
    36: Tiktok Stars Talk Being Left NAKED In The Street, Club Fights & Resolutions!

    enDecember 21, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Finding joy in the unexpected moments of 2022Embrace the unexpected and find joy in the simple and significant moments of life, even in challenging times.

      Despite the challenges and unusual experiences they've had in 2022, the hosts of Saving Grace Today found joy and memorable moments throughout the year. These moments ranged from the simple, like passing gas, to the significant, like interviewing favorite artists. The discussion also touched on the importance of having each other's backs and finding humor in the unexpected. Through it all, they emphasized the importance of staying positive and making the most of every situation. So, even if your year hasn't been perfect, take a page from their book and look for the bright spots. After all, as they joked, sometimes the best moments come from the most unexpected places.

    • Personal stories of connections, debates, and embarrassing momentsRelationships and shared experiences bring people together, whether through deep connections, heated debates, or embarrassing moments.

      The speakers shared stories of significant moments in their lives, including personal bonds, debates, and embarrassing experiences. One speaker's best moment was a deep connection with a friend, while another found joy in a summer free of controversial people. A heated debate arose over who had a particular experience, but ultimately, it was agreed that it was a group effort. One speaker's most embarrassing moment involved getting drunk at a club and being unable to handle herself, with friends having differing opinions on how to handle the situation. Overall, the conversation showcased the importance of relationships, both close and casual, and the shared experiences that bring people together.

    • Reliving Embarrassing Moments and Bonding Over Shared ExperiencesSharing embarrassing moments and memories can strengthen bonds and create a sense of shared history, even if they involve dyslexia, sickness, or bullying incidents.

      The conversation revolved around shared embarrassing experiences and memories, including a flashback of being in a cab, being sick, and having an embarrassing incident at a flat after a Halloween party. The speaker also mentioned their dyslexia and aspirations to be a journalist. The conversation also touched upon the theme of feeling like an outsider or being bullied. Another embarrassing moment was shared, involving blacking out and vomiting at a local pub during a birthday celebration. Despite these moments, they acknowledged that these experiences were part of their shared history and added to their unique bond.

    • An embarrassing birthday incidentUnexpected events can lead to humiliating moments, but how we handle them can impact our emotions and relationships. Seek support from friends during challenging times.

      The speaker had an embarrassing experience during her birthday where she blacked out and vomited in a pub, resulting in a chaotic and humiliating situation. She woke up the next day in someone else's bed and couldn't remember what had happened. Despite the negative experience, she managed to avoid recognition by dyeing her hair. The incident left her feeling uncomfortable and self-conscious, especially about her personal boundaries and who she trusted. It's a reminder that unexpected events can lead to mortifying moments, but how we handle them can impact our emotions and relationships. The speaker's friend played a crucial role in helping her through the situation, demonstrating the importance of support and loyalty. Ultimately, the experience served as a lesson for the speaker to be more mindful of her actions and to prioritize her own well-being.

    • The importance of communication and support during conflictsEmpathy, support, and open-mindedness are crucial in resolving conflicts and dealing with challenging situations.

      Communication and understanding are key in resolving conflicts. In the discussed conversation, Sam and his friend were recounting an incident where Izzy, an Uber driver, was having a heated argument on the phone. Despite not being directly involved, Sam tried to help by calming Izzy down and ensuring she was safe. The incident highlighted the importance of being present and offering support during difficult situations. Additionally, the conversation revealed that Izzy had a low Uber rating due to her temperament, which Sam defended, emphasizing that she was a good driver and a fun person to be around. The conversation also touched on various topics, including personal experiences, music preferences, and future plans. Overall, the conversation demonstrated the importance of empathy, support, and open-mindedness in dealing with conflicts and challenging situations.

    • Appreciating Opportunities and Cherishing MomentsRegret not fully appreciating work opportunities, cherish moments in life, even uncomfortable experiences can bring humor and positivity

      Work environments and experiences can be fast-paced and intense, leaving little time to fully embrace opportunities. During a conversation, George and Sal discussed their experiences, with George expressing regret for not fully appreciating a work opportunity due to its speed. Sal shared his wish to enjoy more of the moments in life, especially those that may not last long. They also shared humorous stories about uncomfortable travel experiences. Despite the challenges, they found humor and positivity in their situations. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of embracing opportunities and cherishing moments in life.

    • Unexpected interruptions during travelTravel can bring unexpected interruptions leading to both cherished memories and regrettable purchases

      The speaker had an unexpected experience during a group trip, which included having to use the bathroom right after checking into their hotel room, only to be interrupted by hotel staff asking if they could have the room back. Feeling rushed, they had to leave the room quickly and ended up being the cause of their group being late to their destination. Despite the chaos, they managed to find moments of enjoyment, such as the delicious food and shared memories. However, they also made impulsive purchases, like buying vapes at Ocean Beach, which caused regrets later on. The experience served as a reminder that unexpected situations can lead to both memorable moments and regrettable decisions.

    • Childhood memories and food quirksSpeaker shares stories of unusual food experiences during childhood, including aversions and odd preferences, and how these have stayed with him into adulthood.

      The speaker had some unusual experiences and associations with food during childhood, leading to aversions and quirks that have stayed with him. He shared stories about his dislike for lamb due to his grandmother's loose dentures mixing with the food during holiday meals, and his obsession with eating dog biscuits instead of opening his own presents. Another anecdote involved his older brother receiving a live fish as a gift, which was unfortunately not properly wrapped or prepared for survival. The speaker also mentioned their encounter with overpriced vapes in a foreign country, expressing frustration and surprise at the high cost. Overall, the conversation touched on the themes of family traditions, childhood memories, and unexpected expenses.

    • Embracing the unexpected in lifeFind joy in the little things, embrace personal growth, and be open to new experiences and uncomfortable situations.

      Life is full of unexpected events, both funny and challenging. From losing a fish in a tank to playing inappropriate games during family gatherings, the conversation highlights the importance of making the best of every situation and finding humor in the mundane and the unexpected. Another key takeaway is the importance of personal growth and setting goals for self-improvement, whether it's quitting a bad habit or striving for new experiences. The conversation also touches on the theme of openness and acceptance, as the speakers share stories of their experiences with nudity and sexuality, emphasizing the importance of being comfortable with oneself and one's body. Overall, the conversation is a reminder to embrace the ups and downs of life, find joy in the little things, and never stop growing and learning.

    • Importance of Balance in Personal and Professional LivesMaintain a healthy work-life balance, prioritize self-care, set realistic goals, avoid comparison, and focus on personal growth.

      Both individuals discussed the importance of balance in their personal and professional lives. They acknowledged the challenges of maintaining a healthy work-life balance, especially in demanding industries where time off can be scarce. They also emphasized the need to be self-reliant for happiness and to avoid comparing oneself to others, as comparison can lead to dissatisfaction. Despite their outspoken nature, they recognized the need for self-refinement and growth. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of prioritizing self-care, setting realistic goals, and focusing on personal growth.

    • Appreciating the journey of personal growthRegardless of achievements, everyone faces challenges and it's important to embrace the ups and downs of life, appreciating the journey not just the destination.

      Personal growth and success don't always come easy, and it's important to appreciate the journey, even in its messy moments. Grace, a successful individual, shared her experiences of feeling overwhelmed and unsure during a podcast review. Despite her success, she acknowledged her vulnerabilities and expressed gratitude for the experience. The conversation ended on a light-hearted note, with Grace expressing her love for crisps and wishing everyone a merry Christmas. It serves as a reminder that everyone, regardless of their achievements, faces challenges and that it's essential to embrace the ups and downs of life. So, let's remember to appreciate the journey and not just the destination. And if you enjoyed this conversation, don't forget to like, subscribe, and leave a five-star review. Happy holidays!

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    💅 GKBarry: https://www.tiktok.com/@gkbarry?lang=en
    🎧Listen Here: https://linktr.ee/savinggracepodcast
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    If you'd like to work with us email the studio on workwithsavinggrace@fellasstudios.com
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    💅 GKBarry: https://www.tiktok.com/@gkbarry?lang=en
    🎧Listen Here: https://linktr.ee/savinggracepodcast
    💖Follow on TikTok: http://www.tiktok.com/@savinggracepod
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    If you'd like to work with us email the studio on workwithsavinggrace@fellasstudios.com
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    Nicola: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8FK7XPozMA/?hl=en 

    💅 GKBarry: https://www.tiktok.com/@gkbarry?lang=en
    🎧Listen Here: https://linktr.ee/savinggracepodcast
    💖Follow on TikTok: http://www.tiktok.com/@savinggracepod
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    If you'd like to work with us email the studio on workwithsavinggrace@fellasstudios.com
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    💅 GKBarry: https://www.tiktok.com/@gkbarry?lang=en
    🎧Listen Here: https://linktr.ee/savinggracepodcast
    💖Follow on TikTok: http://www.tiktok.com/@savinggracepod
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    If you'd like to work with us email the studio on workwithsavinggrace@fellasstudios.com
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    Ruesha: https://www.instagram.com/p/CuozndixGqv/?img_index=1  
    💅 GKBarry: https://www.tiktok.com/@gkbarry?lang=en
    🎧Listen Here: https://linktr.ee/savinggracepodcast
    💖Follow on TikTok: http://www.tiktok.com/@savinggracepod
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    If you'd like to work with us email the studio on workwithsavinggrace@fellasstudios.com
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    💅 GKBarry: https://www.tiktok.com/@gkbarry?lang=en
    🎧Listen Here: https://linktr.ee/savinggracepodcast
    💖Follow on TikTok: http://www.tiktok.com/@savinggracepod
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    If you'd like to work with us email the studio on workwithsavinggrace@fellasstudios.com
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    💅 GKBarry: https://www.tiktok.com/@gkbarry?lang=en
    🎧Listen Here: https://linktr.ee/savinggracepodcast
    💖Follow on TikTok: http://www.tiktok.com/@savinggracepod
    💗Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/savinggracepod/

    If you'd like to work with us email the studio on workwithsavinggrace@fellasstudios.com
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    BETTER HELP| Go to https://www.betterhelp.com/savinggrace for 10% off your first month #ad 

    HELLO FRESH| Go to https://hellofresh.co.uk/GRACE60 for 60% off your first order + free dessert for life #ad

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    💅 GKBarry: https://www.tiktok.com/@gkbarry?lang=en
    🎧Listen Here: https://linktr.ee/savinggracepodcast
    💖Follow on TikTok: http://www.tiktok.com/@savinggracepod
    💗Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/savinggracepod/

    If you'd like to work with us email the studio on workwithsavinggrace@fellasstudios.com

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    💅 GKBarry: https://www.tiktok.com/@gkbarry?lang=en
    🎧Listen Here: https://linktr.ee/savinggracepodcast
    💖Follow on TikTok: http://www.tiktok.com/@savinggracepod
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    If you'd like to work with us email the studio on workwithsavinggrace@fellasstudios.com

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