
    40. FALLING IN LOVE: Is there really “the one” or is “the one” YOU?

    enNovember 02, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Caring for Babies with Gentleness and ProtectionPampers Swaddlers diapers ensure healthy skin with superior absorption and leak-proof protection. Free, gentle wipes from Pampers add an extra layer of care. 3rd Love revolutionizes bra industry with half cup sizes, virtual fitting room, and educational resources.

      Taking care of a baby requires gentleness and protection for their delicate skin. Pampers, the number one pediatrician-recommended diaper brand, offers superior absorption and 100% leak-proof protection with their Swaddlers diaper, ensuring healthy and beautiful skin for babies. Additionally, their free and gentle wipes made from 100% plant-based cloth provide an added layer of care. Meanwhile, 3rd love revolutionizes the bra industry by addressing size exclusivity and uncertainty with their half cup sizes, virtual fitting room, and educational resources. The process of discussing topics for the We Can Do Hard Things podcast involves identifying common life challenges, such as falling in love, and exploring their meanings and implications. During their walks, the hosts often encounter listeners who share their engagement with the podcast.

    • Two women's differing beliefs about loveUnderstanding that beliefs about love vary widely and are shaped by personal experiences and upbringing can help us appreciate diverse perspectives.

      Our beliefs about love and the role it plays in our lives shape our experiences and expectations. Abby, who is a hopeless romantic, believed that her soulmate was out there and would help her find fulfillment and healing. She longed for this divine love to stop the hurt and make life easier. On the other hand, Sissy focused on becoming a person worthy of love rather than thinking much about the other person. Understanding these different perspectives can help us appreciate the diversity of experiences and beliefs surrounding love. Additionally, the discussion highlights the impact of childhood experiences and upbringing on our beliefs and expectations about love. Abby's longing for a divine love stems from her childhood feelings of being broken and yearning for answers. Sissy's focus on self-worth may have been influenced by her desire to be the kind of person who could attract and maintain a loving relationship. Overall, the conversation provides insights into the complex and multifaceted nature of love and the various ways it shapes our lives.

    • Understanding Love's Complexities and PerspectivesLove can be viewed as a source of self-improvement or a means to exalt oneself, and individuals can lean towards neurotic or narcissistic tendencies in relationships. The belief in 'the one' also varies.

      Love can manifest in various ways, and we can either view ourselves as in need of being fixed or as the fixer in a relationship. This dynamic can be seen in both romantic and divine love. Neurotic and narcissistic tendencies are different, with neurotics tending to believe they've caused problems when relationships don't go as planned, while narcissists may believe they're superior and deserve special treatment. The speaker's friend suggested that based on her response to unanswered emails, she leaned more towards neurotic tendencies. The concept of "the one" was also discussed, with one person believing in the idea and the other not. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities and nuances of love and our individual perspectives towards it.

    • The belief in a soulmate or perfect partnerSome believe in the existence of a soulmate or perfect partner, finding comfort in this idea, while others focus on present connections.

      Despite the illogical nature of the belief, some people hold onto the idea that there is a "one" - a soulmate or perfect partner - out there for them. This belief can be rooted in personal experiences, optimism, or even a sense of fate or past lives. It can bring comfort and peace to those who hold it, even if they or their partner didn't initially believe in it. However, some may view this belief as fear-based and uninteresting, focusing instead on the present and the potential for connection with any person. Ultimately, whether or not one believes in the idea of the one, it's important to respect and honor each other's beliefs and experiences.

    • Embrace the idea that we ourselves are the kingdomCherish all relationships as a library of loves, rather than disposing of them when they no longer fit the ideal of the one.

      Instead of focusing on finding the one magical person who holds the keys to a fulfilling life, we should embrace the idea that we ourselves are the kingdom. Our lives are a journey filled with fears, pain, and dreams, which we can explore with ourselves or with others. We should cherish all the relationships we have, even if they don't last forever, as each one has the potential to shape us and help us grow. Comparing each relationship to the idea of the one and discarding the ones that don't fit this ideal can lead to missed opportunities and a disassociation from our experiences. Instead, we should view our relationships as a library of loves, collecting and cherishing each one, rather than disposing of them when they no longer fit the idea of the one.

    • The Power of Self-Love and Personal Growth in LoveSelf-love is crucial for overall well-being, every love experience contributes to personal growth, and clear communication is essential in relationships.

      Self-love is the most important love we can cultivate in our lives. The speaker shares how they have found the courage to work on personal growth through their connection with another person. They reflect on the fear and complexity of love, and how it's essential to recognize that every love, whether long-lasting or fleeting, holds value. The speaker also discusses the importance of understanding oneself and embracing the mystery and complexity of love. The conversation also touches upon the idea that every love experience, be it annual or perennial, contributes to our personal growth in unique ways. The speaker concludes by emphasizing the importance of self-love and the role it plays in our overall well-being. Additionally, the speaker shares an amusing anecdote about the importance of clear communication and understanding the fine print in everyday situations. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of self-love, personal growth, and effective communication in navigating the complexities of love and life.

    • Love shapes who we becomeEvery relationship, whether long or short, enriches us and influences personal growth through self-reflection and understanding reactions and responses.

      Every relationship, no matter its length or outcome, leaves an impact on us and shapes who we become. Love, much like plants, enriches the soil of our being, providing nutrients that influence our personal growth. The focus on determining if a relationship is "the one" may be misguided, as the real value lies in self-reflection and understanding our reactions and responses to the relationships we're in. Additionally, the initial infatuation or "magic" of falling in love can be seen as an escape from ourselves, providing temporary relief from discomfort and anxiety. Ultimately, love is a powerful force that grows and changes us, and its value lies not in its longevity but in the lessons and personal growth it brings.

    • Love and significant life eventsBelieving in 'the one' and experiencing intense love can lead to a cycle of seeking external validation rather than finding inner peace and contentment.

      Falling in love can sometimes intersect with significant life events, leading to a heightened emotional state that may be misconstrued as a relapse or addiction. During Gladden's experience of falling in love with Abby while promoting her book "Love Warrior," she was deeply in love and felt euphoric, leading to public concern about her well-being due to her visible emotional state. This experience, while seemingly ideal, ultimately led to a cycle of seeking the high of new love and subsequent heartbreak. The shadow side of believing in the one and experiencing this intense love state is the inevitable end of the relationship and the chase for the next high. It's essential to recognize that these intense emotional experiences, while beautiful, are temporary and may lead to a cycle of seeking external validation rather than finding inner peace and contentment.

    • The Reality of Love: Beyond the Honeymoon PhaseAs the initial infatuation wears off, it's crucial to face the truth about a relationship and prepare for the next phase where love becomes a choice, not just a chemical reaction. Accepting and working through challenges together deepens the connection.

      Falling in love can make us blind to the realities of a person's character, and the initial infatuation stage activates the part of the brain that turns off negative judgment. However, as the honeymoon phase wears off, it's essential to face the truth about the relationship and prepare for the next phase where love becomes a choice rather than just a chemical reaction. This can be a challenging transition, as it may feel like the magic of the relationship is fading away and we're left with the reality of dealing with each other's idiosyncrasies and imperfections. But, in fact, this is a crucial part of any long-term relationship, and it's only by facing and working through these challenges that we can truly grow and deepen our connection with our partner. In other words, to have real love, we need to be able to be alone with ourselves and accept our own imperfections first.

    • Finding self-worth through relationshipsIt's important to focus on personal growth while also seeking relationships, understanding that only we can truly heal and find self-worth, and finding a partner who supports our imperfections.

      People often seek relationships to fill a void within themselves, but it's essential to understand that only you can truly heal and find self-worth. The speaker shares her personal journey of using relationships to find herself and discover her worthiness, emphasizing that it's never too late to start the self-improvement process. The belief that we are broken and need fixing is a common mindset, but it takes time and effort to challenge this belief and learn to love and accept ourselves. The speaker also highlights the importance of finding a partner who supports and honors our imperfections, providing a safe space for growth and self-discovery. It's crucial to believe in the power of love while also focusing on personal development. Additionally, the speaker and the interviewee both share the experience of hitting rock bottom in their respective searches for meaning and connection, reminding us that the pursuit of the divine or romantic connection can sometimes lead us astray if we're not careful. Ultimately, the journey of self-discovery and growth is an ongoing process, and it's essential to remember that the answer we've been searching for has been within us all along.

    • Our lives are a love story we write ourselvesBelieve in your ability to navigate life's challenges, cherish relationships, and embrace every experience as a valuable chapter in your personal journey.

      Our lives can be seen as a love story, where we are the sole writer. This perspective reframes our experiences, both good and bad, as valuable chapters in our unique autobiography. Romantic love is not the only form of love that matters; relationships with friends, family, and even animals can be just as life-changing. Embracing this perspective can help us navigate the hardships and uncertainties of life, knowing that we have the strength to keep going. Our lives are not a group project, but our own personal journey, and every experience, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, contributes to the story of who we are. So, let us approach our lives with the belief that we are the ones for us, and that we can do hard things. Through the ups and downs, we can continue to believe and find our way back home.

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    The One Who Taught Glennon Friendship: Alex Hedison
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    We Can Do Hard Things
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    Early Detection, Mammograms & Breast Cancer Care with Dr. Rachel Brem
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    We Can Do Hard Things
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    We Can Do Hard Things
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    We Can Do Hard Things
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    What Amanda’s Learned About Life, Love & Community (Post Surgery Pt 2)

    What Amanda’s Learned About Life, Love & Community (Post Surgery Pt 2)
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    We Can Do Hard Things
    enJune 06, 2024

    Amanda Returns Post Surgery: Here’s What She Wants You To Know

    Amanda Returns Post Surgery: Here’s What She Wants You To Know
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    We Can Do Hard Things
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    Your journey to self-discovery and enriched connections starts here.

    With Love and Gratitude,

    Jay Shetty

    What We Discuss:

    • 00:00 Intro
    • 02:40 Here are the four important decisions you will keep making in your life
    • 07:13 How do you get your relationship right? Maybe, allow life to humble you
    • 10:11 The truth is social media doesn’t have much impact on genuine relationships
    • 13:38 If you don't feel you understand yourself, you will feel alone
    • 19:04 Love doesn’t have one definition, it has three key areas you can focus on
    • 25:27 Spark alone doesn’t make a relationship work 
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    • 32:00 Everyone grows at a different time and at a different phase 
    • 37:48 What are the three different roles we play in our relationships?
    • 41:09 
    • 46:34 The projection society has for men and women might not be our truth
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    • 01:13:11 Books are not meant to be read, it’s meant to help guide you in difficult and challenging times

    Want to be a Jay Shetty Certified Life Coach? Get the Digital Guide and Workbook from Jay Shetty https://jayshettypurpose.com/fb-getting-started-as-a-life-coach-podcast/

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    👔 Vinney’s Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vinney-smile-chopra/

    📷 Vinney’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vinneychopra/

    🎵 Vinney's TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@vinney.chopra

    📌 Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/vkchopra/

    Feel free to connect with Vinney on these platforms! 📱💼👍

    115- K-Holes & Chlamydia (ft. Harry Jowsey)

    115- K-Holes & Chlamydia (ft. Harry Jowsey)
    This week, Father Cooper is enjoying spring break with the one and only... Harry Jowsey. AND THINGS ARE GETTING INSANE. Harry immediately confront Alex about a man that is talking about her head game in LA.. drama. Then, the 2 discuss their experience getting chlamydia, uncovering if guys look at your butthole during doggy-style, bleaching your asshole, and drugs & k-holes. Lastly, Alex tell 2 college stories she has never told on the podcast before, one including a Patriot's player she woke up in bed with in Foxborough and doing drugs with her ex-boyfriend gone wrong. ENJOY DADDY GANG!!!!!! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #334 Jay Shetty on Relationships, Routines & Finding Purpose

    #334 Jay Shetty on Relationships, Routines & Finding Purpose

    Is love something that happens magically between two people – or is it something that needs to be nurtured? Does it come from within us, or is it something we’re given? My guest today is here to help us figure out these answers and more. Jay Shetty is a former monk who wanted to share his learnings with a wider audience. He’s now one of the world’s most influential, modern self-help gurus – with a social media following in the tens of millions. He’s also a bestselling author, host of the podcast On Purpose, and Chief Purpose Officer for the meditation app Calm.

    I first welcomed Jay to the podcast in 2020 and he’s now back to share his wisdom on purpose and relationships to celebrate the launch of his new book, 8 Rules Of Love: How To Find It, Keep It, And Let It Go, and his world tour to support the book, which hits the UK in May.


    We begin our conversation talking about the importance of purpose and how we can go about finding or refining our own. Jay also shares his morning routine which includes thankfulness, intention, meditation and exercise and explains how this helps him to live each day with more purpose. We then go on to talk about relationships and discuss the idea that solitude and self-knowledge are the foundations of love.

    We talk about the fact that challenges in a relationship are more often issues within ourselves; how we often take our stresses out on those closest to us – and how we can stop doing this. Jay explains why difficulties arise when we communicate what we want from a partner, but not why we want it, the satisfaction that comes with mutual growth, the importance of finding a partner who shares your values and how the qualities you attract in others, will be the same ones you use to impress them.


    Whether you’re someone who is looking for love, happily single, recently separated, in a new relationship, or you’ve been with someone for many years, you’ll find nuggets of wisdom throughout this deep and raw conversation. I hope you enjoy listening.

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    Show notes https://drchatterjee.com/334

    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

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