
    #365 - Kelly Starrett, Glen Cordoza

    en-usJune 07, 2013

    Podcast Summary

    • Cultivating the skill of moving correctly and effectivelyInvest time and energy into learning and practicing the fundamental skills of human movement for a pain-free, healthy life

      Being a healthy, pain-free human being requires more than just physical exercise. It involves cultivating the skill of moving correctly and effectively, which is often neglected. We've been told that being healthy is as simple as getting on a treadmill, but in reality, it takes real work and practice to move efficiently and without pain. This involves understanding correct posture, torque, and tension, and being able to apply these principles in everyday life. As the ancient samurai Musashi wrote, our combat stance is our everyday stance. We need to be skilled in our movements and mindset to live a pain-free, healthy life. It's not an easy skill to master, but it's worth the effort. So, instead of just focusing on the latest workout trend or quick fix, invest time and energy into learning and practicing the fundamental skills of human movement.

    • The Importance of Good Posture for Long-Term HealthMaintaining good posture is crucial for long-term health and preventing issues like damaged discs. Prioritize preventative measures like regular massages, proper stretching, and optimal spine positioning.

      Optimizing your posture is crucial for long-term health and maximizing potential, despite common beliefs that it doesn't matter or that pain is a necessary part of the process. The consequences of poor posture, such as damaging your discs, can lead to significant issues down the line. It's essential to consider whether you're in the best position possible and not just relying on past achievements or excuses. Instead of using pain as a lagging indicator, prioritize preventative measures like regular massages, proper stretching techniques, and maintaining an optimal spine position. The recent availability of information and resources through the internet has made it easier than ever to access and implement these best practices.

    • Experts from different fields unite to promote proper movement and alignment for optimal health and performanceThrough the integration of knowledge from various fields like nutrition, gymnastics, and physiotherapy, individuals are learning the importance of good shoulder position and taking responsibility for their own health and wellness through strength and conditioning systems.

      Experts from various fields are coming together to integrate their knowledge and help individuals understand the importance of proper movement and alignment for optimal health and performance. This integration of fields, from nutrition to gymnastics to physiotherapy, has led to the realization that many principles are the same, such as the importance of good shoulder position for both lifting and yoga. This shift in understanding is leading to a culture where individuals are taking more responsibility for their own health and wellness, and are engaging in strength and conditioning systems to improve their physical intelligence and prevent injuries. By focusing on position as a skill and understanding the principles of movement, individuals can apply this knowledge to any physical activity they undertake.

    • The Importance of Effective Movement and Injury PreventionTeaching children basic movement skills early on and understanding the importance of biomechanics can prevent injuries and improve overall athletic performance for everyone, not just athletes.

      Effective movement and preventing injuries are not only important for athletes but for everyone. The discussion highlights that people often overlook the importance of biomechanics and the need for regular maintenance, just like taking care of a car or putting effort into nutrition. Many injuries could be prevented if we start teaching children basic movement skills early on. The conversation also emphasizes that it's a human right to know how to move effectively and that it shouldn't require a physical therapist or clinical doctor to help us figure it out. Additionally, it's important to understand that not everyone has the same natural ability to move effectively, and addressing these issues early on can lead to better overall athletic performance and reduced injury risk.

    • Maintaining proper body position is crucial for athletic performance and injury preventionCorrect body positioning is essential for maximizing athletic potential and minimizing injury risk. Small deviations can lead to significant decreases in power and increased injury risk.

      Maintaining proper body position under physical and metabolic demands is crucial for athletic performance and injury prevention. The speaker emphasized that position is key in various fields, including sports and emergency response situations. He highlighted that even small deviations from correct positioning, such as turning feet out or poor hip function, can lead to significant decreases in power and increased risk of injury. The speaker also mentioned the importance of understanding human movement and correcting any deviations early to improve overall athleticism and prevent injuries. He used examples from the UFC and NFL to illustrate the impact of poor positioning on athletic performance and injury risk. In essence, the ability to maintain proper body position under duress is essential for maximizing athletic potential and minimizing injury risk.

    • Optimize positions and movements for improved performance and injury preventionFocusing on improving positions and addressing issues like stiff joints or misaligned movements can unlock full potential and prevent injuries, promoting enhanced performance.

      Correcting physical movements and optimizing positions, even later in life, can significantly improve performance and prevent injuries. This is not just about genetics but the power of practice and repetition. Neurons that fire together, wire together, and practice makes permanent. By focusing on improving positions and addressing issues like stiff joints or misaligned movements, athletes can unlock their full potential and prevent injuries. It's essential to adopt a systems approach, considering the interconnectedness of various body parts and their functions. For instance, a stiff ankle can negatively impact the Achilles tendon, leading to potential injuries. By addressing these issues, athletes can enhance their performance and reach their peak potential.

    • Focus on movement correction before strength trainingIdentifying and addressing movement issues with jump stretch bands and other exercises can make invisible problems visible, leading to improved performance and injury prevention.

      Focusing on correcting movement patterns before focusing on strength training is crucial for optimal performance and injury prevention. The use of jump stretch bands and other exercises to identify and address movement issues can make the invisible visible, allowing athletes to improve their formal language of movement and perform more effectively. This approach is particularly important for complex movements like rowing or Olympic lifts, where ingrained patterns can be difficult to break. By prioritizing movement correction, athletes can develop fluency in the basic shapes and positions their bodies need to function optimally, leading to improved performance and reduced risk of injury.

    • Understanding movement and physiology principlesKnowing fundamental principles of movement and physiology enhances stability, generates force effectively, and enables adaptability in various activities.

      Understanding the fundamental principles of movement and physiology, whether through practices like yoga or weightlifting, is essential for achieving the stable shoulder position necessary for various activities, including fighting and everyday tasks. This knowledge allows us to generate force effectively and adapt to different situations, even if we have limited range of motion. Additionally, the importance of being able to hold our arms overhead with good form cannot be overstated, as it forms the basis for many functional movements and helps us navigate various challenges.

    • Understanding proper movement mechanics and addressing range of motion issues are crucial for injury prevention and performance optimizationProper movement mechanics and addressing range of motion issues are essential for injury prevention and performance optimization. Using external loads and teaching basic shapes can aid in this process. Neglecting these fundamentals can lead to a high rate of non-combat related injuries.

      Proper movement mechanics and addressing range of motion issues are crucial for preventing injuries and optimizing performance. Using external loads and teaching basic shapes can help in this process. Unfortunately, many people, including military personnel, are put into poor positions and never learn how to move effectively, leading to a high rate of non-combat related injuries. It's important to understand that our bodies have evolved for adaptation, but this doesn't mean we should neglect proper movement patterns and maintenance. Additionally, the debate about running techniques, such as heel striking versus toe running, highlights the importance of listening to our bodies and understanding the natural biomechanics of movement.

    • Anderson Silva's mastery of controlling opponents through head manipulationEarly development of essential skills through physical education is crucial for optimal brain function and pain tolerance. Engaging in regular physical activity can help the brain ignore pain signals and improve overall well-being.

      Anderson Silva's mastery in martial arts, specifically his ability to control opponents by manipulating their heads, is not an accident. It's a skill he likely developed early on, possibly unconsciously. The discussion also touched upon the importance of physical education and teaching children essential human skills like movement and coordination. The human body is designed for adaptation and survival, but modern lifestyles often neglect these natural functions. During physical activity, the brain doesn't register pain signals as effectively, making it crucial to keep moving to avoid feeling pain later. Additionally, athletes who can endure pain and discomfort may have an edge in their respective fields. However, not all pain is created equal – a liver shot, for instance, is more likely to be felt immediately due to its direct impact on a sensitive area.

    • Our bodies adapt for stability despite challengesUnderstanding our bodies' natural adaptability can help us optimize movements and reduce injury risk, even in unstable or awkward positions.

      Our bodies naturally adapt to find stability, even when faced with challenges or limitations. This was discussed in relation to individuals with cerebral palsy, who develop unusual postures as a means of mechanical stability due to motor control issues. Similarly, wearing restrictive clothing or assuming incorrect postures can limit movement and lead to issues over time. In martial arts, techniques requiring unstable or awkward positions can be effective, but their execution requires careful consideration of timing and mechanics to avoid injury. Ultimately, our bodies are designed for adaptation and survival, and understanding these principles can help us optimize our movements and reduce the risk of injury.

    • Mastering stable shoulder positions for effective physical activitiesFocus on learning stable positions like the front rack for optimal functionality in Jiu Jitsu and Olympic lifting. Understand the importance of movement over muscle structure.

      Stable shoulder positions are crucial for various physical activities, including Jiu Jitsu and Olympic lifting. The "front rack" position, where the arms are extended in front of the body with the hands gripping each other, is a stable and functional position for the shoulder. This position allows for effective expression of complex movements and can be compared to other stable positions like climbing a rope or doing a backbend. It's important to understand the functional language of human movement and focus on mastering stable positions, rather than worrying about the intricacies of muscle and bone structures. The brain is wired for movement, not musculature, so the key is to learn how to use and express these positions effectively. For those new to physical activities or with limited mobility, it's essential to learn the fundamentals of movement and stability before jumping into more complex sports or techniques.

    • Developing physical intelligence through proper movement and positioning is crucial before engaging in sports or physical activities.Proper movement and positioning are essential for developing physical intelligence before sports or activities. Focus on technique and conditioning in gym settings to create well-rounded athletes.

      Developing physical intelligence through proper movement and positioning is crucial before engaging in sports or physical activities. This concept was recognized by countries like Russia and China, who emphasized stable positions and front rack techniques in Olympic lifting. While best practices are now more accessible through the internet, it's essential to teach people how to move correctly before introducing them to specific sports. Even in fighting disciplines like MMA or Jiu Jitsu, conditioning and drills focus on technique rather than weightlifting or other forms of exercise. The best way to create well-rounded athletes is to enhance their physical abilities and balance, which can be achieved through deliberate practice and skill development in a gym setting. This approach benefits everyone, from injured individuals to world-class athletes.

    • Mastering various combat sports positions and movementsRegularly practicing a wide range of combat sports positions and movements can help build strength, stability, and create a 'movement library' for handling diverse situations with confidence and power. Improving posture and flexibility can prevent and mitigate injuries.

      Effective training for various combat sports like kickboxing and Muay Thai involves not only mastering good positions but also building strength and stability in awkward ones. The human body adapts to the positions it is frequently subjected to, so it's crucial to practice a wide range of movements. The goal is to create a "movement library" that enables athletes to handle diverse situations with confidence and power. Poor posture and inflexibility, common in today's sedentary lifestyle, can limit an athlete's range of motion and make them more susceptible to injuries. Regular practice of various positions and movements can help prevent and mitigate these issues.

    • Engage pelvis, squeeze abs, and screw feet for efficient running formProper running form involves engaging the pelvis, squeezing the abs to create intra-dominal pressure, screwing the feet into the ground, and running on the ball of the foot for stability and efficiency.

      Proper running form involves engaging the pelvis, squeezing the abs to create intra-dominal pressure, and screwing the feet into the ground for stability. Additionally, running on the ball of the foot and maintaining a slight external rotation are important for efficient movement. The use of martial arts techniques, such as Aikido, can also inform running form by teaching the importance of stability and balance. It's important to observe and learn from experts, even if their running style may seem unconventional at first. The ultimate goal is to find a stable and efficient running form that reduces the risk of injury and maximizes performance.

    • Impact of Shoes and Modern Lifestyle on Running Form and InjuriesUnderstanding natural running form and minimizing shoe and sedentary lifestyle impact is crucial for a pain-free body.

      Our running form and injuries are significantly influenced by our shoes and modern lifestyle. Our bodies are designed to run naturally, but shoes with excessive drops and prolonged sitting can alter our biomechanics. Heel striking, a common issue, is largely a result of shoe design and can lead to knee injuries. Children, who run naturally without shoes, don't start heel striking until they're influenced by shoes and prolonged sitting. The shortening of our heel cords from wearing high-heeled shoes reduces our ankle range of motion, causing us to compensate with altered running patterns and spine alignment. To maintain a pain-free body throughout our lives, it's essential to understand our natural running form and minimize the impact of shoes and sedentary lifestyles.

    • The Nervous System's Role in Movement and PerformanceInjuries to the nervous system can hinder movement abilities and overall performance. Investing time in both movement and strength conditioning is crucial for optimal performance and potential growth.

      The nervous system is a primary system that enables movement and interaction with the environment, and when it's injured, the body prioritizes healing above all else. This means that physical injuries can significantly impact an individual's ability to perform at their best, particularly in areas requiring force and coordination. Moreover, the skills developed through physical training and movement practices are interconnected, and investing time in both areas can lead to optimal performance. It's essential to recognize that the nervous system is the foundation for all human abilities, including high-order thinking, and neglecting it can limit one's potential. Additionally, the development of skills takes time, and it's crucial to approach training holistically, focusing on both movement and strength conditioning.

    • Making intangible aspects of athletic performance visibleEffective coaching involves observing natural abilities, prioritizing skill development, balancing challenges and fatigue, and adapting training to individual needs and potential.

      Effective coaching involves making the intangible aspects of athletic performance visible. This can be achieved by observing an athlete's natural abilities and identifying areas for improvement. For instance, a coach might notice a young girl's natural torque and organization, leading them to recognize her potential as an Olympic champion. To optimize training, it's essential to prioritize skill development and strength conditioning, while ensuring athletes are not excessively fatigued during skill sessions. Coaches must strike a balance between challenging athletes and avoiding overexertion. Additionally, the conversation between a coach and athlete is crucial for determining the best training schedule and approach. The art of coaching lies in understanding each athlete's unique needs and adapting training accordingly.

    • Learning from Challenging ExperiencesChallenging experiences, whether through sports, arts, or other situations, help individuals grow by teaching them valuable skills like coping with adversity, adapting to new challenges, and competing effectively.

      Experiencing stress and competition, whether through sports, performing arts, or other challenging situations, is essential for personal growth. The dynamic between a trainer and athlete, or coach and student, plays a crucial role in helping individuals understand their capacities and learn to manage their mental states. While some activities, like stand-up comedy, offer more control over the situation, others, like fighting, present inherent dangers. However, both situations require preparation and training to navigate effectively. By exposing individuals to these stressors, we help them learn valuable skills, including how to compete, cope with adversity, and adapt to new challenges. Ultimately, these experiences shape us into more resilient, well-rounded individuals.

    • Reviewing video for self-improvement in combat sportsAnalyzing video can help identify inefficiencies and errors in combat sports training, improving performance and reducing competition losses. Early motor pattern correction is crucial for optimal fitness and performance.

      Self-analysis through video review is crucial for identifying and correcting inefficiencies and errors in training, especially in combat sports like Muay Thai. This can help athletes improve their performance and reduce the likelihood of getting "ass kicked" in competitions. Another important point is the role of coaches and formal movement training in creating a strong foundation for kids to develop skills and good motor patterns. The brain's neuroplasticity allows for the learning of new skills, but it becomes more challenging with age and bad motor patterns. Therefore, addressing imbalances and dysfunctions early on can lead to better overall fitness and performance. For instance, fighters who lead with their left hand or golfers who turn one way for a living should pay extra attention to potential issues on their non-dominant side.

    • Improve physical abilities through conscious practice and addressing imbalancesPracticing opposite-handed activities and addressing mobility issues can enhance physical abilities and optimize biomechanics

      Our physical abilities and biomechanics can be improved through conscious practice and addressing imbalances. The body sometimes develops stiffness or limitations in certain areas due to overuse or lack of mobility. By recognizing these imbalances and practicing opposite-handed activities, we can improve our mechanics and efficiency. For instance, a pitcher throwing with their non-dominant hand can enhance their dominant pitch. Similarly, practicing pistol squats can help identify and address mobility issues. Furthermore, small cues like keeping pinkies out can create stability and stiffness in the body. Overall, conscious practice and addressing imbalances are essential for optimizing our physical abilities.

    • Improving fundamental movement skills for better athletic performanceFocusing on basic body shapes and correcting imbalances can enhance athletic performance and overall physical health by improving range of motion and nervous system organization.

      Effective physical education in schools should focus on teaching observable, measurable, and repeatable fundamental movement skills. This includes basic shapes of the body like bending, squatting, running, and launching. By improving range of motion and correcting imbalances, athletes can instantly use these improvements to enhance their performance. For example, correcting toe position can lead to increased stability and functionality. Prioritizing nervous system organization, particularly the relationship between the pelvis and spine, is crucial for efficient movement and reducing shoulder pain. So, in essence, walking with proper foot alignment and focusing on fundamental movement skills can significantly improve athletic performance and overall physical health.

    • Maintaining good foot mechanics is crucial for overall athletic performance and injury preventionGood foot mechanics are essential for generating force, maintaining stability, and preventing injuries in activities like squatting and running. Regular exercises can help improve foot mobility and stability over time.

      Limited mobility or poor posture in the feet can significantly impact overall body function and stability. This can lead to a breakdown in mechanics and increased risk of injury. The foot's position plays a crucial role in generating force and maintaining a stable structure, especially in activities like squatting and running. It's essential to be able to move in and out of various foot positions to optimize function and avoid compromising the shoulders or limiting other capacities. While it's not necessary to walk around in a formal position, maintaining good foot mechanics is vital for overall athletic performance and injury prevention. Regular exercises that focus on developing foot arch and proper foot positioning can help improve mobility and stability over time.

    • Mastering fundamental positions for optimal leverage and techniquePracticing and refining positions in various fields, from wrestling to emergency response, can give a significant advantage by optimizing leverage and technique. Over time, these positions become second nature through repetition and matching the physiology of the body.

      Mastering a stable position is crucial in various fields, including sports and emergency response. The speaker emphasizes the importance of practicing and refining positions to optimize leverage and technique, even if they may not be the most comfortable or intuitive. This concept applies to wrestling, where being in the correct position can give an advantage in controlling an opponent. It also extends to other areas, such as firefighting, where optimizing positioning can help in lifting heavy objects or navigating challenging situations. The speaker argues that over time, these fundamental positions become second nature due to repetition and matching the physiology of the body.

    • Exploring the interconnected aspects of human performanceUnderstanding physiology, mindset, and injury recovery can lead to increased strength, stability, and skill acquisition. Focusing on interconnected elements can optimize performance and overcome challenges.

      Understanding the connection between various aspects of human performance, such as physiology, mindset, and injury recovery, can significantly enhance one's ability to learn and improve skills. For instance, maintaining proper shoulder alignment during physical activities can lead to increased strength and stability. Furthermore, having a comprehensive understanding of one's own body and its needs, including sleep patterns and injury recovery methods, can accelerate skill acquisition and overall performance. A notable example is Conor McGregor, who is known for his meticulous attention to his own systems. Injuries, such as back pain, can be addressed through methods like self-myofascial release using tools like lacrosse balls. By focusing on the interconnected nature of these elements, individuals can optimize their performance and overcome challenges more effectively.

    • Holistic approach to healing and pain reliefFocus on optimizing the entire body's mechanics, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and address past injuries for long-term pain relief and improved performance.

      True healing and pain relief go beyond just soft tissue work or specific treatments like Rolfing. Instead, focusing on optimizing the entire body's mechanics, including the rib and thoracic joints, is crucial for long-term improvement. Additionally, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, such as proper sleep, nutrition, and hydration, sets the stage for the body's natural healing abilities. For athletes looking to extend their careers, this holistic approach can help them perform at their best for longer. For instance, understanding proper kicking techniques can lead to more stable hip positions and less strain on the body. Furthermore, addressing past injuries and their underlying causes, like stenosis, can significantly impact one's ability to move and maintain good posture. In summary, a comprehensive approach to movement, healing, and lifestyle choices is essential for achieving optimal health and pain relief.

    • Understanding the importance of good form and positioningMaintaining good form and positioning is crucial for preventing injuries, especially in high-impact sports or activities. Poor movements or collisions can lead to serious issues like back injuries or herniated disks. Be aware of potential consequences and work to improve positioning and movement patterns to mitigate injury risk.

      Proper positioning and movement are crucial in preventing injuries, especially in high-impact sports or activities. The body is designed to handle some trauma, but repeated poor movements or collisions can lead to serious issues, such as back injuries or herniated disks. It's essential to understand the importance of maintaining good form and positioning, even in the face of unexpected impacts or unique moments that cannot be controlled. People are constantly working at the limits of their understanding, and it's essential to be aware of the potential consequences of our actions, especially when it comes to our physical health. The expert emphasized that we should not overlook the impact of physical trauma, particularly for athletes, as even seemingly small mistakes or poor form can lead to significant injuries over time. Ultimately, being aware of our positioning and movement patterns, and taking steps to improve them, can help mitigate the risk of injury and ensure we are performing at our best.

    • The importance of effective time management and perseverance in overcoming challengesEffective time management and perseverance are essential for tackling difficulties, from eating challenging foods to extending athletic careers. Control what you can, like the clock and details, and adapt to maintain peak performance as you age.

      Effective time management and perseverance are crucial in overcoming challenges, whether it's eating a difficult food or extending the careers of athletes. The speaker shares his experience with a man who underestimated the time and effort required to eat a kidney and emphasizes the importance of controlling what one can control, such as the clock and details. He also discusses the importance of training and adapting to maintain peak performance as we age, using the example of a 63-year-old black belt jiu-jitsu master named Yoshi. The speaker emphasizes the importance of preserving the body and not pushing it beyond its limits, especially as we age. In the context of athletics, he advocates for extending careers and preventing disability, using the example of wrestlers and their training regimens. Overall, the speaker's message is one of resilience and adaptability in the face of challenges.

    • Understanding Fundamentals and Building Trust in Martial Arts TrainingTo excel in martial arts, focus on fundamental principles like stability, torque, and foundation. Trust is vital for progression and developing instincts. Prioritize recovery through massage, sleep, and relaxation techniques.

      Effective training in martial arts, whether it's jujitsu, Muay Thai, or wrestling, requires a deep understanding of fundamental principles and the development of trust with training partners. These principles include stability, torque, and creating a strong foundation to transfer power from the ground up. The importance of trust in training is crucial for progression and the development of instincts. Additionally, the recovery of athletes is essential, as constant training in a sympathetic state can negatively impact their ability to rest and perform optimally. The martial arts cultures that prioritize massage, sleep, and relaxation techniques can offer valuable insights into promoting recovery and overall well-being.

    • Understanding the impact of physical position on health and performanceGood posture and positioning are crucial for optimal body function, including efficient breathing and access to the parasympathetic nervous system, leading to better sleep and overall well-being. Overextension or poor positioning can negatively impact health and performance.

      Our physical position and state of being can significantly impact our body's functions, particularly our breathing and access to the parasympathetic nervous system. This system is crucial for recovery and adaptation. For instance, certain cultural practices, like getting a hand job after a fight or accessing a Thai massage, can help bring us out of the sympathetic state and into the parasympathetic state, leading to better sleep and overall well-being. However, if we're overextended or in a bad position, our body may not function optimally, leading to issues like low testosterone, inefficient breathing, and even pelvic floor problems. Therefore, it's essential to prioritize good posture and positioning to ensure our body can perform at its best. Additionally, during training, it's important to extend ourselves to the brink but never overextend, as this can lead to poor form and inefficient training. Overall, being aware of our physical position and state can significantly impact our health and performance.

    • Understanding the importance of proper body mechanics and movementFocus on nutrition, sleep, hydration, and good body positioning for improved overall health and performance

      While advertisers may use persuasive tactics, ultimately, individuals hold the responsibility for their own well-being, including their diet, exercise, and body positioning. Musashi's philosophy of balance, which includes physical, mental, and artistic aspects, can serve as a guide to achieving optimal performance in all areas of life. The missing piece in many people's wellness journeys is understanding the importance of proper body mechanics and movement. By focusing on nutrition, sleep, hydration, and good body positioning, individuals can improve their overall health and performance.

    • Optimal self-actualization through integrationFocusing on integration of mindfulness and understanding in all practices leads to empowerment, positive change, and the best possible quality of life.

      Optimal self-actualization involves being fully integrated in all aspects of life, just like a long sword being used effectively. This means bringing mindfulness and understanding to all practices, including training, nutrition, and daily activities. Integration is key to avoiding wasted effort and achieving the best possible quality of life. Buckminster Fuller's concept of integrated systems applies here, as the same principles that help us function optimally as individuals also apply to our families and communities. By focusing on integration, we can empower ourselves and those around us, and create a ripple effect of positive change. The freely available information and resources in today's world provide us with a unique opportunity to learn and grow, and it's up to us to take advantage of it. The success stories, such as that of former UFC heavyweight champion Boss Rooster, demonstrate the transformative power of integrated practices.

    • Fight Outcomes Should Consider Endurance and ComposureFight outcomes should not solely be based on physical strength or technique, but also on a fighter's ability to endure damage and maintain composure under pressure.

      The outcome of a fight should not solely be determined by physical strength or technique, but also by a fighter's ability to endure damage and maintain composure under pressure. The discussion highlights an instance where a less skilled wrestler, Randallman, was able to dominate a more skilled opponent, Boss, by using superior wrestling to keep him on the ground and inflict damage. However, the opponent did not want to be there and was unable to do much other than attempt to escape. The judges should consider the amount of damage inflicted throughout the fight, not just the first few rounds, and the fighter's will to keep going despite the adversity. The Thai Muay Thai judging system, which does not start judging until the third round, is an example of this approach. Ultimately, competition brings out the human spirit and allows us to see beyond physical limitations. There are fighters who perform exceptionally well in the gym but struggle when they compete, and there are others who lack physical talent but possess an indomitable spirit. The underdog often benefits from lower expectations and a willingness to fight with what they have.

    • Connection between physical conditioning and fighting techniquesUnderstanding an athlete's squatting form and punching power connection can help identify and correct motor pattern issues. Addressing chronic pain involves understanding brain mapping of painful movements and creating new motor pathways. Ongoing research explores mitigating head trauma impact through protective equipment.

      The connection between physical conditioning and fighting techniques is often overlooked but crucial. Understanding the relationship between an athlete's squatting form and their punching power can help identify and correct motor pattern issues. Additionally, addressing chronic pain involves understanding how the brain maps painful movements and creating new motor pathways to alleviate pain. Regarding head trauma, while it's a significant concern, there's ongoing research into mitigating its impact through the use of mouthguards and other protective equipment. Ultimately, optimizing an athlete's physical and mental health requires a holistic approach that considers both their training techniques and the long-term effects of their sport.

    • Exploring the Power of the Wheel Kick in Martial ArtsThe wheel kick, a less common technique in martial arts, can generate significant force and surprise opponents. Young MMA fighters should consider practicing it for an edge in competition. Performance-enhancing drugs can aid training and recovery, but fairness and transparency in testing and usage are essential.

      The wheel kick, a technique used in martial arts, is a powerful and effective strike that can catch opponents off guard due to its unconventional nature. Edson Barbosa discussed how this technique, which involves striking with the heel of the foot, can generate immense force and cause significant damage. He emphasized that young MMA fighters should practice this technique as it is not commonly used in training and can give an advantage in competition. Additionally, the discussion touched on the topic of performance-enhancing drugs in combat sports. While opinions varied, it was agreed that these substances can help athletes train harder and recover faster, potentially giving them an edge in competition. However, it is crucial to ensure fairness and transparency in testing and usage.

    • The Indomitable Spirit of Pride FightersFedor Emelianenko and Wanderlei Silva, among others, exemplify the exceptional mental and physical attributes of 'pride' fighters, setting them apart with their unwavering dedication, focus, and determination.

      The physical and mental attributes of certain MMA fighters, such as Fedor Emelianenko and Wanderlei Silva, set them apart as true "pride" fighters. Their intense dedication, focus, and unwavering determination transformed them into seemingly superhuman beings. These fighters, who often displayed veins bulging and an unrelenting ferocity in the ring, showcased a level of mental fortitude and physical prowess that went beyond the average athlete. Their unique abilities, whether it be their unmatched power or unusual body types, were often the result of a combination of genetics, training, and an unwavering commitment to their craft. Ultimately, these fighters serve as a testament to the limitless potential of human performance when fueled by an indomitable spirit.

    • Mechanics and technique in striking impact performanceAthlete's mechanics and technique, especially in striking, can significantly affect their performance. Factors like dehydration, weight management, and use of performance-enhancing gear also impact performance.

      While genetics, intelligence, discipline, and hard work are essential for athletic success, mechanics and technique, particularly in striking, can significantly impact performance. Roy Jones Jr.'s athleticism and skill set made him a formidable opponent, but as he changed weight classes and his body composition shifted, his mechanics and reactions were affected. Dehydration, weight management, and the use of performance-enhancing gear are also factors that can impact a fighter's performance and should be considered. In MMA, where there are numerous variables to cover, athletes are constantly pushing to improve every aspect of their game, making the condition of the fighter a crucial element in their success.

    • Understanding individual health needs for optimal MMA trainingMMA fighters should get a comprehensive blood panel to identify inflammatory markers and adjust diet accordingly. Everyone responds differently, so occasional indulgences can be part of a balanced lifestyle.

      MMA fighters often overtrain and struggle with recovery. To optimize their training and overall health, it's essential for them to understand the fundamental principles of movement and nutrition. Gluten, for example, can cause inflammation and hinder recovery, but not everyone reacts the same way to it. A better approach is to get a comprehensive blood panel to understand individual inflammatory markers and adjust diet accordingly. It's also important to recognize that everyone's body responds differently, and occasional indulgences, like eating gluten at a wedding, can be part of a balanced lifestyle. The key is to find the right balance and prioritize overall health and well-being.

    • Questioning the sources of our food and understanding their impactObserve and measure consumption, consider benefits of grass-fed meat and wild game, be aware of potential issues with genetically modified foods, and experiment with diets to listen to your body.

      It's essential to question the sources of our food and understand their impact on our bodies. The speaker emphasizes the importance of observing and measuring our consumption, whether it's bacon or gluten. He shares his personal beliefs about the benefits of eating grass-fed meat and wild game, as they closely resemble the diets of animals that are naturally healthy. The speaker also touches upon the potential issues with genetically modified foods like wheat and gluten, and encourages individuals to experiment with their diets and listen to their bodies. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of being aware of what we put into our bodies and making informed choices based on our unique needs.

    • Gluten and its impact on digestion and potential addictionGluten can cause inflammation and addiction-like behaviors, but a balanced approach with cheat days or limiting consumption may be reasonable for some. Ultimately, the decision depends on personal goals and priorities for optimal health and function.

      Gluten, found in foods like spaghetti, donuts, waffles, and even fried chicken, can cause inflammation in the body, making it difficult for some individuals to digest properly. Gluten is not a normal part of the human diet and can have an opiate-like effect on the body, potentially leading to addiction-like behaviors. However, some people argue that having a cheat day or limiting gluten consumption to certain days of the week can be a reasonable approach. Ultimately, the decision to go gluten-free or not depends on personal goals and priorities. For those looking to optimize their health and function, removing gluten from their diet may be beneficial. The podcast also touched on the importance of self-awareness and taking care of one's body, as it is a valuable asset.

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    Christian Angermayer and Dr. Aron D’Souza are the co-founders of the Enhanced Games, an upcoming Olympic-style event that brings together the world’s top athletes to compete without arbitrary bans on performance-enhancing substances.  www.enhanced.org Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2165 - Jack Carr

    #2165 - Jack Carr
    Jack Carr is a bestselling author, retired Navy SEAL, and host of the “Danger Close” podcast. His newest book, "Red Sky Mourning,” is available now. www.officialjackcarr.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2164 - Action Bronson

    #2164 - Action Bronson
    Action Bronson is a musician, chef, painter, and author. Look out for his forthcoming album "Johann Sebastian Bachlava the Doctor'' and watch his series "F*ck, That's Delicious" on YouTube. www.actionbronson.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2163 - Freeway Rick Ross

    #2163 - Freeway Rick Ross
    Freeway Rick Ross is a former eighties drug kingpin who is now an author, motivational speaker, and community advocate. www.freewayrickyross.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2162 - Tim Dillon

    #2162 - Tim Dillon
    Tim Dillon is a stand-up comic, actor, and host of "The Tim Dillon Show" podcast. His latest comedy special, "Tim Dillon: A Real Hero," is available on Netflix. Look for his book "Death by Boomers: How the Worst Generation Destroyed the Planet, but First a Child" in 2024. www.timdilloncomedy.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    JRE MMA Show #158 with Tank Abbott

    JRE MMA Show #158 with Tank Abbott
    Joe sits down with David “Tank” Abbott, a retired professional mixed martial artist, former pro wrestler, and pioneer in the world of combat sports. www.ufc.com/athlete/tank-abbott Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2161 - Tony Hinchcliffe

    #2161 - Tony Hinchcliffe
    Tony Hinchcliffe is a stand-up comedian, writer, and actor. He's also the co-host, along with Brian Redban, of the podcast and live YouTube show "Kill Tony." https://tonyhinchcliffe.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Episode #16 Does Poor Posture Make You Slow, Tired, and Fat?

    Episode #16 Does Poor Posture Make You Slow, Tired, and Fat?

    head forward posture is at epidemic levels due to laptop, tablet and smartphone use.

    Sitting for more than a few minutes at a time results in slouching, and, over time, vertical postural misalignment.

    Postural misalignment literally takes more energy to do day to day tasks- less efficient- an energy suck

    This in turn leads to higher physical stress on the body.

    Additionally, a greater emotional stress response is constantly generated in head forward posture

    Cortisol levels rise in response to body stressors like physical stress and emotional stress- therefore- poor posture leads to higher cortisol levels

    Cortisol levels have been directly linked to systemic inflammatory levels in the body- therefore- chronic poor posture results in chronically elevated levels.

    Targeted exercise and specific strength training can improve posture but often takes years of effort.


    Postural Specific Structural Bodywork can speed the process of postural improvement dramatically- In just 10 weeks- most people experience dramatic improvements in their posture.


    “Good Posture is correlated with improved health, movement efficiency, gracefulness, and improved sleep.


    Tolerance for risk taking improves with the posture


    “Bad Posture has been linked to a host of medical problems including headaches and other neurological problems, depression, constipation, heart disease, rotator cuff, shoulder, knee and back problems.


    Benefits of Structural Integration (resulting in improved posture):


    A.     A natural, side-effect-free response to stress, headaches, “computer screen neck pain,” back pain, etc. – instead of pills, drugs, etc. Structural Integration literally “calms your nervous system” down. Making you more able to respond rather than react. When you feel better in your body, you are more calm and happier overall.

    B.     Improves circulation. Every cell in the body is dependent on blood and lymph flow to provide oxygen and nutrients, and to eliminate metabolic waste. Structural Integration increases circulation, assisting and speeding up these processes. This means the body performs with better efficiency; resists or recovers from disease, injury, or exceptionally arduous activity; and quite simply makes you feel better, be more productive. Photographic evidence shows: Structural Integration enhances youthful appearance.  A more upright body, exudes the confidence of youth, the ease of movement, the vitality of a healthy, balanced body.

    C.     Replaces fatigue with energy. If you are frequently tired….”drained” at day’s end…you’ll find that regular Structural Integration can make a big, positive difference. This is because your body moves with less restriction, and more efficiency. Graceful efficient movement is the hallmark of this work.

    D.    Release of muscular tension. During Structural Integration, there is a release of “endorphins”…your body’s own pain, natural pain-killers. This relaxes muscles, calms nerves, and diffuses built-up stress.  Muscular tension is caused by our response to stress and mis-alignment of the body in the gravitational field- causing certain muscles to have to work hard just to hold us upright. SI re-aligns the body, minimizing and even elimination common excessive muscular tension in the back, shoulders, neck and legs.

    E.     Improves Stamina- through increasing oxygenation of the tissues and oxygen efficiency of the body. One of the most basic fundamentals of Structural Integration- increasing the “vital capacity” or breath intake volume- is one of the most powerful- more oxygenation = better brain and body performance, better recovery, greater vitality, etc. SI literally changes your body chemistry by increasing your vital capacity.

    F.     Saves energy- not only does re-aligning the body in the gravitational field help you to move with more grace and ease, when you are aligned, you don’t have to use excess energy to “hold yourself up” against the gravitational field! The more your body is aligned with the downward pull of gravity (in a straight line) the better the earths counter force is able to transmit upward thrust forces through your body- literally supporting you for “free”.

    G.     Breath Efficiency- as the tissues in and around your ribcage, back, and neck are freed up and become more elastic, your vital capacity increases and so does the efficiency of breath (the amount of muscular energy used to inhale actually decreases!) Think about this for a minute- even if your vital capacity and breathing efficiency improve by only 1% (an understatement at minimum) how much energy is saved over the course of a day? You breathe average 12/min, 720/hr, 17,280/day, 6,307,200/yr…you get the picture. How much energy have you saved? How much more energy can your body now contribute to health and vitality?

    H.    Improves your sleeping patterns. By calming the nervous system, improving the circulation, and evening out the muscular tension in the body, hormonal changes take place that actually improve sleep! Many clients who on their first visit to our office listed “insomnia” or “sleep problems” as one of their top 5 issues, now report sleeping much more deeply and continuously through the night- waking up feeling refreshed and rarin’ to go!

    I.      Lowers raised blood pressure- by removing muscular tension, improving breathing efficiency (greater volume, less effort), and calming the nervous system, Structural Integration helps clients maintain healthy blood pressure levels- thereby minimizing stroke and cardiovascular risk.

    My Thoughts Monday #46, Jay DeMayo-Sharing Is Caring

    My Thoughts Monday #46, Jay DeMayo-Sharing Is Caring
    “What I care about is you are willing to share and that you’re putting out what you’re doing, how you’re doing it, and why you’re moving in the direction you’re moving in with your exercises.”

    This My Thoughts Monday is brought to you by GymAware, the leading tool to measure your athlete’s weight room performance. Learn more about “The Rolls Royce” of bar velocity monitoring here: https://kinetic.com.au/gymaware.html

    This weeks My Thoughts Monday is based around the idea of sharing ideas and what we are doing. I was recently contacted by a coach who has been putting some progressions out on social media asking for thoughts on the progressions. This leads to a rant on why we need to share and how we need to get past the idea of people who post things “aren’t real coaches”.


    You can find sensational content just like this in The Strength Coach Network. As a member of The Strength Coach Networks, you can access over 200 hours of the highest-level lecture content just like this one for 48 hours for only $1. Follow the link below to sign up and use the code CVASPS at check out to get a 48 hour trial for only $1. Check out The Strength Coach Network Here! https://strengthcoachnetwork.com/cvasps/

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    You can find sensational content just like this in The Strength Coach Network. As a member of The Strength Coach Networks, you can access over 200 hours of the highest-level lecture content just like this one for 48 hours for only $1. Follow the link below to sign up and use the code CVASPS at check out to get a 48 hour trial for only $1. Check out The Strength Coach Network Here! https://strengthcoachnetwork.com/cvasps/

    #StrengthCoach, #StrengthAndConditioningCoach, #Podcast, #LearningAtLunch, #TheSeminar, #SportsTraining, #PhysicalPreparation, #TheManual, #SportTraining, #SportPerformance, #HumanPerformance, #StrengthTraining, #SpeedTraining, #Training, #Coach, #Performance, #Sport, #HighPerformance, #VBT, #VelocityBasedTraining, #TriphasicTraining, #Plyometrics



    Success is subjective---we each have our definition of what this means to us...I went from choosing death from inner-pain to living life driven by innate passion! For me, success is wanting to live, not die. Success is feeling self-worth, and mental, emotional, physical & spiritual FREEDOM. Success is living life on my terms, creating a #DreamyMagicalLife sourced from health, happiness & LOVE. #KarenLoveLee #EmpowermentCoach #SuicideToSelfLoveToSuccess

    From Suicide to SelfEVOLution to Success ~ #SuicideAttemptSurvivor #SuicideSurvivor #SuicideAwareness #PreventSuicide #ChooseToLive

    #KarenLoveLeeEmpowersYOU #EmpoweringYouThroughUs #OwnYourGENIUS #SelfFREEDOM

    KarenLoveLee, Elite Empowerment Coach & Spiritual Intuitive

    Contact: KarenLoveLee@gmail.com