
    36 Chris Lee: Envisioning your Dreams with the Greatness Transformation Coach

    enOctober 23, 2013

    Podcast Summary

    • Unlocking Inner Greatness through Emotional Intelligence and Self-ForgivenessEmotional intelligence and self-forgiveness are essential for personal growth, building strong relationships, and achieving goals. Chris Lee taught Lewis Howe the importance of vulnerability, openness, and forgiveness towards oneself to let go of anxiety, stress, anger, and resentment, leading to a positive legacy.

      Emotional intelligence and self-forgiveness are key to unlocking inner greatness and maximizing potential. During this episode with Transformation Coach Chris Lee, Lewis Howe shares how Chris helped him identify and let go of feelings of anxiety, stress, anger, and resentment, which were fueled by his ego. Chris taught Lewis the importance of vulnerability, openness, and forgiveness, not just towards others, but most importantly towards himself. The ability to understand and manage emotions, recognize vision and purpose, and develop a pattern for growth are skills that can lead to achieving personal and professional goals, building strong relationships, and leaving a positive legacy. The interview also emphasizes the importance of connection in all areas of life. Listeners are encouraged to pause the episode to practice a simple exercise for self-reflection and emotional release.

    • Uncovering and redesigning limiting beliefsEvaluating and redesigning our beliefs can lead to more empowering decisions and better results in life and relationships.

      Our beliefs shape our reality, and limiting beliefs can hold us back from achieving our goals and living up to our full potential. Chris Lee, with 27 years of experience, has been helping people discover and redesign their beliefs to increase their effectiveness, productivity, and overall success in life and relationships. We often get stuck in negative patterns and limiting mindsets, which can be compared to a broken GPS system. Instead of evaluating ourselves and our belief structures, we may try to push harder and faster, only to experience more breakdown, anxiety, and stress. By supporting people in uncovering and redesigning their beliefs, we can make more empowering decisions and produce better results. It's important to remember that our thoughts turn into actions, and our actions shape our lives. So, taking the time to evaluate and redesign our beliefs can lead to a more fulfilling and successful life.

    • Explore self-improvement through belief systemsFocus on self-improvement, identify blind spots, take responsibility for actions, and apply the Law of Attraction for increased success

      To achieve success in various aspects of life, including business and relationships, it's essential to focus on self-improvement by examining and transforming our belief systems. Most of the obstacles preventing us from reaching our goals are invisible to us. Coaches and seminars can help bring these blind spots to light through feedback. Taking full responsibility for our actions, rather than playing the victim, is a crucial step towards transformation. The Law of Attraction is not an esoteric concept but a common-sense principle that suggests we attract to our lives the person we are being. By evaluating ourselves and taking responsibility for our actions, we can increase our chances of success.

    • Recognizing and taking responsibility for breakdownsAcknowledge and take full responsibility for breakdowns in relationships, health, finances, and other areas to transform them into opportunities for growth.

      Recognizing and taking responsibility for breakdowns in various areas of life is crucial for turning them into opportunities for growth and transformation. Feedback from relationships, health, finances, business, and other aspects can indicate a breakdown when they don't align with our vision. Ignoring or avoiding these issues can worsen the situation. To move past a breakdown, the first step is to acknowledge it, take full responsibility, and apologize when necessary. This approach can help unplug the other person or situation and lead to positive outcomes.

    • Embrace Breakdowns as OpportunitiesAcknowledge, take responsibility, and forgive yourself to move past breakdowns and find happiness

      Handling a breakdown, whether personal or professional, requires acknowledging it in a positive way, taking responsibility for it, and forgiving yourself. Acknowledging the breakdown allows us to see it as an opportunity instead of a failure. Taking responsibility means identifying what was missing from us that caused the breakdown. Forgiving ourselves is crucial for moving forward and shifting out of negative emotions that can sabotage our success. Many people hold onto anger, ego, and resentment, which can lead to ups and downs in life. However, by practicing self-forgiveness, we can enjoy our achievements and find true happiness.

    • The continuous process of forgivenessForgiveness is a daily choice for self-compassion and letting go of resentment. It frees up energy for growth and transformation, and improves emotional resilience.

      Forgiveness is a continuous process of self-compassion and letting go of resentment towards oneself and others. It's a choice we make every day, not a one-time event. Holding onto anger and resentment can hinder personal growth and success. To forgive, write down things that upset you and declare forgiveness. Forgiving others also frees up energy to focus on growth and transformation. Remember, your biggest enemy is yourself. By learning to forgive, one can shift from coming from a place of anger, ego, and resentment to coming from love and vision. This leads to improved emotional resilience and a clearer focus on addressing challenges instead of getting bogged down by internal conversations.

    • Forgiveness is an exercise for you to let go and be happierForgiveness is a personal choice to let go of being right and focus on happiness and energy, not about the other person.

      Forgiveness is a crucial step in handling breakdowns and moving forward. It's about letting go of being right and focusing on regaining your power and energy. Forgiveness is not about the other person, but rather an exercise for you to make a choice to be happier and more energetic. By identifying the breakdown, taking responsibility, evaluating, and forgiving yourself and others, you can make a new commitment and visualize a new vision for your life. This exercise can be done anywhere, at any time, by closing your eyes and focusing on your heart. It's an important step towards healing and moving forward.

    • Visualize your goals for motivation and clarityImagining our future accomplishments and letting go of limiting beliefs can help us stay focused and committed to our goals, bringing us closer to the life we desire.

      Focusing on what we want and visualizing our goals in detail can help us feel grounded and motivated. By taking a moment to imagine our lives a year from now, experiencing the feelings and sensations of accomplishing our goals, and letting go of limiting beliefs, we can create a clear vision for ourselves and find the passion and energy to make it a reality. Whether it's a desired body image, a loving relationship, or a successful business, visualization can help us stay focused and committed to our goals, and bring us closer to the life we've always dreamed of.

    • Visualize your future for success and happinessVisualizing your future can help you stay focused, motivated, and shift from a reactive to proactive mindset. Practical ways to make your vision more tangible include creating a vision map or using music.

      Developing a clear and vivid vision for your future is a powerful tool for achieving success and happiness. The ability to close your eyes and visualize the life you want can help you stay focused and motivated, even during challenging times. This practice allows you to shift from a reactive mindset to a proactive one, as exemplified by leaders like Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, and Malcolm X. Creating a vision map or using music to help you visualize your goals are practical ways to make your vision more tangible and actionable. By staying focused on your vision, you'll find it easier to make sacrifices and let go of distractions that don't align with your goals. Remember, if you can imagine it, you have the power to create it.

    • Creating a clear vision for your life or businessHaving a strong why, tangible goals, symbols, and an action plan are essential for making progress and achieving long-term success. Emotional intelligence, including forgiveness and stress management, is crucial for maintaining success.

      Creating a clear and inspiring vision for your life or business, complete with tangible goals and symbols, is essential for making progress and achieving long-term success. This vision should be driven by a strong "why" that comes from a place of service and passion, rather than just a desire for money or fame. An action plan is also necessary to turn the vision into reality, and emotional intelligence, including forgiveness and the ability to handle stress and anxiety, is crucial for achieving success and maintaining it over the long term. The story of the man who made and lost millions multiple times illustrates the importance of having a solid why and a clear vision, as without it, success can be fleeting and ultimately unsatisfying.

    • Surround yourself with the right people for successHaving a solid action plan and vision are important, but having a supportive network of like-minded individuals is equally essential. Create buddy systems or goal groups to commit to each other's goals and support each other in pursuits. Effectively communicate your vision to enroll others in your team.

      Surrounding yourself with the right people is crucial for achieving your goals and maintaining success. The speaker emphasizes that vision and having a solid action plan are important, but having a supportive network of like-minded individuals is equally essential. This can be achieved through creating buddy systems or goal groups, where individuals commit to each other's goals and support each other in their pursuits. Enrolling others in your vision requires selling the energy and passion you bring to the idea, rather than just the product or result. By surrounding yourself with a team of committed individuals and effectively communicating your vision, you can increase your chances of success.

    • Lead by example and inspire others with a clear visionBelieve in your vision, live it out, and build relationships based on care and authenticity to inspire others to join you

      Enrolling others in your vision requires you to first be inspired and lead by example. You must have a clear intention and create authentic relationships based on care and genuine connection. Being inspired and enrolled in your own vision is essential to inspire others. Success in business and in life comes from the combination of being inspired and having a clear intention, and then creating meaningful relationships based on that intention. Enrollment is not about manipulation or force, but about inspiring others to join you in a shared vision. To enroll others effectively, you must believe in your vision, live it out in your own life, and then build relationships based on care and authenticity.

    • Follow these steps to become an enrollment machineHave a clear vision, set intention, understand personality types, discover vision and needs, offer resources, and make clear calls to action to build strong relationships

      Successful enrollment in business or personal relationships involves several key steps. First, having a clear vision and being inspired. Second, setting the intention that it will happen. Third, creating meaningful relationships by understanding different personality types and adapting to them. Fourth, discovering the other person's vision and needs. Fifth, offering resources that align with their vision. Lastly, making the call to action simple and clear. By following these steps, you can become an "enrollment machine" and build strong, inspiring relationships.

    • Inspire, connect, create, offer, call, plan, follow up, developEffective enrollment involves inspiring, connecting, creating relationships, offering solutions, calling to action, making a clear plan, and following up to develop long-term success

      Effective enrollment involves several key steps. First, inspire and connect with people through intention and vision. Then, create a relationship and find out what they want. Make them an offer and call them to action, followed by a clear action plan. Lastly, follow up and develop people to ensure long-term success. These steps, often used in network marketing, can be applied to various aspects of life to achieve greatness by aligning actions with vision. To further explore this topic, connect with Chris Motivador on Twitter or Facebook, and consider evaluating areas in your life that aren't serving you and taking steps to pursue your dreams and passions.

    • Reflect on living someone else's dream vs pursuing your ownInvest time and energy into creating a vision for your own business and legacy, practice principles daily to prevent poor habits and limiting beliefs, and evaluate priorities to pursue your dreams and create a lasting legacy.

      It's important to reflect on whether you're living someone else's dream or pursuing your own. Building someone else's empire can be rewarding, but it's essential to invest time and energy into creating a vision for your own business and legacy. Practicing principles and strategies daily can help prevent the slip into poor habits and limiting beliefs. So, take a moment to evaluate your priorities and make a decision to pursue your dreams, creating your own empire and leaving a lasting legacy. Don't forget to check out the show notes at schoolofgreatness.com, share this episode on social media, and connect with Chris on Twitter and Facebook. Keep pushing yourself to do something great every day.

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    With Love and Gratitude,

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    What We Discuss:

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    • 10:11 The truth is social media doesn’t have much impact on genuine relationships
    • 13:38 If you don't feel you understand yourself, you will feel alone
    • 19:04 Love doesn’t have one definition, it has three key areas you can focus on
    • 25:27 Spark alone doesn’t make a relationship work 
    • 29:40 Should people marry their bestfriend? Is it a healthy relationship choice?
    • 32:00 Everyone grows at a different time and at a different phase 
    • 37:48 What are the three different roles we play in our relationships?
    • 41:09 
    • 46:34 The projection society has for men and women might not be our truth
    • 54:07 Not everyone is going to learn from the resource materials you have learned from
    • 01:19:40 Are women going through personal growth, self-development, and work fatigue?
    • 01:01:00 This is why making other people your purpose doesn’t work
    • 01:04:31 We want to talk about how people behave and or how they act, but we don't want to talk about our intentions
    • 01:09:02 People often struggle in a relationship because they don’t know how to talk about hard things
    • 01:13:11 Books are not meant to be read, it’s meant to help guide you in difficult and challenging times

    Want to be a Jay Shetty Certified Life Coach? Get the Digital Guide and Workbook from Jay Shetty https://jayshettypurpose.com/fb-getting-started-as-a-life-coach-podcast/

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    LeBron James' Agent, Rich Paul on What It Takes To Stay On Top

    LeBron James' Agent, Rich Paul on What It Takes To Stay On Top

    Today we'll delve into the mind of the man who's helped keep one of the biggest names in the NBA at the top of his game for years. What does it take to consistently outperform the competition? LeBron James' Agent, Rich Paul, is here to share his insights on what it takes to stay on top.

    Rich Paul is the CEO and founder of KLUTCH Sports Group, the powerhouse agency representing some of the biggest athletes across major professional sports. Paul founded KLUTCH Sports in 2012 in his hometown of Cleveland, Ohio, where he forged a unique and personal approach to representing top NBA talent – putting athletes first and empowering them to build careers and brands on and off the court.

    Buy his new book Lucky Me: A Memoir of Changing the Odds

    In this episode you will learn,

    • How vulnerability is a crucial aspect of human connection, even if it's challenging due to societal expectations and norms.
    • The power of understanding and connecting with people on a deep emotional level by observing their body language and emotions.
    • Why effective communication can be especially difficult for young black men who may feel pressured to conform to certain stereotypes.
    • The importance of evolving and adapting to different roles and situations throughout your life.
    • That true success and greatness are achieved through consistent and disciplined habits, regardless of your background or circumstances.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1513

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    Want more inspiration? Listen to these powerful episodes:

    Tony Robbins - https://link.chtbl.com/1107-pod

    Daymond John - https://link.chtbl.com/598-pod

    Sara Blakely - https://link.chtbl.com/893-pod

    TIP519: The Education of a Value Investor by Guy Spier

    TIP519: The Education of a Value Investor by Guy Spier
    Clay reviews Guy Spier’s book, The Education of a Value Investor. Guy Spier is a renowned hedge fund manager who has beaten the S&P 500 by almost 250 percentage points since launching the Aquamarine Fund in 1997. He has also been a guest on We Study Billionaires several times, including episode #14 released all the way back in 2014. IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN: 00:00 - Intro 02:27 - Guy’s story and background, and the critical mistakes he learned from the journey. 06:39 - How studying Tony Robbins and Warren Buffett changed his life. 19:48 - How writing handwritten letters helped Guy forge and develop extremely valuable and fulfilling relationships. 23:20 - What led Guy to purchase a charity lunch with Warren Buffett. 43:54 - What he learned from experiencing the great financial crisis as a fund manager. 51:45 - Why Guy values fulfillment and a life well-lived over money. Disclaimer: Slight discrepancies in the timestamps may occur due to podcast platform differences. BOOKS AND RESOURCES Join the exclusive TIP Mastermind Community to engage in meaningful stock investing discussions with Stig, Clay, and the other community members. Tune into the recent We Study Billionaires episode covering The Dhandho Investor by Mohnish Pabrai or watch the video. Learn how to value a company by tuning into our review of The Little Book of Valuation by Aswath Damodaran or watch the video. Related Episode: Listen to Guy Spier, The Education of a Value Investor–TIP014 or watch the video. Related Episode: Listen to Investing and Life Masterclass w/ Guy Spier–TIP414 or watch the video. Related Episode: Listen to How to Build Enduring Wealth w/ Guy Spier–RWH009 or watch the video. Guy Spier’s book: The Education of a Value Investor. William Green’s book: Richer, Wiser, Happier. Follow Clay on Twitter. NEW TO THE SHOW? Check out our We Study Billionaires Starter Packs. Browse through all our episodes (complete with transcripts) here. Try our tool for picking stock winners and managing our portfolios: TIP Finance Tool. Enjoy exclusive perks from our favorite Apps and Services. Stay up-to-date on financial markets and investing strategies through our daily newsletter, We Study Markets. Learn how to better start, manage, and grow your business with the best business podcasts.  SPONSORS Support our free podcast by supporting our sponsors: River Toyota Linkedin Marketing Solutions Fidelity Efani Shopify NDTCO Fundrise Wise NetSuite TurboTax Vacasa NerdWallet Babbel Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    869 Relationships, Fear and Doing What You Love with David Walton

    869 Relationships, Fear and Doing What You Love with David Walton

    We want a direct path to success.  But the road is never straight.  What makes it special isn’t just the destination but the journey that shaped us. Along the way, we discover ourselves.  We pick up skills and learn how to deal with our fears and emotions.  But the emotions that took us to the top often will not keep us there.  We must learn a new set of skills to maintain our success and go further.  In today’s episode of The School of Greatness, I talk about dealing with anger, preparation, and the journey to success with a Hollywood star: David Walton. David Walton is a talented actor who rose to prominence on television and is well known for his role on the comedy series “New Girl” and for his character Will Freeman on the successful series “About a Boy.” So get ready to learn about emotional growth, how to handle relationship conflicts, and mastering your emotions on Episode 869.
    Some Questions I Ask:
    Do you ever feel insecure as an actor? (21:30)
    Why do you think we hold on to anger and frustration? (27:00)
    What’s the best part and the worst past about the acting business. (46:30
    How do you deal with your fear? (52:00)
    What questions would you ask Tom Cruise? (50:00)
    What advice would you give to actors who fear their work will be judged instead of appreciated? (55:00)
    In This Episode You Will Learn:
    The effects of alcohol on our behavior. (18:00)
    Why the destructive forces of shame and guilt are so powerful. (20:00)
    Why we all want to feel loved. (21:30)
    How to confront your partner or spouse in a relationship. (32:00)
    How to make it through the challenges of an acting career. (44:30)
    The importance of dealing with your fears. (52:00)
    If you enjoyed this episode check out the video, show notes and more at http://lewishowes.com/869 and follow at instagram.com/lewishowes