
    #403 - Justin Collett (Part 2)

    en-usOctober 11, 2013

    Podcast Summary

    • Nostalgia for Masculine Representations in 80s and 90s CinemaThe speaker deeply misses the portrayal of masculinity in 80s and 90s cinema, as seen in films like 'Dirty Harry' and 'Roadhouse', and feels a strong emotional connection to these works, often defending them against criticism and admiring the actors and writers involved.

      The speaker passionately believes that there is a lack of masculinity represented in modern cinema and media, as evidenced by his admiration for the work of certain actors and writers from the 1980s and 1990s. He sees these works as setting trends and shaping societal morals, and he laments the passing of an era when movies like "Dirty Harry," "Conan the Barbarian," and "Roadhouse" were popular. The speaker also expresses a desire to go back in time and experience that era firsthand. Furthermore, the speaker has a deep connection to these movies, as they transport him back to his childhood and evoke strong emotions. He defends the merits of these films against perceived criticism and expresses admiration for the actors and writers involved, such as Patrick Swayze, Ben Johnson, and Stephen Segal. The speaker's words reveal a sense of nostalgia and a longing for a time when masculinity was portrayed differently on the big screen.

    • Discussing Movies, Innovators, and Social Media's ImpactAppreciate movies for their storyline and artistry, separate the artist's flaws, and consider the influence of social media on perception and accountability.

      Our conversation touched on various topics including movies, trailers, filmmaking, and the impact of individuals on society. A recurring theme was the distinction between the technical aspects of a movie and its storyline, with opinions split on films like "Avatar" and "The Departed." We also discussed the role of trailers and the influence of social media on public perception. Another topic was the complex nature of individuals, such as Steve Jobs, who drive innovation and progress, despite their perceived flaws. Ultimately, it's essential to separate the art from the artist and appreciate the impact and influence of their work. Additionally, we explored the impact of social media on public opinion and accountability, and the importance of allowing the work to speak for itself.

    • Respecting Individual Freedom vs. Mob MentalityAvoid controlling others through shaming or financial retaliation, engage in open dialogue, respect opposing viewpoints, and focus on treating people with respect and dignity for a more inclusive society.

      Individual freedom and expression should be respected, even if one may hold differing opinions or come across as an "asshole." However, it becomes problematic when people attempt to control others through public shaming or financial retaliation, creating a mob mentality. The inability or unwillingness to engage in open dialogue and acknowledge the validity of opposing viewpoints can lead to a distorted reality and an ego-driven ideological battle. It's crucial to focus on treating people with respect and dignity, rather than getting bogged down in personal attacks or attempts to control others' actions or income. Ultimately, it's important to remember that acceptance and understanding are key to creating a more inclusive and tolerant society.

    • Respecting Individual Rights and FairnessEveryone deserves respect for their choices, as long as they don't harm others. Embrace diversity and treat people kindly, respecting individual rights.

      Everyone has the right to live their life as they choose, and it's important to respect that right even if we don't agree. The speaker emphasizes the importance of treating people fairly and kindly, and argues that as long as actions don't harm others, they should be allowed. The speaker also believes that there is a broad spectrum of ways to look at the world, and that no one way is inherently right or wrong. The discussion touches on the idea of individual rights and the role of community, as well as the importance of considering the potential harm or good of actions. The speaker also shares some personal opinions on politics and society. Overall, the key takeaway is the importance of respecting individual rights and treating others with kindness and fairness.

    • Motorcycle group vs Truck driver: Complex dynamics and unclear blameThe incident between a motorcycle group and a truck driver showcases the potential for misunderstandings and escalations on the road. Both parties displayed aggressive behavior, but motivations and context are unclear. Undercover cops may have been involved, adding complexity. Importance of de-escalation and communication to prevent potential harm.

      The incident between the motorcycle group and the truck driver involves complex dynamics and blame is not easily assigned. Both parties exhibited aggressive behavior, and the situation escalated quickly. The motorcycle riders were seen to have acted intimidatingly towards the truck driver, while he was seen to have made a dangerous maneuver, causing a chain reaction. However, the context and motivations behind these actions are unclear. Additionally, the role of undercover cops in the situation is uncertain, adding another layer of complexity. Ultimately, the incident highlights the potential for misunderstandings and escalations between different groups on the road, and the importance of de-escalation and communication. It also raises questions about the use of force and the responsibilities of law enforcement in such situations.

    • Right to defend against multiple attackers with disparity of forceIndividuals can legally use escalated force, including deadly force, against multiple attackers when there's a significant power difference. Mental preparation and refusal to give up are crucial in self-defense situations.

      Individuals have the right to defend themselves, even against multiple attackers, according to the principle of disparity of force in most states. This principle allows for the use of escalated force, including deadly force, when there is a significant difference in power between the parties involved. It's important to note that this doesn't guarantee a win, but rather provides a legal justification for self-defense. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of mental preparation and refusing to give up in the face of aggression, as demonstrated in videos of violent situations. The speaker recommends watching a video by Paul Howe, a former Delta Force operator and law enforcement trainer, on the topic of mindset.

    • Understanding the Reality of ViolenceRecognize violence as a part of life, learn self-defense, and acknowledge the importance of avoiding or surviving dangerous situations.

      Facing the reality of violence and learning how to defend oneself is a crucial aspect of life, despite some people's desires to ignore it. Violence has been a part of nature since the beginning of life, and denying its existence doesn't make it disappear. In fact, being around trained individuals who know how to handle violence can lead to safer environments. The difference between hand-to-hand combat and fighting with weapons lies in force vectors. In hand-to-hand fights, one can block or take a hit. However, when weapons are involved, the only way to survive is to avoid getting hit or cut. Martial arts, whether practiced with hands, swords, guns, or knives, all involve fighting. It's essential to acknowledge the reality of violence and prepare oneself accordingly.

    • Nobody's a badassUnderstanding our limitations and potential consequences keeps us grounded and prevents inflated ego, crucial for survival

      No matter how skilled or tough we believe ourselves to be, we are not invincible. Everyone can be challenged or even defeated, whether in a sport like UFC or in real-life situations. The mindset of accepting our limitations and understanding the potential consequences of our actions is crucial. This perspective softens the ego and keeps us grounded, preventing us from being misled by our own inflated sense of self. The story of a Marine turned auto worker who recognized that "nobody's a badass" and understood the importance of will, illustrates this concept. The willingness to act in response to a situation, no matter how difficult or dangerous, is what ultimately determines our ability to survive and respond effectively.

    • Serial Killer Robert Hansen's Chilling MOSerial killer Robert Hansen, who killed 17-21 women in Alaska during late 1700s-early 1800s, used his airplane to transport victims, making escape impossible. Trust instincts with strangers.

      Serial killer Robert Hanson, born in 1939, killed between 17 and 21 women near Anchorage, Alaska, between the late 1970s and early 1980s. He is currently serving 461 years in Spring Creek Correctional Center and is alive. Hanson did not know his victims and picked them randomly. He had a murder kit hidden in New York and flew back to the East Coast to commit crimes, then returned to the West Coast. He was caught after Cindy Paulson, a 17-year-old girl, escaped from him in 1983. Hanson would offer women money for sexual favors, then kidnap and torture them. He used his airplane to transport his victims, making it difficult for them to escape. Hanson's chilling MO involved taking his victims to a remote cabin in the Nick River area of Matanaska Valley, accessible only by boat or bush plane. This takeaway highlights the danger of unidentified strangers and the importance of trusting one's instincts when faced with potentially dangerous situations.

    • The Chilling Story of a Serial Killer Who Was Also an FBI InformantDespite advancements in crime investigation, some serial killers leave no clear pattern, making it impossible for authorities to connect the dots and bring them to justice.

      There are monstrous individuals in the world, like Robert Hanson, who have committed heinous crimes such as serial killing. Hanson, a hunting champion with documented records, found hunting humans to be more exciting than animals. His story is just one of many, and it's chilling to think that there are people out there who commit unsolved crimes, making it impossible for authorities to bring them to justice. Hanson's case is particularly notable because he was a spy for the FBI, adding an unexpected twist to his criminal history. The idea that a serial killer leaves a trail of victims in a series, making it easier for investigators to connect the dots, is a common theme in many crime shows and books. However, when the killings are random, it becomes nearly impossible to solve, leaving many unsolved homicides in cities like Chicago and D.C. It's a reminder that there are individuals who continue to commit crimes, and it's essential to stay informed and vigilant.

    • Debate on Which Zombie Type is Scarier: 'World War Z' or '28 Days Later'?Both 'World War Z' and '28 Days Later' provide unique perspectives on the zombie genre with different types of zombies, and opinions on which is scarier vary. 'World War Z' features a relentless horde, while '28 Days Later' has sprinting zombies. Each story explores societal impact and offers valid contributions to horror genre.

      While both "World War Z" and "28 Days Later" offer unique perspectives on the zombie genre, opinions on which type of zombie is scarier vary greatly. Some prefer the slow, relentless horde in "World War Z," while others find the sprinting zombies in "28 Days Later" more terrifying. Max Brooks, the author of "World War Z," is often criticized for being self-important, but his book has its merits, particularly in its exploration of the societal impact of a zombie outbreak. The production of "28 Days Later" is also noteworthy, as it was made on a small budget and used guerrilla filming techniques. Ultimately, both types of zombies and their respective stories offer valid contributions to the horror genre.

    • Facing Adversity: Human Loss and the Enduring EnemyThe fear of loss and the struggle against overwhelming odds creates a powerful theme in fiction and film, contrasting intense moments of humanity with the relentless nature of adversity.

      In the face of overwhelming adversity, no matter what form it takes, the cost of human loss is a constant and relentless reminder of the enemy's gains. This idea, as expressed in Max Brooks's book, creates a unique feeling of fear and vulnerability in the fiction world. The never-ending, shambling nature of the enemy is a stark contrast to the intense and passionate moments of manhood depicted in movies like "Jeremiah Johnson," "Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid," and "Smokey and the Bandit." These films show characters making sacrifices and pushing boundaries, which resonates with audiences and highlights the human spirit. However, the fear of loss and the constant struggle against insurmountable odds remains a powerful and enduring theme.

    • Conquering Extreme Mountains: A Testament to Human Determination and ResilienceClimbing mountains like Everest and K2 presents unique challenges and risks, requiring thorough preparation and awareness of potential dangers. Human determination and the allure of the unknown drive individuals to push their limits, revealing resilience and perseverance.

      Climbing mountains like Everest and K2 presents unique challenges and risks, making them feats achieved by only a select few. Everest, despite its popularity and commercialization, can still be deadly and unforgiving. K2, even more so, is often unconquered by climbers due to its extreme conditions. The drive to accomplish such lofty goals, like climbing all the mountains over 8,000 meters or achieving the "super slam" in hunting, is a testament to human determination and the allure of the unknown. However, it is essential to be aware of the risks involved and prepare thoroughly, as turning back is sometimes the wiser choice. The pursuit of these goals pushes individuals to their limits and often reveals the depths of their resilience and perseverance.

    • Jaguars: Larger and Stronger Than BelievedJaguars are powerful apex predators in the Amazon jungle, weighing up to 200 pounds, with incredible strength and distinctive spotted pattern.

      Jaguars are much larger and more powerful animals than commonly believed. Contrary to assumptions that they are similar in size to cougars or mountain lions, jaguars can weigh up to 200 pounds and are known for their incredible strength. They are apex predators in the Amazon jungle, capable of killing and dragging heavy prey, including crocodiles, up trees. Jaguars are also known for their distinctive spotted pattern, with some individuals being entirely black. The significance of this was highlighted in the discussion, as it is a reminder of the immense power and capabilities of these animals. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the hunting practices of jaguars and the admiration for their strength and prowess among hunters.

    • Exploring Different Types of Hunting and Ethical ConsiderationsRespect for hunters and conservation efforts, but ethical concerns limit hunting certain animals, such as walruses. Personal growth through introspection and meditation, or 'tank' experience.

      The speaker is discussing the various animals one can hunt, which includes bears, deer, elk, caribou, musk ox, mountain goats, and walruses. He expresses respect for hunters and their contribution to conservation efforts, but draws a line at hunting certain animals, such as walruses, due to ethical concerns. The speaker also mentions a "tank" experience, which involves meditation and introspection, and how it has helped him gain perspective and learn from his fears. The discussion touches on various topics, including hunting, conservation, psychedelic drugs, and personal growth.

    • Exploring the Unpredictable: White Waters vs Psychedelic TripsBoth unpredictable experiences, white water rafting and psychedelic trips, require trust and letting go, but while one can be dangerous, the other is generally safe. Fear is often a mental construct, and understanding this can help us embrace uncertainty.

      Both an out-of-control experience, like being lost in white waters, and a psychedelic trip share similarities in the sense that they are both unpredictable and out of the individual's control. However, while the former can result in harm or even death, the latter is generally safe. The speaker emphasizes the importance of letting go and surrendering to the experience, but acknowledges that it's a challenging concept for many people due to the fear of losing control over their perceptions and understanding of self and environment. The speaker also discusses the psychological aspect of fear, using the example of his own experience eating a spider on a TV show, and applies it to the idea of sensory deprivation tanks, suggesting that the fear is largely in the mind, as there are no physical dangers present. Overall, the speaker's reflections highlight the power of the mind and the importance of trusting the journey, even when it's uncertain and uncomfortable.

    • Personal experiences shape reactionsReactions to situations are influenced by personal experiences and comfort levels. What may be distressing to one person might be indifferent to another.

      Personal experiences and comfort levels shape our reactions to various situations. The speaker shares an anecdote about his desensitization to eating insects during filming, and how he encouraged a friend to do the same. He also expresses indifference towards watching kangaroos fighting, comparing it to a bad blowjob. Despite these seemingly callous comparisons, it's clear that the speaker's reactions are deeply rooted in his personal experiences and comfort levels. Additionally, the speaker mentions how some experiences, like nearly being choked unconscious, are far more distressing to him than eating a bug or watching animals fight. Overall, this discussion highlights the subjective nature of human reactions and the importance of understanding individual perspectives.

    • From kangaroos to chin-ups: a conversation about strength and fitnessAdmiration for impressive chin-up records, skepticism towards some records, and a comparison of animal strength were discussed in this conversation.

      During a conversation, the topic shifted from a description of an encounter with a kangaroo to a discussion about strength and fitness, specifically chin-ups and world records. The speaker expressed admiration for the impressive feats of those who can do a large number of chin-ups, but also questioned the authenticity of some records and expressed skepticism towards CrossFit. The conversation also included a comparison of the strength of kangaroos and chimpanzees. Despite the seemingly unrelated topics, the thread of strength and impressiveness ran throughout the conversation.

    • Unexpected Talent in Midwestern Pool Scene: The Story of Stan AbsikoffThe Midwest region harbors unexpected pool playing talent and unique dynamics, with dedication and expertise key to success. Technology is making anonymity a challenge.

      The world of pool playing holds unexpected stories and talent, particularly in regions like the Midwest where the game is deeply ingrained in the culture. The anecdote shared highlights the surprising abilities of a pool player named Stan Absikoff, who hails from Ohio, and the unique dynamics of the pool scene in this part of the country. The conversation also touched upon the impact of technology on the game, making it increasingly difficult for players to remain anonymous. The discussion emphasizes the dedication and expertise required to excel in pool, and the fascinating stories that can emerge from this seemingly simple game.

    • Discovering Earl Strickland's Unconventional Path to Pool GreatnessEarl Strickland's unconventional methods, like marijuana use, contribute to his pool genius. Upcoming Moscone Cup event offers potential for mainstream attention. Earl's intense focus and unique interactions set him apart.

      Earl Strickland, a pool legend, is known for his eccentricities and genius in the sport. During a conversation, it was discussed that Earl's unconventional methods, including his use of marijuana, might be what sets him apart and contributes to his success. There's an upcoming event, the Moscone Cup, where the US pool team competes against Europe, and it was suggested that a project featuring Earl could potentially bring more mainstream attention to pool. The conversation also revealed Earl's intense focus during competitions and his unique interactions with fans and peers. Overall, the conversation highlights Earl's significant impact on pool and the potential for unique projects to further showcase his talents and quirks.

    • Pool players' intense dedication and passionPool players dedicate their lives to the game, remembering even small details and discussing daily, driven by love and dedication despite financial rewards not being substantial.

      Pool, or the world of competitive pool playing, is taken very seriously by its top players, with some even dedicating their waking hours to the game. Players like Poole are described as needing constant engagement, and discussing pool is a daily occurrence for them. The passion and dedication to the game is so intense that even the smallest details and insignificant moments are remembered and discussed at length. This level of commitment is not common in all cultures or countries, with Americans being known for their intense focus and Filipinos being more laid back. Despite the financial rewards not being as substantial as one might expect for professional athletes, the love and dedication to the game drives these players to continue pushing themselves to improve.

    • Left-handed individuals and non-conformity in combat sportsSuccess in combat sports relies on adaptability and non-conformity, especially for left-handed individuals. Boxing remains relevant due to exceptional athletes, and MMA offers unique challenges. Traditional martial arts have value, but versatility in combining disciplines is key.

      Non-conformity and adaptability are key factors in success, especially in combat sports like boxing and mixed martial arts (MMA). Left-handed individuals, for instance, often face unique challenges and have to figure things out for themselves, making them potentially smarter and more versatile. Boxing remains a viable sport, despite some corruption, due to the presence of exceptional athletes. The debate between boxing and MMA is not about which is better, but rather recognizing that each has its merits. Striking is a crucial aspect of MMA, and boxers who only focus on boxing can be at a disadvantage against well-rounded MMA fighters. Traditional martial arts, such as Taekwondo, face a talent shortage as more people gravitate towards MMA, but they still have value in teaching specific skills. Ultimately, the best martial artist is one who can effectively combine various disciplines.

    • MMA Fights: More Dynamic and Unpredictable with New Martial Arts TechniquesLearn and master various techniques, including wrestling and takedown defense, to stay competitive in MMA. Some previously underestimated techniques, like the axe kick, can now be game-changers. Fighters must adapt to the constantly evolving martial arts landscape.

      Martial arts in MMA have evolved significantly over the years, with fighters incorporating techniques from various traditional martial arts into their arsenals. These new additions have expanded the range of moves from hundreds to thousands, making the fights more dynamic and unpredictable. One such technique that has gained popularity is the axe kick, which was previously underestimated but can now knock out opponents. The effectiveness of these techniques is not limited to any specific generation of MMA fighters, as even national champions can be knocked out. It is essential to learn and master various techniques to stay competitive in MMA. Furthermore, the discussion highlighted the importance of wrestling and takedown defense in MMA. Fighters need to be proficient in both wrestling and jujitsu to be successful. Stuffing a takedown is crucial, as it allows a fighter to maintain a standing position and strike their opponent. On the other hand, if a fighter cannot stuff a takedown, they risk being taken down every time. The conversation also touched upon the evolution of techniques, with some techniques that were previously thought to be ineffective now gaining recognition and becoming essential in MMA. Overall, the martial arts landscape is constantly changing, and fighters must adapt and learn new techniques to stay ahead of the competition.

    • A Hub for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and MMA in Southern CaliforniaSouthern California is famous for its large community of BJJ practitioners and MMA fighters, with charismatic figures like Jean-Jacques Machado and Hanzo Gracie residing there. Unique experiences like playing pool against pros at Hard Times Billiards in Sacramento add to the area's appeal.

      Southern California is known for having a massive community of high-level Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioners and MMA fighters. With the likes of Jean-Jacques Machado, Fabrizio Verdume, and Hanzo Gracie residing there, it became a hub for Jiu-Jitsu enthusiasts when MMA started to gain popularity. Manhattan's Hanzo Gracie School, run by one of the best personalities in the martial arts world, has a huge following due to Hanzo's charisma and great sense of humor. However, the high cost of living in Manhattan might be a challenge for some. On the other hand, places like Hard Times Billiards in Sacramento offer a unique experience for pool enthusiasts of all levels, allowing amateurs to play against professionals. The history and accessibility of such places make them special.

    • Challenges in Growing Pool's Popularity as a Spectator SportDespite differences with poker, focusing on increasing participants and innovative presentation can boost pool's popularity

      The lack of mainstream appeal for pool as a spectator sport can be attributed to both the small participant base and the unique challenges of translating the art form to television. Comparisons to poker are common, but the inherent differences between the two make it difficult for pool to replicate poker's success. While there have been instances of pool gaining mainstream acceptance through Academy Award-winning movies, it's not necessary for growth. Instead, focusing on increasing the number of players and finding effective ways to showcase pool could lead to a more engaged audience. Additionally, there are intriguing differences between men and women in their approach to 3D geometry and understanding of space, which may contribute to the perception of pool as a male-dominated activity. However, women can excel at pool, as demonstrated by players like Jean Baluchus and Jasmine Ouslander. Ultimately, the key to growing pool's popularity lies in fostering a larger community and finding innovative ways to present the game to a wider audience.

    • Physical Differences Impact Performance in Pool and ShootingDespite equal intelligence and determination, physical differences lead to men outperforming women in high-level pool and shooting competitions due to evolutionary traits such as reaction time and muscle fiber needs.

      ...despite equal intelligence and determination, there are physical differences between men and women that impact their performance in certain activities, such as pool and shooting. These differences, including reaction time and muscle fiber needs, have been shaped by evolution and survival requirements. These disparities are significant, with men consistently outperforming women in high-level competitions. While there are exceptional women, they struggle to beat the best male players. These differences are not a matter of skill or ability, but rather inherent physical traits. Additionally, pool could potentially gain mainstream television attention through a reality show format, highlighting high-level competition between men and women.

    • Consistency and practice key to mastering poolRegular practice and execution under pressure are essential for improving in pool, making it a unique challenge compared to other games.

      Consistency and practice are key to mastering pool. The speaker mentions that he struggles with his game when he's not playing regularly and that the feedback loop between strokes is essential for him to improve. He compares this to other physical activities, such as jiu-jitsu, where the more one does it, the more natural it becomes. The speaker also emphasizes that pool requires both decision-making and execution, making it unique from games like video games or poker. He concludes by noting that the ability to execute consistently under pressure is what sets pool apart. The speaker's attachment to pool and the satisfaction he gets from the game are also evident throughout the conversation.

    • The Art of Pool: Skill, Focus, and PressureTop pool players rely on skill, focus, and the ability to handle pressure, rather than luck or 'wish pool.' Controlling one's own destiny and the challenges of making a living in the pool world teach valuable life lessons.

      Pool, like comedy or any competitive pursuit, requires skill, focus, and the ability to handle pressure. The speaker shares stories of top pool players and the importance of not relying on luck or "wish pool." He emphasizes the importance of controlling one's own destiny and the challenges of making a living in the pool world. The speaker also reflects on the lessons he's learned from his experiences in pool halls and how they've applied to his life. Overall, the conversation highlights the parallels between various forms of performance and the importance of dedication, practice, and resilience.

    • Guest lineup includes Pressfield, Proops, and HarrisRenowned authors and comedians join upcoming shows, audience engagement through tweets and online resources valued for knowledge and content.

      The guest lineup for the upcoming comedy shows is impressive, featuring renowned authors Steven Pressfield and Greg Proops, as well as Sam Harris. The host expresses gratitude for the audience's engagement and information sharing through tweets and online resources, which he values as a source of knowledge and content for his shows. Upcoming gigs include performances with Tommy Segura in Houston, Texas, and in Manchester, England, with sold-out shows. The host emphasizes the importance of audience involvement and the value of the information exchanged.

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    Make sure to take a look at these important resources:

    Massad Ayoob Group

    MAG-40 with SSA in NE Ohio May 4-7 2017

    MAG-40 with Paul and Susan Lathrop in Sioux Falls SD, June 15-19, 2017 - email susan at gunsandpolitics.com

    Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network

    Make sure to keep an eye out for more information about the Self Defense Radio Network.