
    445: Pursue Opportunity Over Passion, and Bring Your Passion to The Opportunity. With Ryan Bates.

    enJuly 03, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Team LeadershipHaving a few good leaders is crucial for a team's success, but also having team members who can step up and lead when necessary is essential. These individuals, often referred to as the 'E five mafia,' are humble, experienced, and ready to lead when the situation demands it.

      The success of a team, whether it's a SEAL team or any other type of team, depends on having good leaders, but also having team members who can step up and lead when necessary. Jocko Willink, a former Navy SEAL commander, shared his experience of observing platoons go through training and realizing that having a few good leaders was crucial. However, even with good leaders, there's always a risk that they might be taken out of the picture. That's why it's essential to have team members who can step up and take charge when needed. These team members, often referred to as the "E five mafia," are humble, experienced, and ready to lead when the situation demands it. Jocko emphasized that these individuals are the reason teams can succeed regardless of their leadership. Ryan Bates, a former SEAL and entrepreneur, is an example of someone who embodies these qualities. Growing up in a rural area and breaking horses, wrestling, and participating in intense training camps prepared him for the challenges he faced in the SEAL teams and beyond.

    • Navy rescue swimmer trainingRigorous Navy training to become a rescue swimmer builds mental fortitude and a competitive mindset, setting a strong foundation for a successful career

      The journey to become a rescue swimmer in the Navy involves rigorous training, starting from boot camp and continuing through air crew, RSS, and A school. Despite initial doubts, the speaker found the experience challenging but rewarding, and he developed a competitive mindset that served him well in his career. The speaker also noted that Buds, the training program for SEALs, sets a reputation from the start and requires a strong work ethic. The physical challenges of the training, such as the obstacle course, have evolved over time, but the mental fortitude required remains constant. The speaker's experiences included meeting notable figures in the military community and training with fellow future SEALs, including Michael Fink. Overall, the speaker's story illustrates the importance of perseverance and a strong work ethic in achieving one's goals.

    • Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu introductionIntense training with experienced fighters hooked a newcomer to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, leading to competition, military service preparation, and lifelong friendships

      The speaker's introduction to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu was through intense training sessions with experienced fighters, despite being a newcomer. This challenging environment hooked him and led him to compete in tournaments and continue training with various high-level martial artists. The speaker's dedication to Jiu-Jitsu eventually helped him prepare for military service, including deployments and special operations training. Throughout his journey, he formed strong bonds with fellow martial artists and friends. Despite the initial hardships, the speaker's commitment to Jiu-Jitsu paid off in both personal growth and practical skills.

    • Fighting skills and leadershipPhysical prowess and martial arts skills can earn respect and leadership within a team, but being an asshole will lead to being taken down by the group.

      Being a good fighter was crucial in the SEAL platoon, as it established a sense of respect and leadership among the team. The speaker shared his experience as a new guy, where his physical prowess and Jiu Jitsu skills earned him a place in the platoon and eventually made him a leader. However, he also warned that being an asshole would result in being taken down by the group. During his first deployment to the Philippines, he used his fighting skills to bond with locals and even won a jujitsu tournament, solidifying his position as a respected member of the team.

    • Team LeadershipDecentralized command and allowing team members to lead can be beneficial, and there's always a standout individual who can make things happen in a team.

      Having the right people in a team or platoon can make all the difference in achieving success, even in challenging and chaotic situations. The speaker shared a personal experience where a younger team member stepped up as a leader during a crisis, leading to a successful outcome. He emphasized that decentralized command and allowing team members to lead can be beneficial, and that there is always a "pipe hitter" or standout individual in a team who can make things happen. The importance of strong leadership and allowing team members to step up was a recurring theme throughout the speaker's experiences.

    • Horses in Military OperationsSoldiers in Afghanistan used horses for transportation and patrols, forming strong bonds and successfully employing tactics to neutralize threats, despite challenges in sourcing and taming horses

      During a military deployment in Afghanistan, the soldiers used horses for transportation and patrols in areas where vehicles were not feasible. They formed strong bonds with their horses and trained them to follow them closely, even during firefights. The deployment was successful with minimal injuries, and the soldiers employed various tactics such as mortar strikes and sniper fire to neutralize Taliban threats. Intel was gathered from local sources about Taliban safe havens, and the soldiers would often go on horseback to investigate these areas. Despite the challenges, the deployment was described as a good experience, with the soldiers feeling like they were part of a lion pride cruising through the valleys. The horses stayed with the soldiers through thick and thin, and some even tried to follow them back home. However, it took about a month for the soldiers to start working with the horses and bringing them on operations. The horses were often sourced from local herds and some were more difficult to tame than others. Overall, the use of horses added an element of adventure and tradition to the deployment, making it a unique experience for the soldiers involved.

    • Creativity and adaptability in militaryCreativity and adaptability are vital qualities for military success, enabling individuals to think outside the box and make things happen, leading to positive results and a culture of collaboration and respect

      Creativity and adaptability are essential qualities for success in the military, particularly in unconventional situations. The discussion highlights the experiences of individuals who were able to think outside the box and make things happen despite the lack of established doctrine. This creativity and adaptability led to positive results, such as the use of horses for transportation in an area of operations where it was not a normal practice. The SEAL teams value this mindset, which allows everyone to contribute their ideas and fosters a culture of collaboration and respect. This approach sets the SEAL teams apart and contributes to their reputation as a great force.

    • Military unpredictabilityMilitary service involves unexpected challenges and the need for adaptability, as illustrated by Jocko's experiences with horse care and inexperienced team members during a piracy mission.

      War and military service can be long and unpredictable, with unexpected challenges and the need for adaptability. During a deployment, Jocko faced issues with the care of horses, which the next team didn't want to inherit. He also encountered inexperienced team members during a piracy mission, leading to a loss of life. As Jocko neared the end of his military career, he considered his options and decided to leave, embarking on a new adventure in Europe. In the piracy mission, he encountered old seals who had never been in a firefight, and they were taken by surprise when attacked. The experience was a reminder of the unpredictability of military service and the importance of being prepared for any situation.

    • Unexpected challenges in lifeDetermination and resilience can help one overcome unexpected challenges in life, but sometimes it's necessary to make difficult decisions to move on.

      Life can throw unexpected challenges, leaving lasting impacts. A friend of the speaker had an unfortunate accident that left him paralyzed from the neck down, but before that, he was an explosive and powerful individual. Despite the accident, he continued to run bars, but the demanding lifestyle eventually conflicted with his personal life. His wife, who later became the speaker's wife, was introduced to him when he entered a bar and instead of serving alcohol, he offered water to the patrons. She was impressed by his motivation and they eventually sold the bars and moved on. Years later, they encountered the friend's former boyfriend, who had been the one to de-virginize the speaker's wife. A confrontation ensued during a jiu-jitsu training session, leaving the speaker victorious but also leading to the realization that they needed to leave their current town before the former boyfriend improved his skills. The friend's story serves as a reminder that life can present unexpected challenges, but with determination and resilience, one can overcome them.

    • People's pastsPeople's past experiences and circumstances can significantly impact their present behaviors, making it essential to be aware of their complexities

      Appearances can be deceiving, and people's pasts can have significant impacts on their present behaviors. The speaker shares an anecdote about a training partner, War Machine (John Copenhagen), who started out as a friendly and focused individual but eventually spiraled into trouble, leading to a violent incident and imprisonment. War Machine's background included a difficult upbringing, military training, and a series of unfortunate events that led him to party and engage in pornography. The speaker tried to help him but was unable to prevent his downward spiral. This experience serves as a reminder that people's past experiences and circumstances can shape their actions and that it's essential to be aware of the complexities of individuals' lives.

    • Friendship and Illegal ActivitiesFriendships can lead to dangerous situations and financial losses when associates engage in illegal activities. Surrounding oneself with smart, like-minded individuals and being cautious about associations is important, especially as one grows older and starts a family.

      Friendships can lead us through various challenges and experiences, some good and some bad. In this story, the speaker recounts a long-term friendship with a teammate who got involved in illegal activities, leading to dangerous situations and financial losses for both parties. Despite the friend's repeated mistakes, the speaker remained loyal and tried to help him turn his life around. However, the friend's reckless behavior ultimately led to severe consequences, including imprisonment for 36 years. The speaker learned the importance of surrounding himself with smart, like-minded individuals and being cautious about who he associates with, especially as he grew older and started a family. The experience also taught him the value of making better choices and being accountable for one's actions.

    • Influencing DecisionsOne's life can be drastically altered by a few poor decisions. Helping others make better choices could potentially save lives and prevent tragedies.

      Everyone is just one or two bad decisions away from ruining their lives. This was emphasized in a conversation about an individual who seemed like a completely different person around the speaker, but ended up committing a heinous crime when not under his influence. The speaker regretted not being able to help him earlier and felt that with the right mentorship, this person could have been a valuable team member. The importance of influencing people and helping them make better decisions was highlighted as a way to potentially save lives and prevent unnecessary tragedies.

    • Business ventures and legal issuesSuccess in business requires following the law and taking calculated risks, but unexpected opportunities can bring new challenges and potential rewards.

      The speaker's diverse business ventures, including international arms deals and real estate investments, have all contributed to his success in creating generational wealth. However, the speaker also emphasized the importance of following the law and avoiding risky situations, such as getting arrested in Malaysia for not having proper paperwork for military gear. The unexpected opportunity to appear on a TV show added another layer to his experiences and brought new challenges. Despite the long filming process and initial hesitation, the speaker found it to be an enjoyable experience. Ultimately, the speaker's story highlights the importance of taking calculated risks, building strong relationships, and adapting to new opportunities.

    • Reality TV experiencesAuthentic experiences gained despite edited nature; embraced opportunities, even challenging situations; brought passion and growth through travel, new cultures, and trying new things; found joy in mastering new skills like hunting; valued guidance of experienced individuals; lesson in seizing opportunities and stepping out of comfort zones

      Despite the edited nature of reality TV, the experiences gained were authentic and unforgettable for the participant. He had no control over the production process but embraced the opportunity, even when faced with challenging situations. Traveling the world, encountering new cultures, and trying new things brought him passion and growth. Although he had no prior experience with hunting, he was introduced to it and found joy in mastering the skill. The learning process was difficult but rewarding, and he appreciated the guidance of experienced hunters. Overall, the experience was a valuable lesson in seizing opportunities and stepping out of comfort zones.

    • Living beyond the Strip in VegasVegas offers unique experiences beyond the Strip, with personal discoveries of convenience, accessibility, and excellent food. Gauge distances accurately for water combat and embrace life to the fullest.

      Vegas may seem like a glamorous and dangerous place due to its reputation, but it also offers unique experiences and hidden gems beyond the strip. The speaker shares his personal experiences of living near the city and discovering its beauty and convenience, as well as its accessibility to various destinations and excellent food. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of gauging distance accurately when it comes to water combat, which can be challenging due to the constantly changing distances on a moving boat. The speaker also shares his past experiences with War Machine, highlighting that despite his controversial online persona, he came across as normal and good-natured in person. Overall, the speaker encourages living life to the fullest and taking action rather than just talking or reading about it.

    • Empowerment and HumilityEmbracing opportunities to take action despite feeling uncertain or waiting to be told what to do, while maintaining humility, can lead to significant impact

      Action and humility are key components to making things happen. The speaker shares a story about a friend who took initiative to make a difference after returning from military service. However, the friend struggled with feeling empowered to act due to a mindset of waiting to be told what to do. Once he embraced the opportunity to take action when he saw a need, he was able to make a significant impact. The speaker emphasizes the importance of humility in this process, as it allows for effective collaboration and avoids stepping on others' toes. Additionally, the conversation touches on the importance of fueling the body for optimal performance and the availability of Jockofield products in various stores.

    • Military discipline for troubled youthThe military effectively uses discipline and structure to help troubled youth turn their lives around, leading to potential positive transformation despite initial challenges

      Sometimes, extreme measures may be necessary to help individuals, particularly troubled youth, turn their lives around. This can involve imposing discipline and structure against their will, which can be challenging but ultimately beneficial. The military is an example of an institution that effectively uses this approach, providing both structure and empowerment to those who need it most. However, the specifics of such programs are often rigid and secretive, leaving us wondering about the exact methods used to bring about change. Despite the challenges, the potential for positive transformation is significant, and may even lead to a newfound appreciation for the benefits of discipline and structure. For those seeking to make a change in their own lives or the lives of others, it's important to remember that sometimes, the path to freedom requires first embracing the discipline that may initially seem restrictive.

    • Steak cookingCooking a delicious steak takes only 10 minutes but it's important for Jocko Willink to put effort into making dinner. He also recommends checking out his resources for leadership development and supporting charities for veterans and first responders.

      Making a delicious steak requires only 10 minutes of your time. Jocko Willink, a former Navy SEAL and leadership expert, shares his simple method for cooking a great steak. However, he emphasizes that putting effort into making dinner is important to him, even if it means opting for simpler options like ham sandwiches. For those who want to improve their leadership skills, Willink also recommends checking out his books, podcast, and online training program at extremeownership.com. Additionally, he encourages supporting charities that help veterans and first responders, such as America's Mighty Warriors and Heroes and Horses. Ultimately, Willink emphasizes the importance of taking action and responsibility for one's own life, whether it's through cooking a steak or pursuing personal growth.

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    Tulsi Gabbard (born April 12, 1981) is an American politician, United States Army Reserve officer and political commentator who served as the U.S. representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021. Gabbard was the first Hindu member of Congress and also the first Samoan-American voting member of Congress. She was a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 United States presidential election,[2][3] before leaving the party and becoming an independent in October 2022.

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    Jocko Podcast
    enJune 05, 2024