
    359 Beyond the Body: What Makes a Real Man with Fitness Icon Steve Cook

    enJuly 27, 2016

    Podcast Summary

    • Insights from Steve Cook at Summit of GreatnessSteve Cook discussed building a social media following, defining masculinity, and balancing multiple platforms while growing a business. He emphasized the importance of course correcting and balancing various aspects of life.

      The Summit of Greatness event is an opportunity for individuals to connect with inspiring speakers and influencers, build lifelong relationships, and reach their ultimate human potential. Steve Cook, a guest on the podcast and a well-known figure in the fitness industry, shared insights on building a huge social media following, defining masculinity, and balancing multiple platforms while growing a business. Cook's unique perspective on masculinity was particularly noteworthy. Additionally, he discussed the importance of course correcting during times of anxiety or overwhelm and shared why he values balancing various aspects of life. Overall, the episode offers valuable insights for anyone looking to optimize their personal and professional growth. Make sure to check out Summitofgreatness.com for more information and to secure your ticket.

    • Jim's Surprising ConnectionFirst impressions can be misleading, and it's essential to give people a chance to reveal their true selves. Jim shares his experience of forming a strong bond with someone he initially had reservations about, and his journey into fitness, from childhood to present day.

      First impressions aren't always accurate, and it's important to give people a chance to show who they really are. Jim, the speaker in this conversation, shares how he initially had reservations about meeting the person he's now connected with, but after actually meeting him, he discovered they had a great connection. Jim also discusses his background in fitness, starting from his childhood when his father instilled a love for physical activity through disciplinary measures. Jim began lifting weights at a young age and focused on bodyweight exercises before transitioning to machines and eventually barbells. He played various sports growing up, with football being his best, but he always wished to be a better basketball player. A fun fact revealed during the conversation is that Jim's go-to fast food isn't Chipotle, as previously thought, but Chick-fil-A.

    • Nostalgic Memories of Chick-fil-A from College Football DaysThe speaker cherishes Chick-fil-A for its convenience and affordability, learned valuable lessons from football teams, and got married during his athletic career

      The speaker's fond memories of Chick-fil-A date back to his football days in college when it was a regular part of his meal plan due to food stipends. He appreciates its convenience and affordability, even if it's not entirely organic. The speaker's football career included stints at various schools, including Dixie State, where he transferred after a disappointing experience at Snow College. He learned valuable lessons from both winning and losing teams, recognizing the importance of collective team spirit and strong leadership. Post-college, he was married during his athletic tenure.

    • The importance of a well-rounded approach to lifeFocusing on one aspect of life can limit growth. Embrace multiple interests and stay adaptable to new experiences.

      Focusing solely on one aspect of life, such as football or relationships, can limit personal growth and development. The interviewee's story highlights how his identity was tied to football, which prevented him from completing his education and exploring other passions. However, after going through a difficult divorce, he was able to finish his degree and discover a new passion in bodybuilding and fitness. This experience taught him the importance of having a well-rounded approach to life and pursuing multiple interests. Additionally, the creation of the Men's Physique category in bodybuilding opened up new opportunities in the industry and allowed him to travel and meet people from around the world. Overall, the interviewee's journey emphasizes the value of staying adaptable and open to new experiences, even when faced with challenges.

    • The Men's Physique Category: Fueled by Visibility and Self-ExpressionThe Men's Physique category gained popularity through social media and the desire for self-expression. Steve Cook, a successful bodybuilder and influencer, used his win as a launchpad for growth and helping others prioritize health and functionality alongside aesthetics.

      The rise of the men's physique category in bodybuilding competitions, which started around 2011, was fueled by the search for visibility and self-expression, as well as the influence of social media. Steve Cook, a successful bodybuilder and influencer, discussed how winning the search was a launchpad for the category's growth and his own career beyond competition. Cook mentioned that he enjoys meeting people and connecting with them through platforms like YouTube and social media. He also noted that his followers, mostly men, aspire to be bigger and stronger, but also seek acceptance. Cook emphasized the importance of health and functionality in addition to aesthetics, and shared how his experiences in the gym and in his personal life have shaped his approach to fitness and helping others.

    • Finding Balance and Building Self-Confidence through Fitness and Social MediaStriking a balance between promoting oneself and giving back to the audience is crucial in building a successful online community. Authenticity and engagement are valued, and focusing on personal growth and diverse skills can help overcome personal insecurities and build self-confidence.

      Creating a community through fitness and social media can help individuals deal with personal insecurities and build self-confidence. However, it's important to strike a balance between promoting oneself and giving back to the audience. People appreciate authenticity and engagement, and respect those who are true to themselves. The speaker's biggest insecurity after a divorce was feeling unsuccessful and lacking talents beyond sports. Now, their biggest fear is the potential loss of their following and the fear of failing in life. To find balance and fulfillment, it's essential to focus on personal growth and building a diverse range of skills and interests.

    • Seeking a Meaningful Relationship Despite Busy ScheduleDespite a busy schedule, the speaker values finding a meaningful relationship and seeks a partner who is educated, spiritually grounded, and has her own interests. He refuses online dating and looks for opportunities through social circles and potential set-ups.

      The speaker is focusing on self-improvement and looking for a meaningful relationship, but finding it challenging due to his busy schedule and dedication to building his business. He is seeking a partner who is educated, spiritually grounded, and has her own interests, and is open to meeting new people through social circles and potential set-ups. The speaker has turned down opportunities to appear on dating shows and refuses to use online dating platforms. He admires the success story of Sean Lowe, who found love after being on The Bachelor and went on to write a book about it. Ultimately, the speaker believes that dedicating time and resources to finding a meaningful relationship is essential.

    • Impact of societal expectations on masculinitySocietal pressure to conform to traditional masculine roles can limit emotional growth and authenticity in men. Modern interpretations of masculinity emphasizing compassion, positivity, and authenticity are healthier alternatives.

      Societal expectations and media portrayals can significantly impact one's perception of masculinity and potentially limit emotional growth, particularly in men. The speaker shared his personal experience of growing up with societal pressure to conform to traditional masculine roles, which he felt were limiting and harmful. He also expressed his admiration for modern interpretations of masculinity that emphasize compassion, positivity, and authenticity. The speaker's sisters dissuaded him from participating in a reality TV show, which he saw as an opportunity to display traditional masculine traits, but ultimately decided against it due to the staged nature of the show and the potential negative impact on his personal growth. The speaker's research for his book, "The Mask of Masculinity," and his experiences in the fitness industry have shaped his understanding of the importance of embracing a more authentic and compassionate form of masculinity.

    • Being authentic and serving others are key components of masculinityAuthenticity and putting others first are essential for feeling masculine, rather than societal expectations. Focus on living up to your own values and prioritize what truly matters.

      Authenticity and serving others are key components of being a role model and feeling masculine, regardless of physical appearance. The speaker emphasizes the importance of listening to those who truly care about you and living up to your own values, rather than societal expectations. He also shares his belief that true masculinity lies in putting others' needs before your own, drawing inspiration from characters he grew up admiring. The speaker encourages saying no to things that don't align with your values and focusing your time and energy on what truly matters to you.

    • The importance of overall health and well-beingPrioritize real health and endurance over physical perfection for a happier, more balanced life, leading to improved physical abilities and better relationships.

      Focusing solely on physical appearance and striving for perfection can lead to exhaustion and an unhealthy obsession. Instead, prioritizing real health and endurance, while allowing for balance in all areas of life, is key to being a better man. The speaker shares his personal experience of being consumed by the desire for a perfect physique, which ultimately left him unhappy and drained. He encourages men to focus on overall health and well-being, rather than fixating on a specific body type or image of masculinity. This approach not only leads to a happier life but also allows for improved physical abilities and better relationships with others.

    • Defining Masculinity Beyond Physical AppearanceFocus on inner qualities and personal growth for true masculinity and worth. Embrace failure and pursue passions for a fulfilling life.

      While physical appearance and body types play a role in certain aspects of life, such as endurance and strength, true masculinity and worth should not be defined by external factors. Instead, focusing on inner qualities and personal growth is essential. The speaker's biggest fear is growing older and fear of becoming irrelevant, but his vision is to create a platform promoting various fitness methods and overall well-being. The greatest gift he believes he hasn't discovered yet is embracing failure and fearlessly pursuing passions. Ultimately, the speaker encourages a balanced approach to life, focusing on physical, spiritual, and mental health.

    • The Power of Love and CompassionPrioritize love, compassion, and self-care for personal growth and positively impacting others. Set non-negotiable routines and say no to distractions.

      Focusing on love and compassion towards others is essential for personal growth and becoming a better human being. The speaker emphasizes the importance of having a strong moral compass and connecting with loved ones, as well as prioritizing self-care practices like meditation, exercise, and organization. He also acknowledges the challenges of maintaining these practices, especially in a busy and distracting environment like Los Angeles, but emphasizes the importance of setting non-negotiable routines and saying no to things that don't align with one's values. Ultimately, the speaker believes that by focusing on love and self-improvement, we can make a positive impact on ourselves and those around us.

    • Creating a productive morning routineEstablishing a consistent morning routine with activities like meditation, exercise, and self-care can boost productivity and well-being. Prioritize relationships, say no, and schedule self-care to maintain balance.

      Establishing a consistent morning routine can significantly improve productivity and overall well-being. This routine may include activities such as meditation, exercise, and setting aside time for creativity and reflection. It's also important to prioritize and protect time for relationships and self-care, even when running a business or brand. Learning to say no and scheduling time for self-care in the calendar can help ensure that these important activities don't get overlooked. Additionally, having a clear vision and focusing on long-term goals can help in making decisions and prioritizing tasks.

    • Be authentic, passionate, and different in your nicheAuthenticity, passion, and uniqueness attract followers. Invest in quality design and a strong message. Say no to distractions and delegate tasks to build a loyal following.

      Building a loyal following requires being unique, having a clear message, and exuding passion for what you do. The way your brand looks and is designed is also important in attracting an audience. Investing in quality design and having a strong, authentic message can help turn people off or on to your brand. When you are passionate about what you do, it becomes contagious and people are naturally drawn to it. The world makes room for passionate people, and the hours spent on your craft will not feel like work when you love it. The speaker emphasizes the importance of saying no to things that don't serve your vision and having an assistant to help manage your calendar. Overall, the key to building a following is to be authentic, passionate, and different in your niche.

    • Investing time in building authentic relationshipsDedication and consistency in forming connections leads to brand growth and fulfillment, whether in person or online.

      Passion and dedication to building authentic relationships with people, whether in person or online, is essential for growing a successful brand. The speaker shared their personal experience of investing time and energy into connecting with hundreds of thousands of people at expos for five years, which helped kickstart their brand following. This level of dedication and consistency, even if it requires sacrifices, ultimately leads to giving value to people around you and feeling fulfilled. For introverts or those who can't meet people in person, offering something of significant value through an app, tool, or website can still help reach and connect with people. Authenticity and care, whether expressed loudly or quietly, are the keys to building a lasting brand.

    • Find joy in daily life and build strong relationshipsHappiness is a present experience. Connect with others and serve to find joy and fulfillment.

      Happiness is a present experience and not a future goal. The first truth is to be happy today and find joy in daily life, rather than waiting for external factors like wealth or fame to bring happiness. Second, human connection is essential for happiness and longevity. Building strong relationships and communities can provide a sense of love, security, and acceptance. Lastly, serving others is a powerful way to grow and find fulfillment. By focusing on making a positive impact on others' lives, we can shift our perspective and find meaning and contentment in our own.

    • Steve Cook's Passion for Helping Others and Authentic ConnectionSteve Cook values helping others and enjoys the personal satisfaction it brings. He uses social media for connection but sometimes prioritizes likes over authenticity. Cook is working on SteveCookHealth.com and encourages authentic connections at expos.

      Steve Cook values the feeling of helping others while also enjoying the personal satisfaction it brings him. He prefers engaging with people on social media platforms like Instagram and Snapchat, but finds himself sometimes prioritizing likes over authenticity. He's currently working on a program called SteveCookHealth.com with exercise physiology experts Jake and Mike, focusing on getting stronger, bigger, and faster through various methods. Cook also mentions his experience working with Bodybuilding.com on a program called "Modern Physique Now." He encourages people to connect with him at expos, specifically the Olympia expo in Las Vegas, Nevada. Overall, Cook emphasizes the importance of authentic connection and growth, both for himself and those he helps. His favorite social media platforms are Instagram (@SteveCook) and Snapchat (@SteveCookHealth).

    • Overcoming challenges and staying true to oneselfGreatness isn't about popularity or recognition, it's about perseverance and passion. Focus on becoming a better person and serving others.

      Overcoming challenges and staying true to oneself is a form of greatness. The guest shared his experience of losing his identity in sports and the feelings of guilt, shame, and uncertainty that came with it. However, he chose to turn things around and focus on becoming a better man and serving others. He defined greatness as doing something that may not be popular but believing in it and ultimately succeeding. The guest encouraged listeners to attach themselves to things that matter and celebrate the quiet, humble leaders who are making a difference in their communities. Greatness is not always about having the most followers or recognition, but about perseverance and passion. The School of Greatness podcast features inspiring guests and insights every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Up next is an interview with legendary broadcaster Larry King. Keep listening and stay inspired to do something great.

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    As you listen, I want you to think about this: What is one small change you can make in your daily routine that could have a profound impact on your productivity and overall happiness? Let’s dive in and discover how to unlock your full potential.

    In this episode you will learn

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    • The power of gratitude and its role in combating negative emotions.
    • Key money lessons from Tony Robbins on mastering core businesses and giving back.
    • The importance of innovating and progressing during challenging times.
    • How to create habits that align with success and fulfillment.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1625

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    Full-length episodes featured today:

    Tony Robbins – https://link.chtbl.com/1218-pod

    Dean Graziosi – https://link.chtbl.com/1620-pod

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    IG- chrismarhefka


    The Fully Expressed Podcast

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    Surviving versus thriving with Neurosurgeon Dr. Betsy Grunch Ep. 121

    Surviving versus thriving with Neurosurgeon Dr. Betsy Grunch Ep. 121

    Neurosurgeon Dr. Betsy Grunch and host Stephanie dive into an authentic conversation about thriving in your life and career. Take a listen to find out how Betsy rocks life in a male dominated field as a woman in medicine and a mom. Hint, it isn't easy, and there is a lot of surviving taking place. So if you think you don’t have much in common with a neurosurgeon, you would be wrong.  Listen to get inspired and feel seen in this candid conversation with our first medical doctor! 

    We discuss: 

    • What does a neurosurgeon do? 
    • What tragic life event motivated Dr. Betsy Grunch to become a neurosurgeon?
    • How does Betsy manage her work life balance? 
    • What obstacles did Betsy have to overcome to get the jos of her dream? 
    • How does she handle social media criticism?
    • How to work out roles with your partner?
    • How did taking care of herself and her health changed her life?
    • What's it really like to be a woman in medicine?

    About Dr. Betsy Grunch:

    Dr. Betsy Grunch is a Neurosurgeon. She is also a wife, mom, and hilariously funny. A social media favorite to many, including myself, and I can’t wait for you to hear Betsy’s story and advice so let’s dig in! 

    Where to find Betsy:







    Podcast recommendation(s):

    Dr. Death 

    Book recommendation (s):

    Obesity code 

    The Obesity Code: Unlocking the Secrets of Weight Loss by Dr. Jason Fung

    How to find WOMENdontDOthat:








    Interested in sponsorship? Contact us at hello@womendontdothat.com

    Produced by: Stephanie Mitton

    674 Tony Hawk: Breaking Limitations and Creating a Legacy

    674 Tony Hawk: Breaking Limitations and Creating a Legacy

    Tony Hawk pushes the limits not just in his sport, but also in his business. His video games have become one of the biggest franchises in history. Spoiler: There’s even more coming in October.
    I felt so fortunate for Tony to come in and sit down on the. He’s an incredibly smart and dedicated person.
    Tony sat down with me to discuss how he has been able to be successful in his marriage as well as his business life. He also discusses if it’s more fulfilling to be relevant or innovative.
    He shares where his mind goes when the pressure is on for him to perform a huge trick, and how he was able to stay committed to his passion even when there was no money in it.
    This is a really powerful one, guys. You won’t want to miss it.
    Learn all about what it takes to break limitations and create a legacy, on Episode 674.
    Some Questions I Ask:
    Who was the most influential person in your life? (5:46)
    How old were you when you were bumped up in competition? (8:20)
    How do you stay committed to something when there’s no money in it? (10:11)
    What advice would you give to people who have a passion but can’t pursue it on a professional level? (13:36)
    How did you manage the emotions of success? (17:18)
    Did you ever feel like you weren’t comfortable in your own skin? (20:29)
    Do you feel like there was a time when you didn’t communicate well? (23:10)
    Do you feel like you still need to chase relevancy? (27:38)
    Where does your mind go when there’s pressure? (30:44)
    Did your video games take skateboarding to a new level? (29:42)
    You have a new game as well? (43:32)
    Do you goof around a lot? (45:09)
    What’s the thing you’re most proud of? (47:54)
    In This Episode You Will Learn:
    Why learning new tricks wasn’t cool (7:28)
    How Tony’s environment contributed to his success (9:52)
    The time when Tony thought he would give up skateboarding (12:01)
    How he handled the overnight success (14:57)
    How he manages his relationships and success (19:32)
    Why people shouldn’t show off on social media (21:17)
    The biggest challenge he’s had to overcome (24:44)
    How he’s able to raise his kids to not feel like they are riding off his name (28:46)
    What it’s like skateboarding in a loop (38:39)
    The thing Tony still needs to achieve (41:27)
    The thing he wants more people to know about him (46:53)

    Relationship Building- Dover/Milford Jazzercise

    Relationship Building- Dover/Milford Jazzercise

    Have you ever wondered how you could have better relationships among your employees? What about how to have better relationships with your customers?  In our first-ever panel discussion, Mrs. Glenenise Parks- owner of Dover-Milford Jazzercise-  introduces us to her talented team of instructors.  They explain to us the importance of having good relationships internally and how this ultimately effects the customer experience.  Pull up a chair and let’s do business!

    2023, the year of the ick.

    2023, the year of the ick.
    The Sparkle Pod often ends up almost resembling some kind of big rocket fuel concoction, made up of all sorts that leaves you feeling, hmm... with a spring in your step? With sore cheeks from lolling? Feeling squeamish or perhaps better about yourself? Haha. However it leaves you, we are so grateful for your downloads, comments, DMs and love. I feel we say it often but it *really* does mean the absolute world to us that this podcast does something for you. That you keep coming back to us and that each week the sparkle spreads that little bit wider with a few new listeners getting us in their earholes every week. So, thank you. Today we are prompted to dive further into 'the ick' territory, all the while taking various tangents such as social media and our authentic selves, the week that was and Leece's ACTUAL LIST of prospect 'notches'. We will be AWOL for a few weeks but look to resume episodes in early January, so until then, we wish you a safe and happy holiday period. Be kind to yourselves and we can't wait to bring you more of everything in 2024! Love and best wishes from us to you xx