and pressure to produce perfect work immediately.

      Understanding your time perception and giving yourself permission to start with imperfect work are crucial in overcoming procrastination. By setting a small timer for a task and allowing yourself to write or create "garbage" first, you can get started and build momentum. Additionally, recognizing that your first attempt doesn't have to be perfect and allowing time for revision can help alleviate the fear of failure and the pressure to produce Nobel Prize-winning work right away. To learn more about these concepts and other strategies for managing procrastination, check out the book "Procrastination: Why You Do It? What to Do About It Now?" by Jane B. Burka and Lenora M. Yuen, available on Amazon in print, Kindle, and audio formats.

    • Understanding Procrastination: Reasons and StrategiesExplore emotional and psychological causes, set SMART goals, break tasks, use time management tools, practice self-compassion to overcome procrastination.

      Procrastination is a complex issue with various causes, including emotional and psychological factors. The authors of the book "Procrastination: Why You Do It, What To Do About It Now," Jane Birka and Lenora Munsil Ewan, shared insights from their research and personal experiences on the topic. They emphasized the importance of understanding the underlying reasons for procrastination and implementing practical strategies to overcome it. Some of the techniques they suggested include setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals, breaking tasks into smaller steps, using time management tools, and practicing self-compassion. They also highlighted the role of mindset and emotions in procrastination, encouraging listeners to explore their beliefs and emotions to identify patterns and triggers. To learn more about the authors and their work, listeners can visit their website, procrastinationwhyyoudoit.com, or check out the show notes at aoum.is/procrastination for additional resources. Overall, the discussion underscored the importance of addressing procrastination to improve productivity, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being.

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    Our quote for today is from Ambrose Bierce. He said: "A person who doubts himself is like a man who would enlist in the ranks of his enemies and bear arms against himself. He makes his failure certain by himself being the first person to be convinced of it."

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    How do you distinguish between genuine inadequacy and low self-esteem?

    I wish there were some kind of litmus test that could be used to determine the difference, because it's the central question every person faces in deciding whether to try for any ambitious goal: "Do I have what it takes, or don't I?" No one can answer that question for you. Sometimes you can't answer it for yourself, either, until you've attempted the task and risked the possibility of getting in over your head, making up your mind that you'll give it your best effort anyway.

    Let me just say this: chances are, your fear stems from a faulty self-image rather than from incompetence. If you have a set goal for yourself, it is probably something that you could achieve and could handle after achieving it if you would only make your move. Instead we all tend to sell ourselves short, underestimating our abilities. I referred earlier to the belief of distinguished psychologists that most humans use only a small portion of their potential, a belief shared, I think, by all thoughtful observers of the human condition. This means that you have a vast reservoir of unused talent and capability available to you. but if procrastination and timidity keep you from ever opening the floodgates, the reservoir might as well be empty.


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    Website: www.saraharnoldhall.com
    Instagram: @saraharnoldhall
    Sarah’s Podcast: Stop Procrastinating for Entrepreneurs | Podcast on Spotify
    “Why Do You Really Procrastinate?” Quiz: https://www.saraharnoldhall.com/quiz
    Coaching with Sarah: https://www.saraharnoldhall.com/
    Sarah’s Free Vision Board Training: 67. How to Make A Vision Board (with a strategy) — Sarah arnold hall

    Sarah Arnold-Hall is a High-Performance Coach helping entrepreneurs execute their goals. She specializes in self-discipline and follow-through. She has worked with Olympians, CEOs, and entrepreneurs around the globe, hosts the popular podcast “Stop Procrastinating for Entrepreneurs”, and blogged for 730 days straight in an effort to overcome procrastination in her own business.

    Overcoming Fear of Failure (Part 6)

    Overcoming Fear of Failure (Part 6)

    Proverbs 6:10-11 says: "Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep: So shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth, and thy want as an armed man."

    Our quote for today is from George Edward Woodberry. He said: "Defeat is not the worst of failures. Not to have tried is the true failure."

    Today, in the Get Things Done podcast we are continuing with Part 6 of our series titled, “Overcoming Fear of Failure”.

    In our last episode, we talked about using imaging -- mentally envisioning ourselves doing that which we need to do -- as a way to overcome the fear of failure and get things done. Today, we are going to talk about another way to overcome the fear of failure.

    Instead of imagining yourself succeeding at the task, imagine everything going wrong, in the worst possible way. By exaggerating your fears you make them look ridiculous, and your sense of humor usually restores your perspective. Either that or you will realize that even the worst possible scenario isn't so terrible after all.

    Bertrand Russell was an advocate of this ploy. He urged considering "seriously and deliberately" the worst that could happen in any frightening situation. Then, he said, "having looked this possible misfortune in the face, give yourself sound reasons for thinking that after all it would be no such very terrible disaster. Such reasons always exist, since at the worst nothing that happens to oneself has any cosmic importance. When you have looked for some time steadily at the worst possibility and have said to yourself with real conviction, 'Well, after all, that would not matter very much,' you will find that your worry diminishes to a quite extraordinary extent."
