
    386 Meat Loaf on Mastering Your Craft and Transforming the Music Industry

    enSeptember 28, 2016

    Podcast Summary

    • Meatloaf's Journey: Sports, Acting, and HumilityMeatloaf's success in music and acting stemmed from his experiences in sports and his willingness to try new things. He emphasized the importance of staying humble and equal to all, despite success.

      Meatloaf, a legendary musician and actor, attributes much of his success to his experiences in sports and his willingness to try new things. He shared stories about how playing sports helped shape his career and how he even got into improv acting after finding success in music. Meatloaf also emphasized the importance of staying humble and viewing yourself as equal to everyone else, no matter how successful you become. Additionally, he discussed his approach to singing and his disagreement with certain pieces of advice given to singers on TV shows. Overall, Meatloaf's interview was a fascinating exploration of his journey to greatness and the lessons he's learned along the way. Be sure to check out the full interview on LewisHouse.com slash 386 or on YouTube.

    • Escaping study hall and discovering a passion for entertainmentStarted in high school, embraced challenges, and remained curious, leading to a successful career in entertainment with notable figures like Henny Youngman, Richard Belzer, and Billy Murray.

      Wayne's journey into the world of entertainment began when he was a sophomore in high school, looking for a way to escape study hall. He was later given the name "Never Shuts Up" by a tribal council after impressing them with his curiosity and questioning. Wayne's experiences in improv and comedy led him to work with notable figures such as Henny Youngman, Richard Belzer, and Billy Murray. He was inspired by his desire to learn new things and be part of various entertainment forms, from hosting game shows to trying out for musicals. A pivotal moment was when he was supposed to perform at a new arena, but it wasn't finished yet, so they put up a tent, and he didn't mind as long as the audience came. This attitude of embracing challenges and curiosity has been a constant theme in Wayne's life, leading him to explore various aspects of the entertainment industry.

    • The power of persistence and dedication in the artsStarting small and staying true to oneself can lead to unexpected opportunities and successes in the arts. Persist in the face of challenges and continue to learn and adapt to new techniques.

      Persistence and dedication to one's craft can lead to unexpected opportunities and successes. The speaker shares his experience of starting with small roles in high school theater, eventually leading to a major role and recognition. He also discusses his transition from opera to rock and roll music, which required him to learn new techniques and adapt his voice. Despite facing challenges and resistance, such as being told how to sing by a conductor in opera, the speaker's determination and passion for his craft allowed him to achieve his goals. He emphasizes the importance of research and discovery in his creative process, whether it be in theater, music, or film. Ultimately, the speaker's story highlights the power of staying true to oneself and continuing to learn and grow, even in the face of obstacles.

    • Experience music through personal connection and interpretationWrite your name on the album and listen multiple times to discover unique qualities. Value experimentation and growth over consistency. Move forward in life instead of looking back or sideways.

      The artist emphasizes the importance of personal connection and interpretation in experiencing his music. He encourages listeners to write their names on the album and listen to it multiple times to discover its unique qualities. The artist's sound is described as diverse and unique, and he values experimentation and growth over maintaining a consistent style. He also shares advice for navigating life's challenges by moving forward rather than looking back or sideways. The artist grew up in a musically talented family and has been influenced by various genres. He values knowledge and understanding of music in critics and encourages them to learn about it before reviewing it.

    • Football discipline shaped actor's careerActor's football background gave him unconventional discipline, determination, and intimidation tactics, helping him succeed in acting.

      The discipline learned from playing sports, specifically football, played a significant role in the actor's career. The speaker, who played multiple positions in high school football, developed a mean character to compensate for no longer being the biggest player. He carried this discipline and determination into acting, even going so far as to attend table readings without a script to intimidate his co-stars and demonstrate his commitment to the craft. This unconventional approach, rooted in his athletic background, set him apart and helped him succeed in the competitive world of acting.

    • The importance of discipline and adaptability in sports and actingAthletic backgrounds can help actors succeed, following the script is crucial, and staying calm and composed in the face of adversity are key principles for success

      Discipline and adaptability are crucial in both sports and acting. The speaker shares how his athletic background helped him become successful in his acting career, and how important it is to follow the script and not force improvisation unless given the freedom to do so. He also recounts an experience in high school where he was hit in the head with a shot put, which left him paralyzed on one side but did not deter him from staying calm and composed in the face of adversity. This experience, along with the coaching he received as an athlete, instilled in him the principles of success and discipline that he has carried with him throughout his life.

    • Learning from crisis experiences and role modelsExperiences of crisis and resilient role models can teach us to stay calm and think clearly in pressure situations. Learning from past challenges can lead to growth and development.

      The ability to stay calm and think clearly in crisis situations can be learned and instilled from experiences and role models, even if those experiences are painful or difficult. The speaker shared a harrowing experience of having to land a plane in an emergency, and how his mother's calm demeanor in the face of adversity influenced his own ability to stay calm under pressure. He also spoke about his father's struggles with alcoholism and how it taught him important lessons about acting and resilience. Despite the challenges and losses he faced in his childhood, the speaker emphasized the importance of learning from these experiences and using them to grow and develop.

    • Growing up in Texas shaped interviewee's perspective on guns and self-protectionInterviewee's experiences instilled confidence and assertiveness, influencing his acting career and appreciation for complex characters

      The interviewee's experiences growing up in Texas shaped his perspective on guns and self-protection. He learned to assert himself and act confidently in dangerous situations, which he believes deterred potential threats. This experience influenced his appreciation for complex characters, particularly those he portrayed in his acting career. An encounter with Arthur Miller during filming left a lasting impression on him, boosting his confidence and allowing him to fully embody the character despite not aligning with the author's original intentions.

    • Balancing intelligence and unassumingness in actingActing complex characters requires a balance between appearing smart and unassuming. Famous actors, like Brad Pitt, continue to evolve through dedication and discipline.

      Acting, especially portraying complex characters, requires a delicate balance between intelligence and appearing unassuming. This was discussed in relation to an actor's performance in Arthur Miller's plays. The actor mentioned also shared admiration for other accomplished actors, including Brad Pitt, who continues to evolve through dedication and discipline to their craft. The challenges of fame and the importance of staying committed to learning were also touched upon. Additionally, the actor expressed gratitude for their recent work, which they believe is their best yet.

    • Become one with your art to create authentic performancesTo excel in your craft, deeply connect with your art and embody it, like musicians Jeff Beck and Jimi Hendrix did.

      Great artists, whether they are musicians or actors, become the art they create. They don't just perform it, they embody it. Meatloaf, who shared this perspective, cited musicians like Jeff Beck and Jimi Hendrix as examples of those who didn't just play their instruments, but were one with them. This deep connection to the art is essential for creating authentic and impactful performances. If you want to truly excel in your craft, you must become the song, the character, or the story you're telling. This is the advice Meatloaf would give to aspiring artists and actors, encouraging them to fully embody their art and own their space. Additionally, he emphasized the importance of staying true to yourself and your dreams, just as he cherishes his family and their talents.

    • Meatloaf's Message of Kindness and RespectMeatloaf encourages kindness, respect, and gratitude towards others. His definition of greatness goes beyond personal accomplishments and urges people to make the world a better place through their actions and attitudes.

      Meatloaf, a humble and talented artist, emphasizes the importance of kindness, respect, and gratitude towards others. He shares his experiences of overcoming adversity and inspiring those around him. Meatloaf's definition of greatness goes beyond personal accomplishments, urging people to treat each other with dignity and respect. He encourages everyone to listen to his album "Braver Than We Are" and to practice kindness and respect in their daily lives. Meatloaf's message is a reminder that we all have the power to make the world a better place through our actions and attitudes towards others.

    • The power of kindness and respectListening, sharing, and engaging fosters a community that values kindness and respect, inspiring positive change and meaningful connections

      The importance of respecting and connecting with others. The guest, Meat Loaf, shared his experiences and insights, emphasizing the significance of treating people with kindness and respect. The host expressed gratitude for the listeners' support, which enables them to bring on inspiring guests like Meat Loaf. By continuing to listen, share, and engage, we can build a community that fosters greatness and inspires positive change. Remember, it's through our collective efforts that we can create meaningful connections and make a difference. So, keep listening, keep sharing, and let's go out there and do something great together.

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    In the spirit of talking about customer experience and in the midst of the current show season here in Australia for many Studio Owners, why not create a system to support your show? Download it now for free via the link above.

    Thanks for listening! xx


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    • VDF (April 14th 2023) - I will be an exhibitor at the Victorian Dance Festival (VDF) this April 14th. Come and say hello! Tickets available here: https://www.victoriandancefestival.com/
    • AUSDANCE TIL DUSK FESTIVAL (April 29th 2023) - I will be Hosting on behalf of AusDance NSW at their upcoming festival on international dance day! Come along and show your support and say hello! Head to this link to find out more: https://ausdancensw.com.au/ausdance-till-dusk-2/ 

    Have any questions? Email me at hello@josephinelancuba.com 

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    Become the 'go-to' Studio and locally famous!


    **To find out more about Hayley Osborne and her services, check out https://hayleyosborne.com/ or find her on instagram, @hayleykosborne

    Enjoy the show! 

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