
    Podcast Summary

    • Paranormal Experiences and SkepticismPeople have diverse beliefs and experiences with the paranormal, with some embracing it and others skeptical.

      The hosts of "2 Hot Takes" shared their experiences with the paranormal, with Lauren expressing her fear of scary movies and ghost stories, and Alejandra sharing her encounter at the haunted Stanley Hotel. The trio discussed listener experiences with paranormal activity and the skepticism of one partner in a relationship. Alejandra recounted her excitement to visit the Stanley Hotel, despite her boyfriend's disbelief in the paranormal, and her determination to experience the tour despite her heart palpitations. The discussion highlighted the varying beliefs and experiences with the paranormal among individuals.

    • Mysterious Sensory Experience on a TourThe speaker had an unexplained sensory experience during a tour, characterized by persistent afterimages, weightlessness, and distorted surroundings. Despite feeling a sense of danger, the experience was peaceful and confusing rather than frightening, and the speaker regretted leaving before fully understanding it.

      The speaker experienced a unique and unexplained sensory phenomenon during a tour, where she saw persistent afterimages of people entering a room, felt weightless, and saw distorted surroundings. Despite feeling a sense of danger, she couldn't explain the experience or compare it to any previous or subsequent experiences. The experience was peaceful and confusing rather than frightening, and she regretted leaving before understanding its full implications. The speaker also mentioned that her vision was distorted when she returned to the stairs and that others on the tour thought she was an actor. The cause of the experience remains unclear, but it was not related to a lack of oxygen as far as the speaker knew.

    • Encountering the Paranormal: Personal Experiences and Professional InsightsPeople are drawn to the paranormal world by personal experiences and professional investigations, emphasizing the importance of thorough research and investigation.

      The paranormal world continues to intrigue people, with personal experiences and professional investigations fueling the curiosity. The speaker shared her own encounter at the Stanley Hotel, where she experienced strange occurrences that she couldn't fully explain. Her boyfriend supported her, but they were unsure if it was a visceral response or true paranormal activity. The speaker also met a self-proclaimed paranormal investigator who shared insights into the field, which she found fascinating despite the skepticism in the community. The speaker, Jake, who reached out with his own experiences, emphasized the importance of thorough research and investigation, having dedicated over a decade to the subject and having met notable figures in the field. The ongoing debate and exploration of the paranormal underscore the human fascination with the unknown.

    • Investigating a haunted building leads to unexpected discoveriesSometimes, even the most skeptical investigators can encounter unexplained phenomena that cannot be easily explained.

      Not all paranormal experiences can be explained away by mundane means, and sometimes even the most skeptical investigators can encounter unexplained phenomena. In the summer of 2012, the speaker and their team were called to investigate a reportedly haunted building at the request of their uncle. Despite initial skepticism from the staff, the team was granted permission to investigate. However, upon arrival, they discovered that the building was operational and in use, making their investigation difficult. After a mix-up with the schedule, the team was given permission to stay and investigate, but they soon realized that they had been investigating the wrong building. The building they had been in was fully operational and in good condition, while the one they were meant to investigate was in ruins. The team was left feeling frightened and perplexed, unable to rationalize the experience they had all shared. This encounter served as a reminder to the speaker that some experiences cannot be easily explained and that even the most skeptical investigators can encounter the unexplained.

    • Encountering an alternate reality or time rippleSpeakers experienced hallucinations, missing parts of a building, and the disappearance of people in an old location, possibly entering an alternate reality or time ripple, leaving the investigation unfinished but remaining believers in the paranormal.

      The speakers had an unexplained and terrifying experience in an old building where they encountered hallucinations, missing parts of the structure, and the apparent disappearance of people. Despite the lack of any known tragic events or deaths at the location, they believe they may have entered an alternate reality or a ripple in time. The experience left them feeling both chilling and cool, although it was also scary. The speakers mentioned a documentary about the possibility of alternative universes and the Bermuda Triangle, where time and space may behave differently. They also compared their experience to movies where characters are transported to different times or realities. The speakers left the investigation unfinished but remained believers in the paranormal.

    • Unexplained phenomena in dorm roomsStrange occurrences, like falling books or doors slamming shut, can create fear and unease, especially when unexplained. The power of the unknown can significantly impact our emotions and sense of security.

      Unexplained phenomena can create a sense of fear and unease, even in seemingly mundane environments like dorm rooms. The experience shared by the listener involved strange occurrences such as Jack in the Box music, falling books, and a door slamming shut despite being locked. These incidents left the residents feeling scared and anxious, and they were not alone in their experiences as other residents on their floor reported similar occurrences. The inability to explain these events added to the fear and created an unsettling atmosphere. The weight of the situation was amplified by the fact that the dorm room doors had hydraulic hinges, making it impossible for anyone to slam the door shut, yet it still managed to do so during the incident. Overall, the listener's experience highlights the power of the unknown and the impact it can have on our emotions and sense of security.

    • Belief in a Haunted DormLiving in a dorm believed to be haunted can be stressful and lead to fearful experiences, even if others dismiss the occurrences as pranks.

      Living in a dorm believed to be haunted can be a stressful experience. The speaker shared an experience of strange occurrences that left them convinced a previous student was haunting the building. Despite skepticism from others, the speaker found the incidents unnerving and decided to move out. The dorm, which had been on campus since 1940, was a common source of ghost stories. The speaker admitted they easily believe such stories and became fearful when strange occurrences happened to them. The fear was amplified when their roommates also experienced unexplained phenomena. While some dismissed the incidents as pranks, the speaker found the experiences distressing and wanted to move on. The dorm's history and the shared belief in ghosts added to the overall unease.

    • Shared paranormal experiences in homesPeople have had unexplained experiences of ghostly figures and strange noises in their homes, leaving them feeling uneasy and uncertain.

      The speakers shared experiences of paranormal occurrences in their homes. The first account involved the speaker's mother and younger sister describing a shared dream or experience of a ghostly figure with long black hair. The second account was the speaker's personal experience of hearing footsteps and muffled voices in a rented house in Palm Springs, which left them feeling terrified. Despite the differences in details, both stories left the speakers feeling unexplained fear and a sense of something otherworldly present in their environments. The experiences were not harmful but unsettling, leaving the speakers feeling a sense of unease and the need to check their surroundings for signs of the paranormal.

    • Stories of unexplained eventsUnexplained events can leave a lasting impact due to the fear and uncertainty they create, illustrating the power of the imagination and the unknown.

      Unexplained events can be unsettling and leave a lasting impact. The first story shared was about a room that was inexplicably unlocked and opened, leaving the individuals involved puzzled and uneasy. The second story involved a prank that turned into a terrifying experience for some young siblings at a cabin in the woods. Both stories illustrate how unexplained events can create fear and uncertainty. It's important to note that these stories do not involve malicious or harmful intent, but rather the unknown that can be frightening. These experiences serve as reminders of the power of the imagination and the impact of the unknown on our emotions.

    • Unsettling events at Scorpion's houseStrange occurrences, aggressive dog, and drastic behavior from Scorpion raised concerns of supernatural activity, but could also be explained by mental health conditions.

      The unexplained events at Scorpion's house, including growling audio, strange happenings, and a possessed-like behavior from Scorpion towards the ghost hunters, could not be easily explained and raised concerns of supernatural activity. The events escalated when Scorpion's well-behaved dog became aggressive towards him, and Scorpion's demeanor drastically changed, causing the ghost hunters to leave in fear. The events were so unsettling that they were later attributed to demonic possession, but the possibility of a mental health condition, such as split personality disorder, was also suggested. The experience left the ghost hunters shaken and questioning the nature of the events they had encountered.

    • Scorpion's Paranormal Experiences and Terminal IllnessA man named Scorpion's paranormal experiences and his eventual diagnosis with a terminal illness may be connected, as animals like dogs may sense the supernatural or personality shifts in people.

      There seems to be an uncanny connection between a man named Scorpion, his paranormal experiences, and his eventual diagnosis with a terminal illness. The story begins with Scorpion warning the speaker about an impending accident as they were backing out of the driveway. Later, during a paranormal investigation at Scorpion's house, strange occurrences were reported, including a high-pitched scream heard by the investigators. Scorpion was later diagnosed with a serious illness, leading some to speculate that there may have been a supernatural explanation for the events. The story also touches on the idea that animals, such as dogs, may be able to sense paranormal activity or personality shifts in people. The anecdote about Coda, the golden retriever who appears to visit his owner in a trail camera photo after his death, adds to the theme of the connection between the spiritual or paranormal and the bond between humans and their pets. Overall, the stories suggest that there may be more to the world than what we can perceive with our senses, and that the unexplained can sometimes be explained through the unexplainable.

    • Exploring the Paranormal: Personal Encounters and Ghostly EvidenceThe group shares their beliefs in paranormal experiences, discusses a suspected ghost picture, and reflects on the impact of media and popular culture on their beliefs. They also promote a sustainable jewelry company and share personal paranormal encounters.

      The group is discussing their belief in paranormal experiences based on personal encounters and stories they've heard. They are convinced that a picture they found is evidence of a ghost, and they speculate about possible explanations. The discussion also touches on the influence of media and popular culture on their beliefs. Additionally, they promote a jewelry company, Ana Luisa, which practices sustainable and ethical business and offers a discount to their listeners. The group also shares their own paranormal experiences, some of which are quite eerie. Overall, the conversation showcases the group's fascination with the paranormal and their willingness to explore the unknown.

    • A shadowy figure leaves a lasting impactUnexplained experiences can be deeply unsettling and shape our perceptions, leading us to seek support and investigate further.

      The supernatural or unexplained experiences can be deeply unsettling and leave a lasting impact on individuals. The user shared an experience of seeing a shadowy figure in her new house, which left her terrified and uncertain. Despite her skepticism, she couldn't shake off the feeling that something was amiss. The incident left her feeling both scared and intrigued, leading her to investigate further and seek advice from others. The user's story serves as a reminder that our perceptions and beliefs can shape our experiences, and that sometimes, the unexplained can be more powerful than we imagine. It also highlights the importance of seeking support from loved ones during times of fear and uncertainty.

    • Encountering unexplained phenomena can leave individuals feeling uneasyUnexplained phenomena can evoke fear and uncertainty, leaving individuals unsure of how to react and questioning potential causes

      Experiencing unexplained phenomena can be disconcerting and leave individuals unsure of how to react. The individual in this discussion shared experiences of strange occurrences, including a bathroom tap turning on by itself and seeing a shadowy figure. Although skeptical, the person couldn't explain these occurrences and questioned whether they could have been caused by sleep paralysis. When faced with such experiences, people may feel scared and unsure of whom to contact or how to describe the situation. The individual in this discussion shared a past experience of a lucid dream involving the Grim Reaper, which left her feeling uneasy when her grandfather passed away shortly after. These experiences highlight the complexity and uncertainty surrounding the unexplained and the emotional response it can evoke.

    • People's reactions to the unknownFrom fear and anxiety to curiosity and fascination, people's experiences with the unknown can shape our perceptions and beliefs.

      People's experiences with the unknown, be it through movies, books, or personal encounters, can evoke strong emotions and reactions. Morgan's anxiety and curiosity led her to seek out spoilers and endings, while her step-grandma preferred to read the end before starting. The discussion then shifted to ghost stories, with a shared experience of a haunting encounter during a crime scene cleanup job. Despite the fear and unease, the crew members were able to complete their task and move on. Ultimately, people's reactions to the unknown can range from fear and anxiety to curiosity and fascination, and these experiences can shape our perceptions and beliefs.

    • An Encounter with a Friendly GhostDespite initial unease, the speaker has learned to live with and even enjoy interactions with a friendly ghost named Francis, who causes minimal harm and provides a sense of comfort and protection.

      The speaker in this text had an encounter with a ghost named Francis, and although it was initially unsettling, they have since come to accept his presence and even engage in friendly interactions with him. The ghost is known to move objects, manipulate temperatures, and occasionally play pranks, but overall, he does not cause harm. The speaker has learned to live with Francis and even finds a sense of amusement in their coexistence. It's important to note that the existence of Francis, like all paranormal phenomena, is subjective and open to interpretation. Some may dismiss the speaker's experiences as figments of their imagination, while others may believe in the reality of the supernatural. Regardless, the speaker has found a way to make peace with the situation and even finds comfort in the knowledge that they have a protective presence in their home.

    • Encounters with the DeceasedEncounters with spirits or energies of deceased people can be perceived as strange, confusing, or comforting. They may manifest in various ways and can serve as reminders of our connections with loved ones.

      The presence of spirits or energies of deceased people is not necessarily harmful or negative. They may be stuck between worlds, confused or trying to make peace with their passing. These entities might manifest in various ways, such as whistling or other seemingly odd behaviors. Some people may even form connections with these spirits, seeing them as comforting or familiar. For instance, a person might marry someone who reminds them of a loved one due to shared traits or habits. The stories shared in the discussion illustrate how these experiences can be perceived as strange, confusing, or even comforting. The idea that spirits may linger in places where they died or had significant experiences, such as an ambulance garage or a home, is also a common theme. Ultimately, these encounters can serve as reminders of the connections we have with loved ones, even after they've passed.

    • Unexpected experiences during the grieving processGrieving the loss of a loved one can bring about unexplained and seemingly paranormal experiences, offering comfort and healing

      The loss of a loved one can lead to profound and seemingly paranormal experiences, such as dreams where they return to offer comfort or closure. This was shared through various personal stories, including the experience of a mother who kept hearing her cat meowing and saw eyes glowing in her closet after her mom passed away, and another story of a woman who received a stolen $20 and a cross necklace from her sister in a dream before her passing. Additionally, a story was shared about a mother who lost her cousin in a plane crash and felt immense guilt for begging him to visit her, leading to a profound experience when his name was announced on the news. These stories suggest that the grieving process can involve unexpected and unexplainable experiences that may provide comfort and healing.

    • The impact of loss and spiritual visitations through dreamsLoss can lead to profound experiences, including spiritual visitations through dreams, providing comfort and connection during difficult times.

      The military withheld information about a soldier's brother's death due to concerns about the soldier's emotional stability while deployed. This decision led to a profound and seemingly paranormal experience for the soldier, who later learned of his brother's death through a dream in which his brother appeared holding their newborn niece. The soldier's mother also shared a similar experience of dreaming about her deceased mother around the same time. These stories illustrate the profound impact of loss and the possibility of spiritual visitations or dreams providing comfort during difficult times. The stories also highlight the significance of dreams and their potential role in processing emotions and connecting with loved ones who have passed away.

    • Rainbows as a comforting reminder of loved ones who have passed awayRainbows can bring comfort and solace to those grieving the loss of loved ones, as they believe these spectral phenomena are a form of connection to the afterlife.

      The presence of rainbows in significant moments of people's lives can serve as a comforting reminder of loved ones who have passed away. This belief was shared by Lauren and her cousin Meredith, who both associated rainbows with their respective grandmothers. Rainbows have appeared frequently in their lives since their grandmothers' passings, leading them to believe that these spectral phenomena are a form of divine intervention or a connection to the afterlife. Despite the anxiety and fear that the topic of death can bring, the shared experiences of rainbows bring a sense of solace and beauty to their lives.

    • Factors influencing comfort levels and preferences for living situationsPeople's decisions about living situations can be influenced by various factors, including personal experiences, financial considerations, and supernatural beliefs.

      People's comfort levels and preferences regarding living situations can be influenced by various factors, including the presence of ghosts or past traumas associated with a place. The discussion also revealed that the potential financial benefits of buying a cheap, potentially haunted property and flipping it could be appealing to some, but living in such a place might not be an option for everyone. Ultimately, personal experiences and biases play a significant role in shaping people's decisions. For instance, one person's fear of ghosts might prevent them from accepting a seemingly nice roommate, while another person might be willing to overlook supernatural occurrences for financial gain. Similarly, some people might be affected by past traumas, such as a family member's death in a particular place, which could impact their decision to live there. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of considering individual circumstances and biases when making decisions about living situations.

    Recent Episodes from Two Hot Takes

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    enJune 27, 2024

    171: Maybe Not So Obvious?

    171: Maybe Not So Obvious?
    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Lauren! This week's  assortment of stories has us wondering who is really in the wrong, because there's a lot of grey area in these ones. There's a story where someone's partner is threatening to breakup over walking in on them in the bathroom to someone who turned down her sister's request to be a maid of honor due to their childhood.. This one is a bumpy ride so hang on and share your takes when you can!

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    enJune 20, 2024

    170: Someone's Feeling Triggered..

    170: Someone's Feeling Triggered..
    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Michaela Okland! This week's episode has us responding to stories where someone is a bit peeved, upset, or triggered by the situations they're in. Whether it's a stepdaughter who won't stop singing, finding out your friends lied about your boyfriend, or your boyfriend's dad hitting on you.. these are all "triggering". Can't wait to hear your thoughts!!

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    Two Hot Takes
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    Two Hot Takes
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    enMay 30, 2024

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    Two Hot Takes
    enMay 23, 2024

    166: Trying to Have a Good Time.. Ft. Zane and Heath Unfiltered

    166: Trying to Have a Good Time.. Ft. Zane and Heath Unfiltered
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    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guests Zane Hijazi and Heath Hussar from Zane and Heath: Unfiltered! This episodes stories have people that seem to just want to have a good time.. but things are not going according to plan. Cue the YTA and NTA debates! We're going to need your help on these ones :)

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    Two Hot Takes
    enMay 19, 2024

    165: Wanna Be a Fly on the Wall.. Ft. LyssieLooLoo

    165: Wanna Be a Fly on the Wall.. Ft. LyssieLooLoo
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    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host ConcreteCrotchKiss aka LyssieLooLoo aka Alyssa Collins and Juni!! When you hear about people having drama do you ever wish you could be a fly on the wall to witness it all for yourself?! Well that's what these stories made me wish.. From someone's boyfriend cashing out his 401k to your cousin marrying an ex-fiance.. this is a wild ride.

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    164: Cheating the System.. Ft. Charlotte Dobre

    164: Cheating the System.. Ft. Charlotte Dobre
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    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Charlotte Dobre!! CHEATING, AFFAIRS, OH MY. This episode is all about cheating the system or straying from the norms you may have agreed to. Whether that's being a good partner, or just answering your phone if a family member calls 30 times.. There are some tough ones this week that we could use your takes on too!

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    163: Anything but Perfect..

    163: Anything but Perfect..
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    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Richa!! I am so excited to introduce a new friend to the THT family! Show Richa some love for being brave enough to come on and address these stories that were anything but perfect.. From your SIL trying to borrow a symbolic family heirloom to finding out you have a brain tumor these OPs were going through it. And we're left with a lot of questions.. the biggest.. DO YOU TELL THEM?!

    Checkout Richa! https://www.instagram.com/richaanand/?hl=en

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    Halloween Patreon Sampler

    Halloween Patreon Sampler
    Happy Halloween, everyone! 🎃 To celebrate this awesome day, we decided to release a bonus episode full of samplings from our Patreon. We included 3 segments: 1. Do You Believe the Bizarre? - Where Producer Ben tells us 3 stories per round, 2 are real and 1 is fake, and it is up to Charlie and Tyler to figure out which story is unbelievable! 2. Bizarre News - Tyler and Charlie discuss recent news stories and articles that are weird, bizarre, paranormal, and down right strange. 3. Social Media Response - Every Monday, on social media, Producer Ben posts a question. In this Patreon segment, we read your responses, discuss them, and give our own opinions on the questions.  Plus - we will be dropping an exciting promo tomorrow for an Amazon Music exclusive podcast, I Hear Fear, so stay tuned for that! If you want ALL bonus content every single month, make sure to support Believing the Bizarre and subscribe to our Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/believingthebizarre For updates and extra content, follow Believing the Bizarre on social media: https://www.instagram.com/believingthebizarre/ https://www.facebook.com/believingthebizarre/  Want to discuss the episode on the day it drops with Tyler and Charlie? Follow on Twitch and check out the extended Twitch streams every Tuesday at 8 pm ET: https://www.twitch.tv/believingthebizarre You can rep Believing the Bizarre and buy some unique merch here: https://believing-the-bizarre.creator-spring.com/ Join our Discord here: https://discord.gg/RFqzeQ8dVM Visit our website here: https://believingthebizarre.com/

    Episode 64: The Shed

    Episode 64: The Shed
    A woman named Ruby contacted the show about her boyfriend Clark who had a lot of paranormal experiences during his childhood. His friends like to have him tell these stories at parties, but most of them don't realize how traumatizing these occurrences were for him, particularly a specific incident involving a woman in his shed. Subscribe to Otherworld on Patreon for exclusive content and bonus interviews Check out our Merch Follow us on: Instagram, TikTok, Twitter If you have experienced something paranormal or unexplained, email us your story at stories@otherworldpod.com To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    RELOADED | 240: The Graveyard Visitor

    RELOADED | 240: The Graveyard Visitor
    In Episode 240 we speak to Sam who lived in a house full of paranormal activity that progressed in degree the longer she lived there. When Sam was 17, she and her mother moved into an old and creepy house. Over time, weird things started happening. First, it was the creepy feeling of someone watching her. Then Sam's friend told Sam she was getting "felt up" at night whenever she slept over. Eventually, whatever was behind the paranormal activity started to mess around with anyone who came to that house, from playing with the lights to walking around with heavy footsteps in Sam's room to one night a dark shadow figure finally appearing at the foot of her bed!

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    Merkel Media
    257 N. Calderwood St., #301
    Alcoa, TN 37701

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    Tony's Twitter: @tony_merkel
    Produced by: @jack_theproducer