
    382 Rockstars, Fame, and Celebrities: What Really Matters with Shep Gordon

    enSeptember 19, 2016

    Podcast Summary

    • A life of managing stars and revolutionizing industriesShep Gordon's journey reveals the importance of trust, service, and strong relationships in achieving success and making a positive impact

      The importance of seizing the day and making a positive impact, as well as the power of strong relationships and service to others. Shep Gordon, the legendary manager, agent, and producer, shares his incredible journey of working with and befriending some of the biggest names in entertainment and revolutionizing the food industry. He never signed contracts with his artists due to trust built through focusing on their needs, and his mentor taught him the value of service. His new memoir, "They Call Me Supermanch," offers a backstage pass to his world of film, food, and rock and roll. The episode delves into the allure of fame, the creation of the celebrity chef, and the keys to strong partnerships. Listen to the full interview for more wild and inspiring stories from Shep Gordon.

    • Reflecting on his life and collaborating with Anthony BourdainSuccessful people can face doubts, but reflecting and partnering can lead to new opportunities and insights, ultimately inspiring and helping others.

      Even successful people, like Gordon Ramsay, can feel uncertain about their ability to help others or make a difference on a larger scale. When Ramsay was approached by Anthony Bourdain, he saw it as an opportunity to reflect on his life and consider what knowledge or insights he could share with others. Their collaboration led Ramsay to realize that he had created a new industry of celebrity chefs and could use his experiences to inspire and help others. The importance of failure and partnership in achieving success was also highlighted, as Ramsay acknowledged that setbacks and collaboration are essential parts of the journey to success. Throughout the conversation, Ramsay emphasized the importance of looking beyond one's own needs and using one's talents and experiences to make a positive impact on others.

    • Staying calm and resourceful in the face of setbacksEven when faced with major mistakes or unexpected setbacks, staying calm, being resourceful, and never giving up on finding a solution can turn a disappointing situation around.

      Even in the face of a major mistake or unexpected setback, problem-solving and creativity can turn a disappointing situation around. In this case, a promoter's mistake of announcing a ridiculous stunt involving shooting Alice Cooper out of a cannon led to a major failure during a stadium show. Instead of giving up, the promoter used his quick thinking and resourcefulness to come up with a new plan involving foam fire extinguishers and a giant penis prop. Despite the embarrassment and the pressure of a sold-out show, he managed to save the day and salvage the performance. This story demonstrates the importance of staying calm under pressure, being resourceful, and never giving up on finding a solution.

    • Turning a failure into a successAdaptability, trust, and a shared vision are crucial for overcoming challenges and achieving success. Personal grievances should be set aside in favor of focusing on the end goal.

      Turning a failure into a success requires a strong bond between the individuals involved, trust, and a focus on the end goal rather than personal grievances. In this case, the artist's injury before a show became an opportunity to showcase his resilience and determination, resulting in front-page news coverage and a successful performance. The lack of a contract between the manager and artist also allowed for a more personal and effective working relationship, ultimately benefiting both parties. Additionally, the manager's willingness to prioritize the artist's success over his own potential financial gain contributed to their strong partnership. Overall, this story highlights the importance of adaptability, trust, and a shared vision in overcoming challenges and achieving success.

    • Unexpected discoveries and taking risksBelieving in potential and taking calculated risks can lead to unexpected discoveries and successful outcomes.

      Sometimes, opportunities come unexpectedly and it takes a leap of faith to seize them. The speaker shares an experience where he discovered the Gypsy Kings in France and saw potential in their music despite language barriers and lack of radio play in America. He was driven by a moral obligation and a belief in the power of their music, which resonated with women. He convinced a hair salon owner to bring the band to America, and the success was overwhelming due to the appeal to the female demographic. The speaker's ability to recognize potential and take calculated risks led to the band's breakthrough. In most cases, his role was to maintain and enhance established brands rather than create new ones.

    • Creating opportunities and rebellious imagesLegendary music manager Shep Gordon shares how he helped iconic artists like Blondie, Teddy, Luther Vandross, and Alice Cooper create stunts and publicity campaigns, often leveraging hatred to build rebellious images. Be proactive and create opportunities instead of waiting for them.

      Creating history and making bold choices are essential for success in creative professions. Shep Gordon, a legendary music manager, shares his experience of working with iconic artists like Blondie, Teddy, Luther Vandross, and Alice Cooper. He explains how he helped them create stunts and publicity campaigns to attract audiences, often leveraging the hatred of parents as a way to build a rebellious image. Gordon emphasizes the importance of being proactive and creating opportunities instead of waiting for them. He also shares an anecdote about bringing Alice Cooper to England and realizing the need to adapt to new markets. Through his experiences, Gordon encourages young people to create their own paths and not be afraid to take risks.

    • Targeting parents for Alice Cooper's successUnderstand audience and influencers, use provocative publicity, and deliver on promises for success in entertainment industry

      Effective marketing and management in the entertainment industry requires a deep understanding of your audience and their influencers. The speaker shared an anecdote about working with Alice Cooper, where they targeted parents instead of the kids, recognizing that their influence was more significant. They also used provocative publicity stunts, like a giant naked Alice billboard, to generate controversy and sell out shows. However, the speaker also acknowledged the potential dangers of fame and the importance of honesty and authenticity in the artist-manager relationship. Ultimately, success in the entertainment industry comes from strategically appealing to your audience and delivering on your promises.

    • The Challenges of Fame and Personal IssuesFame can bring unique challenges and mask deeper personal issues, leading to self-destructive behaviors. Rejection is common, but embracing it is crucial for success. The human experience is complex and even famous individuals face personal struggles.

      Fame comes with its own unique challenges, and for many individuals, the pursuit of it can mask deeper personal issues. These issues, which often go beyond just a desire for recognition, can lead to self-destructive behaviors such as substance abuse, relationship instability, and even suicide. Rejection is a common part of the journey to success in show business, and the ability to embrace it is crucial. Some people are able to find ways to fill their personal voids in healthier ways, while others may struggle throughout their careers. Ultimately, the human experience is complex, and even those who reach the pinnacle of fame are not immune to the complexities of the human condition.

    • The Dalai Lama's relatable perspectiveThe Dalai Lama connects with people through personal experiences, sees the miracle in everyday life, and uses humor to remind us of our shared humanity.

      The Dalai Lama, despite being revered as a spiritual leader, is a human being who strives to connect with others on a personal level. He sees the miracle in everyday life and treats everything with equal importance, from tables to people. He often uses relatable experiences and humor to break down barriers and remind us of our shared humanity. The anecdotes shared illustrate his ability to disarm audiences with his down-to-earth perspective and authenticity, making him an extraordinary figure who inspires us to appreciate the simple joys in life.

    • Finding Meaning in Life's JourneyAppreciate life's gifts, learn from inspiring figures, and strive to make a positive impact.

      Life is a mysterious journey filled with uncertainty and hardships, but also beauty and purpose. The speaker shares his experiences of meeting inspiring figures and facing mortality, which led him to ponder the meaning of life and the role of the creator. He concludes that despite the challenges and the unknowns, we should appreciate the gifts we've been given, including life itself and the diverse experiences of people around us. The speaker also mentions how figures like JFK have influenced his mindset and how facing death made him reflect on his own choices and the impact he wants to leave on the world. Ultimately, the speaker encourages us to make the most of our time and strive to make a positive difference in the world.

    • Discovering the joy of serving others through Chef Roger VergèsChef Roger Vergès' selflessness and dedication to serving others inspired the speaker to prioritize putting others before himself, leading to a more fulfilling life.

      The true source of happiness and fulfillment comes from focusing on service and putting others before oneself, as exemplified by the influential figure of Chef Roger Vergès. Despite living a successful and materialistic life, the speaker felt unfulfilled and disconnected until he encountered Vergès, whose genuine joy and selflessness in serving others inspired him to reevaluate his priorities. The chef's humility, consciousness, and dedication to his craft and relationships stood out to the speaker and taught him the importance of putting the needs of others before his own, leading to a more meaningful and purposeful life.

    • Impact of small actions on happinessSmall actions can bring happiness to others and inspire personal growth, as seen through a chef's dedication to his customers and the importance of customizing experiences.

      Our actions, no matter how small, can significantly impact those around us and bring happiness. This was exemplified through the experience of witnessing a chef's dedication to making his customers happy with each meal. This concept moved into the speaker's life and influenced her to appreciate the culinary arts and the importance of customizing experiences for people. Artists, whether in the food industry or entertainment, must continually create new things while also catering to their audience's preferences. The speaker's relationship with her parents also evolved as she reflected on Norman Lear's autobiography, leading her to reconsider her perspective on her father's influence in her life.

    • Discovering Happiness Through Selfless ServiceRecognizing and valuing the sacrifices of loved ones brings joy, even if they appear to prioritize work and family over personal pursuits.

      Selfless service can bring great happiness. The speaker discovered this through his father's life, who appeared to have little joy beyond providing for his family. Only after his father's passing did the speaker learn about his father's past hobbies and achievements, which he had given up to prioritize his work and family. This revelation led the speaker to understand that his father's life was filled with happiness due to his selfless service. The speaker regretted not appreciating his father more during his lifetime and encouraged the importance of recognizing and valuing the sacrifices our parents make for us. Additionally, the speaker expressed a current desire for a romantic relationship and a renewed sense of family, particularly with the return of some of the children he had helped raise.

    • Finding joy in passions and community despite fearsOvercome personal fears to make a difference and find joy in using talents for community impact

      Despite having fears and insecurities, such as public speaking, people can still find joy and fulfillment in their passions and making a positive impact on their community. The speaker shares how he dislikes public speaking but enjoys interviewing on stage, and how he and other celebrities came together to provide food for those in need in Maui, Hawaii. This event not only brought artists and community members together but also allowed the speaker to find pride in making a difference. This experience shows that it's possible to overcome personal fears and use one's talents and resources to make a meaningful impact on others.

    • Three essential truths for living a great life: service, compassion, and win-win situationsEmbrace service, compassion, and win-win situations for a fulfilling life. Value others' journeys and seek mutual benefits in interactions.

      The interviewee, known as "Supermensch," values service, compassion, and creating win-win situations as the three essential truths for living a great life. He emphasizes that he knows nothing for certain but finds focus and purpose in serving others. Compassion towards others and understanding that everyone's journey is unique is another important truth. Lastly, striving for win-win situations in interactions is a key principle for happiness and positivity. These truths have guided him throughout his life and continue to shape his perspective. Be sure to check out his book, "Supermensch: A Backstage Pass to the Amazing Worlds of Film, Food, and Rock and Roll," for more insights from his incredible experiences. Connect with him online at supermensch.com.

    • Reconnecting through social mediaSocial media can foster meaningful connections and personal growth through reconnecting with old friends and meeting inspiring individuals.

      Social media, despite initial skepticism, can be a positive force for connecting with like-minded individuals and making a positive impact on the world. Chip, a seven-year-old boy turned adult, had a jaded view of the next generation due to his experiences in Maui. However, through social media, he reconnected with old friends and met inspiring individuals who share a passion for knowledge and truth. Chip acknowledged the importance of creativity, love for humans, and living a life of service. His definition of greatness is simple: happiness, which leads to doing good things and making a positive impact on others. Social media, when used wisely, can be an oasis in the middle of the jungle, leading to meaningful connections and personal growth.

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