
    How I balance it all out... DO THE WORK - Day 4

    enAugust 01, 2016

    Podcast Summary

    • Finding joy in unexpected momentsUnexpected moments can bring joy and relaxation, but be mindful of their impact on others.

      Even the most mundane tasks, like intercepting children on Sunday morning, can provide unexpected enjoyment and relaxation. The speaker found joy in the quiet moments of reading on the floor, despite the challenge of preventing his daughters from entering the bedroom. Unexpected circumstances, such as waking up earlier than planned, can lead to new opportunities and decisions, like letting his wife sleep in and moving to the floor for better interception. However, the unexpected intensity of his wake-up call startled his youngest daughter, highlighting the importance of being mindful of our actions and their impact on those around us. Overall, the experience reminded the speaker to appreciate the simple moments in life and to approach challenges with a sense of humor and adaptability.

    • Balancing 10 areas of life: family, health, work, finances, education, hobbies, community, personal growth, creativity, relationships, and spiritualityEffectively prioritize 10 areas of life: spouse/partner, health, work, finances, education, hobbies, community, personal growth, creativity, relationships, and spirituality to maintain balance and avoid feeling overwhelmed.

      Effective prioritization is crucial for managing the various demands on our emotional, physical, mental, spiritual, and financial resources. The speaker shares his experience of balancing family life and personal goals, emphasizing the importance of understanding and allocating resources to different areas of life. He introduces the concept of the "10 sirens," which represents the various aspects of life that require our attention and can cause distractions. These include our spouse or partner, health, work, finances, education, hobbies, community, personal growth, creativity, relationships, and spirituality. By acknowledging and prioritizing these areas, we can avoid feeling overwhelmed and make the most of our time and energy. It's essential to regularly evaluate our priorities and adjust as needed to maintain a healthy balance in all areas of our lives.

    • Balancing Responsibilities: Relationships, Family, Household Tasks, Projects, and WorkEffectively manage your time and resources by prioritizing relationships, family, essential household tasks, optional projects, and work for a balanced and fulfilling life.

      Our lives are filled with various responsibilities and commitments, which can be broadly categorized into five areas: relationships, family, essential household tasks, optional household projects, and work. First, maintaining relationships with significant others is crucial. Second, taking care of family members, whether they are children or elderly relatives, is essential. Third, there are necessary household chores, such as feeding animals, watering plants, and fixing appliances. Fourth, there are optional household projects that bring joy but are not essential for survival. Lastly, earning an income through a corporate job is necessary for most people. These categories can help us prioritize our time and resources effectively, ensuring that we meet our essential obligations while also making time for the things that bring us joy. By understanding the importance of each category, we can lead more balanced and fulfilling lives.

    • Balancing time and resources across different areas of lifeConsider individual goals and values to effectively allocate time and resources between business, side projects, personal time, friends, and necessities.

      Our time and resources are limited, and prioritizing them effectively across different areas of our lives is crucial. These areas include business, side projects, personal time, friends, and various other necessities. Each category requires attention and effort, but the balance between them depends on individual goals and values. By being aware of all the parts of our lives and considering our purpose and desired quality of life, we can make informed decisions about how to allocate our time and resources. The speaker emphasizes the importance of maintaining a holistic perspective, even if the planning process is not yet extensive.

    • Evaluating priorities for a happier lifeBy focusing on what truly matters, we can find joy in simple moments and improve relationships, leading to greater peace and contentment in life.

      Prioritizing time and understanding what's truly important in life can lead to reduced stress and increased happiness. The speaker shares how becoming a father made him reevaluate his priorities and let go of non-essential projects to focus on his family. He realized that while outdoor projects and business ventures were enjoyable, they took away precious time from his relationship with his wife and children. By focusing on what truly mattered, the speaker found joy in simple moments, like spending Sunday mornings with his kids. This shift in perspective not only improved his relationships but also brought him greater peace and contentment in life. If you're feeling overwhelmed with the demands of work or family, take a step back and assess where your time is going. Prioritizing what's most important can help you avoid the stress and strain that comes from trying to do too much.

    • Accepting reality reduces stressBy prioritizing tasks, allocating time, and not feeling guilty, we can reduce stress and enjoy life more fully

      It's important to accept reality instead of imposing our desired reality upon situations. The speaker shares how they used to stress about not being able to do everything on their to-do list and spend time with loved ones all at once. However, they realized that this was an unrealistic expectation and caused unnecessary guilt and stress. By systematically prioritizing tasks and allocating time, the speaker learned to let go of the stress and enjoy the present moment. Instead of focusing on what they couldn't do, they focused on what they could and found joy in it. The key is to quantify priorities, allocate time, and not feel guilty about focusing on work during work hours. By accepting the reality of the situation, the speaker was able to reduce stress and enjoy life more fully.

    • Reflect on your motivations and goalsTaking time for introspection helps manage stress, prioritize goals, and strengthen relationships. Understanding motivations leads to a clearer path forward and avoiding bumps in the road.

      Taking the time for introspection and self-reflection can help manage stress, prioritize goals, and strengthen relationships. By performing a brain dump to assess where you are, where you're headed, and what you want out of life, you can create a clearer path forward and avoid the bumps in the road. Remember, it's essential to understand your motivations and why you're doing what you're doing to make the most out of life. Don't let stress get the best of you – take control and manage each day with purpose. As a reminder, be nice, be thankful, and do the work.

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    Follow Me:

    Instagram: @DiegoFooter: http://bit.ly/2B3vprJ

    YouTube: Diego Footer: http://bit.ly/SubtoDiego

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    Follow Me:

    Instagram: @DiegoFooter: http://bit.ly/2B3vprJ

    YouTube: Diego Footer: http://bit.ly/SubtoDiego

    Podcast: DO THE WORK: https://apple.co/2ERsLHZ


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    Follow Me:

    Instagram: @DiegoFooter: http://bit.ly/2B3vprJ

    YouTube: Diego Footer: http://bit.ly/SubtoDiego

    Podcast: DO THE WORK: https://apple.co/2ERsLHZ


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    Follow Me:

    Instagram: @DiegoFooter: http://bit.ly/2B3vprJ

    YouTube: Diego Footer: http://bit.ly/SubtoDiego

    Podcast: DO THE WORK: https://apple.co/2ERsLHZ


    Produced by podcaster, entrepreneur, and dad of three daughters - Diego Footer.






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    | Dr. Vanessa Patrick |

    ► Website | https://www.vanessapatrick.net

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    ► The Power of Saying No Book | https://amzn.to/42psmYk



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