
    384: Always Finding Ways to Get Stronger, Faster, and Fitter. With Dave Castro

    enMay 03, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Emphasizing the importance of physical strength and training during wartimeDuring wartime, prioritizing physical strength and training can help soldiers survive and fight effectively, but sedentary habits and poor diets can hinder their abilities.

      During World War I, Jocko's soldier, Bob Hoffman, emphasized the importance of physical strength and training for soldiers to not only survive but also to have the courage and efficiency to fight effectively. Hoffman wrote extensively about this in his books, encouraging physical activity, strength training, and a healthy lifestyle. Despite these warnings, Hoffman noticed men were growing weaker due to sedentary habits and poor diets. Jocko's old Navy job also prioritized finding effective training methods to prepare soldiers for combat. One individual who contributed to this effort was a SEAL named Dave Castro. Through their experiences, they recognized the value of comprehensive physical training and its role in enhancing soldiers' abilities to adapt and overcome various challenges in combat.

    • Discovering the importance of power and endurance in fitnessThe speaker, a military veteran and fitness expert, shares his journey from focusing on running to realizing the need for power and endurance through CrossFit, inspiring others to explore diverse fitness methods.

      The speaker, who has led many people in the military and civilians towards physical fitness, emphasizes the importance of being strong, fast, and having endurance. Before CrossFit, training methods were often biased towards specific activities or body types. The speaker, who was a runner, gravitated towards that, but during his deployments, he realized the need for more power and began exploring different methods. He was intrigued by the lack of improvement from just running and started incorporating more bodyweight exercises. However, he still felt he was missing something. Upon returning, he discovered CrossFit, which combined various elements of fitness and helped him achieve the power and performance he needed. This experience led him to dedicate almost 20 years to helping others find their optimal fitness paths.

    • Discovering passions outside of work and their impactStay open-minded and try new things, even if they're unrelated to your current passion or work. Unexpected experiences can lead to personal growth and improved performance.

      Finding passion outside of work, even if related, can significantly impact personal growth and performance. The speaker, a former SEAL team member, shared his passion for rock climbing and how it resonated with the team's mindset. He was inspired by the alpinist philosophy of going light and fast, which influenced their missions. However, when he met his idol, Mark Twight, he was surprised to learn that Twight no longer followed the long-distance training he had written about. Instead, Twight had adopted CrossFit. Despite initial skepticism, the speaker eventually tried CrossFit and saw the benefits for himself. This experience demonstrated the importance of being open-minded and willing to try new things, even when they come from unexpected sources.

    • Discovering Passion for Fitness and CrossFit during Military DeploymentThe speaker found his passion for fitness and CrossFit during his military deployment to Iraq, which led him to introduce it to a fellow soldier and discover his own strength through challenging workouts like 'Linda'.

      The speaker discovered his passion for fitness and CrossFit during his military deployment to Iraq, where the high tempo of operations allowed him to consistently work out every night. He fell in love with CrossFit and even introduced it to a fellow soldier. The speaker's introduction to CrossFit came with the challenging workout "Linda," which included deadlifts, bench presses, and cleans, all at significant weights. Before his deployment, the speaker had been influenced by his grandfather's military experience but had no direct military background himself. Growing up, he tried various sports, including football, basketball, wrestling, and martial arts, but didn't find success until he started training for the Navy SEAL program, which included a running regimen. The speaker's lack of success in high school sports motivated him to pursue the challenging path to becoming a Navy SEAL. He discovered his running abilities while following the BUDS training program and wished he had started running earlier. The speaker's passion for fitness and military background led him to find success in CrossFit and inspire others.

    • Inspired by a movie, a man drops out of college to join the Navy SEALsInspiration can lead to life-changing decisions, but chasing dreams requires preparation and realistic expectations.

      Sometimes, seeing something inspiring can lead to a life-changing decision. The speaker was influenced by a movie about Navy SEALs and their intense training, which made him wonder if he could do it. Despite his parents' wishes for him to finish college, he dropped out and enlisted. The training was mentally challenging, not just athletically demanding as he initially thought. This experience taught him the importance of chasing dreams, but doing so realistically and with preparation. The speaker followed a recommended training protocol and was still shocked by the cultural differences during boot camp. Overall, this story illustrates the power of inspiration and the determination to pursue one's goals, even when faced with obstacles.

    • Discovering the importance of performance over identity at BUDSAt BUDS, the speaker learned that ability to meet high standards is more important than ethnicity or background. He used his weakness as motivation to improve and his middle-of-the-road mindset and comfort in chaotic environments as strengths.

      During his time in the Navy, particularly at BUDS, the speaker discovered that performance and meeting standards were the only things that mattered, regardless of ethnicity or background. Growing up, he was encouraged to emphasize his Hispanic identity to help him get into college. However, at BUDS, he realized that what truly mattered was his ability to meet the high standards set before him. His strengths included a middle-of-the-road mindset and being comfortable in chaotic water environments, despite not being a strong swimmer. His weakness was swimming, but he used this as motivation to train harder and improve. The speaker also shared a story about an officer who swam without fins during a platoon swim, illustrating the vast difference in swimming abilities between those with and without prior experience. Ultimately, the speaker's mindset and approach to training were key strengths that helped him succeed in the challenging environment of BUDS.

    • Emphasizing Perseverance, Focus, and Avoiding ExtremesThe Navy SEAL training experience teaches the importance of staying focused, persevering through challenges, and maintaining personal boundaries to succeed.

      The Navy SEAL training experience, as shared by the speaker, emphasizes the importance of perseverance, staying focused on the job, and avoiding extremes. The speaker shared stories of his experiences with older roommates who helped him stay on track during challenging times. He also highlighted the importance of avoiding attention from instructors, good or bad, and the value of being a "gray man" who gets the job done. The speaker also discussed his decision to keep his SEAL identity private after graduating from BUDS, preferring to maintain a personal line and not be defined by his exploits or past experiences. Overall, the discussion underscores the importance of resilience, focus, and personal boundaries in the face of intense challenges.

    • SEAL Values Privacy and Authenticity Over FameThe speaker advocates for the preservation of SEAL culture's emphasis on discretion and personal growth, and criticizes commercialization and exploitation of SEALs' likenesses.

      The speaker values privacy and authenticity over fame and public recognition, especially when it comes to his military background as a SEAL. He expresses concern about the commercialization of the SEAL community and the potential negative impact it can have on the community's culture and individual members. He also emphasizes the importance of personal growth and transitioning out of the SEAL teams to lead a fulfilling life beyond it. The speaker criticizes the movie "Act of Valor" for exploiting SEALs' likenesses without their compensation and opening the floodgates for commercialization. He believes that the SEAL culture was once about discretion and not seeking public recognition, and he wishes to preserve that tradition.

    • Lessons learned from writing a bookSharing experiences can inspire and help others, even if it means stepping out of comfort zones. Balance sharing insights with professionalism and humility.

      Sharing valuable insights and experiences, even if it means stepping out of comfort zones and potentially tooting one's own horn, can lead to helping and inspiring many people. This was a lesson the speaker learned when writing a book about his military experiences, despite initial hesitation and concerns about professionalism and humility. He ultimately decided to share his experiences, which had a significant impact on others and led him to continue learning and growing since then. It's important to remember that everyone's situation is unique, and what may have been relevant or defining in the past may not fully represent who we are today. The speaker also emphasized the importance of balancing sharing valuable insights with maintaining professionalism and humility, especially when dealing with sensitive information.

    • Unique value proposition in sharing military storiesStand out in a saturated market by offering unique and valuable experiences, work hard, and respect others' military service.

      Having a compelling message and providing value is crucial in standing out in a saturated market, especially for veterans sharing their stories. The speaker acknowledges that everyone is free to share their experiences, but the market will only gravitate towards those with something unique and valuable to offer. He also emphasizes the importance of hard work and dedication in proving oneself, especially as a new member in a team or organization. Lastly, he expresses respect for those who enlisted after 9/11, as they joined the military during a time of war and faced different challenges compared to those who enlisted before.

    • Conversation with a wrestler about SEALsJoining the Navy SEALs was a formative experience with influential mentors and challenging deployments, shaping the speaker's life.

      Joining the Navy SEALs was a challenging and formative experience for the speaker. He recalled a conversation with a wrestler on the bus to the airport, where they discussed the high casualty rate and difficulty of retiring as a SEAL. This conversation motivated him and fueled his desire to serve. The speaker went on to join SEAL Team 1 and later the Seaman Admiral program, where he faced the challenges of being a new guy and eventually deploying to combat zones post-9/11. The experience was formative and shaped his life, with influential mentors helping him along the way. The speaker, who was a radio man, also shared how he made the unconventional choice to join the radio room, leading him to be a part of every mission. Overall, the speaker's story highlights the challenging yet rewarding journey of joining and serving in the Navy SEALs.

    • 9/11 and Osama Bin Laden's presence on the most wanted listUnderstanding the unique challenges and skills required for combat situations is crucial for combat warriors, and being proud of this role is important.

      The events of 9/11 stood out to the speaker due to Osama Bin Laden's presence on the FBI's most wanted list, which he had noticed before the attacks. The speaker's initial reaction was not fully grasping the magnitude of the situation, as he was focused on his daily routine. However, the clear definition of the demands and requirements of being a combat warrior, as opposed to a professional athlete, became apparent to him during his military service in Iraq. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding the unique challenges and skills required for combat situations and being proud of the role of a combat warrior. The speaker is currently working with the Army to train soldiers with this perspective in mind.

    • Training for combat requires versatility and enduranceCombat training goes beyond sports conditioning, soldiers need explosive power and endurance to face unlimited challenges, adapting training methods is crucial, striking skills are a foundation but grappling skills become essential in close combat.

      Combat training requires versatility and endurance beyond what is typically found in sports training. Soldiers face an unlimited range of challenges, from long patrols to hand-to-hand combat, and must be prepared for each one. Training methods should reflect this, with a focus on both explosive power and endurance. For instance, Miha is a skilled jujitsu black belt, but when they went on a trip and eliminated time limits, they discovered the importance of endurance and different strategies. This highlights the importance of adapting training methods to the unique demands of combat. Additionally, striking skills are a good foundation for self-defense, but grappling skills, such as those found in jujitsu or judo, become crucial once an opponent gets close. Overall, combat training requires a different mindset and approach than sports training, and soldiers must be conditioned for the infinite variations they may encounter.

    • Being versed in multiple martial arts is effective in combat situationsLearning the fundamentals of fighting and cultivating an aggressive mindset is crucial. Regular exposure to physical confrontations and training in various martial arts enhances abilities and prepares for unpredictable situations.

      Having a well-rounded skill set and mindset is crucial in various aspects of life, including combat situations. The early UFCs demonstrated that being versed in multiple martial arts was more effective than being an expert in one. However, in today's world, where time is limited, it's essential to learn the fundamentals of fighting and cultivate an aggressive mindset. Being exposed to physical confrontations regularly makes it natural and less intimidating. Training in various martial arts, such as jujitsu, boxing, and Muay Thai, not only enhances physical abilities but also prepares individuals for unpredictable situations. As demonstrated in the SEAL teams, having a well-rounded skill set and mindset can make a significant difference in combat situations, even against untrained opponents.

    • Exploring new activities enhances skills and performanceEngaging in various activities outside of your expertise can lead to valuable improvements and new techniques, making you better prepared for challenges in your main area of focus.

      Expanding your horizons and engaging in various activities outside of your primary focus can significantly enhance your skills and performance in your main area of expertise. Using the example of shooting sports, the speaker shares how he saw a significant improvement in his abilities after participating in civilian competitions despite initially struggling. He emphasizes that our military operators could benefit from similar experiences, as they can learn new techniques and adapt to various situations, making them better prepared for combat. The speaker also highlights the importance of keeping an open mind and being willing to try new things, even if they may seem unrelated at first. Just like how the Gracie family's openness to different martial arts led to the creation of mixed martial arts, being open to new experiences and techniques can lead to valuable improvements in your field.

    • CrossFit's popularity in military communityFormer Navy SEAL discovered CrossFit in 2003, recognized benefits, met founder Greg Glassman, military personnel drawn to intensity

      CrossFit gained popularity within the military community due to its intensity and effectiveness in building strength and fitness. The speaker, a former Navy SEAL, first learned about CrossFit around 2003 while on deployment. He recognized the benefits of the program and began training with its founder, Greg Glassman, in Santa Cruz. CrossFit's intensity, as seen in its timed workouts, was a significant factor in its appeal and effectiveness, especially for military personnel. The speaker's assistant platoon commander also became engaged with CrossFit and attended a level one certification seminar with Glassman and the speaker. They had lunch together at Coronado Brewing Company, marking the first time the speaker met Glassman and CrossFit co-founder Nicole Carroll. CrossFit's welcoming attitude towards military personnel and its emphasis on intensity contributed to its success within this community.

    • Starting anew: Prove your value and show who you areAdopt a humble attitude, start from the bottom, embrace learning, be well-rounded in various modalities, and prioritize mobility to avoid being caught off guard.

      No matter what accomplishments you have achieved in the past, when starting something new, it's essential to prove your value and show who you are in the present. The speaker's experience in CrossFit, having come from a military background, highlights the importance of adopting a humble attitude, starting from the bottom, and embracing the learning process. This mindset opened doors for him and was a powerful tool in his advancement within the CrossFit community. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of being well-rounded in various modalities and having adequate mobility for various movements to avoid being caught off guard.

    • Humbled by a smaller, older female at CrossFitEmbrace challenges, recognize weaknesses, and learn from others, regardless of size, age, or gender, to foster growth and resilience in CrossFit or jiu jitsu.

      Humility and continuous learning are essential in mastering new skills, whether it's CrossFit, jiu jitsu, or any other discipline. The speaker shared his experience of being outperformed by a smaller, older female during a workout at CrossFit Santa Cruz, which left him feeling humbled and motivated to improve. He also emphasized that the reason for her superior performance was not due to her being a better person, but rather her dedication and training in the specific movement. This anecdote illustrates the importance of embracing challenges, recognizing weaknesses, and being open to learning from others, regardless of their size, age, or gender. CrossFit, like jiu jitsu, serves as a humbling experience that fosters growth and resilience.

    • Measuring progress in combat skillsConsistent training with measurable standards, like tournaments and competitions, helps identify effective trainers and motivates individuals to reach their full potential in combat skills.

      Consistent training and competition with measurable standards are crucial for achieving excellence in combat skills. The speaker emphasized the importance of measuring progress in areas like shooting, fitness, and combatives, and highlighted the effectiveness of tournaments and competitions in motivating and identifying those who are training effectively. He praised the US Army for their approach to combatives training and expressed his belief that the Marine Corps could benefit from similar practices. The speaker also touched on the role of belts and ranking systems in traditional martial arts as a means of encouraging commitment and effort towards mastery. Ultimately, he shared his personal experience of having to make a difficult decision between staying in the Navy and pursuing a career with CrossFit, which he felt would allow him to better support his family and continue to make a significant impact on the fitness community.

    • From Navy SEAL to CrossFit, seizing opportunities leads to growthLeaving a stable career for a new opportunity can lead to personal growth and unique experiences. Be open to new opportunities and be willing to take risks.

      Seizing opportunities and being willing to take risks can lead to unique experiences and personal growth. The speaker shares his story of leaving the Navy SEALs to join CrossFit, where he ended up running the seminar department and the CrossFit games. He acknowledges that being a SEAL opened doors for him, but he had to prove himself once he was inside. The speaker also reflects on his decision to leave, wishing he had stayed longer, but recognizing it was the right choice at the time. He expresses gratitude for the experience and the impact it had on his life. CrossFit was just starting to gain popularity during this time, and the speaker played a significant role in its growth. This experience taught him the importance of hard work, humility, and keeping an open mind to opportunities.

    • Embracing constructive criticism for growthBe open-minded to criticism and use it as an opportunity for improvement, rather than letting ego get in the way. Embrace a mindset of self-reflection and continuous learning.

      Being open-minded and accepting constructive criticism are essential for growth, whether it's for an individual or an organization like CrossFit. The founder, Greg Glassman, acknowledged that there were valid criticisms of CrossFit and used them as opportunities for improvement. He adopted a mindset of self-reflection and learning, which helped him navigate the challenges and controversies that came with the popularity of CrossFit. Glassman recognized that his ego should not get in the way of safety and effectiveness, and that everyone, including himself, could always get better. This attitude of humility and continuous improvement has been a key factor in CrossFit's success and resilience in the face of criticism and adversity.

    • Prioritize mechanics and consistency in CrossFitCrossFit emphasizes learning movements, mastering them, and then increasing intensity to ensure safety and effectiveness. Trainers play a key role in maintaining a proper progression and keeping egos in check.

      In the world of CrossFit, it's crucial to prioritize mechanics and consistency before adding intensity. Ego can be a major hindrance, leading to improper technique and potential danger. Newcomers should not rush into heavy workouts without proper training and education. CrossFit's core charter emphasizes this progression: learning the movement, mastering it, and then increasing intensity. Trainers play a significant role in ensuring this process is followed, keeping egos in check and maintaining a safe and effective training environment. CrossFit has faced criticism for issues like rhabdomyolysis, but proper education and safety protocols can mitigate these risks. CrossFit HQ needs to do a better job of communicating these guidelines to the public, emphasizing the importance of mechanics, consistency, and intensity in the right order. By focusing on these fundamentals, CrossFit can continue to be a valuable and accessible training option for anyone and everyone.

    • Effective training with foundational movementsProper instruction in foundational movements like deadlift, squat, clean and jerk, and snatch leads to improved physical fitness for military and civilians.

      Effective training, such as the use of foundational movements like the deadlift, squat, clean and jerk, and snatch, should be accessible to everyone with proper instruction. This concept, which can be compared to learning how to maintain military equipment, can lead to improved physical fitness for individuals in the military and civilians alike. However, clear and concise communication is crucial, as seen in the case of CrossFit and its founder Greg Glassman, whose complex and sometimes controversial messaging led to controversy and ultimately his departure from the company. Despite this, the importance of these foundational movements and the value of proper instruction remain key to effective training for all.

    • CrossFit's Unconventional Leadership and CEO ChangesCrossFit's unconventional leadership under Greg Glassman led to instability and several CEO changes, but the hiring of military veteran Don Fall brought unity and a clear vision, resonating with the company's community and galvanizing its mission.

      The leadership style of CrossFit's founder, Greg Glassman, was unconventional and caused instability within the company. This instability led to several CEO changes, including the hiring of Don Fall, a military veteran with business experience, who brought unity and clear vision to the team. Fall's background resonated with CrossFit's community, which has military roots, and he effectively galvanized the mission. Despite their friendship, Glassman and Fall had different leadership styles, which caused problems at times. The current state of CrossFit, under Fall's leadership, is seen as a high point in the company's history due to its clear vision and unified goals.

    • CrossFit's recent challenges and potential collaborationCrossFit's collaboration with Jocko Fuel could help regain trust and growth, while past communication issues led to rebuilding efforts.

      The lack of transparency and alignment between the leadership and team members at CrossFit in recent years has caused polarization and uncertainty within the community. However, the potential collaboration between CrossFit and Jocko Fuel represents a unified attitude of both companies in helping people optimize their performance, and could be a step towards regaining trust and growth for CrossFit. The shutdown of CrossFit's social media and communication channels was perceived as a loss of value for affiliates, leading to a period of clawing back and rebuilding. The recent progress and transition towards professionalization offers a promising opportunity for CrossFit to expand and grow once again. The speaker also expresses a personal desire for more privacy in future employment situations.

    • Managing a public persona: Jocko Willink's rules for privacy and family protectionJocko Willink prioritizes privacy and family protection by ignoring online comments, keeping them out of the spotlight, and creating separate social media accounts.

      Maintaining a public persona comes with its challenges, including negative attention and potential harm to one's family. Jocko Willink shares his experience of developing rules to protect his privacy and family from online attacks. He stopped responding to comments and kept his family out of the spotlight to avoid potential drama and negative reactions. Jocko also created a separate Instagram account for his shooting and hunting hobbies to keep his main account focused and less polarizing. He emphasized that his interactions with people were based on mutual respect and helping each other out, rather than fame or social media presence. Overall, Jocko's approach to managing his public image is deliberate, thoughtful, and focused on maintaining his privacy and protecting his family.

    • Exploring Collaboration Opportunities in the Fitness IndustryInstead of focusing on negativity and criticism, collaborate and support each other's goals in the fitness industry. Unique opportunities arise in certain circumstances, but prioritize military duties and seek official approval before pursuing business opportunities.

      People will find reasons to criticize and attack, especially when it comes to polarizing topics like fitness and nutrition, and those leading the way become easy targets. It's important to remember that negativity only brings people down and isn't a productive way to live. Instead, focusing on the positive and supporting each other's goals and efforts is a much healthier approach. During this discussion, the topic of collaboration between Chocqua Fuel and CrossFit was explored. Jocko Fuel is offering a buy one, get one at 50% off deal for those interested in trying their products. CrossFit gym owners who want to carry Jocko Fuel can email jfsales@jockofuel.com. Another topic touched upon was the unique opportunities that arise in certain circumstances, such as when serving in the Navy and running a business. It's essential to understand that these situations require careful consideration and official approval from superiors to ensure that military duties remain the priority. The conversation also included mention of various businesses in the fitness industry, such as clothing companies and coffee sellers. Olive oil was identified as a clean and pure product that no one in their space was selling, making it an attractive opportunity for collaboration. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of collaboration, focusing on the positive, and understanding unique circumstances to make the most of opportunities.

    • Controversies and Respect in the World of FitnessDespite the controversies and debates in the fitness world, respect for diverse approaches and goals is crucial, and innovations in coaching and products continue to improve the industry.

      The world of fitness, encompassing various disciplines like CrossFit, bodybuilding, and functional fitness, is known for its competitive and controversial nature. Dave Castro, a prominent figure in CrossFit, has experienced this firsthand, but also emphasizes the importance of respecting different approaches to fitness and goals within it. Controversial topics such as diet, religion, politics, and raising kids can also spark drama in the industry. However, despite the past controversies, CrossFit continues to be a gateway to fitness for many people and its growth and improvement are promising. The ongoing evolution of coaching and instruction, as well as innovative products like those offered by Jocco Fuel, will benefit the fitness community as a whole.

    • Excited about Joccofuel's protein and hydration beveragesJoccofuel's ready-to-drink protein and hydration beverages are essential for recovery after physical activity. They've partnered with CrossFit to promote them and emphasize the importance of good-tasting supplements. Check out Joccofuel.com for special offers and OriginUSA.com for American-made products.

      The speakers in this conversation are excited about a new product called Joccofuel, specifically the ready-to-drink protein and hydration beverages. They believe these products are essential for recovery after physical activity, and they have formed a partnership with CrossFit to promote them. The speakers also mention the importance of good-tasting supplements, like their greens, which don't have to taste like dirt. They encourage listeners to check out Joccofuel.com for special offers and OriginUSA.com for American-made products. The conversation also touches on the importance of hydration and recovery, with the speakers sharing their personal experiences and routines. Overall, the speakers are passionate about the benefits of Joccofuel's products and are eager to share them with others.

    • Supporting Overseas Production May Involve Ethical DilemmasConsider buying products made in the USA to avoid potential labor and environmental issues in overseas factories, and maintain a diverse fitness routine.

      Supporting the production of goods from factories overseas, particularly those labeled "made in China," may involve unethical labor practices and environmental disregard. It is encouraged to seek out products made in the USA instead, where there are regulations in place to prevent such issues. Additionally, having a comprehensive fitness routine can include various modalities such as CrossFit, bodybuilding, and Olympic lifting. Jocko's store, Jocko Store, offers a range of items for those looking to represent their commitment to discipline and fitness.

    • Improve interpersonal skills and effective leadershipMastering interpersonal skills and effective leadership leads to stronger connections, a more fulfilling existence, and organizational success. Resources like Extreme Ownership and Echelon Front offer valuable insights and tools for communication, understanding others' perspectives, and influencing relationships positively.

      Mastering interpersonal skills and effective leadership are essential for personal growth and organizational success. Leveraging resources like Extreme Ownership and Echelon Front can provide valuable insights and tools for improving communication, understanding others' perspectives, and influencing relationships positively. As Leif noted, being the only one with such skills may seem advantageous, but their true power lies in their application in everyday life, enabling stronger connections and a more fulfilling existence. The importance of positive relationships, even with seemingly insignificant figures like a garbage man, cannot be overstated. Instead of focusing on antagonistic relationships, nurturing positive connections can lead to unexpected benefits and a more harmonious life.

    • Fostering positive relationships with unexpected connectionsShowing appreciation to unexpected connections can lead to positive relationships and improve everyone's lives. Continually evaluate yourself and ask 'What am I doing?' to make progress.

      Building positive relationships, even in unexpected places like with your garbage man, can have a significant impact on your life and those around you. By putting in a little effort and showing appreciation, you can create a positive connection that can make everyone's life better. This concept can be applied to various aspects of your life, including personal and professional relationships. Additionally, it's important to continually evaluate and improve yourself, asking the question "What am I doing?" to ensure you're making progress and not wasting time. For those looking to help service members and their families, consider checking out America's Mighty Warriors and Heroes and Horses organizations.

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    I had the pleasure of inviting Jocko Willink on to my podcast for the first time, I’ve been on Jocko’s podcast several times in the past and now get the opportunity to reverse the interviewing role to learn more about his life and endeavors. We discuss his experience in the military and war exploring time in the Navy Seals, Afganistan, and Iraq. Jocko recount what it looks like to be on the ground in combat scenarios and the requirement of strong leadership in the Seal teams. I ask him about his formative years growing up with a warrior personality. We cover other engaging points of interest in his kid books, time as an English major, restarting a clothing line in a dying factory town, and much more.

    Jocko Willink is an American author, podcaster, and retired naval officer who served in the Navy SEALs. His books include New Tork Times bestseller Extreme Ownership,  Discipline Equals Freedom a field manual, and his children’s book The Way of the Warrior Kid. Jocko also has one of the most successful podcasts out there so check out the Jocko Podcast.

    Find more of Jocko Willink on his podcast website, check out his clothing line originmaine.com, and in his books

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