
    Podcast Summary

    • Embracing the unexpected in lifeLife's unpredictable, find comfort in self-care (David's Bridal, Neutriful) and unexpected reactions (panic bone)

      Life can be unpredictable and full of surprises, just like a giant ball of yarn taking up a sidewalk in New York City. Another important takeaway is the significance of self-care, whether it's finding the perfectly fitting bridal gown at David's Bridal or addressing the root causes of hair thinning with Neutriful supplements. Additionally, men can experience unexpected physical reactions, such as a "panic bone" during stressful situations. Overall, this episode emphasizes the importance of embracing the unexpected and taking care of oneself in various aspects of life. Use code "daddy" for discounts on David's Bridal and Neutriful products.

    • Understanding the complexities of human sexualityPeople experience arousal differently and have unique desires, requiring open communication and respect in sexual encounters. Consent and boundary awareness are crucial.

      Guys can experience arousal in response to fear or surprise, and this can sometimes lead to unwanted physical reactions. Additionally, women may adopt a "slutty" reputation or behavior for various reasons, and learning to balance revealing signs of interest with maintaining a wholesome image can be a challenge. It's important to remember that everyone has unique experiences and desires, and open communication and respect are key in any sexual encounter. The discussion also touched on the importance of consent and being mindful of others' boundaries. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities and nuances of human sexuality and the importance of being aware of our own and others' reactions.

    • Being too explicit about past sexual experiences can be off-puttingFocus on being good in bed and eager to learn from your partner to build a stronger connection, rather than revealing past sexual exploits.

      Being overly explicit about your past sexual experiences in a new relationship can be counterproductive. Instead, it's recommended to focus on being good in bed and eager to learn from your partner. This approach can be more alluring and can help build a stronger connection. The graphic story shared in the discussion illustrates how a woman's attempt to act innocent while having a contrary reputation came off as insincere and left her appearing more like a "slut" than if she had just been upfront about her past. Ultimately, it's important to find a balance between being confident in your sexuality and being respectful of your partner's perception of you.

    • Making the other person work for it can be a turn-onBeing assertive and coy during sexual encounters can create excitement and desire, while maintaining a sense of mystery and balance is key.

      During sexual encounters, taking control and making the other person work for it can be a powerful turn-on. This dynamic can create a sense of excitement and desire, as well as boosting one's ego. However, it's important to be mindful of the context and one's reputation, as being too forward or aggressive may not be desirable. Instead, being coy and playful can be an effective way to build sexual tension and maintain a sense of mystery. Additionally, using subtle signals to indicate interest while still maintaining a sense of innocence can be a powerful tool in the bedroom. Overall, the key is to find a balance between assertiveness and subtlety, and to use body language and verbal cues to communicate desires effectively.

    • Manipulating Perceptions of Past ExperiencesPeople may use strategies to conceal past experiences or identities in romantic or sexual relationships, such as using the guise of being a born-again Christian or having an artificial hymen. Certain names or associations might also impact one's social interactions, and it's important to be mindful of online presence to avoid potential negative consequences.

      People can use various strategies to manipulate others' perceptions of their past experiences or identities. In this conversation, the speakers discussed using the guise of being a born-again Christian or having an artificial hymen to conceal a past of being sexually active. They also discussed how certain names might be associated with promiscuity and how this could potentially impact one's social interactions. The speakers emphasized that they were not advocating for changing one's ways but rather for being able to hide one's past to have more options in romantic or sexual relationships. They also acknowledged the risks and potential negative consequences of revealing too much online. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexities and potential manipulations in social interactions and the importance of being mindful of one's online presence.

    • Exploring new experiences for growthSeeking new experiences in business or life can lead to growth. Shipstation simplifies shipping tasks, Pepsi Wild Cherry offers indulgence, and Say cosmetics provides clean, sustainable makeup. Shower sex adds excitement and liberation, despite challenges.

      Pushing boundaries and seeking new experiences, whether it's in business or personal life, can lead to growth and improvement. Shipstation, as a business partner, can help streamline shipping tasks and make it easier to scale a business. Meanwhile, Pepsi Wild Cherry offers a wild and indulgent moment in everyday life, and Say cosmetics provides clean, sustainable, and high-performing makeup for a natural, glowy look. Shower sex, a topic many have requested, can add an exciting and liberating twist to intimacy, with the standing up doggy position being a popular choice. Despite the challenges, such as water getting in the eyes, the experience can still be enjoyable and memorable.

    • Enhance shower sex with chairs or ledgesExperiment with shower chairs or ledges for unique positions and advantages during shower sex, ensuring safety and creativity to overcome height differences.

      The type of shower you have can significantly enhance your shower sex experience. The discussion revealed that showers with chairs or ledges can offer unique positions and advantages for both partners. For instance, a chair can allow the receiver to sit and be penetrated from various angles, while a ledge can provide extra stability and leverage for the giver. However, it's essential to ensure safety and avoid slipping. The height difference between partners can also be a challenge, but creative solutions like lifting or using props can help overcome this obstacle. Ultimately, the key is to experiment and find what works best for you and your partner. Don't let your shower's design limit your sexual exploration!

    • People have unique preferences and biasesRespect individual preferences and desires, while being aware of potential consequences of actions and words.

      People have unique preferences and biases, even if they seem arbitrary or unfair to others. The friend in this conversation expresses a strong preference for dating men who are taller than her, despite her own small stature. This preference, while seemingly unreasonable to some, is a reflection of her personal desires and comfort levels. Similarly, in the topic of sex, people have various preferences and positions that bring them pleasure, such as shower sex or using a shower head for stimulation. However, it's important to remember that everyone's experiences and comfort levels are different, and communication and consent are crucial in any sexual encounter. Lastly, the conversation touches on the topic of social media and the pressure to present a certain image online. It's important to be mindful of the impact of our actions and words, especially when they may be perceived as attention-seeking or insincere. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of respecting individual preferences and desires, while also being aware of the potential consequences of our actions and words.

    • Authenticity and transparency matter on social mediaBe truthful about appearance and intentions, avoid misleading captions and heavy makeup or filters, embrace new experiences

      Authenticity and transparency are key in social media. The constant posting of "bad angle" pictures with misleading captions can be misleading and even manipulative. It's important for individuals, especially public figures, to be truthful about their appearance and intentions. Additionally, the use of heavy makeup, filters, and other enhancements can be contradictory to the "naked face" or "natural" image they may try to portray. Lastly, the mention of poppers was a brief and unexpected topic, but the overall message was about embracing new experiences and being open-minded.

    • Importance of lubrication in anal sexEffective communication, consent, and preparation including lubrication are essential for a successful and comfortable anal sex experience.

      Using anal lubricant is crucial for a comfortable and successful anal sex experience. The speaker's first experience with anal sex resulted in pain and discomfort due to lack of lubrication, leading to the partner seeking advice online on how to handle the situation. This experience highlights the importance of communication, consent, and preparation in sexual encounters. While the speaker's story includes elements of embarrassment and regret, it also demonstrates the potential for forgiveness and salvaging relationships through honesty and compromise. Overall, the experience serves as a reminder to prioritize comfort, safety, and open communication in sexual experiences.

    • Overcoming fear and discomfort in anal sexCommunicate openly, take things slow, use plenty of lubricant, and prioritize honesty and understanding in relationships.

      Having a fear or discomfort with anal sex is common and can be overcome with communication, patience, and time. The speaker shared her personal experience of having a traumatic first anal experience, but later found a partner who was understanding and respectful of her boundaries. She emphasized the importance of open communication and taking things slow, using plenty of lubricant. Additionally, the speaker shared that everyone has different desires and needs in relationships, and sometimes seeking thrills outside of a committed relationship can lead to difficult situations. Ultimately, it's important to prioritize honesty and understanding in relationships, and to learn from past experiences to make future relationships stronger.

    • The destructive power of jealousy and obsessionCommunicate openly and honestly with your partner about feelings instead of resorting to deception or manipulation

      Obsession and jealousy can lead to extreme measures. In the first story, a woman goes to great lengths to make her boyfriend believe that he cheated on her, even accidentally involving his friend. In the second story, a man's insecurity about his girlfriend checking out other men doesn't necessarily mean he's imagining being with them. Instead, it's a natural reaction to find other people attractive. However, both stories highlight the destructive potential of jealousy and obsession. It's essential to communicate openly and honestly with your partner about your feelings, rather than resorting to deception or manipulation.

    • Discussing Attractiveness and Insecurities in Social SituationsAcknowledging and discussing attractiveness together can help alleviate jealousy and create a more confident dynamic. Women should wear what makes them feel comfortable and confident, not catering to men's preferences. Avoid using face-tuning apps to alter children's appearances on social media to set unrealistic beauty standards.

      People's behaviors and insecurities can sometimes lead to unnecessary jealousy and discomfort in social situations. For instance, when a man notices an attractive woman in the presence of his partner, it can stir up feelings of insecurity and suspicion. However, acknowledging and discussing the attractiveness of the woman together can help alleviate these feelings and create a more open and confident dynamic. Another topic discussed was the issue of women wearing high-waisted bikinis and the negative reactions some men have towards it. The consensus was that while it may not be the most flattering look for everyone, it's important to remember that women should wear what makes them feel comfortable and confident, rather than catering to the preferences of men. Lastly, the discussion touched on the growing trend of parents using face-tuning apps to alter their children's appearances on social media. It was emphasized that this behavior can set unrealistic beauty standards for children and contribute to body image issues, and should be avoided.

    • Discussing children's involvement in social media and unexpected situationsBe open about social media use, communicate honestly, and ensure consent in all situations, especially when involving children or engaging in group activities.

      People should be mindful of involving their children in their social media activities, especially when it comes to manipulating their images. The discussion also touched on handling unexpected situations, such as receiving unsolicited nudes or being approached about joining a threesome. In both cases, honesty and clear communication were emphasized as important strategies for navigating these situations respectfully and consensually. Additionally, when engaging in group sexual activities, it's crucial to ensure that all parties are comfortable and receiving equal attention. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of open communication, respect, and consent in various aspects of life.

    • The Power of Experiences and Environments on Desires and FetishesRepeated exposure to certain stimuli can condition the brain to associate it with sexual pleasure. Embrace your desires, experiment with new experiences, communicate openly, and ensure consent in all sexual encounters.

      Experiences and environments can shape our desires and fetishes in unexpected ways. The speaker shared an intriguing story about how military men, who spent years ejaculating in porta-potties, developed a fetish for the smell of feces. This illustrates how repeated exposure to certain stimuli can condition the brain to associate it with sexual pleasure. The discussion also touched on the importance of communication, consent, and self-exploration in sexual relationships. The speakers encouraged their audience to embrace their desires and experiment with new experiences, while also emphasizing the importance of consent and respect in sexual encounters. Overall, the episode highlighted the complexity and diversity of human sexuality, and encouraged listeners to explore their own desires with an open mind and a sense of humor.

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    Welcome to Episode 53 of the #SPAITGIRL Talk Show with Podcast Host Yvette Le Blowitz

    and our very special guest

    Avril Carpenter is a Leading Clinical Hypnotherapist who specialises in weight loss hypnotherapy for women and she helps them reset sabotaging habits with  virtual gastric hypnosis 

    She shares that looking at her photos it's easy to assume that I've always had a happy relationship with my body and food.

    But in the kindest sends of the word I have been around the block when it comes to struggling with food and body confidence.

    Like so many women, I have a history of dieting, binge eating, and hating my body.

    Family-sized tubs of ice-cream, salt and vinegar chips and liquorice all sorts were my hidden shame.

    It wasn't until she stopped dieting and acknowledged some of the 'stuff' in my head with hypnotherapy that my relationship with food and body changed.

    Hypnotherapy had such tremendous echo in ever part of her life, that she left the corporate world and now spends her days helping women feel comfortable .

    In this podcast show host Yvette Le Blowitz - Author of It Starts With Me founder of #SPAITGIRL an online spa, self care, travel blog community also open's up about her own struggles with her body, body image issues and how even as an online spa travel blogger, travel presenter how she has to take her own self hate thoughts on as it's easy to get caught up comparing yourself when using social media especially Instagram as she has personally experienced blogging when it had nothing to do with modelling to now it is more about modelling thanks to apps like instagram. 

    Are you ready to be your happy shape and size to make peace with food, to live the joyful life you truly crave.

    Then get ready to plug your ear phones in to go for a walk outside while listening or to lay on the couch if you have to stay in side to this week's brand new #spaitgirl podcast show

    After you tune in I would love to hear what you think...

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    You can access free tools, resources, content thanks to our very special guest Avril Carpenter visit her website at www.avrilcarpenter.com

    or follow Avril Carpenter on instagram @avril.carpenter

    or via her Facebook page Avril Carpenter 



    Episode #35: Self-Love & Endometriosis with Melanie Watkins

    Episode #35: Self-Love & Endometriosis with Melanie Watkins

    In today’s episode, I talk with Melanie Watkins, the owner of a wellness events company - hosting, catering, and teaching yoga at different events in Zurich, Switzerland.

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    According to Melanie, her own self-care is more mental than physical; allowing herself to be unapologetically who she is is a form of self-care and self-love. Instead of trying to behave in a certain way in order to be loved or accepted, she’s chosen to be herself and to be free within that. She wants to enjoy guilt-free living, and to enjoy all of what life has to offer.

    She says, "I weigh more now than I’ve ever weighed, I eat more than I’ve ever eaten, and I’m happier now than I’ve ever been."

    While sharing about her endometriosis, she shares that chronic pain alters the nervous system, adrenals, mental health, sleep and more. So much of your life is impacted, including even your body’s ability to digest food. She finds that yoga has given her the most relief, of all the things that she has tried. But also one of the most important things she does for herself when pain takes over is to let herself rest and feel the all the feelings, knowing that it's not doing any good to pretend.

    Melanie shared so much wonderful insight with us, but she shared a particular gold nugget about forgiveness and I'm excited for you to hear more and start practicing it today after you listen.

    If you’d like to connect with Melanie, you can find her here:
    Website: www.melaniewatkinswellness.com
    Instagram: @melaniewatkinswellness

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